HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198300021 Application 1983-03-22 44 -$3 "tore Death Notices • y dv R^£ 5 "NJ day � d `� +Y Y a IA;te:,. z,. a Vifffr 'mob } A , RUTH B. HUFF - Ruth Burruss Huff of "The Old- Homestead", Free Union,VEI.died suddenly on-Thursday morning at her residence. She was born at her homeplace in.Free Union,daughter of the late Benjamin Blackwell and Mary • Ferneyhough Burruss. Her husband was the late George T. Huff, prominent busi- ,nessman and mayor of Charlottes- ville between 1938 & 1940. She was a retired Albemarle County Extension Agent serving in that capacity for over 38 years. She was a graudate of Harrisonburg State Teachers College and also attended Cornell University. Ac- tive in civic and political affairs in and around Albemarle County for many years. She founded the Al- bemarle 4-H Camp and the]3essie Dunn Miller Cancer Clinic at the University Hospital. She was past president of the United Daughters of the Confederacy,past treasurer of the National Association Re- tired Federal Employees, a mem- ber of the Daughters of the American Revolution and Free Union Baptist Church. She served as trustee of the Ruth B. and George T. Huff Charitable Fund. She is survived by a foster sis- ter,Mrs.Raymond C.Aylor of Al- tivista, Va.; a nephew, Hugh Milton Burruss Jr. of Midlothian, Va. and many cousins. Funeral services will be held,at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Hill and Wood Funeral Home Chapel.. In-:-`.. terment will be in Free Union Bap- 'tist Church Cemetery with the ,Rev.A.W.Henton and the Rev.I., W. Stewart Jr. officiating. Family will receive friends Sat- urday evening at\the residence in Free Union. i ;`The family suggest contntu- tions may be made in memory of Mrs:Huff to the 4-H Camp Build---; ing Fund,. c/o..Mrs. Isabelle D.'`• ' Bing, Free Union,Va. $20. Permit Fee Application . VA-g3- o� Sign Erected By: Pki . `f1Kb cK Staff: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application 31v2 A9/(0 , 19 . O NER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) t-statf i?r_russ Huff ,decease( 1nd?r' pier- nd Name: Nat ;st Co . ,Execi Name: " -y, er and Robert ;, r,itn .k;y specific devi, mute 601 , Free anion VA 122940 Address: P .O.Box # 711 Address: Charlottesville , VA 22)02 Telephone:377-1150 extension 315 Telephone: 973-3668 Location of Property: ;,,x tar' ' r c P 1 1 7-2 n one mile north o f Free Union ;�I (On et. (6o t) ( bout XZ-- Nh, c-rorn ;ni-ensec.bcn (0(44- I2 (mi) Tax Map Parcel Acreage es Existing Zoning 11 District 'A.A-At »RaU Existing Use: vo `3 i - + �� &)Q 11\,tTv' (Sep l k\c�cSnec vhoh Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : AJ0 A- c � e J' A 7-1-4- clip 7- “. Y o, J /- /0OARi-c A ten ( 10) acre pprcel with northernmost cot+ : The applicant requests relief from Section 10.4 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow a parcel to have 165 feet of road frontage, a variance of 85 feet. I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above.R v i tt BotR vss y►9 F s . uI, _ Applic D e FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: /L 1 Final Decision Made: ��2 ? The variance sought was • /approved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF APPEALS Sign Permitar ��jt.0 y rz 'Date Building Penriit# COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA—CERTIFICA I E OF DEATH V Pc.-83-- • ., DDD�RTMENT OF HEALTH—DIVISION OF VITAL REC S AND HEALTH STATISTIC$ -RICHMONDI C OPY.A — —__- _. -__ — .__ _ _ — _ (__-_. _.__ — A' RE FIST PLIION ICk HTtf IC ATE -T ATI fILE 'e,.. AREA N_:MBFR NUMBER NUMBER f 8 JR E A-01 ,,.,A RECORDS _ __.—._..... lash _ DECEDENT 1 GUIL NAME tai.! - orDlrin<.^ ' °' Ruth ' Burrusst Huff ��� ' J II NDEfl 1 VI AR II 00 D1R 1 DAY y 6 DATE Of Imo)❑td )ly.Y1 7 EA5 1•+' , r M,'rit 5O22 S HUFF C is DATk.OF Imo) rtlavl W I 5.AGE. _ pRE E'D O�fT — DEATH 3tq�4.4{ 11, 60 86 ,l 1 _ Fc3c,,.v,r G I�1r NUS '❑ EJ PLACE OF B NAN1t Of HOSPITALOR R,N51 n n DuN DI DEATH 11 non. to slate) I 1 •, Inop.l»n'-�5COUNTYOI DING >c t.,ty I«e.«E.r.o.l DEATH Residence I 0 0 0 A� n,A n E1 .Wa t„C ', .1 1 ..r._ 10 CITY OR TOWN Of DI ATM ,mute L.ty or u !omit, 11 SIRE*I ADDRESS OR RT NO OE PLACE Of ()I+T« it ye, no — — Free Union LI XI i "The Old Homestead" I OF DECEDENT t2 STATE rQiln1[a ION CVUNTRyI OG DECEASE D'S Rf SIDf NCI 1] COUNTY Albemal le DECEASED'S Nl$D NCE I..IA« < E. RES DENCE USUAL iIF .7 .k�.o,n1..•tr oat manFl s !14 C.1 r OR'OWN OG RI SI VI NCI ,ns:.I crlV oe town l.m"IF, 15.STREET ADDRESS OR RT NO OF RESIDENCE I .'IP CODE F.s -_-__ Free Union 0 —yes ® � ' The Old Homestead" . Li 22940 I _1 c PERSONAL 16 NAME OE I AT«t R U. DELI AS!U 17 MAIUI N NAME DI Mot HI..Of MCI ASIU DATA ECEDE Benjamin Blackwell Burruss I Mary Ferneyhough i DECEDENT - -- ----..._.--- ----_- -.J- ----� V o e 18.CI1.2EN Or WHAT COUNTRT 19.BIRTHPLACE(slate Or country) 20.NEVER MARRIED ❑ OIVORCL O❑ 21 If MARRIf D OP WIDOWF I) NAME Of SOUSE = 1,1 a,v cot ea le.ue Diane( • s ` ` U.S.A. Virginia MARRIFU❑ WIDOWED® George T. Huff 1IC .>E 22 SOCIAL St CURIE Y NUMBER 23 USUAL OR LAST OCCUPATION 7e.KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY 25 INFORMANT-OR SOURCE t7f INF ORMA TION D rle 1 u. E+° 231-42-0719 Albeman'tn ten _nn_�gent/_RetirPri Mrs. Raymond C. Aylor i >i 26 CAUSE OG DEAT H Elmer only one a eu.e Per Ime for IA).181 and ICI .NI,RVAI Bf TWf 1N PART t DEATH WAS CAUSED 8Y ONSET AND VFATH CA+r,a.AL 4(1.4Csr. G :Ili I IMMEDIATE CAUSE IA) 7: L2 C DUE TO /� yy''`� -.14)C? TO i 'onO,t,Oos, any m,n 9ee..ee 181 P 12 �Y�k11D 1.� t•Ner � „�f� PHYSICIAN'. .mme : Ie a WA) .at,ne rTne SZ.:• e 2 .ny:au le a.t _ DUE TO ICI r NI-MIL= I1, _..A_ noa.I c r ) _ 4,2 CE e ,fit P-., is PART OT HE R SIGNII CANT CONDITIONSCONTRIRUlING TO DEATH BUT NOT RE LATE IO T HE TERMINAL 26. UTOPSOI III -- tU m51',Si C'ON;IITION/LIVEN IN PART IIAI r� AU1 HORIIED By'.. ❑ Dk ILL OEAA.:�� t H7eLl1__IL'r►S• - - ! (f- ---- --- - - i w 16 164 1t I I MALI WAS 11.1 HE A PRE r'NANCY 26c IF 1 Et kit FINAL CAUSE,IT WAS �26tl DESCRIBE HOW INJURY RE LAT ONE:TO DE AYH,,(CCURIaFU 2 - 1 W IN PAST 3 MONTHS, r tINJURY. or OCCURRED •rretn t Fo26 PLACE OF INJURY Inome term 76n (coy town) I.u.n O C. ...Rem. o E no n.nnwn❑ 2 Q 26, TIME of INJURY ImO I 'OW Iyea) 76 D • r r to ty, I ' "• F V A M I O street °HHee WOp.etc 1 I •ate 0 wn.N (-� 1 Wn,1e P M al work(_1 wort ❑ le. Tu the best of my hnowkldge.death uccuired at _.. _ _ V 2- 1 _(a III In on the dale and )lace a d from the cause(s)stated 1(2 www TORTE SIGNEEED.fw�� �T� n,, "� �) _, ACTUAL , I 3 E><F'•`ar T1 ♦i T/-L $1UNATVHI 1 NAME Of AI1I NDINti P ll SI AN .,...".N — _- TAI,V111 SS Of AT TENDING PHYSICIAN pJULEP A p. L—vw1Y I Ut.1sJ. c.F JA. ioSQ11ALs Ctw_L3rse-ss,A.c: --- 27 BURIAL REMOVAL CRI MAI ION 78 PLACE (nenu et cemetery or crematory) ICIne or ol.nty) 1.I•*I FUNERAL OF BURIAL DI RECTOR c ❑ Rf MOVA1,ITC Free Union Baptist Churchyard, Albemarle Co. , Va. Hi1T WooTF-Woo Srvice 29 IS tenor e,al doe(for O ..wl,I.yIIY I.n,tn, IlnaNl NAME OF FUNERAL RAL ► e HOME AND ADDRESS Charlottesville, V . 22901 ID I]O 1.pn.tOn o1..O.Ur.rl - - DATE RECORD • REGISTRAR N , FILED cn — r -{' ik-� /� 4 0,4 ct .4., - 1/31/8 3 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRODUCTION OF THE ORIGINAL RECORD FILED WITH THE ALBEMARLE—CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, CHARLOTTESVILLE,/ VIRGINIA. DATE ISSUED /— t'/— S3 al. e—l� I'I SHELBY D. RASNAKE , DEPUTY REGISTRAR' • - SEAL • ANY REPRODUCTION OF THIS DOCUMENT IS PROHIBITED BY STATUTE. DO NOT ACCEPT UNLESS IT BEARS THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE ALBEMARLE—CHARLOTTEVILLE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CLEARLY AFFIXED. SECTION 32-353 . 27 , CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED. LAST WILL and TESTAMENT of M. RUTH BURRUSS HUFF I. I give to the Free Union Baptist Memorial Cemetery for cemetery purposes all my interest in one acre of land in Albemarle County adjoining the present cemetery on the west (owned by me at my death or subject to a general testamentary power of appointment given me under the will of my husband, George T. Huff) . This one acre gift, the boundaries of which shall be determined by my Executors, is a portion of the tract of land identified on Albemarle County Tax Map 29, as parcel 31 . J. I give to my second cousin, Robert Smith, if he survives me, all my interest in a portion of the tract of land identified on Albemarle County Tax Map 17 as parcel 20 (owned by me at my death or subject to a general testamentary power of appointment given me under the will of my husband George T. Huff) , such portion being a tract of land consisting of to .:9) acres located on the west side of State Route 601 (the Free Union - Boonesville Road) improved by the northernmost cottage 0114414641Wxat located on the tra t i .,.v.,.located w. ...�.; mod: lj- l . Coll t Tax Map 1 arce 17 as pl 20 „ f arce .,�..�,: i �,o_ which shall be determined by my Executors. _ w H I4uc.l r P pAa. Z I1. / + jI f \ i I q I '-,. , F : 1 I , 7 -aD L 7-- , , i , i i , . - 1 1 , 1 j 1 1 1 I i j WAivr to6 o ' mA P ,sitarl,^rA G E I 8 ' 1�'�'�rG n l e° , 1 I , , Onorr% 3 `1-os�en. ore).....) •- 11 \lin 3 - 2 ( . ".„ - - ,. - . .. _ - ;• . . ..., . ,. , . - - - . • —--------_—__-__ - . --.-... . ...-- . .a..., 0 • MO • I ,-- 4,,,40 A,_s„,1; ''',-7-1-';''',': ' r.•;:,"."':'-4:c.-4 ir ‘ -, , ' 'r„- ..; . 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'� —i- I '11),...... &...3 ..ez!;D I -----' ‘.--- .L2,--- ,,. , - • j .4 ee „f l 660 I /' • 2,A . a..C..� / •� /: 2 0 A G , �• q_ .�\\ 21 \ \ 007 121 C / -- _• � :i.7 / !H • /OD 1 /iiiiiiibi..7/7,. 9 t A JV .. .._ 2< I 33 2 \ ( 4 +41s 40 \ r 4P4 • - 1 ) lee . t3 .� \L I / •a \ J I �/ \ Ye \ la uA so �! � � / , 2m�► j i .,. - :-.-- r / x. %� _ j �;]... SO 30 I Ile 7 ee _` to ,< e \ 20` I 22 /• 4 u , II N. it I,� .. t° f `No, STAFF REPORT VA-83-21. Estate of Ruth Burruss Huff (Andrew & Lloyd Frazier) Tax Map: 17 Parcel: 20 Zoned: RA Existing Activity Two single family dwellings Proposed Variance The applicant requests relief from Section 10.4 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow a parcel to have 165 feet of road frontage; a variance of 85 feet. Zoning Ordinance Requirement Pursuant to Section 10.4, the minimum road frontage on existing public roads is 250 feet. Staff Comments The applicant was willed a 10 acre parcel with cottage. To subdivide the property with equal distance between the two (2) houses on the 45 acre tract, the applicant is requesting the variance. Using the maximum road frontage from the split between the two cottages, comes to 165 feet. We do see the uniqueness and somewhat of a hardship to accomplish this. We will speak favorably toward this application. If the variance is granted, the plat should be approved through the Planning Department. .V�.%1:O^,wt. �.«� Form No. 312-C • Virginia: In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of theCounty of Albemarle - N I, Shelby J. Marshall , Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County' of uvo Albemarle , do hereby certify that on the 1 day of February , 1433, -37 Daphne P. Aylor & National Bank &Trust Company duly qualified in my said Court as_. Executors xccxx Ruth Burruss Huff , deceased, and gave bond as such according to law, which bond is still in full force and effect. Given under my hand, this / day of -cc- , 19�3 , ) 9- ' 2. z2 Clerk.