HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800077 Review Comments WPO VSMP 2019-05-23COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Project title: Project file number: Plan preparer: Owner or rep.: Plan received date: Rev. 1 received: Rev. 2 received: Rev. 3 received: Date of comments: Rev. 1 comments: Rev. 2 comments: Rev. 3 comments: Reviewers: VSMP Permit plan review Old Trail Village Block 32 VSMP WP0201800077 Roudabush,Gale And Assoc. Ufox@roudabush.com] March Mountain [dave@oldtrailvillage.com] 22 Oct 2018 22 Feb 2019 15 April 2019 22 May 2019 19 Nov 2018 01 April 2019 17 May 2019 23 May 2019 Emily Cox County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is approved. A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. 1. Provide an updated, signed registration statement for Old Trail that includes the disturbance from this proposed development. Rev. 1: Please provide a map showing the overall coverage on the current DEQ registration statement. (what the 136.08 acres encompasses). Rev. 2: Comment not addressed. Rev. 3: Comment addressed. 2. Ensure the latest, approved sheets get inserted into the master SWPPP for Old Trail. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. Ensure the latest, approved sheets get inserted into the master PPP for Old Trail. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. 1. [cover sheet] List title of plan/exhibit and date of approval for critical slopes Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 4 analysis/determination. (8-30-18, Critical Slope Exhibit Old Trail Village Block 32) Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 2. [cover sheet] List title of and date of approval of floodplain development permit. (11-6-18, FDP201800018) Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 3. [cover sheet] Update the plan number to be WP0201800077. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 4. Sheets 5 & 6 should provide a narrative stating the difference between the master plan and this proposed/actual plan. Differing drainage areas were shown, however, must show overall compliance with the master plan such as allowable flows and removal rates, etc. Approved plan information was provided, however actual, proposed information showing compliance is not clear. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 5. Provide routings for stormwater facilities. (not on the plans, separate calculation booklet is fine). Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 6. What are the proposed WSE's of the S-1 facility? Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 7. Location of the existing emergency spillway for the extended detention is unclear. Please clearly show the location and dimensions. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 8. For the extended detention, Per 3.07-24 of the VA SWM HB, show the proposed buffer zone. Rev. 1: Buffer appears to conflict with lot 92. Also the lot line for Lot 92 appears to encroach into the SWM facility. The SWM facility easement must extend around the buffer. Please show this on the lot. Also show the proposed building location to ensure it does not encroach into the SWM facility easement. Rev. 2: Buffer is sufficient, however, fence shown is not in an easement and can be removed by the homeowners? Rev. 3: Comment addressed. 9. For the bioretention, show surface area sizing Per Table 3.11-4 of VA SWM HB. Rev. 1: Per your response to comment 14, design should not be shown based on the SWM HB. It should be shown to comply with IIB design. https : / /www. swbmp . vwrrc . vt . edu/wp— content/uploads/2017/11/BMP—Spec—No-9 BIORETENTION v1- 9 03012011.pdf Rev. 2: Comment addressed. 10. Provide pipe calculations and DA for all pipes associated with SWM (outfall, etc). Other pipes will be shown in the site plan or road plan, correct? Rev. 1: 5B to 6B shows a velocity over 15 ft/s. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 11. Provide planting/landscape plan for proposed extended detention/biofilter area. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 12. Ensure the proposed disturbance to the stream buffer complies with the areas approved in the ZMA. Table 9 of the master plan, Conceptual Buffer Encroachment, does not show any for S-1 or S-13. Sheet 3 of the ZMA, SWM and stream conservation plan, does not appear to show any disturbance either. However, section does discuss buffer encroachment in the S-13 discussion. Rev. 1: If buffer mitigation is to comply with the master plan, simply reference the master plan WPO # and remove the applicable sheets. However, if that is the case, this plan cannot be approved until that master plan is approved. Rev. 2: So, just to clarify, 7,647 will be bonded with this plan? Rev. 3: Comment addressed. Per email dated 4/29/19 from Ammy George, 40,537 will be bonded with this block. 13. Provide the construction record drawing requirements on the plan. http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community Development/for ms/En ing eering_and_WPO_Forms/WPO_VSMP_ Construction_ Record _Drawin Drawings v2014.pdf Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 14. It was hard to read the text, but on Sheet 09, was 90% efficiency used for bioretention? Table 5-14 in the VA SWM HB does not show a 90% option. Please clarify. Rev. 1: In order to get the 90% removal, you must meet all of the design requirements in the IIB guidelines. This includes pre-treatment. https : //www. swbmp . vwrrc . vt . edu/wp— content/uploads/2017/11/BMP—Spec—No-9 BIORETENTION v1— Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 4 9 03012011 . pdf Rev. 2: Comment addressed. 15. Rev. 2: Please provide the latest water quality tracker spreadsheet. Rev. 3: Comment addressed. D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESOP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is approved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 1. Clarify the legend. There are two different floodplain hatches with the same label (floodplain AE). Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 2. Provide outlet protection for all pipes (into biofilter, extended detention and S-1 basin). Show outlet protection sizing calculation. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 3. [Sheet 7] Sequence of construction should be more site specific. Should reference the difference between phases and conversion of controls from existing conditions (Phase 1) to Phase 2 as well as conversion to stormwater facilities. Rev. 1: The sequence on sheet 7 should reflect the sequence shown on sheet 2. Rev. 2: Comment addressed. The VSMP permit application and all plans may be resubmitted for approval when all comments have been satisfactorily addressed. For re -submittals please provide 2 copies of the complete permit package with a completed application form. Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays, should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Process; After approval, plans will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature information. The completed forms will need to be submitted along with court recording fees. After bonding and agreements are complete, county staff will need to enter project information in a DEQ database for state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing, this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter. This should be copied to the county. After DEQ coverage is issued, via the coverage letter, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicants will need to complete the request for a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 4 remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a joint VSMP and grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; hqp://www.albemarle.org/deptforms.asp?department--cdengno COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP Permit plan review Project title: Old Trail Village Block 32 VSMP Project file number: WP0201800077 Plan preparer: Roudabush,Gale And Assoc. Ufox@roudabush.com] Owner or rep.: March Mountain [dave@oldtrailvillage.com] Plan received date: 22 Oct 2018 Rev. 1 received: 22 Feb 2019 Rev. 2 received: 15 April 2019 Date of comments: 19 Nov 2018 Rev. 1 comments: 01 April 2019 Rev. 2 comments: 17 May 2019 Reviewers: Emily Cox County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is denied. The rationale is given in the comments below. The application may be resubmitted for approval if all the items below are satisfactorily addressed. The VSMP application content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-401. A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. 1. Provide an updated, signed registration statement for Old Trail that includes the disturbance from this proposed development. Rev. 1: Please provide a map showing the overall coverage on the current DEQ registration statement. (what the 136.08 acres encompasses). Rev. 2: Comment not addressed. 2. Ensure the latest, approved sheets get inserted into the master SWPPP for Old Trail. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. Ensure the latest, approved sheets get inserted into the master PPP for Old Trail. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 4 1. [cover sheet] List title of plan/exhibit and date of approval for critical slopes analysis/determination. (8-30-18, Critical Slope Exhibit Old Trail Village Block 32) Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 2. [cover sheet] List title of and date of approval of floodplain development permit. (11-6-18, FDP201800018) Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 3. [cover sheet] Update the plan number to be WP0201800077. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 4. Sheets 5 & 6 should provide a narrative stating the difference between the master plan and this proposed/actual plan. Differing drainage areas were shown, however, must show overall compliance with the master plan such as allowable flows and removal rates, etc. Approved plan information was provided, however actual, proposed information showing compliance is not clear. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 5. Provide routings for stormwater facilities. (not on the plans, separate calculation booklet is fine). Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 6. What are the proposed WSE's of the S-1 facility? Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 7. Location of the existing emergency spillway for the extended detention is unclear. Please clearly show the location and dimensions. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 8. For the extended detention, Per 3.07-24 of the VA SWM HB, show the proposed buffer zone. Rev. 1: Buffer appears to conflict with lot 92. Also the lot line for Lot 92 appears to encroach into the SWM facility. The SWM facility easement must extend around the buffer. Please show this on the lot. Also show the proposed buil _ ; location to ensure Foes not encroach into the SWM facility easement. Rev. 2: Buffer is sufficient, however, fence shown is not in an easement and can be removed by the homeowners? 9. For the bioretention, show surface area sizing Per Table 3.11-4 of VA SWM HB. Rev. 1: Per your response to comment 14, design should not be shown based on the SWM HB. It should be shown to comply with IIB design. https : / /www. swbmp . vwrrc . vt . edu/wp— content/uploads/2017/11/BMP—Spec—No-9 BIORETENTION v1- 9 03012011.pdf Rev. 2: Comment addressed. 10. Provide pipe calculations and DA for all pipes associated with SWM (outfall, etc). Other pipes will be shown in the site plan or road plan, correct? Rev. 1: 5B to 6B shows a velocity over 15 ft/s. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 11. Provide planting/landscape plan for proposed extended detention/biofilter area. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 12. Ensure the proposed disturbance to the stream buffer complies with the areas approved in the ZMA. Table 9 of the master plan, Conceptual Buffer Encroachment, does not show any for S-I or S-13. Sheet 3 of the ZMA, SWM and stream conservation plan, does not appear to show any disturbance either. However, section does discuss buffer encroachment in the S-13 discussion. Rev. 1: If buffer mitigation is to comply with the master plan, simply reference the master plan WPO # and remove the applicable sheets. However, if that is the case, this plan cannot be approved until that master plan is approved. Rev. 2: So, just to clarify, 7,647 will be bonded with this plan? 13. Provide the construction record drawing requirements on the plan. hllp://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community Development/for ms/En ing eering_and_WPO_Forms/WPO_VSMP_ Construction_ Record _Drawin Drawings v2014.pdf Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 14. It was hard to read the text, but on Sheet 09, was 90% efficiency used for bioretention? Table 5-14 in the VA SWM HB does not show a 90% option. Please clarify. Rev. 1: In order to get the 90% removal, you must meet all of the design requirements in the IIB guidelines. This includes pre-treatment. https : //www. swbmp . vwrrc . vt . edu/wp— content/uploads/2017/11/BMP—Spec—No-9 BIORETENTION v1— Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 4 9 03012011 . pdf Rev. 2: Comment addressed. 15. Rev. 2: Please provide the latest water quality tracker spreadsheet. D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is approved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 1. Clarify the legend. There are two different floodplain hatches with the same label (floodplain AE). Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 2. Provide outlet protection for all pipes (into biofllter, extended detention and S-1 basin). Show outlet protection sizing calculation. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 3. [Sheet 7] Sequence of construction should be more site specific. Should reference the difference between phases and conversion of controls from existing conditions (Phase 1) to Phase 2 as well as conversion to stormwater facilities. Rev. 1: The sequence on sheet 7 should reflect the sequence shown on sheet 2. Rev. 2: Comment addressed. The VSMP permit application and all plans may be resubmitted for approval when all comments have been satisfactorily addressed. For re -submittals please provide 2 copies of the complete permit package with a completed application form. Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays, should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Process; After approval, plans will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature information. The completed forms will need to be submitted along with court recording fees. After bonding and agreements are complete, county staff will need to enter project information in a DEQ database for state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing, this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter. This should be copied to the county. After DEQ coverage is issued, via the coverage letter, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicants will need to complete the request for a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 4 conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a joint VSMP and grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; htip://www.albemarle.org/deptfonns.asp?department--cdenoMo COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP Permit plan review Project title: Old Trail Village Block 32 VSMP Project file number: WP0201800077 Plan preparer: Roudabush,Gale And Assoc. Ufox@roudabush.com] Owner or rep.: March Mountain [dave@oldtrailvillage.com] Plan received date: 22 Oct 2018 Rev. 1 received: 22 Feb 2019 Date of comments: 19 Nov 2018 Rev. 1 comments: 01 April 2019 Reviewers: Emily Cox County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is denied. The rationale is given in the comments below. The application may be resubmitted for approval if all the items below are satisfactorily addressed. The VSMP application content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-401. A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. 1. Provide an updated, signed registration statement for Old Trail that includes the disturbance from this proposed development. Rev. 1: Please provide a map showing the overall coverage on the current DEQ registration statement. (what the 136.08 acres encompasses). 2. Ensure the latest, approved sheets get inserted into the master SWPPP for Old Trail. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. Ensure the latest, approved sheets get inserted into the master PPP for Old Trail. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. 1. [cover sheet] List title of plan/exhibit and date of approval for critical slopes analysis/determination. (8-30-18, Critical Slope Exhibit Old Trail Village Block 32) Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 4 2. [cover sheet] List title of and date of approval of floodplain development permit. (11-6-18, FDP201800018) Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 3. [cover sheet] Update the plan number to be WP0201800077. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 4. Sheets 5 & 6 should provide a narrative stating the difference between the master plan and this proposed/actual plan. Differing drainage areas were shown, however, must show overall compliance with the master plan such as allowable flows and removal rates, etc. Approved plan information was provided, however actual, proposed information showing compliance is not clear. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 5. Provide routings for stormwater facilities. (not on the plans, separate calculation booklet is fine). Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 6. What are the proposed WSE's of the S-1 facility? Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 7. Location of the existing emergency spillway for the extended detention is unclear. Please clearly show the location and dimensions. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 8. For the extended detention, Per 3.07-24 of the VA SWM HB, show the proposed buffer zone. Rev. 1: Buffer appears to conflict with lot 92. Also the lot line for Lot 92 appears to encroach into the SWM facility. The SWM facility easement must extend around the buffer. Please show this on the lot. Also show the proposed building location to ensure it does not encroach into the SWM facility easement. 9. For the bioretention, show surface area sizing Per Table 3.11-4 of VA SWM HB. Rev. 1: Per your response to comment 14, design should not be shown based on the SWM HB. It should be shown to comply with IIB design. https : / /www. swbmp . vwrrc . vt . edu/wp— content/uploads/2017/11/BMP—Spec—No-9 BIORETENTION v1- 9 03012011.pdf 10. Provide pipe calculations and DA for all pipes associated with SWM (outfall, etc). Other pipes will be shown in the site plan or road plan, correct? Rev. 1: 5B to 6B shows a velocity over 15 ft/s. 11. Provide planting/landscape plan for proposed extended detention/biofilter area. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 12. Ensure the proposed disturbance to the stream buffer complies with the areas approved in the ZMA. Table 9 of the master plan, Conceptual Buffer Encroachment, does not show any for S-1 or S-13. Sheet 3 of the ZMA, SWM and stream conservation plan, does not appear to show any disturbance either. However, section does discuss buffer encroachment in the S-13 discussion. Rev. 1: If buffer mitigation is to comply with the master plan, simply reference the master plan WPO # and remove the applicable sheets. However, if that is the case, this plan cannot be approved until that master plan is approved. 13. Provide the construction record drawing requirements on the plan. hLtp://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/fonns center/departments/Community_ Development/for ms/Engineering and _WPO_Forms/WPO_VSMP_Construction _ Record Drawings Policy 23Ma . 2�pdf Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 14. It was hard to read the text, but on Sheet 09, was 90% efficiency used for bioretention? Table 5-14 in the VA SWM HB does not show a 90% option. Please clarify. Rev. 1: In order to get the 90% removal, you must meet all of the design requirements in the IIB guidelines. This includes pre-treatment. https : / /www. swbmp . vwrrc . vt . edu/wp— content/uploads/2017/11/BMP—Spec—No-9 BIORETENTION v1- 9 03012011.pdf D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 4 This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 1. Clarify the legend. There are two different floodplain hatches with the same label (floodplain AE). Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 2. Provide outlet protection for all pipes (into biofilter, extended detention and S-1 basin). Show outlet protection sizing calculation. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 3. [Sheet 7] Sequence of construction should be more site specific. Should reference the difference between phases and conversion of controls from existing conditions (Phase 1) to Phase 2 as well as conversion to stormwater facilities. Rev. 1: The sequence on sheet 7 should reflect the sequence shown on sheet 2. The VSMP permit application and all plans may be resubmitted for approval when all comments have been satisfactorily addressed. For re -submittals please provide 2 copies of the complete permit package with a completed application form. Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays, should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Process; After approval, plans will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature information. The completed forms will need to be submitted along with court recording fees. After bonding and agreements are complete, county staff will need to enter project information in a DEQ database for state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing, this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter. This should be copied to the county. After DEQ coverage is issued, via the coverage letter, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicants will need to complete the request for a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a joint VSMP and grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; hlt2://www.albemarle.ora/deptforms.asp?department--cdengno Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 4 Short Review Comments Report for: SUB201900016 SubApplication Type: LOT 12 AND TRACTS 3-A2 & 3-A3 - RURAL DIVISION Rural Division Date Completed:05/14/2019 Reviewer:Tori Kanellopoulos CDD Planning Review Status:No Objection Reviews Comments: Division: Date Completed:02/26/2019 Reviewer:Tori Kanellopoulos CDD Planning Review Status:Requested Changes Reviews Comments:Comments mailed (snail mail) and faxed on 2/26/2019. Division: Date Completed:03/20/2019 Reviewer:Adam Moore VDOT Review Status:No Objection Reviews Comments:14-316 entrance onto public streets- needed for both TMP's being divided. Division: Date Completed:03/20/2019 Reviewer:Tori Kanellopoulos CDD Planning Review Status:No Objection Reviews Comments: Division: Date Completed:04/26/2019 Reviewer:Josh Kirtley Health Department Review Status:No Objection Reviews Comments:Soil work received 3/19 and sent 3/20. Division: Page:1 of 1 County of Albemarle Printed On:May 16, 2019 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP Permit plan review Project title: Old Trail Village Block 32 VSMP Project file number: WP0201800077 Plan preparer: Roudabush,Gale And Assoc. Ufox@roudabush.com] Owner or rep.: March Mountain [dave@oldtrailvillage.com] Plan received date: 22 Oct 2018 Date of comments: 19 Nov 2018 Reviewers: Emily Cox County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is denied. The rationale is given in the comments below. The application may be resubmitted for approval if all the items below are satisfactorily addressed. The VSMP application content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-401. A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. 1. Provide an updated, signed registration statement for Old Trail that includes the disturbance from this proposed development. 2. Ensure the latest, approved sheets get inserted into the master SWPPP for Old Trail. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. Ensure the latest, approved sheets get inserted into the master PPP for Old Trail. C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP. This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. 1. [cover sheet] List title of plan/exhibit and date of approval for critical slopes analysis/determination. (8-30-18, Critical Slope Exhibit Old Trail Village Block 32) 2. [cover sheet] List title of and date of approval of floodplain development permit. (11-6-18, FDP201800018) 3. [cover sheet] Update the plan number to be WP0201800077. 4. Sheets 5 & 6 should provide a narrative stating the difference between the master plan and this proposed/actual plan. Differing drainage areas were shown, however, must show overall compliance with the master plan such as allowable flows and removal rates, etc. Approved plan Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 3 information was provided, however actual, proposed information showing compliance is not clear. 5. Provide routings for stormwater facilities. (not on the plans, separate calculation booklet is fine). 6. What are the proposed WSE's of the S-1 facility? 7. Location of the existing emergency spillway for the extended detention is unclear. Please clearly show the location and dimensions. 8. For the extended detention, Per 3.07-24 of the VA SWM HB, show the proposed buffer zone. 9. For the bioretention, show surface area sizing Per Table 3.11-4 of VA SWM HB. 10. Provide pipe calculations and DA for all pipes associated with SWM (outfall, etc). Other pipes will be shown in the site plan or road plan, correct? 11. Provide planting/landscape plan for proposed extended detention/biofilter area. 12. Ensure the proposed disturbance to the stream buffer complies with the areas approved in the ZMA. Table 9 of the master plan, Conceptual Buffer Encroachment, does not show any for S-1 or 5-13. Sheet 3 of the ZMA, SWM and stream conservation plan, does not appear to show any disturbance either. However, section does discuss buffer encroachment in the 5-13 discussion. 13. Provide the construction record drawing requirements on the plan. http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community Development/for ms/En ing eering and _WPO_Forms/WPO_VSMP_Construction _ Record_ Drawings Policy 23Ma 2�pdf 14. It was hard to read the text, but on Sheet 09, was 90% efficiency used for bioretention? Table 5-14 in the VA SWM HB does not show a 90% option. Please clarify. D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-402. 1. Clarify the legend. There are two different floodplain hatches with the same label (floodplain AE). 2. Provide outlet protection for all pipes (into biofilter, extended detention and S-1 basin). Show outlet protection sizing calculation. 3. [Sheet 7] Sequence of construction should be more site specific. Should reference the difference between phases and conversion of controls from existing conditions (Phase 1) to Phase 2 as well as conversion to stormwater facilities. The VSMP permit application and all plans may be resubmitted for approval when all comments have been satisfactorily addressed. For re -submittals please provide 2 copies of the complete permit package with a completed application form. Engineering plan review staff are available from 2-4 PM on Thursdays, should you require a meeting to discuss this review. Process; After approval, plans will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 3 to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Stormwater Management Facilities Maintenance agreements will also need to be completed and recorded. The County's Management Analyst or other staff will prepare the forms and check for ownership and signature information. The completed forms will need to be submitted along with court recording fees. After bonding and agreements are complete, county staff will need to enter project information in a DEQ database for state application processing. DEQ will review the application information based on local VSMP authority approval. At this time, the DEQ portion of the application fees will need to be paid directly to the state. For fastest processing, this is done electronically with the emails provided on the application. DEQ should notify applicants with instructions on how to pay fees. When DEQ approves the application, they will issue a permit coverage letter. This should be copied to the county. After DEQ coverage is issued, via the coverage letter, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicants will need to complete the request for a pre -construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form identifies the contractor and responsible land disturber, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a joint VSMP and grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. County forms can be found on the county website forms center under engineering; htip://www.albemarle.org/deptforms.asp?department--cdengwpo