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SDP201900028 Plan - Submittal (First) Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2019-05-20
• # • • • WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Univ%..,,O.rsity of Virginia Research Pori< Charlottesville - Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 vvww.waolley-er►g.com Town Center BuilclingFour MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT TO SDP 2016-00051 1.Owner/Developer: University of Virginia Foundation Post Office Box 400218 Charlottesville, VA 22904 Tel: 434.982.3777 Fax: 434.982.4852 2. Engineer: Woolley Engineering 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Tel: 434.973.0045 3. Source of Information: County Research and/or Owner provided. 4. Source of Survey: Kirk Hughes & Associates (Topographic Field Survey), August, 2016 5. Parcel Information: TMP 32-6A2, 460.60 acres Proposed lease area: 6.848 acres Site is located within the UVA Research Park Current Use: Commercial Office Deed Book 2712, p325; DB 3792, p 292 Plat; DB 1684, p 225 Plat; DB 4957, p 692 Zoning: PD-IP, This Property lies within the Airport Impact Area (AIA) Proffers: As listed in the proffer statement by University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation, March 21, 1996 (Ref. ZMA-95-04, ZMA-98-27 & ZMA200500003.) Waiver: Ground cover for 3:1 or steeper slopes shall be maintained by Owner Watershed: Rivanna River 6. Adjacent Parcels: See Existing Conditions Exhibit Sheets C2.0-2.3 Current Use: Research Park 7. Proposed Building Statistics Proposed Use: General Office Space Number of Floors: 4 Gross Building Square Footage: 108,568 sf Floor Area Ratio: 0.36 Maximum Building Height: 65' Proposed Building Height: 61' Lot Coverage: (Proposed) Building Footprint: ± 27,201 sf (9%) Parking and Driveways: ± 124,050 sf (42%) Landscaped Areas: ± 101,432 sf (347.) Maximum Impervious Area: ± 198,054 sf (66%) 8. Parking Statistics A. Town Center Parking Spaces Required: 1,411 spaces Town Center Parking Spaces Proposed: 1,133 spaces Combined Town Center Reduction: 19.7% See C4.1 for additional parking information B. Traffic Demand Managment Reductions: High Occupancy Vehicle Spaces: (2) Spaces per HOV Space Bicycle Racks: (36) Spaces provided on Racks Scooter/Motorcycle Rack: (1) spaces per 32 sf Surface area HOV Shuttle/Bus Bike Racks Total Reduction Spaces req'd Town Center 1 20 47 0 67 spaces 283 Town Center 4 28 20 52 100 spaces 435 Combined: 48 67 52 167 718 C. Provided Parking Spaces: On Site: Regular HOV Space Motorcycle Space Handicapped Total Spaces Town Center 1 186 10 13 7 216 Town Center 4 313 14 0 8 335 Combined: 515 24 13 15 551 D. Loading Spaces: Requirement: One (1) space for the first eight thousand (8,000) square feet of office space plus one (1) space for each additional twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of office space. Required Loading Spaces for Town Center 1: 1 + (70,563-8,000 / 20,000) = 4 spaces Existing Loading Spaces Provided for Town Center 1: 4 spaces Required Loading Spaces for Town Center 4: 1 + (108,568-8,000 / 20,000) = 6 spaces Proposed Loading Spaces Provided for Town Center 4: 2 spaces provided with this site plan amendment (Waiver previously approved from SDP 2006-00113) 9. Standards and Specifications: A. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specifications, 1993,1994. B. Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, 3rd Edition, 1992. C. Albemarle County Service 1Authority, General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications, January 15, 1998. D. The University of Virginia Foundation, North Fork Design Code, May 28, 1998, 10. General Construction Notes: A. The abbreviation V.D.O.T. made hereafter refers to the Virginia Department of Transportation. The term County refers to the County of Albemarle, Virginia. B. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govem. C. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. D. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. E. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. F. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (ho(zontal:vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. G. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. H. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. I. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. J. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). THE COCJi1'YTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRC71NIA RIO MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 11. General Water and Sewer Conditions (1) Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority {ACSA) inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper Service Authority officials at the start of the work. (2) The location of existing utilities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans, and where shown, are only approximately correct. The Contractor shall, on his own initiative, locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. (3) All materials and construction shall comply with the current edition of the General Water & Sewer Construction Specifications, as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Authority. (4) Datum for all elevations .shown in National Geodetic Survey. (5) The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (dial 811 or 1-800-552-7001). (6) All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of cover measured from the top of pipe over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals, and water lines, etc. (7) All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. (8) Valves on dead-end lines shall be rodded to provide adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 12. Stormwater Management A. The site will primarily drain via surface flow and existing stormwater piping to an existing stormwater management basin located east of the project area. The existing basin was designed and constructed with full build -out of the subject sub -area of the Research Park incorporated. B. The site does not lie within a reservoir watershed. The stormwater from the site flows northeastward to the North Fork of the Rivanna River. C. This amendment proposes a reduction in impervious surface, so the stormwater management approach shall remain the same as the previous amendment (SDP201600051). 13. Research Park Total Buildout Statistics (approved building areas from previously approved site development plans) Approved Total Building Project Name Year Acreage Buildings (sf) Constructed (sf) Microaire (1641 Edlich Dr) 1995 4.9 46,889 46,445 Motion Control (4040 Lewis & Clark Dr) 1996 4.0 30,462 30,450 PRA (4105 Lewis & Clark Dr) 1998 6.0 80,000 80,388 Town Center One 2000 4.7* 69,900 70,974 Biotage (1725 Discovery Dr) 2002 7.1 50,000 50,656 ETC (1670 Discovery Dr) 2002 2.6 42,388 41,778 Town Center Two 2006 4.3 83,666 82,068 Town Center Three 2008 4.7 89,814 85,392 Town Center Four 2016 6.8 108,568 Total 45.2 601,687 488,151 * Revised with this site plan amendment Acerage Approved GSF Dev. GSF Capacity 307.0 3,700,000 3,700,000 Developed/Sold 45.2 601,687 488,151 Total Remaining 261.8 3,098,313 3,211,849 14. Setbacks: Per the approved application plan for development (ZMA-98-27,) setbacks are: 10' Building Setback from internal public road right-of-way 50' Buffer from adjacent residential parcels t5u° tsuiiaing betoacK from aalacenT residentiai parcels 5. 66TE QEVCuORMENTREANSous materials, including medical wastes, shall be disposed of within the p SDP200600113 October 1, 2007: Initial site plan for the development of Town Center District buildings Three and Four. SDP200700159 October 1, 2007: Erosion and Sediment Control Amendment. The plan revision provided direction on the subsequent phasing of Town Centers Three and Four for mass grading activities and soil stockpiling plans. SDP200800043 January 4, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Initial submission on December 21, 2007 for the amendment to the proposed Town Center Three building footprint and ultimate square footage. SDP200800138 August 4, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Submissions on February 19, 2008 and May 13, 2008 to accommodate whole site changes initiated by Architect and Owner adjustments to the Town Center building placement and footprint. The revision includes adjustments for amending the site to meet subsequent LEED certification. SDP200800161 October 23, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Town Center Three building's eastern entrance was amended to allow for more sidewalk. Two parking spaces were removed. The decorative site lighting was also amended to a different fixture. SDP2009OW35 October 23, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Update the planting boundaries which surround the courtyard for Town Center Three and to provide temporary vegetation which will be removed when future buildings within the Town Center District are developed. SDP2016OW51 September 12, 2017: Major Site Plan Amendment. Revised Town Center Four building, utilities, and hardscape. ect. Phasing Narrative: This amendment is for the development of Town Center Four. The previously approved site plan was for the construction of Town Center Three and Town Center Four. Town Center Three has been constructed and built improvements have been included in this narrative. See sheet C1.1 for limits and locations of all previous amendments to this site plan. Phase Three: Town Center Three 1. Phase three work from previous plan amendments have been completed and were generally limited to improvements within the lease area for Town Center Three. 2. The previously approved access drive along the eastern boundary was constructed and connects to fhe Town Center Three parking lot and Lewis & Clark Drive. 3. Curbing, pavement, sidewalk and landscape improvements from the approved site plan located within the Town Center Three lease line have been completed. 4. Research Park Blvd. was extended during the construction of Phase Three. The work included a traffic circle which is proposed to be removed with this amendment. 5. The scope of Phase Three included a stormwater conveyance system outside of the Town Center Three lease line. The storm piping conveys surface runoff from Research Park Boulevard inro the dounstream conveyance channel. This amendment includes the removal and relocation of select storm structures which are currently in use and conflict with this ,plan. Phase Four: Town Center Four 1. Work related to Phase Four shall be generally limited improvements that are located within the Town Center Four lease line. See sheet C2.4 for proposed lease line location. Limited site improvements are proposed outside of the new lease line. 2. This amendment proposes removing the existing traffic circle. An additional access drive to the parking area for Town Center Four from Lewis & Clark Blvd. will be constructed with this amendment. 3. Site improvements included in this amendment are illustrated on this plan. VICINITY MAP a J bOb r', J OJ & LA R,3� f Qr S lc O� Q AIL RUN .,. .. SITE o A� 1 = 1000 SHEET INDEX Eg C 1.0 Cover IM Cl .1 Major Amendment Exhibit IM C2.0 Existing Conditions Exhibit C2.1 Existing Conditions Exhibit CorA. IM C2.2 Existing Conditions Exhibit Cont. C2.3 Boundary Exhibit El C2.4 Site Boundary Exhibit C3.0 Critical Slopes Exhibit El C4.0 Layout Plan C4.1 Town Center Parking Plan C4.2 Road Plan and Profile C4.2 Sight Distance Profile El C5.0 Grading Plan C5,1 Spot Elevation Plan C6.0 Utilities Plan 1111 C6.1 Waterline Plan and Profile 1111 C6.2 Waterline Plan and Profile Cont. 111 C6.3 Storm Drainage Profiles C6,4 Storm Drainage Profiles Cont. C6.5 Utility Profiles C7,0 General Details 119 C7.1 General Details 111 L1.0 Landscape Plan 119 L2.0 Landscape Details 51.0 Structural Details 119 SL1.0 Site Lighting Plan gL2,0 Site Lighting Details ES1.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Narrative ES2.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase 1 ES2,1 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase 2 ES3.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Details ES3.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Details Cont. , gi Filled Box Indicates Drawing Included in Set SIGNATURE PANEL Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Planning Division Date Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Zoning Division Date Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Engineering Division Date Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Building Inspections Date Albemarle County Department of Fire and Rescue Date Albemarle County Service Authority Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT CZ Q I Q U Z Q cz � O Q W J Q Z Z U.l W m C. � Q O O O � Z '= o V) CZ U Z COVER SHEET Job Number: 1640 su OP BNO V. 1IOOLLff LtC. NO. 37088 Cf `4IQNAL g' Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering C 1.0 1 of 32 Iz ,- / I IT ,I - � _.,— - --- - I I i \\ �. m� - _ ---.-- ._ � �._. _.�..d..,.�..�__- - ___ -..,. _.�__� \`'1 \ ,._. _ --_� ..._ -� / WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers ry �,9I 11 X ": `%� _ w _._n._.._. ___ �• k� - -_. _ ' - _ _ _. _ _ "°,.. �W _ - _ µ ,. - ( 224East CharlattesvilleVuginia Street %A __ 9 __ �� � .1 _ , $_ .:, -,_,.m��- r- �- -_ 973-0045 _ www.woolley�eng.com ozz� .___`, �_- - I-,'.� 111 i � . �.v- _ _ .. _,.. ._ �,�,rm=° a,� . � o-r.«:rs�.«w ,a+a ap: as c -• ` rx �� �,= �^ ,.�,�-�1. ���� �"�_ gym,��. _ , ' ��" Q3r -' r'` .°' __ �,,_,y ��' .,�_ _ - Landscape Architect Red ClayLandscape Arch. SixtStreet SE ,,' ° - s�,��, _ _1 �,`'.k"x � _`tt� ,. - _` ` � /� �\ .r _ �. w «�. "'Z �' �� , a " _ ,\ Charlottesville, Virginia 22942 ter' __ _.. - . --- -- - _ 1. r� � , --�`�" \ `r r� ' �_ °�u - "I----,- _ � " s r° A.' Owner A -d 1 �� ..ry x - "" r e //,N\�� I ,, / a y ' ," f �. _ \\,\ \a 1 h >.Charlottesville, Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Hed Pointe a p. I'll, \ r �r r M ` _�Virginia \ ° 1"N ' Ir r 1 „- x�' xb _ �r t 14, 22903 P Z 434 98 -3777 ) - e, " ." ,, r , �% � � ��.110 _ > 1 ,,, !I I -. i ' � m fir'P 1 � I ,4 � _ w I . ;, '` ,, - �,�' >` _' t._ 1114,I 1i1 I,I 11 tI, ;.' �_11,14 . � _. I `1> '- ��10 _0 . t t & I 1 J '' I I 4 _ "" b _ bm Id - J / `1� JJ J�- X f IA` , __ _ j _1 �_11 ,1_MAJOR 1 EXHIBIT ONLY a� r 0 /- 1 z , °,,_"' s r'' °r i r l e , . ' _ ;' � te n , J 1. a. I � - - s ' - IJ ,`, i `�" '� I ,1_11 m__ .p' lam, 1ff try 4 1,, '� , r 1 s . r . � q ,, ,, r,- A� *' Ir / c, R N T R U TI N SITE PLAN Q 1 y 9 -�I. _ �, ,,.' ja i a' r 1 _ a * i�'--- �`� �� � ,� I_ ,,-' -I' 1 s J-:",,, 1t � m -�'������ � 4 ! 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I, g I i o \ \ 1640 Novo 00 \ �.. r \\ \ \\ I l I r w .+' ram' m a , "V , ,� � \ �\ - §' 'awz`s.,, t" I /j/ I a'...,, „sir,°` .a , /'°r ✓' \ I - ° ., \\ ���\ \ \ ' - - - _ .+" : \ \ \ \ \ \\\\ y , \ \\ _:�� , I ,-, - 1 ,N\„ a f _ 1,I r r �" \�, 11 ,, Ll ,., , -1 \ \\ -.,. , I \ ''. /! \\\ \\\ " _,1, " "- , F . - b ,_ I 1 ,:� ®" \\400 I �\\ , \ \� \ ! i �, \ I 11 } 'a ", \\\\\% \ \9 E' W. 1PDOLLEY IIC. N0. 3708 �O 5-20-2019 r�.ufrr i - r %r \ >� ,r r11 , ", I !,� "I' �� �yyW 4, C1 � \\ , ___, ,- 10 1. Building Statistics \ \ ` \ � �\ \ � '"� �1 , \ \ ,_ -Existing Use. General Office Buildings \,\ \\ \\ 1. \\� �_— - -" "� \/� �_ \\\. '' Date: %,- Town Center 3 \� �\. 4%\ A �� 3.5 \\\�\ \_� \ = ;`° �; Ma 20 2019 Number of Floors: % ( �d� ,- \ k� -, \ 1 � . °,- Building Square Footage: $9,814 _\ \\\ %i \,\\ :� ��,�� %� � �. , ,. - �p \� l,, �#00 \ , � � � Y .\\ Revision: \\?, r \ (( �,, 2. Parking Statistics �(( \\ �° \� �— �/ ,��� a, Required Parking Spaces: \\ �\ \\ �.' rr.t \�\\1. " \\, \ \° 1\_1'1 r '�� p Commercial Office: One Space per 2Q0 sf of Net Floor Space \%\\\,_,�) �''� Gross Combined Floor Space = 89,814 sf \ �, ,�- ��` f \\ \" �1 4 , ,, _ Net Floor Space 80% NFS = 71,851 sf \\ ;' \� IIlt�,r- Required Spaces: 359 \\/' \� �� ' �A� \\ '` I Ole b. Traffic Demand Managment Reductions: \\\ � \\\ >Uj c Vehicle Spaces: 2 Spaces per HOV Space 44 \ , i �� a High Occupancy P {) P P P 7 \ \�\ \\,� �:; \� 114 A \.! \° , �,�, APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF SDP Bicycle Racks: {1$1 Spaces provided on Racks (10] . �,.,,, \. \�, °�� ��� Total Reduction of Required Spaces: (54) 15� ;\ , : �% - ��'' 2006-00113 {CURRENTLY BUILT � o Total Spaces Required after Reduction: 305 1 \ \ I %_/ �', w LLJ y \.` �\11 I /, Wz Scale: C. Provided Parking Spaces: \� � Lo _� On Site: Regular: 2b9 ��\� j HOV: 22 '= ,%0 , 1a,=4Q' �\�\ ,loe Low Emitting or Fuel Efficient Vehicle: 16 \ \\\ ,\ Handicap: 8 \ `\\ 1� \. \ M Sheet No,: Total: 315 \ '' APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF APPROVED TOWN CENTER 4 FROM SDP2006-00113 & SDP2016-00051 SDP2016-00051 IS A MAJOR AMENDMENT TO SDP2006-00113 0*0 (TO BE AMENDED WITH THIS MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT) 40 0 4a 80 160 \ 4000, 0 N IN2 C1 1 I 40*0 2 of copyright Q 2019 by Woolley Engineering DRAINAGE STRUCTURES DRAINAGE STRUCTURES (CON'T.) /I THRU 120 NOT USED /38 DI-3B L=3' TOP ELEVATION= 552.81 ' 121 DI-3B L=8' 18" R.C.P. IN= 544.9' TOP ELEVATION= 522.56' 4" P. V. C. IN= 550.7' 18" R.C.P. TN= 511.7' 18" RCP. OUT= 544.9' OUT= 511,6' I39 END SECTION 122 DI-3B L=8' ES-1 15" R.C.P. OUT= 510.5' TOP ELEVATION= 522.92' 18" R.C.P. IN= 509.9' 140 DI-3B L=6' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 509.7' TOP ELEVATION= 524.71' 15"R.C.P. OUT= 511,4' 123 MANHOLE TOP ELEVATION= 521. 61 ' 141 END SECTION 18" R.C.P. IN= 508.2' ES-1 15" R.C.P. OUT= 5156' 24" RCP. IN= 510.6' 15"' H.D.P.E. IN= 514.9' 142 DI-3B L=6' 6" PVC IN= 516.1' TOP ELEVATION= 521.23' 24" C.M.P. OUT= 508.4' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 512.7' 124 D1-3B L=12' 143 DI-3B L=6' TOP ELEVATION= 521.6' TOP ELEVATION= 522.46' 8" P. V. C IN= 517.7' 4" P. V. C. IN= 519.2' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 5173' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 518.1' 125 DI-3B L=14' 144 DI-3B L=9' TOP ELEVATION= 525.8' TOP ELEVATION= 521.18' 15" RCP. OUT= 522.0' 15" R.C.P. IN= 516.8' 4" P.V.C. IN= 518.2' 126 DI-3B L=12' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 516.8' TOP ELEVATION= 5222' 15" RCP. IN= 518.7' 145 DI-3B L=10' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 518.7' TOP ELEVATION= 519.37' 15" R.CP. IN (FROM 144)= 515.1 ' 127 D1-38 L=12' 18" RCP. IN (FROM 146)= 514.6' TOP ELEVATION=522.7' 4" R V C. IN= 516.4' 18" RCP. IN (FROM # 24)= 515.9' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 514.7' 18" R.C.P. IN (FROM # 26)= 515.9' 24" R.C.P. OUT= 515.5' 146 DI-3B L=10' TOP ELEVATION= 526.48' 128 MANHOLE 18" R.C.P. IN= 519.9' TOP ELEVATION= 531.21' 18"R.C.P. OUT= 519.6' 8" P. V. C. IN= 512.6' 36" R.C.P. IN= 509.0' 141 MANHOLE 36" RCP. OUT= 509.0' TOP ELEVATION= 529.34' 15" R.C.P. IN (FROM 149)= 521.6' 129 DI-38 L=6' 18" CONC. )ROUGH IN (FROM 148)= 524.8' TOP ELEVATION= 527.4' 18" R.C.P. OUT (FROM 146)= 521.0' 36" R.C.P. IN= 506.2' 36" RCP. OUT= 505.8' 148 DI-3B L=8' TOP ELEVATION= 529.60' /30 DI-3B L=6' 18" CONC TROUGH OUT= 525,1' TOP ELEVATION= 524.92' 36" R.C.P. IN= 503.9' 149 DI-12 36" R.C.P. OUT= 502, 0' TOP ELEVATION= 530.19' 15" R.C.P. IN= 524.3' #31 END SECTION 15" R.C.P. OUT= 522.2' 36" R. C P. OUT= 497.7' 150 DI-3B L=8' #32 MANHOLE TOP ELEVATION= 532.55' TOP ELEVATION= 496.80' 15" R.C.P. IN= 526.3' 27" C.M.P. IN= 491.3' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 526.0' 27" R.C.P. OUT= 491.0' 151 DI-3B L=10' J33 DI-7 TOP ELEVATION= 537.97' TOP ELEVATION= 547.47' 15" R.C.P. IN= 529.5' 24" IN= 533.9 15" RC.P. OUT= 529,3' 36" R.C.P. OUT= 533.0' 152 DI-38 L=12' 134 DI-3B L=4' TOP ELEVATION= 537.53' TOP ELEVATION= 551.51' 15" R.C.P. IN= 530.4' 36" R. C P IN= 528,1 ' 4" P V C IN= 534.2' 18" R.C.F. IN (FROM IV= 543.0' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 530.2' 4" P. V.C. IN= 549,2' 36" R.C.P. OUT 528.0' 153 DI-3B L=8' TOP ELEVATION= 536.23' J35 DI-38 L=4' 15" R.C.P. IN= 531.5' TOP ELEVATION= 550.83' 4" P. V. C. IN= 533.3' 36" R.C.P. IN= 525.2' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 531.4' 36" R.C.P. OUT= 526.1 ' 154 MANHOLE I36 0I-39 L=6' TOP ELEVATION= 539,83' TOP ELEVATION= 547.78' 15" R.C.P. IN= 535.2' 36" RCP. IN= 511.6' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 535.I' 36" R.C.P. OUT= 511.5' 155 Di-38 L=8' 37 DI-3B L=13' TOP ELEVATION= 54310' TOP ELEVATION= 553.53' 15" R.C.P. )N= 539.0' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 546.9' 4" P.V.C. IN= 540.1' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 538.9' 156 DI-3B L=8' TOP ELEVATION= 545.63' 15" R.C.P. IN= 541.1' 4" H.D.P.E. IN= 542.1' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 541.1' DRAINAGE STRUCTURES (CON'T) 157 DI-3B L=6' TOP ELEVATION= 546.44' 4" P. V. C IN= 544, 1' 4" P. V. C IN= 543.4' 15" R.C.P. OUT= 542.0' 158 DI-12 TOP ELEVATION= 547.84' 15" RC.P. OUT= 543.7' 159 DI-3B L=6' TOP ELEVATION= 550.98' 15" R.C.P. IN= 541,8' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 541.7' 160 DI-3B L=6' TOP ELEVATION= 547.63' 18" R.C.P. IN= 540.2' 18" R.C.P. OUT 540.2' 161 MANHOLE TOP ELEVATION= 542.91 ' 18" R.C.P. IN= 536.1' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 536.0' 162 DI-3B L=10' TOP ELEVATON= 539.89' 18" R. C A IN (FROM 161)= 534,1 ' 15" R.C.P. IN (FROM 163)= 534.5' 4" P, V.0 IN= 537.3' 18" R.C.P. OUT 534.2' 163 DI-3B L=6' TOP ELEVATION= 542.71 ' 4" P. V. C IN= 540. 5' 15" R.C.P. OUT 537 5' 164 MANHOLE TOP ELEVA770N= 533.54' 18" R.C.P. IN= 528.5' 4" P. V. C. IN= 530.1 ' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 528.5' 165 DAM OUTLET STRUCTURE TOP WEIR ELEVATION= 452.49' 166 TWIN BOX CULVERT INLET INVERT ELEVATION= 434.8' 167 TWIN BOX CULVERT OUTLET INVERT ELEVATION= 434.36' 168 END SECTION ES-1 54" R.C.P. OUT= 452.93' 169 END SECTION ES-1 54" R. C. P. IN= 459.0' J70 OUTFALL 24" C.M.P. OUT= 468.7' 171 4' D1A. C.M.P. RISER TOP ELEVATION= 481.28' 24' C M. P. IN= (INACCESSIBLE) 172 HEADWALL 24 " C.M.P. OUT= 484.9' 173 DI-3B L=12' TOP ELEVATION= 515.07' (FULL OF SEDIMENT) 174 DI-3B L=8' TOP ELEVATION= 516.21 ' (FULL OF SEDIMENT) 175 DI-3B L=6' TOP ELEVATION= 517.41 ' (FULL OF SEDIMENT) 176 DI-3B L=8' TOP ELEVATION= 517.51 ' 18" R.CP. IN= 5078' ?" R. C, P. OUT= 507.7' 177 DI-.3C L=6' TOP ELEVATION= 517.78' 18" R. C. P. IN= 509.1 ' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 509.0' 178 DI-3B L=8' TOP ELEVATION= 519,11 ' 15" R.C.P. IN= 510.3' 18" R.C.P. OUT= 510,1' 179 DI-3B L=8' TOP ELEVATION= 519,17' 8" PVC. IN= 515.4' 15" R. C P OUT= 510.9' SANITARY SEWER STRUCTURES SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE #1 TOP ELEVATION= 534. - 8" P. V.C. IN= 517.6' 8" PVC. OUT= 5174' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 12 TOP ELEVATION= 533 O3' 8" P. V. C IN & OUT= 513. 5' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE I3 TOP ELEVATION= 530.59' 8" P.V.C. IN= 509.5' 8" D.I.P. OUT= 509.5' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 14 TOP ELEVATION= 502.09' 8" D.I.P. IN (FROM //8)= 494.0' 8" D.I.P. IN (FROM I3)= 493.9' 8" P. V C. OUT= 493.8' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 15 TOP ELEVATION= 478.04' 8" P.V.C. IN= 470.2' 8" P. V C. OUT= 470.2' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 16 TOP ELEVATION= 52,. 42' 8" P. V.C. IN= 516.1 ' 8" P. V C. OUT= 516.3' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 17 TOP ELEVATION= 523.54' 6" P. V C IN= 514. 8' 8" P.V.C. OUT= 514.6' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 18 TOP ELEVATION= 523.13' 8" PVC IN= 513.3' 8" P. VC. OUT= 513.1 ' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 19 TOP ELEVATION= 478.44' 8" PVC. IN (FROM 15)= 468.6' 8" P. V C. IN (FROM II3)= 467. 8' 8" P. V C. OUT (TO /10)= 467.6' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE /10 TOP ELEVATION= 459.03' (LID SEALED) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE /11 TOP ELEVATION= 455.57' (LID SEALED) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 112 TOP ELEVATION= 457.92' 8' P. VC, IN= 441. 4' 8" P.V.C. OUT= 441.2' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE #13 TOP ELEVATION= 483.99' 8" P. V C IN= 471.8' 8" AV.0 OUT= 471.5' SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE 114 TOP ELEVATION= 550.12' 8" P. V C IN= 533: 8' 8" PV.C. OUT= 533.7' LEDEND AB = ABANDONED LINE ARV = AIR RELEASE VALVE ASPH = ASPHALT BW = BOTTOM OF WALL CB = STORM DRAINAGE CURB BOX CG-3 = CONCRETE CURB CG-6 = CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER CIP = CAST-IRON PIPE CMP = CORREGATED METAL PIPE CO = CLEAN -OUT C or CONC = CONCRETE COND = CONDUIT CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK DI = STORM DRAINAGE DROP INLET DIP = DUCTILE -IRON PIPE DOG = DOGWOOD TREE EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT EW = ENDWALL G L = GAS LI N E GM = GAS METER GV = GAS VALVE HDPE = HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE LV = LOW VOLTAGE MB = MAIL BOX MH = MANHOLE OE = OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE OT = OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE OTV = OVERHEAD TELEVISION LINE PE = POLYETHYLENE PIPE PED = UTILITY PEDESTAL PIV = POST INDICATOR VALVE RCP = REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SD = STORM DRAIN LINE SP = STANDPIPE SS = SANITARY SEWER LINE TW = TOP OF WALL UE = UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UFO = UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC UT = UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE UTV = UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE WL = WATER LINE WM = WATER METER ? = UNKNOWN OR UNVERIFIED LOCATION NOTES: 1.) HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD-83 VIRGINIA SOUTH ZONE 0 = MANHOLE & = WATER VALVE = FIRE HYDRANT rD = GAS VALVE p = UTILITY POLE = LAMP POST ® = WATER METER @ = WATER MANHOLE ® = ELECTRIC VAULT & MANHOLE ® = TELEPHONE VAULT & MANHOLE j] = TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX © = ELECTRIC JUNCTION BOX 0 = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER on = GAS METER _W = SIGN POST o = POST or BOLLARD = IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE M = STANDPIPE 0 = EMERGENCY TELEPHONE = TREE or BUSH X = SPOT ELEVATION ® = WATER METER Q3 = WATER VALVE c} = FIRE HYDRANT 2.) VERTICAL DATUM: NAVD-88 BENCHMARK: UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA BRASS DISK "NF2," SET IN CONCRETE, LOCATED 4.5' FROM THE FACE OF CURB ON THE EAST SIDE OF LEWIS AND CLARK DRIVE APPROXIMATELY 370' NORTH OF THE INTERSECTION WITH DISCOVERY DRIVE. ELEVATION = 543.93' 3.) THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WERE UTILIZED IN DRAFTING THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: FIELD SURVEYS OF MARKED LINES; TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, AS -BUILT PLANS, AND SITE PLANS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION; AND UTILITY MAPS PROVIDED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION AND THE UTILITY COMPANIES. NO UNDERGROUND INVESTIGATION OF UTILITIES WAS PERFORMED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. UTILITY OPERATORS: SANITARY SEWER - ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY WATER - ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY TELEPHONE - SPRINT, UVA TELEVISION - ADELPHIA ELECTRIC - DOMINION VIRGINIA POWER GAS - CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE MISS UTILITY CONTACT INFORMATION: 1-800-552-7001 4.) PREPARED FOR: UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION 5.) ONLY THE AREAS WITHIN THE "SURVEY LIMITS" SHOWN HEREON WERE SURVEYED BY KIRK HUGHES AND ASSOCIATES. THE TOPOGRAPHIC AND PLANIMETRIC INFORMATION OUTSIDE OF THESE LIMITS WAS SURVEYED BY OTHERS AND PROVIDED TO US BY THE UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION. 6.) THIS TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS COMPLETED UNDER THE DIRECT AND RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OF KIRK HUGHES, L.S. FROM AN ACTUAL GROUND SURVEY MADE UNDER HIS SUPERVISION; THAT THE ORIGINAL DATA WAS OBTAINED ON STARTING IN MAY THRU AUGUST 2016; AND THAT THIS PLAT, MAP OR DIGITAL GEOSPATIAL DATA INCLUDING MEfADATA MEETS MINIMUM ACCURACY STANDARDS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. "MISS UTILITY OF VIRGINIA" CALL 811 TICKET : A613901376 REV: OOA TAKEN: 05/18/16 01:33 PM STATE: VA CNTY: ALBEMARLE PLACE: SUBDIVISION. NORTH FORK RESEARCH PARK ADDRESS : 1000 RESEARCH PARK BLVD RESPONSES DUE BY: 05/23/16 07:00 AM EXPIRES: 06/10/16 07:00 AM MARKING DESCRIPTION RESPONSE CODE ACS ALBEMARLE - WATER & SEWER (ACSA26) 05/20/16 04:20 PM 30 'MISS UTILITY OF VIRGINIA' CALL 811 TICKET : A613901387 REV: OOA TAKEN: 05/18/16 01:45 PM STATE: VA CNTY: ALBEMARLE PLACE: SUBDIVISION: NORTH FORK RESEARCH PARK ADDRESS : LEWIS AND CLARK DR RESPONSES DUE BY. 05/23/16 07:00 AM EXPIRES: 06/10/16 07:00 AM MARKING DESCRIPTION RESPONSE CODE ACS ALBEMARLE - WATER & SEWER (ACSA26) 05/20/16 04:20 PM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: SCOTT KREBELDER (434)531-0714 EXT 146 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (434)531-0714 EXT 146 CTL CENTURYLINK (CTL154) 05/21/16 11:03 AM 10 CIVIC MARKED FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (800)788-3600 CVL CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY -GAS (CVL222) 05/19/16 08:51 AM 30 CTL NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: BENCHMARK (804)550-7740 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (434)970-3800 DOM DOMINION VA POWER ELEC DI (DOM710) 05/21/16 11:05 AM 10 CVL MARKED FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (888)667-3000 LMS LUMOS NETWORK (LMS578) 05/21/16 11:05 AM 10 DOM MARKED FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (877)411-6930 LTC LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS (LTC903) 05/25/16 09:01 AM 70 LMS CRITICAL FACILITY MARKED. LOCATOR OR UTILITY OPERATOR MUST CONTACT EXCAVATOR AND MUST BE PRESENT DURING EXCAVATION FIELD CONTACT: CALL CENTER (877)366-8344 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (877)366-8344 EXT 3 LTC "MISS UTILITY OF VIRGINIA" CALL 811 TICKET ; A613901400 REV: OOA TAKEN: 05/18/16 01:48 PM STATE: VA CNTY: ALBEMARLE PLACE: SUBDIVISION: NORTH FORK RESEARCH PARK ADDRESS : 1000 RESEARCH PARK BLVD RESPONSES DUE BY: 05/23/16 07:00 AM EXPIRES: 06/10/16 07:00 AM CLICK HERE TO VIEW ANY AVAILABLE UTILITY SITE LOCATION INFORMATION MARKING DESCRIPTION RESPONSE CODE ACS ALBEMARLE - WATER & SEWER (ACSA26) D5/20/16 04:20 PM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT. SCOTT KREBELDER (434)531-0714 EXT 146 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (434)531-0714 EXT 146, CIVIC COMCAST (CMC001) 05/29/16 10:08 PM 9&; NO RESPONSE REQUIRED FROM THIS TERMINAL FIELD CONTACT: STEVE WAYBRIGHT (704)307-5103 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (800)441-6917 EXT OPT 1 CTL CENTURYLINK (CTL154) 05/21/16 11:03 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (800)788-3600 CVL CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY -GAS (CVL222) 05/19/16 08:53 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: BENCHMARK (804)550-7740 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (434)970-3800 DOM DOMINION VA POWER ELEC DI (DOM710) 05/21/16 11:05 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA, FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (888)667-3000 LMS LUMOS NETWORK (LMS578) 05/21/16 11:05 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (877)411-6930 LTC LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS (LTC903) 05/25/16 09:01 AM 70 CRITICAL FACILITY MARKED. LOCATOR OR UTILITY OPERATOR MUST CONTACT EXCAVATOR AND MUST BE PRESENT DURING EXCAVATION FIELD CONTACT: CALL CENTER (877)366-8344 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (877)366-8344 EXT 3 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: SCOTT KREBELDER (434)531-0714 EXT 146 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (434)531-0714 EXT 146 COMCAST (CMC001) 05/29/16 10:08 PM 96 NO RESPONSE REQUIRED FROM THIS TERMINAL FIELD CONTACT: STEVE WAYBRIGHT (704)307-5103 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (800)441-6917 EXT OPT 1 CENTURYLINK (CTL154) 05/21/16 11:03 AM 10 MARKED FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (800)788-3600 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY -GAS (CVL222) 05/19/16 08:54 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: BENCHMARK (804)550-7740 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (434)970-3800 DOMINION VA POWER ELEC DI (DOM710) OV21/16 11:05 AM 10 MARKED FIELD CONTACT: S & N {804}608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (888)667-3000 LUMOS NETWORK (LMS578) 05/21/16 11:05 AM 10 MARKED FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (877)411-6930 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS (LTC903) 05/25/16 09:01 AM 70 CRITICAL FACILITY MARKED. LOCATOR OR UTILITY OPERATOR MUST CONTACT EXCAVATOR AND MUST BE PRESENT DURING EXCAVATION FIELD CONTACT: CALL CENTER (877)366-8344 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (877)366-8344 EXT 3 'MISS UTILITY OF VIRGINIA' CALL 811 TICKET . A613901411 REV: ODA TAKEN: 05/18/16 01:51 PM STATE: VA CNTY: ALBEMARLE PLACE: SUBDIVISION: NORTH FORK RESEARCH PARK ADDRESS : LEWIS AND CLARK DR RESPONSES DUE BY: 05/23/16 07:00 AM EXPIRES: 06/10/16 07:00 AM CLICK HERE TO VIEW ANY AVAILABLE UTILITY SITE LOCATION INFORMATION MARKING DESCRIPTION RESPONSE CODE ACS ALBEMARLE - WATER & SEWER (ACSA26) 05/20/16 04:20 PM 30 CIVIC 1 CTL CVL DOM LMS LTC W TH 00 II,15�1 7' 0-4 U �P. G.V. "KIRK" HUGHES MC. NO. 1458 (44 *h, S URA E�o4 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: SCOTT KREBELDER (434)531-0714 EXT 146 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (434)531-0714 EXT 146 COMCAST (CMC001) 05/30/16 10:02 AM 96 NO RESPONSE REQUIRED FROM THIS TERMINAL FIELD CONTACT: STEVE WAYBRIGHT (704)307-5103 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (800)441-6917 EXT OPT CENTURYLINK (CTL154) 05/21/16 11:03 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (800)788-3600 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY -GAS (CVL222) 05/19/16 08:52 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: BENCHMARK (804)550-7740 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (434)970-3800 DOMINION VA POWER ELEC DI (DOM710) 05/21/16 11:03 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA, FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (888)667-3000 LUMOS NETWORK (LMS578) 05/21/16 11:03 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: S & N (804)608-5640 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (877)411-6930 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS (LTC903) 05/24/16 09:18 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: CALL CENTER (877)366-8344 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (877)366-8344 EXT 3 RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC (REC506) 05/20/16 09:45 AM 30 NO CONFLICT; UTILITY IS OUTSIDE OF STATED WORK AREA. FIELD CONTACT: UTILIQUEST (703)754-2116 IN THE EVENT OF DAMAGE TO A FACILITY CALL: (540)891-5945 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY: RIVANNA MAGISTERIAL. DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNT`(, VIRGINIA AUGUST 12, 2016 CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' KIRK HUGHES & ASSOCIATES LAND SURVEYORS & PLANNERS 220 EAST HIGH STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902 (434) 296-6942 C:\SURVEYS\2016\2016-056 UVAF TC-4\EX-CONDITIONS\2016-056-01.DWG Plotted on 08/12/16 at 15:49:04, WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville • Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Q 2 U Z Q � � W ' 11116010 LLI Q � Q< Z L W Uj m � U Q >�LL o O O Z o V) U w Z EXISTING CONDITIONS EXHIBIT Job Number: 1640 Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Seale: �o Sheet No.: copyright O 2019 by Woolley Engineering C2,90 3of3 0 _ n w0 -LPN _. W] r a rM9 14 120 WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville - Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.wooUey-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Univ, of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 SITE PLAN AMENDMENT rkoe Q U Z Q � w > J Q Q Z � W U Uj m Q jZ LL O O O Z o V) U w Z EXISTING CONDITIONS EXHIBIT Job Number: 1640 Date: May 20, 2019 Some: �, IN Sheet No.: copyright © 2019 by Woolley Engineering 1 / / / copyright C 2019 by Woolley Engineering �E , ,.� Eq "� I 2 PEI __ r DRIVE // 11P " ,,- / / I/ // " � . ��, 'O � �1' / I , , � " X I I 1i ; / If ,/ , _- I �, , , � , ,�-- ,__,X`,D1"1" ,� ,,, I � ,,, 7 I , / -, , - I " ` . - �'jn / � I 1, , _�' I / j ,,� ,,, ", " " � � I 'j�: I 5[1�17','. , I , � /11 I I'll/ � � , � - � , , �, � I I , " -1 ____ -_ / � ": .. , Letr _') / 11 1`11" . 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TAX MAP- 32-04-00 - P: (434) 982-3777 U B. 1039, PG. 384 ZONED: RA TAX MAP: 32-04-QO f ZONED: RA N/F WOODBRIAR ASSOCIATES N/F DON SCOTT D.B. 1556, PG. 97 BUCER0 D.B. 4197, PG. 128 TAX MAP: 32-G0-01 TAX MAP: 32-04-RO ZONED: RA �,/#/=' ZONED: PRQ N/F SMITH, BENJAMIN E & TARA C SMITH MAJOR 7, - TAX MAP 3 04 SO -' SITE PLAN ZONED: RA �;; '. f NA RIVANNA WATER & SEWER AUTHORITY AMENDMENT D.B. 1049 PG. 98 N/F ZUBY DAVID S. &LINDA C. N/F KERN, JOHN h CATHY L. TAX MAP: �2E-01-AO D.B. 1379, PG, 142 D.B. 1829,.•PG. 367 ZONED: RA TAX MAP: 32-102-00 TAX MAP: ' 32-04-NO Q TAX MAP. �. ZONED: RA ZONED: RA 32-BA � N/F HUSSAINI, YVONNE N/F BECKMAN, MARK A. & GAIL L 1., ��. D.B. D.B. 905, PG. 614 TAX MAAP:P: 32-103-00 TAX MAP: 32-04-PO ZONED; RA .ZONED: RA + N/F DESMOND, SCOTT A. & DENISE L. r * D.B. 1474, PG. 241 N/F SPENDER, MARK & APRIL LEE \ ��',r TAX MAP: 32-77-00 D.B. 4613, PG. 151 ZONED: RA TAX MAP: 32-100-00 `� �•.�,pjy N REGION TEN COMMUNITY SERVICES ZONED: RA D.B. 1719, PG. 116 N/F WOODBRIAR ASSOCIATES TAX MAP: 32-76-00 �, D.B. 1556, PG. 97 ZONED: RA ' TAX MA. 32 GO -CO ._�'' RA N/F WEBSTER, WARREN J. & RUTH N. PETER J. & AMY S. quo D.B. 1601, PG. 504 N/F RICOTTA, sq TAX MAP: 32-101-00 - 8� W4I%5): TAX MAP 32-750 00 �' . *��' ZONED: RA I' \ N/F WIN 0 S RUN LLC N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION ZONED: RA q l 1 N/F SEMIN28, NORTH LLC D.B. 4242, PG. 386 / D.B. PG. 674 D.B. 2712, PG. 325 < Z -, AP28, o •pp - TAX MAP: TAX MAP: 32-04-FO TAX MAP: 32-19-H1 '� �� ZONED: RA ZONED: PDIP '' �� � '� TAX MAP 32-6AN �2)&(31N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION D.B. 2712, PG. 325 `� BRIDGE SHAW, LIN04 A F. EVA N WILSON , J N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION ti "�. D.B. 1961, PG. 318 TAX MAP: 32-19-H �,* ZONED: PDIP TAX MAP2, 32-19 F1 'PP N/F RIVERS LLC TAX MAP: 32-04-DO ZONED: RA ZONED: PDIP N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION /� 29887, PGO 42N3S (1) D.B. 2712, PG. 325 TAX MAP: 32-05-AO N/F SHAW, LINDA F. & EVA N WILSON ,� �, TAX MAP: 32-19-FO ' , ZONED: RA D.B. 2848' PG. 46 / ZONED: PDIP W w �.• w �J J (�/ N/F BOSWORTH, BARRY L & FLORENCE M D.B. 2846, PG. 213 TAX MAP: 32-04-CO / ZONED: N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION < TAX MAP: 32-09-GO RA ¢ 5 • - p D.B. 2712 PG. 325COUNTY'' i C� TAX MAP: 32-19-G0 N/F ALBEMA pL8 885SERVICE AUTHORITY ZONED: RA 1 �+�PG. 183 �` ' }�-• z ZONED: PDIP TAX MAP: 32-06-A1 , ZONED: RA Uj IV, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION ' N/F INCHEON HOLDINGS LLC TOWN CEMFAONE _ D.B. 27i2, PG. 325 .""--.••-.., Q.B. 3678, PG. 498 W co J Q TOM CFMERIWO ---_.. TAX MAP: 32-22-Kl TAX MAP: 32-19-JO �. , ZONED: RA N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION �`,' r, r ZONED: PDIP ------.__ 'L- D.B. 3838, PG. 28 �4,! ! y - - '`-ti,��'' TAX MAP: 32-19-E ----~--- N/F NEIGHBORHOOD INVESTMENTS- NP LLC L.L ZONED: PDIP ��' �' .- ,. --� , D.B. 3350, PG. 509 mot., 1`' - A``�,, TAX MAP: 32-22-KO r c rowN CENTER rrr�rf Q ZONED: PDMC LL 12 `� J (pl �J Z �`�,",� j - N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION QUAIL RUN , U VA ,. --""� D.B. 2712, 32-22B1 ~ Be, R/w , ,' , , TAX MAP: D.B. 14m, PG. 53 SITE OFT INN. ER N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDk110N j,� i ., �� ' g � / D.B. 2712, PG. 325 ,J f' ,' f ZONED: HI '� / OFFICE = :, , ING 4 TAX MAP: 32-19-Jl ,• r ' , j ry N/F ACCESS HOLDINGS LLC t � -� r ZONED: PDIP--, �'N/F JWT PROPERTIES LLC �, t D.B. 4634, PG. 564 l - D.B. 4414, PG. 53 !!� TAX MAP: 32-19-A1 rr=' % -, �__, ,7r j�, j„ `�TA\X Z4NEQ32 L22-B0 �� f ZONED: LI �',-�` l a - Cb / r -� LU "'`�, �''" T it N/F GMWTG CHARLOTTESVILLE LLC t D.B. 4649, PG. 206 N/F UNIVERSAL TEST EQUIPMENT, INC. TAX MAP: 32-19-A2 PG. 123 D.B. 1306, ZONED: LI r i ..,v, �_ TAX MAP: 32-19-B2 r �, '� `� N/F COROLLA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION ZONED: U r r + r ..' ' , �Z3 D.B. 3819, PG. 95 � TAX MAP: 32-22-Ll � °-�� � ZONED: LI N/F WRB LLC ... PG. 158 N F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION •e. f „we N/F BEARD C. RAY TRUSTEE OF D.B. 2944, / I `'' THE C. RAY BEARD LIVING TRUST D.B. 3851, PG. 182 _ TAX MAP: 32-19-C1 _- D.B. P: PG. 64 � � TAX MAP: 32-19-DO �' � `'� 6 PG. 626 ZONED: U TAX MAP: 32-19-CO .MAP 7, PG. _J �,r ZONED: PDIP .TAX 2 ZONED, PDIP �� "-r x ZONED: R-4 / '`*�'' -� �`-• i,," `tea, i �. 10'X10, '�..+•• _ - �--- SHED / N/F CRUTCHFlELD CORP. - , f , D.B. 814, PG. 350, w TAX MAP: 32-09-CO , ,.--' 1' ' 7.4 ZONED: LI N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION IPIF BARBARA �, PARK N/F HALL, LARRY B. & A. D.B. 2712-325 D.B. 886, PG. 395 D.B. 3792-292 (PLAT) �. TAX MAP: 32-67-00 6.10 ' v_ ZONED: HI BOUNDARY D.B. 1BW225 (PLAT) �. PAD TAX MAP: 32-6A BLDG. uXIB1T -.. ! ZONED: PDIP ' REMAINS N/F MILLER, LUCILLE T r�-�� NA HALL, LARRY B. & BARBARA A. , D.B. 2936, PG. 652 '" i,�, D.B. 2050, PG. 670 / ,f TAX MAP: 32-49-D1 '' - TAX MAP: 32-22-05 �, N \ ZONED: RA ` ZONED: HI lI N Job Number: 1 b40 PAD' SHEDS MOBILE HOME PARK N/F CRUCHFTELD CORP. N NORIHSIQE DRIVE LLC , 8Y18' N/F CRUTCHFlELD CORP. D.B. 1028, PG. 107 / �,/ D.B. 3532, PG. 599 D.B. 913, PG. 338 TAX MAP: 32-17-BO k s� TAX MAP: 3209-DO ZONED: U TAX MAP: 32-22-00 �'-.._9,X9' ZONED: LI i ZONED: LI � ' y 8'XB' �~ N/F WILLIAMS, JONATHAN V �,,..�' r tt D.B. 795, PG. 633 ' Vol r� ERIC W. 1►OOI,LEY MC. NO. 3708e ' TAX MAP: 32A-01-OB-11-00 �, ,� f PF -, N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION TAX MAP ZONED; R-1 °, ma 's t „ D.B. 2712, PG. 325 32-6A N/F BARBERA, CHARLES A. , - D.B. 4106, PG. 340 / 10 NAtM TAX MAP: 32-18-00 r 10 ZONED: PD-IP r TAX MAP: 32A-01-08-10-00 I "A" ZONED: R-1 DETAIL - �� N/F EAST DAVID A & KATHLEEN B NOT To sXE D.B. 3346, PG, 432 NOTE: Date: May 20, 2019 TAX MAP: OB-09-00 ZO32A-OR THIS BOUNDARY EXHIBIT HAS BEEN COMPILED FROM Revision: N/F UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA FOUNDATION se N p B oH558E DG. 79 J. BOUNDARY SURVEYS OF THE UVA RESEARCH PARK D.B.P8,2 / TAX MAP: ED-O OB-9A-00 TMA3-18B ZONED. B Y : KIRK H U G H ES & ASSOCIATES, DEWBERRY & DAVIS, ZONED: PDIP r i 9A = N/F GARWOOD, A. BRUCE, JR. & FRANCES H. ROGER RAY & ASSOCIATES, AND COUNTY GIS DATA. D.B. 1464, PG. 632 HOLLYMEAD FIRE RESCUE STATION AIRPORT ACRES TAX MAP: 32A-01-OB-08-AO THIS EXHIBIT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY AND SHALL ZONED: R-1 D.B. 3KPG, 193 z C7 / N/F PAYNE, RUSSELL W & ANNIE K NOT BE CONSIDERED A BOUNDARY PLAT. a D.B. 4789, PG. 82 TAX MAP: 32A-01-OB-08-00 161 _ TAX MAP ZONED: R-1 L o , N/F BREWER, CARL D. & LYNNE EDGELL 32-6A 7 ✓''�- D.B. 692 PG. 808 Scale: o - TAX MAP: 32A-01-OB-07-00 Ck� -'--- ZONED: R-1 C= s 1 " = 400' 6 +$ °O N/F SHIPP, GEORGE D. OR BARBARA A. Sheet NQ,; N/F 1641 EDLICH DRIVE REALTY LLC �. Q ' '- -;-_. D.B. 749 PG. 220 2 TAX MAP: 32A-01-08-06-00 D.B. 4020, PG. 569 TAX MAP: 32-41-D2 •' ZONED: R-1 ZONED: LI �•,� N/F HENSLEY, KELLY L. OR BARBARA A. ! i D.B. 1018, PG, 497 r N/F TURNER DAVID &THE MARKET PLACE TAX MAP: 32A-01-08-05-00 400 0 400 800 1200 \- �'B. 3170, PG, 306 ZONED; R-1IN N C2*3 TAX MAP: 32-41-00D N/F MARSHALL, WILLIAM SCOTT ZONED: RA �iTT� D.B. 4464, PG. 203 TAX MAP: 32-20-FO ZONED: R-1 6 of 32 copyright O 2019 by Woolley Engineering 1000 N F2 3.93 iJ e�a N;;W;',VA6' 4 a vF —A JOT jk) S 16'MW E 3426' 0 CW 9 Wff DtqL Ej MOD J IN U 6." Z TOWN CENTER 1 'I C'C r\ KICIA/ ICCA DC ov A 1� EXISTING 411 0, 244 TOTAL SPACES 0) z A -4 0) X�STOW N CENTER 2 EXISTI WNG + 'AA (0 + S,73ca2 5 Z-1 l� 1,73 43' Nk, RC n TOWN CENTER 3 EXISTING FIFE 520.41 NUMBER DELTA RADIUS ARC TANGENT CHORD BEARING CHORD C1 63045'49' 100.00 111.29 62.20 S 11 05011 " E 105.63 C2 94000'03' 100.00 164,06 107.24 8 2605 718" E 14617 C3 350361 F 38.00 23.61 12,20 N 01 04523" W 23.24 C4 I 07042-38' 1432.48 158.20 129.14 1 N 7917'49" E_ 58,16 oly- GL ad Moo LU L11 LLJ ne LU U_ < LU — ce ne 57 0 cli THIS EXHIBIT IS FOR :z 00 INFORMATION ONLY! 40 0 40 80 120 WooLLEYENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.wooRey-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 2-2903 P, (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT LEASE BOUNDARY EXHIBIT Job Number: 1640 TH OP ERIC W. VOOLLEY LIC. NO. 37088 0 0 NAL Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: 1 40' Sheet No.: C2.4 7 of 32 copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering F Jff $ f Nw f s" �..'•• lfj *, d e d" 1• 'a y� m x � r � �� ,,f"'�" :. ' �i °w �, X z„ � > �L�g�', y4 P� A o W 1 �,,...,.� '�'"'r- " ✓' ! r ........ --.. °*,:y',-� ,*'� f. -, ` °a""` � 1• �e w��t� r� � � yx-;-,• • �,.,,.N--may, f �d q X, t ,+, } f „". , 1 . ✓ '" i 1 .." :. ,r+ -.vas`"- �"t"`"" _ „r �� ... ''. eqs q� r- .; :'- me mf. �+' sae �'" r �•':"`. � .r�?'x f _ :''"`;.-,c^'`"".^ ��€_ i 1 �; 7 s --�...`.„,+,.« � �f ��'� swt ° {-'- � O Y ,d � t :'. >. - ' ,�' �„r. , ., .•::, :,;.: `tee t' F x t XrvA `�..,»...+`'`- � '" < - �^ 1". .,:. �,::' ,�'" j -�-"' .y � �u � r , c Au„ X ,,d`'•^'+` .%;� , , `�. "� , :,1 ...-�'''"',° ==`(` `F m' 4 _ t"�-w.. ,,"^fier } ' A` t - r' r r' ,.'."e,-'. >� 1 ?'� i i 5`i „�S r 1 r✓ �''"; p'`G,; ,, - �' i ,,+!^° ! 1, f, �,�l 'iKf - v f aexe / y \ b d 1 OF 'A say X ,{ � ; - � ese °'' _.. �• -, � - x - ; d ` mt ' - ,,.9 ,.'a,' - '"' ¢'°' ,✓'�, .l .,.-'"ram';^'! 0 1 .'"d d' mo40 F .`�'° ,,+'' - '�,, [ .�"w. x 1 k''%F' 1 Yam•-',e "' I _+.,. X g,.,,;" „^ a' Q: 1� �+ .,,,w 4,,.y;ad 4., a a'ti�'"'` -_ "'-, 5✓' !•^ --„�(� ._1 '�{' ;, ,� .�,,a„ .et r V) C} ✓ �btvr X Q. N, ; w� q. i 1 1 >ar S f 4 eetr x �T $ ✓ 1' � .: '' pi ',.f; '.�; ,.'�! .� `�' � .. F }! � . >� ,d-�` X �....��-•, i i,, �,.,•-,t� ,� 1,. � \-' d' ,' � ,d ° x - j i GRADING/DISTURBANCETHE LIMITS OF CURRENTLY ILLUSTRATED PLAN GENERALLY CONFORM . THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ON THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED GENERAL DEVELOPMENT r PLAN. 1 f t d� ter' , t y �-_ 25 `{P� or GREATER SLOPES XKI ! / f � � � ' � :'1 R :: �:, >tr .;. ,.. .: �k i"". a:. s a �". :a_ ,l-. ::_ : i1 �, ...,a*-'�+-�,�,�::�_. :._• .•.. ,. ,..:.._ -.:., 5.: �: � ..:.. a.,,.���. �, .. � r.�,n ,..,.. r. „i.,-.... ,,... - � ,. r ,<.:: ;K'�,`<..1.' t. ,:.,! xzr ..:':- _-': ,,--.. -'.. ',:-. :.'...'�.: �...'�i �t a.. � i �..-. / 3i. �1 .. � 4 •. ..d' .+->-.,... i f 7l / .. -. 50 0 50 100 150 SCALE: I" = 50' CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2' Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Q Z: U Z QLU � ry Q U-j J Q (^ W m Q O O Z O V)ry U w Z CRITICAL SLOPES EXHIBIT Job Number: 1640 TH OF MC. NO. 87088 � 0 5-20-2019 Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: 1"=50' Sheet No.: C3,90 copyright O 2019 by Woolley Engineering .Cj o' .A ' r SPAC x 37 5, > SEGMENTED RETAINING V 14SPACES Ei LON �--SITE LIGHT (TYP.) ES DID TER ENC'1,O R (SOS 1.0) 00, C,G A (TYP.) FUTURE/RESERVED,; PARKING i 2 LOADIN SPACES 4 LEWIS & CLARK DRIVE STATE ROUTE 1571 Combined TC 1 & TC4 ADT = 920 VPD 40% z`' °# TOWN CENTER EXISTING / � �\ 244 TOTAL SPACES - to , O N& A $� TOWN CENTER 2 Q EXISTING I'll ell 1 rT<' TOWN CENTER 3 EXISTING FIFE 520.41 I� SOUTH GREEN PARK AREA L WIS C( General Notes: 1. See architectural plans for sidewalk treatment and scoring patterns. 2. See architectural plans for site concrete details and crosswalk details. 3. See architectural plans for patio amendments to Town Center 3. 4. See C4.1 for parking information. LINE LEGEND: - - = CENTER LINE E—E—E—E =CONDUIT — — — — — — = EASEMENT PARKING LEGEND: --------------- = EX. UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LOW -EMISSION VEHICLE OR --------------- _ _._ ------- = EX. UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC FUEL-EFFICENT VEHICLE GAs LINE - -- q HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE — =EAS = PROPERTY LINE HANDICAPPED = SANITARY SEWER = STORM SEWER PARKING SPACE [TYP,) = EX. UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE (9,XIF) TRAIL MOTORCYCLE SPACE (TYP.) = EX, UNDERGROUND TV (d'xe) WATER LINE LEGEND AB = ABANDONED LINE O =MANHOLE ADT = AVERAGE DAILY TRIPS 19 = WATER VALVE ARV = AIR RELEASE VALVE ASPH = ASPHALT -U- = FIRE HYDRANT BW = BOTTOM OF WALL Kp = GAS VALVE CB = STORM DRAINAGE CURB BOX CG-3 = CONCRETE CURB -t3 = UTILITY POLE CG-b = CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER = LAMP POST CIP = CAST-IRON PIPE CMP = CORREGATED METAL PIPE ® = WATER METER CO = CLEAN -OUT [ j = WATER MANHOLE C or CONC = CONCRETE COND = CONDUIT ® = ELECTRIC VAULT & MANHOLE CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK ® = TELEPHONE VAULT & MANHOLE DI = STORM DRAINAGE DROP INLET DIP = DUCTILE -IRON PIPE T[] = TELEPHONE JUNCTION BOX DOG = DOGWOOD TREE © =ELECTRIC JUNCTION BOX ELEV. = ELEVATION EP = EDGE OF PAVEMENT ® = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER EW = ENDWALL EX. = EXISTING ® -GAS METER FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION = SIGN POST FH =FIRE HYDRANT GL = GAS LINE o = POST or BOLLARD GM = GAS METER (D = IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE GV = GAS VALVE HDPE = HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE =STANDPIPE LY =LOW VOLTAGE G = EMERGENCY TELEPHONE MB = MAIL BOX MH = MANHOLE (D = TREE or BUSH OHE = OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE X = SPOT ELEVATION OHT = OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE OHTV = OVERHEAD TELEVISION LINE ® = WATER METER PE = POLYETHYLENE PIPE ® =WATER VALVE PED = UTILITY PEDESTAL PIV = POST INDICATOR VALVE (> = FIRE HYDRANT RCP = REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SD = STORM DRAIN LINE = TREE GRATE SP = STANDPIPE SS = SANITARY SEWER LINE STA= STATION SW = SIDEWALK TW = TOP OF WALL UGE = UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE UGFO = UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC UGT = UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE UGTV = UNDERGROUND TELEVISION LINE VPD = VEHICLES PER DAY WL = WATER LINE LU z WM = WATER METER O ? = UNKNOWN OR UNVERIFIED LOCATION U z O �¢ W o� z� z 40 0 40 80 160 WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Cavil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville . Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 {honer Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Q = Q U Z ry Q � � p > ry LU Q 04 W Iry Q Z � W W m � � Q LL O O Z O � Z LAYOUT PLAN Job Number: 1640 OP EPIC W. WOOLLEY LTC, NO. 3708r � 5-20-2019 �yWw s-1QNA1, S Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: 1" = 40' Sheet No.: C4*0 9 of 32 Copyright p 2019 by Woolley Engineering L, �j Two A LOADING SPACES D, 0 S IN, IS, --, '71 00 N 2.5 SPACES # 40�S PAC ES zl\ 45 SPACES � i � ;_ `� h) 717 4 N'4SPACES x "N" 41 SPACES F x jg 37 SPAM 3 A IN z N, %kka "fe ft--u. Yll ff 17 z�, 18 S P A C ES 54 SPACES 55 SPACES lhlt� 41 SPACES 26 SPACES �,., 19 SPACES 3 7 SPACE' ACES % LjJ CM Ld LLI LL- % LAJ Z: LM LM ce- > 00 4010 own Center Farl(ingYaTISTICS: Building Statistics Proposed Use: General Office Buildings Gross Square Footage: 70,563 80% of Gross Square Footage: 56,466.4 Parking Spaces Required: 2823 Parking Spaces Provided: 216 TDM Reduction: 23.5% Parking Statistics a. Required Parking Spaces: Commercial Office: One Space per 200 sf of Net Floor Space Gross Combined Floor Space = 352,631 sf Net Floor Space = 80% GFS = 282,105 sf Required Spaces: 1,411 Combined Total Spaces Provided: 1,133 (19.7% reduction) it 0 50 100 151 F WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville. Virginia 22902 (434)973.0045 www.woolley-eng.com L.and.scave AjeWited Red Clair Landscape A3-&- 912',-5kxth Street SE Charlottesville, Vixghda 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Fotmdarfflon One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 229W P(434) 982-3777 Pr -TA J AM A A rL DAIAI, b4g, Q CL < z < Uj v) > LU U, < W Q W m ry > z LL 0 Z D F— 0 V) CZ U Uj z ZD e r-4 R0,ING PLAN Job Numbeir: 1640 11 OP .1c W. Y,0()LLCY MC. NO. 370B*�� Date: 2 0, 2 0111 Revision: Scale: Sleet No.: copyright @ 2019 by Woolley Engineering ill 0 of -133 -'2? 0 P1 Sta = 10+00.00 N = 3942450.56 E = 11501123.79 1 = 00'00'00"R LEGEND BOP = BEGINNING OF PROFILE EOP = END OF PROFILE HDPE = HIGH -DENSITY POLYETHYLENE LEN = LENGTH PC = POINT OF CURVATURE PI = POINT OF I NTERWTION PRC = POINT OF RESERVE CURVE PT = POI t6,T OF TAN STA - STATIO V I CAL POINT OF CURVATURE =� L PO To VPC = V ICAL POINT OF CURVATURE �fPl= ERTICAL POINT OF INTERSECTION I VP = VERTICAL POINT OF TANGENCY 40 0 40 80 120 SCALES: 1 40' HORZ. 1 5' VERT. 0 CD -14- — + o of In VPI STA = 10+-80.00 II II VPI EL = 546,74 TYPICAL STREET SECTION B 555 < __j gl = —3.00% 555 (f) g2 = —9.25% 0 00 0 z .S V) CURVE LEN 130.00 P 0 co 0 6 4e C3 Q) Q) M K = 20.80 Lo + n M + 10 26 ft- M E = 1.02 ;—� re 0 —6 tt. 8 ft. —1311.— W.IldngTrail Planting Strip 550 550 < I 11 _j lud +.j, ne — .1" ; 12" 114!' 1/4' V 2: 1 > Centerline - J. OOZ — < I-_ 0 CL < I— LU z > U) VPl STA 14+60.00 LU U Segmented Blook Retafning Wall (See Plan) VPI EL = 523.00 z INSET A n > > D 545 q1 q2 = 2.00% 0 13= STA. 10+00 TO STA. 15+35 — 545 C� N EXISTING GRADE CURVE . LEN 8000 LU V) tri a,) K = M .36 In OL + 0 Iq 00 E = 033 1`0 C,4 + In 0 Cle -It to < > 11 CL INSETA 540 540 ii //—PROPOSED GRADE VPI STA 13+30.00 _j < I— _j VPI EL = 529,87 C) EL U) U-1 gl = —3.00% d V) 0 0 0 EL CL g2 = —5.28% N + Ln + In O_ Li 2" ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COARSE > > CURVE LEN 60.00 lt 11 In — 0 11 TYPE SM-9.5A 535 LO K 26.28 1 2" ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COARSE 535 = 11 1 1 L1 11 _j TYPE BM-25.0 8" AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL TYPE I NO. 21-AII + E = 0.17 < 0 CL < I-_ / — In Q_ Cn > cn CL N < In U 1-- STANDARD CG-6 SEE TYPICAL DETAIL < 1-- C C EL > CL > +tJ In — Ln I I SUBGRADE CSR 10 - COMPACT PER GEOTECHNICAL SPECS. 530 530 U) n.t.s. D_ (I- Li cn L_ 525 525— VPI S__A = 12+30.00 0CD VPI EL. = 532.87 0 W CC) —2.005r -00%, gl = —9.25% + r,� + Cv g2 = —3.00% n LO n 00 0.507 520 520 CURVE LEN 130.00 In K = 20.80 < < 11 E = 1.02 Cn W On W Uj > > 0- EL > > 515 J 515 LO QD + co Q0 N 0 "r— C6 (6 N� -0 0 C,� N 510 LC) LO LO LC) L0 L0 L( Lo LO 1510 i 1 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 WooLLEYENGIN-EERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.wooRey-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT U Z Cz < 04 U_j V) > U.j LL w W< < z :E LQ LLJ co Cz > LL U_ 0 O O z D F_ 0 V) W U W z ROAD PLAN & PROFILE Job Number: 1640 OF >., i� ERIC W. TOOLLEY LTC. NO. 37088 0 0 Al, Date: M a y 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: 1" = 40' Sheet No.: copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering C4.2 11 of 32 WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.woolley-engxom Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE FLAN AMENDMENTI Q U z QCY 04 w cn � J Q W Uj m lJ ( 1 J L.L 0 0 Q r H O � ry U w Z SIGHT DISTANCE PROFILE Job Number: 1640 3 OF ERIC W. WOOLLEY MC. NO. 37088 W o� 1w �sS1ONAL �'� Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: kmC Sheet No.: C4.3 12 of 32 copyright O 2019 by Woolley Engineering copyright @ 2019 by Woolley Engineering 0 52J.3 WooLLEY E' NGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville a Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P; (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ry Q I Q � Z Q 04 � cn Q > Uj ry Q W Q Z Z � ca ry lJ J Q O O H Z Z) O � ry Z SPOT ELEVATION PLAN Job Number: 1640 ERIC W. WOOLLEY LIC. NO. 3708f i'' 5-20-2019 �y.0 O NA L Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: 1"=20' Sheet No.: C5e 1 14 of 32 copyright a 2019 by Woolley Engineering WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville m Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.wooUey-eng.corn. Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch, 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Q U Z Q � � � w Q w ry z Z U m Q r j Z 0 O O Z V)rplo U w Z UTILITIES PLAN Job Number: 1640 OP l ERIC W. VOOLLEY MC. NO. 37088 AV ,A©��s�� storrn�. �� Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: Sheet No_ copyright O 2019 by Woolley Engineering 0- 540 540 1 < LU 10 IL Ui-: 0- �2 Proposed Surface Grade (Tp.) 535 4z 0 , C—L 0 CL s 535 (0 5 530 30 525 12" Class 51 DIP 14 L 525 520 520 0 8" Class 52 DIP WL U 515 Coe 2- 0 515 U 00 1 11 minimum 18" separation 0 X 0 a rZ between water and V� :t: (n z it wer 11 -ies < sani ary se C: _C U CL 2 -a > 2 LU LU 0 o- 06 LU (1 0 OL LO W-) 510 LO 0110 0 E: N 00 N N �2 Z� 510 !Q i — til rl Lr U') 10 M A, 01 10 Ua aim C4 Cq 579 06 0: 10 C6 U� C, M No be 0, g Q; C� cN �2 co + T ZN_ '5 o 20 L� 0 Z) 000 F), Lon. 1811, + '5 7 'D + 5 + U + -0 + + + + + + + + + + + 0 + 00 T CO CO C> 0-0 C) -0 C14 C14 N -0 4- 0 0 C �n LO LO � 04 — 75 P 0 A 0 C, LO '0 '0 C: '0 10 .0 — 0) �20 (D T C C U 0 C C: U E 0 U 60 MID WO co C: U-1 C E Q C C > C q > C13 L '0 0 9 .9 00 0 0) c 0 0 co 0 C _R 0 — (D 0 C !;= U — U 0 0 0 .2 .0 0 I= "0 X 0 0 E .0 .2 .2 X 4- V) + Lo 4- 4- LQ +_ -r- D) :7- 5) E 10 0 LU V� C) 0 A__ 4- 4- -t- CN 0 0 U 0 a a - &� a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 C4 04 C� cNi 0.+ 0 V) V) V) V31 in 505 Cn Cn Cq V) N U1 1-1) V) N CN C� -4 505 tn U� V), Im De L V) 04 'n N IN . N I ", I V) Cn L� Co LZ z . 6;-, tn V) 4 �n 4 V) U C'n V) V") co Im 1-1110 ....... V, V11 I ----------- ------- L_ 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 1 8+0� 19+00 20+00 21+00 WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.wooUey-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch, 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT n U z r,000 < Q� U-i V) > W _j ry < -7 LLJ ry > LL 0 O Z :D 0 V) ry LU -7 Z) WATERLINE PLAN & PROFILE Job Number: 1640 OP ERIC W. VOOLLEY MC. NO. 37088 0 Date: Revision: Scale: 1 40' Sheet No.: copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering No's �% 1 16 of 3.2 1' TOWN CENTER 3 (EXISTING) Station: 24+90.84 '-, Gate Valve (Restrained to Thrust Collar) Station: 24+99.02 22.50 Bend Station: 25+18.50 22.50 Bend New Fire Hydrant Proposed 20' Easement (Dedicated to Public Use) OR — E — E N, y — - — - — - . . . . . . Station. 25+72.00 12" Tee to FH Assembly Station: 26+31.73 1.4 1. t-7aTe Valve Station: 26+36.23 o 12" Tee tatior-6 26+60.28 12 aTe Valve Statio 26+63,31 12" x 6 ducar S I a I lon: 26 66,31 6" Gate Val Station, 26+6 .31 13 Blow -off Asse bly 7� > Contractor shall field -verify subsurface elevation of ex, 12" WL (See STA 47+58.7, sheet C6.3) Notes: Existing subsurface grades shown are approximate and must be field verified by the General Contractor, Contractor shall ensure a minimum of 3.5of cover over the waterline, Contractor shall ensure a minimum of l'of vertical separation between the proposed storm sewer piping and the existing waterline. SCALES: 1 4D' H OR 1 5' VER FIRE HYDRANT COVERAGE INSET EXHIBIT ILLUSTRATING 400'FROM EACH HYDRANT SCALE: 1'= 200' - FOR INFORMATION ONLY Lewis & Clark Drive TC 3 0 C: 6- 545 545 .C: a 540 3 540 Ex. Surface Grade (Typ.) 0 Ex, Surface Grade (Typ.) 1? 535 535 40 O. 530 U 530 Proposed Surface Grade (Typ.) Proposed Surface Grade ffvpj 525 525 520 x 520 Ile_ _7 Proposed 12" Class 51 DIP 141 Extension Proposed 12" Cl. 51 DIP WIL 515 515 U 510 LO 510 0, co Z, V) LU + E + 505 0- 0 Z: S*14 10 %0 U FS U R M, r. cco, " �—n I 505 a > > C; 4S 6 — C 0 N C6 cy, + C� CP% V) 0 d 011 1:2 C� — CK C6 U_ U_ CV + 110, + M_ + Id P) + 14 + 0 + 0 10 -0 -t- 0% -0 + pq U Aj ± o A 0 A 2 -0 q '0 10 0 10 (D 10 0 > > 75 . . U 1= N 0- — '5 C14 1 1 V) — V C 0 C 04 0 CL C14 Ll C14 -E . . Q) C', i'_ CV . . C-4 'a) 64 > Cq C 0 C U 0 CL E > 0 E 0 > E Im 0 cc E o E 0 C 010 C 0 42 C 0 a C 0 E 0 C 0 010 0 0 b 0 500 4- 0 LU 0 0 4- 0 � .2 _i__ 0 0 � -r- 0 U.,00- — � X A - ip () T__ :r- �r_ X :r- .2 4- 500 1 - L.*') 0 L-1) IR Ln 04 C/3 Le. 18+00 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 23+00 24+00 25+00 26+00 27+00 28+00 29+00 30+00 WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973 -004,5 www.wooUey-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch, 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT �z U z W < ale. V) > W < W < 7- LLJ U W C0 < U_ LL 0 Z 0 U LU WATERLINE PLAN & PROFILE Job Number: 1640 ERIC W. TOOLLEY LIC. NO. 37088 W 4�kl9w�'ONAL S�CF Date: Revision: Scale: 1" = 40' Sheet No.. copyright C 2019 by Woolley Engineering C6.2 17 of 32 copyright @ 2019 by Woolley Engineering copyright a 2019 by Woolley Engineering Conduit Ductbank Profiles M ting Grade (Typ.) 545 "a �� " ; 535 06 _v 540 530 m Lo � - N % Li N u1 Q 535 aaiaLO i2 0 II °� o� m II LU 525 _ Ca, W -Clo;-)i2 jai` mu) 530 Pipe 3 - 36.45' 520 P -oposed Grade (TV p.) ccci Cq (4) 4' PVC 525 LO + II 515 > W II W 520 Pipe 7 - 82. 3' Pip Pip 8 - 56.68' 33,51' 9 510 Pipe 5 - 96.14' Pipe 6 - 79.66' Pipe 4 - 370.21' (2) 6" PVC (16) 4" PVC 505 515' Co (D8o E c3 'n o � o©u b 500 x 'a fY + > LL1 t j 0, 1-5II Uj p _ E 505- � .� 495 ipe - Pipe 2 - 69.9 ' 30.68' 500 490 495 S Q �' N 485 pQ L LO a� Lim o,LO +, 1 !� L,> �� > + �, h> ��> Co II + �� 00> + �� a>01 C , w 01 °i l°; �w I �'w m�w �'w °"w 490� O !v }. O �._ _,-. fv t-._ L { �._ }. 480 89+00 90+00 91+00 92+00 93+00 94+00 95+00 96+00 97+00 98+00 99+00 100+00 101+00 102+00 103+00 F 0 w Sanitary Sewer Lateral Profile P + 530 M >a � 530 �; co =SwE o>v co oE�M 525 U�N�W s� 0 U 525 520 I B 520 li Il I 61 pvC 515 145' of 515 Ex, " DIP � O CO C9 co 510 C 510 Co 10 > U' 6 n� �CC 505 C C 505 0 m L w LU 3 p a- n 500 °° 500 30+00 31+00 Length (ft) Sanitary Sewer Profile 510 :g x 510 t•l a II Fill Grading (Typ 505 iL °. 505 500 l 500 i Proposed Grade (Typ.) 495 495 Existing Grade (T p.)f C � 490 Il II II 490 Ex. 24" G c 7 u o> RCP >> - � o cow Q ii °� I b-0\1c 485 = e 485 8 MLU u� R W Ce 480 4777777 4 , Go K e`�`b�480 Red Sanitary Sewer Motes: Contractor shall confirm that the ex. piping between t MH 4 and MH5 is PVC. Contractor shall add safety ~+ slabs (as necessary,) to MH 4 and MH5. Engineer 475 I shall be notified of any conflicts prior to installation. 475 II j/j��Jf T7 0 II E. 1 �Ex. 81, PVC I 1 A 470 CN 0V oN Ex. 24" CMP (Temp. To be Removed) 465 4 b5 33-+00 34+00 35+00 36+00 37+00 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville e Virginia 22902 (434) 973 a 0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation. One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT'' Q 2 Q U Z Q 04 � cn Q > U-j U, w Q W Q � W m ry U Q j � 0 LL 0 � z 0 � cz Z UTILITY PROFILES Job Number: 1640 T11 OP EPIC W. 1YOO= f LIC. NO. 3708 �oA�5-20-2Q19 �'Ww ©ate: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: 1"-40' Sheet No.: copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering C6.5 20 of KEY ROAD/PARKING ASPHALT PAVING SECTIONS AND KEY N.T.S. 5" CONCRETE 3000 PSI HIGH AIR ENTRAINMENT WWF 6X6 -1 W2.9 X W2.9 FINISH GRADE SIDEWALK N.T.S. WIDTH VARIES, SEE PLAN MIN WIDTH = 6-0" LIGHT BROOM FINISH 1W:1' SLOPE 5,P 611 I I 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATE 1. 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT BASE - VDOT #21-A 2. SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS, MAX 6 O.C. COMPACTED SUBGRADE EXPANSION JOINTS, MAX 30' O.C. 3. WHERE SIDEWALK MEETS CURB WIDTH CBR = 10 SHALL BE 6' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. SCORING PATTERN SHALL MATCH EXISTING. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL MATCH THE COLOR OF THE EXISTING SIDEWALK. ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COARSE TYPE SM-9.5A ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COARSE 2^ �-5. 3++F 4" TYPE BM-25.0 L2„Fk 111 R_� �� G� v: - r 2- CONCRETE CURBING (CG-7 TYP.) - AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL TYPE 1 NO. 21-A COMPACTED SUBGRADE CBR = 10 N. T.S. ALBERENE SOAPSTONE VARIES BLOCK BOLLARD 12 - 14" - POLISHED TOP SURFACE :ACES CONCRETE SIDEWALK, SEE DTL. COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE, SEE DTL. COMPACTED SUBGRADE O PARKING BAY SECTION SM-9.SA� .1.5° 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE - VDOT #21-A - COMPACTED SUBGRADE CBR=10 PARKING BAY DRIVE AISLE BM-25.OA 1.5" SM-9.5A 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE - VDOT #21-A COMPACTED SUBGRADE CBR=10 HEAVY DRIVE AISLE 4" BM-25.OA 1.5" SM-9.5A-1 �. 9=-""I 8" COMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE - VDOT #21-A - COMPACTED SUBGRADE CBR=10 M4 0 1='ro ciuct Dal� She�at 2 tikes + wild i al:P_ ricurIt ur zm',bedr lr d c or r fate :;u face:, r eqw esonly two kj rrai;zjn with C-Afma ur_-C 11"ri rm =nuhur rt stairns s r � Nr,eirlg qIP de �,iithiri t; e ',,a ware p*videdl `or fwv;s '-C"we"p€s3w,-Qv" , 7l.P'e f.l k: _%s n2"w'y de* Sew'r3.i:. 'a g17C3�aF,pfi:6'. . },elud iJ::-_2p2i ed SO' apa, t �iaid 2,1' irmi u wall t : fnely :t .*12P Qu `ermc-_. Hi-Glo" Pedestrian Light and Lo lo`„ Path Light `PI s,e r 0.xf tv p rci d est n.a-IYr,6 , (rx ke,h ,z� _srrfC+c:izs 1 Qn a.,i: Goon t" Shelter To Specify Designed by 6PdW Group DosNnworks k kttv'ci Is PMty*,d t')y No 050,0.4,7 i Lira l : 3f' # �.t�J7 Ci lye, r-�irnFt`tri�itEapr�tr'�Eyt}n C01:eC-# IS ,�rck t� b', U1 F Ievr iJ 3t P,a Ltr Pi i �'s pnote ctedbyU-S. Parent N'u_ u61,CZA6 Page ' tiR BIKE RACK N.T.S. EXPANSION JOINT WHERE CONCRETE SHALL BE ADJACENT TO HARDSCAPE _ VDOT CLASS A3 6,� (3,OOCl PSI) 15 + P' I PAVEMENT CONCRETE MIN. 4" COMPACTED 6„ AGGREGATE BASE CONCRETE CURBING (CG-2 TYP.) N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES: 1. DETECTABLE WARNING TO BE PRE -FORMED PLASTIC INSERT WITH SLIP RESISTANT SURFACE COVERING THE FULL WIDTH OF THE RAMP FLOOR BY 2 FOOT IN LENGTH IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. 2. THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE PROVIDED BY TRUNCATED DOMES. TRUNCATED DOMES TO BE STAMPED IN TOP SURFACE. THE COLOR OF THE DETECTABLE WARNING SECTION SHALL BE YELLOW. 3. SLOPING SIDES OF CURB RAMP MAY BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY WITH RAMP FLOOR OR BY USING PERMISSIBLE CONSTRUCTION JOINT WITH REQUIRED BARS. 4. IF RAMP FLOOR IS PRECAST, HOLES MUST BE PROVIDED FOR DOWEL BARS SO THAT ADJOINING FLARED SIDES CAN BE CAST IN PLACE AFTER PLACEMENT OF PRECAST RAMP FLOOR. PRECAST CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-4, 5. REQUIRED BARS ARE TO BE NO.5 X $" PLACED V CENTER TO CENTER ALONG BOTH SIDES OF THE RAMP FLOOR, MID -DEPTH OF RAMP FLOOR. MINIMUM CONCRETE COVER 1 1 /2". CONCRETE CURBING (CG-12 TYP.) N.T.S. VARIES 14 - 18" w 00 Q- >� t PLAN 'disirt rryl aI [Pit rrnformot- n6wnauar Seedmatimsa€a TSI� tip t okvlft r.+ Ge. -I andu p ry:4iii.. m1-{xwts 0w Landscape Ar,,Ntwt'lar# Fair:636cn at IN Second „ w,Ury I3ve1: rtrP t'af rsr,rr+v, q{7n , ftt I r,;C;3.? 1.3#a5 1 ",a0',IE, ij..fii ,?we.,'a9,Ttrivrt,fA04,R,45 �J 21 1 51 1 3 r1 A1, I�` 1 2" i I , I.- PAVEMENT 1 CONCRETE CURBING (CG-3 TYP.) N.T.S. CURB SHAPE TO MATCH FACE OF ROADWAY P URB-A �- 2' -.- SECTION A -A PERMISSIBLE C,0NSTRLICT10N / JOINT SECTION B-13 TYPE B PARALLEL 5.5' #5 DOWELS, 3" LONG AT 12" C 0 CAP UNIT KEYSTONE COMPAC UNIT �v L 1 $� FINISHED GRADE _ LEVELING PAD TYPICAL GRAVITY SECTION COMPAC UNITS - 1" SETBACK F_ T__ -_' 5 1 /4' FIBERGLASS PIN BLOCK CONNECTION 4' CAP UNIT COMPAC UNIT W MIN. LOW PERMEABLE SOIL UNIT CORE FILL (I'Min.) RETAINED BACKFILL 1 ..e _j I am> PLAN I. • a -f FACE uiwRi�ro�rr,.rl�Snw� Y'NCcxI}' HIOHx 14'f�fM ARACMlGiWlMl1IIAFG.JPdCM Y.N CVf CFM@If IO Os, 1O O1010 croHmicrearo PaowoEAm�eure O .1:P. O eoua�mroACfL.ZA O UfORM PPP[AiING4?A'�. w TYPICAL CORNER DETAIL PLAN VIEW I UNIT FACE ISOMETRIC RAILING ALONG TOP OF RETAINING WALL SHALL BE INSTALLED WHERE HEIGHT MEETS OR EXCEEDS 42' SEGMENTED BLOCK RETAINING WALL N.T.S. 4" 4/ CONCRETE CURBING (CG-6 TYP.) N.T.S. TYPE C PARALLEL PERPENDICULAR A PERMISSIBLE 5' -CONSTRUCTION JOINT 12:1 MAY 12:1 MAX 2' OOOnOnrO0O0O000 0.10 caa�o o�oGo�o�a 000000n0000�'Coo � O C'Oco1,0000o O 00000, C00000000 I TRUNCATED A DOMES PLAN VIEW ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COARSE TYPE SM-9.5A ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COARSE TYPE BM-25.0 50%-65% OF BASE DIAMETER TOP DIAMETER 09"-14" BASE.DIAM.ETER 0.211TRUNCATED DOPAE DETAIL 6' 1.6"-2.4" -� - A 0C, 00000000 B Goonoo00o00000000000 0000GOO��0000G00100000 000000,0 000000000000 0000000000000000000 GOGOG000GOOGOGOGOOGO 1.6°-2.4" 00000000000000000000 OOOrJGOOC700000Gnnrj000 �'+,+ -\i 00000000000000000000 00000000000000000000 VARIABLE 4'MIN. 4i 0.65" MIN. PAY LIMITS DETECTABLE WARNING DETAIL WQOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville . Virginia 22902 (434)973.0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ry Q 2 < U Z Q OCLU (� cn Q > Q W fk Q Z Z � � w m � V a o w z GENERAL DETAILS Job Number: 1640 ! 1-155' Esc W. WOOLLEY rac. xo. 3708 -`-' Lu NAL ��'�''• Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: 1"=20' Sheet No.: C7.0 STONE BLOCK BOLLARD (TYP.) N. T.S. copyright Q 2019 by Woolley Engineering 21 of 32 ASTIM A36 AND HEX NUT GOOD FOUNDATION MATERIAL ROCKY FOUNDATION MATERIAL PLACE 5' GALVANIZED " WITNESS ' POST WITH ASTM A588 (TYP) VARIES CAPPED ENDS PAINTED BLUE IN REMOTE AREAS UNDISTURBED SIZE BRANCH AND AS DIRECTED. MARKER LOCATION MAY BE SUBJECT ..... ...... at UNDISTURBED EARTH ALVE BOX SOIL (TYP) VALVE THE SAME AS 4 TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL 2 3/4" DLA ALL -THREAD ROD INITIAL BACKFI r Ir NOTE. HYDRANT MUST BE FINISHED GRADE I Woo=y ENGINEERING WATER MAIN LL -1 J. PLUG h4N NNJ Ulm MIN. EQUIPPED NTH CHARLOTTES - WATER MAIN KENNEDY GUARDIAN (K-81A) VILL VARIES A-423) THE LOCAL STANDARD. Consulting Civil Engineers 6" BEDDING MUELLER CENTURION E THREADS MICH IS C 7 #68 STONE OR APPROVED EQUAL 220 East High Street z STABLE SOIL ROCK LENGTH OF BRANCH VARIES 0 Charlottesville - Virginia 22902 !'v 24" MANHOLE FRAME COVER VALVE SCRAPE THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. REMOVE ALL -1 2MIN1 To 10, ADJUSTABLE VALVE BOX W/ LID (434)973-0045 7 g STONES TO INSURE THE PIPE DOESN'T REST ON ROCK AND (270') T I GINGHAM & TAYLOR FIG. NO. 4905 www.woolley-eng.com WATER MAIN THEN COMPACT THE SOIL OR PROVIDE A e BEDDING OF I - - ROD VALVE (SCREW TYPE) OR APPROVED EQUAL TO TEE (COAT RODS WITH BITUMINOUS PAINT) #68 STONE. 24y. 'MI 7 CU. FT, 18" LVE BOX SEE NOTE 1 & 2 b) UNDISTURBEDEARTH ELAN #68 STONE UNDER TYP. MH ON-LINE FOUNDATION IN POOR SOIL UNDER -CUT CONDITION Z C-4 C', < OF ADJUSTING RINGS MAX 1, -J ADJUSTING RINGS REQ'D MEN OYPE NECESSARY TO MATCH GRADE, 6' GATE Landscape Architect ,,,--CLASS A-3 CONCRETE 36"MIN RINGS NOT PERMITTED ON VALVE Red Clay Landscape Arch. A" __NORMAL EASEMENTS. ,-MEGA-LUG V MIN INITIAL BACKFILL % -T\ 8 X 6" '\ 4\ -16" 912 Sixth Street SE VARIES THREADED COUPLING UNSTABLE TEE MIN. 2 BOLTS REO' D TO SECURE 12' SOIL MIN. MIN ADJUSTMENT RINGS TO M i ( TO Charlottesville, Virginia LNI PVC NIPPLE AND CAP #6a STONE 2500 P.S.I. CONCRETE- M.J. GATE VALVE PREVENT HORIZONTAL MOVEM j 22902 PVC SLEEVE- or RANULAR FILL AS 20 BRASS NIPPLE AND CAP APPROVED BY ACSA BASE AND THRUST X�i BOLTS TO GO THRU RINGS AND - BLOCK AGAINST FRAME. SEE LID DETAIL FOR BOLT 50% OF LUBRICATE ALL THREADS STAB S UNDISTURBED STABLE OIL OR ROC\K 18 lo SIZE. OPENING MIN•THRUST BLOCK METER BOX (SEE FIG. W-7) SOIL. STEEL PILE BRICKED Owner THREADED RODSTO 4' ELEVATION NOTE 3/4, Univ. of Virginia Foundation VALVE BOX WHEN THE SOIL IS DISTURBED OR WHEN MAIN IN ALL INSTALLATIONS. WATER PROOF JOINT TYPICAL -0* MIN UNDISTURBED NO. 57 STONE 1. NO ROCKS SHALL BE ALLOWED WITHIN 24" OF THE WATER LINES. A HYDRANT IS LOCATED IN A FILL, ANCHOR RODS SHALL BE GALVANIZED WATER LINE SEE SPECIFICATIONS One Boar's Head Pointe 2. NO ROCKS LARGER THAN 6" IN ANY DIMENSION SHALL BE ALLOWED THE VALVE TO THE HYDRANT WITH 2-3 e OR ASPHALT COATED A Charlottesville, Virginia M.J. FITTING ABOVE THE INITIAL BACKFILL. THREADED RODS IN ADDITION TO POURING -STEPS 0 22903 %"-2" PIPE SLOPED --fLl --- /r 24" 1 TREKCH 24" 3.THE INITIAL BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 6* LIFTS. CONCRETE. IF NECESSARY, A STEEL PILE INVERT SHALL BE SHAPED a 2 U TO DRAIN IF 7., 0 1 P. (434) 982-3777 MIN - - WIDTH MIN 4. NO ORGANIC OR FROZEN MATERIAL OR DEBRIS SHALL BE ALLOWED SHALL BE USED AS ADDITIONAL SUPPORT IN ACCORDANCE NTH VDOT 1 2 LU• GRADE ALLOWS IN THE TRENCH. DETAIL 4,% 1 �Vl VARIES V RiES 2" GALV. OR BRASS 2500 P.S.1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . PIPE 5. BELL HOLES SHALL BE DUG OUT IN ALL CASES. NOTE CONCRETE 2'x 2' BEARING AREA. 2" THREADED TAP 4" MIN. COMPACTED DUCTILE IRON WATER 2. MAINTAIN A 3' MIN. COVER FROM THE MAIN TO THE FIRE HYDRANT PLUG 1. SURROUND WEEP HOLES NTH GRAVEL AND KEEP FREE OF CONCRETE. THRUST BLOCK 4 CRUSHED STONE PIPE INSTALLATION & BEDDING INCLUDING DITCHES A 3. FINISHED GRADE SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FIRE HYDRANT AND CORE SEAL OR PRESS WEDGE NTS VALVE BOX. v N MAJOR DEAD END k- DROP MANHOLE DETAIL TYPE FLEXIBLE FIG. W-2 4. THE GATE VALVE IS ALLOWED IN SHOULDER OR BEHIND THE DITCH. IT IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DITCH. CONNECTION YPE 'A") TD-2 5. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LOCATIONS WHERE WEEP N.T.S. SITE PLAN HOLES ARE ABOVE THE PREVAILING GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. IF NOTE IN REMOTE AREAS, VALVE BOXES SHALL EXTEND SIX (6) INCHES ABOVE GRADE, TYPICAL BLOW -OFF ASSEMBLY REQUIRED TO BE IN WET AREAS, THE WEEP HOLES SHALL BE NOTE. SECTIONNTS PLUGGED AND THE HYDRANT SHALL BE PUMPED DRY. TYPICAL GATE VALVE AMENDMENT FIG. W-8 NTS 1. ALL RODS AND FASTENERS SHALL BE GM94 TWO COATS OF ASPHALTIC PAINT AFTER ASSEMBLY. M-19 TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY DETAIL FIG. W-5 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE THAT THE COLLAR BEARS AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL FOR THE MINIMUM N.T.S. DIMENSION SHOWN. FIG. W-4 1D-8 3. DIMENSIONS SHOWN BEYOND THE TRENCH WIDTH ARE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM. IF THE TRENCH WIDTH IS LARGER DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE COLLAR DIMENSIONS SHALL INCREASE ACCORDINGLY. TD-7 CROSS ANCHOR RESTRAINTS FOR VALVES NTS Fig. W-3C 05 BARS 0 &' C-C TYP, Lj- TD-6 0-0 Typ: FT -- I FTj I I SHAPE TO ELEVAT*MN UNT OF A A B L 7 3V DIAMETER J-+ 7C DIMENSION DIMENSION DIMENSION z METER SIZE A B C TT -T1-TTTT-r-17- 318. rz 1 1 12 7. 5$00 A at� 0 2'0 311" 1 3-8- 10' MIN 6' MIN, Y 5' MIN. U-j STALICTURE Sin AND PLAN WALL THICKNESS VARIES 4" 5' MIN. 12' MIN. 6' MIN, PLAN GREATER SLOPE To DIRM TO WERT > OF MnET PPE 44* MIN. Uj U, PROPOSALS WILL BE SUBMITTED. THAN 4" SECTION A -A LIJ -4 J Dili 777 METHOD OF TREATMENT IN DROP INLETS METE 17.5' 111. 6' MIN. rumsA;5 CONCRETE CLASS CONCK 6" MIN. 7RANSITION BETWEEN Fiff DIMETERS %ZES OF MS SECTION A -A SLO41E TO DRAIN SECTION B-8 TAT Of NOM: I 9 SNAP Ni OUTLET PIIPE 1, STANDARD SL-1. M**K)LE $AFIFTY SLAB. $ KQV4?ED AS PART OF THE NZIU14E OF MANHOLE A40 KE7 INVERTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH uj THIS ORAWNG IS TO APPLY TO THOSE STRWTURES SPECIFIED WITH HEM TER "T&12FFRE"WDWCTT BOXES = SHALL BE VTO 12'WTH ON PLANS OR WHERE NVERT OF PIPE ts ABOVE INYCRI OF NO SAFETY SLAB LOCATED HIN 6 ET Of 7HE TOP OR BOTTOM OF HALL NQIff y MET PWETQHE 77 ST-"`Vft� SAFETY SLAM WIT BE 0CATED 8ELDW AN F •'A 'il S SHA z•gI MA&IOLF OR MOP RLET IS TO BE FW" " MC0t41R%WTED W'DIAXTER OR MEATER. co N ACCORDMCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARD OR SPECI- 2. THE COST OF THE S;L-I IS INCLUDED IN THE COST OF THE STRUQTME, SEE CAST IN PLACE DRAW9�05 w FOR FURTHER DETAILS AS DEJALED 0* S 10 CON T A; ONCRETE ka NOWL TO CLAWSS 3. tD SSVO;��ARLTO BE FROM ONE SEE OF STRUCTURE TO THE 9 8� C- UP TO W'" INAINETER AM CCN%T OF STOW BROKEN OTHER L STjkk= ARE TO SIDE VIEW 60* CLASS CIEXCEPT THAT 257. Of COARSE A"JItEGATE "Y L To BE STACGEWD ACCORDINGLY. BROKER CONCRETE OR BROKEN CONCRETE KaSMHE =k Y SLAB MAY BE CAST -IN -PLACE OR PRECAST. CMI-14-PLACE CONCRETE TO BE SHALL BE LEFT SMOOTH By MEANS OF HMO TROWELLINIM NOW R. SAF Ail L CL SS A3 UOM 2��T CRV,,r. T BE A4 14OW MI, RIVINFORCM U- OF TK COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL REMAIN EXPOSED. STEEL TO BE N WONA M31. No DETAKS OF NVERT SKAPM AS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR FXAWLE 5, ACCESS OPENNGA MAY BE 30'DIAMCTER OR 30" SQUARE, WHEN STRUCTURE WITH IS PtAPOSES ONLY. EACA MANHOLE 09 DROP HEY IS TO IRE SWED > MWIWALLY TO BEST FIT THE PARTOAAR W-ET AND OWLET LESS THAN 3&'TK ACCESS OPM14 SHALL BE RECTANGL&AR (STRW"E WIDTH By CCIMFIGURATION 94D FLOW LACS, SECTION B-B I-ONG). 0 PLAN TYPICAL PRECAST UNIT U- A METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES 0 1,WaTAM TYPICAL CONCRETE SAFETY SLAB 0 STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS z FOR DROP INLETS, MANHOLES AND JUNCTION BOXES VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION VAONA DEPARTMENT OF TPMSPORTAT*N 18" MIN.i4dZ) 17.5" p ( _ 0 37" MIN. DOOR HINGES WINGNUT LOCKING ASSEMBLY 12* MIN. 1.75" DIAMETER DRILLED HOLE FOR TOUCH READ UNITS. -LBYPASS TOP VIEW 3" DIAMETER FLAT NOTES: BEARING SURFACE 1. PROVIDE A 6" THICK GRAVEL BED BENEATH THE METER VAULT. UNDERNEATH 2. MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR PRECAST OR POUR -IN -PLACE VAULTS SHALL BE 4". LIFT HANDLE MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR VAULTS CONSTRUCTED OF MASONARY BLOCK SHALL BE 8". 24" X 36" 3. THE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT BELOW GRADE SHALL BE COATED WITH AN APPROVED ALUMINUM ACCESS WATER PROOFING COMPOUND. HATCH TYPICAL METER VAULT- TYPICAL METER VAULT (1 1/2 METER GENERAL N.T.S. NTS DETAILS FIG, W-7A FIG. W-7B TD-14 TD-15 Job Number: 1640 NOTES -CONTINUOUS PIPE OR PRECAST Pi 1, PRE�',AST POE PLUG SHALL OF SET 11°4 FRESH? MORTAR, O� 2. PRE�ClSll PLUG 5HALL COMFIDM4 TO PIPE hAkJUFACTURER'S JOINT DESIGN A1,1D SHALL HAVE A UINIMUM TIHICKNESS NUT -Z771 15" PLAIN OR RE1IqFFQRCED �-'ONCR' LESS TH9,1 PPE "WALE TMCKNF-�S. 1z�__ ___ _.__.._- ( r 3� THIS INLET IS TO BE USED ONLY IN LOCATIONS NOT SUBJECT HPE' A�'RFQUIREU ON FLAN.S. TO TRAFFIC. NOTE., ERIC W. WOO= nor IS TO LIE SECUPELY MOP RTARED TO TEE SEC IGN- CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO MEANDER LIE. NO. $701 A*BTM A48, CLASS 305� 5� FRAME AND GRAT�-7 SHALL BE GRAY IRON� Q 1 F R THE PROPOSED NEW TRAIL AROUND EXISTING TREES 5� THE PPE TEE U,�Iff IS TO COMFORV TO TPZ REQUIREMENTS WITHOUT DAMAGING THE TREES OR ROOT SYSTEMS. OF AASHTO V170 FOR 15" CLASS �jj RFIL�FDRCED CONCRETE PIPE- CLEARING 0 5-20-2019 7, IF CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT REMOVE ANY TREES LARGER HEIGHT 15' �4 E3 A PRECAST PLUG 15 NEEDEU, THE COST OF' 'THE PRECAST PI-u THAN 6" DIAMETER WITHOUT AUTHORIZA71ON FROM THE :'k SFCTI014 B-D Sit P L A.1 41 ALL E3F INCLUDED IN THE PHICE DD FOR DI-9, OWNER PRIOR TO DEMOLITION, 0 ATAL CLEARING WIDTH ±20' - LOOKING 0 r- Date: 0 tSER WHEN M > May 20, 2019 OFENU-IG '14" 1X z ,--MORTAR, rr- 7-7--, U 3: Revision: i RARS CATCHPOINT =1 z "001 i•EXISTING -0 A J GROUND 5' 2" CRUSH R RUN TRIM 1�3 BRANCHES -i5l, PIPE MR1.i. FLUSH WITH ATE TRUNK `~'`ART Pi -AN FRAME- & GR CUT FRAME PLAN 12A FILL SLOPE 4!' BASE COURSE (#2]AOR# .1-------1------� I I I �- 5,S. BOLT - SUITABLE DITCH MATERIAL EXISTING GROUND Scale: LT f T As Noted 1T 4- L N > LOWNC BAR. R R SL D T H qW, CATCH POIN Sheet No.: HAR sror I live" A-36 5 BAR EEL >>< SF1--1'TKDN A --A GRATfE TRAIL DETAIL 11�1/w SECTION' A -A 4FRAMIE BOTTOM VIE"Al LOCKING F�3A,R N.T.S. 14. 7 CU. 18- A jK8 STONE T S 5- PIP E -rint rx� P HIT F T J 1\11 C7. I IR,3v, 1/04 VRGINIA XPARTMENT OF TPAIISIPORTATION �02 104,2& 22 of 32 copyright @) 2019 by Woolley Engineering WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East Nigh Street Charlottesville - Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Q 2 Q U Z Q v� Q > Q LLJ J Q Z W LLJ co ry Q > LL � O O Z H O � LU LANDSCAPE PLAN Job Number: 1640 V OP LIC. NO. 3708 a s-2U-2019 ,��q� SI O NAL �'�� May 20, 2019 Revision: I Scale: 1"=40' Sheet No.: copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering 23 of 32 SLOPE PLANTING BED FOR POSITIVE DRAINAGE PLANT SPACING AS PER PLAN. ADJUST SPACING AS NECESSARY TO EVENLY FILL P1 AKITIKIf'_% Q9:n 2" MULCH INSTALLED BEFORE PLANTING 12" MIN. PLATING SOIL. USE STORED EXISTING TOPOSOIL AND/OR IMPORTED TOPSOIL. L-1 N E SET TOP OF ROOTBALL 1 " MIN. 0 ORIGINAL GRADE ABOVE FINISHED GRADE OF SLOPE MULCH 3" DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER 0 PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY. r W Q ° � � �= I I 11= MAINTAIN SAUCER ON LOWER - - - - - - - - - SIDES OF PLANT TO RETAIN WATER -1 I �:�:: �:,:::: �:•:�':��:� III -III ;III BACKFILL PIT WITH STORED = = I E EXISTING OR IMPORTED TOPSOIL TO Y3 FULL. WATER TO SETTLE SOIL, THEN BACKFILL TO FINISHED GRADE. '---,—CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP Ed I FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOTBALL I M 20" + BALL DIA. 0 0 SET TOP Or ROOTBALL W%LL I MIN. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE Z) FORM SAUCER WITH w 0 0 3" HT WATERING BERM ----------- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II"'"Jill nlllll I I M I M1 I BACKFILL PIT WITH STORED EXISTING OR IMPORTED TOPSOIL TO Y3 FULL. WATER TO SETTLE SOIL, THEN BACKFILL TO FINISHED GRADE. /6,0 GROUNDCOVER PLANTWGDETAIL (5.0 SHRUB PLANTING ON SLOPES, (4,0 '\ L1.0 � L2.0) SCALE: NOT TO SCALE L1.0 L2.0 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE L1.0 I L2.0 NOTE: STAKE TO FIRST BRANCHES AS NECESSARY FOR FIRM SUPPORT WIRE SHALL NOT TOUCH OR RUB ADJACENT TRUNKS OR BRANCHES 2" X 2" HARDWOOD STAKES DRIVEN FIRMLY A MINIMUM OF 18" INTO THE SUBGRAIDE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING 2 STRAND 12 GAUGE GALV. WIRE TWISTED AND ENCASED MULCH 3" DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER I IN RUBBER HOSE 6 - 9" PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY. FROM TOP OF STAKE FORM SAUCER WITH 2 WIRE SUPPORTS SHALL BE 3" HT WATERING BERM USED ON MAIN STRUCTURAL BRANCHES TT I MI I I BACKFILL PIT WITH STORED TXOISTIYNG OR IMPORTED TOPSOIL 3 FULL. WATER TO SETTLE SOIL, THEN BACKFILL TO FINISHED GRADE. I —I I=) (!—!I I=I 3 X BALL DIA. • PLANT SO THAT TOP OF ROOT BALL IS EVEN WITH THE FINISHED GRADE • PAINT ALL CUTS OVER I" DIA. • FLAG GUYING WIRES WITH SURVEYOR TAPE GUYING WIRES 2 STRAND TWIST 12 GUAGE WIRE 3 2"X4"X24" PRESS TREATED STAKES - TOP OF STAKE 6" ABOVE GROUND SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX WATER & TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS r%MMr- A M • PLANT SO THAT TOP OF ROOT BALL IS EVEN WITH THE FINISHED GRADE • PAINT ALL CUTS OVER I" DIA. 2 STRAND TRISTED 12 GUAGE GAL. WIRE ENCASED IN 1" DIA. RUBBER HOSE HARDWOOD STAKES 3 STAKES 2" X 2" DRIVEN (MIN. 18") FIRMLY INTO SUBGRADE PRIOR TO BACKFILLING STAKE -4" ABOVE FIRST BRANCHES PLANTING PIT DEPTH IS AVERAGE DISTANCE BETWEEN TRUNK FLARE AND BOTTOM OF ROOT BALL, LESS 2". (CAREFULLY EXPOSE TRUNK FLARE IF NECESSARY) SPECIFIED PLANTING MIX WATER & TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS NOTE: STAKING AS REQUIRED —III—III I 20" + BALL DIA. 01 FORM - SAUCER 0 0 MULCH 3" DEEP IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING AND WATER THOROUGHLY, CUT AND REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 2/3 OF ROOTBALL N SCALE: NOT TO SCALE (MULCH 2" DEPTH IMMEDIATELY AFTER F_: PLANTING AND WATER 2: THOROUGHLY.) y z MULCH W_ 3.0 MULTI -TRUNK TREE STAKING 2,0TREE PLANTING - GUYWIRES (1 .0 TREE PLANTING - VERTICAL STAKES L1.0 L2.0 SCALE: N77TO SCALE L1.0 I L2.0 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE L1.0 L2.0 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE WooLLEYENGINE ERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville - Virginia 22902 (434)973-0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P, (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT 11-61/ ry < U z r)000 W� C/,pi LU Q 0e. LLJ I ry < z 3 W uj co U > U_ 0 LL_ 0 z Z) F- 0 U Uj LANDSCAPE DETAILS Job Number: 1640 MUC IF. TOMMY LIC, NO. 3708' 60 5-20-2019 Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: copyright @ 2019 by Woolley Engineering L2.0 24 of 3' copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering 1KY-,, Nk VI V V VA V.V 0, X b.o b.o + 0.0 b-0 b.o + 2 b-0 4.-- D-0 3 b-6 t-0 0.0 t.2 0 V,6 t.2 ��\ b-0 3 t.8 1.2 \trD t.7 4 1.6\ 8 1.0 X, e--,�-< \ \ k �\ \ -7 1 4 i,7\ .0 t t.0 + M .6 --, t 0 t.0 t-o 0 t.0 t.0 /.0 0 7 t t.0 .o / t.o t/ ? 0 t.0 t.0 Io 'o t-0 to co .0 co") Vo t.0 t.0 0 t-0 I Cl o o�.o( I cc / \0 t.2 A 4 6 1 5 4 0 j Schedule -7 Number ffl.i - -=L.. Per Lei Q-ti• Wg i L.. "i I Light Lose - r P Lorni's LamI) i Wei 31 i DANi �NST&N -PENDAUr MUNT �UNG 351 9�- i 85-2 0 A TYPE V LUMINAJRE eopcs =411-Type OW 77 221EW3-10 - Z--" iEi. 7E5 -7jerg.- I C-,t.d by 0 Li 11DI20171 sac AC 52124oez-as-tsw i Ught! -1 -929 100 rARGi BALL GREG BALL GREG LEE) 0 - I .- ----9 - 1 Lira i -CdM IFIM --I ILIRAZYW --2-951-7- 13 1 Ui LIR-X-SYi F 40K XX-22- 401 0 4 WXUgi Sq-T3 LED 1 Vi -314 LLC 44K11KV X. TB� 36M 1 4CKES o -7 8 Ni Lighting VSS-2-T3-Bo 1- V8Iuo3ftiftSquare T3 LEO I Via �-Tj G2 i 40K-UNV Iii 13 401 iW -Z-- TiT-W70NG MULD -LED 5WY =ED -- 3 Ai 1- 716CI ED 1 TrTN0i H - WW FERRITE 1 V88-1-T4- am .36 -74 i1z, rE 041 I-MES -12 ii -W�-T 154-76 0 TYPE III IPENDANT-MOLNT 925.71 --XP -LUMINNRE 901 135W4K- Typo 111i "IN -N PEN-i =N(33613 1 0 AE =W-W�LVMIURE 9OMK-Typo V.I. Statistics DescriptionSymbol Avg Max I Min MaxlMin lAvg/Ml, Property Line X 0.0 t 0.2 fic 0.0 fc_ NIA NIA TOWN CENTER 4 i X 2.7fc 30.2fe O.Ofc N/A NIA X "Oe Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P; (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT ry r) < z < LU C/) > r,00, LL. Q4 LLJ < LLj Uj co r S,00 Q) < > U- 0 LL- 0 p I- Z Z) lee- 0 V) W U U-i z SITE LIGHTING PLAN Job Number: 1640 OP W woo Woo Woo MC. NO.. 37 a � 0 5-20-2019 Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: SL1.0 26 of 32 copyright @ 2019 by Woolley Engineering GRAND ACCENT 120V 5212 1 OR I 111160 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS Landscape accent luminaire. One fixture replaces all older halogen landscape accent Input: n0V-i20VAC_ lights Power: 13W to 31 W. 701MV Brightne5s, 780im - 21501m FEATURES Beam Angle. 15'1o, 60* Adjustable and lockable beam angle CAI: 85+ Integral dimmer Rated Life! 45,060 hours IP66 rated, Protected against high-pressure water jets I Includes a detachable shroud Solid diecast bran or corrosion resistant aluminum • Factory sealed water tight fixtures Mounting stakfa, Olead wirt, and direct burial gel filled wire nuts Included Maintains constant lumen output against voltage drop UL 1598 Listed Not sultabie to use with external dinners ORDERING NUMBER ColorTemp Finish GroedAcn?m 30 3 C, OK Vock. on,"duripwin) 00P., i 5212 i8Z Bros zeovAlurnfintim 20 1V i40 400 BOR Brorveor firr,55 5212- Example, 5212-40.BK wadighting.com Headquarters/Eastern Distribution Center Central DIstri , bubon Center Western Distribution Center Phone (800) 526-2589 44 Harbor Park Drive 1600 Distribution Ct 17,50 Archibald Avenue Fax t8OO) 52U585 Port Washington, NY 11050 Lithia Springs, GA 30122 Ontario; CA 91760 WACU9 . dify the Ming retains te riglit to In hg je5ign jf 0 Ur prod((Cts q t any t;Me 0, Part of thc- comparty'5 con tinpous hript-9veaten (pfogra m U 172118 r4 ff=1 L a, ^A P Key Features • Perfe,,_t for iestocm n)-,yj.nfing, taught or swayed, 1r, gnugcandurtive cabk_- with factriiy aflached sockets. Available in 2300'K static warm while or addressablrl full color 24BIl RGB, In (AA/kc-i 1.131 ly addressable lights fc.,i, cfamatic roll rf.)Jor fifilltino Lamp apacirig avaliable, In 112OC arrd 24' O-C. Fiat base cart be easily rriountc-id, agahist a waiii -or ridgc�d stirface. 100' rrrax pei i Lin (24" CJC) Muftiple diri-irn][jig options avraitih.le, seppower Supply Dimensional Drawings Installation Examples Facade X ing M 1 z4=0 M. Low voltage cable light Lovvoltage dlual c[rlcuilt cabl� light iowallble In varlou3 spacing. Stj and is capable of static War nn Whftrl or RGS, For indoor and outdoor lighting alppficatlon5, Details Class 2 Spicing 12' w 24' OC ;Spar'ing Color Terrip AvallabV In 2300'K aad RGO Watt'Ne 11W p,-Dr '.om*x,� Installation Attoch ic. alrcr -jfi cot,ik., rrnovld-d I)Y olhc:rs) an-d to bu MOM it lies (riZ(JVWi"d by 01,0jilai ' aibte. MOP wilIt-vilt Power Supply Lil;',etl Ciilss 2 owpui, 24 VDC powwr supply IP Rating ll)bS Certifications cE TI_uClaSs 2 Wei "Isied 4007019 Tessed it, i)cc(irdrifw valh LM-79-08 ATIII,>y 24,_,,') w0r(Jkif OWalililon t�orvpliorlL Warranty 3 yffl wairmilty Fixture Data M ade! Efficary' Lm,'Sulb WtiStilh Aw4t Catk� MeOs Tjtk, 241 Hic,,i i rtp,kc V rririrzq, Di rrEmio,na_- T. 118115? GYP 1'56 -1 f"Mir Thia styl ish lurnln;3ire,'' ojith t sleek and practical design, -is rapable of.superior perforr-rance no mattp,r oihat the. fir H ing de. rre rid. Plemoo's Radiantrm.ligi-A engine, along LIVith'the ho using, prcxii de s4ullcut=offand eve-,n I ig hit distribution. ORDERING FORMAT Exainph_--t: VVIlki'll-kil"kill t"MrF 1AX=Fhro4 NI 1."Jinft.n l m-pmrih'ji �dm,ff— 01 1 !Nw-F64 I * C Specifications- and Features- RadiantTIIUD A Ob ek ITF1 a I LED I"00A enwrie �(MT 27001 30011, 4100, N BOOK Distliblution -IF66 - T V e 2- 11, 111 , Nj,' V fi) I ctft --riff E lectHca I Ellecilronlic Ddn.ie r 1 20-2177V? 50.60 L or 34714801VI 5 U30 F� 0-1 OV Dirrimaih V,, Dri-ve r %rg Prot Q-ctiQn � dA d - �;,urge! prote cion device rm,,et:� IEEE d2A1 20102 Cligh 101kA Optional comtol's Mie�e on photo cfjntrnl (PQ) on po le or arm Qrll-y Housing Q d alUrninum upper dorne -68pun alurninum lol-rip, lr.5FiIade- Finish Riper durable polyeb_--r povide r coat f inid-i - 04� rn firlI.Shes a4lable, including p abria & arrA all RAL colors. Lisfinga FW*n 9 ETLII.stedto UL159 Aarridard fQrvi.r,-tloc;Aon arid, IN VAIrranty year i mr Qd tillarra rity rr ire Smerfizt-LEDUght U=11WYN I ltm FORM AND FUNCTION Sleek, low profile housing Engineered for Optin"11-11711 thermal rnanagerner-it Low depreciation rate Optical system designed for: Parking Lots Commercial Applications Spider Mount or Direct Pole rnount CONSTRUCTION • Die Formedheavy duty Aluminum • Corrosion resistart external hardware • One-piece silicione gask.et ensures IP-65 seal for dectronics compartment • Two-piece silicone Micro Optic system ensures IP-67 level -seal around each PC8 FINISH 3-5arils electrostatic powder coat. NLS'standard high -quality finishes prevent corrosion protects against extreme environmental coridbons WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty for drivers and LEDs. !;: lypt 11 3Vtbhd KW 1_ L1:Lmuq=d Killift zT)jx 11 ML 4A.ArdiNA41mclim CR; Ced 9 inp (,T OT)T-' V i kira:)idnriMii:iiuiHis; ril VA191 lion $:71Tt V FALUE SERIES SQUARE LISTINGS Certified to UL 1598 CSA C222 No: 250,0 Designi-fightsCensarflurn Premium"' (01-CP) I P65/ I P67 Rated LISTED Velvre Series Type 2 Vss-_$ 350 3000K 120-277 ':trect Pole sronze Dird �kc-,� IDS) 8qUarC- SMail 172) 5 1060 3 (5) (SOK) (UNV) (ORZ) r0iinlw flfade rlinis�; (MGF) (VSS.S) llvss-s unty 4[1 s40-480 6' (OP6) Vfl�rfr lkrq"� Pro*'ector 00K) fr a- f Pirl 11 ev'ade (PEI) Valve Series T ype 520 (40K) (HV) (WHT) (PC) Square 7 (T3) (53) 10' fopl 0)Siltie ' 3 2 (32L) �Vss-s CWY 5000K (SVR) fIncylief-11 f VIC'Cep'.3cle (Pon) Value Series Type 4 1 48 (48L) : (50K) Mount Back (M) I scuare 2 (T4) 5-4 (64L) Knuckle (114M) LK) .,P-?' V'i't, For 8' * Below (ESP-8) ML-64 onty VS9- 1, VSS-2 Only For 9'to 20'(FSP- 20) Type5 iunioriViount(T Gr hfte For2Vic40'(FSP-40) (T5) 90 (SOL) - *VS$7VSS-2071Y MltknSeft*X011dFSP-211Weiff(WrOt to th, ftmre 96 (96L) : Spat Mount, IE�non fSPM2) Grey 60) ?Acwnt Urao�K (CMS) Nerna ;AIIow over �-eor(S) 3MT,r mCustSo tarFi -M-1. Vss-2Only (C) Mqiiun Sunzm (IMMS) Wall 1,21ourit (WM) *twtvdos 6'Voft On Arm rvk� Adr�pvn T-4'Pole (APA4) Fifi Aul Pol&. Ari;,pCuy PA%) Act,pIi, c, (AO) LED bollards - fully shielded with directed light Post construction:One piece extruded aluminum internally welded to a dle-cast plate cover. Die castings are marine grade, copper free (s 03% copper content) A360.0 aluminum alloy. Lamp enclosure: One piece die-cast aluminum housing attached to post/pcie by two (2) internal, captive stainless steel screws threaded ritc, stainless steel inserts. Pclycarbonato diffuser with optical texture attached to housing with captive stainelss steel screw threaded into stainless steel insert. Fully gasketed using a one piece molded high temperature silicone gasket. Electrical: 7.20 LED luminaire, 10 total system watts, -30'C start temperature. Integral 120V through 277V electronic LED driver, dimming not available. LED module(s) are available from factory for easy replacen-iont. Standard LED color temperature is 3000K with an >8O Cpl. Available in 4000K (?80 CRI); add suffix K4 to order. Note: LEDs supplied with luminaire. Due to the dynamic nature of LED technology, LED luminaire data on this sheet is subject to change at the disuretion of BEGA-US. For the most current technical data, please refer to,mvmbega-us.com. Anchor base: Heavy cast aluminum, slotted for precise alignment. Mounts to BEGA 79217 anchorage kit. Bollards are Secured to the post with one (1) stainless steel setscrew. Finish: All BEGA standard finishes are polyester powder coat with minimum 3 mil thickness. Available in four standard BEGA colors: Black (BLK); White ( IVHT); Bronze (BRZ); Silver (SLV). To specify, add appropriate suffix to catalog number. Custom colors supplied on sl:ecial order GSA certified tc U.S. and Canadian standards, suitablo for wet locations. Protection class IP65 Weight: 10.1 lbs. A G B Lamp A 3 C Anchors 77221 7.8W LEE) 71/2 391/2 11 79817 Type: BEGA Product: Project: Voltage: Color: Options: Modified: BEGA 1000 BEGA Way, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805)684-0533 FAX(805)566-9474 www.bega-us.com OcupyrightBEGA'2017 Jpdsted09/17 The Lira Light Column RGBW LED color changing column luminaire bl�nd!8 beauty, design, color and expression Into a single powerfUl luminaire or color rotations are Red., Green, Nue and White. Color 1,efnper4ures for pure White are now available in Warm (3000K), Neutral (4000K) and Coal (5000K) lumens. All selections can have duration of time set for each color to achieve exciting transitions - each color beautifully blending into the next programmed color (DMX Controller required for RCS). Enjoy creating various lighting effects for al different applications or can be continuous warm, neutral, or cool white for an even glow. These columns can be conveniently programmed with other facade or fountain fixtures. This color -changing across 811 fixtures effect can be �rit°cally coordinated and timed, creating a molt -level fusion of light that will enhance any protect design. The standard heights of the Lira Light Column can range from 3 to 17 feet. Its column uses ail acrylic lens, which is reinforced by integral tubing that creates a wireway for connection of top side and bottom side LEDs, Optional shields for lenses are available. Project Name: Lira Ligirit Column symmetric ' 21 2W I I Lens 3000K 120-277 5"00 (SYM) (22) (30K) (LINV) (LIR-6) Warm 401/ 2' Lens Lira Lignt Column (44) 4000K 3" CD (40K) (LIR-8) 56W / 3' _ens Alaulrof (66) tiOOOK 88VV / 4' Lens (50K) (88) Cool R G BW I IOW / 5':ens (ROB) (110) LIGHT COLUMN Anchar Base GFI Kit (2) (ABI) (BIZ) (GFI) White (WifT) Banner Arms (4) Silver (BA) (6) Hunter Green (HGN) 71 Black (7) (BILK) Gr�i hite G rey 13 (CRY) (10) custorn L1F• rririx base ht. (CS) (12) 129 Long -Life !SleriesPhotocontrol LoAg-life (GVIAL) photomtr* A 0M COWANY Weft'deSiVied,19T the demands of 111 and solid state,lillghtiag (SS4, m"g them an excellem choice for 21vft J LED, cunytational & Electronic IIIA iIVA LED hininalres J_ that requite dusk to ..... . ........eta dawn omu& Recammended [w Juirlinaires 1hij aid. 7 use sdd state ballasIsIfters (e.g. r0ftXWOW CR, Electronic 10). fEquipment Features Specifications - The GN-ILL is specifically designed to provide long- Regulatory Listings life, enhanced light senAvit)ri and superior surge - Meets ANSI C136.10 protection when used with LED luminaires, - DOHS compliant - Filtered Silicon Light. Sensor, Sensitive to Sunlight - Manufactured in a ISO I: fled facility but not LED. - Surge Rated to ANSI C1 36.10 Extreme surge level - Sealed relay. Operating Characteristics - 2 MOVs each rated tof 320+ Joules/1 0,000 Amp, - Voltage 106 to 306 VAC, 6OHz - Sage GEISket haS a Conbirit4OLIS USO teMperatUre of - Load rating - I 800VA Driver or Ballast load - 3-6 second term -off delay. - Load rated for up to 200 amp inrush, 6 Black cover standard. Other colors optional. - 4D to +7DC ambient, Additional Features Enhanced Light Sensing - The silicon photo sensor is designed to sense sunlight, while being "blind" to light emitted from LEDs. This reduces LED sensitivity and greafty decreases false tum-off in high ambient light situations. InNsh Protstation - Tested and approved for use with fixtures that use multiple LED drivers, the HILL can wifthstarid the high inrush current that these drivers generate. Surge protection Employing two MOVs provides ;AN I Extreme Category (20kV, 1 QkA) surge protection for the control, and also protects the solid state driver from differential mode transients, Design We Enhancements - Design life is period of firne that the product is expected to work within its specified parameters, the t31+11-LL is rat i for'BD,t}t..ours Printed circuit board is fiber-glasslepoxy FR4 for superior strength and moisture resistance, and is conformally coated on both sides to reduce water absorption. - The cover is 0105 inches thick for better impact resistance compared to 0.06 inches an standard controls. Cover is sealed to the base to provide IP64 ingress protedon, M"AMOUghting Products 1501eirloo Wad -ftiOgton,DE 19804 Phiaue 302.892.91)OO Fax3l)2.992.005 www.pmwbghttg.com Pentco@LxRetronLoom j9(2017) Uc a i WX i TITAk to I VMN Com,pairIJ Prafessim@1 IngrOLInd LF-D Grazer conceptSx"rgii 11910L FXUfQ IV); to,,hit LED. Housing: stotl hoOy, mateirials! Do"- 11111% Trim: F4ijslic d Fr:rfitGrey ;;jILI,)(1j;'r1] jjjq jV,.j- Qjj)jFf--d qlass Ier=r; for k1jade I'l light elfef_[- Mon utrig. S'aln�-s i-tt�'Csed il.rtiourd In tns ire, (;'Ad Fi."Jur'- hb[Qatld'5taiflle"s s('rev: fow Driiver.120V IWCgrob,,d noit dimmiiig drivv.r fristallatiam Fixkijr!', vrtoialts In io{tallvion 7,16' talix e 54 dwincitoriri %two i� prc)vfdF,d -Mth 6ft 1pbfl zonkl::;C.tur ciiihfp_ dlructtxrtto hraingmd(ilia ix (r,.-xj I 6Vc-(Jsold -np Watwqe: 6W Color Temperature- 3000'10 4000,1K CRI! R;i�4 Lumens, 300OK 40OCK 47L!n 1331-in 93Lm 1061-m 158Uft ISILm Lumen Maintenance (L70)z$0,0Q0h* Cah'urwiw? ior!'FD oasr'd 1"(j t comp�vw(3l 1E1LM-8-0, BUG; 80-kit-G1 (nior:j-), 80-U,2-sal (bi-), 604-12-031 fpluiri-i Vcyltaget 120V AC, ISQ/60!Hi IP Rating. IP67 IK Rating: !K110 Load Ratlnq: Rc,,,sjslant t,,)svoic loods up to 213KN in flush era igivvnicint Certifications: t,.ULLisW(�tListri---4y-7426 Tc,Wxf in arc orflivir wiffi L10,706 ,—I ftle'24 xrl§nercial Irnimikilk'nt 'warranty,- S y4,ar firniu!,J warrarly ' ,Up Upto I METER DEPTH of wotur for up toa;ua),,m,,j,an of 30 rAWITFS .............. . .. . .... .. EP'I 144 MQ-t.. FU_ Ll T17 81 40 PL Views . .......... . WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville - Virginia 22902 (434) 973-0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect I Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 29903 P. (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT < U W z Q 0 LU LLJ LL LU < LLJ _j < Z C5 LLJ ca LZ < > U_ 0 LL_ O O Z Z) F_ 0 V) rV U LLJ z SITE LIGHTING DETAILS Job Number: 1640 V-1 TH OP 1> ERIC W, WOOLLEY " I/ LIC. NO. 37080:��-- JQ; �5-2NO 19 —20 LV 'IV .S"j G � 0 1� A'1, S Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering SL2.0 27 of 321 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE University of Virginia Research Park Town Center Four Erosion and Sediment Control The County of Albemarle, Virginia PROJECT DESCRIPTION The scope of this E&S narrative and plan is for the purpose of developing soil in preparation for the construction of Town Center Four. A total of approximately 12.5 acres will be disturbed during construction. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The topographic and built improvements existing on the subject property are depicted on the accompanying E&S plan, utility plan & profiles, and the general notes sheet. ADJACENT AREAS The UVA Research Park is located in northern Albemarle County, adjacent to U.S. Route 29. The Park consists of approximately 565 acres and is zoned Planned Development - Industrial Park, to allow for mixed use office, research and development and light industrial use. The Park consists of several "Districts." The subject project is located within the Town Center District. The site is bound to the north by Town Centers One and Two, and to the east by Town Center Three and is located adjacent to Lewis and Clark Drive. The remainder of the adjacent areas are reserved for future phases of the Town Center and are currently undeveloped. These areas are subject to mass grading in preparation of the future development as outlined on the approved Master Plan. OFF -SITE AREAS All land disturbing activities shall occur on -site and within the limits of project shown on the plans. At this point, no off -site borrow, waste or grading activity will occur. This development also includes the construction of a proposed new extension/connection of the existing trail network. Significant land disturbance is not anticipated with the new trail work, if necessary the contractor shall apply erosion control measures as directed by the erosion & sediment control inspector. SOILS This site is located in a geologic area referred to as the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The soils in this geologic area are weathered from the underlying metamorphic bedrock. The naturally occurring soils at this site were found to be moderately to highly plastic silts weathered from the Catoctin formation which consists of basic lava flows, schist, and gneiss composed of chlorite, plagioclase, amphiobole, and epidote. The soils observed here appear to be weathered from metamorphosed sedimentary soils such as phyllite and schist. The map units on the detailed soil map depicted on the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, represent the soils in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the soil maps, can be used to determine the suitability and potential of a soil for specific uses, and, precautionary erosion and sedimentation control measures which must be adhered to. They also can be used to plan for the management needed for those uses. The profile of the soil classifications follows: Hayesville Loam (36113): This deep, gently sloping (2-7%), well -drained soil is on broad, convex ridge top. Typically, the surface layer is brown and strong brown loam about seven (7) inches thick The subsoil is red clay and red clay loam about fifty-one (51) inches thick. The substratum is mostly multicolored sandy clay loam derived from strongly weathered granite gneiss. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Shrink -swell potential is low. Runoff is moderate, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. Bedrock is generally at a depth of five (5) feet or more. Hayesville Loam (36C : This deep, strongly sloping (7-1 h 0/o), well -drained soil is on narrow, row, convex ridge tops and on side slopes. Typically, the surface layer is brawn and strong brown loam about seven (7) inches thick. The subsoil is red clay and red clay loam about fifty-one (51) inches thick The substratum is mostly multicolored sandy clay loam. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Shrink -swell potential is low. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. Bedrock is generally at a depth of five (5) feet or more. Hayesville Clay Loam (37D3): This deep, moderately steep sloping (15-25%), well -drained soil is on side slopes that border small drainage ways. Typically, the surface layer is yellowish red loam about four (4) inches thick. The subsoil is red clay and red clay loam about forty-seven (47) inches thick. The substratum is mostly multicolored sandy clay loam derived from weathered granite gneiss. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Shrink -swell potential is low. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. Bedrock is generally at a depth of five (5) feet or more. CRITICAL AREAS There are several critical areas on the site. These include three utility stream crossings and several areas of steep slopes greater than 4:1. The steep slopes on the site have been defined by The County as either preserved or managed areas and are illustrated on sheet C3.0. Steep slopes within the site were impacted minimally and only for instances when it could not be avoided. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES The contractor shall provide, construct and maintain erosion and sediment control measures on the site, in accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation and the County of Albemarle erosion and sediment control measures (refer to the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan sheet). All vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices shall be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. Soil stabilization refers to measures that protect soil from the erosive forces of raindrop impact and flowing water. Applicable practices include vegetative establishment, mulching, and the early application of gravel base on areas to be stone. Soil stabilization measures should be selected to be appropriate for the time of the year, site conditions, and estimated duration of use. Temporary sediment filters and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to retain sediment shall be constructed as a first step in any land -disturbing activity and be made functional before up slope land disturbance takes place. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions immediately after installation. The following structural practices will be implemented according to the requirements set forth by the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control. Safety Fence (3.01) A protective barrier consisting of polyethylene web secured to a conventional metal post driven into the ground a minimum of /8 inches. Posts should be spaced at 6-foot centers. Used to prevent undesirable use of an erosion control measure by the public. To prevent access to an erosion control measure. Specific Application: Safety fence will be used at areas where existing Town Center employees and visitors may come into contact with the planned work area. Contractor may substitute temporary chain -link fencing where deemed appropriate. Contractor shall coordinate with project manager regarding substitutions. Temporary Stone Construction Entrance (3.02) A seventy (70) foot stone section shall be installed at the point of vehicular ingress and egress on the construction site. This stone area shall be used for washing sediment from vehicles exiting the site. Where sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual subdivision lots as well as larger land disturbing activities. Specific Application: A construction entrance shall be placed adjacent to Lewis and Clark Drive at the southeastern parking lot entrance and additional gravel shall be applied if the Erosion Control Inspector deems it necessary. If deemed necessary by The County Inspector the temporary stone construction entrance shall be converted into a temporary paved construction entrance. cj. Silt Fence (3.05) A temporary sediment barrier consisting of synthetic filter fabric stretched across and attached to supporting posts and entrenched. Used to prevent sediment from leaving the site. To decrease the velocity of sheet flows. Specific Application: Silt fence will be used at the foot of the cut / fill slopes and as shown on the plan. 2. Inlet Protection (3.07) A temporary sediment filter around a storm inlet or curb inlet, in order to prevent sediment from entering storm drainage systems prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area. Specific Application: Inlet protection will be used around all storm drainage inlets and curb inlets existing within the project area and as shown on the plan. Temporary Diversion Dike (3.09) A temporary ridge of compacted soil constructed at the top or base of a sloping disturbed area. Used to divert sediment -laden runoff from a disturbed area to a stabilized outlet. Specific Application: Diversion Dikes will be used to divert runoff away from the disturbed areas of construction as shown on the plan. D. Fill Diversion (see 3.09) A temporary ridge of compacted soil constructed at the top or base of a sloping disturbed area. Used to divert sediment -laden runoff from a disturbed area to a stabilized outlet. Specific Application: Diversion Dikes will be used to divert runoff away from the disturbed areas of construction. 2L Diversion (3.12) A channel constructed across a slope with a supporting earthen ridge on the lower side. Used to reduce the slope length and to intercept and divert stormwater runoff to stabilized outlets at non -erosive velocities. Specific Application Diversions will be used on the high sr b p pp g de (above construction} of slopes to direct "clean" water into the slope drains to outfall below the disturbed ar eas. teas. h). Temporary Sediment Trap (3.13) A temporary ponding area formed by constructing an earthen embankment with a stone outlet. It is used to detain sediment -laden runoff from drainage areas less than three acres for enough time to allow most of the sediment solids to settle out. It can be constructed only where there is sufficient space and appropriate topography. Maximum effective life is 18 months. Specific Application: Sediment traps will be used to detain runoff on the site and will be situated as shown on the plan. i� Temporary Sediment Basin (3.14) A temporary barrier or dam with controlled stormwater release structure that is formed by constructing an embankment of compacted soil across a drainage way. It is used to detain sediment -laden runoff from drainage areas three acres or greater for enough time to allow most of the sediment solids to settle out. It can be constructed only where there is sufficient space and appropriate topography. Maximum effective life is 18 months unless designed as a permanent pond by a qualified professional. Specific Application: An existing sediment basin located southwest of the site will be dug out and restored to it's original size and will be used to detain and treat runoff. The location of the sediment basin is shown on the site plan. Temporary Slope Drains (3.15) A flexible tubing or conduit extending from the top to the bottom of a cut or fill slope. The drains will temporarily conduct concentrated runoff safely down the face of a cut or fill slope without causing erosion on or below the slope. n r Specific Application The drains shall be used #o divert clean water f the i s affected b p pp from e high side of slope ff y the installation of the utilities. Outlet protection shall be applied at the bottom of the drain. See detail sheet ES3.1 for conduit sizing. k). Outlet Protection (3.18) Structurally lined aprons or other acceptable energy dissipating devices placed at the outlets of pipes or paved channel sections. To prevent scour at stormwater outlets and minimize downstream erosion. Specific Application: This form of protection shall be utilized on all stormwater outlets by using riprap. Surface Roughening (3.29) This erosion and sedimentation control measure involves creating horizontal depressions on slopes or leaving slopes in a roughened condition by not fine -grading them. This is done to aid in the establishment of vegetative cover or seed, to reduce runoff velocity and increase infiltration, and to reduce erosion and provide for sediment trapping. Specific Application: This form of protection shall be performed on all slopes 3.1 or greater as shown on the accompanying E&S Plan. Slopes less steep than 3:1 should have the soil lightly roughened and loose to a depth of 2-4n prior to seeding. m). Temporary Seeding (3.31) The establishment of a temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas by seeding with appropriate rapidly growing annual plants. This protects slopes exposed during construction until permanent vegetative cover can be established. Temporary seeding will apply to all areas on the site that will not be brought to final grade for periods of thirty (30) days to one year. Selection of the appropriate seed mixture depends upon the time of year it is to be applied (See schedule on E&S details sheet.) Specific Application: Temporary seeding shall be applied to all denuded areas prior to permanent stabilization in the form of either haradscape or permanent seeding. Temporary seeding shall be used on all fill slopes and diversions. EL Permanent Seeding (3.32) Establishment of perennial vegetative cover by planting seed on rough -graded areas that will not be brought to final grade for a year or more or where permanent, long-lived vegetative cover is needed on fine -graded areas. Specific Application: Permanent seeding will be applied to all portions of disturbed area. 91. Soil Stabilization Blankets & Matting (3.36) Stabilizing disturbed areas of a steep slope, channel, or a shoreline by applying protective covering on a prepared area. The matting will protect the young vegetation and promote its establishment while increasing the permissible velocity of turf grass stands. Specific Application: Soil Stabilization blankets & matting will be utilized as shown on the plan. AZ Tree Preservation and Protection (3.38) Protection of desirable trees from mechanical and other Injury during land disturbing and construction activity. Specific Application: Tree protection shall be applied to select vegetation on the site as illustrated on the plan. q). Dust Control (3.39) Reducing surface air movement of dust during land disturbances, demolition or construction activities in areas subject to dust problems in order to prevent soil loss and reduce the presence of potentially harmful airborne substance. Speck Application: Dust control shall be applied as necessary. PERMANENT STABILIZATION All areas disturbed by construction will be stabilized with permanent seeding immediately following finish grading. All seeds will be approved by the "Virgi'nia Crop Improvement Association,' Blacksburg Virginia. Seeding will be done with the following: Two (2) parts Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis), by weight, minimum 98 % purity and 90% germination; maximum 1 % weed seed. Three (3) parts perennial Ryegrass (Labium perrene) by weight; minimum 85 % purity and 90% germination, maximum 1 % weed seed. Fifteen (15) parts Falcon Fescue, minimum 98% purity and 90% germination; maximum 1 % weed seed. Permanently seeded areas shall be protected during establishment. Mulch shall consist of oat or wheat straw, free from weeds, foreign matter detrimental to plant life, and dry. Hay or chopped cornstalks will not be permitted. Mulch and/or lime shall be applied at a rate of two (2) tons per acre. Specifications for fertilizer are FS 0-F-241 C, Type 1, solid form, Grade A or B; recommended for grass, with one hundred (100) percent of the elements derived from organic sources of the following properties: a) Nitrogen 12.0 % b) Phosphoric Acid 8.0% c) Soluble Potash 8.0% With at least fifty (50) percent of the nitrogen from a non -water soluble organic source. The following measures shall be incorporated during fertilization: Apply fertilizer at a rate of 1000 lbs./acre. Apply after smooth raking of topsoil. Do not apply fertilizer at same time or with same machine as will be used to apply seed. Till fertilizer into upper two (2) inches of topsoil. Lightly water dry topsoil to depth of six (6) inches at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to seeding to obtain a /dose friable seed bed and to aid in the dissipation of fertilizer. The following rates and practices will be adhered to for all seeding that occurs on -site: Apply seed a rate of 6-lbs.11000 sq. ft. evenly at right angles with a spreader or seeding machine. Rake in lightly, covering seed to depth of 1/8 inch. Do not seed area in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. Do not sow immediately following rain, when ground is too dry, or during windy periods. Roll seeded area with roller not exceeding 112 lbs. Immediately following seeding and compacting apply mulch to a thickness of one (1) inch. Maintain clear of shrubs and trees. Apply water with a fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched. Saturate to six (6) inches of soil. MAINTENANCE All erosion and sediment control measures must be maintained and repaired immediately to insure continued performance of their intended functions as stated in the Virginia Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition 1992. In general, all erosion and sediment control measures will be checked weekly and after each runoff -producing rainfall event. All seeded and sodded areas will be checked regularly to ensure that a good stand is maintained. Areas will be fertilized, reseeded and resodded as needed. DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES All temporary erosion and sediment control measures, including the temporary sediment basins, shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. Trapped sediment and other disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The Town Center Four site will primarily drain via surface runoff into an existing sediment basin. The Town Center Four site lies within the Town Center District which is part of a larger existing watershed and was included within the previously approved stormwater master plan for the UVA Research Park. Master planning for the Research Park assumes a full build -out to the region and the Town Center District was included in the design to be captured and treated in a wet pond located southwest from the site and close to the Center for Applied Biomechanics building. The pond was constructed and designed to "bank" allowable impervious areas as they each phase of the Park developed. Excerpts from the approved storm water management study were copied and are included within the stormwater management calculations booklet. No other treatment is proposed with this development. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES UVA Research Park: Town Center Four Major Site Plan Amendment: Erosion & Sediment Control Plan The County of Albemarle, Virginia ES-1 The Albemarle County Department of Community Development must be notified one week prior to the pre - construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. ES-2 All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. ES-3 All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. ES-4 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. ES-5 Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off -site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. ES-6 The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. ES-7 All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. ES-8 During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. ES-9 The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. ES-10 All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. ES-11 All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. ES-12 Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. ES-13 All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. ES-14 Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. ES-15 Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, or collapse. ES-16 The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. ES-18 Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50/50 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. ES-18 Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. ES-19 Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. ES-20 All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. SOIL MAP KEY 36B HAYESVILLE LOAM 36C HAYESVILLE LOAM 371D3 HAYESVILLE CLAY LOAM WooLLEYENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville . Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT a OL = Q tloo Z a� � o> Q W J fy Q m Q > LL � O O Z O � UJ i NA RRA T1 V. Job Number: 1640 °F� i C T. 1FOOLL9Y LIC. NO. 3708rjk.` � k5-20-2019{!�.10NAL stl Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: copyright a 2019 by Woolley Engineering ES1.0 I �1 9.j O- 2 ,-� o .',dI7 ,A �, , " N - I e 1t 1 , 31I " / 1 -" '\ " — ow -, I - , I-, 1I 1 �I - I7: � �". �:II II t i - _I z - I c — X I III2I I 11I 1 I -I , — -7 1- —� ' � 1 j II , -= , ,) . -0I _ _1 7_ —_ IAI -- 1 @ . ,, i - . ---_ � 0 n� -. 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X" 2 TOTAL SPACES 1 ( - / �, � /'. K �1 90 W , �} -- .i -I? 11I 1 � I ''_V -M7 �-- - X _7 � -'* _ x ) L t I J i I I � f_i�_ �� I __4 W.- ]p aTra a EROSION BLANKEYMATTING CONTRUCTION ENTRANCE CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION DUST CONTROL DIVERSION DYKE FILL DIVERSION INLET PROTECTION OUTLET PROTECTION SAFETY FENCE H X SILT FENCE X X SURFACE ROUGHENING TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN TEMP, SEDIMENT TRAP TREE PROTECTION TEMPORARY SEEDING TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN PERMANANT SEEDING Top of Trap: 496.0 Top of Stone Weir: 495.0 Bottom of Stone Weir: 493.3 Bottom of Trap: 490.0 Refer to Virginia Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook for specifications. Sediment Basin Maintenance Schedule: 1. The existing sediment basin shall be inspected prior to construction to ensure that it is structurally sound, in suitable working order and that the sediment has been cleaned out and properly disposed of. 2. The basin embankment and emergency spillway shall be checked regularly and after each rain event to ensure that the structural integrity of each is sound and that no damage has occurred. 3. The basin shall be checked after each runoff -producing rainfall for sediment cleanout. When the sediment reaches the clean -out level, it shall be removed and properly disposed of. General Construction Sequence: 1. Install perimeter erosion control and safety features, construction entrance and sediment trap. 2, Verify condition of existing sediment basin, clean out (if necessary,) confirm usablity with Albemarle County E&SC Inspector. 3. Adjust erosion control elements (as necessary) during Braiding operation to continue to direct the storm drainage into the sediment trap & sediment basin. 4. Contractor shall not remove erosion control elements for phase 2 prior to authorization from the Albemarle County E&SC inspector. LU ,;11 0 r-4 U L:Li M i- Z 7D LU 0 ad LI) LU < U_ LU Z me :E 0 �_ ry- ne 5: 0 Z rd 00 0 < z �l- -- - -- -!_I_ #Il-..7_--1,� " " -- -- �- �I 54 N N M0 50 50' ' 100 - 150 \ \ I ' , i .= , _\ % "i , �t J. \ ,,/ y , - �. - -%7__CONTOUR INTERVAL 2 ) , _ -__ - WooLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.wooUey-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 99902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 1 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT �kz 0!!� < n = < Uz 11211!� < lcl� () U.J W < 04 W 0� < 7— Z F) LLj LLJ CIO r wo U _J < — >_ �— >_ ll., Z :D V) 1111,000 0 LU > -7 Z) E&SC PLAN PHASE I Job Number: 1640 op Y )t U ERIC W. TOOLLEY `w vt MC. NO. 37088 .4; �A �ry ��1aNAL 47 � 4V StGP�/ Date: M a y 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: 1 " = 50- Sheet No.: ES2.0 copyright @ 2019 by Woolley Engineering 29 of 32� 1 J LEWIS & CLARK DRIVE STATE ROUTE 1571 :R I R cc M 10 EROSION BLANKET/MATTING CONTRUCTION ENTRANCE CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION DUST CONTROL DIVERSION DYKE FILL DIVERSION INLET PROTECTION OUTLET PROTECTION SAFETY FENCE SILT FENCE X SURFACE ROUGHENING TEMP. SEDIMENT BASIN TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP TREE PROTECTION TEMPORARY SEEDING TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN PERMANANT SEEDING :z 0 P-4 Li; U :D z LU 0 ce il..0 LU CK > 0 co Landscape Architect I Red Clay Landscape Arch, 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT 11--/ r1oll U z LU > 04 U-j ry < --7 W > U- Lj- 0 O Z 0 V) ry -7 M E&SC PLAN PHASE Job Number: 1640 W OF ERIC W. WOOLUY LIC. NO. 37088 �A 4 4F 0� lk �Is W-10NAL 11�6� Date: M a y 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: W03KOA Sheet No.. ES2.1 copyright @ 2019 by Woolley Engineering v 50 0 50 100 150 SCALE: 1" 50, V, % CONTOUR INTERVAL L 2' 9 1 TP TREE PROTECTION SURFACE ROUGHENING 000 DOZER TREADS CREATE GROOVES PERPENDICULAR TO THE SLOPE SO f TRACKING - OUTLET PROTECTION A -1 'IPE OUTLET TO FLAT \REA WITH NO DEFINED :HANNEL L a 0 % IN 0 d SECTION A -A FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6' 9"; RECOMMENDED FOR ENTIRE PERIMETER NOTES: 1. APRON LINING MAY BE RIPRAP, GROUTED RIPRAP, GABION BASKET, OR CONCRETE. 2. La IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON AS CALCULATED USING PLATES 3.18-3 AND 3.18-4. 3. d = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER, BUT NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES. (:TS TEMPORARY SEEDING ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS PLANTING DATES SPECIES RATE (lbs./acre) SEPT. 1 - FEB. 15 50/50 MIX OF ANNUAL RYEGRASS (Lollum multiflorum) & 50 - 100 CEREAL (WINTER) RYE (Secale cereale) FEB. 16 - APR. 30 ANNUAL RYEGRASS 60 - 100 (Lollum multitlorum) MAY 1 - AUG. 31 GERMAN MILLET 50 (Setaria italica) DEBRIS FROM SLOPE ABOVE IS CAUGHT BY STEPS TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE (y �I GREATER THAN VERTICAL GROOVE BY CUTTING FURROWS ALONG THE CONTOUR. IRREGULARITIES IN THE SOIL SURFACE CATCH RAINWATER AND RETAIN LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEED. CUT STEPS WITH DRAINAGE TO THE BACK. AVOID LOW SPOTS. STAIR STEPPING CUT SLOPES -15„ GROOVING SLOPES COMPACTED SOIL 4.5' MIN. r"' TYPICAL TRAPEZOIDAL DIVERSION 10% S ETTLEM ENT COMPACTED SOIL \J 0.3' FREE BOARD mp�� DESIGN FLOW DEPTH 11 11- I I I I I�---�1 ! I ----I 11 11 P -�I PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE DRAINAGE SWALE DIRECTS FLOW TO SEDIMENT BASIN 3" SM-2A ASPHALT TOP COURSE 70' MIN, A 22v 2% 6' MIN, FILTER CLOTH SIDE ELEVATION EXISTING GROUND EXISTING PAVEMENT 6" 21 A AGGREGATE BASE EX. CURB OR EDGE OF PAV'T 70' MIN. ASPHALT PAVED A WASHRACK °2% ;° EXISTING =Ti °". PAVEMENT k t SEE f P� , se�.k POS. DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT TRAP * MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH . OF INGRESS AND EGRESS OPERATION 2 x2'x2' SEDIMENT TRAP 1 °x0.5' OUTLET 113 STONE PLAN VIEW (SEE TYP. SED. TRAP FOR DETAIL) 12' MIN FILTER CLOTH SECTION A -A NOTE. A MINIMUM WATER TRAP OF 1 " IS REQUIRED WITH A MINIMUM WASH HOSE DIAMETER OF 1.5 " SAFES SAFETY FENCE/SILT FENCE COMBO STAKE EXTEND SILT FENCE FILTER FABRIC INTO TRENCH 4„ SAFETY FETY FENCE 5' MIN. I Z --I 4„�- BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL. SILT FENCE FILTER FABRIC POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. P BLOCK &GRAVEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTER _ CURB INLET .. ,. -�- WIRE SCREEN ��--- '� CONCRETE BLOCK GRAVEL FILTER RUNOFFWATER WITH OVERFLOW SEDIMENT FILTERED WATER SEDIMENT CURB INLET WIRE SCREEN 2" X 4" WOOD STUD SPECIAL APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLETS WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPABILITY IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE. SF SILT FENCE EXTEND FILTER FABRIC STAKE INTO TRENCH I a#sue— 3 4111 ° i 4" 7- BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL. A POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. A GENERAL NOTES - SILT FENCE 1) The height of a silt fence will be a minimum of 16 inches and a maximum of 34 inches above ground elevation. 2) Extra strength filter fabric shall be a continuous roll. When joints are unavoidable, a splice may be made at a support post with a 6" overlap. 3) The excavated trench shall be 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep on the upslope side of the proposed location. 4) Support posts shall be a maximum of 10 feet apart where wire support is used, and no more than 6 feet apart where wire is not used. When placing silt fence across a ditch or swale, the posts are to be set at a maximum 3interval. 5) The trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the filter fabric. 6) Silt fences shall be removed when the upslope area has been permanently stablized. 4F) TEMPORARY SAFETY FENCE CONVENTIONAL METAL (T) OR (U) POSTS POLYETHYLENE FABRIC (ATTACH TO POSTS WITH METAL WIRES) 18" MIN �--+ 6-0" MAX NOTE: CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE TEMPORARY CHAIN -LINK FENCE WHERE APPROPRIATE. GATES AND OPENINGS SHALL BE FULLY COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973 = 0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Oe Q = Q U Z Q cl:� UJ cn 0 > LU W04 Q z � LLl W m Q > � 0 O O Z F � � ry U w Z E&SC DETAILS Job Number: 1640 OP 'ENC ir. 11raor l" r LIC. NO. 3708 _ k5-20-2019 &4k. Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: As Noted Sheet NO.: copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering ES3*0 31 of 32 B�M BLANKET MATTING ;rJUNCTION SLOT CHECKSLOT* TERMINAL FOLD LAP JOINT 2" MIN. (JUTE MESH ONLY) TAMP FIRMLY ANCHOR SLOT I..f 6" TO 12" TAMP FIRMLY CHECK SLOT -no 6" TO 12" JUNCTION SLOT .40 TAMP FIRMLY —12" MIN-.1 V 6" TO 12" TYPICAL TREATMENT - 1 (SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET) INSTALLATION CRITERIA NOTES ANCHOR SLOT APPROXIMATELY 200 STAPLES REQUIRED PER 100 SQ. YDS. OF MATERIAL ROLL. ANCHOR SLOTS, JUNCTION SLOTS & CHECK SLOTS TO BE BURIED 6" TO 12". 12" MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER `I 6" MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 (� EDGE AND END JOINTS ! 1 I I I I I I I I TO BE SNUGLY ABUTTED I (JUTE MESH WILL HAVE I I I STAPLED LAP JOINT IN LIEU OF EDGE JOINT) I I I I I I I I I III i I 6 MAX. 4.1 OR FLATTER I I I I T MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 I I I I I I I I I I I i t I II I II I I I I I * CHECK SLOT 1" TO NN I I I I I I l l I I I I VAR. VAR. PLAN VIEW STAPLING DIAGRAM STAPLE FORMED FROM NO. 11 STEEL WIRE. *CHECK SLOTS AT MIN. 8" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR SANDY SOIL. 50' C-C INTERVALS; 6" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR OTHER SOIL, NOT REQ.'D WITH ALL "COMBINATION" BLANKETS SLOPE DRAIN STAKED TO EARTHEN DIKE SLOPE AT EACH JOINT OR 18' (COMPACTED) MINIMUM PROVIDE OUTLET PROTECTION STANDARD FLARED END SECTION SECTION A -A 'D' SECTION VIEW TERMINAL FOLD TAMP FIRMLY I— 4" MIN. —I t 2„ PROVIDE INLET PROTECTION (IF NEEDED) r-- A M SLOPE NUMBER (INCHES) 1 12 2 18 3 18 STANDARD FLARED END SECTION ST TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP t,I VARIABLE* VARIABLE ORIGINAL 67 CU. YD. / ACRE _ VARIABLES GROUND VV ELEV. 67 CU. YD. / ACRE (EXCAVATEDI f " FILTER CLOTH 4' MAX.* CLASS I RIPRAP " SEE TABLE BELOW Cross -Section COARSE AGGREGATE CLASS I RIPRAP g Xgth (in feet)ge (in ao.) DIVERSION DIKE r COARSE AGGREGATE EXCAVATEDFILTER CLOTH AREA **COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL BE VDOT #3, #357 OR #5 Outlet (Perspective View) MINIMUM TOP WIDTH (W) REQUIRED FOR SEDIMENT TRAP EMBANKMENTS ACCORDING TO HEIGHT OF EMBANKMENT (FEET) W .~ Hn H I is l�— EXACAVTED AREA I s- - �* g I ORIGINAL (SEE CHART) - 111 GROUND _I ! I ELEV. The maximum allowable drainage area is 3 acres. Sediment should be removed from the basin when the volume is reduced by one—half. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DATA STRUCTURE DRAINAGE (ACRES) EXCAVATED STORAGE (C.FT.) EXCAVATED (BOTTOM) EXCAVATED FFEET� DRY STORAGE (C.FT.) LENGTH (FEET) HEIGHT (FEET) HEIGHT (FEET) REQUIRED DESIGN REQUIRED DESIGN 1 2.98 5,391 6,289 1,073 3.30 5,391 5,645 18 1.70 2.70 CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE AND PROPERLY REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM EXISTING BASIN TO ENSURE 2:1 SIDE SLOPES TACKWELD ALL AROUN #6 X 1! 2" SPACER BAi (TYPICAL) SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEMATIC ELEVATIONS 67 C.Y./ AC. " DRY" STORAGE 67 C.Y./ AC. " WET " STORAGE SEDIMENT CLEANOUT POINT { WET "STORAGE REDUCED TO 34 C.Y./ ACRE) DESIGN ELEVATIONS WITH EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ANTI- VORTEX DEVICE DESIGN PRESSURE RELIEF DLES 1 /2" DIA. A PLAN VIEW D _I KOM Vj^Mr1rK r SECTION A -A IN _„PPORT BAR (#6 REBAR MI1 ISOMETRIC CREST OF EMERGENCY e SPILLWAY TOP STIFFENER (IF REQUIRED) IS ANGLE WELDED TO TOP AND ORIENTED PER- PENDICULAR TO CORRUGATIONS. TOP IS SUITABLE GAGE CORRUGATED METAL OR 1/$" STEEL PLATE. PRESSURE RELIEF HOLES MAY BE OMMITTED, IF ENDS OF CORRUGATIONS ARE LEFT FULLY OPEN WHEN THE TOP IS ATTACHED. CYLINDER IS SUITABLE GAGE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE OR FABRICATED FROM 1 /8" STEEL PLATE. NOTES: 1, THE CYLINDER MUST BE FIRMLY FASTENED TO THE TOP OF THE RISER. 2. SUPPORT BARS ARE WELDED TO THE TOP OF THE RISER OR ATTACHED BY STRAPS BOLTED TO TOP OF RISER. RECOMMENDED DEWATERING SYSTEM FOR SEDIMENT BASINS PROVIDE ADEQUATE STRAPPING POLYETHYLENE CAP ...... V__ _ DEPTH TACK WELD _ VARIES AS PERFORATED POLYETHYLENE * REQUIRED DRAINAGE TUBING, DIAMETER FOR "DRY" -__ VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN STORAGE APPENDIX 3.14-A) WET " FERNCO-STYLE " COUPLING STORAGE DEWATERING ORIFICE, SCHEDULE 40 STEEL STUB 1-FOOT MINIMUM, CORRUGATED METAL RISER DIAMETER VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN APPENDIX 3.14-A) NOTE: WITH CONCRETE RISER, USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 STUB FOR DEWATERING ORIFICE *DRAINAGE TUBING SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F667 AND AASHTO M294 WQC)LLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville . Virginia 22902 (434) 973 =0045 www.woolley-eng.com Landscape Architect Red Clay Landscape Arch. 912 Sixth Street SE Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P; (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Q 2 Q u ry Z Q 04 :3 � � O Q � J Q W LU m Q LL O O Z O � z E&SC DETAILS Job Number: 1640 Ti OF'l `e~} muc IT. WOOLLSY LIC. NO. 3708 k�©� 5-20-2019 {49 �s910NA� Date: May 20, 2019 Revision: Scale: As Noted Sheet NO.: copyright 0 2019 by Woolley Engineering ES 3,9 1 32 of 32