HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198300067 Public Notification 1983-08-25 �11 OF AL9FMq V 4 pF ALe� �k S 2 4,7 J, ®� 'D 1 yRGit . ROBERT E.VAUGHN H.P. CLARIfiE DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS Inspections Department BUILDING OF XI L ZONING ADMINISTRATOR BUILDING.ZONING.SOIL EROSION DEPUTY ZONING ANDREW D.EVANSADMINI$TRATOR JESSE R.HURT FIRE PREVENTION DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS 401 MCINTIRE ROAD. ROOM 2-2 IRA B. CORTEZ CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA 22901-4596 FIRE PREVENTION,OFFICER 1804) 296-5832 September 9, 1983 Pankey, Richard D. or Betty M. Whyte, M. O. , ETAL Hayward, James H. Earlysville Forest Homeowner's Assoc. Petchel, Robert G. , Etal. Sateesh, Krishnamurthy, Etal. 1I Turner, Thomas S. , IV, ETAL Kirby, Larry D. , ETAL Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is to notify you, as adjoining property owners, that Earlysville Forest Land Trust (D. A. Macfarlan, MD) , property described as Tax Map 31g , Parcel(s) C , zoned PUD , has made application for VA-83-67 , requesting relief from Section & Section 20.8.6 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance , as follows: The applicant requests relief from Section of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow an identification sign to be 9 square feet; a variance of 7 square feet. The applicant also requests relief from Section 20.8.6 to allow a sign to be located 60 feet from the front property line; a variance of 20 feet. A public hearing will be held by the Board of Zoning Appeals on September 19, 1983 , at 3:00 p.m. , in Meeting Room # 7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. 1 This application is made available for your review in the Albemarle County Zoning Office, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Respectfully, aviAsz_t_j 001(6 i 18,_; Andrew D. Evans ? a Deputy Zoning Administrator 1 ADE/st 1 cc: File # VA-83-67 1 ) . .,/ OF ALezxf Ngek - CP� y of�taP • �Rcr% ROBERT E.VAUGNN MICHAEL C. NICKELL DIRECTOR OFINSPECTIONS Inspections Department Assistant euiidIng GffTCisl ZONING ADMINISTRATOR • BUILDING.ZONING.SOIL EROSION ANDREW O.EVANS JESSE R.HURT FIRE PREVENTION DEPUTY ZONING AOMIPOSTRATOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONS 401 MCINTIRE ROAD. ROOM 2-2 IRA S.CORTEZ CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA 2.'?901-4596 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER leo4)296-5832 September 21, 1983 • • D. Andrew MacFarlan, MD Box 138 Earlysville, VA 22936 . RE: VA-83-67 Board of Zoning Appeals Actions Dear Dr. MacFarlan: This letter is to inform you that on September 19, 1983, during a special m'etiig' of Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals, your application for VA-83-67 was approved. This variance allows relief from Section of the Albemarle County Zonin Ordinance to allow an identification sign to be 9 square feet; a variance of 7 square feet. Pursuant to Section 35.0 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the actual costs of any notice required under the code shall be taxed to the applicant, to the extent that the same shall exceed the applicable fee set forth in this sect p_ Failure to pay all applicable fees shall constitue grounds for the denial of an application. Please see the attached bill for the amount of $4.24. If you have any further questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, drew D. vans f/ Deputy Zoning Administrator ADE/kjb cc: VA-83-67 Enclosure ..r OF AL9 4,41 c. P �� L \RGl'.ytr ROOERT E.VAUGHN MICHAEL C. MICICELL DIRECTOR Of INSPECTIONS Inspections Department Assistant Building Official ZONING ADMINISTRATOR BUILDING.ZONING.SOIL EROSION ANGREW D. EVANS JF4-E R.HURT Fi RE PREVENTION OERUT ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR Or INSPECTIONS 401 MCINTIRE ROAD.ROC w 2-2 IRA B.CORTEZ CHARLOTTESVILLE.VIRGINIA :2901-4596 FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER II (804)296-5832 • September 2, 1983 D. Andrew MacFarlan, M.D. Box 138 Earlysville, VA 22936 Re: Variance Application, VA-83-67 Dear Mr. MacFarlan: This letter is to inform you that your variance application, VA-83-67, will be heard during the public hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals on Monday, September 19, 1983, at 3:00 p.m. , Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Please find enclosed a corrected placard which should be posted on the site so that it is visible from the public road. Also, our office needs a letter of authorization from Earlysville Forest Land Trust which states that you can sign for the application. It will be necessary for someone to be present to speak for the variance application. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 296-5832. Respectfully, rew D. Evans / Deputy Zoning Administrator ADE/st cc: VA-83-67 New *41110 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER LIST . Case No. \ A -- "3 (L`7 Owner's Name Complaint Date Tax Map ') I P) Parcel C. rAX MAP PARCEL NO. PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS 31 (2 I ,) 1 Iy - 3 , 31 c. J � t 'a.� (I - �'Q P3.).4., ' � C.k'il�.tiay-x.�%tl � A t� ��`9 / y n PC f3L)v� 1151 J '' A `D '��v1IU 4 ',.j- -/!/co.v.,,, iL' sS t.. .-1C.JC • C jb L2r J..D I .') ETA L, a1-1''� 3 C,, / ,-)ocf t-,,3 k r\ct .3 k i'v. .\\ttc Ai4cits 95 8i„,k 4i6_,J-1_0_,L, t,,,i-p c,,,tu . vi 1 0 (A u r ) 1 h.-!Al2.4 ,5 TV (}1 L 44(Ps) ) t.)..xv-u.1-i'v ).4 I.)vl 7401.i L° K11.-1.),) i 1 c.is : L) Til L Al (5 gork'11, .__ "� :.15L al.2 , v11 rat / WV) fil O. Ti- 1, / 6 • 6A C. _ c� 2Z93� • 3 iii- - 6/7 ' Pa‘ P. R(' t^e) D. or Eetti fri , 9.I hereby certify that I have on this day of 9 , 199, mailed a copy of the attached letter to each of the adjacent property owners at their address listed above. Given under my hand this 9 day of � 1 , 19 " Albemarle Co ty Zoning Department