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WPO201800077 Application WPO VSMP 2019-02-19
Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) grtoit Application for Albemarle Countyfrinava Project Name: OTV-BLOCK 32 WP02018-00077 (The name should be the same as it appears on plans) Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes ❑ No Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes ® No ❑ County File Number: WP0201800077 (to be provided by the County for new applications) The following are required elements of new applications[from code section 17-4011. For revisions or amendments,please indicate which items are being amended. Signatures must be provided for any submission. RI A. Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision,NOT TO BE SIGNED BY AN AGENT OR CONSULTANT) By signing this application as the owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be complied with,and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure compliance with the approved plans and permits. 55E-01-00-000A2 _J!261425 - ioS`9l° 2/1 th U � Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner ign ure of 0 er Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Contact Information for the Owner(s)to receive correspondence: Print Name Dave Brockman Address 1005 Heathercroft Cir. City Crozet State VA Zip 22932 Daytime Phone( ) E-mail dave@oldtrailvillage.com 7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14,1/7/14 Page 1 of 2 l B. All Fees [Code section 17-208] For new or modified plans;Total acres proposed to be disturbed 20.80 AC Acres to be Total Fee Fee Due with this Fee with Transfer or disturbed Application modification of permit Less than l $290 $145 $20 1 and less than 5 $2,700 $1,350 $200 5 and less than 10 $3,400 $1,700 $250 10 and less than 50 $4,500 $2,250 $300 50 and less than 100 $6,100 $3,050 $450 100 and more $9,600 $4,800 $700 For(minor)amendments to an approved plan;$200 per review Variances;$150(per request) Mitigation Plan;$150 ❑ C. Registration Statement on the official DEQ form. El D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402. ® E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403. • F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404. ❑ G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405. El H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of stream buffers. ❑ I. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408. ❑ J. Construction Record Drawings (as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the requirements of code section 17-422. Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original signatures. Additional information if not provided on plans and documents: Name of a Contact Person for correspondence(usually the plan preparer,consultant or agent) Print Name Jeremy Fox Address 914 Monticello Rd City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902 • Daytime Phone(434) 977-0205 E-mail jfox@roudabush.com *When applications and plans are reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's signatures will not be considered valid. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY WPO# Fee Amount$ Date Paid By who? Receipt# Cld! By: 7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14,1/7/14 Page 2 of 2 , ^ai Community Development Department Albemarle Co urfti 401•- "ire Road Charlottesville,VA22 902-4 696 ,"1 e:(434)296-5832 Fax:(434)972-4126 Planning Application PARCEL / OWNER INFORMATION TMP 055E0-01-00-000A2 Owner(s): MARCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES LLC Application# WPO201800077 PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description I OLD TRAIL 32 Magisterial Dist. White Hall Iv Land Use Primal-, Unassigned • +I Current AFD Not in A/F District I+I Current Zoning Primar, Neighborhood Model District + LAPPLICATION INFORMATION l Street Address Entered By --- - Judy Martin Application Type Water Protection Ordinances + l 10/23r'2016 Project Old Trail Village- Block 32 - VSMP Received Date 10/22/18 Received Date Final Submittal Date Total Fees 2250 Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid 2250 Revision Number Comments W )2D1&-©ooID Legal Ad SUB APPLICATION(s) Type Sub Applicatio Comment Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 10/22/18 Stormwater Management/BMP Plan 10/22/18 APPLICANT / CONTACT INFORMATION _ ContactType Name Address CityState Zip Phone PhorteCell Owrrropp)i;art MARCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES LLC 1005 HEATHERCROFT OR CROZETVA 22932 Zrir•ery DAVE BROCKMAN 1005 HEATHERCROFT CIRCLE CROZET,VA. 22932 signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Application for Albemarle County Project Name: OTV-BLOCK 32 WP02018-00010 (The name should be the same as it appears on plans) Is this an amendment to an approved plan? Yes 0 No 60 Is this a revision or resubmission for review? Yes 0 No WI County File Number: WP0201800010 (to be provided by the County for new applications) The following are required elements of new applications[from code section 17-4011 For revisions or amendments,please indicate which items are being amended Signatures must be provided for any submission. RI A. Signature of the Property Owner for each parcel: (Required with every submission or revision, NOT TO BE SIGNED BY AN AGENT OR CONSULTANT) By signing this application as the owner,I hereby certify that all requirements of these plans and permits will be complied with,and I have the authority to authorize the land disturbing activities and development on the subject property. I hereby grant the County of Albemarle the right to enter upon the property as required to ensure compliance with the approved plans and permits. 55E-01-00-000A2 S ,,, / //,1 Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner S nature 'Owner w, ^gyp~' Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Tax Map&Parcel Print Name of Property Owner Signature of Owner Date Contact Information for the Owner(s)to receive correspondence: Print Name Dave Brockman Address 1005 Heathercroft Cir. City Crozet State VA Zip 22932 Daytime Phone( ) E-mail dave@oldtrailvillage.com 7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 1 of 2 1 B. All Fees [Code section 17-208] For new or modified plans;Total acres proposed to be disturbed 20.80 AC Acres to be Total Fee Fee Due with this Fee with Transfer or disturbed Application modification of permit Less than 1 $290 $145 $20 1 and less than 5 $2,700 $1,350 $200 5 and less than 10 $3,400 $1 $250 10 and less than 50 $4,500 <$2;250 $300 50 and less than 100 $6,100 $3,050 $450 100 and more $9,600 $4,800 $700 For(minor)amendments to an approved plan;$200 per review Variances;$150(per request) Mitigation Plan;$150 0 C. Registration.Statement on the official DEQ form. O D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-402. ® E. Stormwater Management Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-403. ® F. Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-404. ® G. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-405. O H. Mitigation Plan satisfying the requirements of code section 17-406 for any proposed disturbance of stream buffers. ❑ 1. Requested Variations or Exceptions as provided in code sections 17-407 and 408. ❑ J. Construction Record Drawings(as-builts) for any existing facilities in the proposal satisfying the requirements of code section 17-422. Provide 2 copies of all plans and any supporting documents. Professional seals must have original signatures. Additional information if not provided on plans and documents: Name of a Contact Person for correspondence(usually the plan preparer,consultant or agent) Print Name Jeremy Fox Address 914 Monticello Rd City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902 Daytime Phone(434) 977-0205 E-mail jfox@roudabush.com *When applications and plans are reviewed,but not approved,and a response to comments is not received within 6 months from the date of county comments,the application will be deemed withdrawn. Applications without valid owner's signatures will not be considered valid. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY WPO# Fee Amount$ Date Paid By who? Receipt# Ck# By: 7/1/14,Revised:7/10/14, 1/7/14 Page 2 of2 Old Trail Village Water Quality Compliance Tracking Ledger Date: 9/13/2018 Master Plan Minimum Estimated Constructed/ Target Drainage Required Drainage Design Drainage Facility ID Associated Blacks) BMP Type(per VSWMH)Planned Area Area' (acres) (acres) (acres) Bioretention Facilities L-3 10,16,17,18(EAST VILLAGE) 8iofilter(0.5 inch) 8.96 6.74 6.88 5-3 10,16,17,18(EAST VILLAGE) Biofilter(0.5 inch) 6.89 5.18 6.32 S-12 10,16,17,18(EAST VILLAGE) 8iofiiter(0.5 inch) 5.87 4.42 4.36 S-59 5,20,21)DENSTOCK APTS) Biofilter(0.5 inch) 3.52 2.65 S-5A 5,20,21)DENSTOCK APTS) Biofilter(0.5 inch) 4.87 3.66 - 8F-A 5,20,21(DENSTOCK APTS) 0.52 BF-B 5,20,21(DENSTOCK APTS) SWM facilities labeled"A,B,C,D,&E"shown hereon this water quality compliance 3 .04 01 tracking sheet were designed in lieu of SWM facilities labeled"5-SA,&5-SB".These 0.31 C BF-C 5,20,21(DENSTOCK APTS) facilities have been approved under WP0201700016 by Albemarle County with sufficient ttb BF-D 5,20,21(DENSTOCK APIS) and/or additional required adequacy In accordance with approved WP0201600009. I 1.15 F. BF-E 5,20,21(DENSTOCK APTS) _ .aL` .-- - 1.56 5-6 24,25,34,35 Biofilter(0.5 inch) 1.40 1.05 5-6A 24,25,34,36 Biofilter(0.5 inch) 12.50 9.41 S-7 19 Biofilter(0.5 inch) 6.66 5.01 S-7A 19 Biofilter(0.5 inch) 1.81 1.36 S-4 22(WEST VILLAGE) Biofilter(0.5 inch) 5.82 4.38 4.48 S-13 32(VILLAGE HIGHLANDS) Biofilter(0.5 inch) 9.68 10.34 10.72 Sum 67.98 54.21 39.34 'Individual BMPs may not meet this requirement as long as the sum of design drainage areas exceeds the sum of estimated minimum drainage areas. •'DA above Minimum compliance acreage remains available to offset future areas. Required Exceedance of M Facility ID BMP Type(per VSWMH) Minimum As-Built Drainage Area Drainage AT Drainage Area' .— (acres) (acres) (acres) Pond Facilities StTu`ted L-1 1,3,6,7,26,27,28,29(WEST VILLAGE) Retention Basin II(4xWQV)' 42.54 38.52 -4.02 �.Oh S-2 11,12,14,15 Ret.Basin III(4xWQV)with Aquatic Bench' 15.30 15.30 0.00 L-2 1,2,4,13(THE LODGE) Ret.Basin III(4xWQV)with Aquatic Bench 23.60 21.76 -1.84 fined 5-1 23,32(VILLAGE HIGHLANDS) Retention Basin II)4xWQV) 11.14 7.86 -3.28 03 Parks Pond 1,3(VILLAGE CENTER) Enhanced Ext.Detention(2xWQV) 0.00 14.58 14.58 Sum 92.58 98.02 5.44 Design Submittal: Block 32 Submittal Notes: This submittal design includes SWM facilities S-1145-13.This design is understood to be in conjunction with and n Compliance as of: 9/13/2018 Retention Basins: I Yoe I Blaretentlon: I Yes Total Site Compliance: Nil Yes I'67 Note:Capture areas noted above pertain to water quality capture only.Additional benefit provided from further water quantity capture not included, Drainage Area Above Minimum Running Compliance(Surplus)"' Compliance*" WPO Plan/Approval Date Design Tracking Notes (acres) (acres t/-) 0.14 0.14 WP0201600009(6-21-2016) 'Includes 0.63 acres capture from Block 31C development(refer to WP0201800080)' 1.14 1.27 WP0201600009(6-21-2016) 'Includes 0.23 acres capture from Block 31C development(refer to WP0201800080)' -0.06 1.22 WPO201600009(6-21-2016) "Includes 0.65 acres capture from Block 31B development(refer to WP0201800080). -2.13 -0.92 WP0201700016(2-28-2018) -0.63 -1.54 WP0201700016(2-28-2018) 0.31 -1.23 WP0201700016(2-28-2018) 1.15 -0.08 WP0201700016(2-28-2018) 1.56 1.48 WP0201700016(2-28-2018) 0.10 1.58 WP0201700071(08-28-2018) 0.38 1.96 WP0201800010(Not Approved Yet) 1.96 1.96 n Running Compliance (Surplus/Deficit) WPO Plan/Approval Date Design Tracking Notes (acres) *Includes 4.18 acres capture from Block 7A&7B development(refer to WP0201700044&WP0201800008)' 4.02 WP020140004(8-26-2014) *Includes 0.30 acres rapture from Block 3C development(refer to updated WP0201300052&WP020140004)' -4.02 WP0201500066(11-17-2015) -5.86 WP0201600009(6-21-2016) -7.30 WP0201800010(Not Approved Yet) 'Includes 1.75 acres from approved drainage area in Block 23(refer to WP0201100010)' 9.46 WP0201700008(Not Approved Yet) 'Includes 2.05 acres capture from 1-2&4.02 acres capture from I.-1(refer to WP0201700008-Amendement to WPO201300052)' 5.44 he intent of the approved SWM Master Plan WP0201600009. • Old Trail Village Stormwater Management Master Plan Reference Checklist (Draft.—To be Provided at Design Submittal) Plan Number: Plan Name: WP02018-00010 OLD TRAIL VILLAGE BLOCK 32 SWM&EC PLAN Legend:✓-Complete Inc.- Incomplete NIA- Not Applicable Item Plan Preparer Notes Reviewer Reviewer Comments Preparer Underdrains included on all biofilters. Maximum ponding depth of ‘/ 6"on all biofilters Safety/Aquatic bench provided on the two retention basins Steep slopes are not implicitly approved in the vA_ master plan— Impacts steep slopes? Floodplain impacts are not implicitly approved in the master plan— Encroachment into Floodplain? Wetland impacts are not implicitly approved in the master plan— ✓ Impacts to Jurisdictional Features? Stream Buffer impacts for SWM BMPs,BMP access,and Greenway trails within landward 5o'are approved with MP Stream buffer t/ impact(Yes/No?) If so,stream buffer impact mitigation is v included? Outfall protection included in design Media specification provided in design(biofilters) Emergency spillway provided. Forebay or pretreatment ✓ provided. ' High flow bypass included for individual bioretention cells iR We;f /Sp 11w0 with greater than arov�� 3 acres of direct drainage? Connectivity between facility outfall and existing downstream channel provided. A to'wide vehicle access graded at ✓ less than 20%, unless paved or graveled provided Necessary lot adjustments provided— reference site plan Design storm(2- year and to-year) attenuation to V predevelopment flow levels provided per BMP outfall? Water Quality Compliance Tracking See WQ Compliance 'Tracking Ledger- Is there sufficient running compliance capture surplus (prior approved plans+plans submitted under this review) across the project for the development to remain in compliance? I , , Fee Received ,fizazyi Received Date RECEIVED _ -fig OCT z z zofe Rec ,r ed By COMMUNITY