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VA198300084 Application 1983-10-26
M.. H3� CE71EPJt\JC I am Es 0 F TEtJA-Ta5 1 TALUS] oov OF RE O b 51�� f06. 1kpooDBRao k. H D?p,? ct v [LLA II . '.4460' ALBEMARLE COUIr-1wY I , . \i. A �� 3 f34 r . . pt)( M R O + ç I : s- cs . Pos c,ei 5 0 , 3 ) ' Li. 1 . r /=e ^ II b r I O 23 24 23 26 13 12 a fk r / tie�a 42 eR00"M ER[ RO4I: ®�43 /41 21 , � 40 404 19 41111 36a1 vo ` I R 17 WELL IT w a b '1 11 1� cs oil Itil 411pIP /^OOk M �� iiii lir 0457660038411111111 K it johh...410,0(.....5 -4,17, 1 60 Ae 3 / 36 ©� w000eMOK El[n.SCHOOL, \ 34 4 / .. 44p �� Arpli **ibis_A/ 32 O 4141 30 Lie 1\ 1/40P / ©n eRE�?"oo o 64.4/ . 28 01. 1, © �4 ' ee 4 ,,k, ,, ,,21 a•�' ' 20g* s ro 23. O�0 "t . O 1 O3 13 I O � o � . 0�e 2 ��® ®O8 R040 �VJ \17 I 0 Ii 13 6 .�I I 12I O /�- Q WOODBROOK 1.. �:' , , J �J 1 �� 6 J 0 SECTION I D.B. 358-297 �• - • O SECTION 3 D. B. 386- 39 BLK.J I0 SECTION 4 0. 8. 397-177 BLK.J,K ... O SECTION 4A D. 8. 408-215 BLK.K . I 0 SECTION 5 D.'a 402-III BLX.J O SECTION 6 D. B. 408-215 BLK.K,L,J 0 SECTION 7 D. C. 419-359 BLK.L,J 0 SECTION 8 0.B. 459-209 BLK.M,N CSECTION BA D.B. 481-231 BLK M,0 ihEElr" O SECTION 9 D.B. 533-429 6 30 8LK.M,0 O SECTION 10 D.B. 405-183 BLK J,N I 0 ACREAGE , (r . '�" 1N FEET CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT SECTION 45C COUNTY PLANN/NG NM/SS/ON CITYPLANNING COMM/SS/ BOARD SU I S ORS a Chairman /l.. r l Chinn. -. _ /y/ /�L Dole `--_, �i--"r.1 Lo.� '. 0.\.".y / �7 A en/ , es 1 6/o// -- Dole - This division is mode with the °consent of the B. U 0 .. (t ' - V "� S44.4P undersigned owners,proprielors and/or trustees, 0`,25 • if any. All roods and streets if not dedicated R • previously, ore hereby tendered for dedication 5921 -.. to pub/i s e. ^ j - B '�- (•U Pies. O � WOODBROOk VILLAGE CORPORATION i /?s �6,0 O / a3 y OB-rO , Denotes Access and Parking Areas iL _ Oif- 91 / <0� of o / /1 1 ///� a '''`O - \/ °h :Ili 1 *J 0!!•• ti b tit / /OJ / e �4 v� y�c by / � � / `as. �� / / sB,Q Bye`. 9 // O 0h / -'ir / • r / •r •• b 9s \ / I' / a �n, : -./O.rS O i 0 / / / ,' // \(0 i i, . .....// --' . I 1p 3y / / ' //0 • h E 00 / R / - Di' 4r/ / • / ee `-- 4. / / / // fo /0"" 0/J " .os� r / / e h 0 Y9.1 titi U�/ �y o �ir 4 ti �o..1, // . \o'p Q fie. o �/ Q / �c \a �. ' � ry / ;� /ao �i/1 / / � � "' m4 / coR- / r4 ,1 \I Ie"/P '/�, / / 1 0� D r .Y \�-'/ / / 0 N r / ti par,/ \� ,h d-! a + /I • A� `o sit \\ y AI ,19 / / f,'ry /1?G°5\t *p4 \kj \ ��£0 �. 0 ss., —________,,. / "ae d\\ �_ 1! v. F e.o\ „�o 4ii\\ (1 Q Each parcel shown hereon shall hove,as ` ti appurtenant thereto, on easement of ingress \ LOCATION MAP \\ y.., and egress over such access lanes os may \\hereafter be constructed on any of the other . . parcels and the right ho use certain parking !, spaces on any of the other parcels as fluty be. J• W \\ hereafter designated. \\ '�` PLAT SHOWING • PARCEL B- 2 AND A DIVISION OF PARCEL B-/ INTO PARCELS 8-3 • AND 8- 4 WOODBROOK SHOPPING VILLAGE '\ NEAR CNARLOTTESV/LL E AL BEMARLE COUNTY , VA. REVISED APRIL 16, 1971 TO SHOW RECENT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS. REVISED MARCH 7,1978 TO SHOW BUILDING DIMENSIONS WILLIAM S. ROUDABUSH, JR. /�'= 50 May 24, /972 CERTIFIED LAND SURVEYOR SCALE: DATE: CAeeloHeniII, Virginia COUNTY PLA N N NG COA S/ON CITY PLANNING COMMIS: N BOARD SU ISORS t a Chmn — Chairman �._...... r;.-.->,ti i.e.. 42. ' • *,�,1. / / & 74 Dole Ot Secy /�/�Z il.L.-.J@.. / ;'1.c..--Date Dole 6i Si— -_ This division is mode with the consent of the g0° undersigned owners,pr opriel ors and/or trustees, 4' 25 if any. AI/ roads and streets if not dedicated R' previous/y, are hereby tendered for dedication 3921 \ to pub/i s e. l By Gel' dies. <-? \ W000BROOM VILLAGE CORPORATION ''DO \ -6',,o OQ / • ��Q Denotes Access and Parking Areas / OQ �ti / I 0.,„ � zr- kk p. / i O � / / , Sa 0 / o t / / I ,� F.-� \ ofcb �; 66. � ee` 9 / QY / •M / �, -- ,?e ! / , S2 0 o / / 9/ J I rya) / ry•0 /s a !' • �, \ / / ! Q / in - o . t s/o / / / q`---,�_� — S , / i !„ // , ' `3 ,3 /S. ` ,./ \ 0. 7 h 6l 00 // / O • � / / B6 g 7 40 / /y \ 0/J a aF • V, / / y I /I/ a* Q.." '\\' S / \ / V 0 ti h 0 b p. O ti // r / � � /ao r / f‘,....... < // , \ ,,,,) // \ „ . •... / / 0 / ��A, nQcay�� vo v4' / J \ I °Nr 0 3�\ �° \ db ° s \ „44 ff F \ Q" Each parcel shown hereon shall have , as \\ thereto, on easement of ingress � \ry , -I' LUCAT/dJN MAP and egress over such access lanes as moy \\ hereafter be constructed on ony of the other v+ o 13a . parcels and the right /o use certain parking s1>V\ spaces on ony of the other parcels as msy be. 'pJ, s �\ a` hereafter designated. \s. -.� PLAT SHOWING PARCEL B- 2 AND A DIVISION OF PARCEL B-I INTO PARCELS 8-3 \ AND B- 4 WOODBROOK SHOPP/NG VILLAGE • *-14-6.11."....7 • STAFF REPORT VA-83-84. Javor-Woodbrook Land Trust, Etal. Tax Map: 045C Parcel: 02-2, 3, & 4 Zoned: PD-SC Existing Activity Shopping Center Proposed Variance The applicant requests relief from Setion of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow 154 square feet of freestanding signage, a variance of 54 square feet. Also, the applicant requests relief from Section 21.7.E to allow a freestanding business sign to be located abutting the right-of-way, a variance of 30 feet. Zoning Ordinance Requirement Pursuant to Section, Business Signs, Free-standing or Projecting: Provided: (b) the aggregate area of such signs shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet. Also, pursuant to Section 21.7.1, Adjacent to public streets: No portion of any structure except signs advertising sale or rental of the property shall be erected closer than thirty (30) feet to any public street right-of-way. Staff Comments The property has an existing free-standing business sign, which displays Woodbrook notification, and only one occupant Seven-Eleven store. The appli- cant proposes to locate a sign in the rear section of the island abutting the road right-of-way. We find that the entire island is within the right-of-way. Any area beyond the island is a paved travel way, in which the sign could not be located. Because of the physical lay out of the shopping center, the occupant in the middle of the shopping center does not have visibility of Route 29. The ap- plicant on the other hand does have limited visibility on Route 29 with the Woodbrook roof sign. It appears on site that the Seven Eleven sign was erected, and then boxed in and around to establish the Woodbrook Village Shopping Center sign. We feel that this shopping center sign should be better utilized. We cannot recommend approval of the request because there are alternatives. :11 DBROOK , EYEn - . D STORES � f SHOPPING i SIGN PERMIT APPLICATIO' County of Albemarle Inspections Department - Zoning 401 McIntire Road o\D - vana ., charlotte ville, Virginia 22901-4596 PERMIT NO. DATE: PERMIT FEE $10.00 STAFF PROPERTY OWNER: AGENT FOR OWNER: Namey: CIU(r)•to-oc t -0 L Luca, TA0.4.1L Name: t " "1""" " '-' -pt6 ,.., _ Address �,1 V� -�( (Anyo-ci _ Address UlKto- k LLc ` "t-<i- C! e�� Q- ecivt.fAv,ts, o Telephone 4,29Cp• 695'5 Telephone 1- 5- « D S OWNER OF SIGN: 144.1)1A1 Name: IA)I(4x 1 Y44 4 Address h)O0Ci LISci C Telephone Q-7 I1 - vD w$ Tax Map: L-16 L Parcel : e.341 /it, L Zone: Location : Type of Sign: Area Size: c241- .- Material : {N -4, A copy of the sign description showing aggregate area of the sign face and overall height must be submitted with this application. If a building permit is required, drawing should show footing diagram. Complies with Article of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Variance No. (when applicable) Building Permit - Freestanding # (if applicable) Electric Permit Required # (if applicable) . All electric signs must bear UL Label . All electric signs must have external operable disconnect. I Number and Type of Existing Signs at this Location: TYPE SIZE - SQ. FT. 1 . •eAlt0 - Eleatit . 40)41 aCou svi. '15 A4. --k. tAo-ai io-ppehf-. 2. 3. i 1 4. 5• Preliminary Zoning Inspector Approval Date Inspected Final Approval Zoning Administrator Date Denied -Written and signed approval by property owner is required for erection of signs on property other than applicant 's. Property Owner ' Date j�.�//Fl3 Designated Agen Date 1/151 1i;!5 $20. Permit Fee Wi i u)"3 c)T 3 App licatim No. `/ ?J`) . I Sign Erected By: el n k: LI,,,- Staff: `'1'4 D r APPLICATION FOR VART.ANi E 1, Zoning Department 1.' 401 McIntire Road - kc. Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 ut. V _ `. County of Albemarle 296-5832 a(( d t.c. �GA- Date of Application (ge'602...,37 , 19 83 I. CT__,,',",''� ,VA Zz`YO 1 OWNER OF PROPF,RI'Y"S"a�o r-G1n-!�x;ctoraoK \_o,f,d 1 OCCUPANT' (If other than/� owner) �( /�/J trU �, ..J-G- {" .�.rw ,� E�A` l.J r �����/Z��"t/I?v r"�, Name: jl� .�UVcSl T st-ee s Name: ��y "_ _ Address: tc uNcn Address: �r k6 L % 1;bq c t.0>nW.(' �0CAncinito ,,, Telephone: 0,2g4 • 5g6`3 Telephone: . /6-705 Location of Property: G( S1 k Vt�' C,f -A 0 2 A.t71 r ('.or rme r 0 t 4- . j, . \ V;_ii:Q9 rti1 d- UUOCCIbrOb �r,O' ~- art �tia - , I (o I'AAce.13 loco .eJ '( �3 10;1t� Tax Map 4 J�C.. Parcel'& t3 9 ,�,c._ 2_ Acreage .0 Cho ! <. i,� , Existing Zoning lit) - 5 c District (Y aY-k_,&' j kj Existing Use: ha `r� ,r�}-Q R �Q Variancel sought (describe briefly relief sought) : 7D c�12Gt eOY!t �! of e//14-i /440 4 A 54.4 gal ,w al,a6 ("4"1 -�' c. 014 a 2 . ke / , pd),t 4 "4a a,i4 f3k •i aik4. az,t41 amm cL fl11LQ /Ala% , 4(.4 afevd & IA u a PP) A Aiv xiid&i4. Itii /4/040' 401./ ‘ ,Q -..mot ,It mf,A, a,vtc , I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. Tw (A.c.u.. ,ry\ ci,on •� . ) c3. v e ,c.� cant Date / •rr• , R-,+ t !kill 0.�. 1 • - [o . ' 1 ::er%,,,„1.� .� . a ; 1, ./ 0- preps • ' Z • I. �s.�» ;aa , -it 1 j ,,"' USE r \a‘ -fit, s� IF` ,.. -et-(-cab b C. U 0-kicoL 30 . ' FOR SE Zoning Administrator has/has not rnrered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: U\,' , \ I` Final Decision Made: AJ v, i$ /. P3 gan.anc The e sou;.nt was /a� ewith the following conditions: Special Use Permit; =e ' OF Zs,' ' AP. Sign Peermi of -_ : > //-/...3- i- -te Building PPm^i t/f