HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900051 Staff Report 2019-05-29ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB-2019-51: Wawa at Pantops Corner
Review Type
Final Site Development Plan
Parcel Identification
078000000005AO (portion)
Highway Commercial (HQ, Entrance Corridor (EC)
Pantops Corner LC/Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. (Ryan Perkins)
Magisterial District
To construct a gas station with a convenience store building, a fuel -pump canopy with 9 dispensers (18 fueling stations), and associated site improvements on
approximately 1.78 acres.
The site is situated at the north side of Richmond Road (Route 250), approximately 500' east of Stony Point Road (Route 20). Commercial, industrial and service
establishments are located in the vicinity, including Flow Mazda and Goodwill to the immediate west; Malloy Ford to the east; BMW and Flow Volkswagen dealerships
to the southeast; and the Virginia National Bank office building to the southwest. The parcel and the abutting parcel to the north have been cleared and are vacant. The
small cabin and four associated ancillary structures (all ca. 1949) that occupied the site have been demolished.
The site will have maximum visibility from Richmond Road (Route 250).
ARB Meeting Date
June 3, 2019
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
In October 2018 the ARB held a work session and provided comments for a proposed Wawa convenience store and fuel -pump canopy on this site. In December 2018 the ARB conducted a preliminary
review of the proposal (ARB-2018-135) and provided recommendations. This included a recommendation that the Initial Plan not be approved until the fuel pump canopy height was made consistent
with EC guidelines. That change was subsequently made and a recommendation for Initial Plan approval was forwarded to the Agent for the Site Review Committee. The remaining ARB comments
from the December 2018 review are included in the analysis section of this report and as Attachment A.
The applicant lists the following as changes made since the last review:
1. Fuel canopy height reduced; canopy width reduced (4')
2. Door colors changed from white to Pumice stone (red) to blend with brick
3. Air pumps moved to rear of site
4. Additional planting/landscape buffer provided along Rt. 250
5. Plant material changes
6. 3 planting islands added interior to site
7. Light level reduction under fuel canopy to less than 30 fc
Purpose, Compatibility with significant historic sites: Structure design
The goal of the regulation of the design of development within the designated Entrance
Reduce the height
The height to the bottom of the
Corridors is to insure that new development within the corridors reflects the traditional
dimension of the fuel-
eave of the fuel pump canopy was
architecture of the area. Therefore, it is the purpose of ARB review and of these Guidelines,
pump canopy to comply
reduced to 14' 6" to obtain Initial
that proposed development within the designated Entrance Corridors reflect elements of
with the Standards for
Plan approval. The 4-16-2019
design characteristic of the significant historical landmarks, buildings, and structures of the
Fuel Pump Canopies as
elevation drawings show the
Charlottesville and Albemarle area, and to promote orderly and attractive development within
outlined in Appendix B
14'6" height, which meets the
these corridors. Applicants should note that replication of historic structures is neither required
(Attachment B) of the EC
fuel pump canopy guidelines. The
nor desired.
Design Guidelines.
overall height of the canopy is 22'
Visitors to the significant historical sites in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area experience
these sites as ensembles of buildings, land, and vegetation. In order to accomplish the
integration of buildings, land, and vegetation characteristic of these sites, the Guidelines
The site plan shows the canopy as
require attention to four primary factors: compatibility with significant historic sites in the
81' x 96' (7,776 sf). The
area; the character of the Entrance Corridor; site development and layout; and landscaping.
convenience store measures 65'
7.5" x 91' 8" (6,049 sf).
New structures and substantial additions to existing structures should respect the traditions of
the architecture of historically significant buildings in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area.
Photographs of historic buildings in the area, as well as drawings of architectural features,
which provide important examples of this tradition are contained in Appendix A.
The examples contained in Appendix A should be used as a guide for building design: the
standard of compatibility with the area's historic structures is not intended to impose a rigid
design solution for new development. Replication of the design of the important historic sites
in the area is neither intended nor desired. The Guideline's standard of compatibility can be
met through building scale, materials, and forms which may be embodied in architecture
which is contemporary as well as traditional. The Guidelines allow individuality in design to
accommodate varying tastes as well asspecial functional requirements.
Building forms and features, including roofs, windows, doors, materials, colors and textures
Clarify and correct the
should be compatible with the forms and features of the significant historic buildings in the
discrepancy between the
area, exemplified by (but not limited to) the buildings described in Appendix A [of the design
stated square footage of
guidelines]. The standard of compatibility can be met through scale, materials, and forms
the fuel -pump canopy and
which may be embodied in architecture which is contemporary as well as traditional. The
the dimensions of the fuel -
replication of important historic sites in Albemarle County is not the objective of these
pump canopy provided on
the site plans.
Trademark buildings and related features should be modified to meet the requirements of the
See recommendation in
Compatibility with the character of the Entrance Corridor
It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to establish a pattern of compatible
architectural characteristics throughout the Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and
coherence. Building designs should demonstrate sensitivity to other nearby structures within
the Entrance Corridor. Where a designated corridor is substantially developed, these
Guidelines require striking a careful balance between harmonizing new development with the
existing character of the corridor and achieving compatibility with the significant historic sites
in the area.
Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding context of buildings.
The three eastern bays of the EC
elevation have no windows or
The overall design of buildings should have human scale. Scale should be integral to the
building and site design.
doors. (Restrooms and a janitor
closet are located on this wall.)
Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor should use forms, shapes, scale, and
materials to create a cohesive whole.
The porch that extends out to both
sides of the entrance tower help
Any appearance of "blankness" resulting from building design should be relieved using design
Consider continuing the
detail or vegetation, or both.
windows across the full
mitigate the blankness. The ice
length of the facade.
storage container located adjacent
Relieve blankness on the
to the right side of the entrance
east and west elevations
bay detracts from the appearance
by using landscaping.
of the entrance elevation.
No landscaping is proposed on
either the east or west elevations.
The east elevation will have very
limited visibility from the EC due
to the narrow space between the
building and the retaining walls
proposed for the eastern perimeter
of the property. Sidewalk is
proposed along the western side
of the building, but no planting
area is provided. The applicant
points out that the architectural
design matches that which was
approved at Rt. 29 and Proffit
Road and landscaping is provided
at the perimeter of the site.
Arcades, colonnades, or other architectural connecting devices should be used to unify groups
of buildings within a development.
Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should not be highly tinted or highly reflective. Window
Provide the standard
The window glass note has been
Indicate the glass type(s)
glass in the Entrance Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance
window -glass note on the
provided. The applicant has stated
on the architectural
(VLT) shall not drop below 40916. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30010.
architectural elevations.
that the glass sample provided for
elevation sheets.
Specifications on the proposed window glass should be submitted with the application for
the Rt. 29/Proffit Road site
final review.
Provide a glass sample
applies to this site as well.
Provide black and white
and/or manufacturer's
line drawing architectural
specifications that provide
The Proffit Road elevations show
elevations with materials
the VLR and VLT values.
1" insulated tempered glass by
and colors called out.
Old Castle in clear for the front
and rear elevations and %4" gray
with V2" anodized space and '/4"
clear glass for the right elevation.
Accessory structures and equipment
Accessory structures and equipment should be integrated into the overall plan of development
See recommendations in
The height to the bottom of the
and shall, to the extent possible, be compatible with the building designs used on the site.
and #9.
eave of the fuel pump canopy was
reduced to 14'6" to obtain Initial
Reduce the height of the
Plan approval. The 4-16-2019
fuel -pump canopy to
elevations drawings show the
comply with the Standards
14'6" height, which meets the
for Fuel Pump Canopies as
outlined in Appendix B of
the EC Design Guidelines.
fuel pump canopy guidelines. The
overall height of the canopy is 22'
11 ".
The following should be located to eliminate visibility from the Entrance Corridor street. If, after
Provide landscape
The applicant has indicated that
Provide the 2 easternmost
appropriate siting, these features will still have a negative visual impact on the Entrance Corridor
screening for the vent
the tanks cannot be located on the
trees on the Rt. 250
street, screening should be provided to eliminate visibility. a. Loading areas, b. Service areas, c.
stacks and other similar
east side of the building due to
frontage at a planting
Refuse areas, d. Storage areas, e. Mechanical equipment,
equipment. Consider
complications with the retaining
height that matches the
f. Above -ground utilities, and g. Chain link fence, barbed wire, razor wire, and similar
locating the underground
height of the installed vent
security fencing devices.
tanks to the east side of the
The vent stacks are a minimum of
Screening devices should be compatible with the design of the buildings and surrounding
natural vegetation and may consist of. a. Walls, b. Plantings, and c. Fencing.
12' tall. To mitigate the
Provide additional shrubs
Show how the visibility of
appearance, the applicant has
to fully screen the base of
all mechanical equipment
proposed to paint the stacks
the equipment. Provide
will be eliminated from
brown, and notes the retaining
shrub placement that is
the EC.
wall and street trees as screening.
integrated with the overall
Additional landscaping would
planting plan.
Provide a roof plan with
help further screen the vent
equipment locations for
stacks, add landscaping at the
review if any proposed
southeast corner of the site, above
mechanical equipment will
the lowest retaining wall.
be roof -mounted. Show
Ensuring that the planting height
equipment locations and
of the two easternmost trees along
heights on the elevation
the Rt. 250 frontage matches the
height of the stacks would help
ensure immediate screening.
Provide a dumpster
Shrubs strategically located
enclosure detail in the site
around the base would increase
screening. This may require
double rows of shrubs in some
places to fully integrate the
planting into the development.
Dumpster enclosure details are
included in the plan. The
enclosure design is compatible
with the building design.
The applicant's comment
response letter indicates that
equipment will be roof -mounted
and will be shielded by the
parapet, and the renderings
confirm lack of visibility.
Birdseye view rendering shows
the equipment locations.
Surface runoff structures and detention ponds should be designed to fit into the natural
An underground SWM system is
topography to avoid the need for screening. When visible from the Entrance Corridor street,
proposed throughout the site.
these features must be fully integrated into the landscape. They should not have the appearance
of engineered features.
The following note should be added to the site plan and the architectural plan: "Visibility of all
Provide the mechanical
The note is on the site plan but
Provide the mechanical
mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated."
equipment note on the site
not on the architectural plans.
equipment note on the
plan set and on the
architectural drawings.
architectural drawings.
General Guidelines
Light should be contained on the site and not spill over onto adjacent properties or streets;
A lighting plan was not
Spillover meets ordinance
provided with the initial
plan submittal.
Light should be shielded, recessed or flush -mounted to eliminate glare. All fixtures with
All fixtures except the decorative
Revise the site plan
lamps emitting 3000 lumens or more must be full cutoff fixtures.
wall -mounted ones are full cutoff
lighting sheets to show the
styles. The luminaire schedule
canopy slope adapter and
indicates that wall -mounted
canopy section to clarify
fixtures emit less than 3000
the installation of the
lumens. The canopy fixtures for
canopy fixtures and to
the Proffit Road site had a
confirm that the canopy
"canopy slope adapter" that
fixtures are mounted
allows the fixtures to be mounted
horizontally and flush with
horizontally. This information
the adapter housing.
was not included in the Pantops
Light levels exceeding 30 footcandles are not appropriate for display lots in the Entrance
30 fc is the max illumination level
Corridors. Lower light levels will apply to most other uses in the Entrance Corridors.
Light should have the appearance of white light with a warm soft glow; however, a consistent
Lights are proposed with bright
appearance throughout a site or development is required. Consequently, if existing lamps that
white lamps, as were approved at
emit non -white light are to remain, new lamps may be required to match them.
the Proffit Road location.
Dark brown, dark bronze, or black are appropriate colors for free-standing pole mounted light
Provide a lighting plan for
Pole fixtures are proposed with a
Revise the lighting plan to
fixtures in the Entrance Corridors.
review. Provide standard
white finish, which is not
show pole lights and
In determining the appropriateness of lighting fixtures for the Entrance Corridors, the
lighting note on the
consistent with other sites in the
fixtures with a dark brown,
individual context of the site will be taken into consideration on a case by case basis.
lighting plan.
dark bronze, or black
The height and scale of freestanding, pole -mounted light fixtures should be compatible with
A note on the lighting plan
the height and scale of the buildings and the sites they are illuminating, and with the use of the
indicates that the area lights will
site. Typically, the height of freestanding pole -mounted light fixtures in the Entrance
be on 19.5' poles mounted on 6"
Corridors should not exceed 20 feet, including the base. Fixtures that exceed 20 feet in height
will typically require additional screening to achieve an appropriate appearance from the
Entrance Corridor.
The following note should be included on the lighting plan: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped
The note is on the plan.
with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall
be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away
from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and property
in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one half footcandle."
Guidelines or the Use o Decorative Landscape Lighting
None proposed.
The requirements of the Guidelines regarding landscaping are intended to reflect the
See recommendations in
The current Wawa plan shows
Add an ornamental tree
landscaping characteristic of many of the area's significant historic sites which is
#32 and #33.
more trees along the EC frontage
along the Route 250
characterized by large shade trees and lawns. Landscaping should promote visual order within
than was shown on the initial
frontage just south of the
the Entrance Corridor and help to integrate buildings into the existing environment of the
plan. Six American Elm trees (50-
monument sign.
70' tall x 30-50' wide) are
proposed along the EC frontage,
Add a tree at the southeast
Continuity within the Entrance Corridor should be obtained by planting different types of
plant materials that share similar characteristics. Such common elements allow for more
spaced 20-30' on center. Five
corner of the site at the
flexibility in the design of structures because common landscape features will help to
ornamental trees (Redbuds and
south end of the retaining
harmonize the appearance of development as seen from the street upon which the Corridor is
Dogwoods) are interspersed.
There is a 50' gap in the tree
spacing at the southwest corner of
Provide a double row of
Landscaping along the frontage of Entrance Corridor streets should include the following:
Specify the exact species
a. Large shade trees should be planted parallel to the Entrance Corridor Street. Such trees
for each tree and shrub
the site. A monument sign (to be
shrubs along the EC
should be at least 3'/2 inches caliper (measured 6 inches above the ground) and should be of a
proposed in the plant
reviewed and approved with a
frontage and a continuous
plant species common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 35 feet on
schedule. If multiple
separate sign application) in a
row along the 5 parking
species are proposed,
landscape bed occupies some of
spaces located between
b. Flowering ornamental trees of a species common to the area should be interspersed among the
provide distinct symbols
this space. There appears to be
Pantops Corner way and
trees required by the preceding paragraph. The ornamental trees need not alternate one for one
for each and call them out
room for an additional ornamental
the fuel pump canopy.
with the large shade trees. They may be planted among the large shade trees in a less regular
on the landscape plan.
tree. The color rendering suggests
spacing pattern.
that the gap is created to establish
c. In situations where appropriate, a three or four board fence or low stone wall, typical of the
Provide a finalized
a clear view to the canopy and
area, should align the frontage of the Entrance Corridor street.
landscape plan at the front
some of its signage.
d. An area of sufficient width to accommodate the foregoing lantin s and fencing should be
of the property which is
reserved parallel to the Entrance Corridor street, and exclusive of road right-of-way and utility
consistent with previous
Shrub species have been
reviews and approvals.
Clarify the material of the
A mulched planting bed is
area surrounding the
proposed around the entrance
proposed entrance sign.
sign. Gro-low fragrant Sumac are
proposed around the sign.
Ensure that all proposed
trees are clear of utilities
The trees are now approximately
and their easements.
12' and 20' from the utilities and
are located outside the Vepco
Provide plantings in the
southwest corner of the
The current Wawa plan has about
the same number of shrubs along
See recommendation in
the EC frontage as the initial plan
had, but this is significantly fewer
shrubs along the EC frontage than
the LIDL plan had. (LIDL had a
double row of shrubs along the
EC and a row of 5 trees at the
south end of the eastern retaining
walls.) Enhanced landscaping can
offset some of the visual impacts
of the development.
Landscaping along interior roads:
Consider substituting tree
Tree and utility conflicts along
Consider replacing the
a. Large trees should be planted parallel to all interior roads. Such trees should be at least 2%2
and shrub species native to
Pantops Corner Way have been
non-native tree and shrub
inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground) and should be of a plant species
the Piedmont region for
species with natives.
common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 40 feet on center.
those exotic species found
in the plant schedule.
No trees have been added along
Landscaping along interior pedestrian ways:
a. Medium trees should be planted parallel to all interior pedestrian ways. Such trees should
the sidewalks adjacent to the
be at least 2%2 inches caliper (measured six inches above the ground) and should be of a
Ensure that the centers of
building, but trees are proposed in
species common to the area. Such trees should be located at least every 25 feet on center.
proposed trees are a
islands at three corners of the
minimum of 7 feet from
the centers of underground
utility lines.
Of the proposed plants, the Nellie
Stevens holly, Glossy Abelia,
Provide landscaping along
Cotoneaster, dwarf Burford
interior pedestrian ways.
Holly, and Luykens Laurel are
not native to the region.
Landscaping of parking areas:
Provide three additional
Three trees have been added in
Specify a variety of
a. Large trees should align the perimeter of parking areas, located 40 feet on center. Trees
interior parking trees.
planting islands at the northeast,
Cotoneaster salicifolius
should be planted in the interior of parking areas at the rate of one tree for every 10 parking
northwest, and southwest corners
whose size is appropriate
spaces provided and should be evenly distributed throughout the interior of the parking area.
Revise the landscape plan
of the building.
for the retaining wall
b. Trees required by the preceding paragraph should measure 2%2 inches caliper (measured six
to show the appropriate
inches above the ground); should be evenly spaced; and should be of a species common to the
spacing of proposed
All shrubs shown along streets
area. Such trees should be planted in planters or medians sufficiently large to maintain the
shrubs based on the final
and parking areas are spaced 3'
Adjust the spacing of
health of the tree and shall be protected by curbing.
species chosen.
apart. This spacing may be too
shrubs along streets and
c. Shrubs should be provided as necessary to minimize the parking area's impact on Entrance
close for the Abelia and Inkberry
parking areas based on the
Corridor streets. Shrubs should measure 24 inches in height.
See recommendation in
holly (which can grow 5' wide)
anticipated mature size.
and the Luykens Laurel (which
can grow 8' wide). 5' spacing is
shown for the Myrica cerifera,
which can grow 8' wide or more.
The variety of Cotoneaster
salicifolius is not specified;
heights ands reads vary.
Landscaping of buildings and other structures:
See recommendation in
Trees have been added at the
a. Trees or other vegetation should be planted along the front of long buildings as necessary to
northeast, northwest and
soften the appearance of exterior walls. The spacing, size, and type of such trees or vegetation
southwest corners of the building.
should be determined by the length, height, and blankness of such walls.
b. Shrubs should be used to integrate the site, buildings, and other structures; dumpsters,
accessory buildings and structures; "drive thru" windows; service areas; and signs. Shrubs
should measure at least 24 inches in height.
Plant species:
Ensure that any proposed
No tree or shrub species exceeds
Consider replacing the
a. Plant species required should be as approved by the Staff based upon but not limited to the
tree or shrub species does
25% of the total. Of the proposed
non-native tree and shrub
Generic Landscape Plan Recommended Species List and Native Plants for Virginia
not exceed 25% of the
plants, the Nellie Stevens holly,
species with natives.
Landscapes (Appendix D).
total trees or shrubs
Glossy Abelia, Cotoneaster,
proposed on the site.
dwarf Burford Holly, and
Luykens Laurel are not native to
the region.
Plant health:
Provided the standard
The plant health note has been
Delete the words "and
The following note should be added to the landscape plan: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs
plant health note on the
added to the plan. However,
replaced when necessary"
shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is
landscape plan (CP-101).
another note states that
from General Landscaping
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health
landscaping and screening shall
Note 2 on sheet CP-101.
of theplant."
be "replaced when necessary".
This is confusing given the
standard plant health note.
Site development and layout
Site development should be sensitive to the existing natural landscape and should contribute
The site is being cleared. No
to the creation of an organized development plan. This may be accomplished, to the extent
vegetation will remain. Extensive
practical, by preserving the trees and rolling terrain typical of the area; planting new trees
grading and long, terraced
along streets and pedestrian ways and choosing species that reflect native forest elements;
retaining walls are proposed. The
insuring that any grading will blend into the surrounding topography thereby creating a
site plan shows an organized
continuous landscape; preserving, to the extent practical, existing significant river and stream
pattern of roads, travel lanes, and
valleys which may be located on the site and integrating these features into the design of
surrounding development; and limiting the building mass and height to a scale that does not
overpower the natural settings of the site, or the Entrance Corridor.
The building is parallel to the EC
but is separated from the street by
The relationship of buildings and other structures to the Entrance Corridor street and to other
See recommendations in
development within the corridor should be as follows:
the fuel -pump canopy, which is
a. An organized pattern of roads, service lanes, bike paths, and pedestrian walks should guide
oriented parallel to the street.
the layout of the site.
b. In general, buildings fronting the Entrance Corridor street should be parallel to the street.
Pedestrian connections are
Building groupings should be arranged to parallel the Entrance Corridor street.
c. Provisions should be made for connections to adjacent pedestrian and vehicular circulation
There are no significant natural
d. Open spaces should be tied into surrounding areas to provide continuity within the Entrance
features on site to preserve.
e. If significant natural features exist on the site (including creek valleys, steep slopes,
significant trees or rock outcroppings), to the extent practical, then such natural features
should be reflected in the site layout. If the provisions of Section 32.5.6.n of the Albemarle
County Zoning Ordinance apply, then improvements required by that section should be
located so as to maximize the use of existing features in screening such improvements from
Entrance Corridor streets.
f. The placement of structures on the site should respect existing views and vistas on and
around the site.
Site Grading
Site grading should maintain the basic relationship of the site to surrounding conditions by
Clarify the height of the
A note on the Wawa plan states
Show the retaining walls
limiting the use of retaining walls and by shaping the terrain through the use of smooth, rounded
retaining wall on the
that the retaining wall at the
and landscaping associated
land forms that blend with the existing terrain. Steep cut or fill sections are generally
northwest corner of the
northwest corner of the property
with those walls on the
unacceptable. Proposed contours on the grading plan shall be rounded with a ten foot minimum
site. If the wall is over 6'
is associated with the Pantops
Pantops Corner Plan.
radius where they meet the adjacent condition. Final grading should achieve a natural, rather than
tall, it must be terraced
Corner plan. A height range of 2-
Include top -of -wall and
engineered, appearance. Retaining walls 6 feet in height and taller, when necessary, shall be
and landscaped, and this
8' is given. The retaining walls on
bottom -of -wall elevations.
terraced and planted to blend with the landscape.
must be shown on the site
the east side of the site are also to(Notes
on the Wawa plan
be constructed with the Pantops
clarifying that the walls
Corner plan. Consequently, the
and landscaping are to be
Provide top -of -wall and
plants associated with the walls
constructed/installed with
bottom -of -wall elevations
must also be shown on the
the Pantops Corner
for the retaining walls.
Pantops Corner plan. During the
development would be
Pantops Corner review, the ARB
helpful.) Intensify
required intensified landscaping
landscaping at non -
for walls over 6' tall that were not
terraced walls over 6' in
No grading, trenching, or tunneling should occur within the drip line of any trees or other existing
No areas or trees are marked for
features designated for preservation in the final Certificate of Appropriateness. Adequate tree
protection fencing should be shown on, and coordinated throughout, the grading, landscaping and
erosion and sediment control plans.
Areas designated for preservation in the final Certificate of Appropriateness should be clearly
delineated and protected on the site prior to any grading activity on the site. This protection
should remain in place until completion of the development of the site.
Preservation areas should be protected from storage or movement of heavy equipment within
this area.
Natural drainage patterns (or to the extent required, new drainage patterns) should be
incorporated into the finished site to the extent possible.
Fuel Pump Canopies
Fuel pump canopies may be required to provide customers with protection from the elements
Reduce the height
The canopy elevations show
and to provide lighting levels required for dispensing fuel. Such fuel pump canopies are
dimension of the fuel-
14'6" to the bottom of the fascia.
functional elements of present-day gas/convenience stores and their character and appearance
pump canopy to comply
shall reflect a minimalist design consistent with that function.
with the Standards for
Fuel Pump Canopies as
Fuel pump canopies shall be the smallest size possible to offer protection from the elements.
With 9 dispensers and 18 fueling
Canopies shall not exceed the sizes identified in Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as
outlined in Appendix B of
stations, the proposed canopy
outlined in Appendix B.
the EC Design Guidelines.
measures 81' x 96'. This is larger
than the canopy approved for the
Wawa at Proffit Road, which
measured 78' x 55'.
The size of the canopy fascia and canopy support columns shall be in proportion to the overall
The fascia and support column
size of the canopy structure. The fascia shall not exceed 36" in total height, including any
sizes appear to be in proportion to
accent bands.
the overall canopy size. The fuel
pump canopy does not have a
traditional canopy fascia.
Canopy fascias shall not be illuminated.
See recommendation in
The proposed canopy does not
have a traditional fuel pump
Revise the site plan
lighting sheets to show the
Li tin of fuel pump canopies shall be of the lowest level that will provide safe dispensing of
fuel. All canopy lighting shall be flush -mounted and shielded, downward directed, and shall
canopy fascia. The canopy
canopy slope adapter and
not emit light above the horizontal plane. All canopy lighting shall meet the .5 foot-candle
Show how glare from
fixtures for the Proffit Road site
canopy section to clarify
spillover requirement in compliance with zoning ordinance regulations.
canopy fixtures will be
had a "canopy slope adapter" that
the installation of the
allows the fixtures to be mounted
canopy fixtures and to
horizontally. This information
confirm that the canopy
was not included in the Pantops
fixtures are mounted
horizontally and flush with
the adapter housing.
Canopy related elements, including fuel dispensers, support columns, spandrels, planters, etc.
The bases of the piers supporting
shall be compatible with the character of the building and site and shall not be used for
the canopy are composed of the
same brick proposed for the
building. The grey metal canopy
The architectural elements of a building should not be altered to reflect trademark canopy
roofing is the same material
proposed for the building.
Traditional fuel -pump canopy
Canopy fascias shall be limited to the use of one principal color, with ARB review.
Colors, materials, forms, and detailing may be used to coordinate canopies with a site, its
building(s), and structures.
signage isn't proposed because
there is no fascia, but the
drawings show multiple signs
spanning the columns that support
the canopy; in addition, the
structure itself acts as a signifier.
The canopy colors and general
form proposed are consistent with
those reviewed by the ARB for
the Wawa at Proffit and 29.
Fuel pump canopy applicants should refer to ARB Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies.
Address the standards and
The 14'6" height limit on the
(Appendix B)
criteria established in the
bottom of the fascia has been met
Standards for Fuel Pump
with this design. The length and
Canopies as outlined in
width of the canopy exceed the
Appendix B of the EC
standards as previously described.
Design Guidelines.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. Lack of landscaping along the side elevations of the convenience store
2. Screening of the vent stacks
3. Do equipment locations and heights need to be shown on the elevation drawings?
4. General character of the frontage landscaping
5. Window glass — clear/gray
Staff recommends approval of the plan with the following conditions:
1. Indicate the glass type(s) on the architectural elevation sheets.
2. Provide black and white line drawing architectural elevations with materials and colors called out.
3. Provide the 2 easternmost trees on the Rt. 250 frontage at a planting height that matches the height of the installed vent stacks.
4. Provide additional shrubs to fully screen the base of the vent stack equipment. Provide shrub placement that is integrated with the overall planting plan.
5. Provide the mechanical equipment note on the architectural drawings.
6. Revise the lighting plan to show pole lights and fixtures with a dark brown, dark bronze, or black finish.
7. Add an ornamental tree along the Route 250 frontage just south of the monument sign.
8. Add a tree at the southeast corner of the site at the south end of the retaining walls.
9. Provide a double row of shrubs along the EC frontage and a continuous row along the 5 parking spaces located between Pantops Corner way and the fuel pump canopy.
10. Consider replacing the non-native tree and shrub species with natives.
11. Specify a variety of Cotoneaster salicifolius whose size is appropriate for the retaining wall location.
12. Adjust the spacing of shrubs along streets and parking areas based on the anticipated mature size.
13. Consider replacing the non-native tree and shrub species with natives.
14. Delete the words "and replaced when necessary" from General Landscaping Note 2 on sheet CP-101.
15. Show the retaining walls and landscaping associated with those walls on the Pantops Corner Plan. Include top -of -wall and bottom -of -wall elevations. (Notes on the Wawa plan clarifying that the
walls and landscaping are to be constructed/installed with the Pantops Corner development would be helpful.) Intensify landscaping at non -terraced walls over 6' in height.
16. Revise the site plan lighting sheets to show the canopy slope adapter and canopy section to clarify the installation of the canopy fixtures and to confirm that the canopy fixtures are mounted
horizontally and flush with the adapter housing.
This report is based on the following submittal items:
Sheet #
Drawing Name
Drawing Date
Cover Sheet
General Notes
Proffers and Conditions of Approval
Existing Conditions
Panto s Corner Phase 1 Improvements
Boundary Plan
Site & Utility Plan
Site Details
Site Details
Site Details
Grading Plan
Landscape Plan
Planting Notes and Details
Lighting Plan
Lighting Cut Sheets
Lighting Cut Sheets
Architectural drawings: elevations and floorplan; canopy and trash enclosure
Photos of the site — current (4) and with proposed development (4)
Nighttime views of the site 4
l3epertntnnl of Cvniinunlly Dmlepmattk
Hal Sirlutirt 14"d, N milk R-iult
CyoeGnuex,ille, Virginia 229a2.4546
Phone 14-145 298-51101 V— 14-145 972A 124,
Lktx7L5Mh' 6, Tik] i<
Rpan P'll.im
KilnLcy-Ham and Assxinum, Irks,
IWO illy L.owll pr., Ste 20❑
RichmnwL VA Z37,30
Ur 4RB-ngllt.]33 A'anx of l'anMpx i'nn`ee_Initiol Rile Plan
De-m Mr. Pakins,
M 0 nwimg on Mmdny- Dcoembar 3, 201ii 11w AlbcimAc C'oumy Anhkhtitural Rc%lcw Board, lIy n
vure aF4:1 yotcd Io forwwd the following rc4aximcodalims on The ehuve-0aieJ Initial Site Dcvedopro.•n1
Plan ,u the -pni Far the Site ReviewCanemimt ,
• Regal ling rcoL irementa to satisfy Ihr design ;iiid:ILnea as per $ I S-3u.6Ac[x1.131 and;h and
rmiki mki] t'uodidons of initial plan approael:
Priorlo Enitiul plan nrTwo ,al lltc following h"w shallhc moolved io IhcmuisfectioaaFlhe
I- Rtd,Icr'hr hcrghl dimeariian aflhe fml-pump cnrprpy Io mmply wiLh the Standard for
Duel Pump Canopies as mdlined in Appendix ii of the fC Njky n Umidclines-
• Regarding recominenderlor5an the plea m itrslmesTo ilLegaii4din s:
1, CarwAo, o0slilming lrwro and shrub apecisanntive W lha Piedmont region fa*thore emetic
iper:6 x iaurol ip the Plar1T sr1-i4Jp14.
• Regardielg ecmdirisatisio br auLi4li€d priorlo iax�anceof a grsJrn� perrnil-None.
+ "anling are final AL_ plau suhrnittaL:
I . i'1ar1f}' end swnti 11.c durlepartwv 1aelWem flux edaLvJ xTlaVm �u111u�e of Ille lire I -primp
tlLlLapy anJ tlLt rkllnonwtms of [hIc iwrliiump eanopp pl u4kdCd oo fits seatr plans
2. C'om6idlrrconunumg windowsa>Lross Lhe full I€vrglh of the futi'ado. Rtlicue bloakncaxao
The Cut and LWA clevelians by using LaLnd"pilke,
3, Prm ide the slat dard{ele� nuL an the oteratiulys Fr'rrtd4+s glxsa l rfir Exfranre CarriaMra
akoLff+n+w+++r„f,*rfa,rlrgt,imrA, iisrhfvfrf�i+ru wurtantrfl'f.7Jahcrlr+rord,r,phekl
40 6iFrhrr h, ftj rrflprUWGV 13'7.RJ Flhall err ereegid 30"a
4. Red,Ica the height ol'Ihe FUlgarrnp cwDpy to comply with the SbndLvdx ihr F'Rul Pump
Carbupies a9 awlined m Appendix J3 of Lhe W L7.e UuiJelinea-
i. PhLY ,WIc landic:rpc 4cnu5ing for Lhe vtmL Starlu mud uLhee xmlilar vyulpment C nsxlxr
Ioeadugdw LwL-'qrounJtm6 Lo Lheea4! Adq oNio cite.
6. RKAW Iww d1e 0hibililyofalk In iliflnical eyuipmcnl will be ehlninuLaii from the PC-
7. PTvvi ea roofpinn with MWED= locadonsfnrrosriow ifM proposed mlachonkcol
cgtli9rne,It will Wmf-mounted. Sham cquipmcal lucntitms End hirieMs w 11w elcmiom
S Ikrmmi c: A dwmpslr ¢n, losurc dctrtil in 16c pGm Shaw how 410 enclulswc is cg mpaLiblc
wilh the brtilding design.
9. Pi ide the xL—dard mechanical equipment nale an tha s'Lr plus set and an th.
AmklwcwraL drauiW: YiribiM nf'aR+ hanirni rgarilm—r firer Me Erhwa— L:i—,A r
rkdW be eJimrAek-d.
Ie. pmvwgallgluingPin forNvkeW-
I I provide va Ward liglding ncto on [he lighting pleb: Bar k rmidoor lawromfe `egw)W,d lurch
u ioxtprlrrrr e11dr# 3.r1GItlir� rm,�o�rn Jlriladf feWltA eh�aff he arl�+! cww,+lhlnriu,a+r nllei Fkadi' ke
Qnwgfi,yq'.TFJ%Iraraq'thl ra.I'+NT.'r lfgkr arlvasr l++wn adMlaaa rtahieirrrrTlr ArrkrFarnfmrwq-
fr,YrdG A°Sk'xl rr,R,%e 7114pSPrlrHW,gfraghar0gflnar hirpdavifes ouwImbfk frffx and
MyWerh- in rmd4=Tarar nr,yrral q4 T.;�,wog Aitncftxharl aui ex"Nf me hrrffakeanafk,
L? 17 o m c e glnxs son ple zia& r munulielurcr'e $Tr Ifii:36Mg L U- pr+onle Lhe VLR and
VLT V klkle E
13- Specify The exalspetiea Fur ed& Free aad Amb puVeised In Lhc plumaeh�-duk. ff
mLIMPICapcciesart proposed, provide distiiM3ymlK& for cxhand Call IhcmouL on tlkt
lmdlscapa plan.
L4 PTm'idc n ftnalim:d IanJsiepeplan Al the front ofllrc propertywhich iscunsislent with
prea•Lous Tvicwi and npprnvnis.
15. ClLviG the nWiL4ia1 I,F Lhe arcs *rlrrn{rndiTIR the prnpaaeJ.4t ii ice sitp,.
If, Enxnn IhaL A I pmrwd Ines an rleu of ulilrucx and ihSlr cazr-m�nuF
k7 L°nrvede Pl2m.n9x In ehlc,a",IhW"L aurLheycLr-
LR. Vmw ider xulllumiog LLt and shrlLb 4pLtL na[L4e Eu Lhc ALJInun[ m61un fbT dll a exalir
speOLS Pound ilk Ole pbrFL Rhedok.
L9- FawreThat the ecmcm.1 rapoded L*2€art a minintunkof 7 rttt f CM dw a mtt[r of
Ln,k%kound utikicy limes,
ZU. Provide lvu&s upimg akmg inwrior pcJosmam way
21. Provide Three R,lditiaml inleriorparxinkin'ca.
2,. Revi" tllc Iarllkcape pLan ul shw Lhe apprunaLe NPeins afPrc romd shndlx hAwd nn
the #irul xpecirs chnum.
23- E'rlmnre That orkq prapuxed Irne ur shrub dues ha[ ewen625`Y. be L1r: IUlrrl erce4 W
shrubs PrLvo- al un Lllc akle-
N. Prov6bihe slandwdl Pleat kal[nilule en Illy lalLdscap: plan (C?-IUV! A mrep�Wv
ahlrreeF and Ambd all i f 14 allnleral ro mA k. aKef Ae mawlxrW ar. drafunr ka'fpkr;Me
�'1FhInR of wean tx}worArblred 3Yurrlx+ send neaz:.aklrU r,r prula<•,f mixL,wvlhdrrar uxhih
Nfilwirl lAe hc6rdU J emM v(lke pkor{r.
25. CINIfy14c hcL�1 afihc rcI1NRTIkF wn11 an the uvrrhwcsl s,rrnicr nrylra xTk, Lf Ikls wn11 Ta
overti- roll, it FNII he 7crrared atnd LandSrapod, and 'his must be*hwm pn the sue plans.
26. Pmvnle Taji aPwall and h,amin+eKwall elevabi ms far the Tclaining walla
27. S1ww Lkaw gLYr lure campy MJLW s unit 6c LdMULaaed.
You kWsubinil "urappli alien f6i 11M6151.1ed ABE3ltvicrval4%Akrcallk?L aw Y.ihi laet. ApFlilmionfomu,
Cll{y'1 314 and 5-!`IWIEICa UPCa4alLahla on-Im4AL N%VW i&ijiirlr.urG•.+5RF3. Pksu be vcrtain [har }W ARn
wlbmidal sddlr<sscs the akbove -moted issues,
If lrnu have any questiolts cnlucrpipg any nF the 2hbu�. &-w Fecl free rib enritaerme.
Licaiher McMahon, *senor Planner
-0Yi-29rr#S31 Lxt.:27R
Ce: PomwpsC mor Lf, IZIMCrim5on Coun_Rc 101, Henrko VA 25233
Fill; ARB 019-E35
Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies
(Adopted by the _tPB on Angusl 13. 1998)
Maximum length for a single island canopy = 26'
(= 4' comfort zone front + i S' auto length + 4' comfort zone back)
Maximum length For a double island canopy = 42'
(= 2' oomfort zone front + IS' auto length + 2' comfort zone middle + I 8' auto length + 2' comfort
zone back)
Maximum length for a triple island canopy = 66'
(= 3' comfort zone front + 18' auto length + 3' comfort zone middle + 19' auto length + 3' comfort
zone back + 18' auto length + 3' comfort zone back)
= 1-
Maximum width for single island canopies = 26 (= 3' (open door rnzrhang) + 6' (car width) +
2'(curb clearance) + 47(island width) + 2'(curb clearance) + 6'(car width) + T(open door
Alhem k Lowrey A h.[.l l Renew Board D—Z. Gu3ddmes— updated 21:)281 I — page 21
HEIGHT (from ground to bottom of fascia)
Maximum acceptable height is 14' 6
Maximum fascia height is 36".
A typical size is TV high (approximately half the minimum canopy height), 4'6" wide, 32'
A typical size is 1 2-14' long, 4' wide, 9" tall.
A]hrnwk County Ar hirm eI Rcricw Hoard bh—p Gu3&11a — Updated NJ2G] I— pW 22