HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201700015 Action Letter Special Use Permit 2017-12-13 Christopher Perez
From: Travis Morris
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 12:32 PM
To: Schweller, Lori H.
Cc: Christopher Perez; Claudette Borgersen
Subject RE: Resolutions for SP2017-15 approval
Attachments: StonyPoint Resolutions.pdf
Good catch!
Attached are the corrected resolutions.
Travis O. Morris, CMC
Senior Deputy Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
(434)296-5843 ext. 3406
"Life's not how It's suppose to be...The way you cope with it,Is what makes the difference!!"
'When you do your BEST,people will notice!"
"Never accept from a person,what you wouldn't be willing to givel"
From:Schweller, Lori H. [mailto:Lori.Schweller@leclairryan.com]
Sent:Wednesday, December 13, 2017 11:25 AM
To:Travis Morris<tmorris2@albemarle.org>
Cc:Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>; Claudette Borgersen<cborgersen@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Resolutions for SP2017-15 approval
Hi Travis,we just noticed that the "Y" needs to be unmarked beside Ms. Mallek's name on each resolution.
Lori H. Schweller
Attorney at Law
123 East Main Street, Eighth Floor
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
(434)245-3448 Direct
(434)296-0905 Fax
(804)248-8700 Mobile
Lori.Schweller anleclairrvan.com
Linkedln I BIO
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From: Travis Morris [mailto:tmorris2Cilalbemarle.orq]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 11:09 AM
To: Schweller, Lori H.
Cc: Christopher Perez; Claudette Borgersen
Subject: RE: Resolutions for SP2017-15 approval
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I have attached the correct resolutions. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Travis O. Morris, CMC
Senior Deputy Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
(434)296-5843 ext. 3406
"Life's not how it's suppose to be...The way you cope with it,Is what makes the differencell"
"When you do your BEST,people will notice!"
' "Never accept from a person,what you wouldn't be willing to give!"
From:Schweller, Lori H. [mailto:Lori.Schweller@leclairrvan.com]
Sent:Wednesday, December 13, 2017 10:50 AM
To:Travis Morris<tmorris2@albemarle.org>
Cc:Christopher Perez<cperezcaalbemarle.org>
Subject: Resolutions for SP2017-15 approval
Good Morning,
I believe there is a typo in the resolutions for the special use permit and special exceptions for the Milestone
Communications Stony Point PWSF. Ms. Mallek voted no, and Ms. Palmer voted yes.
Please let me know if these vote records should be changed.
Thank you,
Lori H. Schweller
Attorney at Law
123 East Main Street, Eighth Floor
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
(434)245-3448 Direct
(434)296-0905 Fax
(804)248-8700 Mobile
L o ri.S c hwe I I e r(a,I ecl a i rrva n.co m
Linkedln I BIO
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WHEREAS;the Stow Point Wiihinteet Fire CeinParty,iS the OWnetef Tax MapiPatcel Randier
• ,
WHEREAS,.Milestone Coniinuiticatibriellled application feta special.iiSe permittO.hiStalfe •
personal WireleSs'eeryiee facility consisting of a monopole with four flush-mounted antenna arrays, and,
associated tround equipment and'dodeas,,onlhe,Plopetty,and Ole application is identified as Special Use
Nita2017;15 Stony P,oint VcilimfeerFire Company‘-iTierIMPWSR(Riyann )("SP'2017415!);and.
'WHEREAS,on Odtober lO,2017afléiã didytiotiOed,publie heittiiig,f116Albeinlitla COutity
Planning Commission roconuuendedapproyalvf SP 2017-15 *Rh*condition recommended by County
staff and
WHEREAS,OKNOveintier$„1.20:17;tlfeAlbemarle County Board of SuperYiscirs IWO noticed
public hearing on.S1'1-201715.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that,upon consideration:Of the-,F-PrOgOiliS,- the staff
report prepared for SP 10174 5•And all of its attachments,tho information presented if the public hearing,
and the factors relevant toAVOjai use permit in Albemarle(OurdY 4c1P§§:18-5:1;41/2 18-12,.2.2(0),and
18-31.80be-Albematle:Cou4Board of SuPelyiscitihefeby approves SP 2017-15,subject to applicable
performance standards for pet sonal wircjesp?§prviqe facilities in Albemarle County Code l 1/3.5:1:40,,And the
OtondititaiS itttacifecfliefetb.
sr* *
I, Claudette K Borgetseu, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is:w.true„ correct copy of a
Resolution duly adopted by.thoBoard of Supervisors of Albemarle County,Virginia,by iiitite of knit to
as,rethfcleil bbl6w; atheetingh1d.on74ovethbbrt2O17.
• •
Board cif CoU, - .
• Cleft, ntY petviSOra.
Aye Nay. .
' Mt. Dill. :Abstain
M . Ma11e1c N •
Ms. Palmer
Mr. Randolph Y
:Mr, Sheffield X
SP-2017-00015 Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company—Tier III PWSF(Rivanna)
Special Use Permit Conditions
1. The development of the site, and any modifications to the arrays,shall be in general accord with the
plan titled "Milestone Communications—Shentel at Stony Point Volunteer Fire Co."prepared by
John Caborgoudy,and dated October 10,2017(hereafter"Conceptual Plan"),as determined by the
Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator.To be in general accord with the Conceptual
Plan,development and use shall reflect the following major elements within the development
essential to the design of the development,including but not limited to all concealment elements and
technique,as shown and described on the Conceptual Plan and mentioned below:
a. Height(135 feet tall)
b.Monopole location
c.The farthest point of the back of the antennas shall be no more than 18 inches from the monopole
d.No more than four antenna arrays shall be mounted to the facility
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to
ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit,the applicant shall obtain a Virginia Stormwater
Management Program permit.
WHEREAS,the Stay?pint VolunteerFire Company iall*ownerof Tax Map.Parcel Number
94800-Q01W-018M(the Tropertyn);
'WHEREAS,Miledtend Cditatiuttleationalifed an appjicationfOr ppeClal nag permitto
nistlI aperaonaf wireless service facility consisting of a monopole with flush-mounted antenna arrays,
and isabeiatedSbUnd eOuiphientand aCcogpi:oltip Property,and the application is identified as.Speciallisb
.PernikZO17.1 5.StbnyPdiiitVolunteerFireComPáiW PWSP(RiVahria),(9sp 201745");gto
WHEREASI:Albeiiiarle COMity Code§ 18;5-.1.410(b)(2)(a)'allowamp to puto:ntruy§of antenna,
Maybe modified by.spobial exception;and.
WHEREAS,•Albenarle county Code§ 18,_$..1.40(b)(00..fotipttesthattungnppOe mounted so that
iMnolcaae shall the 4paeat'point of the back of the antenna be.more thari'12 inblieS•froM the monopole,
•which may be modified by special exception, and'
WEIEHRBAkilthe Applicant filed a request foi special exceptions in conjunction with SP:2017-15 to:
modif3Kthe requirements of County Code§ 18-5.1,40(h)(2)(4)atil'County•Codo§ I8-.54,49(10(2)(c):
NOWiTHBRESORE;BE IT RESOLVED that;upon consideration of the foregoing,the executive
summary and staff report.prepared in obilltinietiemmirh tIMaPPIlcatibm"all of the Iactors:rployanr to the
ispecial exceptions in County Code §§;18;51,40(b)(2)(a); 185.1A0(b)(2)(c),:and1 8-3 3.9;and the,
inforinitiorrprOVided at the Planning OcaturifsaiOn and Board of Supervisors'meetings,the Albemarle
County Board of Super visors hereby approves the uponlat exceptions to;Whorl*the'morliiipation of County
Code§ 1.81.40(0)(2)(a)and County Code'§ 18t5.1$0(b)(2)(0):as.set forth above, subject to the.drinditiOira!
attached hereto.
Act t
• •
I, Claudette IC Borgersen, do hereby cm:*that the foregoing writing,is,a true, correct copy of a,
Resolution duly ucjOoted.by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,Virginia,by a vote of four to one,
as TocordedbeloNt at a Meeting:held on NOvetttheri8j2011,
a, a!eve,
Clerk',Board of County S erYistits.
,Aye- •Llay
Mr. Dill Abstain
M .POliner •
Mr. Randolph y
.Mr. Sheffield Y
SP 2017-15 Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company-Tier III PWSF(Rivanna)
Special Exception Condition
1. No more than four antenna arrays shall be mounted to the facility.
2. The farthest point of the back of the antennas shall be no more than 18 inches from the monopole.
• nTg_
ut tic
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
November 22,2017
Milestone Communications/Lori H Schweller,Esq.
123 West Main St,8th Floor
Charlottesville,Va 22902
RE: SP201700015—Stony Point Volunteer Fire Co—Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility
Dear Ms. Schweller,
On November 8,2017,the Board of took action on your Special Use Permit request for installation
of a one hundred and thirty five(135) foot tall steel monopole with 4 antenna arrays and two
special exceptions to allow more than three arrays on the monopole and to allow mounting
equipment a standoff distance greater than 12"from the monopole. on Tax Map Parcels
048000000018D0 in the Rivanna District. The Special Use permit was approved by the Board's
adoption of the attached resolution and conditions.
Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the
project noted above,no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all
applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes:
• compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT;
• approval of and compliance with a SITE PLAN or a SITE PLAN AMENDMENT; and
Before beginning uses as''allowed by this special use permit or if you have questions regarding the above-
noted action, please contact Rebecca Ragsdale at(434)296-5832 ext. 3226.
Christopher Perez
Senior Planner
Planning Division
WHEREAS,the Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company is the owner of Tax Map Parcel Number
WHEREAS,Milestone Communications filed an application for a special use permit to install a
personal wireless service facility consisting of a monopole with four flush-mounted antenna arrays, and
associated ground equipment and access,on the Property,and the application is identified as Special Use
Permit 2017-15 Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company—Tier III PWSF(Rivanna)("SP 2017-15"); and
WHEREAS,on October 10,2017, after a duly noticed public hearing,the Albemarle County
Planning Commission recommended approval of SP 2017-15 with the condition recommended by County
WHEREAS,on November 8,2017,the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed
public hearing on SP 2017-15.
NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that,upon consideration of the foregoing,the staff
report prepared for SP 2017-15 and all of its attachments,the information presented at the public hearing,
and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code §§ 18-5.1.40, 18-12.2.2(16),and
18-33.8,the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 2017-15, subject to the applicable
performance standards for personal wireless service facilities in Albemarle County Code § 18-5.1.40,and the
conditions attached hereto.
I, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a
Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,Virginia,by a vote of four to one,
as recorded below, at a meeting held on Novembbllerr�8, 2017.
Clerk,Board of County Su 'sors
Aye Nay
Mr.Dill Abstain
Ms. Mallek _Y
Ms.McKeel Y
Ms. Palmer _ N
Mr.Randolph Y
Mr. Sheffield Y
SP-2017-00015 Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company—Tier III PWSF(Rivanna)
Special Use Permit Conditions
1. The development of the site, and any modifications to the arrays, shall be in general accord with the
plan titled `Milestone Communications—Shentel at Stony Point Volunteer Fire Co."prepared by
John Caborgoudy, and dated October.10,2017(hereafter"Conceptual Plan"),as determined by the
Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator.To be in general accord with the Conceptual
Plan, development and use shall reflect the following major elements within the development
essential to the design of the development,including but not limited to all concealment elements and
technique,as shown and described on the Conceptual Plan and mentioned below:
a.Height(135 feet tall)
b.Monopole location
c.The farthest point of the back of the antennas shall be no more than 18 inches from the monopole
d.No more than four antenna arrays shall be mounted to the facility
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to
ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit,the applicant shall obtain a Virginia Stormwater
Management Program permit.
WHEREAS,the Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company is the owner of Tax Map Parcel Number
WHEREAS,Milestone Communications filed an application for a special use permit to
install a personal wireless service facility consisting of a monopole with four flush-mounted antenna arrays,
and associated ground equipment and access, on the Property, and the application is identified as Special Use
Permit 2017-15 Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company—Tier III PWSF(Rivanna) ("SP 2017-15"); and
WHEREAS,Albemarle County Code § 18-5.1.40(b)(2)(a)allows up to three arrays of antenna,
which may be modified by special exception; and
WHEREAS,Albemarle County Code § 18-5.1.40(b)(2)(c)requires that antennas be mounted so that
in no case shall the closest point of the back of the antenna be more than 12 inches from the monopole,
which may be modified by special exception;and
WHEREAS,the Applicant filed a request for special exceptions in conjunction with SP 2017-15 to
modify the requirements of County Code § 18-5.1.40(b)(2)(a)and County Code § 18-5.1.40(b)(2)(c).
NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that,upon consideration of the foregoing,the executive
summary and staff report prepared in conjunction with the application, all of the factors relevant to the
special exceptions in County Code §§ 18-5.1.40(b)(2)(a), 18-5.1.40(b)(2)(c),and 18-33.9,and the
information provided at the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors'meetings,the Albemarle
County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the special exceptions to authorize the modification of County
Code § 18-5.1.40(b)(2)(a)and County Code § 18-5.1.40(b)(2)(c)as set forth above, subject to the conditions
attached hereto.
I, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a
Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,Virginia,by a vote of four to one
as recorded below, at a meeting held on November 8, 2017.
Clerk,Board of County Suiervisors
Aye Nay
Mr. Dill Abstain
Ms.Mallek Y
Ms. McKeel Y
Ms. Palmer N
Mr. Randolph Y
Mr. Sheffield Y
SP 2017-15 Stony Point Volunteer Fire Company-Tier III PWSF(Rivanna)
Special Exception Condition
1. No more than four antenna arrays shall be mounted to the facility.
2. The farthest point of the back of the antennas shall be no more than 18 inches from the monopole.
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832
October 26, 2017
Milestone Communications/Lori H Schweller, Esq.
123 West Main St, 8th Floor
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: SP201700015 — Stony Point Volunteer Fire Co — Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility
Dear Ms. Schweller,
The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on October 10, 2017, by a vote of 4:2, recommended
approval of the above -noted petition to the Board of Supervisors.
Please note that this recommendation is subject to the following conditions:
The development of the site, and any modifications to the arrays, shall be in general accord with the plan titled
"milestone Communications —Shentel at Stony Point Volunteer Fire Co. " prepared by John Caborgoudy, and
dated 9/19/17 (hereafter "Conceptual Plan'), as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning
Administrator. To be in general accord with the Conceptual Plan, development and use shall reflect the
following major elements within the development essential to the design ofthe development, including but not
limited to all concealment elements and technique, as shown and described on the Conceptual Plan and
mentioned below:
a. Height (135 feet tall)
b. Monopole location
c. The farthest point of the back of the antennas shall be no more than 18 inches from the monopole
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to ensure
compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit a VSMP permit will be required.
In addition, the Planning Commission recommended approval by a vote of 4:2 of Zoning Ordinance Special
Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(a) Number ofArrays. - Modification to permit 4 arrays instead of the 3 arrays permitted by
the ordinance.
2. Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c) Antenna Projection. -Modification to permit the closest point ofthe back ofthe antenna
to be more than 12 inches from the monopole. The request does not seek to permitthe furthest point ofthe back
of the antenna to be more than 18 inches from the monopole.
If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me
at (434) 296-5832.
Christopher Perez
Senior Planner
Planning Division