HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201700015 Approval - County Special Use Permit 2017-11-08 SP201700015
Stony Point Volunteer Fire Co - Tier III PWSF
Board of Supervisors - Public Hearing
November 8, 2017
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At the October 10th PC public hearing the Commission voted 4:2 to
recommend approval of SP201700015 with the conditions recommended by staff,
and to approve two special exception requests.
Brief Sum rnary of Definitions
Tier III facility: a PWSF that is neither a Tier I nor a Tier II
facility.. .
Tier I facility: a facility located entirely within an existing building or attached to an existing
Tier II facility: a treetop facility not located within an avoidance area...
Treetop facility: a facility no more than 10 feet taller than the tallest tree within 25 feet of the
8.02 acres
Owned by Stony Point Volunteer Fire Co, Incorporat-,•. _
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- TMP 48-18D Stony Point Volunteer Fire Station
- 8.02 acres
- Zoned Village Residential(VR)
Located in the Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District and the Entrance Corridor.
Route 20 is a Scenic Byway.
- Facility is located in a heavily wooded section of the parcel
706 feet south of the school
657 feet east of Route 20
300 feet from the nearest residence
- The property fronts Route 20
Abuts the Stony Point Elementary School
Surrounded by residential lots of varying size
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135 foot tall steel monopole painted brown
4 arrays
Associated ground equipment in a 2,500 sf fenced compound
The site will be accessed by a 10' wide gravel road to the site(existing entrance from Rte 20)
- Uppermost array(135' AGL) —Shentel
-Upper middle array(125' AGL) -a future array(not designed or leased).
-Lower middle array (115' AGL) -a future array (not designed or leased).
-Lowest array (105' AGL) - a future array(not designed or leased).
Final designs for the 3 lowest arrays have not been determined or finalized at the time of the
application;however, antenna array parameters for all arrays shall not exceed maximum
dimensions of the uppermost array which is proposed for use by Shentel.
135' Tower
- 93' Tallest Tree within 100'
43' difference
Two Special Exception Requests
#1.Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(a)NumberofArrays.-Modification to permit 4 arrays
instead of the 3 arrays permitted by the ordinance.
#2.Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c)Antenna Projection.-Modification to permit the closest
point of the back of the antenna to be more than 12 inches from the monopole.The
request does not seek to permit the furthest point of the back of the antenna to be
more than 18 inches from the monopole.
SE #1) request to permit 4 arrays instead of the 3 arrays permitted by the ordinance.
-The monopole will be visible just above the treetops, and for a very short duration along
Rte. 20, west of the site.
-The site provides adequate opportunities for screening and the facility is appropriately sited
to minimize its visibility from adjacent parcels and streets, including but not limited to the
Entrance Corridor the additional array is not anticipated to have a negative effect on the
facility's visibility.
- For the above reasons staff supports the request and recommends approval of the SE
SE #2) to permit the closest point of the back of the antenna to be more than 12 inches from
the monopole; however, the request does not seek to permit the furthest point of the back
of the antenna to be further than 18 inches from the monopole.
-The antenna are to remain vertical to the monopole.
-The maximum standoff distance of the furthest point of the back of the antennas shall
remain no further than 18 inches from the monopole.
- Granting this request maintains the flush mount provisions in the ordinance and does not
affect visibility.
-For the above reasons staff recommends approval of the SE request.
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Correspondin2 Pictures of VisibilityA-View lion)Stony Point Fire Station Parking Lots ILt7 •ao41
B-View from 3821 Stony Point Rd egia.n
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* Balloon test-Tuesday, August 22, 2017.
* During the balloon test staff traveled: Stony Point Road(Rte. 20)
Watts Passage (Route 600)
Sacre Meadow Lane
Merrie Meadows Lane
Stony Point Pass
November Hill Farm Rd
* The balloon was only visible just above the treetops and for a very short duration along Rte.
20,west of the site.
* The ARB unanimously recommended approval of the proposed facility,the ground
equipment,and the special exceptions.
They found that the proposed location sufficiently minimized the visibility of the monopole
from the Entrance Corridor.
A)View from Stony Point Fire Station Parking Lot Zoomed in view
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B)View from 3821 Stony Point Rd Zoomed in view
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Proposed: Slight Relocation of Portion of Access Road
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At the Planning Commission public hearing the applicant explained the need to
slightly shift a small segment of the proposed access road by 20 feet to the south.
The slight shift is intended to allow firefighters to continue using the small hill behind
the station for training purposes.
The slight shift does not effect the recommendations provided in the staff report, nor
does it require the removal of any additional trees, nor cause any disturbance of
critical slopes.
The proposed shift is depicted throughout the revised concept plan dated October
10, 2017.
Summary and Recommendation
Factors favorable to this request include:
• The proposed facility has minimum visibility due to the proposed height,
location, and method of antenna attachment,which are"concealment
• The Architectural Review Board (ARB) has no objections to the special
exceptions and finds that the proposed location sufficiently minimizes the
visibility of the monopole from the entrance corridor.
Factors unfavorable to this request include:
• The proposal is located within the avoidance areas described as the
Southwest Mountains Rural l listoric District, and the Scenic Byway (Rte.
Factors favorable to this request include:
- The proposed facility has minimum visibility due to the proposed height, location,
and method of antenna attachment, which are "concealment elements".
- The ARB has no objections to the special exceptions and finds that the proposed
location sufficiently minimizes the visibility of the monopole from the entrance
Factors unfavorable to this request include:
- The proposal is located within the avoidance areas described as the Southwest
Mountains Rural Historic District, and the Scenic Byway (Rte. 20).
The site provides adequate opportunities for screening and the facility is
appropriately sited to minimize its visibility from adjacent parcels and streets,
including but not limited to the Entrance Corridor the additional array is not
anticipated to have a negative effect on the facility's visibility.
-The maximum standoff distance of the furthest point of the back of the antennas
shall remain no further than 18 inches from the monopole.
- Granting this request maintains the flush mount provisions in the ordinance and
does not affect visibility.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of SP2017-15 and both SE.
Recommended conditions of Approval:
I. The development of the site,and any modifications to the arrays,shall be in general accord with the
plan titled "Milestone Communications—Shenrel at Stony Point Volunteer Fire Co."prepared by
John Caborgoudy,and dated October 10,2017(hereafter"Conceptual Plan"),as determined by the
Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the Conceptual
Plan,development and use shall reflect the following major elements within the development
essential to the design of the development,including but not limited to all concealment elements and
technique,as shown and described on the Conceptual Plan and mentioned below:
a. Height(135 feet tall)
b.Monopole location
c.The farthest point of the back of the antennas shall be no more than 18 inches from the monopole
d.No more than four antenna arrays shall lx mounted to the facility
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict •%„th the elements above may be made to
I ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit,the applicant shall obtain a Virginia Stonnwater
Management Program permit.
Condition #1 was slightly modified to reference the plan dated October 10, 2017 in
place of the previous September 19, 2017 date.
Conditions of the Special Use Permit are listed above, with conditions specific to the Special
Exceptions being items 1(C) and 1(D).
Two Separate Motions:
Motion 1 for the Special Exceptions:
A) Should the Board of Supervisors choose to approve the SEs: "I move to approve
the special exceptions to Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(a)and Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c) with
the modified conditions as outlined in the staff report and the presentation!'
B) Should the Board of Supervisors choose to deny the SEs: "I move to deny the
special exceptions to Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(a)and Section 5.1.40(b)(2)(c)."
Motion 2 for the Special Use Permit:
A) Should the Board of Supervisors choose to approve this Tier Ill personal wireless
service facility: "I move to approve SP2017-15 with the modified conditions as
outlined in the staff report and the presentation."
B) Should the Board of Supervisors choose to deny this Tier Ill personal wireless
service facility: "I move to deny SP2017-15."
The End
History of Application :. .
* Monday,July 17- SP application submitted . ..
* Friday,Aug 4—Advertise community meeting&balloon test
Mailings: %s mile radius,105 mailings
* Monday,Aug 14—Milestone contacted the elementary school about
community meeting/balloon test notice to the parents
* Monday,Aug 21 —Community Meeting (6:30pm—8pm)
Attendees: 4 citizens
* Tuesday,Aug 22 Balloon Test(9am-.l l am)
Attendees: 3 citizens
* Monday,Sept 18—ARB meeting
*Tuesday, Sept 26— Staff contacted the elementary school about the public hearing.
*Tuesday, Oct 10—PC public hearing
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