HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198400045 Application 1984-07-11 $.o. Permit Fee k - v Application No. ,`rt - .'Li - , 6 Sign Erected By: Arch. /Owner Staff: t 1, it APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department . 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application May 21, , 19 84 . OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: Joseph or Mary Teague Name: Teague & Hawkins Funeral Chapel Address: 2428 Jefferson Park Avenue Address: 2260 Ivy Road _ County of Albemarle Charlottesville, Va. 22903 Charlottesville, Va. 22901 Telephone: 296-7547 Telephone: 977-0005 Location of Property: U. S. Route 250 W/South side/just inside the County line Tax Map 60 Parcel 37 Acreage 0. 813 ` ' 1 Existing Zoning R-1 District Jack Jouett Existing Use: Funeral Service Home VariLnce sought (describe briefly relief sought) : 7,--i a. _ail/1114,-, ' . , . • . 5-n , t . , g_e_c i t , SO . 6- IC . .k,, d ct -IL- I� t:��L- ; �{;M..{.�t.C• �'`L ci1,9'LGf,vLc--Q., ✓� _ ��(,J` �.- IA A I: iZ G - /t ci-C 61, Ara/1 t•an cc of do 1I 1,021 , ilLe. IL t ;co il- i y�cuA'✓., tC4'L _eel A .6'. 3 ...,2 10 ,64[0tC-- ci .4_a - _,..t.c I d,Lyi, sit 0 4/-Q-- Jo-co/LI A fi, ./ c4- - / all Ct- 42614;t.2pi (f 4C -14- (('--23-cfL) I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. APPIic:1 Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of H _Ito( /.? fl/ Final Decision Made:,,, /2 Nil The variance sought was dapproved with the following conditions: f -rp 0 a1(/( t - 6 -. Sie; 4,6, 2 r,,, lit) I t. A pp va� /0 /,tf Special Use Permit# : BOARD OF PEALS . Sign Permit# /2 , Building Permit1� �' d4ei- joto f 1 STAFF REPORT - VA-84-45 APPLICANT: Joseph & Mary Teague TAX MAP/PARCEL: 60/37 ACREAGE: . 900 ZONING: R-1 , Residential LOCATION: On the south side of Route 250 West approximately . 1 mile past Colonade Drive or . 3 mile outside of the City limits VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant requests a variance from Section 30 . 5 . 6 . 2 . 1 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a canopy addition to be located 46 feet from the road right-of-way, a variance of 104 feet. AREA CHARACTERISTICS The main structure is located at an elevation above Route 250 West and the entrance road to the Rehabilitation Center, but below the travel way on the east side. The property west of the site is zoned R-1 , residential and houses the Rehabilitation Center. Property adjoining the south is R-1 , residential , and houses a multi-residential structure. Adjoining the property adjacent to the travel way is one structure which houses a Dental Lab; Pappagallo, Ladies shop; and the Lime Tree, Gift shop. Also, ad- joining the applicant' s property is a Real Estate office and a Beauty Salon. The applicant' s property fronts on Route 250 West which is designated a Scenic Highway. ZONING HISTORY Prior to December 1980, the applicant' s property was zoned B-1 , Business. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Urban Land Use Plan calls for the immediate area to be developed commercial adjoining by Public Semi-Public on the west and High Density residential to the south. Across Route 250 West that area is designated Commercial . STAFF COMMENTS The roof addition to be added to the east side of the building will not extend any closer to the side property line than the existing canopy. This addition should not exceed the already established building line of the canopy roof. The attachment of the new roof should not have any adverse effects on the adja- cent property because of the travel way. The roof addition should not be any closer than 6 feet from the side property line as provided in Sections 4 . 11 . 3 . 1 and 4 . 11 . 3 . 2 . STAFF REPORT - VA-84-45 Page 2 The applicant also wishes to add a canopy roof to extend outward toward Route 250 West from the front building entrance. The can- opy would cover an existing walkway that lies between the build- ing and the service drive. The existing building is located 60 feet from the front property line. This addition is projecting further into the required setback than even the ordinance requires for all off-street parking Section 30 . 5 . 6 . 2 . 2 . Section 30 . 5 . 6 .3 . 1 of the ordinance provides where off-street parking facilities are located on the rear side of the structures, the building set- back may be reduced to 75 feet from the scenic right-of-way. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The roof addition to the east side of building will not effect the adjacent property because the buildings are separated by the travel way. The adjoining property is zoned HC, Highway Commercial, which provides for setback of structures from agriculture or resi- dential properties . This supports this portion of the variance only if the setback is increased to 6 feet from the property line, a variance of 14 feet in accordance with Sections 4 . 11 . 3 . 1 and 4 . 11 . 3 . 2 . The canopy roof to be added to the front of the building surpasses the already non-complying building setback. We find no special conditions that would warrant the reduction of setback. The staff cannot recommend this portion of the applicant' s variance. , V y R, ---------- 0,4,17 - -------______ fi pAvt,..,,, --------________irt-NIT_-.......4._ _ .._ 1 1._11. tLi 4,16 a --, \ ; 0 :3:1 ----,1 - I 1 -- ----•-1- .._ PA RK 1 is,1 r. I 1 ___ E-- 1.-±fr"-/Lt: 1 --__:_-___•- S -r--p ,A_ -7- i--I—. i 0, 1 1 1 , 1 ( It, TA.) --- ' 0 P'.--- : 4 1 , I 1 , ( . , I . ) I. - I ,. I U 1 I .....\ . __,___ ' . ' ' *---E r,,-..5-1" li ---H- sP"'""••••"•""""r"1""""1-' \ 1---...... i ILU-.al 1 I I,7 VI.--E 1 I - I ---...,, 4. '-,„.. /4 I i _________________-- 1 _ 1 l• '>- , • < 1 < I 3 I 3 .„ .__.. . ' 1 5) 1 1 I i 1_111 ill -- *.----- . — ' 1 LI -- 1 t 0 11111 tf) itY c• It ——-— 11 ,i t.......1. . 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