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ARB201900046 Plan - Approved 2019-06-05
REPAINT CORNICES, TRIM & TRELLISES C-313 ETIQUETTE AS INDICATED. REPAINT SPHERICAL BOLLARDS C-1 RED AS INDICATED. EXSTG. BRICK/STONE/ICCMU/PRE-FIN METAL AREAS -NO PAINT; PAINT HM DOOR AND FRAME TO MATCH ADJ. WALL, TYP.; REPAINT METAL COPING TO MATCH ADJ. WALL/CORNICE, TYP ,0 O 0 (N) SIGN IN WHITE VINYL ON GLASS .u� coo o iuY � �r_ur _�RETROFIT SOFl TOP OF CORNICE DEL= 13"' TOP M OF MASONRY EL= 12]' (E) TRELLE PAINT TO MATCH C-31 TOP OF MASONRY EL= 131'-4' TOP OF MASONRY L= 12 4" TOP OF CORNICE DEL= 132'-0' TOP OF MASONRY LE = 2T'-4" o OPAINT O (E) STL TRELLISAUMNS TO MATCH C-313 -_ _ ^J^------0 - (E) PAINT TO MATCH S PAINT (E) 10 STL L�TRRELUS/COLUMN -{' LIG T FIXIR CH C-313 1"% eee e T1858 Charlottesville, VA: Exterior Elevation Refresh 11 12 13 PAINT (E) STL TRELLIS/COLUMNS (N) SPP-8 TO MATCH C-313 F (N) SIGN TO MATCH EXISTING SIZE (E) TRELLIS, PAINT TO MATCH C-313 C-313 BM #AF50 ETIQUETTE C-1 TK# 8010-01 RED SPP-8 SIMULATED WOOD: STONEWOOD PHENOLIC RESIN PANELS "CANTON HICKORY" 16" x 8' & 32" x 8' COURSES IN RUNNING BOND y� PAINT (E) SCREEN TO MATCH C-313I NOTE: * EXISTING BRICK, ICCMU & CAST STONE OR AREAS -NO PAINT; PAINT HM DOOR AND FRAME TO MATCH ADJ. WALL, TYP. RESEAL ALL ICCMU AND CAST STONE CAPS. *NEW LIGHT FIXTURES: OCL "NEWPORT" SCONCE *STORE EXTERIOR WALLS ARE PRIMARILY ICCMU & BRICK *BEN-4 : TRADITIONAL, COLOR .......... BLACK Proposed Elevations May 16, 2019 0 REPAINT CORNICES. TRIM & TRELLISES C-313 ETIQUETTE AS INDICATED. REPAINT SPHERICAL BOLLARDS C-1 RED AS INDICATED. C-313 BM #AF50 ETIQUETTE Simulated Wood: Stonewood Phenolic Resin Panels "Canton Hickory" 16" x 8' & 32" x 8' courses in running bond C-1 TK# 8010-01 RED Tl 858 Charlottesville, VA :Target Store Exterior Elevation Refresh Proposed Colors and Materials May 08, 2019 (E) CORNICE INSECT SCREEN PROVIDED BY THE SPP MANUFACTURER 9 SPP MANUFACTURER PROVIDED PRE -FINISHED COLOR MATCHED FASTENERS - TYP FIELD CUT TOP PANEL AS NEEDED TO PROVIDE V GAP BETWEEN PANEL AND CORNICE \F+I SPP VERTICAL EXTRUSION, BLACK, SHIM AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE FLAT PLUMB FACE FOR WOOD FEATURE.MANUFACTURER PROVIDED TYPICAL EDGE DISTANCE TO FASTENER 8 MM SPP BOARD, TYP DETAIL @ TOP OF SPP acel ra^ = rs^ 9 8 MM SPP BOARD - TYP 9 8 MM STARTER LOURS ►N7 SPP VERTICAL EXTRUS SHIM AS NECESSARY T FLAT PLUMB FACE FOR FEATURE.NIANUFACTU SPP MANUFACTURER F PRE -FINISHED COLOR I FASTENERS -TYP TYPICAL EDGE DISTANT FASTENER 9 SPP MANUFACTURER PERFORATED BOTTOM WITH INSECT SCREEN PRE -FINISHED BLACK 24 GA FLASHING AT TIO WATER -TABLE ( E) PROTRUDING ACCEN BOTTOM OF SSP scel ca" = r_ry 8 MM SPP 0 SPP MANL..._..,.._,.....,...._....._ COLOR MATCHED FASTENERS -TYP 1" MIN SPACE FROM FACE OF EXISTING WALL PLAN DETAIL a@ INSIDE CORNER OF SPP aces P. a" = r_n" I I I I 111 I I I f I ICI l III I 1 I ICI 1 III I I IpI III IpI I I 01 I Ip I I I pl I Ip I I I I I pl f I I I I I0I pl Ip IQI I pl I I 10 I�I pl I I I 1� 1 I I I g i I L f I I I I III 1 I I I I I III I I I I III I I I I I I I A21B I I I I I I III I I I I i l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I III II IpI I�I I L 0 l I III I III 10 III I I p l I III I III 10 I I I I I p I p I p IPII p I III I III I I I I I I III 1 I I I I I III I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 III 1 I I I IpI pl III I I I I I I I I I I I I I I p 1 I I I I p I I I I I I I I I I III p l 1 1 1 I p I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I III p l I 1 I I I III I I I I III I I I III I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I . I 1 I I I I I I I I III 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I III 1 1 III 1 IpI IOf p l 1 p p l 10 I p l I I Iql 141 I I III I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I pl 1 I I I I I I 10 1mI1 1 11 I 1 1 I I I I I�I 1 pl I I I I 1 1 1 Ip 11 I 1T1 I 1 1 I I I I III 1 p1 1 1 I I I I III 1 I I III I I I 1 I I 4'-0" FIRST HALF BOARD I I I AT CORNER I 1 III I I I I 1 II1 11 I 1 1 I I III I I III 1 l I I I I I I1 11 1 1 1 I l I I III 1 I I I I IpI IpI III I I 01 I 1 I I I I 01 I 10 I I' I I p l I 1114 3'-18" 4-v CL OF END EXTRUSION OF CHANNEL \�— SPP MANUFACTURER PROVIDED PRE - FINISHED COLOR MATCHED FASTENERS - TYP OF CHANNEL OF CHANNEL 9 - GAP@VERTICAL JOINT MATCHED FASTENERS -TYP ��"�V�I �V VV�V" TYP Vrr =V�`u- PLAN DETAIL @ SPP SCALE: 3" = 1'-0" SPP MANUFACTURER PROVIDED PRE -FINISHED COLOR MATCHED FASTENERS -TYP BLACK METAL CLOSURE TRIM, SPP MANUFACTURER PROVIDED. CONTINUOUS ALONG LENGTH OF EACH BOARD AT EACH HORIZONTAL GAP. 9 8 MM SPP PANEL-TYP DETAIL (a-) SPP TYPICAL GAP SCALE:1" = 0'-1" NOTE: *ATTACHMENT DETAILS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION. *SEE FORTHCOMING SIGNED CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT SET FOR FINAL ATTACHEMENT DETAILING. *ALL FASTNERS TO BE PREFINISHED, COLOR MATCHED TO WOOD LOOK PANEL. Proposed Simulated Wood Attachment Details T1858 Charlottesville, VA: Exterior Elevation Refresh May 16,2o,9 CATALOG NUMBER: NP1- 010A-36- MW-SMP- LED1/40K-UNV- DMO r- �.00 La TYPE: HR1 PROJECT NAME: TARGET QUANTITY: DATE: Sep 22,2017 DIMENSIONS: WIDTH: 6" LENGTH: 36" PROJECTION: 4" WEIGHT: 11 lb HANGING SYSTEM: [01 OA] L OUTDOOR ADA COMPLIANT SCONCE -N I DIFFUSER: [MW] Matte White Acrylic [MW] y FINISH: [SMP] Silver Metallic Paint [SMP] LIGHT SOURCE: [LED1/40K] LED Output 1, 4000K SYSTEM WATTAGE: 45 DELIVERED LUMENS: 2600 VOLTAGE: [UNV] UNV OPTIONS: [DMO] 0-10V Dimming 10% �— P TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Fixture mounts to a standard 4" octagon J- box (supplied by others), and requires additional anchors. Integral Class II LED drivers - 120-277VAC 50/60Hz. Bodine® emergency ballast available, standard with remote mounted test switch and indicator light. Fixture is ADA compliant. For photometric data, please visit www.oci.com. For specific mounting instructions, please contact factory. Five year product warranty. r- J_IVCL. OCL.COM p:314-863-1895 f:314-863.3278 The drawings and specifications and ideas, designs and arrangements represented on these drawings are and shall remain the property of The Original Cast Lighting (OCL) and no part thereof shall be copied, disclosed, to others or used in conjunction with any work or project other than the specified project for which they have been prepared and developed, without written consent of OCL. Visual contact with these plans or specifications shall constitute conclusive evidence of acceptance of these restrictions. This is an original drawing created by Walton. It Revision: Signs will be manufactured with 120 or 277 Volts A/C. This sign is intended to be installed in 10101 Reunion Place Client: TARGET STORE -1858 is submitted for our personal use, however, it g accordance with the re uirements of Suite 500 y p All Primary electrical service to the sign,and final q San Antonio, TX 78216 Address: 312 Connor Dr, shall at all times remain the property of Walton. connection thereof, is the responsibility of the buyer. Article 600 of the National Electrical It may be used in connection with the project All work is to be done in accordance with the purchase Code and/or other applicable local P 210. 886. 0644 City/state: Charlottesville VA. 22911 being planned for you by Walton, but not agreement attached hereto. In case of variance codes. This includes proper waltonsignage.com SC otherwise. You are not authorized to show between the specifications of the purchase agreement grounding and bonding of the sign. Sales: JK Designer these drawings to anyone outside your and this drawing, the drawing shall prevail. © 2017 WALTON ALL RIGHTS ResERveo Date: 04.03.18 PM EW organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, PAGE SIZE. X lie WALTON copied orexhibited in anyfashion. H:\Target\20181nformation\Locations\1858Charlottsville VA\2-Design\ForDesign Approvals: Sales: Date: P.M.: Date: Design: Date: Client: Date: Sheet: 1 of 8 a. uperIC' FF16AF�-' S OVERALL AERIAL SITE PLAN scale: NTS 10101 Reunion Place Suite 500 San Antonio, TX 78216 P 210.886. 0644 waltonsignage.com WA LTO N © 2017 WALTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED tea k7-S66t' -F � . C•� Client: TARGET STORE -1858 This is an original drawing created by Walton. It R2VISIOn. is for however, it Signs will be manufactured with 120 or 277 Volts A/C. This sign is intended to be installed in Approvals: Sales: Date: submitted your personal use, All Primary electrical service to the sign,and final accordance with the requirements of Address: 312 Connor Dr. shall at all times remain the property of Walton. It may be used in connection with the connection thereof, is the responsibility of the buyer. p ty v Article 600 of the National Electrical P.M.: Date: City/State: Charlottesville, VA. 22911 project being planned for you by Walton, but not All work is to be done in accordance with the purchase agreement attached hereto. In case of variance Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper Sales: JK Designer: SC otherwise. You are not authorized to show between the specifications of the purchase agreement g grounding and bonding of the sign. Design: g Date: Date:04.03.18 PM EW these drawings to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, and this drawing, the drawing shall prevail. PAGE SIZE: 11"x 17 Client: Date: Sheet: 2 of 8 copied orexhibited in anyfashion. H:1Target120181nformationlLocations11858CharlottsvilleVA12-Design\ForDesign TdI Of ktS&MY T F i'lIN'.L� WEST ELEVATION scale: NTS PARTIAL WEST ELEVATION scale: 1/16"=1'-0" 0 LL 72/48 -W - TARGET Q LL36-W -TARGET LOGO 10101 Reunion Place Suite 500 San Antonio, TX 78216 P 210.886. 0644 waltonsignage.com WA LTO N © 2017 WALTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED RETROIT .50MT L*HTINQ TO L.E.D. 480'-0" nr iH F-T 30FFIT ',_ICHTIh'2 TO 11 F.D. (NJ SIM WOOD SIDING. EXISTING SIGNAGE TO BE REMOVED scale: N.T.S. } L_ F-F — U it — '[FT PARTIAL WEST ELEVATION scale: 1 /16"=1'-0" EQ. T-0" EQ. Client: TARGET STORE -1858 This is an original drawing created by Walton. It R2VISIOn. is for however, it Signs will be manufactured with 120 or 277 Volts A/C. This sign is intended to be installed in Approvals: Sales: Date: submitted your personal use, All Primary electrical service to the sign,and final accordance with the requirements of Address: 312 Connor Dr. shall at all times remain the property of Walton. It may be used in connection with the connection thereof, is the responsibility of the buyer. p � v Article 600 of the National Electrical P. M.: Date: City/State: Charlottesville, VA. 22911 project being planned for you by Walton, but not All work is to be done in accordance with the purchase agreement attached hereto. In case of variance Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper JK SC Sales: Designer: otherwise. You are not authorized to show between the specifications of the purchase agreement grounding and bonding of the sign. Design: Date: Date: 04.03.18 PM EW these drawings to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, and this drawing, the drawing shall prevail. PAGE SIZE: 11 17° Client: Date: copied orexhibited in anyfashion. H:lTarget120181nformationlLocations11858CharlottsvilleVAl2-DesigMForDesign x Sheet: 3 of 8 CORNICE FT" OF l 1 SON" _L= 1' 1'- i4P 129` r' OF 11�ASOhi'iY L= T€1P OF N,ESOWY L- — TOP OF FINSItD FLOOR SIDE BUILDING ELEVATION scale: NTS TOP OF CORNICE EL_- 13b'-Ul OF MASONRY \___ STOP TOP OF MASONRY £L= 129'-4" -r'MD nU &]AC'f1kIE3V 'rnM nr- C1k11CLJrnS. M J r%r3 PARTIAL SIDE BUILDING ELEVATION scale: 1/16"=1'-0" (a LL36-W -TARGET LOGO EQ. T-0" EQ. P 324'-6" EXISTING SIGNAGE TO BE REMOVED scale: N.T.S. Approvals: This is an original drawing created by Walton. It Revision: Signs will be manufactured with 120 or 277 Volts A/C. This sign is intended to be installed in 10101 Reunion Place Client: TARGET STORE -1858 g is submitted far your personal use, however, it All Primary electrical service to the sign,and final accordance with the requirements of Sales: Date: Suite 500 shall at all times remain the property of Walton. connection thereof, is the responsibility of the buyer. Article 600 of the National Electrical San Antonio, TX 78216 Address: 312 Connor Dr, p v v It may be used in connection with the project All work is to be done in accordance with the purchase Code and/or other applicable local P. M.: Date: City/State: Charlottesville, VA. 22911 being planned for you by Walton, but not agreement attached hereto. In case of variance P lto 886. 0644 Y/State: esvotherwise. You are not authorized to show between the specifications of the purchase agreement codes. This includes proper Design: Date: watonsignageW.com Sales: JK Designer'. SC these drawings to anyone outside your and this drawing, the drawing shall prevail, grounding and bonding of the sign. g © 2017 WALTON ALL RIGHTS RESERveo Date: 04.03.18 PNI EW organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, PAGE SIZE. 11" X 17° Client: Date: Sheet: 4 of 8 WALTON copied orexhibited in anyfashion. H:\Target\20181nformation\Locations\1858Charlottsville VA\2-Design\ForDesign 22'-4" 6'-0" 15-6 1 /2" ACRYLIC FACED INT. ILLUM. LOGO & LETTER SET I LC-2 scale: 1/4"=1'-0" 10101 Reunion Place Suite 500 San Antonio, TX 78216 P 210.886. 0644 waltonsignage.com WA LTO N © 2017 WALTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED .080 ALUM. FILLER - INT. PAINTED WHITE TRIM CAP OR RETAINER (DETERMINED by MFG.) .090 ALUM. BACK 1/2" ELECTRICAL BEYOND SIGN BY INSTALLER. INSTALLER TO PROPERLY SEAL WALL PENETRATIONS SEALER: BASF -MASTER SEAL NP 150 ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE (INCLUDING SPACERS) TO BE SUPPLIED BY INSTALLER MINIMUM: 3/8" STAINLESS STEEL MOUNTING HARDWARE This is an original drawing created by Walton. It Revision: Client: TARGET STORE -1858 is submitted for your personal use, however, it Address: 312 Connor Dr. shall at all times remain the property of Walton. It may be used in connection with the project City/State: Charlottesville, VA. 22911 being planned for you by Walton, but not otherwise. You are not authorized to show Sales: JK SC Designer: these drawings to anyone outside your Date: 04.03.18 PM EW organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, Signs will be manufactured with 120 or 277 Volts A/C. All Primary electrical service to the sign,and final connection thereof, is the responsibility of the buyer. All work is to be done in accordance with the purchase agreement attached hereto. In case of variance between the specifications of the purchase agreement g and this drawing, the drawing shall prevail. This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Arlicle 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. copied orexhibited in anyfashion. H:1Target12018lnformation\Locations11858CharlottsvilleVA12-Design\ForDesign PAGE SIZE: MATERIAL FINISH COLORS WHITE WHITE ❑ ❑WHITE ❑ W IOAN TE LED ACRYLIC RETURNS FACES TRIMCAP ILLUM. RETAINERS LOCKABLE DISCONNECT SWITCH - BY OWNER WIRED BY ELECTRICIAN �a POWER DISTRIBUTION BOARD. 12v CLASS 2 POWER - SUPPLY LOGO & LETTER SET I DETAIL CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUITS FOR SIGNS ONLY PER NEC CODE 600.5 ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO SIGNS (INCLUDING GROUND AND NEUTRAL) AND SHALL NOT BE SHARED WITH OTHER LOADS. PROPERLY SIZED GROUND WIRE THAT CAN BE TRACED BACK TO BREAKER PANEL IS REQUIRED. INSTALLER REQUIREMENTS ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE, SECONDARY WIRING AND CONDUITS ARE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALL PENETRATIONS IN THE WALL ARE TO BE SEALED WITH SILICONE AND TO BE WATERTIGHT. ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DRAWING MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO OR IMPROPER OPERATION OF SIGNAGE, CAUSING DELAYS AND ADDITIONAL COST. Approvals: Sales: Date: P.M.: Date: Design: Date: NEW & REMODEL CONSTRUCTION ADEQUATE BEHIND THE WALL BACKING AND ACCESS IS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF NEW SIGNAGE. CUSTOMER TO FORWARD APPROVED SIGNAGE DRAWINGS TO THE ON SITE CONTACT TO INSURE THAT THE REQUIRED PROVISIONS ARE MADE DURING CONSTRUCTION, PRIOR TO THE SIGN INSTALLATION. INSTALLER REQUIREMENTS FOR EIFS WALLS IT 15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ANY WALL SPACERS REQUIRED TO KEEP EIFS WALL MATERIAL FROM BEING COMPACTED DURING INSTALLATION OF ANY MOUNTING BOLTS REQUIRED FOR SIGNAGE. GENERAL NOTE •INSTALLER SHALL VERIFY WALL CONDITION IN THE FIELD. • TYPE, SIZE AND NUMBER OF FASTENERS TO BE DETERMINED. -ALL BOLT HOLES TO BE DRILLED OR PUNCHED. -ISOLATE ALL ALUMINUM FROM STEEL. Client: Date: Sheet: 5 of 8 WALTON Gl .0 c c OO ACRYLIC FACED INT- ILLUM. LOGO & LETTER SET I LC-2 scale: 1 "= V-0" 10101 Reunion Place Suite 500 San Antonio, TX 78216 P 210.886. 0644 waltonsignage.com © 2017 WALTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 0'- 111 .080 ALUM. FILLER - INT. PAINTED WHITE 1"TRIM CAP 090ALUM. BACK PIGMENTED ACRYLIC FACES SLOAN LED 1/2" ELECTRICAL BEYOND SIGN BY INSTALLER. INSTALLER TO PROPERLY SEAL WALL PENETRATIONS SEALER: BASF -MASTER SEAL NP 150 ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE (INCLUDING SPACERS) TO BE SUPPLIED BY INSTALLER MINIMUM: 3/8" STAINLESS STEEL MOUNTING HARDWARE (1) - WEEP HOLE PER LOW SPOT CLASS 2 SECONDARIES TO DISTRIBUTION BOARD TO BE RUN THROUGH CONDUIT SUPPLIED BY INSTALLER & WIRED BY INSTALLER. DISTRIBUTION BOARD SUPPLIED BY WALTON. TOTAL: O.Oamps (1) 120v 20A CIRCUIT REQUIRED ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO SIGNS (INCLUDING GROUND AND NEUTRAL) AND SHALL NOT BE SHARED WITH OTHER LOADS. MATERIAL FINISH COLORS WHITE WHITE 7328 1❑ ❑WHITE OAN ❑ WHITE LED ACRY CS RETURNS FACES TRIMCAP ILLUM. RETAINERS SPACE MAX: 1" MINIMUM: 1/2" 6" [WALL ��_ EXISTING ELEC. PANEL LOCKABLE DISCONNECT SWITCH - BY OWNER WIRED BY ELECTRICIAN �a J BOX POWER DISTRIBUTION BOARD. 12v CLASS 2 POWER - SUPPLY LOGO I DETAIL CUSTOMER TO PROVIDE DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUITS FOR SIGNS ONLY PER NEC CODE 600.5 ALL BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL BE DEDICATED TO SIGNS (INCLUDING GROUND AND NEUTRAL) AND SHALL NOT BE SHARED WITH OTHER LOADS. PROPERLY SIZED GROUND WIRE THAT CAN BE TRACED BACK TO BREAKER PANEL IS REQUIRED. INSTALLER REQUIREMENTS ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE, SECONDARY WIRING AND CONDUITS ARE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR. ALL PENETRATIONS IN THE WALL ARE TO BE SEALED WITH SILICONE AND TO BE WATERTIGHT. ANY DEVIATION FROM THIS DRAWING MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO OR IMPROPER OPERATION OF SIGNAGE, CAUSING DELAYS AND ADDITIONAL COST. Client: TARGET STORE -1858 Address: 312 Connor Dr. City/State: Charlottesville, VA. 22911 Sales: JK Designer: SC Date: 04.03.18 PM EW This is an original drawing created by Walton. It R2VISIOn: is submitted for your personal use, however, it shall at all times remain the property of Walton. It may be used in connection with the project being planned for you by Walton, but not otherwise. You are not authorized to show these drawings to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, copied orexhibited in anyfashion. H:1Target12018lnformation\Locations11858CharlottsvilleVA12-Design\ForDesign Signs will be manufactured with 120 or 277 Volts A/C. All Primary electrical service to the sign,and final connection thereof, is the responsibility of the buyer. p ty v All work is to be done in accordance with the purchase agreement attached hereto. In case of variance between the specifications of the purchase agreement and this drawing, the drawing shall prevail. O This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. PAGE SIZE: 11" x 17" Approvals: Sales: P.M.: Design: g Client: Date: Date: Date: Date: NEW & REMODEL CONSTRUCTION ADEQUATE BEHIND THE WALL BACKING AND ACCESS IS REQUIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF NEW SIGNAGE. CUSTOMER TO FORWARD APPROVED SIGNAGE DRAWINGS TO THE ON SITE CONTACT TO INSURE THAT THE REQUIRED PROVISIONS ARE MADE DURING CONSTRUCTION, PRIOR TO THE SIGN INSTALLATION. INSTALLER REQUIREMENTS FOR EIFS WALLS IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ANY WALL SPACERS REQUIRED TO KEEP EIFS WALL MATERIAL FROM BEING COMPACTED DURING INSTALLATION OF ANY MOUNTING BOLTS REQUIRED FOR SIGNAGE. GENERAL NOTE •INSTALLER SHALL VERIFY WALL CONDITION IN THE FIELD. • TYPE, SIZE AND NUMBER OF FASTENERS TO BE DETERMINED. -ALL BOLT HOLES TO BE DRILLED OR PUNCHED. -ISOLATE ALL ALUMINUM FROM STEEL. Sheet: 6 of 8 0 m TBD O REFACE EXISTING D/F MONUMENT DISPLAY scale: NTS REMOVE & DISCARD EXISTING "TARGET" FACES MFG. & INSTALL NEW REPLACEMENT PANEL w/ 1 ST SURFACE 3630-53 CARDINAL RED VINYL & WEEDED WHITE COPY & LOGO This is an original drawing created by Walton. It 10101 Reunion Place Client: TARGET STORE -1858 is submitted for your personal use, however, it Suite 500 shall at all times remain the property of Walton. San Antonio, TX 78216 Address: 312 Connor Dr. It may be used in connection with the project P 210. 886. 0644 City/state: Charlottesville, VA. 22911 being planned for you by Walton, but not otherwise. You are not authorized to show waltonsignage.com Sales: JK Designer: SIC these drawings to anyone outside your WA LTO N © 2017 WALTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Date: 04.03.18 PM E organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, copied or exhibited in any fashion. Revision: Signs will be manufactured with 120 or 277 Volts A/C. This sign is intended to be installed in All Primary electrical service to the sign,and final accordance with the requirements of connection thereof, is the responsibility of the buyer. Article 600 of the National Electrical All work is to be done in accordance with the purchase Code and/or other applicable local agreement attached hereto. In case of variance codes. This includes proper between the specifications of the purchase agreement grounding and bonding of the sign. and this drawing, the drawing shall prevail. PAGE SIZE: 11" X 17" H:1Target12018 Information1ocations11858 Charlottsville VA12-DesigMFor Design Approvals: Sales: Date: P.M.: Date: Design: Date: Client: Date: Sheet: 7 of 8 TBD 0 m © REFACE EXISTING D/F MONUMENT DISPLAY scale: NTS 10101 Reunion Place Suite 500 San Antonio, TX 78216 P 210.886. 0644 waltonsignage.com WA LTO N © 2017 WALTON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED REMOVE & DISCARD EXISTING "TARGET" FACES MFG. & INSTALL NEW REPLACEMENT PANEL w/ 1 ST SURFACE 3630-53 CARDINAL RED VINYL & WEEDED WHITE COPY & LOGO This is an original drawing created by Walton. It Revision: Client: TARGET STORE -1858 is submitted for your personal use, however, it Address: 312 Connor Dr. shall at all times remain the property of Walton. It may be used in connection with the project City/state: Charlottesville, VA. 22911 being planned for you by Walton, but not JK SC otherwise. You are not authorized to show Sales: Designer: these drawings to anyone outside your Date: 04.03.18 PM EW organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, Signs will be manufactured with 120 or 277 Volts A/C. All Primary electrical service to the sign,and final connection thereof, is the responsibility of the buyer. All work is to be done in accordance with the purchase agreement attached hereto. In case of variance between the specifications of the purchase agreement and this drawing, the drawing shall prevail. This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article 600 of the National Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. copied orexhibited in anyfashion. H:1Target12018lnformation\Locations11858ChariottsvilleVA12-Design\ForDesign PAGE SIZE: Approvals: Sales: Date: P.M.: Date: Design: Date: Client: Date: Sheet: 8 of 8 A (" V) C k-Up Letter B E 'pharmacy ACRYLIC FACED INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL CHANNEL LOGO & LETTERS AS SHOWN AND NOTED DESIGNATES HEIGHT OF LOGO (Heart) CVS.12aCL CVS-I2-CL CVS-16-CL 115/8" 9'-1 1/4" 1' 2 3/4" 24" 4'-101/2" 9.48 121/2" 12'-21/4" 1'-73/4" 3'-63/4" 6'-61/4" 16.63 CVS-I8-CL 171/2" 13'-9" 1'-101/4" 4'- 01/4" 7'-4" 20.62 CVS-20-CL 191/2" 15'-3" 24 3/4" 4'- 51/2" 8'-13/4" 25.41 CVS-24-CL 23 3/8" 18'-3 3/4" 1 T-5 3/4" 5'-41 /4" 9'-91 /4" -11% A9 CVS-30-CL 291/8" 27-10" 3' 1" 6' 8" 12' 21/4" 57.08 CVS-32-CL 311/8" 124'-43/4" 311/2" T-11/2" 1341/4" CVS-36-CL 34 7/8" 27'-4 3/4" T-81/4" 8'-0" 14'-71/2" 65.05 82.18 r'll ;E MAXIMUM 1" MUM'/z" MATERIAL FINISH COLORS (FULL FU GLOSS) G ■ Returns ■ Faces (AI ugflas or Equiv.) ■Red Trimcap/Retainer Red ■ LED Illumination j FIELD SURVEY REQUIRED I VERIFY GLASS V.O. & MULLION/DIVIDER SIZING PRIOR TO FABRICATION 48" ± 6' -2" (GLASS V.O.) (VERIFY) 00 0 CV O � J `v) J O 00 O 0 ORDER PICKUP VINYL I ONE (1) REQ. O SCALE: 3/4"=1'-0" 10.16 SO FT MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL FIRST SURFACE (*Verify IF ;1st or 2nd Surface Applied) OPAQUE WHITE VINYL LAYOUT MATERIAL FINISH COLORS 3M 7725-10 WHITE OPAQUE VINYL Vinyl