HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198400060 Application 1984-10-09 $20. Permit Fee _ Application No. Sign" Erected By: Staff: . APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE " Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application , 19 `'''% .OF PROPERTY 0.L-.c,-1 1/6 r4' OC ANT (If other than owner) Name: Ll A/Kri ,. /P:4f - >/t Y ;'. ,4„.c, Name: -vttD,,krvc t.cl- S-14,uc IT,2L?i Address 6 y Addy (' C. _[ Ux 3—ga2o5 4 A ti I _t:'4 ' L7rc si,i,I ,V 919Ct- p-1.1,a4rt FL 7 3 I 3 3 Telephone: 9 y � 0,9 I z Telephone: Location of Pr (Si 6:1-i"? Z r..,FFF -1-`sZot 2 t-- , 4_ii 1 - ,-i- id . 471g Tax Map _ Parcel R- /: Acreage E. - = Existing Zoning District Existing Use: WAY,'F'11(0,, <--1 :s,l°; Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) fir ' r " ' /u. f iv,....."3 ., ,I /,' I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of n#y knowledge and belief and that I an the owner named above. b 7 >it lc t Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision._ If so, state- substance of decisicm: Date of Hearing: I,7.-c L Final Decision Made: k,0 1Is The variance sought was denied/approved augY� approved with the following conditions Special Use Perrnit# BOARD OF i� /�-:, • Sign Pezmit�� BY• -��%"'�� Date Building Pezmitik `_ STAFF REPORT - VA-84-60 APPLICANT: Gang-Nail Systems, Inc. (Automated Structures, In . ) TAX MAP/PARCEL: 46/33F ACREAGE: 24. 58 acres ZONING: Light Industry (LI ) LOCATION: East side of Route 649, ± . 7 mile north of the intersection with Route 784 VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant requests relief from Section 26.10. 1 to allow a business sign to be located 13 . 5 feet from the highway right-of-way, a variance of 36. 5 feet . AREA CHARACTERISTICS The property fronts on Route 649 with 120 feet of road frontage. Other than a narrow strip opening where the entrance road exists, most visible access to the site is screened by woods. Adjoining parcels to the applicant ' s have wooded area also. The property slopes from highway Route 649 inward 10 to 20 degrees There are several residences near the entrance road but at least several hundred feet away. STAFF COMMENTS The Zoning Ordinance regulation regarding signs located on LI zoned property requires a 50 foot setback. As you approach the site traveling east bound, you have limited visibility until you are within a couple hundred feet of the en- trance. The wooded area and the topography at the entrance have adverse impact at the 50 foot setback distance. Most truck traffic will be routed from Route 29 North. If you approach the site traveling west on Route 649, your vision is impaired by the wooded area adjacent to the entrance road. The applicant has already erected a sign 30" x 60" at the pro- posed variance location. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The applicant has a hardship based on the topography of the prop- erty, the wooded area which provides screening and also a noise barrier for the site, and because of the limited road frontage within which to locate a sign that would be visible from the pub- lic road. We recommend approval subject to the size sign as sub- mitted. OF ALB we N� F'eg R GO °F A`9 l � 4" F ®hRGD MICHAEL E. TOMPKINS DEPARTMENT OF ZONING KENNY THACKER ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ZONING INSPECTOR 401 MCINTIRE ROAD l ANDREW D. EVANS CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. 22901-4596 JOHN GRAY DEPUTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ZONING INSPECTOR (804) 296-5875 KATHY BRITTAIN AGENCY COORDINATOR September 18, 1984 Gang-Nail Systems, Inc. c/o Carl M. Capron P.O. Box 7261 Charlottesville, VA 22906 Dear Mr. Capron: This letter is to inform you that your variance applica- tion, VA-84-60 , will be heard during the public hearing by the Board of Zoning Appeals on October 9, 1984 , at 3 : 00 p.m. , Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. It will be necessary for someone to be present to speak for the variance application . If you have any questions, please contact our office at 296-5875 . Si( i cerely, µ Michael E. Tompkins Zoning Administrator MET/st cc: File # VA-84-60 Automated Structures, Inc. . .11 *4 ...,.. ., si:„../., \ ./. ., L.—--4 t •<<.. r . -----r , , ! r•- kV7Nv 7 /• • 2 ----* -V- / t y -. • • --- P--Zr- ___ \4 -.. , ; 2 / 4-* 2 : •--.2 \\_12:1.4t ---7-7.----A / , I k,.- 0,1. ,re.,,1 c :_o:^•, • * 0 /,./ o . t : a.,. • ‘c,...,..- >---J / f i N--•-- 1 F.,- 1 0 7 • / / * .,',•.; .S.- ---1 r ,-- / -NL / a _A / 1 tu • ,co 1---- , 1,i..... ._,..... -,c „. / e . 1 ,, ----- --,/ C / ,.. 1 NI ----1 ) >\,x4 ( / t___ i P n--1 / \ a 1 ' / ------c /S ;4 ( • -- 1 : 1 •, r . - ). 1 ; , A --7 \..-4-,- --,C // / g . 1 z I D 1 0 it t --"" ------1------ ..-- \1J4'1 I R )I d / / 1;_li ii„,1/4.„)_•- • 1 1 / g„•,/--- Ti ° \ .. v( . 0-# .1 1 ih //j/ 11.1 )C \ 2- Vd ( ‘' -' e` 7\ g-4,,la ,,,* i M ** --- ; .--t r .ii k.. . ( >.-›*il < ......-• \ /--- \_..../W I .\ X ) - f•• .„,r4 ..\ R • \( s\= it- . • X-4.;-,-• .... ,-,,, x ,\._, 1 I. ' / z .\ --N.\., .\-. al je \2 / • /N ( r )• -1)‘..,.... 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B. 3//p. 375 pQQ. c I P� O.B. 97p 98 e S O p Cy r, i/1.I6 � B 61/Co/ra 02 20 \ ood1s 54 ?9eo ,� 0a • d W o0 2O •--_ =o T d • , ��, Noo/ J wood N D a• 3IlP. se i 0 O. 97P. o ; n n 04 �h N h/oP \ ���, `' C • 1 • 1f / / Cii b ', r T'�• \ o Boo-qvy \t \ 190 tO I 9v ' 39 6. oeV S / \ �., Pipe ,}4) / 1.�,. o ' Ton d Cl' rb © s e t �' '"J. 1 Pi" io a o 40, lt JJ 06 O '2.9 3 \\ 4p 9 u O T' 42• I 'o l `rpp,nQh9 _0 24. 584c. iT 4). /ran P!n N Cl 0. �1 N '\ Noel J. wood o, N 0'e o O. B. 3//p. 375 /ronA+n o 'n O. B. 97 p. 88 h to r Z Owner: GANG_NAIL SYSTEMS, INC, foilFormerly known as oottico Automated Structures, Inc, E,z• Schram9 a. \\ e9e' ‘ it, A coy, o+ os� ;Po11 v \ion •�n . l/3 O 634.0' oo Sod ° 08'37-W 949.0' %kw Southern Railway Company S••p/o/ In D. 8. l 58 p 233 Cw / ..• �°` y, WILL/AM S. ROUDABUSH, JR. SCALE:_ "_200 i DATE: DEC. /B, /9 67 CERTIFIED LAND SURVEYOR ChminH•••r:N. v•_ • • F}. rc - t < lei ,y . .,stems.Inc. r. s 1 VA - '41 - ' ' 1 �,1 -gl,- Co I _______________, , .. 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