HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198400063 Application 1984-10-09 $10. Permit Fee Appli.cation No. 1k30Cri ) Sign,Erected BY: )( 3 I 7taff: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zcning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5832 5Date of of Application k)/S , 19 ( ER OF PROPERTY Ce1„1 (4,0 • OCCUPANT (If other than owner) --illfgtC63an Nane: Name: Address: Address: Telephone: ;- - • Telephone: Location of Property , • - • ; / Tax Map ( j Parcel I Acreage I Existing Zoning R - IS District CiJsk Existing Use: Apar-A-ww)ydo lky\ckv\. Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : 447 15_, 3 is. (s,t, i,‘Acccie .04-4 .r The applicant requests relief from Section 4.15.3 . 5 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow an identification sign to be 17. 19 square feet , a variance of 15.19 feet . Also, requests relief from Section 18.3 to allow an identi- fication sign to be located 11 feet from the highway right- of-way, a variance of 14 feet . 54- t "ryi , , z I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above„, C'D A r/ 9//* • scant late FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision_ If so, state substance of decisicn: Date of Hearin' g: O(-f. ic; q Final Decision Made: ()e ) )50 The variance sought was denied/approved with the following conditions: _ _ 141)pR.Otitt tl hal ilkie ""- kitIL 4-(4-) 14/1,c1,0 it ItvOlvC1-111 15 lit if r2 r L /1(04 +0 kik+. r F -chkAii\15. s •+6) I 2- ,5kiiar rf ha-pEfiiii-g, A Special Use Permit# ZONING APPI.S • Sign Permit# BY. -,/. /- Date Building Permit# up _ -c-L-(--- („3 N.,,, ,,.., Weinstein Management Co. , Inc. SQUIRE HILL APARTMENTS P.O.BOX 31335 1000 Old Brook Road 2717 WILLARD ROAD Charlottesville,RICHMOND,VIRGINIA 23294-1335VA 22901 PHONE(804)288-1906 September 21, 1984 County Of Albemarle Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesvill VA 22901 Dear Sirs , Attached is our application for variance for a sign to be located off Rio Road for the new section of Sgaire Hill known as Squire Hill, Phase II . Positioning of the sign is necessary due to the trees, brush, etc . , on the adjoining Haigh property somewhat obstructing the sign from view when one is traveling in an Eastwardly direction on Rio Road. Thanking you in advance for your consideration of this matter. Very truly yours, f : a i k e7771-t--- J Donovan, Manager JD/mh 120t10:2CIL SEP 21 1984 "SaY�1 prac,. ` 'E_7f'd tMENT v ',Now Nee STAFF REPORT - VA-84-63 APPLICANT: Rio Road Associates TAX MAP/PARCEL: 61/129D ACREAGE: 17.486 acres ZONING: R-15 LOCATION: South side of Rio Road, approximately 4 mile east of its intersection with Route 29 North VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant requests relief from Section 4.15.3 . 5 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow an identification sign to be 17.19 square feet , a variance of 15. 19 square feet . Also, requests relief from Section 18.3 to allow an identification sign to be located 11 feet from the highway right-of-way, a variance of 14 feet . AREA CHARACTERISTICS There will be a new entrance road constructed at which the proposed sign will be located adjacent to. Under construction at the present time is the new phase of multi-housing development for Squire Hill . Westward to the property is the existing apartment unit building surrounding one (1) single-family residence. East of the develop- ment under construction is Chapel Hills - a single-family residen- tial subdivision. On the opposite side of the road is vacant prop- erty to the east and Merridale school to the west . The new entrance road will line up with Northfields road. ZONING HISTORY The Board of Zoning Appeals granted a variance, VA-80-07, on March 25, 1980, to allow an identification sign to be 12 square feet , and the freestanding sign to be located 11 feet from the road right-of- way. This was granted for the sign that is presently located at the applicant ' s development . STAFF COMMENTS The property is zoned R-15 residential which requires a 25 foot setback compared with 30 feet under the previous R-3 zoning. The distinctive difference in the proposed location compared with the existing sign location is the visibility traveling east on Rio Road. The new proposed sign would not provide visual contact at the 25 foot setback requirement from the eastbound lane. The sign would be visible from the westbound lane of Rio Road at a reasonable distance. The curvature of the road, and the visual access to the sign at a reasonable distance would warrant the need for a setback variance. In regard to the aggregate area, the existing sign does offer am- ple signage. Gr'`. STAFF REPORT - VA-84-63 Page 2 Allowing a sign to be located closer to the road itself defuses the need for more additional aggregate area. The existing sign presents adequate readability. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the setback of 11 feet from the road right-of-way. The staff recommends a limitation be imposed of the granting of additional aggregate area. Our recommendation is in line with the existing Squire Hill sign (12 square feet ) . ,., COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIP ..r SIGN PERMIT No. �� 7-� 7 Date / 3 - '7 3 Permit Fee 2$ .00 • Sign Owner 7,4-. rn.0_._!--r(.�' lt,,_ - Address Cf (i Property OwnerA„tr.-r_o_, t,. , C(',22.2,oz . Address Location tti /et', G13 / __ O YL f ,t /(ak Map ‘ /' Parcel / % '.d 7 Zone -- a Type of Sign l - e� -�� S i z e�-��--�,..�;�c��. Material '1-)�_41--F_� 1111 Check box if a variance has been granted for sign. Variance NO. Location Sketch Sign Structure Sketch • ..S2r JN _,c,67_,-Cf, 141 '11 Note: A Scale drawing giving dimensions must accompany application if so determined by Zoning Administrator. Approved Denied Zoning Administrator Zoning Administrator Date Date Date Sign Tagged Applicant's Signature Note: All signs except sale or rental and subdivision signs must be located 30 feet from any road, Highway, or thoroughfare right-of-way (Not Pavement). A $2.00 fee must ac- company all sign applications in accordance with Section 15A-9-4 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance *Return original copy to Zoning Administrator's Office, County Office Building, when sign has been erect'd_ • COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA SIGN PERMIT • No. 5 73 _/ Date .?_,0-4a_ 73 Permit Fee $2.00 4.,>, .,,,y�. kre)(% 7/ 7 �W ,�.at / X Sign Owner0, .51 ,;. fN Address ,,sr rg, 1 Property Owner Say,‘,..e.-- Address Location ,9 / Map 6 / parcel4a Zone , 3 Type of Sign iteeSize / 6 Material Ay rood IIICheck box if a variance has been granted for sign. Variance NO. Location Sketch A Sign Structure Sketch • Cori *ow• . N SQUIRE HILL 4! .4PARTM ENTS WEI NSrEIN ASSOCIATES -IOMe oFFtce JOB U€ FIGE 2 884, 19°e A 073- 880o Note: A Scale drawing giving dimensions must accompany application if so determined by Zoning Administrator. jlef ckiejiii4.40,r,_ Approved 4Denied _..... s Zoning Administrator Date 7_, 22 _ ,73 Date Date Sign Tagged 3 (2, ,;23 Applicant's Signatur 4, -_y� �. oe., Note: All signs except sale or rental and subdivision signs must be located 30 feet from any road, Highway, or thoroughfare right-of-way (Not Pavement). A $2.00 fee must ac- company all sign applications in accordance with Section 15A-9-4 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance *Return original copy to Zoning Administrator's Office, County Office Building, when sign has been erected. .BEMARLE COUNTY ,,, Ilk-""1"Mil I I Fr xEsx . 7717/4551 I ligr‘W faue _ scAsoNs VA-84-63 . Squire Hill Apts. J i___ax,r;:p.„6.1, Parcel 129DI , h T J 1-1 k/'�` ® v StCN.,'" D'! . /el": / istrAppgrA" iii ...47111100, 1 Mi. 1---=-__W- ...*row SU\ ,, ,,,.. 14 c-,.„--w, -- ----„,,,,_,_,Ifik._,-4.,_ fr.---- ----=_- _-. , v. %ew;-4 \ ` ' `�`\1\ •'G-.,s.�-. ,-.-,i.--._i,.-.s-.._._--.r.-._-.-1__:=-_--._-.--,..--._.---a --- ` �. `1 �` �/,!!�� oA.,V P.,...,: �`�� `\1�• ` � ' i! /A t/��.`_ \\v 11��� :4,. :..0.-'Ap.-1 t--11y- lir g1 Vic! �, ''�.;„: r'� friONIii. ----------- — . 1' tT,,-, , ...-- -__:1,4 ,_ . - ....------- -, „.......:-..-......0. ,: -.,,, , , _. ......,:„.-- -------:-----7__,_ ,.. , iimmor '11,. 1.4& • MIO:4&" . ' A all I 1111 I NM I I II FrA . 1 p,,' ____. , 164:-... 4 6,,Miiii -...............:..NI..is a s II 1.NH.ii.i it'V - ' ZAWILVI/IMNIIkk; IMINEONEr 6 o-i:A I I I 1 I I MI I I I I I I I FAR`,: ..'a _E. ya./A11 411,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•1111r wi i;,;•,-. 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Parcel I29G � � F �' /ran Set oer Cb h p ^b rLn^' T SS N0 0, j 0 `1 �j °,, $ /y N 0) 0 .on S.,,, M�P� Iron $et / Nq / 20 0/ / --GD 2 \ 4 90 F Iron Set trt,tih 17. 416 Ac. \f) Iron roe,. PARCEL B`3 Ra • m T M 6 Parcel 129E Iron Fnd. • V A N O c U) 00 oc o z O N wa -o T r2 7-1U �R �' Iron Fnd. z o0 N , Parse' "9A —0 N. 0 S, `,A6 - 1 C 1 _N A C� Cr,; �_ n1 s� o y 'n t at R0 AD m 3 c v3i0.9 g6 RI n RIsBE 63 � Iron set ROUT 1 s1 Al i 1 f 1 i ) PLAT SHOWING SURVEY OF PARCEL B-3 I CONTAINING 17. 416 ACRES �ctiLTH Of o? •ki ik DESIGNATED AS PARCEL I29D TAX MAP 61 :; ,-,k � , t M. S. ROUDABISI, 1R. 4. LOCATED NEAR CHARLOTTESVILLE V CERT NO. y 54.17-3 (a) 655 i ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA c., 54-17.3 (b) 78 a lib LAND r WILLIAM S. ROUDABUSH, INC. A Professional Corporation I tt = 20O' CERTIFIED LAND SURVEYORS SCALE DATE MAY 30, 1978 Charlffe}ville Virginia Southern Photo Pant & `,.,-o, -.,j, FILE NO. .___ 3660 __,_ c . . di , to 4.'''t6 ( *%1 t i,s°Y, '1.. )I1e. 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