HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198400075 Application 1984-11-13 (2) $20. Permit Fee i'; _ Application No. ! /A- - - )_ Sign Erected By: rv-= Staff: ., 4' APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application /,te" j , 19 %c/ OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: u/.ekrr, h/. .ai y Nam: J- , �, h c a l L i �D Address: /'©, lv o0 Address: C' ,� C,,ry Zz90 Telephone: c;?'73-`3 sc-c-7- Telephone: Location of Property: (/44 - 6- .0 ) ;y1, (Go gd. „,,L/L' _,;n1-;;,3 4fr-/ /1,1 Tax Map (43./ Parcel /ZES Acreage 7 9 AG Existing Zoning ,plp w/ t, �'�-. �- District �`„!ticv, ;vr k;�% Existing Use: 10 ���� c� r , al,e4 e-.r 7.r)rwJ 41D CO Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : Gpro,r(7,-4 L.,t.P.it onn 4 0 - C .4_. o„ zoned # t 0 ( 4-0 ke Co ) 3 r 1 C /3«Q Q.Ard-Lc0 p a cv v c c trI I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. Applicant Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: Final Decision Made: The variance sought was deni ed/a p proved with the following conditions: Special Use Permit# BOARD OF ZONING PEALS Sign Permit# B , 6/��-" � x yDate Building Permit# Nemo STAFF REPORT - VA-84-75 APPLICANT: William W. Bailey TAX MAP/PARCEL: 61/128 ACREAGE: 1.09 ZONING: R-10 with Special Use Permit LOCATION: North side of Route 631 (Rio Road) , approximately .3 mile east of its intersection with Route 29 North VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant requests relief from Section 21.7.2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow a structure (currently zoned R-10 to be rezoned to CO) to be 33 feet from residential property, a variance of 17 feet . AREA CHARACTERISTICS The applicant ' s property is bordered by property zoned commercial office to the west and vacant land zoned residential on the east . To the rear of the applicant ' s property is Merridale school which does not actually border the property. On the opposite side of Rio Road is undeveloped commercial property. There is a single- family residence that has been converted to a Real Estate office, plus an added 1,200 square foot addition to the rear of the ex- isting structure. The existing building is located 33 feet from the side line ad- joining the residential zoned property. ZONING HISTORY The applicant had a Special Use Permit , SP-84-23, approved by the Board of Supervisors in June, 1984 to locate a professional office on the property. A site plan was also approved showing the build- ing plus the addition including the new entrance, parking and etc. The applicant has an application pending for rezoning (ZMA-84-22) the property from R-10 (Residential) to CO (Commercial Office) . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Urban Land Use Plan indicates this area for commercial offices. AGENCY COMMENTS At present the right-of-way of Route 631 (Rio Road) is 90 feet . The Highway Department plans for future expansion of the right- of-way. STAFF REPORT - VA-84-75 Page 2 STAFF COMMENTS Section 21. 7.2 of the Zoning Ordinance requires all structures to be located 50 feet from any residential or agricultural zoned prop- erty. A Special Use Permit along with a site plan was approved for com- mercial use of the property. The new addition conforms to the required setback regulation. The physical function of the area between the property line and building provides access to the rear parking area. The distance from the building to the property line provides for light and air space, and more important fire protec- tion. You have a nonconforming structure that due to the proposed zoning change is required to meet more restrictive setback. The staff is of the opinion that there is no hardship, but instead the situ- ation is somewhat unique, in the fact that it would restrict the applicant for use of an existing building. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff makes a recommendation for approval subject to the fol- lowing conditions: 1. Approval of rezoning ZMA-84-22 by Board of Supervisors. 2. That no further reduction of the setback be allowed. V ALBEtRLE COUNTY Ione --"IIIIIIIII, \r ,� i� VA-84-?5. William W. Bailey Q' q,) Tax Map 61, P... 7410,,warcel 128 sac. �/ ._ _ 1 � -x�sor Fou.x�, `/ �1 „..,,,4 saAsoNs \ t, 40 '44:* 10/4"-k-Alt. A-- = '----7. ..:-....4%Fee Ai , , .,„. 44i , i .,, -. , 1,->A-41-irf , riiiiiii„ ---/, '. ... #10,... .4"Li 4 t! \ ,cCT�JN s. AkAk fal u c/ftf-,„...__ ...,.._„,_"...-."era I /A/4 IIIIIIII _,. *441 I 11 k • ,,,‘,....74,k,,.:‘,,,\ 4.. L ii)ex.:— ,',,11-"<r ....LA.,----,......„., ik.,...;;LA itt4,-.... ---.5-------- .-Nia. _ in. 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AT EKITRANCC TO RIO V1001)5 c cC � fJ ,LE55 THAN q00' FROM a FUhTNE,51 90)N-r D 13UtL.)�111IL� Q AC5A b5T1 r /(ATED FI R� Foul I� 7000 &PM LP ✓' - VEPCD L6 i � � r ' 1 I 0 U.Vi. /A C R E El r I (COMTP,ACT PUWHA EP- ' R,.D VlAD�.) 1 / / / / i :�l NnTG' 5C lvd iN'I'HI-0 A"` u)` —ARE 4-iIGNI.� ��,D51Ur.. THE i=ILLL 5-CJPE 15 TO 13E WE UL COMPACTED TH9006HOOT THE FIL-1 1i\1Cv PAOcES` l a, /AL Eh1 R-',, Si CtUAF1� dl�-- DAT E ,5Q_UlRE HILT \l1C11\.11TY MALP CONTRACT PURC1-I65E5WIL-.iAM BAILEY P.O. box. G70o CHARLO-FTESVILLE, VA 2-2-)061 Eit \ SITE- TAX MAP PARCEL 128 zONED R-In f DB: 7811/1-151 CHARLO TTESVIL-LE MAGISTERIAL, DISTRICT i ALE>EN1ARLE. COUNTY V5RG)ILi1A LAND - USE: BUILD)MG 3,(D8CJ f= �/ PA\jF-.M5NT Ifs, tilj0 22.(3 T. / 70. 2 mil° R.i7. \MADE TOTAL /i `7,'-1 8O 1. 09 A C.- 1 2s{G lbD.6 71U -FM (91- I ZOHED.R'10 / PARK IMC, "SCHEDULE V/1CAi\1T REQUIRED r-OR PROFF-SSI('DMAL_ CDFp )CE I pp-,- 200 5-F NET OFF')C.E. AREA -Y— / PR OVIDF-D ON THE PLAM • 2I sPA,CF,S PRCJP05ETJ USE,-. PRC�PESS)OMAI._ OFF ICE j / r THE EY-ISTLI`IG STRUCTURE. \yv)Ll_ Bj;_ RF MODELED r (,�U / v�rJ`J AND A NEkJ TWO STORY \�WILL ILL BE, A®DED TO TNI`. ;�E.,�1R. / Or T OUTDOOR LIGHTING. WILL COM51ST OF PORCH UGHT'5. j. ANY ADDITIONAL LIGHT)MG ( FLOOD LIGHTS FOR J>AR ING L(DT) /. t 5..j r�C� I �j TO 1.3!✓ DIRECTED TCJ Li!AR D S TH lv. S )T'E ,!A. N (7 AvJA"�( 1::- tom, t"J M AD5ACk"KIT PROPERTIES AIqD R0/-.DWI-wS. v LAMDSGAPF, �S HF-DI. LE, l / bib b e Class I Ri r'a J p P \ N6boV� I$ i�eepy to e end / b�� D °?aDr across s�rea_ as shvr n yi-,_ Sre i bo C�0 concrete ( welded MUFF- LAIQDSCAPI�.IG TO BE MAIKITA)NJED AND F- IHAP-ICE,'Dr )I-AIA1YI r ( SHOULD DI£;, WHITE.. ME., � a� 5'-&/H. Ci-11t (E-vE HO1.;l...Y 17 5 qaL > ,19 501L EROSION COM-rP,01- PLAM TO BE 5}40WXJ ONI A SEPARA-TF- SHE , IAlOT ., BUILDIM6 EXPAH'NOM 15 LIMITED TI.O A MAXIMUi`!l FLO(DR AREA OF 1-1600' SQUARE .FEET. THIS PLAN 1IIIDICvAT--j> 442'70 SC�UARE- rEr-T TOTAL. H0TE' STOCK AI; E— r- iJ()U(:) ()R :Sli lLA NIEA J Or IJ-FEF� A.IC� \n1Il,i P r� riDE. SC 9EE t1 ADJ01.11k] RL�I.E)EJTIAL AREAS.. C -Q - rz 7UNE 2S, 11`±3,`r Drfl�n�5e 41�1 ea 1 JutilE 20,1y64 , NOTES MAY 15,193L4i REV. - B l ,trig COMTOUR INTERVAL= z' 5CAL:E= 0= 201 5, ROUDABUSH, INC. A PRi0 F55I1()NJ\L CORPORATION ENIMIEF-R5 LAKID 5vPNr1<4R5 CHAF LJ-0 FE 5 V1L LF-, V IRGI &I IA - I^ i LE )230