HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDP201900004 Calculations Floodplain Development Permit 2019-05-10 Peak Discharges Using Anderson Method 18160- Oakencroft 5/10/19 Results of calculations below Maximum rate of runoff(cfs) 10 yr 25 yr 100 yr Reach 1= 942 1405 2323 Anderson Method Variables Road Length= 61,646 ft Road Area Estimate*= 1,232,922 ft2 *Estimate 20ft for average width of roadways Forested Area on USGS map= 26,125,060 ft2 Developed Area on USGS map=. 73,460,228 ft2 1,686 ac Estimated houses on site**. 337 **Estimate 1 house per 5 acres of developed land Total area of home footprint*** 505,924 ft2 ***Estimated average home footprint of 1,500 sq feet Driveway area****= 337,283 ft2 ****Estimate driveways as(20ftx50ft)per house Estimated impervious area within watershed= 2,076,129 ft2 Total watershed area= 99,585,288 ft2 Percent impervious within watershed= 2.08 % Estimate of growth= 1.01 Approximate percentage of impervious area (I)= 2.10 Coefficient of imperviousness (K) K= 1 +0.015I K= 1.0315 Drainage area (A) A= 3.57 mi2 Length along primary watercourse from site to watershed boundary(L) L= 2.11 mi 10% L= 0.21 mi 1,112 ft 85%L= 1.79 mi 9,448 ft Elevation at 10%L= 446 Elevation at 85% L= 560 Index of basin slope based on slope between points 10%and 85%of L(S) S= 87.47 ft/mi Woolley Engineering Page 1 of 2 Exhibit E Peak Discharges Using Anderson Method 18160- Oakencroft 5/10/19 Time lag-developed watersheds partially channelized T=4.64( )0.42 T= 2.48 Hrs. Flood Frequency Ratio*for flood frequency"f' f 10 25 100 Rn 2.2 3.3 5.5 R100 1.45 1.8 2.2 *VDOT Drainage Manual-Chapter 6 Where: RN =Flood frequency ratio for 0%impervious(completely rural)for flood frequency"f" Rive =Flood frequency ratio for 100%imperviousness for flood frequency"f _RN+0.011(2.5R100—RN) Rf 1.00+0.0151 R10= 2.16 R25= 3.22 R100= 5.33 Maximum rate of runoff for flood frequency"f" (Q) Qf = Rf(230)KA0.82T-0.48 Q10= 942.00 cfs Q25= 1,404.68 cfs Q100= 2,323.39 cfs Woolley Engineering Page 2 of 2 Exhibit E . RECEIVED MAY 1 3 7019 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 11/28/2018 StreamStats X-SEC 3 FLOW DATA Region ID: VA Workspace ID: VA201 81 1 281 929231 61 000 Clicked Point (Latitude, Longitude): 38.08188, -78.55203 Time: 201 8-1 1-28 14:29:40 -0500 614 rr • 'P °:- s O lei L1 `K,ISrr � • za JrACK c . ..,ast • s gyp{ (,te�'� •r ..,S� 9 ;� lea �`� s. - -1, '1444P-4. .-., .3. .c, .0* A. tla�O'Ish,� 'I1C Q 04(° c-1 °,� Basin Characteristics Parameter Code Parameter Description Value Unit DRNAREA Area that drains to a point on a stream 3.39 square miles Peak-Flow Statistics Parameters[Blue Ridge 2011 5144) Parameter Code Parameter Name Value Units Min Limit Max Limit DRNAREA Drainage Area 3.39 square miles 0.06 7866 Peak-Flow Statistics Flow Report iIe Ridge 2011 5144] https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 1/2 • 11128/2018 StreamStets PII: Prediction Interval-Lower, Plu: Prediction Interval-Upper, SEp: Standard Error of Prediction, SE: Standard Error (other-- see report) Statistic Value Unit SEp 2 Year Peak Flood 318 ft^3/s 17 • 2 33 Year Peak Flood 376 .ft"3/s 18 5 Year Peak.Flood 699 ft"3/s ' 20 • 10 Year Peak Flood 1080 ft"3/s 24 25 Year Peak Flood • 1680 . ft^3/s 29 • 50 Year Peak Flood 2270 ft"3/s 32 100 Year Peak Flood 3150 ft^3/s• 30 200 Year Peak Flood • • • 3970 ft^3/s 33 • Peak-Row Statistics Citations Austin, S.H., Krstolic,_J.L., and Wiegand, Ute,2011, Peak-flow characteristics of Virginia streams: U.S. Geological.Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5144, 106 p. + 3 tables and 2.appendixes on CD. (http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2011/51441) • USGS Data Disclaimer:Unless otherwise stated,all data,metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for Which the data were collected:Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S.Geological Survey(USGS),no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the• display or utility of the data for other purposes,nor on all computer systems,nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. . .. • . USGS Software Disclaimer:This software has been approved for release by the U.S.Geological'Survey (USGS).Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review,th'e USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review.No warranty,expressed'or implied,is made by the USGS or the U.S.Government as to the functionality of the software and related material norshall the fact of release constitute any such warranty.Furthermore,the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S.Government shall beheld liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. USGS Product Names Disclaimer:Any use of trade;firm,or product nantes is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.Government. Application Version:4.2.1 • • https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 2/2 11/28/2018 StreamStats X-SEC 6 FLOW DATA Region ID: VA Workspace ID: VA20181128192751791000 Clicked Point (Latitude, Longitude): 38.08294, -78.55336 Time: 2018-11-28 14:28:09 -0500 614 • • �aytt ra vE f Ssr 9 .> rLVO;,sh 9a Goa ' `)C • • Basin Characteristics Parameter Code Parameter Description Value Unit DRNAREA Area that drains to a point on a stream 2.73 square miles Peak-Flow Statistics Parameters[Blue Ridge 2011 5144] Parameter Code Parameter Name Value Units Min Limit Max Limit DRNAREA Drainage Area 2.73 square miles 0.06 7866 Peak-Flow Statistics Flow Report[Blue Ridge 2011 5144] https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 1/2 11/28/2018 StreamStets ' PII: Prediction Interval-Lower, Plu: Prediction Interval-Upper, SEp: Standard Error of Prediction, SE: Standard Error (other -- see report) Statistic Value Unit SEp • 2 Year.Peak Flood 273 ft"3/s 17 2 33 Year Peak Flood 323 ft^3/s 18 5 Year Peak,Flood 604 ft"3/s 20 10 Year Peak.Flood 936 ft"3/s 24 • 25 Year Peak Flood 1470 ft"3/s 29 ' 50 Year Peak Flood 1990 ft"3/s 32 100 Year Peak Flood 2770 ft"3/s 30 200 Year Peak Flood 3500 ft"3/s 33 • Peak-Flow Statistics Citations Austin, S.H., Krstolic, J.L., and Wiegand, Ute,2011, Peak-flow characteristics of Virginia streams: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5144, 106 p. + 3 tables and 2 appendixes on-CD.,(http://pubs:usgs.gov/sir/2011/5144/) • • USGS Data Disclaimer:Unless otherwise stated,all data,metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected.Although these data and associated'metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S.Geological Survey(USGS),no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes,nor on all computer systems,nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. USGS Software Disclaimer:This software has been approved for release by the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS).Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review,the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review.No warranty,expressed or implied,is made by the USGS or the U.S..Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty.Furthermore,the software is released on condition that neither the'USGS nor the U.S.Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. USGS Product Names Disclaimer:Any use of trade,firm,'br product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.Government., Application Version:4.2.1 • • • • https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ - 2/2 11/28/2018 StreamStats X SEC 8 FLOW DATA Region ID: VA Workspace ID: VA20181128192053877000 Clicked Point (Latitude, Longitude): 38.08505, -78.55662 Time: 201 8-1 1-28 14:21 :1 1 -0500 SPTr„��iiF 1)r 67F .p �.4 ii � Gate In • y�A rr a,tacts Farm Rd - E� 9 • �4,l,cro�t• Ln gijstllRg Gaksp� ,Pre\-1" d ..' -s. c' Basin Characteristics Parameter Code Parameter Description Value Unit DRNAREA Area that drains to a point on a stream 1 .14 square miles Peak-Flow Statistics Parameters Blue Ridge 2011 5144] Parameter Code Parameter Name Value Units Min Limit Max Limit DRNAREA Drainage Area 1 .14 square miles 0.06 7866 Peak-Flow Statistics Flow Report[Blue Ridge 2011 5144] https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 1/2 11/28/2018 StreamStets PII: Prediction Interval-Lower, Plu: Prediction Interval-Upper, SEp: Standard Error of Prediction, SE: Standard Error (other -- see report) Statistic Value Unit SEp 2 Year Peak Flood 147 ft"3/s 17 2 33 Year Peak Flood 175 ft^3/s 18 5 Year Peak Flood 337 ft"3/s 20 10 Year Peak Flood 532 ft"3/s 24 25 Year Peak Flood 849 ft^3/s 29 50 Year Peak Flood 1160 ft"3/s 32 100 Year Peak Flood 1650 ft"3/s 30 • 200 Year Peak Flobd 2100 • ft"3/s 33 Peak-Flow Statistics,Citations Austin, S.H., Krstolic, J.L., and Wiegand, Ute,2011, Peak=flow characteristics of Virginia streams: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5144, 1.06 p. + 3 tables and 2 appendixes on CD. (http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2011/5144/) • • USGS Data Disclaimer:Unless otherwise stated,all data,metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose forwhich the data were collected.Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S.Geological Survey(USGS),no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes,nor on all computer systems,nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. • USGS Software Disclaimer:This software has been approved for release by the U.S..Geological Survey • (USGS).Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review,the USGS reserves the right to. update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review.No warranty,expressed or implied,is made by the USGS or the U.S.Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty.Furthermore,the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S.Government shall beheld liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. USGS Product Names Disclaimer:Any use of trade,firm,or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.Government. Application Version:4.2.1 https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 2/2 11/28/2018 StreamStats X-SEC 10 FLOW DATA Region ID: VA Workspace ID: VA20181128192443007000 Clicked Point (Latitude, Longitude): 38.07941, -78.55778 Time: 2018-11-28 14:25:00 -0500 -G oor6y0 ''„1 ` Gate Lrr ,^ �� ' k`a cr rusn �- 0 t- O �R �10 U cc -lot elik � . Pre VI` ro 11l19/r. i' ''4 f1 Basin Characteristics Parameter Code Parameter Description Value Unit DRNAREA Area that drains to a point on a stream 1 .4 square miles Peak-Flow Statistics Parameters[Blue Ridge 2011 51441 Parameter Code Parameter Name Value Units Min Limit Max Limit DRNAREA Drainage Area 1 .4 square miles 0.06 7866 Peak-Flow Statistics Flow Report[Blue Ridge 2011 5144] https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ssl 1/2 11/28/2018 StreamStats PII: Prediction Interval-Lower, Plu: Prediction Interval-Upper, SEp: Standard Error of Prediction, SE: Standard Error (other -- see report) Statistic Value Unit SEp 2 Year Peak Flood 170 ft^3/s 17 2 33 Year Peak Flood 202 ft"3/s 18 5 Year Peak Flood 387 ft"3/s 20 10 Year Peak Flood 607 ft^3/s 24 25 Year Peak Flood 966 ft^3/s 29 50 Year Peak Flood 1320 ft^3/s 32 100 Year Peak Flood 1860 ft"3/s 30 200 Year Peak Flood 2360 ft^3/s 33 Peak-Flow Statistics Citations Austin, S.H., Krstolic, J.L., and Wiegand, Ute,2011, Peak-flow characteristics of Virginia streams: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5144, 106 p. + 3 tables and 2 appendixes on CD. (http://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2011/5144/) USGS Data Disclaimer:Unless otherwise stated,all data,metadata and related materials are considered to satisfy the quality standards relative to the purpose for which the data were collected.Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness and approved for release by the U.S.Geological Survey(USGS),no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data for other purposes,nor on all computer systems,nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. USGS Software Disclaimer:This software has been approved for release by the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS).Although the software has been subjected to rigorous review,the USGS reserves the right to update the software as needed pursuant to further analysis and review. No warranty,expressed or implied,is made by the USGS or the U.S.Government as to the functionality of the software and related material nor shall the fact of release constitute any such warranty. Furthermore,the software is released on condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S.Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from its authorized or unauthorized use. USGS Product Names Disclaimer:Any use of trade,firm,or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S.Government. Application Version:4.2.1 RECEIVED MAY 1 3 7' 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss/ 2/2