HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLE201900053 Application 2019-06-11,-XPPROVED h'v' (ounty )nnn Dat, "He C L Application- -for Zoning Clearance 2L;tq CLK# OFFICT Chec YZ Date: PLEASE REVIEWALL 3 SHEETS k# Receipt stafr. PARCEL INFOWWAT19N Tax Map and Parcd:UJ5264r'„l�Y"�&' ftreel owncr­. ��L) , 5k Cn _LAFI�T_ Parcel Address: j City 7 p (include suite or floor I PRIMARY CONTACT Who should we calt0writc concerning this projcct? i—I I U_L�' ^� zip: ()fr APPLICANT INFORMATION Check any "Utt apply! — C-lumge of ownershi p (7hangeortw XiChange a name Jp Hunne.-wNanxtrype: D-4rribe Owe proposed tntsine.-,% including use, nutntwr of employees, uumtwr of shifts, available parking. lace%, sunbc of vetticlr.-e, and any additkmal information that youct run provide: 'I hn 0cmumv, will oral?; 6L, vubd on 1ht r=md fkv witich 11 is apmwcd If )vu chanpe, HAM-ItY Or amC the We 10 a kx-mbcm� a new, /4wvijir, 1"-*rwrw�c %til br mlin rul <r" i fy (yvA csr , ttv, ­Um-s pt�­,gnn to uszc thv, sVwx tndvmk%4 m INA awli"' h;­ xzy. I W.%o crilsfv that flie, ififinnustrtm pmvidM ;S tim am!"zy x�,l tl T ,*c rut thccx^Jjtjt - -V 44 Qk:A' ,�*nnwl I hi x mui I undmvxW lx:tzi. and ffiw 1 %'01 AN& bN thent- t APP ,ROVAL INFORMATION 1 WAppcovcd &, rmj-*wd I u-ith oanditi 1133&ffim' fxcsvti�on device aikkor cutrcut test data needed for NN site. 0mlacat ACNA. S'r) -4if 1_% 1177 I No phy'.'scal siteinspection has bcLu &ux. for tins dearancv. 1-Wre(cuu, it is wo a detenuination of co %ith the eNisting sib-, plan, I'llus: mic themwe pL-m as of flis daw_ Zoning OfTicial ()thtr Off Icial Date Date Date County of Albenutrie (*partment oh Community Develolnucirt 401 McIntire Road Cliarlott"Nille, VA 22902 Fake: (4341 -196-1-IS32 Fax: t434i 972-4126 Rcvtsod I L0212015 PaLv 2 of 3 Intake to complete the following: Y / tN Is use in LI, HI or PDIP zoning? If so, give applicant a Certified Engineer's Report (CER) packet. IY J N mill there be food preparation? If so, give applicant a Health Department form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE Circle the one that applies Is parcel on private well o ublic water If private well, provide Hea ent form. Zoning review can not begin until we receive approval from Health Dept. FAX DATE Circle the one that =�;� Is parcel on septic Y/N Will you be putting up a new sign of any kind? If so, obtain proper Sign permit. Permit # Y / N Will there be any new construction or renovations? If so, obtain the proper Permit. Permit # Zoning to complete the following: Reviewer to complete the following: Square footage of Use: V Y)/ N Permitted as: b1 ke►'� Under Section: Zy, 2, i I Supplementary regulations section Parking formula: 1/ /7 CO r,� Required spaces: Y/N Items to be verified in the field: Inspector : Date: Notes: Violations: YyN If so, List: ZOO 5 r- (A.64 ')�-- Proff'lffs: Y/j"N� If sb; List: /kariance: •Y/N f so, List: Q / �,t Q _ f / c�. _ 2 l l b u ( 's: YN f so, List: / ', $ 7 — , j 1273 --12 Clearances: ��rE- zZ,e SDP's 17749 154118q-12, r �s-Ez br 2cly .3U, 2-01)"Z71, ,203— i. je-tc, I-f%7-52, ffSl- 5q, �z( o re rat ' ;h . iYgkn Revised 11/1/2015 Page 3 of 3 -a CERTIFICATION THAT NOTICE OF ME APPLICATION HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE LANDOWNER This form must accompaity zoning applications (Hamr occupation, Zoning Clearance-, Zoning Adnunistralor Delerminatwav or Appeals, Sign Permits, Ra&fing Permits) if the apphcaUon is not the ownM I certify that notice ofthc applic-dion, -ac [County appliewon nwne and numberl was provided to -- ffic owner of record of Tax Map Inamc(s) of the record oN%-ners of thc parcel} -- and Parcel Number manner Identified below b", delivering a copy of the application in the Hand delivering a copy of the application to "Ng kjEE4��._E�q [N=c of the record oxmcr if the record cm-ncr is a person, if dw ov.-ner of record is an entity, tdcatIfy the recipient of the rocord and the rccipicnt*s title or office for that entity I M NlaiJuilg a CM, of ttw- application to the record owrncr If thc'r�corti O-N­N'ner is a pCTWn if the o%vwr of record is: an entity. identify the recipient of the cord and the rLaipicrit's. tick or office for that entityl ED I i-31IM-1s, written notice mailed to the owner at the last known addtess of the o%wr as Shown on - the curt'cnt real estate tax asscsswnt books or current real estate tax assessment reconij satisfies this rC4uireTn=t1, Xsig! Applicant Print Applicant Narne Date """Z— CUtW- V"'CbUM11 --: 1-" 11Y 130M fIA. Vwd: Ivy Roor Plan Wiliam Koe-niq 201"ip-011 19-38 r. Date. Thu, Apr 11, 2019 al 421 PM Subrxt Ivy Hoor Plan To: < EM Hope you aro, wall! For my Albemarlk3 COf--ItY BiZ application I need a flcw plan It%: stupod I kr*w. for a 400 sq It spaceili,? I has [:>ak0ta Sketch UP SOMO m0astzerrwmts and Moor Pam And I've triduded fx>m pnotor , as ems. Undnd- it t tv-- to real basic no roal details otkvr th&n 6-r . OVI-=S and Aindow; and door$ If you don"l have me time. I cenaiNy ursclearsland, but ft so that 1vould be avie-, zrric Thank you any, IS `4t— , 19f, ' m 'I jig nL As. ME 1xmmr%-R m a : } rrxrrw att! Ot `,r` .a Aorr-- eurr & CLIU,,owf %tf vitv6 "Od S Rcil ist as Report �. r Fiasco r Ad : 224$ y RL C k t}s, t .. St !`;t - _ Pttom Ma= 14341 M-29-44 Exhult AnonOon: --wa lfrowlQ,Owru3r _ Esser' +13QJ17 1 xaE3lfL13e*it`r&C*= S4iG'iitf$lt31F hLo of Rlsk 1 a #f i#t v c+tat!€cw3m : No of twat Risk FactOCfbitm wontitm on VWoU&cmw 0 S an Approved Spume P xs in arcaww presw, wrnambutm knaAqojqo, a74 7,Rot s d r Gs togs, 1 ras+ 1 NA � tw,«i lrt R:r_fucGun_Mrsa= Fm H*Afth 1 S !N f-tscc _ rat} ivy r 3 s�v Ada"� # foxi toyce costars-J rsssptTy i , i IR} f4o ktts t 5 r �t and , S°mraF+ use or crlusi 51 4v9 lis+wTsttat+nt rsroti s t oj t ti,*s L dtt* i co :`2 o ck eta ftcan es} t r, t*ac t1t sCS t+iA�t a^aaatIr %ro Z I i m4r tee . -, ._o - iy Cots#ms► r�atixsn Es9t k9mttd3 [ ?t NA ftVi w * 1 lr�r�t� f� x ^.� -. a G# 11 v w ilh ra,VyJ ToW Lx v,%Kt I ,i ^lA ! t a r dmf� —jk;r t ciwv�r ,k-ol twd arc * feLl� }3A jTsa€ it ti seats r arm ottY `C ^�°i tars tt1 Approved Source _. ._ 111 A Irood ct4ztrmd fim-n f a#etr a0.dMvAtk assd Texit Substarwas N ood s rA '$ to ofyoc e?" NWA%s � n s tss � a+ xerty t is6 r1 ,n r ;c9 s sfu3s Wf te&s ttr tr,s ZT IN TfAk 1tsw s r sttfis d cf�mc, etas c _..._ _ .. ..._ CProcedures ,. .: i K- WO t. i. -t ✓ e. J } i q AIMw a } tf�a ! 5! t t3A ram t t.a �_ if rdlt€ems discussedve# s romper"able Ortlaa pR Yl fs i W'dm to d, A com- Pik copy of the R&Uf Food UsZNIs M R s6 6 W VMWOSO K of Virginia Food i cows f%, 3tyvJJ bi m- ut �p:tra.lt�.+.i�garfe�'..zrstr, x St is�. , ESSSWistment Plg ) R y T'rfl �"` `�� of � rz m - �a.+•e^ d�r:r�x° te�i�� ��� se ts3s;)O,Ctcw CderrQar, A11grt Jeffrey Baker From: Olinger, Richard <allyn.olinger@vdacs.virginia.gov> Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 1:38 PM To: Jeffrey Baker Subject: Re: FW: Zoning Clearance CLE2019-00053 Hi Jeffrey I have a working relation with this operation and have approved this business. Thanks Allyn Olinger VDACS food safety 434-326-2478 On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 11:44 AM Jeffrey Baker <jbaker@albemarle.org> wrote: Hi Allyn, Hoping to get confirmation on the below at your soonest convenience as the form is for "Sweethaus" and looks to have been approved in 2017. Please let me know as soon as you can. Jeff P. Baker Building Permit Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x 3024 jbaker(c@albemarle.org From: Jeffrey Baker Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 6:23 PM To: Allyn.OlingerCc@vdacs.virginia.gov Subject: FW: Zoning Clearance CLE2019-00053 Allyn,