HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198500021 Application 1985-06-11 (2) $20'. Permit Fee '" d1 ` vv Application i10. Sign Erected By: Az 1 Q! Staff: K t�j _ APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE cjft,k, C - , c.)- i LI 1 - q Oq Zcming Department -��' � cicteLm ondSo . 401 McIntire Road • Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596rt County of Albemarle ( \C_t t 296-5832 Date of Application . 2Q6) , 19 gam' OWNER OF PROPERTY .Cis NT ria-GT , Ur varcr) Name: if.9:67 ,V1/,x3e 0.; Nam: ,�"jlr�/� /a?G G ,✓ Address: /4?25, ,f 4' 7 9 Address: /•01-44Gd2dra 4"2, ✓ Gym 6- ZD lc� ,So,Soq (eLt Telephone: Telephone: c 9 55--- l/3/ Location of Proper�tyy)4Z4=/�� Gj/dY, 4C 57- ze / .0.eiz -nrrz. i2,/�� /%/�,e z.'- */a/V-S6 Tax Map l Parcel Acreage /,S"7 Existing Zoning e.c District J 4e /S Je�7 Existing Use: /!//3ff✓i2/a-L ( (,) Cke Variance sought (describe brieflyrelief sought) : SqI ht � ) �71 4y/1 i/ 4477 4aer.004/dW4 3 ,� 'Gi�� 7 `'c i7 .7 ?d , 5;, lo. 2 , / , , zZGd ,9 ..5T2e/-7i-)-( A.y/V/1J /4 GZ e . ..,Ater ... .._...... I hereby certify that the foregoing information 's true and q ect to the est of knowledge and belief and that I antcheGer ove. •14 de /�iS App is t Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: Q, I CN Final Decision Made: I J 11 A'.The variances g ta /approve with the following conditions:91,4,Aill Ere200 u+ +o K for at I) rl � S { V Special UsPermit# P �r .• ... pp Sign Perrni ter' B Date Building Permit# 207. Pit Fee 1.-:-! . ^, Application No. ,a J Sign Erected By: �tii --�) - 1 Pcc-L-{ rQ,1 D Q.�) Staff: K,� U <` , APPLICATION FOR VAR2AN j r 1 '1/-- 9crl_ mac, k f r t de--“._-1c �cl_r1) Jn clS.)n Zo'; Department k' 9 s .. )�l 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application vJj.1- � r owr�R / , 19 f' • ,7 J _l �' PROPERTY /'e;7�1,�j —CCCUPAN (-Tf-other-tE - ;er).' Name: (-i�1.):t-?Li-�y �107f;' :: d 4 tc��� Nam: .� ar?riress: 7, f /� • Y' Address: 72 1 ` ' .elephone: ,ovation of f t t Telephone: y 5'- J 3/ perty:- r;;r; = /i,,. ; r - ... ax Man .%e -�>i C, _ `� Acreage /Parcel xisting Zoning <%?"- District .�i.1-c',lr" �,_. dsting Use: //372/n r9-� I r % iriance scur; (describe briefly relief sought) : �� - — - '��,.� 7J/ icy c'''�%l J h, 2 - / / i iereby certify that the foregoi< Q i awledge end belief and that L =1°n i and erect to the est of t L..54\._ c-Lo-,,,,....,..--.) at t,..,.s-ov \,‘ , ^i 1 "cam_ App scant ate - r Y imi+'llstratnr },ac/L..,.. —— , . I p �r l j, .ju2ao \ tif , �,2° , iQ ' -' , .. . \, f ` / / \ • r 11 �yi w \�\ f \� 11 f ; I ' i t .‘. \ ' . ' ' ‘ Illik •• i } IMES/1 D / 'i i 10 0 e . . 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' g•M f" ( \ ' i , � - rt� i f ` I / rO \ \ /L�•a(0Z Zak?,g f - - ''- ": 'V: I - 550 ' a FI _ \ - - - .. n PA"- R • . . ,._., '-‘ ALBEMARLE COUNTY 44 J., '';-05 -N• lit, „more 44.114• ,,..• .00 Kt. ,.. ,• • ' / . . • ..........."•• "•5'ii .41\ f • I \ 15 c>".„:.' e c.......' ...„ ...\•• • ( \ .. . /FY na / to, ) ., /./ 45., ..1. \:',.::. ./.........I 2#, / /• •": . . , is.... \\ 4tiri -N,N • . / ..‘ „ . . \\,.. .. tz. , ,,,\\,•,:\\„ ,, ,,,„ ,. . 1111*-4 •:::.,,.•‘ ., \\ 144 \ . , 4\sss i a * fol'a° • x. .10 TO* . 4 / f ••• ,0 N 1 , . , '"f• MEC. _411I , .>7?.. :•,,.3,4,..c.f„, .....':.':.'_(...:,•74. 4411 /01,V / 411 14C.11011 44.• ;", A,\411 t, \ i 1 tahhz_ .•:,1.:.. . 40• ...‹ •• . • \ • \'' .44.• ‘,... tA!'..: .... \ 6 I FARMINGTON \.,,`,.,‘(VIII ..,..‹•;:,,•• -....e. ..., . . SELTION5 ,.4. ' 44 / . '--... '." '. , ,/. .dila GOEITA\ , •MN \ \\ , ..., ...\.,,,,,\ss s y ..., 4. ...• . I 14 5 •s,,‘ \'‘N lit_ , " I \ - ‘411\\•, •''... N '..IS\ .............z.z," ,/\/. it. /7 . .7 \. / ,,•1\ / d.fgigHlgli • 65 , .Z."*.firnfifi •..- virmA s , ..,..‘. 11126;4 ‘ . rliP-I'l — ..., =4 -L \ •‘.. '‘'\X''' v ,,,,,:,,'„,t,i'?if'''Ptitfiiitti...::k; •,,,,-,11,, ,sv4.;:...-. ._ , .''',r--2--____,„,jcw -. .--*--.... \ NN -) A-8 5-21. 1..__----- ......mi.m. _. ._., Ir'") fee'ilisawmfammikomo 4 \ s\ . Char 1 e.s Dubose viana Easter & 11111Prialli 4 - ''''Ls. \‘•\ s,\.N•\ :11 Tax Map 60, Parcel 49 1 ' . ' - 1 *, X, Nal 1 ' ----- .4 ,,cV•44'0,7028 4/3 ' • '4 AI / sae 74 a-41 ,:i444-..4--=,& 21 •25 rAw4 ......„:„, L./ /8/411 \‘ \4-) All i ---; ". . ..,.._ ,„ 258 ,274 p, g. 14. 1241., .../ . ArktorAin 28. 1 - -,z-,,_ ,,,cf4-&n, 53 51A-....... 4* -•-NtZ'.W/41 / ". t. $11.rairaiumnritif= .t. 111MINIIIIPV=1 Aaminukunommtamum... iai not, ; ' ,V. f i\ 49c .111111111111111111111111MWM1111111111111.0 \:72.i., %,-..;•-- -%:-., ,';',/„.-.- \vr- rtf. ,... 44 / ., AM ri I kl WilliVIN I adarlaill I 111 I I ' ' '; ,. >1:7" II ir JI"Sr. ,A1......_*14 ---- ..47 14.. trATME111141114LITANNEENIMal .... ...f••4, 44 . / ;':;s E'' <‘/ :.' / ".. VA V- .^...s'-.s:'''"-:,7 I • A wiralassasymarArgammom -• , -.soots ' 1 3' : Al :4' ''''''- *1'-,1.It U 1 IN KM 1111111 • - ,' ;-•c:7; - lee 1 _ I • .4oes ...c $4-4: ..,r3 4--. .7j. a4 1 ':.%P'' ' 'Ilkil .--lEtill AR-: .......... 11111. - . ';-, " ..• ;"7,- 2.'..-=',-:" (4--4. ,,,/ • ......„."" 's-7 ,...7111fiNt... 111 _ N-7111144.11111111 76 ... IL••••/••• a... STAFF REPORT - VA-85-21 APPLICANT: Charles & Diana DuBose TAX MAP/PARCEL: 60/49 ACREAGE: 1.57 ac. ZONING: Commercial Office (CO) LOCATION: South of the intersection of Route 601 and Faulconer Drive near 250 W. Bypass ramp VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant requests a variance from Section of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a structure to be located 60 feet from Route 250 West (a Scenic Highway) , a variance of 90 feet. AREA CHARACTERISTICS The area immediately adjacent to the applicant ' s property has been developed as commercial office space (Madison Park Office Complex) . The applicant ' s property is bounded by 250 West and the C & 0 rail- road along its southern boundary. The railroad provides a physical separation and buffer from Route 250 West. (See topo map) . STAFF COMMENTS Currently, the applicant has submitted no proposed use or site plan for this property. The staff is of the opinion that no hardship exist in this case based upon the following: 1. The applicant has not exhausted all possible alternatives to a variance request . Specifically, Section 1 (Exceptions, SA - Highways) of the Zoning Ordinance states: For a use where off-street parking facilities are required to accommodate more than two (2 ) motor vehicles, the commission may reduce building setback to not less than seventy-five (75) feet from the right-of-way of a designated scenic highway, provided that : a. All parking facilities shall be located on the rear side of the structures or buildings for which such exception is sought and that such parking facilities will be screened from view of such scenic highway; b. The structures or buildings for which such exception is sought would be visually compatible to such scenic highway by reason of appearance and/or visual screening; and rmw Page 2 Staff Report - VA-85-21 c. Proposals by the applicant are adequate to assure continued protection of the scenic quality. 2 . Unless and until the Planning Commission decides not to grant an exception to some future site plan, no evidence of a hard- ship exists. In explanation, if the exception was approved, the required 75 foot setback line would generally encroach the developable area of the site by only 15 feet. Consequently, the use of this site would not be unreasonably restricted. RECOMMENDATION Based upon the above comments, the staff recommends denial of the requested variance. • CHARLES WILLS DUBOSE REAL ESTATE 1102 CHURCH STREET POST OFFICE BOX 729 CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA 29020 OFFICE TELEPHONE RESIDENCE TELEPHONE 1803)432-0505 1803)432-3414 May 23, 1985 David W. Carr Carr Realty Management and Sales, Inc. 1117 Emmet Street Post Office Box 5085 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 RE: Ivy Road Property Tax Map 60 Parcel 49 Dear David: This is my request and authorization for you and others to partition appropriate authorities for a variance for the above property. This variance will be relief from the setback regulations 251 west. Obviously the railroad lies between 250 and this property meaning this property doesn't ingress or engress onto 250. Thank you for your cooperation and should any member of authority wish to talk to me do so by calling me collect at 803-432-0505. Sincerely, eCiLdeoxid -4,1,5 ...c.e i3 0--,_e Charles Wills DuBose CWDuB/sb ALL INFORMATION REGARDING PROPERTY IS FROM SOURCES DEEMED RELIABLE AND IT IS SUBMITTED SUBJECT TO ERRORS,OMISSIONS,CHANGE OF PRICE,PRIOR SALE OR WITHDRAWAL WITHOUT NOTICE 1 ' . REALTOR® N'"ALBEMARLE COUNTY 44 4 ' sc[ �`,-�� \ ) ` 44.04 �� „t e00 saw�J 44.N 79/ .............. SOS .., 4,44<< • 1 ll \°°` • f", .60 c.. ..„ ( \t,,.fr iry 7141 IA ) / ASP N Z /lt 77 k \\:\ la „ \ ......+24' '''''''.\\.. . . \,.. ,- ,__,,.....„ ir.„.„--,,,,_ N, , , \, ,,\,, .. , \\ s''', •\'‘‘ '\s\ ' '4 N \-\\ 1 /-------e*.% ,,, NOT \\\\\\\\\ • \ 44. \ 4 \ %� i 709 sJF [sr ! sA ff 17 hi\,. \ :0 A 4H ;,,,, ' 1* d.:.. .S.5 I / Np 49 :::„.:: -•;:"„/"-'1.,- ' .411 --4,1 -; ' " -'. •"•• .•-d;.; • HS /A'A/ ' /i/j f 414 FARMIN670N 4.► \, SECTIONS It• 60EIj1 \f III / ..../ ' ..jigolltswillilli. • 's\s,r \\\ \\ P ` 23\ N 1 ISN4k; , ................?" /r/�' ETC 7\ .,...... .....7,SOW a �"T,'�i 9�\;; \`\�\\\\ A-85-21. Diana D bose & �. � . \ \\\ aaser �s � g� ���� \ lax Map 60, Parcel 49 , G,, -r\ , l :,_1_ • 25. 26A EE aa d( .. :.c, ,‘2,\5,,. _ -,.,i,,./4„lo,t11 .2....,,,. `' \ L/ ; 4426J3 \4 0 i _ 4 sAialk4. jr • 4'.. . 4I /51/ . i 28C � !� , ata .. M...-'\ . - - a .11\\\\t UM/0/:.[sEE asot ��� v � t7br ' 44 Sik "" SEE 76A ! i-ij / • ....\ -73'41: *r3 ,Allienb.511 .N.i.4.177,7111.11."...-A V ,. 'i ''2y;- '''. .43/ **7-4.:40,4 Ir.farrAlt_ ./.: 1111b4,7T :•.'-• , -, ' ;',,• ' '" i a% t. , 76 sau IN FEET SAMUEL MILLER, JACK JOUETT AND II ~N MO MN 'MO CHARLOTTESVILI F niSTRir.T�: SFGTInN An E�,ySINQ � H '\ Ee b 1 i \00, 9 x � n� 0 0 z TOPOGRAP41C MAP AND PRELIMINARY STUDY OF USE FOR PROPE2TY BELONGING TO CHARLES DUBOSE 5� DIANNA DUBOSE 1.57 4CRE5 _ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA o JANUAR.Y, 1985 SCALE'P=30' z AERIAL PHOTO MAPPING BY ✓ODEE ASSQC.,INC. BOUkJOARY ACCO2DING TO D8. 497 P. 558, m3, 469 P 169�♦'L.AT) Tax Map 60 Parcel 49 Total Site Acreage: 1.57 Owners: Charles and Dianna E. Dubose Title: D.B. 477 P. 558, D.B. 469 P. 169(Plat) Zoned: Commercial Office (C.O.) Max. Structure Height 65 It Parking Setback: 10 ft. From Public R/W Parking Required: 1 Space Per 200 Sq.Ft_ Net Office Space - 1 Loading Space Per 8000 6q.Ft. Office Space Parking, Loading and Ttash Collection Should Be Screened To Minimize Visual Impact.. Building Setback: 30 Ft. From Public R/W Landscaping Is Required On 10% Of The Site. Parking: Required Provided Spaces Loading - c: R C CCLOECKtiFR. LINGOLN. & OSF30R NF_. INC +I'I- 1 •PROJECT N97 6882 1' = 30 iN-ERV4L : 115544 v;I I 601 5' 0 , d- Cl sus_ AAmoo �� n s96' s— / Ki54 6,00 5691 �?Yt "1 k \ ; I4 �, F10 /.�.,