HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198600006 Application 1986-04-08 i.. 60.4 $ '• Permit Fee Application N VA - _ 0� SignBy: Erected o4vn, 012,e4y Staff: AED I w APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5832 Date of Application /Zmck 5 , 19 86 . LiCNT OWNER OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Mane: gelvedere Laid T vst Name: /lIarnott gap, att.; hir1ecl iiJe/9ancl Ube'name dqank. , Trv_sc- do Dept _ 936- yb Address: /y25 .5e ae/7D/2 Tray c Address: arrwft Dr:v� _ blarLfte.svi'lfe. V4 Z290i afteh- t>nLehf aline 1Lh,5Ain9,ten. Dd Z)5R Telephone: Telephone: Location of Property: Part gF l3rar7c17ncls Pig) If , Z J(/arf/i bekeeep ie erah'azze toilet fo / C%vr-ch cc 4e In earna/io n(ta cind Fa /-,n Tax Map 61Z Parcel d -/ Pad- Acreage 5.'73 (Total/ 40. q o Existing Zoning POD District NelAickebvida°. Existing Use: *cane Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : , 1 /d #f d6rprQ,Iien reyugc/s a ✓ar%c�r�ce 6ll47, 61td,t ri/Azb /82 p,ib q_3 yeAt. /31 J Ildri �1 ��o� ip he at Brarnc h/ PC`/2L hao 1an2 . a� /7z pacts ae_P sere 7Vta, 6 a/21-944d 5y2_ Wow , ao ju' )ud Ketrztuahson ,ped- I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. Ap• icant'5 aacx-r. Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decisin: Date of Hearing: ( (6 T(0 Final Decision Made: i /��yC The variance sought as deniepproved with the following conditions itiik reSfi (IMO 41z2,/- 1119,1Le rvi// Le_ no ?c J1 LW L. 0x(i c th , ��, 1U., &o t, m fi ro -tGQ Specialse Pit# BOARD OF APPEALS Sign Permit# B , ¢ r to Building Permit# Nsge STAFF REPORT -VA-86-06 APPLICANT: Marriott Corp. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 61Z/03-1 (part of) ACREAGE : 5 . 73 acres ZONING: PUD (Planned Unit Development) LOCATION: Part of Branchlands PUD development VARIANCE REQUEST The applicant requests relief from Section 4 . 12 . 6 . 6 . 2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow a total of 172 spaces to provide parking for the Marriott Hotel , restaurant , and assembly area , a variance of 15 parking spaces from the required 187 . AREA CHARACTERISTICS The Marriott property to be developed is located within the Branchlands (PUD) development . Albemarle Bank & Trust Co . is adjacent to the proposed development on the western side . Adjoining the Marriott property to the northern side is a parking area for Fashion Mall owned by J. C . Penny. Prop- erty to the east of the proposed site is undeveloped with commercial designation under the PUD plan . A copy of the proposed site plan for development has been submitted by the applicant with the variance request . ZONNING HISTORY Branchlands PUD development was approved by the Board of Super- visors in September 10, 1975 . The Board of Supervisors approved Special Permit, SP-85-75 , on December 4 , 1985 , to locate a motel/hotel or inn on 4 . 1301 acres . STAFF COMMENTS The following parking requirements are applicable to the proposed motel/hotel , restaurant , and conference rooms . Section 4 . 12 . 6 . 6 . 2 requires one (1) space per unit, and require additional spaces for assembly room, restaurant , etc . as provided by the ordinance . An eating establishment must provide thirteen (13) spaces per 1 , 000 square feet of gross floor area , and uses of public assembly shall provide one space per four (4) fixed seats or per seventy-five (75) square feet of assembly area whichever shall be greater . STAFF REPORT - VA-8b 06 ,..p Page 2 Off street parking provisions are usually based on expected requirements of the use , calculated to promote public safety, by keeping the traffic clear , and to provide transportation capable of serving existing uses . The proposed site plan does show area adequate to accommodate the total required number of parking spaces . Findings by the staff are that the parking requirements for the applicant are neither confiscatory nor discriminatory. Most off street parking is commonly conditioned on their reasonableness . All basic requirements for parking for similar/like developments have shown no need for reducing or lessening the provisions . STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff must recommend denial of the request . PHONE (804)804) 293977-02-420501 IPI) 'IOW ( ROUDABUSH, GREENE Sc GALE, INC. LAND SURVEYORS A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ENGINEERS 914 MONTICELLO ROAD LAND PLANNERS CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 J THOMAS GALE, C.L.S. JOHN W GREENE, P E. WILLIAM S ROUDABUSH, C.L.S March 5, 1986 Mr. Andy Evens, Zoning Administrator County of Albemarle Dept. of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Mr. Evens: The Marriott Corporation is requesting a variance from the County's minimum parking requirement based upon their own experience with Courtyard facilities. The attached Traffic Generation Study is offered as support and justification for this request. The report shows that Courtyard faci- lities generate 60% as much traffic as typical hotels or motels reported by the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Report, commonly used in the industry for traffic predictions. As noted on the site plan, 187 parking spaces are required by County Ordinances and 172 spaces are provided. If additional information is needed to support Marriott's request, please let me know. Sincerely, a),‘, ohn W. Greene, P.E. JWG/mce attachment CC: Ms. Shirley Weigand, Marriott Corp. Mr. David Benish, County Planner ; 311111S 100, A.49 CY<.0 1 /2 - C. zzof /0 Asa 0 t_t„, -74 /41, A20H/1141- "Wolk 0/ .1 - 47, ,z/ } 44,444„ /71 /14 11;1-' 714- 71; fr L.,e A V.04-1-14 ..ixike co-NE .!ty / 2,9 4....1z ly r /Lc' /2. ortiV 117 . t: - It s! it t: I 1' It ; t t ; vtu Cak-A 'A GUK 50314tTT'AL 4W84, vio • c , TRAFFIC GENERATION STUDY FOR COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT Prepared for: MARRIOTT CORPORATION Prepared by: THE RBA GROUP OCTOBtR 1985 --THE RBA GROUP Marriott Corporation recently introduced Courtyard as a new concept in lodging for the business traveler, providing comfortable luxury accom- modations in a residential styled environment. A Courtyard facility typi- cally consists of 126 to 150 lodging units built around a heavily landscaped open courtyard. Limited service accessory facilities including a fifty-seat restaurant, a living room styled lounge, and an executive board room are provided to accommodate the need of guests only. The food and beverage services are not designed to attract outside business. The traffic generated by a Courtyard facility is noticeably less than that of a typical hotel. The reduced number of trips is attributed to the absence of high trip generators such as full service restaurants and banquet and convention facilities. In an effort to determine trip genera- tion of a Courtyard facility, RBA conducted traffic counts at three existing Courtyards during the summer of 1984. Additional information was collected in March and October 1985 in an effort to refine the generation rates. PROCEDURE Manual peak hour traffic counts were conducted at the Johnson Ferry, Northlake, Peachtree Corners, and Windy Hill Courtyards during June 1984 and updated in February and October 1985. r I . The number of vehicles counted at each facility was averaged for a.m., noon, and p.m. weekday peak periods (shown in Table 1) and twenty-four hour weekday periods. These counts were divided by the number of rooms occupied during each period to determine individual facility generation rates. The generation rates were averaged. These rates are shown in Table 2 along with the Institute of Transportation Engineers published generation rates for a typical hotel . Table 2: GENERATION RATES (Trips/occupied room) Period Courtyard Typical Hotel A.M. In . 18 .58 Out .28 .29 P.M. In .18 .36 Out . 14 .37 DAILY 6. 10 10.5 ,The reduced generation rates for the Courtyard are attributed to the food and beverage services, meeting areas, and other accessory facilities in a Courtyard being sized for the needs of guests only. Manual peak hour counts were made at all Atlanta Courtyard facilities. Mechanical 24-hour counts were made for the two extreme generators - Northlake on the low end and Windy Hill on the high end. These counts are shown in Tables 3 and 4. All Atlanta Courtyards are serviced by taxi and airport limo transpor- tation. Northlake and Johnson Ferry are the only facilities located near MARTA (public transportation) lines ; however, guests seldom use the ser- vice. They usually use rentals, personal vehicles or are passengers. THE RBA GROUP CD -4 Cr) 'CI' N rt) ct t'-) N CO t') 4-) • • • • • p \ \ \ \ L I— O .--4 t— Cr) p L1) d N 0 2 -1C +-1 C) U) l0 l0 ct' 10 •r- N •--4 O .--+ .-4 a) X • • ♦ G1 W LO O\ ^ CD • N N N • CS. L CD lD N. co CO a) N r-1 .-1 r-I •--I 4_) • • • • • C \ \ \ \ W L) •-I O M N N N N CT fr) CD 0) N tti CO N N et in {-) • • • • • p \ \ \ \ F- 0) CD d- N Q c•) N l0 C 4- t•-. CO 0) Cf LC) 0 .-r" ••--4 O CD N -4 O X • • • • • C.) Z W \ \ \ \ •--• N r-4 r-+ •-4 LL. N •--4 •-4 Cl LL. C ^ L r-I •--4 r-• - r` I- a) a) N r-4 N r-r +-) {-) • • • • • C b C \ \ \ \ O Ce W n 0) CIr-I CD \ N •-- 1 C-) = a) E Y 0 CC 'Ui 0 d .-I C) N '..0W rt5 lD lD N N V Cl {." ..-_- L -• r-1 J �' CO ••-4 O CO CO N d O y 2 .X 4-, CO N N- N CO to to •r C) - "J N N I-- CJ X • • • • Cl- LU \ \ \ \ 2 Lf) CO 00 N • V Lc) Q C. LID CT in l0 VD C) N r-I r--I r-•• 4J • • • • • 1. \ W C-) Cf) l0 O M N r•-• N V) L a) C L >> 0 C-- U L r— a) a) r-- a) Y LL. .r•- a) rt) 2 L J C 4-) 0 >> L . In CO -v u +-I C +-) C N L L N) .r- •r- a) 0 0 a) V) 3 CL Z "'D b Ce CJ V) a)OCT r0 0 = L CC l) %D N CT r, C) V N C-) 1-1 N > C) r-i r--4 r-+ .-1 Q I /-\ULt ' J t1VUt \Li i t\Hi i 1 VVLViv1i-.0 N ORTH LAKE COU R t RD 09/30/85 10/01 /85 10/02/85 HOUR IN OUT TUTAL IN OUT TUTAL IN OUT FOTAL 0100 - - - . 5 2 7 10 2 12 0200 - - - 0 I I 3 2 0300 - - - 5 3 8 2 3 0400 - - - 0 0 0 3 0 3 0500 - - - 0 I I 2 0 2 0600 - - - 5 12 17 3 8 II 0700 - - - 12 19 31 16 23 39 0800 - - - . 21 34 55 20 35 55 0900 - - - 16 18 34 26 30 56 1000 - - - 20 25 45 23 14 37 1100 - - - 18 10 28 9 12 21 1200 - - - 12 13 25 14 II 25 1300 30 7 37 26 29 55 - - 1400 19 29 48 ; 2I 12 33 - - - 1500 12 15 27 15 19 34 - - - 1600 16 8 24 12 19 31 - - - 1700 II 14 25 10 II 21 - - - 1800 28 26 54 21 23 44 - - - 1900 25 31 56 31 33 64 - - - 2000 32 40 72 14 28 42 - - - 2100 27 24 51 20 17 37 - - - 2200 I 14 20 34 30 20 50 - - - 2300 23 7 30 18 12 30 - - - 2400 I 6 4 10 15 7 22 - - - TOTALS 243 225 468 347 368 715 131 140 271 TABLE• 4 HOURLY TRAFF r VOLUMES WINDY HILL COURTYARD 09/30/85 10/01 /85 1 10/02/85 HOUR IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT 'TUTAL IN OUT 'TOTAL 0100 - - - 5 3 8 ' 2 8 10 0200 - - - 3__ 2 , 5 1 ___2 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 . 0300 - - - 0400 - - 4 - 2 3 5 �._ 0 0500 - - - 4 3 7 1 5 5 • 10 0600 - - - 8 8 16 i 4 3 7 0700 - - - 31 29 60 34 61 95 0800 - - - 23 36 59 ' 35 30 65 0900 - - - 30 19 49 ' 14 12 26 1000 - - 14 7 21 18 12 30 1100 - - 13 33 46 20 29 49 1200 - - 24 21 45 25 17 42 1300 14 II 25 29 24 53 - - - 1400 10 15 25 13 19 32 - - - 1500 8 16 24 20 18 38 - - - 1600 25 22 47 20 15 35 - - - 1700 32 25 57 19 23 42 - - 1800 26 27 53 29 33 62 - - - 1900 30 24 54 37 33 70 - - - 2000 21 20 41 31 32 63 - - - 2100 25 25 50 26 19 45 - - - 2200 26 21 47 19 29 48 - - - 2300 23 29 52 14 18 32 - - _ - 2400 6 10 16 8 7 15 - - - TOTALS 246 245 491 424 435 859 1 159 182 341 Most facilities are located near high lodging demands However, the Northlake facility is located northeast of Atlanta within the perimeter interstate. This facility has a 90% and higher occupancy rate for all periods studied, as have all Courtyards. The facility provides for a rela- tively small amount of nearby lodging demand and tends rather to provide for referral or overflow guests desiring to stay in the other Courtyards. Even though public transportation is available to this site, the routes are inconvenient to the guests. The lower demand is possibly explained by the fact that most travel greater distances to their destinations and it is not convenient to return often during the day. Based on the 24-hour counts and average room occupancy, the generation rates is found to be 6.06 trip ends per day. The extreme generator produced by the Windy Hill facility is misleading. Personnel performing the manaul peak hour counts witnessed during noon and p.m. peak periods, up to 22 vehicles per hour entering the site with passengers leaving the site to the restaurant located on the adjacent pro- perty. Adjusting the hourly counts in Table 4, a generation rate of 6. 20 trip ends per day is computed. THE RBA GROUP 2 ,:;•t,I _ DI 1 :,.,rt•I 1 ,73. ' 5 .„.,,.'• '„,,,,\ i .1. i gOVIO , 7 •A . - "C/7' v .. .A fiff ol vi I / • z 0 ,...,, II [1.1-1 i.l. ,.... --.,T. . •- /Y -.A. -'455 -------:,----`:---iti-i-:---!----'^- ' v if ' "// ' . u) , - ,,,,,, , - 4)4, Ar • - ,-, ,•,,‘ d 1 ' -,,, - ,•• '// .., ,,, - \• i( ,,, tt•,- '' ••- 2-\ •; r.. ‘... 1 L'i-'---- - -4//i: ,,, ..''11 --- '''')•P - ' .,,,, •n N.., .:, >"' 11 A li. ••-'' '''I'',. %‘ •,; ',;›,f,"'`''' :•••.,,,.11-._;_ 0 6 - , .,...?g, ,,. , Z— .1 ft_ 4,1, 0 t likt....,; .,i,.. -/• ;I .i, 1 , i. 11., .;;,,.., , / ,... . 4 Ol ...; ... Z a z • 4 N ,,,...-,,.-t, 40 ' -7...,,. , . :. w W''''74•10,7//' • 'A I / > 'VI _,../- ---., •--L'la ., CC ' __ ---_IT.:------.::..st---*.--:,.f--- N.,•II T.-- ----- ii-7 :'•1A ,.. 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