HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198600041 Application 1986-11-11 (2) $ 5 0 . Permit Fee {�� Application No. t1� F(9 - -t Nme Sign Erected By: 'i3c,)\a CAS <_ - Staff: --,(-17) APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Ob p,A C Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5875 Date of Application October 22 , 19 86 . OWNER OF PROPEITY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: Colonnade Ltd. Partnership Name: Address: 2114 Angus Rd. ,Suite 212 Address: Charlottesville , VA 22901 Telephone: 295-4169 Telephone: Location of Property: 250 West and Colonnade Drive Tax Map 60 Parcel 40B 1 & 40B 2_ Acreage . 57 Existing Zoning Highway Commercial District Samuel Miller Existing Use: Vacant Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : To reduce the S .A. Highway setback from 150 ' -0" to 75 ' -0" and allow customer parking for a Drive-In Branch Bank in front of the proposed structure. I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named ab e. ��10/22/86 App icant Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hear' �ir�g: 16 v' , � � 1c7 &, Final Decision Made: i/ // The variance sought was. 7approved with the following conditions: JAL- W e'.ei iot?r Ot - A 46-A • IU 1A-AIM 4. ZZ, , L 40 FL�•►d`54 S As - a pay kl;SAL A UISw�4L buff Eat-. b in.accN RI -th,� �JpQK,Ns44- /Lid" � ) Special Use Permit# BOARD OF APPEALS • Sign Permit# B . %Ati, l !l% e Building Permit# 6 STAFF REPORT - VA-86-41 APPLICANT: Colonnade Associates Ltd. Partnership TAX MAP/PARCELS: 60/40B1 & B2 ACREAGE: .57 acre ZONING: HC (Highway Commercial) LOCATION: South side of Route 250, ± .1 mile east of its intersection with Colonnade Drive The applicant seeks a variance from Sections 30. and 30.5 .6.2.2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance . These sections, pertaining to setback requirements in the Scenic Area-Highways District , state: " SA-Highways 30.5 .6.2 .1 No buildings or structures other than necessary accessory appurtenant fences and/or walls, except as hereafter provided in the case of certain signs, shall be constructed within any SA-Highways overlay district . 30.5.6. 2.2 No off-street parking or loading shall be allowed closer than fifty (50) feet to the right- of-way line of a SA-Highway which is all or part of off-street parking facilities required or designed to accommodate more than two (2) motor vehicles. " The Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance states in Section 30. 5.2 .2 that the SA-Highways overlay district extends one hundred fifty (150) feet on each side of the right-of-way. The applicant proposes to construct a new structure and seeks a reduction of the building setback from the minimum requirement of one hundred fifty (150) feet to seventy-nine feet and to reduce the off-street parking setback from the minimum requirement of fifty (50) feet to ten (10) feet . In addition the applicant seeks a variance to reduce the setback for a freestanding business sign from the minimum requirement of one hundred fifty (150) feet to seventy-six (76) feet . In viewing the applicant ' s plat , it becomes apparent that the property cannot be developed without benefit of a variance. In addition to the one hundred-fifty (150) foot front setback, the applicant is required to maintain a fifty (50) foot buffer on the southeastern portion of the property. This buffer is required as the adjacent property is zoned residential (R-1) . RECOMMENDATION The application should be approved subject to the following: STAFF REPORT - VA-86-41.40, 2 1) That the applicant submit to the Zoning Administrator for approval a landscape plan designed so as to provide a visual buffer between Route 250 and the parking lot area, and 2) That the variance be granted to the applicant only and shall not be transferable. Specific Variance Request Building Setback: from 150 feet to 79 feet Parking Area Setback: from 50 feet to 10 feet Freestanding business sign setback: from 150 feet to 76 feet ....., ALBEMARLE COUNTY 4 4 :i:!1 • . "::: -.111M10 N \ N (.. / r,,....) ,, _ \L......, ss....._ iN. / r .. / 44-34 GOO IOW 11ZIS?" •'N /\ .. 1 . ......-- \'95...... 79 ., I \ -•• / lis( .. .., 1• .0 , -.....__.--............„ -.) ( 1 ,,..,. #.'40 / 784 c . , o6 s. . . P 6. 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A Ai CFArAill ii AM s •PANYAIIIIII \ 4. Ak."§li. i /51 33 40:111‘11 '''Icr of 4.111.11 7- '.:- 2 a° . ,c),4 V.447/* / ;.•.Z tilikl # A AveVal'.(' , AWAII1111111. ;, ,,‘• MI/ % xassuraraa_ ,, mu sti 5902 , 20 ,r (/- slrAtiitir 4100 0 1111111UMBI/ .. .. ; 7 • V . lopv i panraiWW111 1177 litre, le:06 -z-_-___ 4, 48 01 4l '.. 0 7 AMU% sn11111awhil/ „ 114 tfr-'''----,.- -:-j•t-"•'••,:.#r "s it as al tin Orr 16 NI . 1E CT. r"V i Oral 31 70-63 : Pli :i.40c.----:---1;:: SrakinnirdENVIVEr \ 211- , 1a11111113111111E7 7 oi su ,;.. - 7-,-- „ ° . 3°11...\-1 7..-rill . I• 33 • ,,*..e. '1 41 il 1.410WPA I 111 I MI I III MI Igt ; iffgrik /- \\1/4 ,-,.. ...1,... scaummt SAMUEL MILLER, JACK JOUErr AND ---- ' - CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICTS - , - " ,..SECTION -60 '1. •5 . ....... ,.......:.+rne.._ .. .I '• • I - I . i • SON I KANNING COMMISSION { BOARD OF SUPEFRYIS Co:. :143sps, s1.44 Z--"AiL ACNA12I14,:4 +,� sad.. -Sr?�ruAS ; Dt3i* i rYo C ',.„'clgitar - DATA /o fs CERTIFICATION: OW/ eft'S APPROVAL: THIS SUBDIVISION I MADE WITH THE CONSENT OF THE UNDERSIGNED C�%I THIS !3 A CORRECT AND ACCURATE �131T. pRlrroF*J. AND/OR TRUSTEES. ALL ROADS AND S1 EETS, IF NOT PREVIOUSLY DED44 HERESY TENDERED POR DEDIGiTION TO PUBLIC US . it- / • • __„_,. .m:,,e. e..__,„_,,, ,/ • G�pdv / SOT 2 C m3 / �� / th „c# / %so* ,� 2�t.IO/ 63. 36 :".. /:: 44/ ✓ ff 4 / / !o ��1 f . o #09 / �� a�� /`l; / •..:: i• ;>a Cs%OE qtni ? 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St. Anne's Schoul ►� I PLAT SHOWING A SURVEY OF 'l(< Yj, i _ q �"i J Q.,PARCELS 'W' , 'X','Y', & 'Z' �� c mj . ,, FarceI W, Property of Universit yHeights,Inc ,Contain ing 190sf, To Be I Conveyed To Jnd Become Fart Of Property Of Barbara M • Talbott, Designated As Lot 2B-3,University heights I , / ._ 'arcel X. , Property of Barbara M Talbott , Containing l4Osf, To Be w Conveyed To And Become Par t Of Property Of Universit y , 1 J Heights;Inc., Designated As Lot 28- 2, University Heights Farcel Y , Property Cf St. Anne's School, Containing 4749 sf, To Be r0 \ I . Conveyed To And Become Port 0f Property Of Barbara M. °' Talbott; Designated As Lot 2B- 3, University Heights !I Forcei Z , Property Of Barbara M. Talbott , Containing HO5f , ToBe • ' • Conveyed To And Become Far t Of St. Armes School, Designated i .. .. • ` As Parcel I. 10oon City Tax Map 7 • PA RC LS 'W"and "X" ARE LOCI+ rE B I N ALBEMARLE COUNTY 1-AHCEL S "Y"and"Z" ARE LOCATED PAHTLY IN ALBEMAMLE "`,"JWTY AND PARTLY IN THE CITE OF CHARLOf 1E3JILLE • I Vlfik31NIA WILL/AM S. ROUD BUSH, INC. A PROFfSSIONAL COR ,RATION I" = 20. Engineers-Lond Survey rs-Lond Planners A u G 2O +982 I Charlottesville Virginia DATE SHEET of F11. _6406; 4JLTllG, �©� r `�•r� c ARTBU1 F. EDWARDS .\\ V No. s 1170 4. , /4.0 LAND SUR 1 VV : O i i.a '�, LOT 4 aq . a°'I} . 4,51O/3, o.* ov 9/44 5��0 6 •� \ ;66.A/L/LOT 3 $ • LOT 5A \\.‘ / /8,357 S.or 111. M b �� kt / Q 4 0 5c) S58°50 E / /85.98 • 6 2' - N58°50'W e9 / /86-64 _ b•j \ /, . / so,66�S.f b �..k So • d: F / N • �9`�•A3o• • / h - N6/°/0'41/ a 293.46 y I..: 24./0 69.36 • Y . ICt 1 / : q LOT / W /W LOT N p LOT N 1 CO y N 101,767 S.P. ' W—.. Re2B2. h °2B./ LOT 2A �! Fo rRto� N K//,396S.IE N /3`3313f.�"0 0..... �. o PG o . 2 v. SHELL qa ,4 m GP 28-3 N V ' N te �� 1 '& ,69.86 k0. ', Q �4 ir69.BT R_/aaa 4 'PR2 362.78 1 „ _ S 65°06/E U. S. ROUTE 250 r �'ss cl AUG z c) COMPOSITE MAP SHOW/NG PORTIONS OF WYANT AJSOCIATES " (JN/VERS/T Y HEI GH TS " DECEMBER/3,I973 ALBEMARLE COUNT); V/RGIN/A O /00 200 300 400 500 600 B. AUBREY HUFFMAN B ASSOC/A TES ENGINEERING 8 SURVEYING CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGIN/A - / GOLON NAOE-ASSOGIATE� LTG i j TAx M4P(OO PAF2GEL 40G-2 / H. G. 7-0NI NC, —201UTILITY 1 PROCE2 TY LINE-' --- _ 4NDDPA WA4E EASEMENT i j01 BUILDING 5E-1 BAGK -- 201 ILTILITV EA6EMEIJr. ST, ANNES BELFIELD rn:LOR PORATEO/�' —0" -�.- TAX "AP-7 R-I zoNING. -�--- J FUTURE LANE �p p i TT`DU + w �h '7 b�NJ �7A hiAQl(INti � per_ \ W ��� �� + i NJ. 3AUTOMATL.� TELLER MAG r�INE .ri A�Eb Z u1 OWEFLR. 'N BANK I(d HT. O j 2PLANTE25 - 792 SQ FT. � i O Z n �.\\ � FUTURE \\'. Ex PAN SIGN �� OVERHANG. FUTURE •• WHITINCI OILGOMpp NY ._', EX'TF"I , TAX MAP UO PpRGEL40D (ALTERNATE) Ab SOGIATE S LTD. BAQBA¢A TALESO "Ef \ /r TAX MAPloO PARGELb AOD-I,4pp-2. TAX MAp(Ao PAQGEL 4.0E- H.G.Z.ONING l LIGHT POLE. _ o SET BACK. 1 I SITE PI —AN — -- sC,gLE; I";20 No2rH 20UTE U.S, 2-50 SOI RIGHT-OF-\VAY. FROM ��ti(ELEH OF v oe• MIJ CERTIFICATE NO. 1012 .2 �f Rf+'�aD Aace.6�� V^ z V W Q z U �l O N _ Q= \\�1 Y// z� Q W uJ x i 1_ V V a 1G z T I T L E 1!2iTr- pLaH DETAIL NO LARGE SCALE SMALL SCALE DETAIL ON INOIC-0N ON SHEET NO SKEET NO DETAIL REFERENCE SYSTEM NOTE THE CONTRACTOR SMALL CKECR ALL DIMENSIONS AND CON - TIONS AT THE JOB SITE AND RERORT ALL INCONSISTENCIES TO THE ARCHITECT IREVISIONS I �N ARA I DATE I CONINEN TS GT 18626 i rn W) P yogi F %z A of