HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO200500036 Plan - Stormwater Stormwater Management Plan 2005-06-22The developer shall reserve the rigbt to Install, na(ntain, remove and/or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities (wbere appllcabld all erosion control measures required by Ibis plan regardless of the sale of any lot. IT T P 620_-- \ / / / i / fO \ ino - / / I / \ W <1 i -_- I ), I I i I ! " 1 \ ' \ mil\ J - I®�400 c ` I I o 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ F \ \ I 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ END EC-2 END E 2 \ \ ILOT\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 18+25 18+2 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I Y o 1 \ \ \ CU w \ \ \ I \ \ \ O I LOT 3 2. 7 8 ACR ES LLI � CU \ \ S y \ \ \ z \ \ \ W \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - - - - - LOU BEG 6 EC-2 1 r cv , I \ 07 \ \ \ WEL I SIG H� 50 y U ! \ \ o \. \ p W J \ \ \ \ /�30 LOT \ \ I II k, \ \ I ACRES- zs I I I I I I I I \ \ \ `L-,>' '/ / I Z W ZIQ Q I I \ i- CJ ( y \ //IWHUUi Er I \ \ \ \ \ \ - - • -/ \ \ ; � _, I cp-I LIMITS OF E SI I \ DISTURBANCE - \ q END EC-2 1 I - - \ 114+25 CD CD\\ \\ I J - - - - - - - - - \ \ - LIMItS-OF DISTURBANCE -610--------------- I / Z I \\ \\ �y \ I NQ ----\ H o o -- \� I �' _ \ ~ORES \ _ 2. 4 � LLL- A- \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ - -- N-- \ y 00. n i ��a I I / p r 2 \ \ 3:1 SLOPES .\ \ \ �I � acn CLI - - \ 4 \ alP w / \ \ I 1 \ \ `- - - - - - - \ \ \� \ IaTIN \ \1�' \ \ \ �\'\ W TB \ \ \` �:a dlteh detalU < / ea=m.�r�n f.' Access Esrnt� / / / � \ N\ �' / F \ - - - \ Q/ /2 . �3- /7 AC R E�\' CD 90 ° TYP PLAN ANTI -VORTEX CAP O.D. SECTION NOTE: 1. ANTI -VORTEX DEVICE (CAP AND RISER) MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C478. 2. DIMENSIONS SUBJECT TO PERMISSIBLE VARIATIONS OF ASTM 0478. 3. INLET AREA (AREA BETWEEN DEVICE I.D. AND RISER O.D.) IS GREATER THAN OUTLET AREA (AREA OF RISER I.D.) 4. SLAB REINFORCEMENT TO BE ASTM A615 #4 BARS @ B" E.W. CIRCUMFERENTIAL REINFORCEMENT TO BE Asc = 1 @ 0.150 2x6 W2.5 x w2.5 WWF MINIMUM. MATERIAL PROPERTIES: fy = 60 ksi, fc = 4 ksi. CONCRETE COVER OVER REINFORCEMENT (CCOR) = 1", UNLESS NOTED 5. DI-1 FRAME 6 GRATE IS AVAILABLE FOR 4B" I.D. RISERS AND LARGER. RISER ANTI -VORTEX CAP NOTCH DIAMETER APPROX. CAP WEIGH I.D. O.D. I.D. O.D. 24" 30" 46" 56" 34" 1.49 T 27" 332" 60" 70" OR 72" 371" 2.26 T 30" 37" 60" 70" OR 72" 4 1 " 2.25 T 36" 44" 60" 70" OR 72" 48" 2.22 T 42" 51" 72" 65" 55" 3.15 T 4B" 58" 84" 100" 62' 4.27 T 54" 651, 64" 100" 702" 4.20 T 60" 72" 96" 114" 76" 5.48 T 65" BOz" 96" 114" 642" 5.39 T 72" 86" 108" 12B" 90" 6.63 T 7B" 942" 125" 147" 982" 6.97 T 84" 100" 126" 147" 104" 8.90 T PRECAST ANTI -VORTEX DEVICE URIC LAST (CAP AND RISER) REVISION SCALE 3/8 = 1'-0" HANSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS TOPIC - PROJECT # - DRAWING 2900 Terminal Ave ❑ Richmond, Virginia 23234 ❑ 804-233-547 S T - 0 6 4 7 - 6 3 \ \ \ 4 OR 6• PERFORATED PVC \ -PIPEO �vS T`✓E SLOP- \ 1 - Qt-H-CLEANbUTS EVERY 50 SILT TRAP / BIO-FILTER (converted after stabilization) RMP PLANTING SCHEDULE During construction basin will act as silt trap. After site is stabilized, basin will be converted to (11) 1.5' cal Pin Oak a bio-filter. Silt to be cleaned out, underdrain V installed, sod mix added and cover Installed. Bio-Filter Sizing (11) 1.5' cal Red Maple 20310 of ultimate) imporvaous02.5X=523 sf roq (461 18' mix Barberry 7360 sf provided Spice Bush (bio-filter Bio-Filtor Planting 7360 sf a 400/ac = 6e plants 22 1.5'cal mix Rod Maple/Pin Oak 46 16' mix Barborry/Spiro Bush VICINITY MAP 4 29, 601 678 MECHUMS RIVER / 676 SITE 614 675 OWENSVILLE /5 r Sufimfie evismed and I proved by the FDate.e) SCALE : 1" = 4000' GENERAL ',EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NDTES ES-1: UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ALL VEGETATIVE AND STRUCTURAL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK AND VIRGINIA REGULATIONS VR 625-02-00 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS. ES-2: THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY MUST BE NOTIFIED ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE PRE - CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE, ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY, AND ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE FINAL INSPECTION. ES-3: ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE PLACED PRIOR TO OR AS THE FIRST STEP IN CLEARING. ES-4: A. COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SHALL BE MAINTAINED ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES. ES-5: PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES IN AREAS OTHER THAN INDICATED ON THESE PLANS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, OFF -SITE BORROW OR WASTE AREAS), THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A SUPPLEMENTARY EROSION CONTROL PLAN TO THE OWNER FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. ES-6: THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF ANY ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AS DETERMINED BY THE PLAN APPROVING AUTHORITY. ES-7: ALL DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO DRAIN TO APPROVED SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AT ALL TIMES DURING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND DURING SITE DEVELPMENT UNTIL FINAL STABILIZATION IS ACHIEVED. ES-B: DURING DEWATERING OPERATIONS, WATER WILL BE PUMPED INTO AN APPROVED FILTERING DEVICE. ES-9: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PERIODICALLY AND AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL EVENT. ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR CLEANUP TO MAINTAIN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. Boau Visago Erosion/Sediment Control Narrative March 21, 2005 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project consists of construction of a road for a rural, largo lot subdivision. The total disturbance for this site is 2.6 acres. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The site is mostly cleared. The rolling topography largely drains to an existing pond. ADJACENT PROPERTY The road enters the project from Free Union Road to the oast. The rest of the property is surrounded by rural parcels: 43-33, 43-33C, 43-33E, 43-34D1, 43-4D, 43-34D2. 43-34F and 43- 34E OFFSITE AREAS No off -silo areas will be disturbed. SOILS Braddock Loam on 7-15Z slopes is a deep, strongly sloping, well drained to excessively drained soil found on ridgotops, points of ridges, and on side slopes. The surface layer is brown sandy loam about 5 Inches thick. The substratum is mostly brown and yellow partially woothorod bedrock that crushes to sandy loam to a depth of about 60 Inches. Permeability is rapid, and available water capacity is low. Surface runoff is rapid. The hazard of erosion is moderato. CRITICAL EROSION AREAS. The pond to the west is the most critical erosion area. There is a stroam on the north side of the Property, but it is distant from proposed disturbance. EROSION ANb SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES Unless otherwise Indicated, all vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and spocI ficotions of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook (VESCHI. STRUCTURAL PRACTICES I. Construction Entrance- 3.02 A temporary paved construction antranco shall be installed at the beginning of the project. 2. Silt Fence- 3.05 A temporary sediment borrior consisting of a synthetic filter fabric stretched across and attached to supporting posts and entrenched. 3. Culvert Inlet Protection- 3.06 A temporary sediment filter, located at the Inlet to culverts. 4. Temporary Sodlmont Sasin - 3.14 A temporary barrier or dam with a controlled stormwater roloaso structure formed by constructing an embankment of compacted soil across a drainagoway. The purpose is to detain sadimonk-ladon runoff from disturbed areas in .wot. and .dry. storage long enough for the majority of the sediment to settle out. VEGETATIVE PRACTICES 1. Temporary Gooding - 3.31 Establishment of tomporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas by seeding with appropri�t� rapidly growing plants on sites that will not be brought to final grado for periods of 3U days to one your. Gorman Millet at 60 Ib./ac., Weeping Lovogross at 3 lb./ac., Korean Lospodoza at 20 Ib./ac. Temporary seeding shall be fortilizod. Fertilizer sball be applied at a rate of 600 Ibs/acre of 10-20-10 according to the handbook. The builder may save considerable funds by having the soil tested by VA TECH (kits are available at the extension office and the test costs $6.00). 2 M I h - 335 uc Organic mulch shall be used in conjunction with seeding operations and sball be applied at the rate of 2 tons/acro. 3. Dust Control- 3.33 Dust control Measures shall be utilized throughout this site when necessary. Typcal temorary measures include but era not limited to, irrigation, temporary seeding barriers. Th.,so measures will aid in the prevention of harmful airborne substances as well the effects of wind erosion. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES 1. Construction should be sequenced so that grading operations con begin and end as quickly as passible. 2. Sadiilont trapping measures shall be installed as a first stop in grading and shall be seeded and mulched immediately following installation. 3. The job superintendent shall be responsible for the installation and mointonanco of all erosion and sediment control practices. 4. Temporary sooding or other stabilization will follow immediately after grading. 5. Areas which are not to be disturbed will be clearly marked by flags• signs, etc. 6. After achieving adequate stabilization, the basin will be cleaned out and converted to permanent stormwater management basin. PERMANENT STABILIZATION All areas disturbed b construction II ywill be stabilized with permanent seeding immediately following finish grading. Gooding will be done with Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue according to Std. Z Spec. 3.32 of The Virginia Erosion 9 Sediment Control Handbook. 5-20-10 fertilizer shall be applied at the rate of 1000 ib/ac and lime at 2 tons/oc. Permanently seeded areas shall be protected during establishment with straw mulch (2 tons/ac). STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The silt basin will be oonvorted to a bio-filtor which will provide detention to attenuate ADDITIONAL NOTES peak flows and address water quality. MAINTENANCE In general• all erosion and sediment control measuros will be checked wookly and after each I. A geotechnical study of the soils to be used in the embankment must be, completed before significant rainfall. The following items will be chocked m particular: construction of the embankment begins. g 11 The sediment traps and basins will be cleaned and maintained according to the VESCH. 2) All grovel outlets will be checked regularly for sediment buildup which will prevent 2. A geotechnlcal inspector must be present to monitor the construction of the embankment drainage. If the gravel is clogged by sediment, it shall be removed and cleaned or and test compaction. replaced. 3. The embankment must be constructed in a manner to meet all the regUlrement5 and 3) Sllt Panto will be chocked regularly for undermining or datorioration of the fabric and repaired as required. Sodlmont shall be removed when the level of sediment deposition specifications of Minimum Standard 3.01 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. roaches half way to the top of the barrier. 4) All seeded areas will be chocked regularly to see that a good stand is maintained. Areas should be fortilizod and resoadod as needed. 580 580 570 570 560 560 0+00 0+50 10' TOP n.� ( X ®578.5' rown) 30'RCP (576.1') nti-Vortex Device Spillway (577.1') :1 - - (see detail) 1 � a' PVC Inv 566� S_1 ) 5x5' AntrSaep )^ PERFORAT •''-WITH 0.25' H �iIIV = 57 D LES EG 1, GL1 I I Subgrade ®568 6' Min. 82'18•RGP01.2% Cutoff Trench 5'x18' Inv = 567.0� Concrete Fuse 4' In. death) embed riser In concrete During Construction 580 580 570 90570 560 560 0+00 0+50 10' ' ( C7P g 578.5' L rown) 30'RCP (576.1') ntrVortex Device Spillway (577.1") 3:1 - - 31 Is detail) cLEANo � W/WATER T IGH Inv 566 � S-1 1 5x5" Anti-Seep- Ilan CAP EG 1, GL1 l 6' Min. 82'I8•RCPa1.2X utoff Trench 5'x18' Inv = 567.0� Concrete &use 4' in. oth) e� riser in concrete MS-1 Stabilization of Denuded Areas and Soil Stockpiles Permanent or temporary soil stabilization must be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary sail stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade, but will ES C LEGEND remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization sball be a lied to areas that are to be loft dormant r pp for more than one year. Soil stabilization rotors to measure which protect soil from the erosive forces of raindrop E£SC _STD. G SPEC mpact and flowing wakor. Applicablo practices include vegetative establishment, mulching, CE TEMP. STONE CONST. ENTRANCE 3. 02 and the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved. Soil stabilization measures should be selected to be appropriate for the time of year. site conditions and estimated SF SILT FENCE 3. 05 duration of use. CIP CULVERT INLET PROTECTION 3, 08 MS-4 Timing and stabilization of Sediment Trapping Measures DO TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE 3. 09 Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes• sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first step in any land -disturbing activity and shall ST TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP 3. 13 be, made functional before up-slopo land disturbance takes place. TSD TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN 3.15 MS- 5 Stabilization Measures StabiOP OUTLET PROTECTION 3. 18 dvorlsonson measures shall mmediately after binstallalod tonto earthen structures such as dams, dikes and CD ROCK CHECK DAMS 3.20 MS- 17 Vehicle Across Where construction vehicleaccess routes cceintorsoct pavedpublic LS LEVEL SPREADER 3.21 u Ic roods revisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment b (vehiclar) tracking onto the paved surface. TO TOPSOILING 3. 30 Whore sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall bcleaned TS TEMPORARY SEEDING 3. 31 thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or PS PERMANENT SEEDING 3. 32 sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be SD SODDING 3. 33 allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision sball apply to individual subdivision lots as wall as to largor land disturbing activities. MU MULCHING 3. 35 MS-18 Disposition of Temporary Measures BEM SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKETS/MATTING 3. 36 All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after DC DUST CONTROL 3. 39 final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from tho disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. MIN. UNDERDRAIN GRAVEL IAASHT0 M43, 0.5-1"1 WRAPPED IN FILTER CLOTH c PST H OF I Conversion to Rio -Filter after Stabilization SECTION 1. The bio-filter soil mix must be the Luck &o-filter Mix available from Luck Stone or a tested and approved equivalent. For oddionol information contact Water Resoruces Personnel (434-296-5861). 2. The sand/soil mix must be stabilized with sod along with the listed plants on the landscape plan. Contractor shall contact the Water resources inspector 24 hours prior to backfilling the biofilter and request an inspection and approval of the underdrain installation and the soil mix. Standard £ Spoc. 3.02 is adequate duo to the lack of available water to the site. Should 1'yC the temporary construction entrance not be maintained properly or an excessive amount of soil found tracked onto the public roadway, than a paved construction entrance, water tanker truck with 2 pressure washers and a settling area may b required by the erosion Q f and sadimonk control program administrator. C„U 7 W. THOMAS MUNCASTER, JR. GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=60' C-) CERT. No. 16242 Q 0 60 120 180pRo �NP\,�� _FESSI_ P i m rn Q m Q 0 m cli cu Q > w ti cn w I- 0 J Q 0 Q 0 m Q 0 Q w a 0 in z O w 0 z LID a o w \ F � Q \ o m I- m i i C m z E O D U7 H m w 0 ti z Q � DESIGNED BY DATE TM 4/27/05 DRAWN BY DATE TM 4/27/05 CHECKED BY DATE FILE EDIT [�)eau Visage - SCALE 1 =60 DRAWING 1: 1 PLOT PROJECT - OF 1 SHEET N0.