HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201900010 Mandatory Comment Letter 2019-06-17COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax 434 972-4126
To: Justin Shimp (justin(a)shimp-engineerin com) ; Kelsey Schlein (kelsev(&,shimn-engineerine com)
From: Cameron Langille
Date: June 13, 2019
Subject: Mandatory Pre -Application Meeting for TMP 032AO-02-00-00200 on 06-03-2019
The following are County staff comments regarding the above noted pre -application meeting. This meeting
satisfies the requirement for a pre -application meeting prior to submittal of a zoning map amendment (ZMA)
application. The purpose of for the meeting can be found in Section 33.14 of the Zoning Ordinance and are
italicized below, followed by staff comments:
(i) provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project;
The applicant is proposing a zoning map amendment to amend the previously approved ZMA application for TMP
032A0-02-00-00200. Property is zoned R-15 Residential and is subject to the proffers and concept plan of
TMP 32A-02-2 measures 7.29 acres and is located on the north side of Proffit Road. The property is currently
occupied by one detached single-family structure with a property addresses of 3223 Proffit Road. The property
lies within the Airport Impact Area (AIA) Overlay Zoning District and portions are designated as managed Steep
As stated by the applicant during the meeting, the applicant want to amend ZMA201800006 to allow development
in the 2.1 acre Block B, which is called for open space under the approved rezoning. This is because a cemetery
on the adjacent church property to the east encroaches into TMP 32A-02-2 and renders development of some
potential parcels difficult.
1. Section 33.15 - Application for a zoning map amendment
(ii) Inform the applicant about the proposed project's consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, other
relevantpolicies, and County regulations,
• TMP 32A-02-2 is located in the Places29-Hollymead Development Area. The Places29 Master Plan and
Comprehensive Plan designate the future land use classification of TMP 32A-02-2 as Urban Density
Residential (UDR) which allows for residential densities between 6.01-34 du/acre.
• Proposals for development in the designated Development Areas are evaluated for conformity with the
Neighborhood Model. Applicable principles are mixture of housing types and affordability;
redevelopment; relegated parking, parks; recreational amenities, and open space; interconnected streets
and transportation networks; and respecting terrain and careful grading and re -grading of terrain.
• The applicant should provide a project narrative explaining how the ZMA amendment is consistent with
the Comprehensive Plan and Neighborhood Model Principles.
The Places29 Master Plan calls for Proffit Road to be constructed to a three -lane road section with a
multi -use path on one side of the road and sidewalk on the other. These were proffered improvements
shown on the concept plans approved with ZMA20180006 and in the written proffer statement, including
installation of curbing and gutter, a 10' wide planting strip, and a 6' wide sidewalk along the full length
of the property. This design is consistent with the recommended future cross section specified in
Appendix 3 of the Places29 Master Plan. Sufficient right-of-way to allow the future three -lane Proffit
Road cross-section was also proffered with ZMA201800006.
o Be aware that these were highly important elements that were favorable factors for staff
recommending approval of ZMA201800006, as well as the recommendations of the Planning
Commission and the final Board of Supervisors approval. Please explain how this amended
application will be consistent with the Places29 Master Plan transportation recommendations.
• The Places29 Master Plan Parks and Green Systems Map recommends that the stream area (including
any adjacent steep slopes) along the north end of the site (Block B as approved with ZMA201800006)
for protection as a Greenway Buffer. The layout drawing shown at the preapplication meeting now
proposes lots and streets through this area. Please explain how this proposal is consistent with the
Places29 Master Plan recommendations.
• Provisions for addressing impacts to schools, transportation infrastructure, emergency services and
parks should be provided for with the rezoning. Staff will need to provide information/assessment of
the potential impacts of the development to schools, transportation infrastructure, emergency services
and parks for with the rezoning.
(iii) Broadly identify the planning, zoning and other issues raised by the application that need to be
addressed by the applicant
As discussed with the applicant during the mandatory preapplication meeting, the ZMA application will
be strengthened if the applicant chooses to proffer a concept plan of the proposed development. The
concept plan should show the proposed internal transportation network, as well as a general block layout
where new residential lots will be located.
o The applicant may choose to proffer a minimum and/or maximum number of dwelling units and
types of dwelling units and other uses as part of the ZMA application. This can be done as notes
on any concept plan, or as a written proffer statement.
o The concept plan should state what uses will be permitted by right and what uses will be permitted
through approval of a special use permit, per Section 18 of the Zoning Ordinance.
o The concept plans supplied with the ZMA application should state the minimum and maximum
number of dwelling units proposed, the permitted density per the Comprehensive Plan UDR
designation, and the proposed density of residential units per acre.
o Per Zoning comments and section 4.16 of the Zoning Ordinance, recreational areas shall be
provided for every development of thirty (30) units or more. Staff suggests showing the proposed
recreation area on the concept plan and stating the square footage/acreage that will be proposed
in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
o State whether the proposed streets inside of the development will be public or private roads. Per
Section 14-233 (b), the agent may approve private streets in the development areas proposing
attached dwelling units. Detached dwelling units served by private streets require Planning
Commission approval.
■ The applicant will need to submit the necessary materials in order to justify the
authorization request, in accordance with Section 14-234 (A) of the Subdivision
■ Staff highly advises the applicant to retain public roads as was approved with
o Per Section 4.12.6 of the Zoning Ordinance, there are minimum parking space requirements for
attached dwelling units based on the number of bedrooms per unit. Please provide a calculation
on the required parking, and show the parking areas on the concept plan.
o Please state what area and bulk regulations will apply to the development, per Section 18.3 of the
Zoning Ordinance.
If any plans will be proffered as part of the application, a written proffer statement must accompany the
application identifying the major elements on the plan that will be proffered commitments/requirements
for future development.
o Please see the attached proffer statement from ZMA201800006. Be aware that all of the major
elements identified in the proffer statement were items that led to a favorable recommendation
of the proposal. Please explain which, if any, of these proffers will be retained and reasons for
why any proffers will be eliminated.
The layout drawing provided by the applicant at the preapplication meeting showed several double
frontage lots within the development along Proffit Road. Per Section 14-401 of the Subdivision
Ordinance, double frontage lots for detached and attached residential uses are prohibited. The prohibition
of double frontage lots may be varied or excepted by the agent as provided in section 14-203.1 (B).
Double frontage lots shall be screened as provided in section 14-419.
o Please provide a request for approval of double frontage lots in accordance with the requirements
of Section 14-203.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance.
o The Concept Plans should show where the landscaping required by 14-419 will be installed where
lots front on two streets. A note should be added stating "Double frontage lots shall be screened
as provided in section 18-"
Please be aware that the development will need to comply with the requirements of Section
and/or 14-410 for landscaping along streets. Staff suggests adding a note to the concept plan stating what
design standard the streets will comply with (e.g. Albemarle County Private Street Standards as specified
in 14-410 and 14-412 of the Subdivision ordinance).
- ZMA201800006 was approved with comments from the public and Planning Commissioners
recommending that the undisturbed buffer on the eastern/northeastern property line be added to the
concept plans to ensure that mature trees in that area will be preserved. The concept drawing shown at
the preapplication meeting identified potential lots and streets in this area. Please address how the trees
that were identified as valuable resources will be protected through this plan.
- A traffic impact analysis and turn lane warrant analysis were reviewed as part of the previous rezoning.
The applicant chose to proffer a left turn lane on Proffit Road into the development in order to
accommodate the future uses. Please submit this information again with the new proposal and explain
whether the proffers related to improvements to Proffit Road will be kept or revised.
(iv) Inform the applicant about the applicable procedure
• A Community Meeting is required as part of the review of the rezoning request. It is preferred that the
community meeting be held in conjunction with a Places29-North Community Advisory Committee
meeting. This CAC generally meets on the third (3rd) Thursday of each month at 6 PM at the Hollymead
Fire Station. You are responsible for setting up that meeting with staff and the CAC chair, Chris
Scharnbeck. This meeting should be held, if possible, within 30 days from the date the rezoning is
submitted, and can be held prior to the submittal of the rezoning application. Adjacent property owners
and neighborhoods (and the Coordinating Reviewer/planner) should receive advance notification of this
meeting (date/time/location).
• Staff will provide a template for the Community Meeting invitation letter during review of the ZMA
(v) Identify the information the applicant must submit with the application pursuant to Sections 33.16 through
• See attached ZMA Checklist.
If you have any further questions, please contact me at 434.296.5832 ext. 3432 or blangille �albemarle.org.
Cameron Langille
Senior Planner
A) ZMA Application
B) Community Meeting Guidelines
C) Community Meeting Invitation Letter Template
D) ZMA Checklist
E) Adjacent Owner Mailing Addresses for Community Meeting (500 ft. Radius)
F) ZMA201800006 Approved Proffers