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VA198600051 Application 1987-01-13
$ 50 Permit Fee i Application P VA 'a'' >,j Sign Erected By: Soon.. Staff: .f i / c 8 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901-4596 County of Albemarle 296-5875 Date of Application December 18 , 19 86 , ii r OF PROPERTY OCCUPANT (If other than owner) Name: R. D. Wade Builder, Inc. Name: same Address: P.O. Box 7506 Address: Charlottesville, Va. 22906 Telephone: 973-7841 Telephone: Location of Property: Lot 14, Block A, Phase III Fieldbrook Subdivision or 1771 Hearthglow Lane Tax Map 46A1 Parcel 1 part of Acreage 15,963 S.F. Existing Zoning R-2 District C ,47(f4 Existing Use: Residential Variance sought (describe briefly relief sought) : Left rear corner of house is infringing on 25' Set Back Line on side adjoining Hearthglow Court [ per attached plat VA-86-51. R. D. Wade Builder , Inc . (owner) , property known as Tax Map 46A1 , Parcel 01-A14 , located at 1771 Hearthglow Lane in the Field- brook Subdivision , zoned R-2 . The applicant seeks a variance from Section 4 . 6 . 3 . 2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to reduce the side yard setback measurement from twenty-four (24) feet to twenty-one (21) feet to permit construction of a single-family dwelling . I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I am the owner named above. /2-//g/8‘ App icant G� ,vi.,34,04.ti.-, Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning Administrator has/has not rendered a decision. If so, state substance of decision: Date of Hearing: ) yu�!^^.cq��� f 3 IT� - Final Decision Made:- The variance sought /approved with the following conditions! 13 ��� 7 Afrc Special Use Permit# BOARD OF INC APPEALS • Sign Permit# B 6' to Building Permitl, STAFF REPORT - VA-86-51 APPLICANT: R.D . Wade Builder , Inc . TAX MAP/PARCEL: 46A1/01-A14 ZONING: R-2 (Residential) ACREAGE : . 38 acres LOCATION: #1771 Hearthglow Lane , located in the Fieldbrook Subdivision, Phase III The applicant seeks a variance from Section 14 . 3 of the Albe- marle County Zoning Ordinance . This section states : "Section 14 . 3 AREA AND BULK REGULATIONS Yards , Minimum Front 25 feet . . . . " The applicant constructed a new single-family dwelling as per Building Permit #86-1230NR issued on September 8 , 1986 . Final inspections of the property have been performed and a Certificate of Occupancy was issued to the applicant on December 11 , 1986 . The applicant has had a final survey performed on the property and has been advised that the front setback measurement is inadequate . The applicant seeks a variance to reduce the front setback measure- ment from the minimum requirement of twenty-five (25) feet to six- teen (16) feet at the closest point . The sixteen (16) foot measure- ment is taken from the closest point of a wood deck . The main struc- ture is located twenty-one (21) feet from the front property line at the closest point . The error in the original placement of the dwelling should have been detected during the preliminary zoning inspection. The measure- ment error apparently occurred when the distance between the curb line and the property line was not taken into consideration (see attached plat) . RECOMMENDATIONS The application should be approved . The applicant acted in good faith and due to an engineering error , finds the need for a variance . The Zoning Inspector should also have detected the violation prior to actual construction of the dwelling commencing. The authorization of the variance will not substantially alter the character of the district , nor will other properties in the general vicinity be adversely affected . • V • VA-86-51 . R.D. Wade Bu:...,,,,fer, In. Tax Map 46A1, Parcel 01-A14 i 1146A1° FIELOBROOK \ 0 I)... I as 73a ►s)1) ��®©® as aw r4 sas 1 �n ;% newilitio f7 '�;o � 0 , 441/A30 iisc.st. __ • kh,..,. ,A, gio.stij drit . ISTirtillagt27 V #cobl, 7- . Cr°110111 Allfr .3 44 SW 111107 o y(M llLC) • SC( Tax bal. H © G CPfX 2 �, so&mu © A®o .1 v 0�1) AgOo a©© 1©VI o©tO 4'0 ♦0 moo_. "46A2° 0 401•`3. . O RAINTREE .r i ®` OS, RAI r s... pet h u .11 O petal[ 3 /1 1A h 11 art wa ®���.���®•' O petal/ ) o• 133 h Mare wa lir OPCASFACIL 410141011 _,_ )`a" I" •"`T CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT SECTION 46 Al,46A2 "_/vi4...)L/C `V, /`•e‘G , I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND THAT THE TITLE LINES AND WALLS OF THE BUILDINGS ARE SHOWN 4HEREON. �/CO/ E�TY /CNOT /il/ Tf/E h'l/l ',a0 -eete4 - , �� ,DEF/NCO /CC rim. F�OOZJ �Q/t/E. .9h'Tfi'v� F. EOs-f,-?,, A5' e.G..S. CERT/F/G9TE /VO. //,70 (ye,ev/Ce U'.T''L/7-/Et5' .-9/ 'e !/A/.0e/W OG/NL7. VA �" N�5 ����LTk 0. s� p a,0 Lai ((.0 4. '`�'�. I..o-�!7 . . O F. EDWARDS , ,_, „ r, Na 10 N.\\ * ^• -•• 4, �C�° �r `' 041' ' • SY� i .:, ' X GOT /.5 /! v Igo r ic . .,� Ls g7cs8' so'w • " 3 ►8 d`N Al,. ��' ZD T /¢ `�, t 25 /77/ //F...4 74'GG oAv GA9. �,' ,4 GOT /3 ,9. 1 : %�� hoop /1, '' -----c \fr, co otx p ', ea • u'T t r 5� 4.-4o cFORr ¢2•p-- -- . �,/v � c0, _'o ---ly-,9?____ u v� :\`` tak v. ` oo- \ 6 \ /0 8 U/G O/NG 'Q=G 7 35 \ LrEn6AOK G/A/E � �� �_ �3 47. 00/ /won -- �'3� /V 4LS-0o'E NE. /. 'Tf/GG OW C,,IA./6- (go'/e�w) . .. ... sl RrCE+' c 4. Eoc-K Si be of- c,uleg $etc s;bL of cu2a 4-o Reopze, I.;M!f �H>-o-/c-9G Urciie vEy lSh0wiivG LO 7 /5z, .BG�. A ' /=h// 0-6- 3 (.S'C.9G E / '/ = 3D ' /9G45'E"444't .E COl//t/7- V//' 'G/A//.9 DEC. 9, /986 B. AUBREY HUFFMAN & ASSOCIATES, LTD. CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING - LAND PLANNING L CHARLOTTESVILLE VIRGINIA //4--t/Z ESV,,t/ /R,J. .S, 45 • • Noe VA , PHASE TOTAL #1 PHASE ONE PHASE TWO PHASE THREE• CUMULATIVE LOTS 6.749 AC. 6.402 AC. 11.812 AC. 24.963 AC. ROADS 1.121 AC. 1.434 AC. I.962AC. 4.517 AC. OPEN SPACE 2.62 AC. 3.693 AC. 6.792 AC. 13. 105 AC. 25% 3—P5/0 33 % t 30. 77% TOTAL 10.49 AC. 11.529 AC. 20.5674C. 42.586AC. / WESTMO 1 DENSITY 2D.U./AC• 1.995D.U./AC I.799DU./AC• 1.902D.U/NC• o' • , RELij 0 NOTE: Open Space 8 Density ore to be determined fathis •.Z / development on a cumulative basis. Cumulative density shall 8698' S• QO.8'S3„E I not exceed 2.0D.U./AC. Cumulative percent of usable open 3 0 0 >83j / 33 / space shall be maintained at 70% ' vj N �` / y- — T 27,° C N 0 REED /0p0/ - - I 0 I ! e5 • C:3 9\QQSF- OT26h; W BUFpER •• 3ti LOT • ;� N p �•�. ` � 9,8QQ = 25o Ito ,s .9 q/,g• h — 25' 9,8QQS�°°N COT24 o MEN 5 00 0,• S a m/ O.o ` �� 50�", 2q3 •`• 783j, 0 /N BLDG 2 O,g99SF�'�N OT23 • G) • s,` /'� ESN ,_uN /2,39 1y "3 •R=•275 N 2po38 53.,E 8�3> 3p.28' 9 S.F• ��0p°00 IS,`QT 22 / \ 6S8 03.0 L23.I 5>5> •S20.3 •1-'304' \ y 49gS r. / /I o N 'T3o m ', 25` >30 /��pSE s a C /0 I B� / 0 •N • • �,•6 � 111 a6 5'h,,'PG E 0 S.F, ao°o //,9 T3//� LInT o /,, E ` 0 2p <•To / ybVp.I iv N__ - - —<1 32 l. / 0 LOT 21 P 0 `� / /2,oQOSF/a COS- ' • °. 1 8 z O 3 / /3, 9 33 N c., ca o al / / 4 6SF. a COT 3 `�&ac ra.f,\ 12,753S,F • — p, m a O 80.p� ,y 20' , 1. 2 G 4 a ..•''. %2ps38•53 w6p 00�/ /4 R S.G� / f/ 5 0O " ({� !1 E E p • 5 —1 OET ' s%fir \SF ,poi Mt. �.\ N , r LOT 20 $ N £QSFMfNT FOND \�oo I s'8 sq' o 111,130 S.F. o 1 w_ N N36°0616°W o r "CI N by • S833g9•f n m I LOT I9 -- wo �rn r Open Space ooy4 O.0 50 u / 13,971 S.F. o / o. 03 es. • siso33gs v3 sEE SHEE7 of 2 LOT 35 O 06 18,323 S.F. / a`� 8322, •E /66•45. ti ti �� m 4 qw / m m 83.23' M. 46AI (0I) �w` 4'040 �V` on � � / �4� 15' ss. °o, LOT 18 °, LOT 17 c. - 20709S.F �� 17,546S.F.y , /' co Je-0.00 AC. • 16,343 S.F. • C.��2 0 / .'1." co - le003 q>•' .' G w �,r\' F 0 , 2p E / c `' u• o. pay,-�� -- �� ^' o. 2 29 p '7 o •i 0•.. L'3076 'S• d\ ' LOT 37 Eq •j%-›;,,L=41.18' ei0 < ems. , D_ Public Water 9 Sewer. 0 17,492 SF o a ' -: • ►�, At,: �� YYr ng Commission Approval. g w^ •_ •� gY 110.76• o • .� p / �r N 34°1. 43 W:Smt. 15 • 9 W0 I SIGHT ES ". • �*� / � 11 • 0 • N44°05 18 r r N58•S 8"E Oy 0 ioll be in 25% or greater • I N m o 11 74 < 1r 8 0 LOT 3F. A. � LOT Mt\ oj.' .`�/ /�.. 12,029 S.F.1 L``�°J0 OT 16 --- r Development. 0 8 ` �. . 15,96 S.F. - •" __ /15,626 S.FV 6b9 • p Z , 3011 0 0 % o0 '� -+\m o 0 0 ° �1 - LOT 15 ti 0 $g5op0 E �, z•o� 127.68' w_ vo 'p O t, 1 __ LOT 39 \ o �, N 36°28 W ' •�- 19,186 SE 's W. N L ''/y- f- m 12,000 S.F. 00 0° o 3�`� 'ram /� a in place by Jan.1,1988 o f m o LOT 13 — F0 �/d A4s- • 15po0 ' o. 1 11,908 S.F. = o Ljp14,� • N45op0'l ,, 1 , 1 *. `rL �' /3 �`'� o LOT 40oo o. 0 122o/85jI E g4o49'36 E .165.00 p0 n ep• 'S/i`L 0. 0 12,000 S.F. 1 0 0o I 3B" • S 85 oo 5 .. 4 50 ,E o3' ' LOT 12 m LOT I I — LOT 10_ ; r �l�p THREE 00 t �. 1 ,358 SF. = w 10,185S.Fw w 11,210S.Fw w ,ROOK \ 5. AINAGE �' a 9 LOT 41 r '1?.•�s .��cESMT. N = ° N 14 690S.F. o ' � CA 3�'c.9,) F 25' BLDG. m LINE N THIS PHASE o 6 \ ‹, ...• , 85o0T �``p o, 9 ,S p •35.00' L=51 a 9' o )F BLOCK IA' ���oph`0 ' N35°07 03 W 'R=895.32• 90.73' Food' „,, HEARTHGLOW sss°` ° LANE 2527 ww LOT 42 �, I / L=>3 S35 07'03"E • .855.32' 110.�I' EASEMENTS ON TFHS PLAT 13 917S.F .`C"� 82 0 so.00' 31.00' L=49,p2' Q=S36°2527"w seoo7/ E CORRESPONDING EASEMENTS ' o o'3 r°.. E, �_ ;,_ --- —_� 10'8LOGINF._- /. . "-.."'''`'e_-'� �, J.::756:, , I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND THAT THE TITLE LINES AND WALLS OF THE BUILDINGS ARE SHOWN HEREON. / t"/e'O/ : -/t TY �S iVOT /il/ TffE h/l/l7 4 �1�e,(1 '-C 10/ ,De/ -/,VEO /00 Yi'. FLOOD z"O/VE. .sA-7,,' /, ' sd�.T, Lt5 c. .,__T. CE/27-/f/C.„47-E Np, //7O <Sel l//CE /77L/T//iS ,4, 04 _ U/V12EW'G/C'Ol./ND. 40s it,LI 00 1,4 o ARTHUR F. EDWAR S No. 14 • t • -vo swills 4114 /1.-- .::.\I 1 LOT /.5 .:./ Ir (' ‘5 4. ) g ss'so p0 7.5. oo' 0 `1' h ��' ZOT / t VO r f',AI- 5.I-. `� i P, 25 /77/ f/LigiPTyGGe2Av G.--7. %ij COT /3 ,4 �i ` ('/' o woo,, ,,k , , sae .7\t AO. „Fr e 7:e 7.. ib t P5 N Bc o FAME '� IC 42.7- d•/�j 5V /y�� ,, •••3t. ........mum*. O O- `` C O_ /O' BU/Go/A/G • 1 �. A= 7 ,S'ETBACK G/NE 4 7. DO' /r-or? HEARTNGGOw L4/VE ( C///w) ah'YV/C.9G L5 //e 1/EY lSfi/0i-v//t/G O 7 /51', 4._5CC. :4;' /c://,,4L.5- //EL. D,c 3RO0/ -6-,4G e / '/ = 3D ' AGeE" :4i 6- COU,t/TY, t /AV/9 DEC. 9, /98c; B. AUBREY HUFFMAN & ASSOCIATES, LTD. ' CIVIL ENG'NEERING - LAND SURVEYING - LAND PLANNING ChARLOTTESVILLE VR31MA f/.M/EVESQ'V /=,...r. 3 5 , 4-5-