HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198700012 Public Notification 1987-02-20 �� c > ��Y OF A LBEMq � Ov � .1,1 Bf <k '` ' DEPARTMENT OF ZONING 401 MCINTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. 2290 1-459 6 • (804) 296-5875 February 26, 1987 Tiger Fuel Company Attn: David G. Sutton P.O. Box 1566 • Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Sutton: This letter is to inform you that your variance application, VA-87-12 , will be heard during the public hearing 3byyOthem. , Board of Zoning Appeals on Marc 10, 19R7 , Second Floor , County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road , Char- lottesville , Virginia . It will be necessary for someone to be present to speak for the variance application . If you have any questions , please contact our office . Respectfully , ettaideil W. Run9e" Charles W. Burgess Zoning Administrator CB/ st cc: File # VA-87-12 1 �I ( OF A L B,E/�jq v i "`9F R GO F A ... 7 \RG1N�P DEPARTMENT OF ZONING 401 MCINTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. 2290 1-45 96 (8041 296-5875 February 26, 1987 Blue Ridge Land Trust , Etal . Williams, Thomas; Frank C. McCue , Etal . Garden Court Associates McDaniel , Charles G. or Charles W. Williams, Thomas E. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sts. Keister, Mary A. Maxwell , R.D. , Jr. Wade , Randolph D. Gendron, Henry L. Coles, Gary E. or Annie E. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is to notify you, as adjoining property owners, that Tiger Fuel Company property described as Tax Map 061 , Parcel (s) BRA , Zoned R-10 , has made application for VA-87-12 , requesting relief from Section (s) 4.15. 3. 5 & 6.4. 1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, as follows: The applicant seeks a variance from Sections 4.15.3 .5 & 6 .4.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. The applicant proposes to erect a 20 square foot freestand- • ing business sign in a R-10 District and to rebuild a non- conforming structure to expand the scope of an existing gasoline supply station. A public hearing will be held by the Board of Zoning Appeals on ' March 10, 1cR7 , at 3.00 p.m. , in Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This application is made available for your review in the Albemarle County Zoning Office , 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Sincerely, Charles W. Burgess Zoning Administrator CWB/st cc: VA-87-12 P.O. Box 7923 1636 Townwood Court Charlottesville VA 22906 9 Mar 87 Department of Zoning County of Albemarle Charlottesville VA Dear Sirs/Madam: As a resident of the Townwood subdivision, I have been informed concerning the request of Tiger Fuel Company for zoning variances on their property (Parcel 13A, Tax Map 061). It is my understanding that a hearing on this matter is being held Tuesday, 10 Mar 87. Because I cannot attend this meeting, I am sending notice of my concern in this letter. I currently rent property owned by H. Gendron through Hess Limited which is adjacent to the property in question. Others in my block of townhouses own their property and we are all concerned about a number of factors that could result in problems if a variance is granted for non-comformity to existing regulations. My back patio is only ten feet from the bottom of the enbankment (about 8 ft. high) that separates the two properties. Residences here already have a problem with water draining off the bank and standing in our back yards. There has been extensive landscaping of the properties during the past two years because of this problem. If more tanks are placed underground and covered by asphalt, this will only increase the amount of runoff onto the lower lying area. This asphalt will be spray-washed daily to remove debris, gasoline, and oil. 4 Where will all this water go? The building and pumps presently on said property are indeed an eyesore, compounded by lack of privacy due to incoming trucks and buses for fuel. I speculate that if changes are made and a public station is installed, residences in this complex will sacrifice more privacy and security. Therefore, unless Tiger Fuel Company can prove the above arguments to be unfounded or is willing to assist in assurance of privacy for the adjacent tenants, I am opposed to zoning variances for this property. Thank you for your consideration. ince 17) Debra Page MASS 804-973-1647 PAGE 2 Petition AGAINST Variance of Zoning Restrictions Requested by Tiger Fuel Company Name Address \-2 a IL -EC'\thblhi 004 _ Y lr4,± I 4?_ f' ry Y21,42_,_.74Der_LlLi zZ Lam^ �---_ _ .06_ t d a _mr,d541 114(,) towpwaild eL,;,.L ca. 12-14296 6-44„,.....e-u. A4, 07G,Ale,,,eu-e.4 C7` lb., Atia, . 104 74.) erecii C7/. R ' - - MART. 198'f ---= "LUG. ,Ea U LP ART MENT PETITION AGAINST VARIANCE OF ZONING RESTRICTIONS REQUESTED BY TIGER FUEL COMPANY AS ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND/OR TENANTS WHO WOULD BE AFFECTED BY ZONING VARIANCES REQUESTED BY TIGER FUEL CO . FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS TAX MAP 061 , PARCEL 13A, ZONED R-10 (SEE ATTACHED) , THE UNDERSIGNED ARE AGAINST THE GRANTING OF RELIEF FROM THE ZONING SECTIONS INVOLVED . BECAUSE OF EXISTING AND INHERENT PROBLEMS WITH DRAINAGE , PRIVACY, SECURITY, AND PROPERTY ACCESS HAZARDS , WE FEEL THAT ZONING CHANGES OR VARIANCES SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED . Name Address C (;r C3 6 LA,!d _ l 6 (� Tv N vv0, �T • /4,6( _, f;jeir'k71-49'k/ ,/(P 1- 1.7 (1444-., /e2Az.-4' 16q0 Jru-riaAAJter-) ir -- -- 1 lE_ -- a . L- _ -� _ -- /(1 qiirAWZA n �.,....-, ) I t1 t,��L � COs- Jcium,14004 Avcadi,..21 / Lk? _thct.2,0 t_,_)ood 7")),(bitT* 447/4/x--1-adigorm / 1 /Ira),/a.).mo cli7a4,,/„ k)) , M 7 j • I 7) ---`" ,,, - i ,,, j Tur,..L.1 i - L- ,,:a. 47:,e, o n -Le_ -\ _.v.......:„...,--v._ -t..„%,.._0_,:t ....1 _, c ,,. -Ary\._ 0-3-- - , ---k att- -1 LkL:k--6k., -Th . T\,.. .,,,,L...-to_ ...,43,.-..,-c.....O !„„, L i-L' -- ---L. LA..... N z L - In 13 mpkR 10 1981 ALEsEM'ARLE. COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT S. ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER LIST Case No . VQ-V)— 1 , Owner ' s Name Q Nnm a Tax Map Cot Parcel �� n `'� TAX MAP PARCEL NO . PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS (91 :I ► 1)(31-01A C. CaA .SIA ern • G/� PaJJucA:&. 3. Fcl _ Rv S� 339 C pn4tanvl,viVa - ,_4--Q/42,11 &Aft 13I0 Kenc�voc� La;��l �►— �+ � • CI I ( 01 C(o :.-kikAA(f5) IVarna� E. C�n�O.ram.kOJ �000QQ1 tic); 9o/ zz 70/ C� �3 - 01 y C S kuoku, . 1(�40 �n�onu)nc�ri P AAIA--1-ChA/40s4l1/vc �z79%, Co 1 0 I — C �CJJad� / !�. Pv. B 75D10 07,09Y--loti�°s✓�llf 1✓A- O C 3 l��r�[ Rom, ��n �., nn i) /6310 Toco�t,�/vord 4 (0 01 _ v1,0) atuu) ®�/L n „ , 0 ) m 33131 (0 6 (D I — 1)1 (i1 O..hc.c.oix, R,D �arrne .bx v-e., Co I e) DI - D ( Lfilou4iikiP R,D , ()Air 0/) 01)00-e_. (0 I i) 0 I D , r D.) col 13 D I -- D 1 -Thakopt0) , tJ') �� I e U I - D 3 41� i.t '.D. f . rn� ,�f �G-,laa tf LI-. 5 U�, �-Q)L . Co 1 6 — l k)illfRrns ; ,u`Ynaoi''i 0, McCicp_ PO Aux gSi86 aA/a//JP/1/P/ i J33 Ca %nps.�zy0� Co IS 4 — �. (h�Dana, WAD G. ��,/.Gtt iJ W. n 1.)Anin/ Frnc ksr ,`: ? " I hereby certify that I have on this ,)' }h day of Le, , 1987 , mailed a copy of the attached letter to each of the adjacent property owners Given under my hand this /Vit'-- day of by,,,La--1 , 1987 . ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONITG DEPARTMENT