HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198700044 Application 1987-07-14 • �F ALB A % rj� FILE NUMBER LICATION FOR: (PPcheck one) t:' "li[[([1 ` 6/23/87 ® VARIANCE U Mr Era „1, 1.z7 DATE SUBMITTED ❑ S• PECIAL USE PERMIT oi� ` .. '�! 5 0. 0 0 PC 4. b 'i��� r , ,�1-,,(t� ❑ REZONING ^ _ EE PAID (see reverse)CJ.,< . CDZONING TEXT AMENDMENT GIjZQ+ ❑ MOBILE HOME DATE OF PRELIM CONF. ❑ H• OME OCCUPATION �I " ❑ A• CCESSORY TOURIST LODGING STAFF AT PREL . COLF. O (as currently listed in Real Estate) Trlc u. �O iQ�°P1/1 `-1".3}f�vr`rt( Of Nam v S. Vance Wilkins , Jr . r.JQisor� ' one (8 )9 - 584 wNF�, ��. 5 Address Route 1 , Amherst , Virginia 24521 APPLICANT (if different from owner) • Name Phone (_) - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name H. Troy Nicks V���K�nS (`�n n}t�ia►�►�p. , ,Phone Address 0/M4J/0 1� N4�pj.00 iota dkt5a� i LOCATION: WQ `� \ I q (�� 1� [I I q _ ai TAX MAP/PARCEL NUMBERS (use reverse if needed) 1. 111 - 8W - - 3. - - - 2. IL i 0 - Q61 - 0U - fIwQ 4. - - - EXISTING ZONING t ( I " PROFFERED? Yes _ No VAcreage if different I/ Y. 6'413 DESIRED ZONING PROFFERED? Yes _ No _ Acreage if different • EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE ORDINANCE SECTION(S): DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Desire to convey 2 . 334 acre parcel containing three dwelling houses to contract purchaser , said parcel to be subdivided from 118 . 543 acre mining tract ( 111 -8W) plats attached hereto VA-87-44 . Industrial Development Authority of Nelson County (owner) , property known as i:aiX a-,ap .)6-r , IC-ace:. on LC1. .vest. slue of Rt . 793 , + . 1 mile north of its intersection with Rt . 719 , zoned RA. The applicant seeks a variance from Section 10 .4 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to increase the density from . 5 dwelling unit6 per acre to 1 . 3 dwelling units per acre to allow subdivision of the property. ---- -- _.._ knowledge. I have read and understand the provisions of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordi ce applicable to this application. • Signed Atty for Owner Date 6/23 - , 198 7 (Owner, Contract Purchaser, Agent) Fee $ • Date Paid /_/ Received By Notes: SSite Review Date: _/_/_ PLANNER: Recommendation: a Planning Commission Date: _/ / Action: gBoard of Supervisors Date: _/_/ Action: ° Board of Zoning Appeals Date: L1/114 Action: 7/// $�7 ,..=,� i ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT 401 MCINTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 (804) 296-5875 An approved and recorded plat or deed description along with appropriate fee must accompany all applications. Fee Schedule Special Use Permit: Mobile Home and Home Occupation $ 20.00 Rural Area Divisions 125.00 Commercial Use 125.00 Industrial Use 125.00 Private Club/Recreational Facility 125.00 Mobile Home Park or Subdivision 125.00 Public Utilities 100.00 All Other Uses 75.00 Zoning Text Amendment $ 50.00 Zoning Map Amendment $ 125.00 + $1/acre Variance $ 50.00 Appeals to the Board of Zoning Appeals $ 20.00 Mobile Home Permits $ 20.00 Approvals Required: Building Official Date Approved:_/ /_ Engineering Department Date Approved:_/ /_ Fire Official Date Approved:^/_/_ Health Department Date Approved:_/_/_ Planning Department Date Approved: /_/_ Service Authority Date Approved:_/_/_ Zoning Administrator Date Approved:_/_/_ Additional Information: / 1;131t21Yrr ✓ AIN 24 1B87 ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT Noe STAFF REPORT - VA-87-44 OWNER: S. Vance Wilkins, Jr. TAX MAP/PARCEL: 111/8W ACREAGE: 118 ZONING: RA (Rural Areas) LOCATION: West side of Route 793 , + . 1 mile north of its intersection with Route 719 The applicant seeks a variance from Section 10. 4 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. This section states: "10 .4 Area and Bulk Regulations Gross Density 0. 5 du/ac Minimum Lot Size 2.0 acres . . . " The applicant has recently purchased a 118 acre mining tract and desires to subdivide the property to enable the sale of the three (3 ) dwelling units presently located on said property. The applicant proposes to create a 2. 33 acre tract containing the three (3 ) dwellings and to offer this for sale . The Planning Department has indicated that a twenty (20) foot public right-of-way dedication will be required at the time that the subdivision is performed. This dedication will reduce the lot size of the proposed proeprty to approximately 1 .9 acres. The staff is unclear as to the possiblity of the applicant adding additional acreage to the proposed parcel . The applicant ' s specific variance request is to increase the denisty allowed from . 5 dwelling units per acre to 1 .6 dwelling units per acre and to reduce the minimum lot size from 2.0 acres to 1 . 9 acres. RECOMMENDATION The applicant ' s request would best be addressed as a rezoning request in that the primary issue is that of density. The appli- cation should be denied for cause: 1 ) The applicant has not provided evidence that a strict application of the ordinance would produce a clearly demonstrable hardship approaching confiscation as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience. 2) The applicant has not demonstrated that the perceived hardship is unique to his property in contradistinction to other properties in the same zoning district and general vicinity. All properties in the RA zone share the same requirements. *4.r Page 2 Staff Report - VA-87-44 S. Vance Wilkins, Jr. 3 ) The applicant has not demonstrated that the authorization of the variance will not be of substantial detriment to the adjacent properties or that the character of the dis- trict will not be altered. The granting of this variance would alter the character of the RA district in that the density would be increased. The density level proposed by the applicant is more in keeping with properties zoned R-2. HIGHWAYS—BRIDGES—INDUSTRIAL PLANTS— PUBLIC UTILITIES WILKINS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AMHERST, VIRGINIA 24521 S.VANCE WILKINS.JR. TELVNONE PRESIDENT July 2 , 1987 (804I .4,..E.4 LOYD D.JOHNSON V Iu PRESIDENT Mr . Charles W. Burgess , Jr . Zoning Administrator County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville , Virginia 22901 -4596 RE : Variance Application VA-87-44 Tax Map 111 , Parcel 8W Dear Mr . Burgess : I have received your letter of June 26th concerning the July 14th hearing date for the referenced application . I wanted to note that the fee simple owner of the property is not the Industrial Development Authority of Nelson County , as your letter indicates . This property was owned by the I . D . A . previously , but by deed dated March 17 , 1983 and recorded the same date in the Albemarle County Court Clerk ' s Office in Deed Book 759 , page 23 this property was conveyed by I . D . A . to S . Vance Wilkins , Jr . I assume the records in your office were not corrected to reflect this change in ownership and thought you might wish to check this . Thank you for your assistance in this matter . Sincerely yours , H . Troy Nicks HTN : ch woo HIGHWAYS—BRIDGES—INDUSTRIAL PLANTS— PUBLIC UTILITIES WILKINS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AMHERST, VIRGINIA 24521 June 23 , 1987 S.VANCE WILKINS.JR. TSLVMONs PRESIDENT LOYD D.JOHNSON VICE PRESIDENT Mr . C . W . Burgess , Jr . Albemarle County Zoning Department 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville , Virginia 22901 Re : Variance Request Dear Mr . Burgess : Enclosed are a variance application , plats and our check for $50 . 00 in connection with the Alberene property Mr . Wilkins and I discussed with you and Patrick Ford a few months ago . I understand this matter will be scheduled for the July 14th board hearing . I would appreciate your office confirming the time and place for us . Thanks once again for your assistance in this matter . Please let me know if further information is needed for the application . Sincerely yours , th5u,,,e---- H. Troy Nicks Encl . .1- ginfri-i-47761 II!IT JUN 24 198i AI_P_EMAR LE: . t.;;_;°.f`' ZONING DE t,R< M PAGE I .133H5 Nil H"1VN BOOK-6-0 N o O O O h� '� : O O c • f O �, N A A ,,, co L, .. "; +�... A m Ns i N ‘.0 Q r LA ? A W\ O y d N e ,I n S0'. +Od < o \y F 00, 0 FF . 3 n k r o (�v\ rn qo f m oocb• � 9 . 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N to I 1 , 1 VICINITY PJ 43051'30"E ag-1.8'3' N 1-7 0-7 53.53' N22*59'35"E 31+ 3 1' 3 go.-34, 557035'16"E- 31.78' 5-4.3 8' 793 920,' 3g, U 1511.9 3' 81 —3 SA S11'31'57"W 18.50' 9- SOURCE OF TITLE'. DEED TO S. VANCE WILKWS., TR. IN D.13. 759.1 PG. 23 JAMS C. MAY &- ASSOCIATES, P.C. Engineers — Surveyors — Planners LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA �50- 0-10-e- I? �r- 016 PLAT OF 2,334 ACRE PARCEL FOR S. VANCE WILKW5, JR. SCOTT50LLE DISTRICT COMM. NO, S87104L AL8EMARLE CO., VA. SCALE. T'= 100' 1 DATE: F. B. REF. 87— 4- 4 4 'A ISO L 091 z I ALBEMARLE COUNTY ALBEMARL� COUNTY 99 too 12A ZA 10 46 4T 28 GA 15 14 // 45 Rt 4 48 /lri y �\. �. 64 49 / X � � IT 41 ECTION III -A 1-5'� -A 4 By ------ T4 /40 aY4 -4 syl ere Y2 a 3 SEE fit-Ov ay 55 34 ALBER!ENE 27A Rt 701 U2 7, ,33 56. A 87 - V 0 VA--87-44 Industrial Development XX dZ4 2. ✓ Authority of Nelson County ZSA- T M 13 3 Tax Map 111, Parcel 8W 3 SEE 71 70 26 28 59 112 30 2 r 14 144 1 / 63 72 64 65 73 24 66 62 23 6 , a 67' 22\ 5X �� \ SEE r9a 19A 6 Is Qi 116 17 949 --- 120 SCALr IN FEET SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT SECTION III 40 36 41 33 • 34 -:r4 MOM 32 5oLZ J� 31 110 IIE 511, 446 6A 30 Ix 51C ze "' >\ /V 46 J 33 24 208 23A 23 • ZOA 54 55A 111A _j, \61 ISA IT 13 56 IN FEET SCALE127 SCOTTSVILLE Dis,rRic'r SECTION 119 4 20 38