HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198700065 Application 1987-10-13 ofA viiif)-(05-- ,,, FILEER PPLICATIO�1 FOR: ,� check one) 1111111 q_ 1(), El VARIANCE C) 1111, ME �v _ DATE SUBMITT ❑ SPECIAL USE PERMIT so O ❑ REZONING ,'�_�' $ PEE PAID (see reverse) ❑ ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT ❑ MOBILE HOME DATE OF PRELIM CONF. ❑ HOME OCCUPATION � ODGING STAFF AT PRE M. ONF. ❑ ACCESSORY TOURIST L ViiWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) (.0. ?$ 3 - 3 195 Name /74-A/.e L.J. .S.n,'14 ' Svc,-Z,v- ..+9 .��i,44, Phone (go X)093 - 77;? Address 2 / Bo, S173 .SC o ./J/SrJ,.ZZ.E % z s/5",'e.> APPLICANT (if different from owner) Phone (`) • Name - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) Address LOCATION: L - 1 1 J S- 2, g u.e &. 6 - _• { TAX MAP/PARCEL NUMBERS (use reverse if needed) 1. 1030d - Oct - oa - ) .ep 3. - - - 2. - - - 4. - - - EXISTING ZONING ? 1c PROFFERED? Yes _ No _ Acreage if different 3 , a DESIRED ZONING PROFFERED? Yes _ No _ Acreage if different EXISTING USE U at i c+- 4-- PROPOSED USE ORDINANCE SECTION(S): 10 .4 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: /�, /e//7,,.v 4,...) .,!,7 -7— �v.R/�� /eE-'z,..r. ,,,,, ,..-z7"' -fin A-. "-a-7-- /s/f / A.5;P:'C.5"L. -�5/ 7---,- , /z).. JUSTIFICATION FOR REQUEST: -7-2. , .v, a .#--- .•',, -1-v.t- e- '4- -°.--- -/ s /9,e,,./ f 7 .F: 13 r+/® 7-' Fi )o,,,,-:... �.,:.z!, .. r...) .4...4 �...w,..ss vr4,A: ,E4t' sdee /N, ,e?4c,,,14. . 7 r i9 ...c-c, ,mil, s) /=xP.E,tis. a ,.L d.7.ea.1f-,z..s0B s1-o tJ�c..r,c ,a2nr A` , VA-87-65. Henry W. Smith (Owner) , property known as tax map 103 , parcel 35P, located on the west side of Rt. 795, +/- 1 mile south of its intersection with Rt. 620, zoned RA. The applicant seeks a variance from Sectiothe0.4 lotowidth from 250 Albemarle feetCounty to 150Zoning feet. Ordinance to reduce ` //• Signed �' Date ...642.- /6 , 198 . er, Contract Purchaser, Agent) Fee Date Paid /_/ Received By Notes: 04 8 Site Review Date: _/ / PLANNER: Recommendation: M Planning Commission Date: /_/ Action: Board of Supervisors Date: _/ / Action: C Board of Zoning Appeals Date: . j ./j/,9 Action: (�',"e tlApi‘1 Q c STAFF REPORT - VA-87-65 APPLICANT: Henry W. Smith TAX MAP/PARCEL: 103/35P ACREAGE: 3 . 62 acres ZONING: RA (Rural Areas) LOCATION: West side of Route 795, +/- 1 mile south of of its intersection with Route 620 The applicant seeks a variance from Section 4 . 6. 1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. This Section states: "4 . 6 LOT REGULATIONS 4 . 6. 1 Minimum Lot Width Measurements Minimum lot width shall be measured at the building setback line, and shall be at least the same width as frontage required for the district in which such lot is located. " The minimum frontage for a Rural Areas zoned property having access to an existing public road is 250 feet. This requirement is specifically stated in Section 10.4 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. The applicant at present has a non-conforming property and de- sires to subdivide said property. In so doing, the applicant will be unable to provide the required 250 foot lot width at the proposed building setback line. RECOMMENDATION The application should be approved. It is not possible for the applicant to comply with the lot width requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. Name doe AJ./..,! Gjr lkttifft �%I�,iN1P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 October 9, 1987 Dear Applicant: For your convenience and to allow you to organize your thoughts prior to the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on October 13 , 1987, please find attached the staff report for your case. Sincerely, i/e/ Charles W. Burgess, Jr. Zoning Administrator CWB,JR/st . '' ALBEMARLE COUNTY .. 91 / / \ \ 4V ✓� l 0,4,, ,i/.. / t74�70 � 4'^ 7 / 73 /C �Ec 162 g 4,•• 6 4 ,,,\, CIf "72 •ti V 740 566 )/1 V 0 I \ ) ' , ssa✓ S� 0K Y��xn ` / • I N 55J E. .c, , 444 00 0. .1 \ 44'72~ 47, a1 Sfi, if 42 1 49A \ iiii 6<'O 7/ 434 Mil f A, - VA-87-65 Smith, Henry W. , Etal _ Tax Map 103 , Parcel 35P ;\ <-s°� •X' C .., )( J 36�� ( ^�J fr**•:-.1311. + CC �/N,N � J A S4 , / 5344.i4. / wA \\ l' 1 ' �,s. �J� half% n ) N. ( '.+at aak ^^ A" N 4303 L 33; ` 350 104 f S � N `N *!S' y 33• \ 34 \• s 4 *NN. ' ,N•, `'(*Ns .„, \ A..!,..i.i. j3t 35 /7/13 ►cr o \\j IOC 7'NN. \ 6 .N 2D N N. e ,.....<,, NN, . 33A -. iv- . %I :/'.'\o ''/"......7. ../,. \\ \ .i7\,7X• /N \ �\..i"- '1' \7� / 32 1 ,\ \, \` \ •* 30D / 4 . N......\\ ?< 'c\''''"'x''•\\, / j / n[:\\/ ✓ 10 J /� (/'�, 40. fib ' "' \` \' !OA 94 I2 / /� �.\ ,\. 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