HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198700069 Application 1987-11-10 OY AL FILE ER APPLIC TION FOR: 41 I4 (checone) 1II11i '� °I -a3 s ') V• ARIAN 1 E DATE SUBMITTED ❑ SPEC USE PERMITa. t: . D O DCt e ❑ REZONING FEE PAID (see revers ❑ Z• ONING TEXT AMENDMENT vI`1Hs. ❑ MOBILE HOME DATE OF PRELIM CONF. ❑ HOME 0 CUPATION 5 ter ❑ A• CCESS'RY TOURIST LODGING STAFF AT PRELIM. CONF. OWNER (as cur entl listed in Real Estate) Name T- . V\ CLAJ— Phone (_fi' - S Address ' 4 r� )( 409 `-J o 2e-f--' i oc •��`1 2--z�' APPLICANT (if different from owner) • Name Phone (•_) - Address CONTACT PERS• (if different from above) Name Phone (_) - Address 1 \ p LOCATION: V. • .DN�u Lozo�11 c - ` 0,1r1 C P \11 TAX MAP/PARC:L NUMBERS (use reverse if needed) 1. - cx2 - 4Q L 4 0 3• - - - 2. _ _ _ _ - - - 4. - - - EXISTING ZONING It PROFFERED? Yes _ No y/ Acreage if different 14•c DESIRED ZO ING PROFFERED? Yes _ No _ Acreage if different EXISTING USE A r\'h94,A-Q )PROPOSED U'E �sz�k c Q1 _ Q.^N:�_ Am LL Vt. 8 ORDINANCE SEsTION(S): DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: VA-87-69. J. E. Hall (Owner) , property known as Tax Map 55B, parcel 1, located on the south side of Rt. 250, +/- . 1 miles east of its intersection with Rt. 797, zoned HC. The applicant seeks a variance from Sections 30. 5. 6.2 . 1 and 30. 5. 6. 2 . 2 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to reduce the setback for a structure in the Scenic Areas - Highway Overlay District from one-hundred fifty (150) feet to fifty-five (55) feet and to reduce the setback for off-street parking in the Scenic Areas- Highway Overlay District from fifty (50) feet to zero (0) feet. (Signed ( )1c ��r Date /7 .,� 198_ ( er, Contract Purchaser, Agent) '! W , Fee $ Date Paid /•••_/ Received By Notes: 5 Site Review Date: _/ /_ PLANNER: Recommendation: a Planning Commission Date: / / Action: Board of oupervisors Date: / / Action: ° Board of ¢onin Appe-is Date: Action: /d�dfg STAFF REPORT - VA-87-69 APPLIC ANT: J. E. Hall TAX MAP/PARCEL: 55B/1 ZONING: HC (Highway Commercial) ACREAGE: 4 . 06 LOCATION: On south side of State Route 250 west, +/- 1/2 mile east of Yancey Mills The applia t seeks a variance from Sections 30. 5. 6. 2 . 2 and 30. 5. 6. 2 0 the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. These sections state: "30. 5. 6. 2 . No buildings or structures other than necessary accessory ppurtenant fences and/or walls, except as hereafter provided i the case of certain signs, shall be constructed within any1SA - Highways Overlay District. " "30. 5. 6. 2 . 2 No off-street parking or loading shall be allowed closer than fifty (50) feet to the right-of-way line of a SA- Highway which is all or part of off-street parking facilities required or designed to accommodate more than two (2) motor vehicles. " !I "30. 5.2 . 2 SA - Highways SA - Highway Overlay Districts are hereby established along the following highway corridors in Albemarle County for a distance of one-hundred fifty (150) feet on each side of the right-of- way: a) U.S. Route 250 from the western corporate limits of the City of Charlottesville to the western Albemarle County b rder. The site ils located on Route 250 west joined by property housing the Crozet Moose Lodge, and directly across the road from Ridge- way Mini Market. The site has an existing 16' X 20' , two-story frame structure which is used for the operation of an antique shop. In 1977 , under the name of Newell Welch, a variance was sought to build an addition of a dwelling unit to be attached to the main structure. The Board approved the variance for the addi- tion, but the construction was never done. A site plan filed under the name "Sugar Hollow Antiques" accompanied the variance application showing access to site, parking, and structure loca- tion. At present, a new addition has been constructed to the existing building and has not been reviewed because a building permit or no other approval was obtained prior to construction. The applicant seeks a variance for the construction of the addi- tional floor area which will be used for the antique display area. Page 2 Staff Report - VA-87-69 J. E. Hall RECOMMENDATION The staff cannot make a favorable recommendation based on the applicant's information, existing site conditions, and the basis for granting variances as follows: 1. The applicant has not provided sufficient evidence to show that aiistrict application of the Zoning Ordinance would produce a clearly demonstrable hardship approaching con- fiscatjon as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience. 2 . The applicant has not demonstrated that his perceived hard- ship is unique to his property in contradistinction to other properties in the same zoning district. 3 . The applicant has not provided evidence to demonstrate that the authorization of the variance will not be of substantial detriment to the adjacent properties or that the character of the district will not be altered. Should the, Board wish to grant relief to the applicant for the structure and/or the parking, the following conditions should be applied 1. Applicant submit building plans and other necessary data, etc. to comply with the building, plumbing, electrical, and fire codes as recommended by the Director of Inspec- tions. 2 . A site plan be submitted for approval or the 1976 plan amended to show existing conditions. or ALA, �'tttC;[N�P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 October 9, I1987 Dear Applidant: For your cdnvenience and to allow you to organize your thoughts prlior to the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on October 13 ,I 1987 , please find attached the staff report for your case. Sincerely, '', /1441, at Charles W. Burgess, Jr. Zoning Administrator CWB,JR/st j COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE [Department of Inspections 401 McIntire Road ( horl ttt'vIll& , Virginio 22%1 ,159O (8O4) 2%-5832 November 4 , 1987 J. E. Hall Route 2 , Box 409 Crozet, Virginia 22932 Re: Addition to structure located on County Tax Map 55B, Parcel 1 Dear Mr. Hall : This is ir reference to the addition that you built at the above captionedlsite. A Stop Work Order was posted at the above site on September 1, 1987 because this addition was built without a building permit. This Stop Mork Order was removed, which was a violation of Section 114 . 0 of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. On September 21, 1987 a certified letter was sent to you giving you five days to apply for a building permit for this addition. The letter also stated that two sets of plans had to be submitted when applying for the building permit. On September 24 , 1987 you applied for a building permit, but did not submit plans. You were told, again, that plans must be submitted 'for this addition. As of this day, no plans have been submitted. Section 104 . 5 of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code states that the application for a building permit shall be accompanied by not less than two copies of plans drawn to scale, with sufficient clarity and dimensional detail to show the nature and character of the work to be performed. Upon making a site inspection when the Stop Work Order was issued, the following violations were found: 1. The load bearing lumber is not identified by a grademark or certificate inspection issued by an approved lumber grading or inspection bureau or agency. w..• ram` 2. Floor joists of untreated material located too close to the earth 3 . Spannd too far on floor joist. 4 . Cannot see footings, possibly not deep enough below frost level` 5. Piers ', incorrectly installed and need additional piers. 6. Roof 'lashing installed incorrectly. 7 . Chimney installed incorrectly. 8. No insulation in crawl space (underfloor area) . 9 . Do not have proper ventilation for attic area. These are some of the items that were found on the exterior. I could note, make an inspection on the inside of the structure, but could see !, through the window that furniture was in place and that the structure was being used. I am going to make a recommendation to the Board of Zoning Appeals if they see fit to grant the variance, that it not be granted until this structure complies with the Building Code. Should yoi have any questions, please contact me at this office. Sincerely, Jesse R. 1urt, CPCA Director Of Inspections JRH:wmh cc: Reading file 87-148AC file Members of BZA /Charlie Burgess 1 rtz21---- . I .76 el N -910 F x 0 4-n--i(o--4+.12-) I O z 1 E. T a-, o -b LL fa 4u U ito.. N \• I :4- I ill' I 1,0 E DE-meNE/ n 0, .1f:: .- . uler) Z �- I , n) U , . . 1 • 4.4+4+4 . ' .....q...•...v...., .+ ,.............1....••••••;....r..: . ' 4. ......-...... • ... . .- - , • : . • ' .- - ‘•• • .. .... .. " -Fr . ... . - . ..-1. . ...---. i q., .. .-... .... ,--- 1.-c.....- _) s., ...I ....., .....- ..- 'S i,:. s..,,,,- --:=- i r„ ... . .... . __ . ._ 1 1 aer• " • I .,...... r- -......... 1 Lt.t. :_,\77.,......... . . rd. ... ......I 1 .. . 1 1 4 i; _ .. 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