HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800070 Review Comments Appeal to BOS 2019-06-27 (2)County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
To: Jonathan Showalter
From: Christopher Perez, Senior Planner
Division: Planning
Date: June 27, 2019
Subject: SDP2018 — 70 Lighthouse Instruments — Final Site Plan
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following
comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time.
Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by
the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.]
1. [32.5.2(d), 30.7.4(b)(h)] 132.5.2(d), 30.7.4(b)(h)] Source of Topography. The steep slopes depicted on the plan
do not match those slopes that are depicted on the County GIS Overlay, which is a zoning district adopted by the
Board of Supervisors. Provide the source of the topography utilized on the plan. Prior to approval of the final
site plan, the County Engineer must sign off on the topographic information as being more accurate. Final: The
site plan utilizes new/conceivably more accurate topographic information from a field survey; however,
the plan fails to depict the slopes approved by the County's Steep Slopes Overlay District. The plan shall
be revised to depict the County's topography and distinguish with hatching the new topography of slopes
less than 25%. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
2. [32.5.1(c)] The following improvements are proposed on adjacent parcels and require recorded easements prior
to final site plan approval:
* TMP 77-7: sanitary sewer pipes and stormwater management pipes (All connections have been provided
through TMP 77-9A)
* TMP 77-9A: public water line easements, stormwater management pipes, drainage inlets, drainage easements,
sight distance easements, road improvements, temporary construction easements.
* TMP 77-8B: road improvements, temporary construction easements, public dedication of right-of-way (for
areas outside of existing dedicated r/w), sight distance easement, stormwater management pipes, and drainage
*TPP 77-8C: road improvements, temporary construction easements, public dedication of right-of-way (for
areas outside of existing dedicated r/w), public water line easements
Prior to final site plan approval the required offsite easement shall be platted. The DB PG reference information
of these actions shall be provided on the final site plan. Final: Comment not addressed. Also, please ensure
all offsite disturbance and improvements are provided easements, as some may have been overlooked by
staff above. Rev 1. Comment still relevant.
Rev 2. Multiple plats have been submitted which depict the public right-of-way dedication, associated
public drainage easements, temporary construction easements, and all other required easements for the
construction and use of the public road. Each plat contains required revisions that must be addressed
prior to receiving approval. Prior to final plat approvals, all improvements necessary for the
construction, use, and maintenance of the public road shall be approved on a road plan and built or
bonded pursuant to Section 14-434, 14-435, and 14-435.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance.
Additionally, prior to final site plan approval all public right-of-way dedications, associated public
drainage easements, temporary construction easements, and all other required easements for the
construction, use, and maintenance of the public road shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office.
Prior to final site plan approval, all improvements necessary for the construction, use, and maintenance
of the public road shall be approved on a road plan and built or bonded pursuant to Section 32.8.1 and
Section 32.8.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Prior to final site plan approval provide the recordation
information for each of the required easements next to the applicable easements.
3. [32.5.1(c)] The proposed building and a proposed retaining wall are within an existing VEPCO easement (DB
424 PG 4340). Prior to final site plan approval provide written documentation from the easement holder that the
proposed improvements are permitted within the easement. Otherwise, relocate these improvements outside of
the easement. Final: The vacation plat shall be submitted, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan
approval. The DB PG reference information of these actions shall be provided on the final site plan.
Rev 1. Comment still relevant. Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
4. [32.5.1(c)] A proposed retaining wall is within an existing VEPCO easement (DB 1432 PG 13). Prior to final
site plan approval provide written documentation from the easement holder that the proposed improvement is
permitted within the easement. Otherwise, relocate these improvement outside of the easement. Final:
Comment addressed.
5. [4.20(b)] Stepbacks. On the plan label the actual height of the building and the number of floors. Without this
information staff is unable to determine if stepbacks apply. For each story that begins above 40 feet in height or
for each story above the third story, whichever is less, the minimum stepback shall be 15 feet. Final: Comment
addressed. Stepbacks are not applicable based on the height.
6. [] Sidewalks along streets. Provide sidewalk on one side of the existing and proposed public street
serving the development. Based on the prescriptive easement for the roadway the sidewalk is only required on
one side of the road (the side on the subject property). Final: Comment addressed.
7. [4.12.18(a)] Minimum Design Requirements. Dimension the clearance height for the loading area. The minimum
is 14.5' clearance height. Final: Comment addressed.
8. [32.5.2(f)] Existing and Proposed Improvements. Label the max height of all retaining walls.
Final: Comment addressed.
9. [Comment] Provide directional arrows on the travelways throughout the plan. Final: Comment addressed.
10. [ Vehicular Access to Site. Each entrance onto any public street shall be designed and constructed as
required by the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT approval of the proposed
entrance(s) to the site shall be required prior to final site plan approval. Final: Comment still relevant.
Rev 1. Comment addressed.
11. [32.5.2(i)] Streets, easements and travelways. Label Avon Court as either public or private. If public label the
State Route Number. Depict and label the end of state maintenance. Final: Comment partially addressed. On
the existing conditions page depict and label the end of state maintenance. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
12. [ Reservation for Future Dedication. Revise the extent of the roadway being dedicated to public use as
required by VDOT. Also, on the plans set apart and label an area of land for the right-of-way and for temporary
construction of the roadway that extends to TMP 77-7. Label this area as "Hereby reserved for future dedication
upon demand of the County". Final: The plan incorrectly labels the 21.5' portion of public right-of-way
serving the development as the reservation for future dedication, this sections' label shall be revised to
"Hereby dedicated to public use for public right-of-way': This section should also be provided a deed book
page reference number for the recorded plat that dedicates the right-of-way. The dedication plat shall be
submitted, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan approval. Rev 1. Comment partially addressed.
Pending submittal of the right-of-way dedication plat for review/approval. Rev 2. In consideration of the
recently submitted easement plats please revise the site plan notes associated with the reservation and
dedication of right-of-way as follows, see comment #29 below.
The section of right-of-way that is 15' wide is correctly labeled as "hereby reserved for future...";
however, the width of this section is inadequate for a future public road. To remedy this, either increase
the width of this easement on the subject property to sustain a future public road and temporary grading
easement, or obtain the additional right-of-way with from the adjacent property to facilitate this future
right-of-way. Rev 1. Comment partially addressed. Continue the 21.5' reservation area and the 10' wide
grading easement area reservation all the way to the property line. Rev 2. In consideration of the recently
submitted easement plats please revise the site plan notes associated with the reservation and dedication
of right-of-way as follows, see comment #29 below.
13. [32.5.2(n)] Existing and proposed improvements. If there is to be a sign for the proposed use, on the final site
plan depict and label the sign location. (Depicting the sign on the final site plan is not approval of the sign
location or type). Final: Comment addressed.
14. [, 14-410(H)] Street Trees. Revise street tree calculations and plantings to include the areas for the
entrances and the area fronting the building. Staff measures 381 linear feet of frontage. Based on the prescriptive
easement for the roadway the street trees are only required on one side of the road (the side on the subject
property). Street trees shall be placed in a landscape island between sidewalk and the curb (14-410(H)). Final:
The item was discussed prior to final site plan submittal and has been remedied with the proposed
location of the street trees. Comment addressed.
15. [ Tree Canopy. When calculating the required tree canopy do not subtract the SF for the proposed
improvements, such as the building. Revise the calculations. Final: Comment addressed.
16. 132.5.2(e),] Existing landscape features. On the landscape plan identify whether existing wooded
areas are evergreen, deciduous, or a mix thereof. Final: Comment addressed.
17. [] Existing trees may be preserved in lieu of planting new plant materials in order to satisfy the
landscaping and screening requirements of section 32.7.9, subject to the agent's approval. If you intend to use
existing trees to satisfy any of the landscape plan requirements, please include the following:
A. Areas and other features shown on landscape plan. The landscape plan shall show the trees to be preserved,
the limits of clearing, the location and type of protective fencing, grade changes requiring tree wells or walls,
and trenching or tunneling proposed beyond the limits of clearing. Final: On the site plan depict the limits
of clearing, and provide the location and type of protective fencing. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
B. Conservation checklist. The applicant shall sign a conservation checklist approved by the agent to ensure that
the specified trees will be protected during construction. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the agent
in a particular case, the checklist shall conform to the specifications in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment
Control Handbook, pages III-393 through III-413, and as hereafter amended. Final: The conservation
checklist on sheet L2 shall be signed by the owner. Rev 1. Comment still relevant. Rev 2. Comment
18. [32.5.2(n), 4.17.41 Outdoor Lighting. Any proposed outdoor lighting must be shown on the site plan. A
photometric plan and lighting cut sheets must be provided with the final site plan. Proposed lighting must
comply with requirements of Sec. 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Final: Comment addr ss a. Rev 2.
Comment previously addressed with the first submittal of the final site plan, however, staff noticed
additional items previously overlooked that must be revised to meet the ordinance. On the lighting plan
provide the light loss factor (LLF) utilized to develop the lighting plan. LLF must be 1. Ensure the
spillover does not exceed 0.5 for the public right-of-way. Also, within the lighting plan provide a cutsheet
diagram for fixture type W3. This lighting fixture must be full cutoff because it is over 3,000 lumens.
19. 14.14, 4.14.1 - 4.14.5] Performance standards for industrial uses apply to the proposal. On sheet 1 provide the
following note: "Performance standards for industrial uses apply to the proposal as dictated by Section 4.14.1 -
4.14.5 of County Code and the use shall be subject to those standards ". Also, on the sheet 1 provide the
following note: "This use is subject to Section 4.18 Noise regulations. " Final: Comment addressed.
20. [4.14.5] Certified Engineers Report. A Certified Engineers Report shall be completed/complied with prior to the
approval of the final site plan. Final: Comment addressed.
21. [32.6.2(h)] Signature Panel. Provide the required signature panel. Assure that each member of the
site review committee is provided a signature line. Final: Comment addressed.
22. [Comment] The final site plan shall not be approved until all SRC reviewers have approved the
plan. Their comments attached. Final: Comment still relevant. Rev 1. Comment still relevant.
Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
23. [Comment] Economic Development Access Project Grant Program. Rev 1. Applicant no longer pursuing
EDA grant.
24. 14.12.41 Maximum Number of Parking Spaces. The number of parking spaces in a parking area may not exceed
the number of spaces required by more than twenty (20) percent. The site is over the 20% threshold by 3 spaces.
Please remove the 3 spaces furthest from the building on the curve. Rev 1. Comment addressed.
25. [32.5.21 Provide the SDP# on the cover sheet: SDP2018-70. Rev 1. Comment addressed. Rev 2. Ensure the
title of the plan lists that this is a "Final Site Plan".
26. [Comment] Prior to final site plan approval a VSMP and Road plan shall be approved. Rev 1. Comment still
relevant. Rev 2. Comment still relevant.
27. [30.7.4(b), 32.6.2(g)] Preserved Slopes. The proposed private utility easement for the sanitary sewer lateral is
depicted through preserved slopes. This use is not permitted in preserved slopes, revise the easement and the
improvement to be outside of the preserved slopes. Please work with ACSA to determine the minimum width of
the easement needed. Revise.
28. [30.7.4(b), 32.6.2(g)] Preserved Slopes. Sheet C4 incorrectly depicts the preserved slopes on TMP 77-9A.
Revise to correctly depict these slopes.
29. [, 32.7.1,, 14-428, 14-4291 In consideration of the recently submitted easement plats please
revise the site plan notes associated with the reservation and dedication of right-of-way as follows:
Dedication Area
"21.5' Wide Public Right-of-way Area Hereby Dedicated to the County of Albemarle for Public Use."
Reservation Area
"21.5' wide area hereby reserved for future dedication for public use."
"10' wide area hereby reserved for future dedication for public use (for grading purposes)."
30. [32.7.51 Street Trees. The street trees provided for the site are in excess of the minimum required amounts. The
site is only required one of the two provided street tree calculations; either, large deciduous or medium
deciduous; however, this plan provides both. If the applicant chooses to provide both, this is permissible;
however, ensure that the additional plantings are listed as optional and not required. Also, the shrubs provided to
screen parking from the public street are not calculated based on linear frontage of the public road; rather, they
are only provided as needed to screen parking from the right-of-way.
The following is the site's required street tree and parking screening calculations:
1 large street tree for every 50' of street frontage (381'/50' = 7.62) Required 8 large deciduous trees along the
public street. Street trees were previously approved to be located behind the sidewalk, they may remain.
Provide a 6' wide landscape and maintenance easement on SUB2019-90 for these trees, ensure the easement
and the tree locations coincide. Provide a maintenance agreement for this landscape easement. Depict,
dimension, and label this easement on the site plan and provide the recordation information.
Single row of 12" evergreen shrubs planted 5' on center along the perimeter of the parking lot adjacent to the
public right-of-way. For these evergreen shrubs ensure the planting schedule lists a minimum height of 12" at
In consideration of the recently submitted easement plats please revise the site plan as follows:
31. [32.8, 32.8.1, 32.8.21 Multiple plats have been submitted which depict the public right-of-way dedication,
associated public drainage easements, temporary construction easements, and all other required easements for
the construction and use of the public road. Each plat contains required revisions that must be addressed prior to
receiving approval. Prior to final plat approvals, all improvements necessary for the construction, use, and
maintenance of the public road shall be approved on a road plan and built or bonded pursuant to Section 14-434,
14-435, and 14-435.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance.
Additionally, prior to final site plan approval all public right-of-way dedications, associated public drainage
easements, temporary construction easements, and all other required easements for the construction, use, and
maintenance of the public road shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office.
Prior to final site plan approval, all improvements necessary for the construction, use, and maintenance of the
public road shall be approved on a road plan and built or bonded pursuant to Section 32.8.1 and Section 32.8.2
of the Zoning Ordinance. Prior to final site plan approval provide the recordation information for each of the
required easements next to the applicable easements.
32. [32.8, 32.8.1, 32.8.2,, 32.7.1, Provide the required temporary construction easement
dedicated to public use on TMP 77-9 to construct the public road.
33. [32.5.21 The property lines and the easement lines throughout the site plan are indistinguishable from other lines
on the plan. Revise these lines to be a darker color and preferably thicker.
34. [32.6.2(g)] Public Easements. Depict, label, and dimension the existing sewer easement on TMP 77-9A. Also
label the owner of this easement.
35. [32.6.2(g)] Private Easements. Ensure the new 20' utility easement is centered on the new water line.
36. [32.6.2(g)] Public Easements. The site plan depicts a new gas line originating on TMP 77-9A; however, the new
20' utility easement doesn't appear to encompass the new gas line. Provide an easement for the gas line.
37. [32.6.2(g)] Public Easements. Provide a gas line easement throughout the prescriptive right-of-way for Avon
38. [32.5.2a] Yards. Revise sheet 1 to label the setbacks as follows:
Front- Minimum — 10 feet from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the
right-of-way; for off-street parking or loading spaces, 10 feet from any public street right -of -way -
Maximum — none
Side: Minimum — primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the
Building Code_
Maximum — none
Rear- Minimum — primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the
Building Code_
Maximum — none
39. [32.5.2a] Zoning Classification. On the cover sheet in addition to the LI zoning, list the following overlay district:
- Steep slopes: managed slopes and preserved slopes overlay district
- Entrance Corridor overlay district
- State and Federal dam inundation zones
- Airport Impact Area
38. [32.5.2(t)] Dam Break Inundation Zones. Depict and label the limits of a dam break inundation zone as depicted on
the County GIS (exhibit provided below is from the County GIS: Green is preserved slopes, red lines are State
DBIZ and red hatching is Federal DBIZ). No proposed buildings are within the DBIZ district.
VDOT — Adam Moore/Willis Bedsaul
No objection.
Building Official — Michael Dellinger
No objection
Andrew Walker — E911
No objections
Fire and Rescue - Shawn Maddox
No objection
Engineering — David James
See attached comments.
Virginia Department of Health (VDH)
See attached approval letter.
ACSA — Richard Nelson
Comments pending to be forwarded once received.
RWSA — Victoria Fort
Comments pending to be forwarded once received.
Staff has provided references to provisions of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. The Code is kept up to
date by the County Attorney's office. The Code may found on the County Attorney's website which may be found under
"Departments and Services" at Albemarle.org.
In accord with the provisions of Section of Chapter 18 of the Code if the developer fails to submit a revised final
site plan to address all of the requirements within six (6) months after the date of this letter the application shall be deemed
to have been voluntarily withdrawn by the developer. If you have any questions about the comments please feel free to
contact me.
Christopher Perez
Senior Planner
Planning Division
Review Comments for SDP201800070 lFinal Site Development Plan
Project Name: Lighthouse Instruments - Final
Date Completed: Tuesday, June 11, 2019 DepartmentlDi+visionlAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: LDavid James CBB Engineering Requested Changes
1_ PO plan approval required prier to FP
_ Road plan approval required prior to FP approval-
3- Addressed-
4- Addressed-
5- Addressed-
6- Acknowledged; Building permit for walls required-
7- Addressed-
8- Addressed-
9- Addressed_
10_ Addressed_
11_ Acknowledged; Plats will be provided_
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10612712019
Review Comments for SDP201800070 lFinal Site Development Plan
Project Name: Lighthouse Instruments - Final
Date Completed: Monday, June 03, 2019 DepartmentlDi+visionlAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: Shawn Maddox U Fire Rescue No Objection
Thank you for addressing all previous comments_ Fire Rescue has no objections_ SNIVI
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10612712019
Review Comments for SDP201800070 lFinal Site Development Plan
Project Name:
Lighthouse Instruments - Final
Date Completed:
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Review Sys:
Michael Bellinger
CDD Inspections
No Obje-Ction
No objection
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10612712019
In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District ALBEMARLE- CHARLOTTESVILLE
State Department of Health FLUVANNA COUNTY (PALMYRA)
Phone (434) 972-6219 P. O. Box 7546 NELSON COUNTY (LOVINGSTON)
Fax (434)972-4310
Charlottesville. Virginia 22946
June 3, 2019
Christopher Perez, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: Lighthouse Instruments
Final Site Plan
Mr. Perez:
As requested by your department, I have reviewed the subject site plan, dated 5/10/19, for
compliance with VDH regulations. Both of my former comments have been adequately
addressed and I have no additional concerns.
Recommendation: Approval
Conditions: None
If there are any questions or you wish to discuss, please give me a call, 434-972-4306.
Alan Mazurowski
Environmental Health Supervisor
Thomas Jefferson Health District
alan.mazurowskikvdh.vir_ig nia.gov