HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198800029 Application 1988-04-19APPLICATION FOR: (check one) �~ �IANCE J ❑ SPECIAL USE PERMIT ❑ REZONING ❑ ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT ❑ MOBILE HOME, ❑ HOME OCCUPATION ❑ ACCESSORY TOURIST LODGING FILE NUMBER y zj? DATE SUBMITTED FEE PAID see re erse DATE OF PRELIM CONF. STAFF AT PRELIM. CONF. OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Name J K L ( -A T-.c 5f' II Phone ( ) Address (vim ��'��� rV te. Iq 0 aO APPLICANT (if different from owner.) Name NK r-G,-xcnJWa. C� n3 h?" C 4W" Phone (SOY) �L6 -`t `F6 6 Address q � a Co -k d CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) Address LOCATION: tiq� (,JesG►c�� �au� - r�eKT rt1ClQ� ASS Fn,.� /�� '�,I �ac�,,�( TAX MAP/PARCEL NUMBERS (use reverse if needed) 1. -fit`-�`D - - -- -C)L - - Ck -- 3' -- - -- - -- - -- - ----- 2• -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- 4- -- - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - EXISTING ZONING PROFFERED? Yes _ No _ Acreage if different DESIRED ZONING PROFFERED? Yes _ No _ Acreage if different EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE ORDINANCE SECTION(S): DESCRIPTION OF QUEST: To (ace oG- JUSTIFICATION FOR REQUEST: We-J" - 0 )) 1 ram. A e .5'�� � � fi e • The foregoing infot-nation is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the provisions of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance applicable to this application. • Signed Date Cti z b i98 g (Owner, Contract Purchaser, Agent) VA-88-29. JKL Land Trust (owner), property known as tax map 61W, parcel Ol-Cl, located at 442 Westfield Road, zoned C-1. The applicant seeks a variance from Section 21.7.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to reduce the setback for a freestanding sign from the minimum requirement of thirty (30) feet to ten (10) feet. Board of Supervisors Date: _,� ----- - �w o oa]]rd1/ / of Zon in/ap Appeals Date: / Action: -S- "� ' j y L3{eLT e ckt't - f t- > � INSPECTION REPORT map parcel (91- C/ TO:�LAiV1a�/�C�v SITE: C4 PLAN NAME AND NO, PROPERTY OWNER OR CONTRACTOR: '{ I2o�`$ �..�� cc►C_ ts� nos-�Qc� Qa c.0-� OBSERVATIONS: (none anyone you spoke with) Date and Time ACTION REQUESTED OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR Date and Time FOLLOW-UP BY ? " ,,;;`L'OR: Comments q �, 2► � Y,,g2�'9✓`'e' .ten^-•. ,�,,.� Date d ime CC: by % Insp.fector VA-88-2 9 JKL Land Trust Tax Map 61W, Parcel 01-C1 a 4 2 3 �. to ° y t a �tljO 4 re 3A 9c 2 4 of 9 4 6 5 5A 6 yq 4R [(i+BR1ER °RIvC S � 2 I 1 1 4 16 [u�t iR r[tT aveaas.nAam 19 la as \ 25 CHAR LOTTI SVILLE DISTRICT I 1 "Y / SEG'TION 61-W May 10, 1988 Minutes of Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals Page The next application before the Board was VA-88-29, JKL Land Trust. Mr. Evans read the staff report. VA-88-29. JKL Land Trust (owner), Marnatha Christian Church (applicant), property known as tax map 61W, parcel 01-C1, located at 442 Westfield Road, zoned C-1. The applicant seeks a variance from Section 21.7.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to reduce the setback for a freestanding sign from the minimum requirement of thirty (30) feet to ten (10) feet. (See the attached copy of the staff report.) David Smith, Head Administrator for Maranatha Christian Church, stated that they were currently leasing the building and had come up with the plans which he passed out to the Board. He stated that with the way the parking lot was designed that if they placed the sign back the required distance that it would be in the middle of the parking lot. He stated that the front of the building faced the parking lot and not the road, so they put up a sign over the door to the entrance of the building. He stated that it was difficult to see that sign from the road because the building sat on a bank. Ile stated that they proposed to put up this plastic illuminated sign with brick around it with the total area of the sign being 24 square feet. He stated that they wanted to place the sign back 10 feet, which would make it a total of 40 feet from the center line of the road. Mrs. Huckle asked if the sign was going to be a total of 4 feet in height to the top and 6 feet from the edge of the frame to the other side? Mr. Smith stated that was correct. Mr. Van Fossen asked if they were using this location temporarily until they found another church? Mr. Smith stated that he believed that they had a 3 or 5 year lease with the option if they out grew the site they could move on� He stated they were bound to the lease for 1 1/2 years and then it changed to a monthly basis. He stated that they were subleasing .from Charlottesville Produce. He stated that they did not have any current building plans. May 10, 1988 Minutes of Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals Page The Chairman invited public comment. There being no further public comment, the matter was placed before the Board. Mr. Van Fossen stated that in view of the area and the other signs that were on that street, he moved the variance be granted with the following stipulations: 1) That it be granted to the applicant only and shall not be transferable, 2) That the sign not exceed 24 square feet in area, 3) That the sign not exceed 4 feet in height, 4) That the sign be constructed of ma.sonery and/or wood materials with a plastic face, which he had mentioned. He stated that he had no problem with external lighting or internal lighting as long as it was a soft light. He stated that he would leave the external lighting up to the Zoning Department to make sure that it was safe. Mr. Evans asked if he meant subject to Zoning Department's review. Mr. Van Fossen agreed. Mr. Evans asked if the height of the sign was limited to 4 feet if the Board could make it subject to be reviewed for visibility and distance? He asked if he had to alter it was it alright if he went up a little bit or down? Mr. Van Fossen stated that was fine, but that he had put in the 4 feet because that was what he had asked for. Mr. Burgess stated that the reason for the ten foot height was so that if there was a vision obstruction that they could take it up some and give them vision clearance under the sign. Mr. Van Fossen stated that he had indicated that :it was a masoner_y sign so they would not be building underneath it. Mr. Kennedy stated that they had listed that the top of the sign post will not exceed 4 feet i_n height. Mr. Kennedy asked if it was subject to review: Mr. Van Fossen added that it be subject to review. Mr. Rennolds seconded the motion. May 10, 1988 Minutes of Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals Page Mr. Kennedy stated that it had been moved and seconded that the application be approved with the conditions that it not be transferable and would apply only to the present occupant, that the sign would only be 24 square feet in area, that the top of the sign post would not exceed 4 foot in height subject to review by the Zoning Administrator, the sign be made of brick columns and wood recognizing that he proposed a plastic insert, and that the illumination whether wash or internal be approved by the Zoning Administrator. The role was called. Mr. Rennolds - Aye Mrs. Huckle - Aye Mr. Van Fossen - Aye Mr. Kennedy -- Aye Mr. Kennedy asked if there was any new business. Mr. Van Fossen stated that he would like to make it known th,, t he would not be available for the June or July meeting, and that Mi-. Rennolds had indicated that he was not available for the JL1ne, meeting. Mrs. Huckle stated that she would not be available for, the July meeting either. Mr. Van Fossen proposed that they move their. June and July meetings to different dates. He made a motion to move the dates for their regular meetings to June 28th and July 26th. Mrs. Huckle seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. As there was no further meeting, the meeting adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Respectively Submitted, Jacquelyn Huckle, Secretary Sharon Taylor, Recording Secretary