HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900075 Correspondence 2019-06-25COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Date: 06/25/19 Teresa Batten Virginia Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22906 Regarding: Project Name: SUB201900075 Richard P. Palermo — Final Plat Date Submitted: 05/15/19 Dear Ms. Batten: The County of Albemarle has received application for a two -lot subdivision to subdivide Tax Map 89 Parcel 63B. The plat proposes to create one new lot measuring 7.35 acres and identified as "Parcel A" on the attached plat. The plat is being sent to the Health Department for review to ensure that the new Parcel A and the residue of TMP 89-63B will comply with State and County regulations after the property boundaries are adjusted as proposed. This project requires Health Department approval prior to receiving final County approval. The applicant has provided a soils report, which is attached. Please review the proposal for suitable subsurface drainfields that comply with the provisions of Chapter 18, Sections 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, and Chapter 14 Section 309, Chapter 14 Section 310, and Chapter 14 Section 416 of the Albemarle County Code. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Lu,,, �4w Cameron Langille, Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 blan ig llegalbemarle.org (434)296-5832, ext. 3432 Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc. Pige i of 8 6088 Chestnut Lane Gordonsville, Virginia 22942 540-832-1875 AOSEME Report for SUBDIVISION APPROVAL' Location of Property: Lot: Parcel A Section:N/A Subdivision:N/A 1671 Dudley Mt. Road Cop:Albermarle Tax Ma ##:89-63A Applicant/Chent Name: Prepared by AOSE/PE Rich Palermo Name: Richard F. Smith Applicant/Client Address; AOSE Number: 194000117 1671 Dudley Mt. Road Company Name:Virginia_Soil& Septic, Inc. P.O. Box1911 Address —Street Address Charlottesville Va. 22903 608$. Chestnut Lane P.O. B. ox/911 Address — 5treetAddress City, State zip Code Gor ' nsville VA 22942 C ity, State Zip Code Date of Report: 5/24/19_ I Health Department ID No. Revision Datelsl: q_�olntentsanaex or this 1 _Cover Page 5. Primary Abbreviated Design Formi 2. Application 6. Reserve Abbreviated Design Form; 3.Primary & Reserve Area Soil Summary Report 7. Site Sketch 4. Primary & Reserve Soil Profile Report 8.Certification Statement Certification Statement(sr I hereby certify that the evaluation and/or designs Apc contained herein were conducted in accordance with �$ the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12Y4 VAC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-615), and other applicable policies of the N Virginia Department of Health. Furthermore, I certify that my evaluation and/or design contained herein complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I recommend a SUBDIVISION CERTIFICATION-4 be APPROVED .s AOSE 5/24/l 9 IInsert appropriate title: "Construction Permit", "Subdivision Approval", "Certification Letter." 2Examples include: "Soil Information Summary', "Soil Profile Descriptions", "Water Supply Design Specifiaations", "Mmary/Reserve Design Specifications, "Construction Drawings", "Site Sketch", "Product Specification Sheet." 3PE work is regulated by the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation. This section is considered! optional for PE's. 4Fill in this blank with the appropriate term: "Certification Letter", "Construction Permit", or "Subdivision Approval." 517ill in this blank with the appropriate term: "Approved" or "Denied." Commonwealth of Virginia VDH Use Only Health Dept. ID# Due Date Page 2 of 8 Application for: [XI Sewage System [XI Water Supply Annroval Reauested:ll Certification Letter Il Sewnue Svstem Cnnstrnetinn Permit [X] Qnhd;t:46.n [1 11*h- 1.Owner Name: Rich Palermo Phone#: 434-969-4939 2. Mailing Address:1671 Dudley Mt. Road,Charlottesville Va. 22903 3. AOSE Name: Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc. Phone#: 540-832-1875 Fax#: 540-8 2-1875 4. AOSE Address:6088 Chestnut Lane, Gordonsville, Virginia 22942 5. Site Address: 1671 Dudley Mt. Rd. 6. Directions to the property (be specific): From the Albermarle County Health Department trice Rt. 20 S to Rt. 64 W to exit 120 to Rt.20 S to Old Lynchburg Road to a right on Dudley Mt. Rd. 7. Tax Map#:89-63A Subdivision:N/A Section/Block: NIA Lot: A 8. Dimension/Acreage of property: See attached survey plat or site plan. Other Property identification: %ewaue wctem Type of approval: SUBDIVISION Applicants for new construction are advised to apply for a certification letter to determine if land is suitable for a sewage system and to then apply for a construction permit (valid for 18 months) only when ready to build. Directions: Check all that apply and note number of bedrooms. Existing Construction: [] Repair [] Modification [] Expansion [] Replacement Proposed Use: [X] Single Family Home (# of Bdrms ) 4 [] Multifamily Dwelling (Total # Bdrms ) [] Other Basement [X] Yes [] No Fixtures in Basement? [X] Yes [] No Are any conditions proposed on this construction permit? [] Yes [X] No If yes, check or describe all proposed conditions that apply: [] Reduced water flow, [] Limited capacity, [] Intermittent or seasonal use, [] Temporary use not to exceed one year, [] Other (describe) Proposed Sewage Disposal Method I [X] Septic Tank Drain field I [] Pre -Treatment I [] Drip, Mound or Pad I [] Other Reserve [X] Septic Tank Drain field [] Pre -Treatment []Drip, Mound or Pad [] Other Water Supply Well: [X] IIIB [] IIIC Water supply: []Public or [X]Private? Water supply: [] Existing or [X] Proposed? If proposed, is this a replacement well? [] Yes [X] No Will the old well be abandoned? []', Yes. [] No Have any buildings within 100" of the proposed well been termite treated? [] Yes [] No [X] NIA All Applicants Is this an AOSE/PE application? [X] Yes [] No If yes, is the AOSE package attached? [] Yes—[] No In order for VDH to process your application you must attach a site sketch and plat of the property. The site sketch must sh your properly lines, actual and/or proposed buildings and the desired location of your well and/or sewage system. when the site evoluationlis conducted the property lines, building location and the proposed well and sewage system sites must be cltlarly marked and the property snocieutly visible to see the topography, otherwise this application will be denied. I give permission to the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to 4nter onto the property described during normal business hours for the purpose of processing this application and to perform quality assmpnce checks of evaluation and designs certified by an Authorized Deane Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer (PE) as necessary until the sewage disposal system bas been constructed and approved. Signature of Owner/Agent ROSE Form D R{ vised 9/2904 Date Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc. 6088 Chestnut Lane Gordonsville, Virginia 22942 540-832-1875 Page 3 of 8 Primary and Reserve Area Soil Summary Report The information presented in this submitted package represents the best available information as of the evaluation date. Due to the potential for subsequent events to negatively impact the recommendations made in this packet it is our S m's very strong recommendation to submit this documentation to the local VDH for approval as soon as it is received by the client.. Failure to do so may render the information contained in this package void. Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc., as well as certifying individuals, accepts no liability for subsequent events that occur after the date of this evaluation. General Information Date:5/25/19 Submitted to:Albermarle County Health Department Applicant Name: Rich Palermo Telephone 4:434-969-4939 Applicant Address: 1671 Dudley Mt. Road,Charlottesville Va. 22903 Owner Name: Address: Same Directions to Property: From the Albermarle County Health Department take Rt. 20 S to Rt. 6. 4W to exit 120 to Rt. 20S to Old Lynchburg Road to a right on Dudley Mt. Road. TM#:89-63A Subdivision: NIA Block/Section: NIA Lot: A Soil Information Summary 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? [X] Yes; Open Side Slope, [] No 2. Slope: 12-13 %. 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: [] Max. [] Min. [X] None 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color)? [X] No [] Yes Number of Inches: 5. Free water resent? [XI No [] Yes Range in Inches: 6. Soil percolation rate estimated Yes [X] No [] Texture Group [] 1 [] II [X];III [] IV Estimated rate: Min/inch:60 *All Applicable regulations as well as the specific soil and site conditions (including the trench sidewalls) were taken into account when the estimated percolation rate was assigned. 7. Permeability test performed? 1] Yes [X] No If yes, note t pe h. Name & title of evaluator: Richard F. Smith, AOSE Signature: bite [X] Site Approved: PRIMARY DRAIN FIELD to be placed at 40 inch depth at site designated on Permit. RESERVE DRAIN FIELD to be placed at 40 inch depth at site designated on Permit. RESERVE DRAIN FIELD to be placed at N/A inch depth or less as per future PE design. [] Site Disapproved for Conventional Drain Field System. Reasons for rejection: 1. [] Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. [] Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock 3. [] Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonable water table. 4. [] Rates of absorption too slow. 5. [] Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drain field, and/or Reverse Area. 6. [] Proposed system too close to well. 7. [] Other Specify: (attach additional pageis if necessary) Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc. 6088 Chestnut Lane Gordonsville, Virginia 22942 540-832-1875 Reserve Profile Description Soil Evaluation Report RE: TM # 89-63A,Palermo Page 4 of 8 Where the local VDH conducts the soil evaluation, the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic dralwing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application. If soil evaluations are conducted by a private soiliscientist, location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features, ie., sewage disposal systems, wolfs, etc., within 100 feet of site (see section 4) and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached to this packet. 0 See application sketch page [] See construction permit [X] See sketch attached to this packet Date of Evaluation: Health Department Identification # �_ 3/12/19 Backhoe Pits Hole Horizon Depth inches Description of color, texture, etc. Texture Group 1 A 0-5 Dark Brown,Loam,1 OYR 3/3 2 Bt 5-20 Reddish Brown,Loatn45YR 4/4 2 BC 20-42 Reddish Yellow,Sil Clay Loam45YR 6/6 3 C 41-60 Reddish Yellow,Silt Loam,5YR 6/6 3 2 1 A 0-6 Dark Brown,Loam, I OYR 3/3 2 Bt 6-24 Reddish Brown,Silt Loam,5YR 4/4 3 BC 25-45 Red, Silt Loam, IOR 5/6 3 C 45-60 Red,Dark Red,Sandy Loam, IOR 5/6,2.5YR 4/6 2 3 A 0-5 Dark Brown,Loam,10YR 3/3 2 Bt 5-22 Yellowish Red,Silt Loam,5YR 5/6 2 BC 22-38 Yellow,Red, Sandy Clay Loam, IOYR 7/6,1OR 516 2 C 38-60 Yellow,Yellowish Brown,Sand Loam,1 OYR 7/6,5/6 2 4. A 0-3 Yellowish Brown,Loam,1 OYR 5/6 2 Bt 3-12 YeIlowish Brown,Yellow,Silt Loatn,IOYR 5/6,7/6 3 BC 12-39 Red,Yellow Silty Clay Loam, IOR 5/6,10YR 7/6 3 C 39-60 Reddish Yellow, Silt Loam,5YR 616 3 5 A 0-4 Dark Yellowish Brown,Loam,10YR 3/6 2 Bt 4-15 Yellowish Brown,Loam, IOYR 5/6; 2 BC 15-42 Reddish YellowSilty Clay Loam,5YR 6/6 3 C 42-60 Red,Dark Red Silt Loam,1 OR 5/6,�/6 3 Remarks:Primary and Reserve are conventional trenches . Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc. 6088 Chestnut Lane Gordonsville, Virginia 229,42 540-832-1875 Paige 5 of 8 Primary Abbreviated Design Form TM#:89-63A,Pa1ermo This form is for use with gravity and pump drain fields, enhanced flow systems and low pressure distribution systems when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. To the best of our knowledge and belief, this site complies with all local and state ordinances such as the CBPA. (Reserve area calculations are shown on a separate abbreviated design form later in this packet.) Design Basis Data A. Estimated Percolation Rate (minutes per inch) 55 B. Recommended trench bottorn sq. feet required per bedroom From Table 4.6 based on [X] Gravity [] LPD [] Sq. Ft. required, PuraFio/A.dvantex loading rate ='s gpd,/sq ft. 412 C. Number of bedrooms Area calculations na to D. Length of trench 91 Feet E. Length of available area 91 Feet F. Width of trench 3 eet G. Number of trenches 7 H. Center to center spacing g Feet I. Width required 51 Feet J. Total width of available area 146 Feet K. Total sq. foot required 1648 Sq. Ft. L. Square footage in design 2037 Sq. Ft. M. Is a reserve area required? [ . ] Yes [] No N. Percent of reserve required 1 0% O. Percent of reserve available 100%} Remarks: Conventional Primary. Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc. 6088 Chestnut Lane Gordonsville, Virginia 22942 540-832-1875 i Nge6of8 Reserve Abbreviated Design Form TM#:89-63A,Palermo 1 This form is for use with gravity and pump drain fields, enhanced flow systems and low pressure distribution systems when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. To the best of our knowledge and belief, this site complies with all, local and state ordinances such as the CBPA. Design Basis Data A. Estimated Percolation Rate (minutes per inch) 60 B. Recommended trench bottom sq. feet required per bedroom From Table 4.6 based on [X] Gravity [] LPD 412 [] Sq. Ft. required, Secondary Treatment loading rate ='s gpd,/sq ft. C. Number of bedrooms 4 Area calculations D5451 D. Length of trench 97 Feet E. Length of available area 91 Feet F. Width of trench 3 °' G. Number of trenches 6 H. Center to center spacing 91' I. Width required 48 Feet J. Total width of available area (Includes area allocated for reserve.) 49 Feet K. Total sq. foot required 1648 Sq. Ft. L. Square footage in design 1746 Sq. Ft. M. Is a reserve area required? [X] Yes [] No N. Percent of reserve required 100% O. Percent of reserve available 1000/.+ Remarks: Conventional Reserve n r n Mr- O •mom m q=rn �0cnw2: X �m> C rD� <a���rn3r?a Zn to Qo Za �WZD. LU n 1-4 torQ m O M rn rU O m L n V rn u' [U W 0 C) 0 w.. CD m C*n m m rn f R' ej eas r`,s�tie �a4 -nr oz I 0 m C m 1 rrrNry rr r-N�rvw � � J _ u � Q`mN \ � l r ` z�/ ali r+i, �1 v 7'cn op p� [°mocr=- owmnm. ,LDOmZCD ., 1 MMLO CD I D O cr- >DDNH �z �a�� • .` Eea� H s� oS�e m z a� DQ �z z zm m c� 4z 00 _1 O r z0 m • ir� �� ran r vV rui /� ��n9 w?M 4� jy M y 3:1- N C) z u o C -r z C) :rZ g _n m o + �O .4Z \ Lij m O C) 71 rN zw z m - fUW�,� rv0 �z c r_n Z a O m Qm n r d wmp>m Q-<W� 0Z 0 o ro N� �I�Trt�� l q, m > - m H Orn O wr-mrM"N .,\ n �I. o r- pDm n o. LL a Q I ff a or A t►. T r D i Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc. Page 8 of'8 6088 Chestnut Lane Gordonsville, Virginia 22942 Phone & Fax 540-832-1875 Certification Statement County:ALBERMARLE COUNTY Property Identification: TM#:89-63A,Palermo Submitted by:Richard F. Smith,O.S.E.1940001172 This is to certify according to subsection 32.1-163.5 a,,.5� ,A 'a that work submitted for the referenced property is in an.to 'an with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulation of �ginia Depa Health. t I recommend a [X] Subdivision [ ] Certification Letter [ ] Sewage System Construction Be [X]APPROVED [ ] DENIED AOSE:Richard F. Smith, A.O.S.E. 1940001172 Signature: Date: 5/24/19 The information presented in this submitted package represents the best available information as of the evaluation date. Due to the potential for subsequent events to negatively impact the recommendations made in this packet it is our firm's very strong recommendation to submit this documentation to the local VDH for approval as soon as it is received by the client. Failure to do so may render the information contained in this package void. Virginia Soil & Septic, Inc., as well as certifying individuals, accepts no liability for subsequent events that occur after the date of this evaluation. IRON FOUND GL LINE BEARING DISTANCE Li N21*03'42"E 3B.17 L2 N14-36'05"E 90.77 L3 N20'14'57"E 35.90 L4 N34'22'43"E 66.58 L5 N20'04'20"E 67.42 L6 N26'37'24"E 41.70 L7 N19'39'07"E 20.79 LB N08'48'39"E 27.23 L91 N14-48'52"W 2.45 STATE ROUTE 706 DUDLEY MOUNTAIN ROAD (30'PRESCRIPTIVE EASEMENT) ZVI `\ T . M . 89-63A L56 TIE LINE `-`� L55 \ o N24 '35 ' 16 " E rr L54 �% m 119.20 ' ' ' L53 3 �:,- T . M . 89-63B 43`� ��RICHARD P. PALERMO �\ D . B . 5117-69 D . B . 5117-66 & 67 PLAT ` v,'•. D.B.4281-314 cm per;; ••;' D. B. 2009-724 & 725 PLAT RESIDUE=21.96+/- ACRES ' LINE BEARING DISTANCE L10 N14`48'52"W 20.23 L11 N47'44'39"W 23.57 L12 N72-34'48"W 68.91 L13 N57'25'i2"W 25.26 L14 N41'16'27"W 22.15 L15 N17'04'05"W 26.20 L16 N04'16'48"E 69.39 L17 N07'39'19"W 36.07 LIS N16*03'27"W 120.76 L19 Ni0'07'24"W 34.i9 L20 N00'40'48"W 28.24 L21 N11'30'41"W 28.68 L22 N24`27'28"W 29.56 L23 N33'32'05"W 22.16 L24 N44'34'5i"W 50.53 L25 N40*36'i3"Wi 90.09 IRON ,; (BY DEDUCTION FROM FOUND L48 ;,, TAXATION RECORDS' rL46 PIPE �+ L45 FOUND T.M.89-8iJ4 `% LOT 5.POPLAR RIDGE ELIZABETH C.COBHAM REVOCABLE TRUST `+ L44 AND GEOFFREY R.COBHAM REVOCABLE TRUST s., • L43 NEW 30' PRIVATES` D. B.29B4-450 ' `% STREET EASEMENT D. B. 1366-642 & 643 PLAT -L42 N17'04'01"W C'� \ HEM 41 v� N 500.25' 9.., v IV �2 ��.•.•:=\9�., LOT s ,� IRON �' O h ,. ,. GRAVEL �`'.'�� \�- � CONND] �S`'• ` ' �,� �p 3� FOUND �, �, 70 DRIVE .� ;� �� D. B. 136 .14 , <1 ,` \ 49,� 4p1 3g . L23 T �• L22 I0��` IRON L20 '+ ST \ FOUND Lig +;��►+ IRON +. SET ►+;'`1 tea. '; o L17 a n ru T.M.B9-618 L16 i tiry TRACT 2 RICHARD P.PALERMD i� L15 D. B. 5131-244 IRON SET ` LiL13 =:; AT 25.00' D.B.5117-66 & 67 PLAT �, q L1O r LB r L7 L6 GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=200' L5 PARCEL ��: �; L4 7.35 ACF 0 200 400 ! 600 r L3 r ' r L2 r L i PROPOSED SEPTIC DRAINFIELD STAKE AREA 0. O �� STAKE IRON �. °!_�:: 'so SET STAKE �- A6 FOR REVIEW ,r s9?3' ;> a� STAKE • �� psi .mob. •sue �ry SCALE: I" = 200 ' DATE: APRIL 1 i, 2019 IRON FOUND FOR RICHARD P.PALERMO ROGER W.RAY & ASSOC..INC. 663 BERKMAR COURT CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22901 TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3195 RAYSURVEYING.COM LINE BEARING DISTANCE L26 N48059'34"W 132.34 L27 N55'35'27"W 30.16 L28 N68'52'07"W 32.94 L29 NBB'15'31"W 28.63 L30 S73°54'19"W 26.50 L31 S56'34'47"W 26.16 L32 S40'38'13"W 67.OB L33 S55'43'05"W 25.05 L341 S76°02'22"W 22.70 L35 NB3.09'35"W 19.82 L36 N72'15'43"W 27.11 L37 N63°05'01"W 38.80 L38 N57'51'26"W 87.29 L39 N58'48'37"W 47.70 L40 N70432'20"W 99.04 L41 N68"27'02"W 90.16 L42 N59'43'33"W 36.17 L43 N46'52'00"W 20.67 L44 N36'20'55"W 51.73 L45 N17°04'01"W 105.72 L46 NOi'44'02"W 26.13 L47 N15'07'45"E 42.56 L48 N28'16'4i"E 35.83 L49 N39'16'10"E 76.77 L50 N37'27'16"E 39.99 L51 N31.48'06"E 91.71 L52 N36'29'05"E 69.20 L53 N31'22'02"E 24.66 L54 N18418'31"E 29.21 L55 N02430'27"W 20.i9 L56 N26'23'06"W 23.30 L57 N67'i4'56"W 46.62 L58 N63'ii'38"W 94.40 L59 N55'09'52"W 38.79 L601 N39'i0'26"W +/-85.38 kLTH DEPARTMENT COPY IDT FOR RECORDATION .M.89-BiJ3 L POPLAR RIDGE CE G.FINCANNON B.4662-493 6-642 & 643 PLAT T.M.89-81J2 LOT 3,POPLAR RIDGE DABNEY S.WELLFORD.JR. & CAROLYN M.WELLFORD O.B.5119-638 D.B.1964-460 PLAT D.B.1366-642 & 643 PLAT T �So s PIPE FOUND,' + IES =V IRON FOUND 0.23' NORTHWEST OF LINE IRON FOUND 0.30' �"--SOUTHEAST OF LINE IRON FOUND 0.18' NORTHWEST OF LINE T.M.B9-60 KATHLEEN J.MULLINS REVOCABLE TRUST D.B.5089-649 D.B.3942-4 PLAT D.B.201-478 PLAT SHEET 2 OF 2 14736