HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198900013 Action Letter 1989-04-12 3r
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401 McIntiry Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
0004) 296-5875
April 12 , 1989
Ivy Commons Partnership
c/o Tim Michel
St. 7-B 503 Faulconer Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Re: Board of Zoning Appeals Action For VA-89-13
Tax Map 58A2 , Parcel 2C & Tax Map 58 , Parcel 84E
Dear Mr. Michel:
This letter is to inform you that on April 11, 1989 during
the regular meeting of the Albemarle County Board of Zoning
Appeals, your application for VA-89-13 was approved as submitted.
This variance approval allows relief from Section 21 . 7 . 2 of
the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to reduce the building
setback from an adjacent residential property from the minimum
required measurement of fifty (50) feet to twenty-five (25)
feet to allow construction of an addition to a commercial
If you have any questions, please contact our office.
Andrew D. Evans
Deputy Zoning Administrator
cc: VA-89-13
Planning Department
Department of Zoning
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5875
May 11, 1989
Ivy Commons Partnership
c/o Tim Michel
St. 7-B 503 Faulconer Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Re: Board of Zoning Appeals Action For VA-89-13
Tax Map 58A2 , Parcel 2C & Tax Map 58, Parcel 84E
Dear Mr. Michel:
This letter is to inform you that on May 9, 1989 during
the regular meeting of the Albemarle County Board of Zoning
Appeals, the Board ruled to add the following conditions to
VA-89-13 as follows:
(1) The addition to the rear of the building be limited
to eleven (11) feet along the rear, and
(2) That the variance will not increase the occupancy
rights of the existing motel .
This variance approval allows relief from Section 21.7 . 2 of
the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to reduce the building
setback from an adjacent residential property from the minimum
required measurement of fifty (50) feet to eleven (11) feet
to allow construction of an addition to a commercial structure.
If you have any questions, please contact our office.
A drew D. Evans
eputy Zoning Administrator
cc: VA-89-13
Planning Department
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Department of Zoning
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
(804) 296-5875
May 15, 1989
Ivy Commons Partnership
c/o Tim Michel
St. 7-B 503 Faulconer Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Re: Board of Zoning Appeals Action For VA-89-13
Tax Map 58A2 , Parcel 2C & Tax Map 58 , Parcel 84E
Dear Mr. Michel:
This letter is to inform you that on May 9, 1989 during
the regular meeting of the Albemarle County Board of Zoning
Appeals, the Board ruled to add the following conditions to
VA-89-13 as follows:
(1) The addition to the rear of the building be limited
to eleven (11) feet along the rear, and
(2) That the variance will not increase the occupancy
rights of the existing motel.
This variance approval allows relief from Section 21. 7 . 2 of
the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to reduce the building
setback from an adjacent residential property from the minimum
required measurement of fifty (50) feet to twenty-five (25) feet
to allow construction of an addition to a commercial structure.
If you have any questions, please contact our office.
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✓✓ Andrew D. Evans
Deputy Zoning Administrator
cc: VA-89-13
Planning Department
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Office of County Attorney
416 Park Street
Charlottesville. Virginia 22901
Telephone 296-7138
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Miss Lettie E. Neher, Clerk
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
County Office Building
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596
Re: Board of Supervisors v. Ivy Commons Partnership
(Our File #ACPZ 89-883 )
Dear Estelle :
On May 3 , 1989 , the Board of Supervisors directed me to
appeal the granting of a variance by the BZA to Ivy Commons
Partnership, designated VA-89-13 , unless two conditions were met.
On May 9 , 1989 , at the regular meeting of the BZA, the
applicant and the BZA agreed to those conditions and they were
formally incorporated as conditions to the variance.
Therefore , I am not going to appeal the matter and I
consider it closed.
Sincerely yours,
Ali*/ -
George . St. John
County Attorney
cc : Ms. Sharon Taylor
STAFF REPORT - VA-89-13 Corrected 4/24/89
APPLICANT: Ivy Commons Partnership
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 58 (A) 2-2C and 58-84E
ZONING: C-1 (Commercial)
LOCATION: Located on the N. side of St. Rt 250, . 1 mile
west of its intersection with St. Rt 678
The applicant requests relief from Section 21.7 . 2 of the Albemarle
County Zoning Ordinance, which states:
21.7. 2 Adjacent to the residential and rural areas districts:
No portion of any structure except signs advertising sale
or rental of the property shall be located closer than
fifty (50) feet to any residential or rural areas
district. No off-street parking or loading space
shall be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any
residential or rural areas district. " (Amended 7-10-85)
The applicant is requesting a reduction from the required fifty
(50) foot setback to enlarge an existing structure to be located
twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining Village Residential zoned
property, a variance of twenty-five (25) feet.
Properties known as County Tax Map 58, Parcel 84A, and Parcel 2C
on map 58A(2) were rezoned from VR (Village Residential) to C-1,
Commercial under petition ZMA 88-14 , on October 19, 1988 . Parcel
2C, Map 58A(2) provides both area to expand the structure and
somewhat provides the needed area to buffer the commercial
structure from the residential zoned property.
When a structure (non-conforming) is expanded, enlarged, extended,
or reconstructed, it shall conform to the provisions related to
the district in which the structure is so located.
It is apparent that the applicant found it necessary to add and/or
acquire additional property to attempt a proposal of adding to the
rear of the existing structure. *The front portion (approximately
half) of the property is subject to Zone B- shown on HUD flood
insurance rate maps, relating to possible flooding. Easement
restrictions pertaining to parking and ingress and egress exist on
the eastern portion of the property. The property is located
within the Scenic Overlay District which has a one hundred fifty
(150) foot setback requirement. The present building front is
located approximately one hundred thirty-five (135)+ feet from St.
Rt. 250 west.
*Correction: The front portion (approximately half/50% of the
property abutting Rt 250) (a depth of 50 ft. ) is subject to Zone
B-shown on HUD Flood insurance rate maps, relating to possible
Ivy Commons Partnership
Page 2
The following comments are offered to the Board of Zoning Appeals
in consideration of the requested application:
A) It is not clearly demonstrated that an undue hardship exists
with the request. Additional land was apparently added to
even approach the concept of adding an addition to the
existing building (rear) . It should be established by the
applicant that the hardship is not self-created, that the
status of the more restrictive zoning on the abutting
property has changed, that any improvements may require
relief from certain restrictions, and that the variance is
not solely to permit a more profitable use.
B) It might be said that other properties share some similar
circumstances. The adjacent property had to deal with the
requirements of the Scenic Overlay District. Other properties
in the immediate vicinity have been subject to the requirements
relating to setbcks for structures and signs.
C) It is very difficult to speak to whether or not the granting
of relief of the specific requirement will be of detriment
to the adjacent property or that the character of the district
will be changed. The Board of Zoning Appeals must be cognizant
of all the facts presented by all parties, if they are to
render an appropriate decision.
APPLICANT: Ivy Commons Partnership
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 58 (A) 2-2C and 58-84E
ZONING: C-i (Commercial)
LOCATION: Located on the N. side of St. Rt 250, . 1 mile
west of its intersection with St. Rt 678
The applicant requests relief from Section 21. 7. 2 of the Albemarle
County Zoning Ordinance, which states:
21.7. 2 Adjacent to the residential and rural areas districts:
No portion of any structure except signs advertising sale
or rental of the property shall be located closer than
fifty (50) feet to any residential or rural areas
district. No off-street parking or loading space
shall be located closer than twenty (20) feet to any
residential or rural areas district. (Amended 7-10-85)
The applicant is requesting a reduction from the required fifty
(50) foot setback to enlarge an existing structure to be located
twenty-five (25) feet from the adjoining Village Residential zoned
property, a variance of twenty-five (25) feet.
Properties known as County Tax Map 58, Parcel 84A, and Parcel 2C
on map 58A(2) were rezoned from VR (Village Residential) to C-1,
Commercial under petition ZMA 88-14, on October 19, 1988 . Parcel
2C, Map 58A(2) provides both area to expand the structure and
somewhat provides the needed area to buffer the commercial
structure from the residential zoned property.
When a structure (non-conforming) is expanded, enlarged, extended,
or reconstructed, it shall conform to the provisions related to
the district in which the structure is so located.
It is apparent that the applicant found it necessary to add and/or
acquire additional property to attempt a proposal of adding to the
rear of the existing structure. The front portion (approximately
half) of the property is subject to Zone B- shown on HUD flood
insurance rate maps, relating to possible flooding. Easement
restrictions pertaining to parking and ingress and egress exist on
the eastern portion of the property. The property is located
within the Scenic Overlay District which has a one hundred fifty
(150) foot setback requirement. The present building front is
located approximately one hundred thirty-five (135) + feet from St.
Rt. 250 west.
Ivy Commons Partnership
Page 2
The following comments are offered to the Board of Zoning Appeals
in consideration of the requested application:
A) It is not clearly demonstrated that an undue hardship exists
with the request. Additional land was apparently added to
even approach the concept of adding an addition to the
existing building (rear) . It should be established by the
applicant that the hardship is not self-created, that the
status of the more restrictive zoning on the abutting
property has changed, that any improvements may require
relief from certain restrictions, and that the variance is
not solely to permit a more profitable use.
B) It might be said that other properties share some similar
circumstances. The adjacent property had to deal with the
requirements of the Scenic Overlay District. Other properties
in the immediate vicinity have been subject to the requirements
relating to setbcks for structures and signs.
C) It is very difficult to speak to whether or not the granting
of relief of the specific requirement will be of detriment
to the adjacent property or that the character of the district
will be changed. The Board of Zoning Appeals must be cognizant
of all the facts presented by all parties, if they are to
render an appropriate decision.