HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA198900025 Application 1989-03-14 OF ALB VI 2• A.N. -c47. FILE NUMBER '", APPLICATION FOR: (check one) A. _ 1llllf(( ,,�—igois� ❑ VARIANCE U Tr �� ,T2 JBMITTED H PERMIT reverse RE ZONING � � �EE PAID (see ) ❑ ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT "IRGV0s. ALBE ARLE CO(JN i Y TONING DEPA tT MENT ❑ MOBILE HOME DATE OF PRELIM _CONF., Li HOME OCCUPATION-1 ACCESSORY TOURIST LODGING STAFF AT PRELIM. CONF. OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Day Name Whiting Oil Company, Inc . Phone (703) 362-49Q0 Address P. 0. Box 13026 Roanoke, VA 24023 APPLICANT (if different from owner) Day • Name Stop In Food Stores , Inc . Phone (703 ) _-362-4700 Address P. 0. Box 12063 Roanoke, VA 24022-2063 CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Da Name Tom Turner Phone go3 ) 362- 4700 Address P. O. Box 12063 Roanoke, VA 24022-2063 LOCATION: Rt 29 & Greenbrier TAX MAP/PARCEL NUMBERS (use reverse if needed) 1. 061W0 - 03 - 00 - 0120_ 3. - - - 2. - - - 4. - - - EXISTING ZONING Cl PROFFERED? Yes _ No _ Acreage if different DESIRED ZONING PROFFERED? Yes _ No _ Acreage if different EXISTING USE 6X8 Shell Price Sign (64sq ft. ) 2 Products PROPOSED USE 6X6 Shell Price Sign (72sq ft. ) 3 Products ORDINANCE SECTION(S): DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: Change from existing 6 X 8 Shell Price Sian (64 sq. ft) with 2 Products to New Shell Design 6 X 6 Shell Price Sign with 3 Products (72 sq. ft. ) increase of 8 sq. ft. Variance of 22 sq. tt. JUSTIFICATION FOR REQUEST: Sign needed to notify customers of 3 aradPG of Unleaded gasoline available. Unable to compete with competitors who are posting 3 grades of product. Sign change requested by our supplier (Shell) to conform to appearance guidelines in contract. • The foregoing information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have read and understand the provisions of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance applicable to this application. • Signed Date , 198_ (Owner, Contract Purchaser, Agent) VA-89-25. Whiting Oil Company (owner) , property known as tax map 61W, parcel 03-12 , located on the soutwestern corner of Route 29 and Greenbriar Drive, zoned C-1. The applicants seeks a variance from Section 4 . 15. 3 . 6 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to increase the aggregate area of free standing business signs from the maximum allowable area of fifty (50 ) square feet to seventy-two (72) square feet. C Board of Zoning Appeals Date: /_/_ Action: 1 e • , ., !,- ,______ ________ ,. . . .. I \ Muni 9' ��N � 4,.. ,� �, , �� 1 ' l I R''' /4 J:,,<< t L . T / A/ -4 . de I`� I �1 4 3 G'{ I IA 7 J usLI:, •,/,* , '7Allr 9AE 6lC—' ! � V 3 +� --.....,,,.,„al ) ( 1 ,._, a _ �-� y _ lO O/Py \\ W(LNOItI(II DAIV! / ` ,. 2 / 24 , \\ 7 e s I n C`' l • \ I 1 1 OF i ® i 1.I17111 Lino I •� --.?rrroN 012, . '• VA-89-25 STOP IN FOOD STORES, INC. 16 (TAX MAP 61W PARCEL 03-12) \ Is il Ie �!o \\ ICA 14 MAW I I 7 ! 2 2 i i iiiiwi� irli 26 ( =&SIM i I � JI 'QA b Ammilti -ta i WS Yft ra 2 0 `____________ si I" :„ C N ,p`. „„ �`SA'\I --44""..........,.........3......7 24 1 1, zs I !I *MAI IM F[6t "ir..- -____ - �.,- CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT SECTION 6I-W ALLIEMARLE CC . 'NTY \\\\ 3 / '-'- \ \ , / / - , i ---'------- , ---1 ' ---- -----0 i 3 2 1 /I C 1'..!wi- - :7 ' ! 1 _t_5/ 5 A / --, / rasT,12,0 otoAo 1 1- 1,7B)-(.-: 1 I AA , ,A , „._ _ ,,,, I - 7 6 i ] , \ 5 A '' e i 9A 8 1 5 ---n, •,-,. - ---' \/ i,[3 224; \• 1 6 1 9 0 1111 _ ____1 ..- ,--------___•----., t 0 1 •-,_______ 5 / 2 1 ® I __ _ __ - L.,mit in PtyroN " ------- 18 — VA-89—2 5 STOP IN FOOD STORES, INC. _ .-- , \ [16 (TAX MAP 61W PARCEL 0 3—12) , \ ,3 \ 15 A \ 144 ----- 1111111111 1g 8 ' : I/ ---7\....„..... t inatistiallr M 1')Riliallii y____SI /1181166;11 / 'Intalaltl. 26 ------- ------_, 1"--- 19 Al Of :--- - / x L-—X— t.,L---- - , .- 1;: ;6 t X i EA_It , , A . , , 1 198 '''' ''''' "*.-----,-...--__„. ......„..... .......... 111111_7111111711111111111111 __.J.EIMMINir ...J.I" CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT SECTION 61-W • _ Shell . Silverado Retail Design System IP 0. pimi liart 0 II' , ---- -- cad/d t + ell Credit 7 9 optiotoig 8 swer 889 .n 1.uo 9 _ . __,___ .._...._. . She11-------- -__ - ' .r•u.. ShellAi ' foodMart r � !ill s ...iasprz• I ice' i. :Et•i towt=9" t• -', —'T' - 1 flr4V4f11WItAitielt.. .! .11i4,91E1* • . 1' 'k y ra KI r Ar�ti , . A key component of the Silverado R marketing information to the consumer key llary business,either'Food Mart' Design System is a freestanding sign by displaying key services available at or Auto Care'(displayed with the symbol system which consists of the High-rise the facility.At most sites gasoline pricing for Auto Care Service Centers),is identi- . Sign, the Primary Identity Sign and the would be included fled directly below the Emblem,followed Ground-Mount Price Sign. - -The layout Of the Primary Identity Sign by the secondary ancillary business, 'Car `. - The purpose of the Primary Identity is based on a standardized hierarchy of Wash.'Finally,a three-product Price Sign - Sign is to brand the facility and is the messages.For maximum visibility the should complete the sign. principal means by which the Shell Shell Emblem, within the red square con- Design and coloration of the Primary Emblem is displayed at the site.Another trol field,is always in the most promi- Identity Sign is consistent with the sta- important function is to provide crucial nent position at the top of the sign. The tion's architectural style.All exposed structural elements including support poles,non-face cabinet surfaces and retainers should be dark grey. The key ancillary business and secondary busi- ness are identified by white typography on a red sign face.Product identification r --- and pricing is black typography on a yellow sign face. 8'x8'Shell Emblem 1 i i+ Ancillary Food Mart 91 business � j 6'x6'Shell ,__.- ___ t i Emblem Car Wash 3'x8'Car Wash A ,, Free With Fill-up • r 1%i x 6'Ancillary Self Cash or i in Auto Care bate with'aised Credit t- ._-_ . . typography Regular 0 Unleaded 000 9 Sell Serve Cash or s'xs'formed prod Gasoline Credit ucr prim laces with 8'x8'Price Sign Regnlar 0009 flat screeried inter- Super 000 9 Unleaded changeable couct Regular identification copy Sager Shell Emblem is Regular 000 displayed when Super 9 Brand identification is required identification dby Unleaded 000 Unleaded 0009 local code • Recommended - Recommended minimum height minimum height to bottom of Rice - to bottom of Price Sign is 10' Sign is 10' 6"x 12"poles 6"x8"pole 8'Double-Pole 6'Single-Pole 9 Primary Identity Sign Primary Identity Sign SIGNS l 1 Q_: =- = =_ _= ==_=_ , Curb Sign Styles and-Sizes _ -: . 7'x10' 1 2 or 3 Product Pricing 0.00 9 Credit Card Logo REG. Reseller's Logo IlAill 0.00 U9D. CITGO 0.00 PREM. 7' x ... g IMM CITGO _ _ __ 9 0.00 REG. /6'x8' 5'x5' / 2 or 3 Product Pricing 0DO 9 2 or 3 O00 9 REG. Credit Card Logo UNLD. Product Reseller's Logo 9 Pricing 0.00. 9UNLD. j 0.00 PREM. CITGO 0.00 PREM. 4 `�f � VISA Reseliers Logo Credit Card or (= DUC•VER Reseller's Logo - 5'x10' 1 or A0.00 9 REG. 2 a 3 Product Pricing 0■00 u9 D. CITGO 0.00 PREM. 4 5'x5' 7'z7' joilk . . 161\ CITGOTwin Post Revised 5/88 /Co,J SHELL FAMILY OF SIGNS Poles 30' 6' x 6' = $ 936.00 8' x 8' = $1,269.00 Shell Sign 6' x 6' = $ 588.00 50/50 Co-op 8' x 8' = $1,244.00 Price Sign 3' x 6' = $ 840.00 No co-op 4' x 8' = $1,331.00 Food Mart Etc. 3' x 6' = $ 356.00 No co-op 4' x8' = $ 448.00 r MILY OF SIGNS Auto Diesel 11099i — f--.6._____I AND FACES — The best features of Shell's identification program have been Open 24 Hrs.1 combined with service copy signage and the versatile changeable message readerboard to provide maximum impact and a clean, I — I A• professional image. All signage is double face and contained between two columns. ` ' A font of 6"letters consisting of 192 characters is available for the Food Mart_ _ 3'x6'readerboard sign,and an 8"letter font consisting of 1'88 I 1i characters is available for the 4'x8'unit.A storage cabinet to house IMMI11 and protect your letter set,and a changer arm to position theC desired copy on your readerboard,can also be ordered via the Shell Procurement Guide. Car Wash Type Codes: COLUMN L-- - ---- _J' n I F D/F -Family Double Face Sign ;,�i T FREE FILTER a FRB/DF-Family Readerboard Double ': a —I WITH Face Sign 43 END VIEW -t Auto Care 11 l OIL CHANGE • SPECIFICATIONS TYPE "A" "B" "C" "D" TRIM SIZE ILLUMINATION ELECTRICAL BALLASTS SERVICE co H33 UNIV Q) 6'F D/F 6'-1"/i6" 6'-0's/i6" 73'h"x72'✓i" GL 400DX 3.8 AMP 1010 13CR SLIDE Ca s (2)72712 UNIV 18"x6'F D/F 6'-0'/l6" 18'Y." 18%"x729/16" HO/CW 1.6 AMP 51-6015-LH SLIDE (3)72T12 UNIV 3'x6'F RB/DF 6'-0's/i6" 3'-1%" 379h6"x72Y." HO/CW 2.2 AMP 51-611 SLIDECO 30'COLUMNS 6" 30' 8" 8'F D/F 8'-31/2" 8'-1/" , " (2)H33 (2)UNIV 0 97%"x95h GL-400DX 7.6 AMP 1010-13CR HINGED .s, (2)96T12 UNIV • 25"x8'F D/F 8'-1%" 24'/."" 233/4"x951/2" HO/CW 2.1 AMP 51-591XLH SLIDEleft (4)96T12 UNIV 4'x8'FRB D/F 8'-1%" 4'-3" 49sH6"x951/2" HO/CW 4.0 AMP 51-745J HINGED - 30'COLUMNS 6" 30' 10" C. SERVICE SIGNS o AND FACES Open 24 Hrs. ;' jI) CAR WASH o x Service copy signs are single face for mounting to a wall or on the rotatingUi pod of the old style 6'and centerpole Car Wa s h Fo o d Mart CD mounted identification signs. s. Type Codes: L- —. >! S/F - Single Face f g K tlAutoCare .TA Self ServeNC SPECIFICATIONS _ - _ , _L _ TYPE "A" "B" TRIM SIZE ILLUMINATION ELECTRICAL BALLASTS SERVICE w V m s (2)72T12 UNIV 1 18"x6'S/F 1814" 6%0'/16" 181G"x72Y,6" HO/CW 1.6 AMP 57-6015-LH SLIDE CO 25"x8'S/F 2414" 8'-114" 234" 1/t" (2)96712 2.1 AMP UNIV S HO/CW 51391XLH SLIDE Q 0 3'x8' FACE 36'r<"x95'fi" � Q 3'x12'S/F 34'A" 141Y." 34'h6"x140"h6" (6)72T12 4.5 AMP (1 JEFF HO/CW 256-1sXi1 SLIDE 5'x15'CW/PECTEN 60'6 x180'/." . ^� - CTI CD CD op j , U WE PAY FREIG ' Genuine Lexan "plastic faces & numerals. on purchase of five or more illuminated signs. (To one destination) ) 0" IPS-63 Series 3ft.x6 ft. (Vertical) Illuminated Sign ., 14"numerals 0Blac„k) vo product single or ,: ; - double face signs with changeable product panels SELF and numerals: ` Available in yellow(as shown),red or blue. Specify.Special colors available on request. Poles SERVE not included. Choice of 21 standard product panels page 17. ._, Single face—two product REGULAR ■#IPS-63 3 ft.x 6 ft. 168 lbs. $925.00 Double face—two product(with flag or between pole brackets) 9 ■ #IPS-63A 3 ft.x 6 ft. 191 lbs. $1195.00 Double face—two product(with top of pole mount •� hardware) ' 1 10 • ■ #IPS-63B 3 ft. x6 ft. 229 lbs. $1295.00 UNLEADED All signs shown are stock items—let us bid on your custom needs. •0 , II "fio GASOLINE i SELF SERVE REGULAR 099 ,,,, ■#IPS-63A Yellow 3 ft.x 6 ft. 191 lbs. $1195.00 10 ! UNLEADED a � IPS-63 Series 3 ft.x6 ft. (Vertical) i Illuminated Sign 12"numerals(Black)—Three product single or double face signs with changeable product panels SUPER UNLEADED and numerals. Available in blue(as shown),red or yellow. 9 Specify.Special colors available on request.Poles not included.Choice of 21 standard product panels page 17. Single face—three product 10 ■#IPS-63S 3 ft.a 6 ft. 169 lbs. $975.00 Double face—three product(with flag or between GASOLINE pole brackets) 5 •#IPS-63C 3ft.x6 ft. 193 lbs. $1245.00 Double face—three product(with top of pole 0 mount hardware) •#IPS-63D 3 ft.a 6 ft. 239 lbs. $1335.00 • #IPS-63C Blue 3 ft.x6 ft. 193 lbs. $1245.00 OUTDOOR ADVERTISINGirio EXCLUSIVE ART CREATIONS -_ - - - ( STANFORD & ,INGE .). 1568 GRANBY ST. ROANOKE,VIRGINIA 24012 SIGN CONTRACT THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this 26th day of January , 19 89 , by and between STANFORD& INGE, INC. (hereinafter"Seller"and STOP IN FOOD STORES P. 0_ Box 12063, Roanoke, VA 24022 (hereinafter"Purchaser") recites and provides as follows: 1. Seller agrees subject to performance by Purchaser of the terms, conditions and provisions contained hereinafter to construct and furnish for Purchaser a sign display(hereinafter"Display"). The Display will be installed at: White Sulpher. West Virginia 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF DISPLAY:The display shall consist of: Fabricate signage as per Drawing No. 89-109. NOTE: Excluding installation and Changeable Pricing and Letters. 3. PAYMENT: Purchaser agrees to pay Seller in consideration for the work to be performed by Seller as follows: the sum of -0- upon execution of this contract and the balance of $8,027.50 ,(plus any additional charges) payable upon shipment or installation, if installation is made by Seller; total purchase price being $8,027.50(plus tax as applies). 4. LIMITED WARRANTY: If installation is made by Seller, Seller warrants the Display to be free from defective workmanship in construction, and assembly for one year from the date of shipment; or the date of installation, whichever is first in time to occur. If a claim arises during this one year period, Seller shall repair or replace at Seller's option, such defective item as well as incurring normal labor and travel charges. If installation is made by Seller, Seller in addition warrants ballasts and transformers contained in the Display for one year, and all other components manufactured by others including but not limited to lamps, bulbs and neon tubing for 90 days, from the date of shipment or installation, whichever is first in time to occur, and shall repair or replace at Seller's option,such defective item as well as incurring normal labor and travel charges. It is expressly understood that Seller shall be only responsible for repair or replacement of the defective work or materials as expressly provided herein and shall not be responsible for any damage or loss, consequential or otherwise. It is further understood that whenever there is any circumstance on which a claim is based, Seller must be informed in writing immediately of such claim or the provisions of this Limited Warranty shall be void. 5. PURCHASER REPRESENTATIONS:(a)Purchaser agrees to secure all necessary governmental permits and licenses and all other necessary permits or licenses from the building owner or any other person or entity whose permission is required for the installation, maintenance, use or existence of the Display, and Purchaser shall assume all liability and expense associated thereto. (b) If Purchaser requests that work commence prior to obtaining all necessary licensees or permits, Purchaser agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurred by Seller in the event that such permit or license is rejected. (c) Purchaser agrees to secure all necessary permission for use of all registered trademarks or copyrights used on the Display and to indemnify and save Seller, its agents anti--employees forever harmless from any and all liability including without limitation all costs, expenses and attorney's fees arising from Purchaser's failure to secure such permission. (d) Purchaser agrees to assume all liability for any loss or damage caused by the Display or by reason - of the Display being on or attached to the location set out herein, and further agrees to indemnify and save Seller, its agents and employees, harmless from any loss or damage caused thereby. (e) Purchaser agrees to pay a service , charge on any amount set out herein not paid within ten days of its due date at a rate of 2% per month of such amount past due,or at such maximum rate as otherwise allowed by law,whichever rate is greater. 6. DEFAULT: Purchaser shall be in default upon the failure of Purchaser to comply with any term or condition in this contract, including but not limited to, failure to pay as provided for herein. In the event of default by Purchaser, Seller may, in addition to all other rights or remedies, immediately enter and take possession and remove when Seller sees fit and wherever found, all materials used or intended for use in the construction of the Display and any and all property called for in this contract respecting said Display. Seller shall have the right to take such action without service of notice or resort to legal process and without being deemed guilty of trespass. Purchaser shall pay all damage and costs incurred by Seller as a result of Purchaser's default, such damages and costs including but not limited to costs incurred by Seller to obtain possession of the Display and any and all related materials, and reasonable attorney's fees. In the event this contract is placed for collection by Seller or if collected by suit through any Court, Purchaser agrees to pay all reasonable costs and attorney's fees associated therewith. 7. ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND REINFORCEMENT: Purchaser shall furnish and bring feed wires of suitable and approved capacity and type to the Display and shall pay for all electricity used by Display. Purchaser shall provide necessary reinforcements to the building on which display is to be installed. 8. ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: (a) It is expressly understood that Seller shall not be responsible or liable for any delay in the progress of the work contemplated herein caused by any act or neglect of the Purchaser, or by any employee of either, or by any separate contractor employed,dr by changes-ordered in the work,or by labor disputes,fire,unusual delay or transportation, adverse weather conditions, unavoidable casualties, unavailability of materials, or any other cause beyond Seller's direct control. (b) The risk of loss to or destruction of any portion of the Display or its component parts by any means in construction with the installation, use or maintenance thereof, is assumed by Purchaser. (c) This contract is made for specially constructed equipment and when accepted by Purchaser is not subject to cancellation. Seller shall not be responsible for errors in plans, designs, specifications, materials or drawings furnished by Purchaser or its employees or agents or for the defects damage or loss caused thereby. (d) All applicable taxes payable under the laws of the state into which the Display is to be delivered or installed shall be added to the price unless such tax is paid by Purchaser and evidence of payment is provided to Seller. (e) It is expressly understood that the Display and all materials and property relatiye to the Display shall remain the property of the Seller and shall not be deemed to constitute a part of the realty on which it may be attached unless and until the purchase price is paid in full as set out herein. (f) Seller is hereby given an express security interest in said Display and its related material and property, both erected and unerected, notwithstanding the manner in which such property shall be annexed or attached to the realty. Purchaser shall sign and execute such financing statements in favor of Seller as may from time to time be requested by Seller. (g) Should latent or concealed conditions be encountered by Seller in its performance of the work contemplated herein, including without limitation encountering rock or other conditions, the contract price shall be adjusted by Seller to include the costs incurred for such conditions. 9. GENERAL PROVISIONS: (a) This contract constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter and may not be modified, amended, altered, changed, or terminated except by a written agreement signed by all of the parties hereto. It is expressly agreed there are no other representations or agreements, verbal or otherwise between the parties not expressed herein. (b) No waiver of any breach or default hereunder shall be considered valid unless in writing, and no such waiver shall be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default of the same or similar nature. (c) The paragraph headings in this contract are for the purpose of convenience only and are not intended to define or limit the paragraph contents. If any provision of this contract shall be held invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall attach only to such provision and shall not in any manner affect or render invalid or unenforceable any other provision of this contract, and this contract shall be carried out as if any such invalid or unenforceable provision were not contained herein. (d) This contract and the legal relationships between the parties shall be construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the contract shall not be considered as accepted or executed until signed by a duly authorized person of each party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties herto have caused this contract to be duly executed as of the day and year herein written. Seller: Purchaser: Date Accepted: Date Accepted: Stanford& Inge In V By . In , IV — V.P. Production By Title Title • In consideration of the agreement of the Seller to sell and the Buyer to buy the above Display as herein provided, the undersigned, jointly and severally guarantee the prompt payment of all sums of money and the performance of all obligations of the Buyer as contained in this sale contract. GUARANTOR GUARANTOR DATE DATE (Where applicable) Date sign installed: \ \ a) s rft• 0 > cliff I , 4 (/) e .3 vaVRgl+afEetl t �,_,T�• ',ag- ile 000t Ilk M�N + pap—,' 000Z!!s 000a ns ispapeaiun 3eaJ6 aaJ41 NION anaaS ilaS