HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200100007 Correspondence 2019-06-05Tori Kanellopoulos
Johnathan Newberry
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 6:21 PM
Tori Kanellopouios
Roger Johnson
Re: Hyatt SE
Awesome... Thank you, ToM
From: Tori Kaneilopoulos
Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 5:00:22 PM
To: Johnathan Newberry
Subject: RE: Hyatt SE
Hi JT,
It was approved I Attached is my draft resolution, so something substantially similar was approved. Someone
representing the Hyatt was there in the audience was well.
From: Johnathan Newberry
Sent: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 2:44 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Subject: Hyatt SE
Hey Tori,
Do you know if the consent agenda was approved this morning?
J.T. Newberry
Albemarle County Economic Development
inewber albemarle.or
434-972-4016 x2 I Internal: x3263
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Charles MacFarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 10:41 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos
Cc: Charles Macfarlane; Emily Abell; Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-F)
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
I aplogize for this late night notice, however, I wanted to let you know that I will not be attending the meeting
tomorrow morning. I have some conflicts with other work obligations that require me to be in Richmond
tomorrow. I have arranged for our Hyatt Place General Manager, Sara Bishop, to attend the meeting on our
behalf. Sara has been our manager of the Hyatt Place Hotel in Stonefield since we opened that property (actually
eight months before we opened) several years ago. She is also very familiar with our Hyatt House project and I have
kept her informed regarding our entitlement process approvals including the recent ARB approval and this Special
Exception request.
I should also be available by phone if anything comes up last minute. Again, I apologize for this late notice, however,
we will be well represented with Sara's attendance at the meeting.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
'Please note our new address'
charles macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 201910:03. AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; John O'Connor
<john.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbjarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport <PDavenport@hf-
law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowry@North marq.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Charles,
I double-checked on the time on June 5th with the Board's clerk, and the consent agenda has been moved to 9
AM. Please see note below:
Normally it would be 1:00 on June 5, but we adjusted the June 5 meeting start time to 9:00 a.m. due to
a conflict with Monticello Graduation that evening. So, the consent agenda will be voted on just a little
bit after 9:00 a.m.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 2:50 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanella oulos albemarle.or >; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>; John O'Connor
<Iohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nb'arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emfl macfarlaneva.com>: hwhite@wwassociates.net: Paul Davenport <PDavenport@hf-
iaw.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow Northmar .com>; Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarianeva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Thanks for your follow up email. Sounds good.
Please let us know if anything changes.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
charies macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 937-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkaneilo�ouios albemarle.ore>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 7:44 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles @macfarianeva,com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>; John
O'Connor <�ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>, Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nb'arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarianeva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net Paul Davenport
<PDaven ort hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow Northmar .com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Charles,
Legal does not seem to have any edits for the conditions, so the wording on those remains the same. I
think the documents are all set for approval and I will let you know if anything else is needed.
From: Tori Kanellopoulos
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 7:15 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Desal <ODesai(c�oconnorcp.com> John
O'Connor <'ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nb'arch.cam>
Cc: Emily Abel! <emil macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport
<PDavenoort hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow >
Northmar .com
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Charles,
Attached are the documents for staff's recommendation. I haven't heard any edits from legal yet but i
will keep you updated. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarianeva.com>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 201910:53 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.org>; Ojas Desai <ODesa! oconnor_cp.com>; John
O'Connor <'ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhattnb'arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emilvf2Dmacfarlaneva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net: Paul Davenport
<PDaven ort hf-iaw.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow Northmaro.com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charies macfarlaneva.cam>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Mddd rl
y [ S , LLI
Thanks. We'll look forward to hearing that legal is OK with the language change.
Also, will you please send us a copy of the staff write up and recommendation? Thanks!
I plan on attending the June 5eh meeting just in case there are some questions.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23273
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albernarle.or >
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 8:33 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charlesC�macfoa ca o ; Neil Bhatt <nbhattDenbiarch ocom>c�>;
John O'Connor <lohn.oconnor Dunn
Cc: Emily Abell <emily macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite(�wwassocia Paul Davenport
<PDavenport%@hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow Northman .com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Charles,
Thank you for the updated application plan! As far as the language change, I am fine with it, but
legal may have requested changes. I will let you know if that's the case.
You are still confirmed for the tune 51h consent gonal inforlmatload everything w anon but ! think were allset send at
to legal. I will keep you posted if I need any add
From: Charles Macfariane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 4:25 PM
To: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanell000ulos@albemarle.ore>; Ojas Desai
<ODesai oconnorc .com>; John O'Connor <john.oc nnnor ococonnorco.com>, Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt nb'arch.cam>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarianeva.com>; hwhite(Twwassociates.net; Paul Davenport
<PDavenI)orthf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowrv@Northmara.com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charles macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
The development shall be in general accord with the application plan for this
Variation Request entitled "Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House, Block C2-I:
PreliminaryARB Site Plan", prepared by W/W Associates, dated May 16, 2019.
P A R , i
Here is the revised site plan exhibit prepared by W&W, for our Special Exception request. We
titled the two portions of the first floor as `Proposed Hotel' and 'Proposed Retail, Commercial,
or Office'. We also made one change to the condition language which I have copied
above. We change the language from 'must' to 'shall' which seem to read better to us. Hope
that small change is OK with you.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Also, will
you please confirm that we are still on the consent agenda for the June 511 meeting.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
'Please note our new address***
charles macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(904) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos aibemarle.Or >
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 12:51 PM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles rnacfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Resai
<ODesai@oconnorcg.com>; John O'Connor <'ohn.oconnor aconnorc .com>; Nell
Bhatt <nbhatt nb'arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net Paul Davenport
<PRaven ort hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow a1IVorihmar .com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
That sounds good — thank you 1
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 201912:35 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarie.or >; Ojas Desai
<ODesai@oconnorc _-com>; John O'Connor <'ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Neil
Shaft <nbhattnbiarch.com>
Paul Davenport
Cc: Emily Abell <emily macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net
<PDavenport@hf-iaw.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow Northmar .com>; Charles
Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
We have asked W&W to create the requested exhibit and we'll forward it as soon as
we receive it from them.
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
charles macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos albemarle.o>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 8:02 AM
TO: Ojas Desal <ODesai oconnorcp.com>; John O'Connor
<'ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charles macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nb'arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net; Paul
Davenport <PDavenport hf--law com>; Mike Lowry
<mlow 0Northmar .com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Ojas,
Thank you for the ownership information! That is very helpful.
Also, to follow up on our call from yesterday— I recommend you send me an
updated 'application plan' (which at the moment is Sheet 3 of the ARB
submittal) and change "New Retail" to "Proposed Retail, Commercial, or Office
Ilse" (or something similar, assuming those are the types of uses you'd be
considering). That way there is some flexibility built in and it is still clearly a
mixed -use building.
You can send me just that sheet if you would like — please also update the date
on it. I will use that as the application plan as referenced in the condition.
W 1
Please let me know if the condition is satisfactory for everyone, and please feel
free to call or email me with any questions.
From: Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorc .com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 3:11 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >; John O'Connor
<iohn oconnor[�oconnorep.com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell < hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul
Davenport <PDavenport[cahf�law.com>; Mike Lowry
<mlowryf�Northmaro com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Tori —
The owner of the retail space on Block C2-1 will be OCT Stonefield Property
Owner LLC (or a subsidiary based on the current loan structure we have) and we
are working on an agreement with Macfarlane to purchase the retail upon
completion. The current owner of the land (Block C24) is OCT Stonefield
Property Owner LLC which also owns the retail portion within the larger
Stonefield development.
O'Connor had signed Application for Special Exception back in March. if there is
anything else we need to sign / authorize, please let us know.
From: Tori Kanellopoulos fmailto:vkanellopoulosC�albemarle.or�]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 2:52 PM
To: John O'Connor < ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charies macfarlaneUa.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>; Neil
Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; h--- wwassociates.net Paul
Davenport <PDaven ort hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry
Subject: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi All,
Can you please clarify for me who is going to be the owner of the Hyatt Hotel
and the retail space, and who is the current owner? I see Charles MacFarlane
signed the Special Exception application; I am not sure if John O'Connor also
signed — who is the current land owner?
The application for the Hyatt Special Exception shows a mixed -use building and
includes in the justification for additional height that the building is mixed -use.
It states that the additional story is needed to accommodate retail.
I understand there are some ownership issues, and all owners need to sign the
application and approve the conditions. Is it possible to require a condition that
the building is mixed -use (as shown on the application and stated in the
application narrative and shown on the ARB site plan), which can then be
changed or removed later if absolutely needed? I believe ultimately the
owner(s) is/are responsible for the condition.
After talking with my supervisor, here is the process going forward:
1. Proceed with the Hyatt on consent agenda for June 5t' with the
condition that this is a mixed -use building. My report is due to legal
tomorrow and the conditions are as well.
2. If you are not comfortable with this condition, we need to pull the
special exception from the consent agenda. We will need to go to the
Planning Commission first and then get this scheduled for the Board.
The Planning Commission would make a recommendation on this
proposed condition. I am not sure how early that could be scheduled.
3. If you are comfortable with this being a condition but want more time
to work it out, I could move this to consent agenda for mid June
I realize I should have brought up this conditions sooner, however I did not
anticipate it being problematic as the application and narrative state that this
building will also have retail.
Tori Kanellopoulos, A1CP Candidate
Planner .
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
Tori Kanello oulos
From: Greg Kamptner
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 4:51 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos
Subject: RE: Hyatt Hotel Special Exception
Greg Kamptner
County Attorney
County of Albemarle
434-972-4067 ext. 3268
From: Tori Kanellopoulos
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 4:50 PM
To: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Hotel Special Exception
I talked with Bill — it's not an issue! Height would have to be 750 feet for it to be affecting the AIA.
From: Greg Kamptner
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 3:08 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <ykanellopoulosIRalbemarle.org>
Subject: Hyatt Hotel Special Exception
A Board member has asked whether the height increase allowed by the special exception might trigger application of
the Airport Impact Area Overlay District (which by my reading, the airport protection zone)? Thanks.
Greg Kamptner
County Attorney
County of Albemarle
434-972-4067 ext. 3268
Tori Kanellopouios
Bill Fritz
Monday, June 3, 2019 3.44 PM
Tori Kanellopoulos
RE: Hyatt Hotel Special Exception
The building would have to be about 750 feet tali to penetrate the AIA.
William D. Fritz, AICP
Development Process Manager/Ombudsman
434-296-5823 ext 3242
From: Tori Kanellopoulos
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 3:12 PM
To: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarie.org>
Subject: FW: Hyatt Hotel Special Exception
I just looked through 18-30.2 and I don't see anything that would be an issue with a special exception
AIA — can you think of anything? Also, the height is within the all height of the approved 5tonefield. for height and the
pp d Code of Development for
From: Greg Kamptner
Sent: Monday, June 3, 2019 3:08 PM
To: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Subject: Hyatt Hotel Special Exception
A Board member has asked whether the height increase allowed by the special exception might trigger application of
the Airport Impact Area Overlay District (which by my reading, the airport protection zone)? Thanks.
Greg Kamptner } nks.
County Attorney
County of Albemarle
kam �tner walbemarle.or
434-972-4067 ext. 3268
Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 2.50 PM
Tor! Kanellopoulos; Ojas Desai; John O'Connor; Neil Bhatt
Emily Abell; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport; Mike Lowry; Charles Macfarlane
RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
[ k,
Thanks for your follow up email. Sounds good.
Please let us know if anything changes.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tor! Kanellopouios <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2019 7:44 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; John O'Connor
<john.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbjarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport <PDavenport@hf-
law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowry@Northmarq.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Charles,
Legal does not seem to have any edits for the conditions, so the wording on those remains the same. I think the
documents are all set for approval and I will let you know if anything else is needed.
From: Tor! Kanellopoulos
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2019 7:15 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlangva.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorcp.com>; John O'Connor
<iohn.oconnor oconnorcp.corn>; Nei! Bhatt <nbhattf_@nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport <PDaven orthf-
law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow Northmar .com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Charles,
Attached are the documents for staffs recommendation. I haven't heard any edits from legal yet but I will keep
you updated. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarianeva.com>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 10:53 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkaneliopoulos albemarig.or >; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>; John O'Connor
< ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarianeva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport <PDavenport hf-
law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowry NorthmarQ com>; Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarianeva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
PAR ! Nib.'' LLZ,
Thanks. We'll look forward to hearing that legal is OK with the language change.
Also, will you please send us a copy of the staff write up and recommendation? Thanks!
I plan on attending the June 5{h meeting just in case there are some questions.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
'Please note our new address***
charles macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore>
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 8:33 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; John
O'Connor <john.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>; Nell Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net: Paul Davenport
<PDavenporti hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowrv@Northmarci.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Charles,
Thank you for the updated application plan! As far as the language change, I am fine with it, but legal
may have requested changes. I will let you know if that's the case.
You are still confirmed for the June St' consent agenda. I will upload everything now and send it to legal.
I will keep you posted if I need any additional information, but I think we're all set.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 4:25 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore>; Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; John
O'Connor <john.oconnor@oconnorcP.com>; Nei! Bhatt <nbhatt@nb!arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <em!I macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net. Paul Davenport
<PDaven orthf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowrv@Northmarp.com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charles macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
The development shall be in general accord with the application plan for this Variation
Request entitled "Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House, Block C2-1: Preliminary AiRB Site
Plan", prepared by W/W Associates, dated May 16, 2019.
f J Fr
Here is the revised site plan exhibit, prepared by W&W, for our Special Exception request. We titled
the two portions of the first floor as 'Proposed Hotel' and 'Proposed Retail, Commercial, or
Office'. We also made one change to the condition language which I have copied above. We change
the language from 'must' to'shall' which seem to read better to us. Hope that small change is OK
with you.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Also, will you please
confirm that we are still on the consent agenda for the June 51' meeting.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
charles macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 12:51 PM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>;
John O'Connor <lohn.oconnor@oconnorcn com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhat#@nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emiiy@macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport
<PDaven port@ hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowry@Northmarp com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
That sounds good —thank you!
From: Charles Macfarlane <charies macfarianeva.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 12:35 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.or >; Ojas Desai
<ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; John O'Connor <john.oconnor@oconnorcp com>; Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt nb'arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abel! <emil macfarlaneva.com>; hwhi MaRwwassOciates.net; Paul Davenport
<PDaven ort hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowrvC�Northmarq com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charles macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
We have asked W&W to create the requested exhibit and we'll forward it as soon as we
receive it from them.
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
charley macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkaneilopoulos@albemarle.ore>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 8:02 AM
To: Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>; John O'Connor
<lohn.oconnor oconnorcn-com>; Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.corn>;
Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbjarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite 62wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport
<PDavenport@hf-law com>; Mike Lowry <mlowry Northmaro com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Ojas,
Thank you for the ownership information! That is very helpful.
Also, to follow up on our call from yesterday— I
` recommend you send me an updated
application plan' (which at the moment is Sheet 3 of the ARB submittal) and change
"New Retail" to "Proposed Retail, Commercial, or office Use" (or something similar,
assuming those are the types of uses you'd be considering). That way there is some
flexibility built in and it is still clearly a mixed -use building.
You can send me just that sheet if you would like - please also update the date on it. I
will use that as the application plan as referenced in the condition.
bd rou+r•,
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Please let me know if the condition is satisfactory for everyone, and please feel free to
call or email me with any questions.
From: Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 3,11 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos albemarle.or >; John O'Connor
<'ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Charles Macfarlane <charies macfarlaneva.com>;
Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nb arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil v
macfarlanea.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport
<PDaven ort hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow Northmar .com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Tori -
The owner of the retail space on Block C2-1 will be OCT Stonefield Property Owner LLC
(or a subsidiary based on the current loan structure we have) and we are working on an
agreement with Macfarlane to purchase the retail upon completion. The current owner
of the land (Block C2-1) is OCT Stonefield Property Owner LLC which also owns the retail
portion within the larger Stonefield development.
O'Connor had signed Application for Special Exception back in March. If there is
anything else we need to sign / authorize, please let us know.
From: Tor! Kanellopoulos (mailto:vkanell000ulos albemarle.orel
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 2:52 PM
To: John O'Connor <'ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charles macfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesaiC�oconnorcp.com>; Neil Bhatt
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarianeva com>; hwhite Pwwassociates.net; Paul Davenport
<I'Daven ort hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry<mlow Northmar .com>
Subject: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi All,
Can you please clarify for me who is going to be the owner of the Hyatt Hotel and the
retail space, and who is the current owner? I see Charles MacFarlane signed the Special
Exception application; I am not sure if John O'Connor also signed — who is the current
land owner?
The application for the Hyatt Special Exception shows a mixed -use building and includes
in the justification for additional height that the building is mixed -use. It states that the
additional story is needed to accommodate retail.
I understand there are some ownership issues, and all owners need to sign the
application and approve the conditions. Is it possible to require a condition that the
building is mixed -use (as shown on the application and stated in the application
narrative and shown on the ARB site plan), which can then be changed or removed later
if absolutely needed? I believe ultimately the owner(s) is/are responsible for the
After talking with my supervisor, here is the process going forward:
1. Proceed with the Hyatt on consent agenda for June 5th with the condition that
this is a mixed -use building. My report is due to legal tomorrow and the
conditions are as well.
2. If you are not comfortable with this condition, we need to pull the special
exception from the consent agenda. We will need to go to the Planning
Commission first and then get this scheduled for the Board. The Planning
Commission would make a recommendation on this proposed condition. I am
not sure how early that could be scheduled.
3. If you are comfortable with this being a condition but want more time to work it
out, I could move this to consent agenda for mid -June instead.
I realize I should have brought up this conditions sooner, however I did not anticipate it
being problematic as the application and narrative state that this building will also have
Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
From: Tori Kanellopoulos
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2019 9:30 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane; Ojas Desai; John O'Connor; Neil Bhatt
Cc: Emily Abell; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport; Mike Lowry
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Also, I checked with my colleagues, and it is optional for you to attend the Board meeting on June Sth, I believe the
consent agenda will be held at 1 PM during their regular day meeting. Usually when staff recommends approval, the
Board approves the consent agenda with no discussion. There is a chance that they would pull the item for discussion,
however it is still not required for you to be there in that case. That does not happen often, but there's always a chance.
Therefore, it is up to you all if you would like to attend!
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 4:25 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; John O'Connor
<john.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>; Neil Bhatt<nbhatt@nbjarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport <PDavenport@hf-law.com>;
Mike Lowry <m lowry@ North ma rq.com>; Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
The development shall be in general accord with the application plan for this Variation Request
entitled "Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House, Block C2-1: Preliminary ARB Site Plan", prepared by W/W
Associates, dated May 16, 2019.
Here is the revised site plan exhibit, prepared by W&W, for our Special Exception request. We titled the two portions
of the first floor as `Proposed Hotel' and 'Proposed Retail, Commercial, or Office'. We also made one change to the
condition language which 1 have copied above. We change the language from 'must' to 'shall' which seem to read
better to us. Hope that small change is OK with you.
Please let us know if you have any questions or need any additional information. Also, will you please confirm that
we are still on the consent agenda for the June 51h meeting.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
charles macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 12:51 PM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles@ma--farlaneva.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorcg com>; John O'Connor
< ohn.oconnor oconnorc .com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily bmacfarlaneva-com>; hwhite wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport <PDaven ort hf-
law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowr Northmar .com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
That sounds good —thank you!
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarianeva.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 12:35 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos albemarle.or >; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorcp.com>; John O'Connor
<iohn oconnor oconnorcp com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily bmacfarianeva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net Paul Davenport <PDavenport H-
law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowrv@Northmara•com>; Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
We have asked W&W to create the requested exhibit and we'll forward it as soon as we receive it from them.
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1822 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
charley macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2019 8:02 AM
To: Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorcp com>; John O'Connor <"oLhn,oconnor@oconnorco.com�; Charles
Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt Cc: Emily Abell <nb'arch.com>
emil macfarlaneva com>; hwhite wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport
<PDavenport@hf law com>; Mike Lowry <miowry Northmara com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi Ojas,
Thank you for the ownership information! That is very helpful.
Also, to follow up on our call from yesterday — I recommend you send me an updated 'application plan'
(which at the moment is Sheet 3 of the ARB submittal) and change "New Retail" to "Proposed Retail,
Commercial, or Office Use" (or something similar, assuming those are the types of uses you'd be
considering). That way there is some flexibility built in and it is still clearly a mixed -use building.
You can send me just that sheet if you would like — please also update the date on it. i will use that as
the application plan as referenced in the condition.
Please let me know if the condition is satisfactory for everyone, and please feel free to call or email me
with any questions.
From: Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 3:11 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos aibemarle.o0r >; John O'Connor
<john.oconnor oconnorc .cam>; Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport
<PDaven ort hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowry@Northmarg.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Tori —
The owner of the retail space on Block C2-1 will be OCT Stonefield Property Owner LLC (ora subsidiary
based on the current loan structure we have) and we are working on an agreement with Macfarlane to
purchase the retail upon completion. The current owner of the land (Block C2-1) is OCT Stonefield
Property Owner LLC which also owns the retail portion within the larger Stonefield development.
O'Connor had signed Application for Special Exception back in March. if there is anything else we need
to sign / authorize, please let us know.
From: Tori Kanellopoulos mailto:vkanello ouios albemarle.or
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 2:52 PM
To: John O'Connor <john.oconnor oconnorcp.com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charles macfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>; Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt nb'arch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarianeva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net• Paul Davenport
<PDaven orthf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlow Northmar .com>
Subject: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Hi All,
Can you please clarify for me who is going to be the owner of the Hyatt Hotel and the retail space, and
who is the current owner? I see Charles MacFarlane signed the Special Exception application; I am not
sure if John O'Connor also signed — who is the current land owner?
The application for the Hyatt Special Exception shows a mixed -use building and includes in the
justification for additional height that the building is mixed -use. It states that the additional story is
needed to accommodate retail.
I understand there are some ownership issues, and all owners need to sign the application and approve
the conditions. Is it possible to require a condition that the building is mixed -use (as shown on the
application and stated in the application narrative and shown on the ARB site plan), which can then be
changed or removed later if absolutely needed? I believe ultimately the owner(s) is/are responsible for
the condition.
After talking with my supervisor, here is the process going forward:
1. Proceed with the Hyatt on consent agenda for June 51h with the condition that this is a mixed -
use building. My report is due to legal tomorrow and the conditions are as well.
2. If you are not comfortable with this condition, we need to pull the special exception from the
consent agenda. We will need to go to the Planning Commission first and then get this
scheduled for the Board. The Planning Commission would make a recommendation on this
proposed condition. I am not sure how early that could be scheduled.
3. If you are comfortable with this being a condition but want more time to work it out, I could
move this to consent agenda for mid -June instead.
I realize I should have brought up this conditions sooner, however i did not anticipate it being
problematic as the application and narrative state that this building will also have retail.
Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
Tori Kanellopoulos
Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorcp.com>
Wednesday, May 15, 2019 3:11 PM
Tori Kaneilopoulos; John O'Connor; Charles Macfarlane; Neil 13hatt
Emily Abell; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport; Mike Lowry
RE: Hyatt Special Exception Request
Tori —
The owner of the retail space on Block C2-1 will be OCT Stonefield Property Owner LLC (or a subsidiary based on the
current loan structure we have) and we are working on an agreement with Macfarlane to purchase the retail upon
completion. The current owner of the land (Block C2-1) is OCT Stonefield Property Owner LLC which also owns the retail
portion within the larger Stonefield development.
O'Connor had signed Application for Special Exception back in March. If there is anything else we need to sign /
authorize, please let us know.
From: Tori Kanellopoulos[mailto:vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 2:52 PM
To: John O'Connor <john.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>; Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Ojas Desai
<ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbjarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Paul Davenport <PDavenport@hf-law.com>;
Mike Lowry<mlowry@Northmarq.com>
Subject: Hyatt Special Exception Request
H 1 All,
Can you please clarify for me who is going to be the owner of the Hyatt Hotel and the retail space, and who is the
current owner? I see Charles MacFarlane signed the Special Exception application; I am not sure if John O'Connor also
signed — who is the current land owner?
The application for the Hyatt Special Exception shows a mixed -use building and includes in the justification for additional
height that the building is mixed -use. It states that the additional story is needed to accommodate retail.
I understand there are some ownership issues, and all owners need to sign the application and approve the conditions.
Is it possible to require a condition that the building is mixed -use (as shown on the application and stated in the
application narrative and shown on the ARB site plan), which can then be changed or removed later if absolutely
needed? I believe ultimately the owner(s) is/are responsible for the condition.
After talking with my supervisor, here is the process going forward:
1. Proceed with the Hyatt on consent agenda for June 51h with the condition that this is a mixed -use building. My
report is due to legal tomorrow and the conditions are as well.
2. If you are not comfortable with this condition, we need to pull the special exception from the consent agenda.
We will need to go to the Planning Commission first and then get this scheduled for the Board. The Planning
Commission would make a recommendation on this proposed condition. I am not sure how early that could be
3. If you are comfortable with this being a condition but want more time to work it out, I could move this to
consent agenda for mid -June instead.
I realize I should have brought up this conditions sooner, however I did not anticipate it being problematic as the
application and narrative state that this building will also have retail.
Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 3:28 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos
Subject RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Thanks Tori. Will do!
P A R T N E R S, L L C
Emily Abell
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
**`Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@aibemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 3:27 PM
To: Emily Abell <emiiy@macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
HI Emily,
I am available in 15 minutes- just wrapping up my meeting with my supervisor. Please have Charles give me a call at
Thank you!
From: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 3:25 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles@ma cfarianeva.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Charles is available to talk this afternoon before his 4pm meeting. Are you available in the next 10-15
Thank you,
Emily Abell
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address'
emily @macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos albemarle.or >
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 2:21 PM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlan wa.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nbiarch.com>; hwhite wwassociates.net Paul
Davenport <PDavenport hf-law.com>; Mike Lowry <mlowry Northmarq.com>; Ojas Desai <ODesai0oconnorcp.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi Charles,
I am going to talk with my supervisor and other Planning staff and will give you ey call after that this afternoon (likely
around 3-3:30 PM). One justification of additional height in both the Places29 Master Plan (Comp Plan) and Stonefield's
Code of Development is having a mixed -use building. Additionally, your application shows and describes a mixed -use
building. Would it be possible to require a mixed -use building without specifying square footage? I understand there are
challenges around the ownership as well.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@ma cfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 201912:30 PM
To: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos albemarle.org>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily macfarlaneva.com>; Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt nbiarch.com>; hwhitet@wwassociates.net Paul Davenport <PDavenport hf-law.com>; Mike Lawry
<m lowryP North mar .corn>; Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Thanks for your follow up email.
We have reviewed your request regarding adding a condition to our special exception requiring mixed -use. While we
believe that such an understanding is the most likely operating scenario for the life of the project and it is appropriate
based on the proposed design, agreeing to such a condition would create potential problems for us as owner of the
hotel and for O'Connor as the anticipated owner of the retail space within the building (as well as for our respective
lenders). Our contract with O'Connor calls for us to sell to them, via a condominium ownership arrangment, the retail
portion of the building which space is to be finished and operated in a manner similar to how they currently own and
manage the adjacent retail space within the Stonefield development. As a result, a violation of the requirement (if
that was ever to happen) would impact the hotel and the hotel ownership would not have an appropriate means to
control and/or address the violation. Furthermore, all lenders would have difficulty underwriting the financing of the
hotel with this condition not knowing the risk associated with controlling it and/or being in a position to properly
address it. Lots of time, effort and money would be spent by all parties trying to figure out how to handle the
i sincerely believe that the proposed design, ownership, investment and use of the hotel building and the retail space
will insure the long term high quality mixed use environment sought by the County without the need for adding a
condition (which will be problematic for us and our lenders).
Please call me if you would like to discuss further.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
charles macfarianeva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2019 9:14 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhattnb'arch.com>; k atel nb'arch.com• CASSiDY
DROSKi (cdroski nb'arch.com) <cdroski nb'arch.com>; 'jbeirne@wwassociates.net'
<"beirne wwassociates.net>; hwhite wwassociates.net• Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>; John
O'Connor <iohn.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>; Peter Bergner <Pber ner oconnorc .com>; Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-
F) <sara.bishop@hyatt.com>; Blaine Shively <bshivel 350 comcast.net>; Paul Davenport <PDavenportCaDhf-
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi Charles,
Thank you for the updated information! I appreciate it. I am working on the staff report now and wanted to see
how you would feel about a condition of the special exception (for the additional story) that requires the
building to be mixed -use? One of the major justifications for the special exception is that the building is mixed -
use, which is also part of Stonefield's Code of Development (buildings are allowed to be taller if they have more
than one use). We are still drafting the conditions, although I believe the only other condition would be limiting
this height exception to your specific site/area (Block C-2, I think). l do not see putting in a condition for open
space, as providing sufficient open space is already a site plan requirement and can be worked out with the site
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 2:00 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Cc: Emily Abell <emily Dmacfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>; k atel nbiarch.com• CASSIDY
DROSKI (cdroski@nbaarch.com <cdroski@nbiarch.com>;'jbeirne@wwassociates.net'
<'beirne wwassociates.net>; hwhite wwassociates.net Ojas Desai <ODco
esai oconao! m>; John
O'Connor <iohn oconnor oconnorcg com>; Peter Bergner <Pber ner oconnorc .com>; Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-
F) <sara.bisho h att.com>; Blaine Shively <bshively350@comcast.net>; Paul Davenport <PDaven art hf-
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
I apologize for my delay responding to your most recent questions about our Special Exception request for the
Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel.
I have provided our responses to your questions below:
1. Economic Development:
a. The positive economic development benefits of the proposed project are considerable:
1. The planned six story Hyatt House Hotel (which is the same approximate
height in feet and the same number of floors as the adjacent Hyatt Place
Hotel), will represent an investment in the County in excess of
$20,000,000. The retail portion of the proposed development will likely
represent an additional investment in excess of $3,000,000.
2. The investment and operating business located within the hotel portion of the
building will generate significant real estate, hospitality and meals taxes for
the County. The Hyatt Place Hotel which is owned and managed by the same
ownership group developing this project pays Albemarle County close to
$400,000 in real estate, hospitality and meals taxes and the Hyatt House Hotel
is projected to pay between $425,000 and $450,000 in similar taxes. The retail
portion of the building will also contribute significant additional tax revenue
from real estate, sales, and meals taxes.
3. This proposed hotel project will employ between 45 and 50 full time
employees and the retail portion of the project will likely employ between 30-
40 employees.
4. Sewer and water connection fees to be paid to ACSA and RWSA for the
proposed hotel have been estimated by the County to exceed $850,000.
2. Comprehensive Plan Goals
a. The Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan goals are met by the proposed Hyatt House Hotel
development as follows:
1. New investment, development and quality employment will be added in the
existing Development Area of Stonefield
2. Development will take place on appropriately zoned land In an existing mixed -
use development community
3. Development will utilize existing County infrastructure with regards to roads,
utilities and other County services.
4. Hotel development will promote block development with connections to
exisiting sidewalks and road infrastructure
S. Hotel development will be part of a larger mixed -use development that is in
keeping with the Neighborhood Model and Area Master Plan.
6. Proposed hotel will be close to public transportation and will share parking
facilities with other mixed -use activities and businesses in the Stonefield
3. The hotel shuttle van will provide transporation for hotel guests to locations within a five mile radius
of the hotel. Some of the places frequently visited by the existing `sister' Hyatt Place Hotel's shuttle
van include:
a. UVA buildings and grounds
b. Downtown Mall and surrounding businesses and restaurants
c. JPJ Arena
d. UVA JAG School
e. UVA taw School
f. UVA Darden School
g. Federal Executive Institue
4. 1 have confirmed with Herb White of W&W that the amount of Open Space on the proposed site plan
is 100% of the Open Space (Green and Civic Space — Ultimate Plan dated 3-21-11 and attached)
approved per the Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E dated
5. All of the hardscape and landscaped areas surrounding the proposed hotel would be deemed public
and/or green spaces that would be available for use by hotel guests, retail customers, Stonefield
visitors and the general public. I have highlighted, in yellow, on the attached site plan these areas
that provide unrestricted access from the sidewalks that circle the hotel and retail spaces.
5. Please see # 4 above. We have not counted the pool area, the outdoor meeting room patio or the
enclosed outdoor dining area in the common space highlighted as public space or counted as either
Green or Civic Space.
7. It is our understanding that O'Connor will provide additional seating, benches and tables similar to
the existing FF&E they, as the Stonefield property managers, have provided for other likekind areas
within the Stonefield development.
it is my understanding that Ojas Desai and John O'Connor with O'Connor Capital Partners will be meeting with
you next week to provide additional detail and answer questions regarding Stonefield's common areas and
their related planned programming.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 201911:02 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emiiy macfarlaneva.com>; Nell Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>; kpatel@nbiarch.com;
CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski@nbiarch.com) <cd rosid@ nb'arch.com>;'jbeirne@wwassociates.net'
<ibeirne wwassociates.net>; hwhite Pwwassociates.net
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Bequest Justification
Hi Charles,
I have a few clarifying questions on the application that will help me write my report. John O'Connor
reached out to us as well for a meeting, so it sounds like we will be having some. discussions around
open space. The most important requirement for your open space (that is, green and civic space) is that
it meets or exceeds the amount shown on the application plan (as you stated). I do need some
clarification about the proposed open space, as shown in my questions below. The open space is a
requirement of the site plan, so we can continue to work with John O'Connor on the
ownership/maintenance of the open space, which can be finalized at site plan stage. I have not yet
written up conditions for this application, and am not sure if there will need to be any around open
space, given that it is a site plan requirement.
1. Please provide a short narrative about the economic development benefits of this proposal,
such as tax revenue generated and/or employment created. Reference economic development
goals in the Comprehensive Plan.
2. Where do the shuttles go that serve the hotel?
3. Provide an approximate square footage estimate of open space provided vs. required (on the
application plan).
4. Which sections of the open space are public vs. private?
a. Please provide a list of everything that is counted toward open space, and whether it is
considered public or private.
b. For example, are the pool or meeting rooms counted? Are they public or private? They
do not need to be, I am just trying to understand exactly what is counted toward open
5. Restaurant seating does not count toward open space. If there is an outdoor patio where people
can sit without purchasing anything, that may be acceptable. This may not be needed as open
space anyway if sufficient square footage is provided elsewhere.
6. Will there be seating provided in the plaza in front of the proposed retail? This would make the
space more useable. There is some existing seating (benches and picnic tables) in this area
Please let me know if you have any questions! This is still scheduled for the Board for June 5t', and I
expect I can move it to consent agenda soon.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charlesCQ}macfarlaneva com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 201912:16 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello ouios albemarle.o >
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles(aamacfarlaneva comb; Emily Abell <emflv@macfarlaneva com>; Neil
Bhatt <>; kpatel@nbiarch com: CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski nb'arch.com)
<cdroski nb'arch.com>; 'jbeirne@wwassociates.net' <'beirne wwassociates.net>;
hwhite wwassociates.net
Subject: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
PA k.
Hope all is well.
I apologize for my delay sending this information to you.
As requested, I have provided Applicant's justification per for our special Exception
Request for an additional story for the proposed Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield. I have also attached
the following documents In support of our application:
1. Most recent rendering prepared by nbj of the front (south and west) elevation
2. Cover page and data sheet for the Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for
Blocks A, B, C, D &E dated 3-21-11 Application Plan —Full Build Exhibit A
3. Albemarle Place Town Center (Stonefield) Amended
dated 10-21-13
n Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E, Green and Civic
4. Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Pla
Space dated 3-21-11
5. Hyatt House Hotel Floor Plans prepared by nbj Architects
6. Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1 Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan and
ded to the
Preliminary ARB Site Plan prepared
ARB Application request and plans have approvedbeen `
Albemarle County ARB. Applicant's
subject to certain conditions.
Tod, I wanted to point out that, to the extent possible, we have addressed the Planning Department's
request for information regarding the civic and open space on our site in the Stonefield
development. We have referenced the landscaped, green, patio, courtyard and other people spaces
for our particular development and our specific site plan. I hope you will agree that the pedestrian
friendly people spaces that we are providing as part of our proposed development are considerably
block. We, however, cannot
more robust than the previously approved retail site plan for this C2-1
represent conditions and performance on parcels of land and for areas we do not and will not
control. Those representations need to come from Stonefield's ownership and management group —
O'Connor. We have been working closely with them through our contract process and the ongoing
entitlement process —including the ARB review, this Special Exception request and our subsequent
Major Site Plan Amendment which submittal is in process. It is our understanding that O'Connor has
anticipated the civic and open space interests of the Planning Department and they have made
thoughtful provisions and plans to ensure that the environment desired by the County and
community stakeholders is appropriately executed and delivered for the benefit and enjoyment of
if we need to provide additional site plan and/or building detail for this Special Exception review,
please let me know and we will forward that Information.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
charles macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
a•) (1) The ro osed Stone field H�arouse Hotel is consistent with the oats ano the Cam rehensive Plan Nss: d oi'ective
a. The planned Hyatt House Hotel will add high quality hospitality rooms, amenities and
functions to the existing mixed -use inventory of accommodations provided by the H at
Place Hotel within the Stonefield destination and mixed -use retail complex. y t
b. The Hyatt House Hotel will provide a different design of studio and extended stay
guestrooms with kitchen/kitchenette facilities to meet the demand for those travelers
desiring longer stays within the Stonefield development.
C. floor
. The Hyatt House Hotel will include a block of luxury accommodations on the sixth
which will provide upscale travelers with a choice of a higher finish extended stay
guestroom which product is not currently supplied in the submarket.
d. The Hyatt House Hotel will offer meeting, dining and relaxing amenity spaces including
meeting rooms, fitness facilities, an indoor pool, indoor/outdoor dining areas and
exterior patio areas for use by hotel guests and the general public.
e. The proposed plan includes approximately 12,400 square feet of high quality retail
space which will link the hotel's functional spaces and street presence to the existing
retail buildings located adjacent to and across Bond Street from the subject
Property. The building's design will pay particular attention to how pedestrians
experience and approach the building by accessing both the retail spaces and the hotel's
main entrance and public spaces to provide a pedestrian friendly and walkable
environment around the full perimeter of the property. The large clear glass entrances
full height windows and retail storefronts will provide welcoming views and
Opportunities for hotel guests to interact with passing visitors and shoppers making the
environment an active and truly mixed -use experience. f• The close proximity and accessibility of the food service businesses to the hotel are
considered major amenities and selling points for attracting
uests to the Proosed
Hyatt House Hotel. The adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel has experienced ed a high percentage
of shared use between hotel and the retail food services. A larger percentage of Hyatt
Place hotel guests arrive and depart via taxi or Uber and choose to walk to restaurants
within Stonefield for their meals.
g. The Hyatt Place Hotel provides shuttle service for drop off and pick up (not airport
arrivals and departures) further incentivizing hotel guests to leave their personal
vehicles at home (or arrive without using rental cars) and stay local for retail and
restaurant services.
b.) (2) The ro osed Stone field H att House Hotel does not increase the a roved
develo meat densi or intensit o devela meat.
a. The proposed site plan footprint of the hotel and retail building is actually slightly less
than the previously approved plan which is titled: Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site
Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E and dated 3-21-11
b• As the request for an additional floor (six in lieu of five) still falls within the height l floor request does not exceed
limitation as measured by number of feet, the additiona
the height limit as it pertains to mass and view. In addition, the number of floors
requested matches the number of floors of the adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel and the scale
of the two buildings will be more balanced as a result.
C. The ability to add a sixth level building which permits the proof guestrooms provides additional floor area within the
otherwise. of
to accommodate the addition of first floor retail
space (allowing true mixed -uses with the development) that would not be possible
c.) (3) The nronmp i
a. The proposed building and site plan are fully contained within the development block
C2-1 act the function and use
b. Construction of the proposed hotel and retail space will not imp
of the adjacent sites and buildings-
c. Parking for the proposed hotel and retail spacewith al hared parking understanding per
the existing shared parking agreements and w
between the Hyatt Place Hotel and Hyatt House Hotel ownership and management.
Pro posed development of blocks D1 and D2 is pro needing through
between enti s s being with
Stonefield ownership and any needed coordinatio
handled by O'Connor, the Stonefield development ownership and manager.
d.) (4) The pro,osed Stone ieldfaor Spectel ial i=xes eeption'does not require a special use permit.
a. This request and application1 ._� _+
e.) (5) The ro oseU -)w,"- ,...�
o the a roved a lication purpose
a. This request and application for Special Exception is in general accord with the p p
and intent of ZMA2013�_
=1 i I At
f • a - footprint provides
c. The proposed
Hyatt Houbui ding setback and more building ding plane/elevation Ian above.
i. Greater vertical g roved C2-1 p
through wall jogs and transitions than the previously approved
ii. People spaces utilizing patios and courtyards (at the retail spaceBond
an d apd District the reaorner, at
the transition from the hotel entranceprovide a more integrated and active
meeting space outdoor transition] eviously approved C2-1 plan above.
pedestrian environment than the p plan
iii. The mixed -use functions of the hospitality
lattractive retaccesl uses s and views to the
building design provide more aesthetically
side and rear elevations of the site. pro the
on the proposed
iv. The proposed green spaces and civic function spaces p
Hyatt House C2-1 site (and by Stonefield managementthe prevfiou adjacent approved C2)1
will be equal to or greater than those propose y
plan above.
Tod Konellowulos
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2019 11:50 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos
Cc: Emily Abell; Neil Bhatt; kpatel@nbjarch.com; CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski@nbjarch.com);
jbeirne@wwassociates.net; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Ojas Desai; John O'Connor, Peter
Bergner, Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-F); Blaine Shively; Paul Davenport; Charles Macfarlane
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Attachments: Stonefield Green and Civic Space.pdf
F 14, -
l_ l
Here it is —please let me know if you have trouble opening this one.
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
V 5ttynefieild Green and'�e�,�r 5�ace gDD3�.pdi-1�dpbe 1+croba! Ruder DC
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a s, i A t1
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 201910:23 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbjarch.com>; kpatel@nbjarch.com; CASSIDY
DROSKI (cdroski@nbjarch.com) <cdroski@ nbja rch.com>; 'jbeirne@wwassociates. net'
<jbeirne@wwassociates. net>; hwhite@wwassociates.net; Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; John
O'Connor <john.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>; Peter Bergner <Pbergner@oconnorcp.com>; Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-
F) <sara.bishop@hyatt.com>; Blaine Shively <bshively350@comcast.net>; Paul Davenport <PDavenport@hf-
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi Charles,
Would you be able to re -send the open space exhibit PDF? For some reason I am not able to open it on my
Thank you,
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlane_va.com>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 2:00 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellonoulos@albemarle.org>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>; kpatei@nbiarch.com; CASSIDY
DROSKI (cdroski nbjarch.com) <cdroski@nbiarch.com>; 'jbeirne@wwassociates. net'.
<ibeirne@wwassociates.net>; hwhite wwassociates.net• Ojas Desai <ODesai@oconnorcp.com>; John
O'Connor <iohn.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>; Peter Bergner <Pberener@oconnorcp.com>; Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-
F) <sara.bishop@hyatt.com>; Blaine Shively <bshively350@comcast.net>; Paul Davenport <PDavennort@hf-
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
I apologize for my delay responding to your most recent questions about our Special Exception request for the
Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel.
I have provided our responses to your questions below:
1. Economic Development:
a. The positive economic development benefits of the proposed project are considerable:
1. The planned six story Hyatt House Hotel (which is the same approximate
height in feet and the same number of floors as the adjacent Hyatt Place
Hotel), will represent an investment in the County in excess of
$20,000,000. The retail portion of the proposed development will likely
represent an additional investment in excess of $3,000,000.
2. The investment and operating business located within the hotel portion of the
building will generate significant real estate, hospitality and meals taxes for
the County. The Hyatt Place Hotel which is owned and managed by the same
ownership group developing this project pays Albemarle County close to
$400,000 in real estate, hospitality and meals taxes and the Hyatt House Hotel
is projected to pay between $425,000 and $450,000 in similar taxes. The retail
portion of the building will also contribute significant additional tax revenue
from real estate, sales, and meals taxes.
3. This proposed hotel project will employ between 45 and 50 full time
employees and the retail portion of the project will likely employ between 30-
40 employees.
4. Sewer and water connection fees to be paid to ACSA and RWSA for the
proposed hotel have been estimated by the County to exceed $850,000.
2. Comprehensive Plan Goals
a. The Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan goals are met by the proposed Hyatt House Hotel
development as follows:
1. New investment, development and quality employment will be added in the
existing Development Area of Stonefield
2. Development will take place on appropriately zoned land in an existing mixed -
use development community
3. Development will utilize existing County infrastructure with regards to roads,
utilities and other County services.
4. Hotel development will promote block development with connections to
exisiting sidewalks and road infrastructure
5. Hotel development will be part of a larger mixed -use development that is in
keeping with the Neighborhood Model and Area Master Plan.
6. Proposed hotel will be close to public transportation and will share parking
facilities with other mixed -use activities and businesses in the Stonefield
3. The hotel shuttle van will provide transporation for hotel guests to locations within a five mile radius
of the hotel. Some of the places frequently visited by the existing `sister' Hyatt Place Hotel's shuttle
van include:
a. UVA buildings and grounds
b. Downtown Mail and surrounding businesses and restaurants
c. JPJ Arena
d. UVA JAG School
e. UVA Law School
f. UVA Darden School
g. Federal Executive Institue
4. 1 have confirmed with Herb White of W&W that the amount of Open Space on the proposed site plan
is 100% of the Open Space (Green and Civic Space — Ultimate Plan dated 3-21-11 and attached)
approved per the Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E dated
5. All of the hardscape and landscaped areas surrounding the proposed hotel would be deemed public
and/or green spaces that would be available for use by hotel guests, retail customers, Stonefield
visitors and the general public. I have highlighted, in yellow, on the attached site plan these areas
that provide unrestricted access from the sidewalks that circle the hotel and retail spaces.
6. Please see # 4 above. We have not counted the pool area, the outdoor meeting room patio or the
enclosed outdoor dining area in the common space highlighted as public space or counted as either
Green or Civic Space.
7. It is our understanding that O'Connor will provide additional seating, benches and tables similar to
the existing FF&E they, as the Stonefield property managers, have provided for other likekind areas
within the Stonefield development.
It is my understanding that Ojas Desai and John O'Connor with O'Connor Capital Partners will be meeting with
you next week to provide additional detail and answer questions regarding Stonefleld's common areas and
their related planned programming.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, I_tC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:02 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charies@macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Nell Bhatt <nbhatt@nblarch.com>; kpatel@nbiarch.com;
CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski nb'arch.com) <cdroski@nbjarch.cam>;'jbeirne@wwassociates.net'
<ibeirne@wwassociates.net>; hwhite@wwassociates.net
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi Charles,
I have a few clarifying questions on the application that will help me write my report. John O'Connor
reached out to us as well for a meeting, so it sounds like we will be having some discussions around
open space. The most important requirement for your open space (that is, green and civic space) is that
it meets or exceeds the amount shown on the application plan (as you stated). I do need some
clarification about the proposed open space, as shown in my questions below. The open space is a
requirement of the site plan, so we can continue to work with John O'Connor on the
ownership/maintenance of the open space, which can be finalized at site plan stage. I have not yet
written up conditions for this application, and am not sure if there will need to be any around open
space, given that it is a site plan requirement.
1. Please provide a short narrative about the economic development benefits of this proposal,
such as tax revenue generated and/or employment created. Reference economic development
goals in the Comprehensive Plan.
2. Where do the shuttles go that serve the hotel?
3. Provide an approximate square footage estimate of open space provided vs. required (on the
application plan).
4. Which sections of the open space are public vs. private?
a. Please provide a list of everything that is counted toward open space, and whether it is
considered public or private.
b. For example, are the pool or meeting rooms counted? Are they public or private? They
do not need to be, I am just trying to understand exactly what is counted toward open
5. Restaurant seating does not count toward open space. If there is an outdoor patio where people
can sit without purchasing anything, that may be acceptable. This may not be needed as open
space anyway if sufficient square footage is provided elsewhere.
6. Will there be seating provided in the plaza in front of the proposed retail? This would make the
space more useable. There is some existing seating (benches and picnic tables) in this area
Please let me know if you have any questions! This is still scheduled for the Board for June 51", and
expect I can move it to consent agenda soon.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 12:16 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore>
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; !Veil
Bhatt <nbhatt nbiarch.com>; kpatel@nblarch.com; CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski@nbiarch.com)
<cd roski @ n bia rch.com>; 'jbeirne@wwassociates. net'<0beirne@wwassociates.net>;
Subject: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hope all is well.
I apologize for my delay sending this information to you.
As requested, I have provided Applicant's justification per for our Special Exception
Request for an additional story for the proposed Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield. I have also attached
the following documents in support of our application:
1. Most recent rendering prepared by nbj of the front (south and west) elevation
2. Cover page and data sheet for the Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for
Blocks A, B, C, D &E dated 3-21-11
3. Albemarle Place Town Center (Stonefield) Amended Application Plan —Full Build Exhibit A
dated 10-21-13
4. Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E; Green and Civic
Space dated 3-21-11
5. Hyatt House Hotel Floor Plans prepared by nbj Architects
6. Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1 Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan and
Preliminary ARB Site Plan prepared by W&W Associates dated 11/20/18 and provided to the
Albemarle County ARB. Applicant's ARB Application request and plans have been approved
subject to certain conditions.
Tori, I wanted to point out that, to the extent possible, we have addressed the Planning Department's
request for information regarding the civic and open space on our site in the Stonefield
development. We have referenced the landscaped, green, patio, courtyard and other people spaces
for our particular development and our specific site plan. I hope you will agree that the pedestrian
friendly people spaces that we are providing as part of our proposed development are considerably
more robust than the previously approved retail site plan for this C2-1 block. We, however, cannot
represent conditions and performance on parcels of land and for areas we do not and will not
control. Those representations need to come from Stonefield's ownership and management group —
O'Connor. We have been working closely with them through our contract process and the ongoing
entitlement process —including the ARB review, this Special Exception request and our subsequent
Major Site Plan Amendment which submittal is in process. It is our understanding that O'Connor has
anticipated the civic and open space interests of the Planning Department and they have made
thoughtful provisions and plans to ensure that the environment desired by the County and
community stakeholders is appropriately executed and delivered for the benefit and enjoyment of
If we need to provide additional site plan and/or building detail for this Special Exception review,
please let me know and we will forward that information.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
a.) (1) The Proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel is consistent with the goals and obiectives
of the Comprehensive Plan asfollows:
a. The planned Hyatt House Hotel will add high quality hospitality rooms, amenities and
functions to the existing mixed -use inventory of accommodations provided by the Hyatt
Place Hotel within the Stonefield destination and mixed -use retail complex.
b. The Hyatt House Hotel will provide a different design of studio and extended stay
guestrooms with kitchen/kitchenette facilities to meet the demand for those travelers
desiring longer stays within the Stonefield development.
c. The Hyatt House Hotel will include a block of luxury accommodations on the sixth floor
which will provide upscale travelers with a choice of a higher finish extended stay
guestroom which product is not currently supplied in the submarket.
d. The Hyatt House Hotel will offer meeting, dining and relaxing amenity spaces including
meeting rooms, fitness facilities, an indoor pool, indoor/outdoor dining areas and
exterior patio areas for use by hotel guests and the general public.
e. The proposed plan includes approximately 12,400 square feet of high quality retail
space which will link the hotel's functional spaces and street presence to the existing
retail buildings located adjacent to and across Bond Street from the subject
property. The building's design will pay particular attention to how pedestrians
experience and approach the building by accessing both the retail spaces and the hotel's
main entrance and public spaces to provide a pedestrian friendly and walkable
environment around the full perimeter of the property. The large clear glass entrances,
full height windows and retail storefronts will provide welcoming views and
opportunities for hotel guests to interact with passing visitors and shoppers making the
environment an active and truly mixed -use experience.
f. The close proximity and accessibility of the food service businesses to the hotel are
considered major amenities and selling points for attracting guests to the proposed
Hyatt House Hotel. The adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel has experienced a high percentage
of shared use between hotel and the retail food services. A larger percentage of Hyatt
Place hotel guests arrive and depart via taxi or Uber and choose to walk to restaurants
within Stonefield for their meals.
g. The Hyatt Place Hotel provides shuttle service for drop off and pick up (not airport
arrivals and departures) further incentivizing hotel guests to leave their personal
vehicles at home (or arrive without using rental cars) and stay local for retail and
restaurant services.
b.) (2) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel does not increase the approved
development density or intensity of development.
a. The proposed site plan footprint of the hotel and retail building is actually slightly less
than the previously approved plan which is titled: Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site
Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E and dated 3-21-11
b. As the request for an additional floor (six in lieu of five) still falls within the height
limitation as measured by number of feet, the additional floor request does not exceed
the height limit as it pertains to mass and view. In addition, the number of floors
requested matches the number of floors -of the adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel and the scale
of the two buildings will be more balanced as a result.
c. The ability to add a sixth level of guestrooms provides additional floor area within the
building which permits the project to accommodate the addition of first floor retail
space (allowing true mixed -uses with the development) that would not be possible
c.) (3) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel does not affect the timing and Phasing of
development of any other development in the zoning district.
a. The proposed building and site plan are fully contained within the development block
b. Construction of the proposed hotel and retail space will not impact the function and use
of the adjacent sites and buildings.
c. Parking for the proposed hotel and retail space will be accommodated on the site, per
the existing shared parking agreements and with a shared parking understanding
between the Hyatt Place Hotel and Hyatt House Hotel ownership and management.
d. Proposed development of blocks Di and D2 is proceeding through entitlements with
Stonefield ownership and any needed coordination between the parties is being
handled by O'Connor, the Stonefield development ownership and manager.
d.) (4) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel does not require a special use permit
a. This request and application for Special Exception does not require a special use permit.
(5) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel is in general accord with the purpose and intent
of the approved application
a. This request and application for Special Exception is in general accord with the purpose
and intent of ZMA2013-9
- If -.0
c. The proposed Hyatt House Hotel and retail space site plan footprint provides:
i. Greater vertical building setback and more building plane/elevation variation
through wall jogs and transitions than the previously approved C24 plan above.
ii. People spaces utilizing patios and courtyards (at the Bond and District corner, at
the transition from the hotel entrance to the retail space and at the rear
meeting space outdoor transition) provide a more integrated and active
pedestrian environment than the previously approved C24 plan above.
iii. The mixed -use functions of the hospitality and retail uses within the planned
building design provide more aesthetically attractive access and views to the
side and rear elevations of the site.
iv. The proposed green spaces and civic function spaces provided on the proposed
Hyatt House C2-1 site (and by Stonefield management on the adjacent parcels)
will be equal to or greater than those proposed by the previously approved C2-1
plan above.
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Tori Kanellopoulos
Johnathan Newberry
Saturday, May 11, 2019 12:03 PM
Tori Kanellopoulos
Roger Johnson
RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi Tori,
Sorry for the delay in getting you this information.
I'm copying Roger on these comments because we are still developing protocols around when and how Economic
Development provides input on projects. That said, we're certainly interested in the project with office space within
Stonefield, so thank you for reaching out!
We can discuss more on Monday, but here's a first shot at some comments. Please look them over and let me know
what you think.
1. Office/Multifamily Building off Inglewood:
This project is located in a federally -designated census tract known as an Opportunity Zone (OZ). Goal 4,
Objective 3 of Project ENABLE calls for the County to "lead the promotion of Opportunity Zones." OZs present a
unique opportunity for the County to attract private capital investment, which is part of the mission of Economic
Development. OZs also provide a new way for businesses to access capital because Opportunity Zone Funds can
invest directly into businesses located within these tracts.
In this case, the proposed height exception allows the creation of non-residential space that will accommodate
business(es) seeking this type of access to capital. In addition, Economic Development staff is aware of several
growing local companies within target industries that need this type of space.
Therefore, staff supports permitting the maximum amount of non-residential space that is consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan. In doing so, the County will also be taking the lead to "help businesses take advantage of
grant programs, state and federal financing opportunities" (Goal 3, Objective 3).
2. Hyatt House:
This project is located in a federally -designated census tract known as an Opportunity Zone (OZ). Goal 4,
Objective 3 of Project ENABLE calls for the County to "lead the promotion of Opportunity Zones." These areas
present a unique opportunity for the County to attract private capital investment.
In this case, the proposed height exception would allow for a mixed -use development to include a hotel and
retail space. Staff supports the applicant's analysis as noted below (see responses in red) and adds that Goal 7,
Objective 2 of Project ENABLE calls for County support of "existing and new tourism products."
J.T. Newberry
Albemarle County Economic Development
434-972-4016 x2 I Internal: x3263
From: Tori Kanellopoulos
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 2:10 PM
To: Johnathan Newberry <jewberry@albemarle.org>
Subject: FW: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi JT,
I was wondering if you could take a look at the economic development portion below about the Hyatt that the applicant
submitted? This is one of the two special exceptions currently being processed for an additional (sixth) story in
Stonefield. They are both mixed -use buildings, with the other of course being the office/multifamily building along
I'm hoping Economic Development could provide comments on both projects, but for now just the Hyatt is good. I'll
send more about the other proposal soon as well. I don't need a very long comment, just a few sentences to add to my
analysis. By next Tuesday for the Hyatt would be very helpful.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 2:00 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nbiarch.com>; kpatel@nb!arch.com: CASSIDY DROSKI
(cdroski@nbiarch.com) <cd roskW n bia rch.com>; 'jbeirne@wwassociates. net' <ibeirne@wwassociates.net>;
hwhite@wwassociates.net Ojas Desai <ODesai oconnorc .com>; John O'Connor <iohn.oconnor@oconnorcp.com>;
Peter Bergner <Pbergner@oconnorcp.com>; Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-F) <sara.bishop@hyatt.com>; Blaine Shively
<bshiveIY350@comcast.net>; Paul Davenport <PDavenport 9hf-law.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
I apologize for my delay responding to your most recent questions about our Special Exception request for the
Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel.
I have provided our responses to your questions below:
1. Economic Development:
a. The positive economic development benefits of the proposed project are considerable:
1. The planned six story Hyatt House Hotel (which is the same approximate height in feet
and the same number of floors as the adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel), will represent an
investment in the County in excess of $20,000,000. The retail portion of the proposed
development will likely represent an additional investment in excess of
$3,000,000. These estimates are reasonable.
2. The investment and operating business located within the hotel portion of the
building will generate significant real estate, hospitality and meals taxes for the
County. The Hyatt Place Hotel which is owned and managed by the same ownership
group developing this project pays Albemarle County close to $400,000 in real estate,
hospitality and meals taxes and the Hyatt House Hotel is projected to pay between
$425,000 and $450,000 in similar taxes. The retail portion of the building will also
contribute significant additional tax revenue from real estate, sales, and meals taxes.
The Dept. of Finance would need to verify/analyze these estimates. Rocio Lamb is
likely the best person in Finance to contact. Let me know if you are interested in
getting their assistance.
3. This proposed hotel project will employ between 45 and 50 full time employees and
the retail portion of the project will likely employ between 30-40 employees. These
estimates seem reasonable. Project ENABLE aims to support "quality job creation and
career employment opportunities." It is likely the majority of these jobs are not
"career employment opportunities" however the EDO does not discount any job
4. Sewer and water connection fees to be paid to ACSA and RWSA for the proposed hotel
have been estimated by the County to exceed $850,000. ACSA and RWSA are not
County entities, so these estimates were not provided by the County.
2. Comprehensive Plan Goals
a. The Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan goals are met by the proposed Hyatt House Hotel
development as follows:
1. New investment, development and quality employment will be added in the existing
Development Area of Stonefield
2. Development will take place on appropriately zoned land in an existing mixed -use
development community
3. Development will utilize existing County infrastructure with regards to roads, utilities
and other County services.
4. Hotel development will promote block development with connections to exisiting
sidewalks and road infrastructure
S. Hotel development will be part of a larger mixed -use development that is in keeping
with the Neighborhood Model and Area Master Plan.
&. Proposed hotel will be close to public transportation and will share parking facilities
with other mixed -use activities and businesses in the Stonefield development
3. The hotel shuttle van will provide transporation for hotel guests to locations within a five mile radius of the
hotel. Some of the places frequently visited by the existing 'sister' Hyatt Place Hotel's shuttle van include:
a. UVA buildings and grounds
b. Downtown Mall and surrounding businesses and restaurants
c. JPJ Arena
d. UVA JAG School
e. UVA Law School
f. UVA Darden School
g. Federal Executive Institue
4. 1 have confirmed with Herb White of W&W that the amount of Open Space on the proposed site plan is 100%
of the Open Space (Green and Civic Space — Ultimate Plan dated 3-21-11 and attached) approved per the
Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E dated 3-21-11.
5. All of the hardscape and landscaped areas surrounding the proposed hotel would be deemed public and/or
green spaces that would be available for use by hotel guests, retail customers, Stonefield visitors and the
general public. I have highlighted, in yellow, on the attached site plan these areas that provide unrestricted
access from the sidewalks that circle the hotel and retail spaces.
6. Please see # 4 above. We have not counted the pool area, the outdoor meeting room patio or the enclosed
outdoor dining area in the common space highlighted as public space or counted as either Green or Civic
7. It is our understanding that O'Connor will provide additional seating, benches and tables similar to the
existing FF&E they, as the Stonefield property managers, have provided for other iikekind areas within the
Stonefield development.
It is my understanding that Ojas Desai and John O'Connor with O'Connor Capital Partners will be meeting with you
next week to provide additional detail and answer questions regarding Stonefield's common areas and their related
planned programming.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkaneiloyoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2019 11:02 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>; k atef nbearch.com; CASSIDY
DROSKI (cdroski@nbiarch.com) <cdroski@nbiarch.corn>;'jbeirne@wwassociates.net'
<ibeirne Pwwassociates.net>; hwhite@wwassociates.net
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi Charles,
I have a few clarifying questions on the application that will help me write my report. John O'Connor reached
out to us as well for a meeting, so it sounds like we will be having some discussions around open space. The
most impbrtant requirement for your open space (that is, green and civic space) is that it meets or exceeds the
amount shown on the application plan (as you stated). I do need some clarification about the proposed open
space, as shown in my questions below. The open space is a requirement of the site plan, so we can continue to
work with John O'Connor on the ownership/maintenance of the open space, which can be finalized at site plan
stage. I have not yet written up conditions for this application, and am not sure if there will need to be any
around open space, given that it is a site plan requirement.
1. Please provide a short narrative about the economic development benefits of this proposal, such as tax
revenue generated and/or employment created. Reference economic development goals in the
Comprehensive Plan.
2. Where do the shuttles go that serve the hotel?
3. Provide an approximate square footage estimate of open space provided vs. required (on the
application plan).
4. Which sections of the open space are public vs. private?
a. Please provide a list of everything that is counted toward open space, and whether it is
considered public or private.
b. For example, are the pool or meeting rooms counted? Are they public or private? They do not
need to be, I am just trying to understand exactly what is counted toward open space.
5. Restaurant seating does not count toward open space. If there is an outdoor patio where people can sit
without purchasing anything, that may be acceptable. This may not be needed as open space anyway if
sufficient square footage is provided elsewhere.
6. Will there be seating provided in the plaza in front of the proposed retail? This would make the space
more useable. There is some existing seating (benches and picnic tables) in this area already.
Please let me know if you have any questions! This is still scheduled for the Board for June 5th, and 9 expect n can
move it to consent agenda soon.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 12:16 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore>
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Emily Abell <emily@macfarianeva.com>; Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt a nbjarch.com>; kpatel@nbiarch.com: CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski@nbiarch.com)
<cdroski@nbiarch.com>; 'jbe irne@wwassociates. net' <2beirne@wwassociates.net>; hwhite Pwwassociates.net
Subject: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
:- (Macfarlane
Hope all is well.
apologize for my delay sending this information to you.
As requested, I have provided Applicant's justification per for our Special Exception Request
for an additional story for the proposed Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield. I have also attached the following
documents in support of our application:
1. Most recent rendering prepared by nbj of the front (south and west) elevation
2. Cover page and data sheet for the Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B,
C, D &E dated 3-21-11
3. Albemarle Place Town Center (Stonefield) Amended Application Plan —Full Build Exhibit A dated 10-
4. Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E; Green and Civic Space
dated 3-21-11
5. Hyatt House Hotel Floor Plans prepared by nbj Architects
6. Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1 Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan and
Preliminary ARB Site Plan prepared by W&W Associates dated 11/20/18 and provided to the
Albemarle County ARB. Applicant's ARB Application request and plans have been approved subject to
certain conditions.
Tori, I wanted to point out that, to the extent possible, we have addressed the Planning Department's request
for information regarding the civic and open space on our site in the Stonefield development. We have
referenced the landscaped, green, patio, courtyard and other people spaces for our particular development
and our specific site plan. I hope you will agree that the pedestrian friendly people spaces that we are
providing as part of our proposed development are considerably more robust than the previously approved
retail site plan for this C2-1 block. We, however, cannot represent conditions and performance on parcels of
land and for areas we do not and will not control. Those representations need to come from Stonefield's
ownership and management group —O'Connor. We have been working closely with them through our
contract process and the ongoing entitlement process —including the ARB review, this Special Exception
request and our subsequent Major Site Plan Amendment which submittal is in process. It is our
understanding that O'Connor has anticipated the civic and open space interests of the Planning Department
and they have made thoughtful provisions and plans to ensure that the environment desired by the County
and community stakeholders is appropriately executed and delivered for the benefit and enjoyment of
If we need to provide additional site plan and/or building detail for this Special Exception review, please let
me know and we will forward that information.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
a.) (1) the DMposed Stone field Hyatt House Hotel is consistent with the oals and objectives of the
Comprehensive Plan as follows:
a. The planned Hyatt House Hotel will add high quality hospitality rooms, amenities and functions
to the existing mixed -use inventory of accommodations provided by the Hyatt Place Hotel
within the Stonefield destination and mixed -use retail complex.
b. The Hyatt House Hotel will provide a different design of studio and extended stay guestrooms
with kitchen/kitchenette facilities to meet the demand for those travelers desiring longer stays
within the Stonefield development.
c. The Hyatt House Hotel will include a block of luxury accommodations on the sixth floor which
will provide upscale travelers with a choice of a higher finish extended stay guestroom which
product is not currently supplied in the submarket.
d. The Hyatt House Hotel will offer meeting, dining and relaxing amenity spaces including meeting
rooms, fitness facilities, an indoor pool, indoor/outdoor dining areas and exterior patio areas for
use by hotel guests and the general public.
e. The proposed plan includes approximately 12,400 square feet of high quality retail space which
will link the hotel's functional spaces and street presence to the existing retail buildings located
adjacent to and across Bond Street from the subject property. The building's design will pay
particular attention to how pedestrians experience and approach the building by accessing both
the retail spaces and the hotel's main entrance and public spaces to provide a pedestrian
friendly and walkable environment around the full perimeter of the property. The large clear
glass entrances, full height windows and retail storefronts will provide welcoming views and
opportunities for hotel guests to interact with passing visitors and shoppers making the
environment an active and truly mixed -use experience.
f. The close proximity and accessibility of the food service businesses to the hotel are considered
major amenities and selling points for attracting guests to the proposed Hyatt House Hotel. The
adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel has experienced a high percentage of shared use between hotel and
the retail food services. A larger percentage of Hyatt Place hotel guests arrive and depart via
taxi or Uber and choose to walk to restaurants within Stonefield for their meals.
g. The Hyatt Place Hotel provides shuttle service for drop off and pick up (not airport arrivals and
departures) further incentivizing hotel guests to leave their personal vehicles at home (or arrive
without using rental cars) and stay local for retail and restaurant services.
b.) (2) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel does not increase the approved development
density or intensity of development
a. The proposed site plan footprint of the hotel and retail building is actually slightly less than the
previously approved plan which is titled: Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment
for Blocks A, B, C, D & E and dated 3-21-11
b. As the request for an additional floor (six in lieu of five) still falls within the height limitation as
measured by number of feet, the additional floor request does not exceed the height limit as it
pertains to mass and view. In addition, the number of floors requested matches the number of
floors of the adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel and the scale of the two buildings will be more balanced
as a result.
c. The ability to add a sixth level of guestrooms provides additional floor area within the building
which permits the project to accommodate the addition of first floor retail space (allowing true
mixed -uses with the development) that would not be possible otherwise.
c.) (3) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel does not affect the timing and phasing of develo ment
of any other development in the zoning district.
a. The proposed building and site plan are fully contained within the development block C2-1
b. Construction of the proposed hotel and retail space will not impact the function and use of the
adjacent sites and buildings.
c. Parking for the proposed hotel and retail space will be accommodated on the site, per the
existing shared parking agreements and with a shared parking understanding between the Hyatt
Place Hotel and Hyatt House Hotel ownership and management.
d. Proposed development of blocks D1 and D2 is proceeding through entitlements with Stonefield
ownership and any needed coordination between the parties is being handled by O'Connor, the
Stonefield development ownership and manager.
d.) (4) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel does not require a special use permit
a. This request and application for Special Exception does not require a special use permit.
e.) (5) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel is in general accord with the purpose and intent of the
approved application
a. This request and application for Special Exception is in general accord with the purpose and
intent of ZMA2013-9
c. The proposed Hyatt House Hotel and retail space site plan footprint provides:
i. Greater vertical building setback and more building plane/elevation variation through
wall jogs and transitions than the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
ii. People spaces utilizing patios and courtyards (at the Bond and District corner, at the
transition from the hotel entrance to the retail space and at the rear meeting space
outdoor transition) provide a more integrated and active pedestrian environment than
the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
iii. The mixed -use functions of the hospitality and retail uses within the planned building
design provide more aesthetically attractive access and views to the side and rear
elevations of the site.
iv. The proposed green spaces and civic function spaces provided on the proposed Hyatt
House C2-1 site (and by Stonefield management on the adjacent parcels) will be equal
to or greater than those proposed by the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Megan Nedostup
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2019 10:29 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos
Subject RE: Stonefield Hyatt Special Exception
Attachments: Cover Memo Stonefield Hyatt Special Exception_mn_edits.docx; Attach B Staff
Hey Tori,
Attached are my response to your questions and mark up. i cio think we need to limit it to lust this area/building
for Block C and can do that through a condition, I think we should also consider a condition that speaks to the
mixed use, but let's discuss that next week. Below is an example that you can modify for yours. Let me know if
you have questions.
1. The special exception shall apply to Block 22 as depicted on sheets 4 and 5 of the Site Plan entitled "Final Plan
Block 22 Final Site Plan, Old Trail Village Final Site Plan," prepared by Roudabush, Gale & Associates, Inc.,
dated September 11, 2017.
Megan Nedostup, AICP
(pronounced nuh-DAHST-up)
Principal Planner
Community Development Department
Planning Services
ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004
From: Tori Kanellopoulos
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 201911:44 AM
To: Megan Nedostup <mnedostup@albemarle.org>
Subject: Stonefield Hyatt Special Exception
H1 Megan,
Attached are my cover memo, staff analysis, and resolution for Stonefield Hyatt's special exception request for an
additional story in Block C (six stories). 1 added comments in the documents that I would like feedback on. Especially
important to clarify -- is this modifying the COD for the entire block, or just this proposal? That is, is six stories now
allowed throughout Block C, or just allowed for this one proposal? I wrote some reasoning behind having or not having
certain conditions as well in the Resolution.
Please let me know if you have any questions) This is scheduled for consent agenda on June Sth. It's due to legal May
17t". I used other examples for variations from the COD. I'm working on the other request as well, which will likely go
two weeks later on June 19th (currently scheduled July 3rd)
Tori Kanellopoulos, AiCP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Tori Kanellopoulos
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 12:54 PM
To: Charles Macfarlane
Cc: Emily Abell; Neil Bhatt; Emily Abell; 'Herbert F. White III; jbeirne@wwassociates.net
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Great, thank you very much, Charles! I look forward to the updates. I know we have a meeting with Ojas and O'Connor
and others as well next week to talk about Stonefield more generally, so we can discuss open space then too.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 201912:51 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbjarch.com>; Charles Macfarlane
<charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Emily Abell<emily@macfarlaneva.com>;'Herbert F. White III'
<hwhite@wwassociates.net>; jbeirne@wwassociates.net
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
P i
Thanks for the follow up email. I was out of town all last week and I am still playing catch up as we have two
refinancings closing today. I should be able to send you my portion of the comments later this evening or tomorrow
morning. I have also followed with with Ojas Desai regarding the portion of the response which is related to
O'Connor's ownership and management of the Stonefield property.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
cha rles@macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2019 8:11 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emil macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nboa rch.com>
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi Charles,
I was wondering if you had a chance yet to respond to these remaining questions? My staff report is due for
legal review on May 17t" and 0 want to make sure i have enough time for my supervisor to review it first.
From: Tor! Kanellopoulos
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, zo19 11:u1 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emilv@macfarianeva.com>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>; kpatelCa@nbiarch.com CASSIDY
DROSKI (cdroski nb'arch.com) <cd ro ski@ nb'arch.com>;'jbeirne@wwassociates.net'
<ibeirne wwassociates.net>; hwhite@wwassociates.net
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Hi Charles,
I have a few clarifying questions on the application that will help me write my report. John O'Connor reached
out to us as well for a meeting, so it sounds like we will be having some discussions around open space. The
most important requirement for your open space (that is, green and civic space) is that it meets or exceeds the
amount shown on the application plan (as you stated). I do need some clarification about the proposed open
space, as shown in my questions below. The open space is a requirement of the site plan, so we can continue to
work with John O'Connor on the ownership/maintenance of the open space, which can be finalized at site plan
stage. I have not yet written up conditions for this application, and am not sure if there will need to be any
around open space, given that it is a site plan requirement.
1. Please provide a short narrative about the economic development benefits of this proposal, such as tax
revenue generated and/or employment created. Reference economic development goals in the
Comprehensive Plan.
2. Where do the shuttles go that serve the hotel?
3. Provide an approximate square footage estimate of open space provided vs. required (on the
application plan).
4. Which sections of the open space are public vs. private?
a. Please provide a list of everything that is counted toward open space, and whether it is
considered public or private.
b. For example, are the pool or meeting rooms counted? Are they public or private? They do not
need to be, I am just trying to understand exactly what is counted toward open space.
5. Restaurant seating does not count toward open space. If there is an outdoor patio where people can sit
without purchasing anything, that may be acceptable. This may not be needed as open space anyway if
sufficient square footage is provided elsewhere.
6. Will there be seating provided in the plaza in front of the proposed retail? This would make the space
more useable. There is some existing seating (benches and picnic tables) in this area already.
Please let me know if you have any questions! This is still scheduled for the Board for June Sty', and I expect 1 can
move it to consent agenda soon.
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 12:16 AM
To: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellor)ou!os@albemarle.org>
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt@nbjarch.com>; kpatel@nbiarch.com: CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski(Rnbmarch.com)
<cdroski@nbiarch.com>;'jbeirne@wwassociates.net'<ibeirne@wwassociates.net>; hwhite@wwassociates.net
Subject: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
T` Md(fdrldne
Hope all is well.
I apologize for my delay sending this information to you.
As requested, I have provided Applicant's justification per for our Special Exception Request
for an additional story for the proposed Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield. I have also attached the following
documents in support of our application:
1. Most recent rendering prepared by nbj of the front (south and west) elevation
2. Cover page and data sheet for the Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B,
C, D &E dated 3-21-11
3. Albemarle Place Town Center (Stonefield) Amended Application Plan —Full Build Exhibit A dated 10-
4. Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E; Green and Civic Space
dated 3-21-12
S. Hyatt House Hotel Floor Plans prepared by nbj Architects
6. Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1 Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan and
Preliminary ARB Site Plan prepared by W&W Associates dated 11/20/18 and provided to the
Albemarle County ARB. Applicant's ARB Application request and plans have been approved subject to
certain conditions.
Tori, I wanted to point out that, to the extent possible, we have addressed the Planning Department's request
for information regarding the civic and open space on our site in the Stonefield development. We have
referenced the landscaped, green, patio, courtyard and other people spaces for our particular development
and our specific site plan. I hope you will agree that the pedestrian friendly people spaces that we are
providing as part of our proposed development are considerably more robust than the previously approved
retail site plan for this C2-1 block. We, however, cannot represent conditions and performance on parcels of
land and for areas we do not and will not control. Those representations need to come from Stonefield's
ownership and management group —O'Connor. We have been working closely with them through our
contract process and the ongoing entitlement process —including the ARB review, this Special Exception
request and our subsequent Major Site Plan Amendment which submittal is in process. It is our
understanding that O'Connor has anticipated the civic and open space interests of the Planning Department
and they have made thoughtful provisions and plans to ensure that the environment desired by the County
and community stakeholders is appropriately executed and delivered for the benefit and enjoyment of
if we need to provide additional site plan and/or building detail for this Special Exception review, please let
me know and we will forward that information.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
a.) (1) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel is consistent with the goals and obiectives of the
Comprehensive Plan as follows:
a. The planned Hyatt House Hotel will add high quality hospitality rooms, amenities and functions
to the existing mixed -use inventory of accommodations provided by the Hyatt Place Hotel
within the Stonefield destination and mixed -use retail complex.
b. The Hyatt House Hotel will provide a different design of studio and extended stay guestrooms
with kitchen/kitchenette facilities to meet the demand for those travelers desiring longer stays
within the Stonefield development.
c. The Hyatt House Hotel will include a block of luxury accommodations on the sixth floor which
will provide upscale travelers with a choice of a higher finish extended stay guestroom which
product is not currently supplied in the submarket.
d. The Hyatt House Hotel will offer meeting, dining and relaxing amenity spaces including meeting
rooms, fitness facilities, an indoor pool, indoor/outdoor dining areas and exterior patio areas for
use by hotel guests and the general public.
e. The proposed plan includes approximately 12,400 square feet of high quality retail space which
will link the hotel's functional spaces and street presence to the existing retail buildings located
adjacent to and across Bond Street from the subject property. The building's design will pay
particular attention to how pedestrians experience and approach the building by accessing both
the retail spaces and the hotel's main entrance and public spaces to provide a pedestrian
friendly and walkable environment around the full perimeter of the property. The large clear
glass entrances, full height windows and retail storefronts will provide welcoming views and
opportunities for hotel guests to interact with passing visitors and shoppers making the
environment an active and truly mixed -use experience.
f. The close proximity and accessibility of the food service businesses to the hotel are considered
major amenities and selling points for attracting guests to the proposed Hyatt House Hotel. The
adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel has experienced a high percentage of shared use between hotel and
the retail food services. A larger percentage of Hyatt Place hotel guests arrive and depart via
taxi or Uber and choose to walk to restaurants within Stonefield for their meals.
g. The Hyatt Place Hotel provides shuttle service for drop off and pick up (not airport arrivals and
departures) further incentivizing hotel guests to leave their personal vehicles at home (or arrive
without using rental cars) and stay local for retail and restaurant services.
b.) (2) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel does not increase the approved development
density or intensity of development.
a. The proposed site plan footprint of the hotel and retail building is actually slightly less than the
previously approved plan which is titled: Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment
for Blocks A, B, C, D & E and dated 3-21-11
b. As the request for an additional floor (six in lieu of five) still falls within the height limitation as
measured by number of feet, the additional floor request does not exceed the height limit as it
pertains to mass and view. In addition, the number of floors requested matches the number of
floors of the adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel and the scale of the two buildings will be more balanced
as a result.
c. The ability to add a sixth level of guestrooms provides additional floor area within the building
which permits the project to accommodate the addition of first floor retail space (allowing true
mixed -uses with the development) that would not be possible otherwise.
c.) (3) The proposed Stone leld H att Hotel does not affect the timing and phasing of develo ment
of any other_ development in the zoning district.
a. The proposed building and site plan are fully contained within the development block C2-1
b. Construction of the proposed hotel and retail space will not impact the function and use of the
adjacent sites and buildings.
c. Parking for the proposed hotel and retail space will be accommodated on the site, per the
existing shared parking agreements and with a shared parking understanding between the Hyatt
Place Hotel and Hyatt House Hotel ownership and management.
d. Proposed development of blocks D1 and D2 is proceeding through entitlements with Stonefield
ownership and any needed coordination between the parties is being handled by O'Connor, the
Stonefield development ownership and manager.
d. j (4) The Proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel does not reQuire a special use permit
a. This request and application for Special Exception does not require a special use permit.
e.) (5) The proposed. Stonefield Hyatt Hotel is in general accord with the purpose and intent of the
approved application
a. This request and application for Special Exception is in general accord with the purpose and
intent of ZMA2013-9
C24 .
f I _
b. j
c. The proposed Hyatt House Hotel and retail space site plan footprint provides:
i. Greater vertical building setback and more building plane/elevation variation through
wall jogs and transitions than the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
ii. People spaces utilizing patios and courtyards (at the Bond and District corner, at the
transition from the hotel entrance to the retail space and at the rear meeting space
outdoor transition) provide a more integrated and active pedestrian environment than
the previously. approved C2-1 plan above.
iii. The mixed -use functions of the hospitality and retail uses within the planned building
design provide more aesthetically attractive access and views to the side and rear
elevations of the site.
iv. The proposed green spaces and civic function spaces provided on the proposed Hyatt
House C2-1 site (and by Stonefield management on the adjacent parcels) will be equal
to or greater than those proposed by the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbjarch.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 9:49 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane; Tori Kanellopoulos
Cc: Emily Abell; Kruti Patel; Cassidy Droski; jbeirne@wwassociates.net;
hwhiteC@wwassociates.net; Floyd Cybulski
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Attachments: View 1 jpg
Tori and all: It seems Charles attached previous version of the rendering accidently. I have attached
the current rendering that was approved by ARB.
Neal8hatt AIA
nbj Architecture
(804) 273-9811 ext. 105
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 201912:16 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos (vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore) <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore>
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt@nblarch.com>; kpatel@nbiarch.com: CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski@nbiarch.com) <cdroski@nbiarch.com>;
'jbeirne@wwassociates.net' <ibeirne@wwassociates.net>; hwhite@wwassociates.net
Subject: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
J (Macfarlane
P-N R T N L k S,
Hope all is well.
I apologize for my delay sending this information to you.
As requested, I have provided Applicant's justification per for our Special Exception Request for an
additional story for the proposed Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield. I have also attached the following documents in
support of our application:
1. Most recent rendering prepared by nbj of the front (south and west) elevation
2. Cover page and data sheet for the Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D &E
dated 3-21-11
3. Albemarle Place Town Center (Stonefield) Amended Application Plan —Full Build Exhibit A dated 10-21-13
4. Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E; Green and Civic Space dated 3-
5. Hyatt House Hotel Floor Plans prepared by nbj Architects
6. Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C24 Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan and Preliminary ARB
Site Plan prepared by W&W Associates dated 11/20/18 and provided to the Albemarle County
ARB. Applicant's ARB Application request and plans have been approved subject to certain conditions.
Tod, I wanted to point out that, to the extent possible, we have addressed the Planning Department's request for
information regarding the civic and open space on our site in the Stonefield development. We have referenced the
landscaped, green, patio, courtyard and other people spaces for our particular development and our specific site
plan. I hope you will agree that the pedestrian friendly people spaces that we are providing as part of our proposed
development are considerably more robust than the previously approved retail site plan for this C24 block. We,
however, cannot represent conditions and performance on parcels of land and for areas we do not and will not
control. Those representations need to come from Stonefield's ownership and management group —O'Connor. We
have been working closely with them through our contract process and the ongoing entitlement process —including
the ARB review, this Special Exception request and our subsequent Major Site Plan Amendment which submittal is in
process. It is our understanding that O'Connor has anticipated the civic and open space interests of the Planning
Department and they have made thoughtful provisions and plans to ensure that the environment desired by the
County and community stakeholders is appropriately executed and delivered for the benefit and enjoyment of
If we need to provide additional site plan and/or building detail for this Special Exception review, please let me know
and we will forward that information.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
a. (1) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel is consistent with the goals and objectives of the
Comprehensive Plan as follows:
a. The planned Hyatt House Hotel will add high quality hospitality rooms, amenities and functions to the
existing mixed -use inventory of accommodations provided by the Hyatt Place Hotel within the
Stonefield destination and mixed -use retail complex.
b. The Hyatt House Hotel will provide a different design of studio and extended stay guestrooms with
kitchen/kitchenette facilities to meet the demand for those travelers desiring longer stays within the
Stonefield development.
c. The Hyatt House Hotel will include a block of luxury accommodations on the sixth floor which will
provide upscale travelers with a choice of a higher finish extended stay guestroom which product is not
currently supplied in the submarket.
d. The Hyatt House Hotel will offer meeting, dining and relaxing amenity spaces including meeting rooms,
fitness facilities, an indoor pool, indoor/outdoor dining areas and exterior patio areas for use by hotel
guests and the general public.
e. The proposed plan includes approximately 12,400 square feet of high quality retail space which will link
the hotel's functional spaces and street presence to the existing retail buildings located adjacent to and
across Bond Street from the subject property. The building's design will pay particular attention to how
pedestrians experience and approach the building by accessing both the retail spaces and the hotel's
main entrance and public spaces to provide a pedestrian friendly and walkable environment around the
full perimeter of the property. The large clear glass entrances, full height windows and retail storefronts
will provide welcoming views and opportunities for hotel guests to interact with passing visitors and
shoppers making the environment an active and truly mixed -use experience.
f. The close proximity and accessibility of the food service businesses to the hotel are considered major
amenities and selling points for attracting guests to the proposed Hyatt House Hotel. The adjacent
Hyatt Place Hotel has experienced a high percentage of shared use between hotel and the retail food
services. A larger percentage of Hyatt Place hotel guests arrive and depart via taxi or Uber and choose
to walk to restaurants within Stonefield for their meals.
g. The Hyatt Place Hotel provides shuttle service for drop off and pick up (not airport arrivals and
departures) further incentivizing hotel guests to leave their personal vehicles at home (or arrive without
using rental cars) and stay local for retail and restaurant services.
b. (2) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel does not increase the approved development density or
intensity of development.
a. The proposed site plan footprint of the hotel and retail building is actually slightly less than the
previously approved plan which is titled: Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks
A, B, C, D & E and dated 3-21-11
b. As the request for an additional floor (six in lieu of five) still falls within the height limitation as
measured by number of feet, the additional floor request does not exceed the height limit as it pertains
to mass and view. In addition, the number of floors requested matches the number of floors of the
adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel and the scale of the two buildings will be more balanced as a result.
c. The ability to add a sixth level of guestrooms provides additional floor area within the building which
permits the project to accommodate the addition of first floor retail space (allowing true mixed -uses
with the development) that would not be possible otherwise.
c. (3) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel does not affect the timing and phasing of development of any
other development in the zoning district.
a. The proposed building and site plan are fully contained within the development block C2-1
b. Construction of the proposed hotel and retail space will not impact the function and use of the adjacent
sites and buildings.
c. Parking for the proposed hotel and retail space will be accommodated on the site, per the existing
shared parking agreements and with a shared parking understanding between the Hyatt Place Hotel and
Hyatt House Hotel ownership and management.
d. Proposed development of blocks D1 and D2 is proceeding through entitlements with Stonefield
ownership and any needed coordination between the parties is being handled by O'Connor, the
Stonefleld development ownership and manager.
d. (4) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel does not require a special use permit
a. This request and application for Special Exception does not require a special use permit.
(5) the Proposed Stone field Hyatt Hotel is in general accord with the purpose and intent of the
approved ai2plicotion
a. This request and application for Special Exception is in general accord with the purpose and intent of
c. The proposed Hyatt House Hotel and retail space site plan footprint provides:
Greater vertical building setback and more building plane/elevation variation through wall jogs
and transitions than the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
People spaces utilizing patios and courtyards (at the Bond and District corner, at the transition
from the hotel entrance to the retail space and at the rear meeting space outdoor transition)
provide a more integrated and active pedestrian environment than the previously approved C2-
1 plan above.
The mixed -use functions of the hospitality and retail uses within the planned building design
provide more aesthetically attractive access and views to the side and rear elevations of the
The proposed green spaces and civic function spaces provided on the proposed Hyatt House C2-
1 site (and by Stonefield management on the adjacent parcels) will be equal to or greater than
those proposed by the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbjarch.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 10:59 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane; Tori Kanellopoulos
Cc: Emily Abell; Kruti Patel; Cassidy Droski; jbeirne@wwassociates.net,
hwhite@wwassociates.net; Floyd Cybulski
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Charles: No harm done. It happens to all of us.
Good thing is you keep all the relevant parties in the loop. I don't see that from most of the people 1
work with.
Ne&Bhatt AIA
nbj Architecture
(804) 273-9811 ext. 105
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 10:46 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Neil Bhatt <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>; Kruti Patel <kpatel@nbiarch.com>, Cassidy Droski <cdroski@nbiarch.com>;
ibeirne@wwassociates.net; hwh ite @wwassociates. net; Floyd Cybulski <fcybulski@nbiarch.com>; Charles Macfarlane
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
F A R T H E R I L !
Thanks for catching that mistake.
I left the document on my desktop with the intent of picking it up and completing it at home last night (using our
GoToMyPC link software). Unfortunately, I lost half of the document and needed to redraft. I did not catch that the
earlier version rendering had been attached and not subsequently replaced. Sorry about that.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address'
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tor! Kanellopoulos mailto:vkanello oulos albemarle.or ]
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 10:22 AM
To: Neil Bhatt; Charles Macfarlane
Cc: Emily Abell; Kruti Patel; Cassidy Droski; jbeirne( wwassociates.net; hwhiteCa)wwassociates.net; Floyd Cybulski
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Great, thank you!
From: Neil Bhatt <nbhatt nbiarch.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 9:49 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Cc: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>, Kruti Patel <knatel@nbiarch.com>; Cassidy Droski
<cdroski nbmarch.com>; jbeirne wwassociates.net hwhite wwassociates.net; Floyd Cybulski
Subject: RE: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
Tori and all: It seems Charles attached previous version of the rendering accidently I have
attached the current rendering that was approved by ARB.
Ne,%Z13hatt, AIA
nbj Architecture
(804) 273-9811 ext. 105
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 12:16 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos (vkanellopoulos@aibemarle.org) <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles macfarlaneva.com>; Emily Abell <emily@macfarianeva.com>; Neil Bhatt
<nbhatt@nbiarch.corn>; koatel@nbiarch.com; CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski@nbiarch.com)
<cdroski@nb!arch.com>;'ibeirne@wwassociates.net' <4beirne wwassociates.net>; hwhite Pwwassociates.net
Subject: Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield Special Exception Request Justification
P A, R T N E R S s � L
Hope all is well.
apologize for my delay sending this information to you.
As requested, I have provided Applicant's justification per for our Special Exception Request
for an additional story for the proposed Hyatt House Hotel in Stonefield. I have also attached the following
documents in support of our application:
Most recent rendering prepared by nbj of the front (south and west) elevation
Cover page and data sheet for the Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B,
C, D &E dated 3-21-12
Albemarle Place Town Center (Stonefleld) Amended Application Plan —Full Build Exhibit A dated 10-
Albemarle Place —Preliminary Site Plan Amendment for Blocks A, B, C, D & E; Green and Civic Space
dated 3-21-12
Hyatt House Hotel Floor Plans prepared by nbj Architects
Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1 Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan and
Preliminary ARB Site Plan prepared by W&W Associates dated 11/20/18 and provided to the
Albemarle County ARB. Applicant's ARB Application request and plans have been approved subject to
certain conditions.
Tori, I wanted to point out that, to the extent possible, we have addressed the Planning Department's request
for information regarding the civic and open space on our site in the Stonefield development. We have
referenced the landscaped, green, patio, courtyard and other people spaces for our particular development
and our specific site plan. I hope you will agree that the pedestrian friendly people spaces that we are
providing as part of our proposed development are considerably more robust than the previously approved
retail site plan for this C2-1 block. We, however, cannot represent conditions and performance on parcels of
land and for areas we do not and will not control. Those representations need to come from Stonefield's
ownership and management group —O'Connor. We have been working closely with them through our
contract process and the ongoing entitlement process —including the ARB review, this Special Exception
request and our subsequent Major Site Plan Amendment which submittal is in process. It is our
understanding that O'Connor has anticipated the civic and open space interests of the Planning Department
and they have made thoughtful provisions and plans to ensure that the environment desired by the County
and community stakeholders is appropriately executed and delivered for the benefit and enjoyment of
If we need to provide additional site plan and/or building detail for this Special Exception review, please let
me know and we will forward that information.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
(1) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel is consistent with the goals and obiectives of the
Comprehensive Plan as follows:
The planned Hyatt House Hotel will add high quality hospitality rooms, amenities and functions
to the existing mixed -use inventory of accommodations provided by the Hyatt Place Hotel
within the Stonefield destination and mixed -use retail complex.
The Hyatt House Hotel will provide a different design of studio and extended stay guestrooms
with kitchen/kitchenette facilities to meet the demand for those travelers desiring longer stays
within the Stonefield development.
The Hyatt House Hotel will include a block of luxury accommodations on the sixth floor which
will provide upscale travelers with a choice of a higher finish extended stay guestroom which
product is not currently supplied in the submarket.
The Hyatt House Hotel will offer meeting, dining and relaxing amenity spaces including meeting
rooms, fitness facilities, an indoor pool, indoor/outdoor dining areas and exterior patio areas for
use by hotel guests and the general public.
The proposed plan includes approximately 12,400 square feet of high quality retail space which
will link the hotel's functional spaces and street presence to the existing retail buildings located.
adjacent to and across Bond Street from the subject property. The building's design will pay
particular attention to how pedestrians experience and approach the building by accessing both
the retail spaces and the hotel's main entrance and public spaces to provide a pedestrian
friendly and walkable environment around the full perimeter of the property. The large clear
glass entrances, full height windows and retail storefronts will provide welcoming views and
opportunities for hotel guests to interact with passing visitors and shoppers making the
environment an active and truly mixed -use experience.
The close proximity and accessibility of the food service businesses to the hotel are considered
major amenities and selling points for attracting guests to the proposed Hyatt House Hotel. The
adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel has experienced a high percentage of shared use between hotel and
the retail food services. A larger percentage of Hyatt Place hotel guests arrive and depart via
taxi or Uber and choose to walk to restaurants within Stonefield for their meals.
The Hyatt Place Hotel provides shuttle service for drop off and pick up (not airport arrivals and
departures) further incentivizing hotel guests to leave their personal vehicles at home (or arrive
without using rental cars) and stay local for retail and restaurant services.
(2) The Proposed Stonefield Hyatt House Hotel does not increase the approved development
density or intensity of development.
The proposed site plan footprint of the hotel and retail building is actually slightly less than the
previously approved plan which is titled: Albemarle Place --Preliminary Site Plan Amendment
for Blocks A, B, C, D & E and dated 3-21-11
As the request for an additional floor (six in lieu of five) still falls within the height limitation as
measured by number of feet, the additional floor request does not exceed the height limit as it
pertains to mass and view. In addition, the number of floors requested matches the number of
floors of the adjacent Hyatt Place Hotel and the scale of the two buildings will be more balanced
as a result.
The ability to add a sixth level of guestrooms provides additional floor area within the building
which permits the project to accommodate the addition of first floor retail space (allowing true
mixed -uses with the development) that would not be possible otherwise.
(3) The proposed Stonefield Hyatt Hotel does not affect the timing and phasing of development
of any other development in the zoning district.
The proposed building and site plan are fully contained within the development block C2-1
Construction of the proposed hotel and retail space will not impact the function and use of the
adjacent sites and buildings.
Parking for the proposed hotel and retail space will be accommodated on the site, per the
existing shared parking agreements and with a shared parking understanding between the Hyatt
Place Hotel and Hyatt House Hotel ownership and management.
Proposed development of blocks D1 and D2 is proceeding through entitlements with Stonefield
ownership and any needed coordination between the parties is being handled by O'Connor, the
Stonefield development ownership and manager.
(4) The proposed Stone reld Hyatt Hotel does not require a special use permit
This request and application for Special Exception does not require a special use permit.
(5) The joronosed Stone field Hatt Hotel is in generol accord with the purpose and intent of the
approved application
This request and application for Special Exception is in general accord with the purpose and
intent of ZIMA2013-9
The proposed Hyatt House Hotel and retail space site plan footprint provides:
Greater vertical building setback and more building plane/elevation variation through
wall jogs and transitions than the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
People spaces utilizing patios and courtyards (at the Bond and District corner, at the
transition from the hotel entrance to the retail space and at the rear meeting space
outdoor transition) provide a more integrated and active pedestrian environment than
the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
The mixed -use functions of the hospitality and retail uses within the planned building
design provide more aesthetically attractive access and views to the side and rear
elevations of the site.
The proposed green spaces and civic function spaces provided on the proposed Hyatt
House C24 site (and by Stonefield management on the adjacent parcels) will be equal
to or greater than those proposed by the previously approved C2-1 plan above.
. -141, !, M,
JP".. -41
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 2:56 PM
To: Tor! Kanellopoulos
Cc: Charles Macfarlane
Subject: RE: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
Thank you for the email. Charles is in meetings all day and I have was out of the office for a few days so we
have not connected. I will confirm estimated submission with Charles as soon as possible and get back to you.
Thank you I
Emily Abell
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
From: Tod Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2019 2:13 PM
To: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
Hi Emily and Charles,
I was wondering if there is an update on when the additional materials will be submitted?
Thank youl
From: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 3:46 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: FW: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
Happy Friday! Charles has been working on the information needed but has asked if he could get a short
extension and send to you the first of next week?
Thank you,
Emily Abell
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
From: Charles Macfarlane
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2019 6:31 Pm
To: Tor! Kanellopoulos lvkanellopoulos@albemarle.org)
Cc: Charles MacFarlane; Emily Abell
Subject: FW: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
P A.
lust following up to ask if you could send the link again so we can see what is planned next door to our Hyatt
I should have our revised write up for the Special Exception to you first of next week.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1822 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Charles Macfarlane
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 3:55 PM
To: Tori Kaneliopoulos (ykanellopouios@albemarle.om)
Cc: Charles Macfarlane; Neil Bhatt; kpatel@nbjarch.com; CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski@nbjarch.com);
hwhite@wwassociates.net ;. 'jbeirne@wwassociates.net; Emily Abell; Ojas Desai ; Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-F)
Subject: FW: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
Thanks for sending this follow up email with the examples of the Special Exceptions which are similar
to our situation. I will prepare the submittal to address the items in your most recent email and send
it to you later this week.
As our ARB request received final (although conditional as to some final finish details and lighting), we
will be submitting that set of building plans and site plans for our Major Site Plan Amendment. I was
unable to get the link you forwarded to work. Will you please resend the link to the Stonefield
Apartments Block D submittal so we can see what they are proposing on the adjacent site and review
their cover page information. John Beirne with W&W will be filing our Site Plan Amendment
document and I think we are pretty close to making that submission.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information from us at this
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tor! Kanellopoulos Finailto:vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ora]
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2019 1:47 PM
To: Charles MacFarlane
Subject: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
Hi Charles,
It was good to catch up with you last week regarding the proposed Hyatt. Now that I am back
after a long weekend off, I wanted to send you the examples I have.
Attached are the special exception examples I have for variations to a code of development (18-, same as your application). Keep in mind some of these may be simpler, however we do
not need a very lengthy explanation either. Mainly we want to see what your building would
look like and what kind of open/civic space (and how much) is proposed to mitigate the scale. As
we discussed, this doesn't need to be'green' — it could be a civic plaza etc.
Here is a link to SDP201900012 (Stonefield Apartments Block D), the most recent submittal (also
a major amendment). Please keep in mind I haven't had a chance to review it fully yet, however
imagine many of the initial sheets (totals for Stonefield) could be used for you too (that is,
assume they're accurate).
Please let me know if you have other questions! I'll keep a lookout for the additional special
exception materials.
Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@madfarianeva.com>
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 5:35 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos
Cc: Emily Abell; Charles Macfarlane; Ojas Desai ; Neil Bhatt; kpatel@nbjarch.com; CASSIDY
DROSKI (cdroski@nbjarch.com); hwhite@wwassociates.net; jbeirne@wwassociates.net';
Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-F);'Blaine Shively' (blaine@brhospitality.com); John Macfarlane
Subject: RE: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
Thanks for resending the links to the Stonefield Townhomes site next door to our Hyatt Place. I was able to get one of
the links to work and I checked the four documents referenced for this proposed development. I did notice the
revised site plan which illustrates a large podium for parking and office, however, I did not see any elevations or
interior floor plans. Have they filed any elevations and/or floor plans with the County? If so, will you please share
them with us so we can understand the details of their proposal?
Thanks for your help with this follow up request.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address'
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tori Kanellopoulos[mailto:vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org]
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2019 2:29 PM
To: Charles Macfarlane
Cc: Emily Abell
Subject: RE: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
Hi Charles,
That sounds good! Here are three links — hopefully at least one of tnem works — it's more difficult to send links
externally but it is all public so it is doable. The Plan (first submittal) is uploaded there.
1. htt count viewweb.albemarle.or Web view planning Web view planning PermitPa e1.as x
2. http://countyviewweb.albemarle.org/Web view planning Web Planning Documents.as x
3. htt www.albemarle.or weblink search.as x?dbid=3&searchcommand=%7b%5bCDD-
Plannin %5d:%5bA IicationNumber%5d=%22SDP201900012%22%7d
From: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019 6:31 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Cc: Charles Macfarlane <charles@macfarlaneva.com>; Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: FW: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
._.-. .P� R. I_-iN._L _._5-_ L C
Just following up to ask if you could send the link again so we can see what is planned next door to our Hyatt
I should have our revised write up for the Special Exception to you first of next week.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Charles Macfarlane
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2019 3:55 PM
To: Tod Kanellopoulos (vkanellopouios4albemarle.org)
Cc: Charles Macfarlane; Neil Bhatt; k atel nb'arch.com• CASSIDY DROSKI (cdroski@nbjarch.com);
hwhite@wwassociates.net;, 'jbeirne@wwassociates.net; Emily Abell; Ojas Desai ; Bishop, Sara (CHOZC-F)
Subject: FW: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
I �a v I is ,.
Thanks for sending this follow up email with the examples of the Special Exceptions which are similar
to our situation. I will prepare the submittal to address the items in your most recent email and send
it to you later this week.
As our ARB request received final (although conditional as to some final finish details and lighting), we
will be submitting that set of building plans and site plans for our Major Site Plan Amendment. I was
unable to get the link you forwarded to work. Will you please resend the link to the Stonefield
Apartments Block D submittal so we can see what they are proposing on the adjacent site and review
their cover page information. John Beirne with W&W will be filing our Site Plan Amendment
document and I think we are pretty close to making that submission.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information from us at this
Best regards,
Charles Macfarlane
Managing Member
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
(804) 837-3900 cell
From: Tod Kanellopoulos [mailto:vkanellopoulos@albemarle.oral
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2019 1:47 PM
To: Charles Macfarlane
Subject: Stonefield Hyatt: Examples for the Special Exception/Site Plan
Hi Charles,
it was good to catch up with you last week regarding the proposed Hyatt. Now that I am back
after a long weekend off, I wanted to send you the examples I have.
Attached are the special exception examples I have for variations to a code of development (18-, same as your application). Keep in mind some of these may be simpler, however we do
not need a very lengthy explanation either. Mainly we want to see what your building would
look like and what kind of open/civic space (and how much) is proposed to mitigate the scale. As
we discussed, this doesn't need to be 'green' — it could be a civic plaza etc.
Here is a link to SDP201900012 (Stonefield Apartments Block D), the most recent submittal (also
a major amendment). Please keep in mind I haven't had a chance to review it fully yet, however
I imagine many of the initial sheets (totals for Stonefield) could be used for you too (that is,
assume they're accurate).
Please let me know if you have other questions! I'll keep a lookout for the additional special
exception materials.
Tod Kanellopoulos, AiCP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 12:58 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos
Subject: RE: Special Exception for Hyatt in Stonefield- Additional Information Needed
Thanks Tori 1
P A R T N E R S, I I C
Emily Abell
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233-9700 office
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 12:36 PM
To: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Special Exception for Hyatt in Stonefield- Additional Information Needed
Hi Emily,
No worries- 2 PM works for me as well.
From: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 201912:21 PM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle :ore>
Subject: RE: Special Exception for Hyatt in Stonefield- Additional Information Needed
I apologize, I misspoke. Can we reschedule for 2pm or 2:15 pm today?
Emily Abell
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address'
(804) 233-9700 office
From: Emily Abell
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 201910:51 AM
To:'Tori Kanellopoulos' <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Special Exception for Hyatt in Stonefield- Additional Information Needed
Great, thank you! I will ask Charles to give you a call at 1 pm.
Thank you,
Emily Abell
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
emit macfarlaneva.com
(804) 233-9700 office
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ori%>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 201910:28 AM
To: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Subject: RE: Special Exception for Hyatt in Stonefield- Additional Information Needed
Hi Emily,
That works for me! Should I give him a call or wait for him to call me? Either way is fine.
Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
From: Emily Abell <emily@macfarlaneva.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 10:24 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanelloAoulos@albemarle.ore>
Subject: FW: Special Exception for Hyatt in Stonefield- Additional Information Needed
Thank you for the email. Charles has morning meetings but could catch up at 1pm. Does that work?
Thank you,
Emily Abell
Macfarlane Partners, LLC
1812 East Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23223
***Please note our new address***
(804) 233.9700 office
From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellogoulos@albemarle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 8:22:11 AM
To: Charles Macfarlane
Subject: RE: Special Exception for Hyatt in Stonefield- Additional Information Needed
Good Morning Charles,
It seems that we keep missing each other's phone callsl I was wondering if you wanted to set up a time to talk today? I
have time between 10-11 AM and 1-3 PM today if any of those times work for you. I will be off tomorrow and Friday,
and then back all next week as well. Hopefully my answer to Earl Mottley's question was helpful.
Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
From: Tori Kanellopoulos
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 11:45 AM
To:'Charles Macfarlane' <charles@macfarlaneva.com>; 'Neil Bhatt' <nbhatt@nbiarch.com>
Cc: David Benish <DBENISH@albemarle.org>; Andrew Gast -Bray (a astbra albemarle.or )
<agastbray@aibemarle.org>; Heather McMahon <hmcmahon albemarle.or >; Margaret Maliszewski
Subject: Special Exception for Hyatt in Stonefield- Additional Information Needed
Good Morning Charles,
I am in the process of reviewing your Special Exception Request for an additional story for the proposed Hyatt in
Stonefield. As I mentioned in my previous email, this request is scheduled to go to the Board of Supervisors on
Wednesday, June 5th. My analysis is due by May 1Wh, therefore I need all materials by April 14a' in order to ensure
sufficient time for review. Please note that I need additional information from you in order to complete my analysis. It is
up to the applicant to provide sufficient justification for a legislative request. Once my review is complete, I will let you
know if we are recommending approval or denial. If we recommend approval, this will be moved to the consent agenda
and will not be a public hearing.
Please provide the following:
1. Provide a more in-depth justification per 18- Each of the five subsections within that zoning
ordinance requirement should justified. Staff will need this analysis to write a summary and recommendation
for the Board of Supervisors.
a. (1) is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan
L The Comprehensive Plan designation for this parcel per Places29 Master Plan is: Destination
Center (Page 11 and Place Type) and Urban Mixed Use (in Centers) (Page 4). Explain how this
proposal is consistent with these designations.
ii. Also include how the proposal is consistent with the applicable Neighborhood Model Principles
(especially human scale and pedestrian orientation).
b. (2) does not increase the approved development density or intensity of development
i. See Code of Development (ZMA2001-7) for the approved development density and intensity
(uses, total square footage). Even with this proposal, Stonefield is below its maximum density
and square footage allowances.
c. (3) does not adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the
zoning district
1. Justify how this proposal does not affect the timing of other development (such as potential
new development in nearby Block D).
d. (4) does not require a special use permit
L This application does not require a special use permit.
e. (5) is in general. accord with the purpose and intent of the approved application
i. Approved application plan is ZMA2013-9 (and attached) and approved Code of Development
(COD) is ZMA2001-7. Justify how this request matches the application plan and COD. For
example, explain how the building footprint is the same/similar and that the open space is the
same/similar. Also see 18-
2. What is the use of the open space? What are the dimensions? Provision of open space can be used to justify the
proposed additional height by creating a more comfortable environment for pedestrians. The dimensions of the
open space must at a minimum match those on application plan ZMA2013-9 (also shown on SDP2011-19, see
attached). This should be included in the narrative and open and civic space labeled on the plan.
3. Provide a sketch or rendering to show what the building will look like, including the open space. Given that the
special exception request is for height, Staff needs an image of the proposed building in relation to the adjacent
uses and in relation to pedestrians at the street level.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Once a site plan amendment is submitted, this special exception request
will be applied to that plan and the Code of Development. This is not a special exception for the ARB submission.
Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate
Community Development Department
Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270
Tori Kanellopoulos
From: Earl Mottley <emottley@wwassociates_net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 11:06 AM
To: Tori Kanellopoulos
Subject: RE: Tax Map/Parcel 061 WO-03-00-019AO, Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block
Thank you very much for your time.
Earl Mottley, LS
Vice President
W i A
Direct: 434.960.7539
Main: 434.984.2700
Fax: 434.978.1444
3040 Avemore Square Place
CharlottesvilIe, VA 22911
From: Tori Kanellopoulos[mailto:vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 8:17 AM
To: emottley@wwassociates.net
Cc: Charles Macfarlane
Subject: RE: Tax Map/Parcel 061WO-03-00-019AO, Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
Good Morning Earl,
Thank you for your question regarding the proposed new Hyatt in Stonefield. You would not need to go to the Planning
Commission in order to subdivide a lot for the Hyatt. I am not sure you need to divide a new lot, although it seems that
the existing Hyatt has its own lot. Also, given that there will likely be a different ownership than Oct Stonefield Property
Owner LLC for TMP 061WO-03-00-019A0, it is probably best to create a new lot for the new Hyatt. I will check on that.
If any new easements are being proposed that have not been previously platted and recorded (Deed Book/Page
Number), those will also need to be a shown on a plat. You could do a plat for the new lot for the hotel and any new
easements at the same time. This would need to be completed before the site plan amendment could be approved, but
both can be submitted/reviewed at the same time.
The proposed Hyatt is a by -right use in the Stonefield Neighborhood Model District (NMD). The only aspect of the
proposal that is not by -right is the Special Exception request for height, which goes to the Board of Supervisors. Given
that the application plan for the Stonefield NMD shows a building where you are proposing the hotel, only a site plan
amendment is needed, which does not go through Planning Commission or Board review.
Please let me know if you have any other questions- hopefully that helps!
From: Brent Nelson
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2019 4:07 PM
To: emottle wwassociates.net
Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.or�>
Subject: RE: Tax Map/Parcel 061W0-03-00-019A0, Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
Mr. Mottley - I learned today that Tori Kanellopoulos, Planner, has been corresponding with the architect and
developer of this proposal. I have copied her so she can address your questions.
Brent Nelson
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
Planning Services Division
434-296-5832 ext. 3438
Information contained in this e-mail does not take the place of required zoning or planning approval of your
application. To locate required applications for your proposal, contact ALBEMARLE COUNTY, COMMUNITY
From: Earl Mottley <emottle wwassociates.net>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 11:42 AM
To: Brent Nelson <bnelson@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Tax Map/Parcel 061W0-03-00-019A0, Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
Thank you
Earl Motticy, LS
Vice President
S I g tv-!-:Yox%
Direct: 434.960.7539
Main: 434984.2700
Fax: 434.978.1444
3040 Avemore Square Place
Charlottesville, VA 22911
From: Brent Nelson rmaiIto. •bnelson@albemarle.oral
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 9:15 AM
To: erng tley dwwassoclatesm
Subject: RE: Tax Map/Parcel 061W0-03-00-019A0, Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
I will have an answer for you tomorrow afternoon. Sorry for the delay.
Brent Nelson
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
Planning Services Division
434-296-5832 ext. 3438
Information contained in this e-mail does not take the place of required zoning or planning approval of your
application. To locate required applications for your proposal, contact ALBEMARLE COUNTY, COMMUNITY
From: Earl Mottley <emOtt ley@wwassociates.net>
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 9:08 AM
To: Brent Nelson <bnelson@aibemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Tax Map/Parcel 061W0-03-00-019A0, Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
Mr. Nelson
Do we have any results on the needed process?
Earl Mottley, LS
Vice President
-� ExONLl ss
NANxE '.
Direct: 434.960.7539
Main: 434.984.2700
Fax: 434.978.1444
3040 Avemore Square Place
Charlottesville, VA 22911
emottley( ,wwassociates.net
From: Brent Nelson mailto:bnelson albemarle.or 3
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2019 6:47 PM
To: emottiey@wwassociates.net
Subject: Tax Map/Parcel 061W0-03-00-019A0, Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
Mr. Mottley - Thank you for your email regarding the above -noted Neighborhood Model District zoned parcel
shown HERE, outlined in pink, on Albemarle County GIS.
I will have to research your question so I can get back to you next week. I think what you are proposing is
possibly complicated involving an amendment to the rezoning that created this Neighborhood Model District
zoned parcel and an amendment to the site plan for Stonefield — all in addition to a subdivision plat. I will
confirm this and get back to you. If I am correct, I think you may be going to the Board of Supervisors in
addition to the Planning Commission. Let me confirm this so you have the right answers.
Ifs V m' N.bT r". __
r•M�'[ry M1s 144f.1l'Tk%Pf4r i Ld rlrn ,
Brent Nelson
•+ fff{
•. 1
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
Planning Services Division
434-296-5832 ext. 3438
Information contained in this e-mail does not take the place of required zoning or planning approval of your
application. To locate required applications for your proposal, contact ALBEMARLE COUNTY, COMMUNITY
From: Earl Mottley <emottley@wwassociates.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 4:27 PM
To: Brent Nelson <bnelson@albemarie.org>
Subject: RE: Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
It is another Lot for Hyatt Hotel from Stonefield Towncenter TMP 61W-3-19A. It will be on the corner of Bond Street and
District Ave. It will be another lot similar to the existing hotel on TMP 61W-3-24.
Ea rl
Earl Mottley, LS
Vice President
It;''C1N1 .'R8
Direct: 434.960.7539
Main: 434.984.2700
Fax: 434.978.1444
3040 Avemore Square Ylace
Charlottesville, VA 22911
From: Brent Nelson [mailto:bnelson@albemarle.orgg]
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 2:17 PM
To: emottley@wwassociates.net
Subject: RE: Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
Mr. Mottley - I need a tax map and parcel number or street address to pull this up on our GIS — so I can research your
Brent Nelson
Senior Planner
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
Planning Services Division
434-296-5832 ext. 3438
bnelson albemarle.or
Information contained in this e-mail does not take the place of required zoning or planning approval of your
application. To locate required applications for your proposal, contact ALBEMARLE COUNTY, COMMUNITY
From: Earl Mottley <emottle wwassociates.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2019 1:58 PM
To: Brent Nelson <bnelson@albema_rle.ore>
Subject: FW: Stonefield Towncenter Hyatt House Block C2-1
Brent Nelson
If the Towncenter subdivides off a lot for the Hyatt House, is it required to go through planning commission?
Thank you for your time in this matter.
Earl Mottley, LS
Vice President
Direct: 434.960.7539
Main: 434.984.2700
Fax: 434.978.1444
3040 Avemore Square Place
Charlottesville, VA 22911