HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900020 Other 2019-02-06Page 1 of 5 OSE/PE 1 Property Identification: 1 911 Address: City: I i Lot: 1 Section: Subdivision: i OPIN or Tax Map #: 57-40A Health Department ID #: Latitude: Longitude: F t } Applicant or Client Mailing Address: i Nance: Thomas Robinson 'Street: 4471 Rockfish Garr Tnpk. Cite: Charlottesville State: VA Zip Code: 22903 Prepared by: OSE Name: William J. "Jeff" Loth, IV License Number: 1940001316 Address: 222 Sycamore Lane City: Afton ` Stater Vir inia Zip Code: 22920 PE Name: License Number: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Bate of Report: 2/1' 19 OSETE Jab Number: Date of Revision 1: Date of Revision 2: Contents/Index of this report (e g., Site Evaluation Summate Soil Profile Descriptions Site Sketch Abbreviated Design, etc.) Cover Page /kpplicadon Soil SurnmM. Report Soil Profile & Design Calculations Nat with SanitarN Survev. Well Location. Tono-graphy. Boring Locations Certification Statement --- —�--- --_ �t l 1 hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance: with the applicaNe provisioin Ofthe Sewage I'landling and Disposal Regulations (12 V AC5-610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630), the Regulations i'or Alternative � Onsite Sewagge Systems (12VAC.5-613) and all other applicable laws. regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. 1 further certify that I currently possess any prof m- ional license required by the laws and regulations of the Contnione eaith that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensurc to perform the work coniained herein. } The work- attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the g exemption in Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.A. I l ) 1 1 recommend that a (select one): 0 Construction Permit. [] Certification Letter. ® Subdivision Approval. ❑ Repair Permit. ❑ Voluntary Upgrade 1 be (select one): Issued. 0 Di j PE/OSE Signature.:, Date: 2i3/19 Passe 2 of 5 — — � -----' Commonwealth of Virginias Application for: ® Sewage System ® Water Supply VDH Use Only ------------ ----- — ----- Health Department ID# Due Date: Owner: Thomas Robinson — Phone: (434) 962-9621 Mailing Address: Agent: 4471 Rockfish Gap Tnpk. Charlottesville, VA 22903 I Phone: Fax: Phone: I ( ) Mailing Address: Phone: I Fax: Site Address: Email: I mechumsriverllc@&mail.com -- `T— Directions to Property: ' south of Rt. 250, 0.6 mile west of Rt. 240 Subdivision: ! Section: Block: i Lot: I 1 Tax Map: 57-40A Other Property j 1 i Identification: ( Dimension/Acreage 3.13 I of Property: I I Sewage System Type of Approval: Applicants for new construction are advised to apply for a certification letter to determine if land is suitable for a sewage system and to apply for a construction permit (valid for 18 months) only when ready to build. For New Construction: ❑ Certification Letter ❑ Construction Permit ® Subdivision Review For Existing Construction: ❑ Repair ❑ Modification ❑ Expansion ❑ Replacement Proposed Use: ® Single Family Home (Number of Bedrooms 5) ❑ Multi -Family Dwelling (Total Number of Bedrounis �) ❑ Other (describe) Will there be a basement: ® Yes ❑ No if yes. will there be fixtures in the Basement? ® Yes ❑ No Are any conditions proposed on this construction permit? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please check or describe all proposed Conditions that apply: ❑ Reduced Water Flow ❑ Limited Occupancy ❑ Intermittent or seasonal use ❑ Tem orary use not to exceed 1 year ❑ Other (describe) Water Supply Will the water supply be ❑ Public or ® Private Is the Water supply ❑ Existing or ® Proposed If proposed. is this a replacement well? ❑ Yes ® No Will the old well be abandoned ❑ Yes ❑ No Have or will any buildings within 50' of the proposed well been or be termite treated? ® No ❑ Yes Is this an AOSE!PE application? ® Yes ❑ No E�II ,4pplicanis If yes, is the AOSEiPE package attached? ® Yes ❑ No In order for VDH to process your application you must attach a site sketch and plat of the property. The site sketch should show your property lines, actual and/or proposed buildings and the desired location of your well and/or sewage system. When the site evaluation is conducted the property lines. building location and the proposed well and sewage system sites must be clearly marked and the property sufficiently visible to see the topography, otherwise this application will be denied. I give permission to the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to enter onto the property described during normal business hours for the purpose of processing this application and to perform quality assurance checks of evaluations and designs certified by an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer (PE) as necessary until the sewage disposal system has been constructed and approved. Signature ofOwnerlAgent � _ 1 _--_ Date Pa e 3 of Soil Summary Report General Information Date: 9!I I i 1 S Submitted to Health Department Applicant: Thomas Robinson Address: 4471 Rockfish Gap Tnpk., Charlottesville, VA 22903 Owner: same Address: same Location: south of Rt. 250. 0.6 mile west of Ri. 240 'Fix -Map.- 57-40A Subdivision: Property Size: 3.13 ac. Lot: .1 Telephone: (434) 962-9621 Soil Information Summary L Position in landscape satisfactory.? Yes No ❑ Describe: shoulder& sidesiope 2. Slope (max) 17 % 3. Depth to Rock or impervious strata: Max. 48+ in. Min. 43 in. 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color): No ® Yes ❑ Inches 5. Free water present: No ® Yes ❑ range in inches _ j ® ❑ Yes ® Texture Group I El❑ II III IV 6. Soil percolation rate estimated? No ❑ Estimated rate 55 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed Yes ❑ No EJ If yes, note type of test performed and attach I Site Approved Drainfield to be placed at 24" depth at site designated on site sketch ❑ Site Disapproved Reason for Rejection I . ❑ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation 2. ❑ Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock 3. ❑ " Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table 4. ❑ Rates of absorption too slow. s. ❑ Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and or reserve area ti. ❑ Proposed system too close to well 7. ❑ Other Speciiv__-- Page 4 of 5 4471 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Tax Map 57-40A, Albemarle County, Virginia Soil Profile Note Hrzn j Depth in —� Material Description Xt :G:r I Ap 0-4 _ j 14 r3/3 dark brown Loam 2. Bt 4.12 5 4/4 reddish brown Clay Loam, weak granular 3 - 1 BtC ( 12-48 f 5yr5/8 yellowish red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with increasing (few to common) soft 10�r8/Iwhite, 1�r2/l black Sandy_.oam sa rolite 3 2 Ap 0-5 10 3/3 dark brown Loam 2 Bt ` l 5-10 5yr4/4 reddish brown CIM Loam, weak granular 3 BtC 1048 5yr5/8 yellowish red Clay Loam, weak fine SBK, with increasing (few to common) soft 3 IO r8/1 white, IOyr2/1 black Sandy Loam sgrolite 3 A 0-5 Bt 5-10 > 1 BtC 1040 C 40-48 10yr3/3 dark brown Loam 5 r4/4 reddish brown Clay Loam, weak granular 5yr5/6 yellowish red Sandy Clay Loam, weak SBK, with common soft I Oyr8/1 white, 1�r2/1 black Sandy Loam saprolite Soft ]OyrSil white, 10vr2i1 black Sandy Loam saprolite s J 2 i 3 3 � 4 A ..__...0-3...._ 16yr3/3`dark brown Loam `=� Bt 3-9 5yr4!4 reddish brown Clav Loam, weak granular � NC 948 2.5yr5!6 red Clay Loam, weak SBK, with common soft IOyr8/1 white, IOyr2.'1 black Sandy 3 -w I Loam saprolite,. tirni y�i`? 5 i A 0-0 101r313 dark brown Loam -- f 2 - _ Bt 6 -i b _T 5N r4!4 reddish ish bro rt n Clay Loam, weals granular BtC 16-43 2.5yr5/6 red Clay Loam, weak SBK, with common soft l0yr8/I white, I I Loam saorolite, firm Ic 4-3" '_-- R..__._! x43 Auger refusal Design Basis for Primary Drainfield A. Estimated Percolation Rate 55 _D 24 in. B. Trench bottom square feet required per bedroom 412 C. Number of bedrooms 5 Area Calculations for Primary Drainfield A. ` Length of trench (ft.) too B Length of available area (f.) 100 C. Width of trench (it.) 3 D. Number of trenches 7 E. Center -to -center spacing (ft.) l u P. Width required (ft.) 63 G. Width of available area (ft.) 100+ H. Total square footage required 2060 I. Square footage in design 2100 J. Is a reserve area required? Yes, 00% Reserve Area Provided Design Basis for Reserve Drainfield A. Estimated Percolation Rate 55 0 0-24 in. B. Effluent loading rate from Table I of 12 VAC 5-613 .030 gpd/sf C. Number of bedrooms 5 . D. Gallons per day (Number of bedrooms X 150 gpd/bedroom) 150 Area Calculations for Drip Dispersal Reserve Drainfield A. Length of run (ft.) too B Length of available area (tl.) 100 C. Width of available area (ft.) 25+ D. Total footprint required for drip dispersal (750gpd / 0.30-epd/sf), as per 12 VAC 5-613) 2500 E. Square footage provided 2500+ black Sandy