HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199000057 Action Letter 1990-08-22 /r
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Department of Toning
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August 22, 1990
Adams & Garth Temporaries
532 East Westfield Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901
ATTN: Darcy L. Spinney, Manager
RE: Board of Zoning Appeals Action
VA-90-57, Tax Map 61W, Parcel 02-05
Dear Mr. Spinney:
This letter is to inform you that on August 21, 1990, during the
meeting of the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals, the Board
approved your request for VA-90--57 subject to the following
1 . The sign not be illuminated, and
2 . Sign size shall be limited to 12 square feet for Parcel
A as well as for Parcel B.
This approval allows relief from Section 21. 7 of the Zoning
Ordinance to allow a freestanding business sign to be located 6
feet from the right-of way, a variance of 24 feet.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
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John Grady
Deputy Zoning Administrator
cc: VA-90-57
Farmer, Cox, Huff Associates
PUBLIC HEARING: August 21, 1990
OWNER: Farmer, Cox, Huff Associates (owner) ,
APPLICANT: Adams & Garth Temporaries
TAX MAP/PARCEL: 61W/02-05 (B)
ACREAGE: Approximately 1/2 acre
ZONING: C-1 (Commercial)
LOCATION: Located on the north side of Westfield Road,
approximately 2/10 mile east of its intersection
with Route 29 north
The applicant requests relief from Section 21.7. 1 of the Albemarle
County Zoning Ordinance. This section states:
21.7 . 1 Adjacent to public streets: No portion of any
structure except signs advertising sale or rental of the
property shall be erected closer than thirty (30) feet to
any public street right-of-way . . . "
The applicant requests a reduction of the setback from the
right-of-way for a freestanding business sign from 30 feet to 6
feet, a variance of 24 feet. The sign will be 12 square feet in
area, approximately 6 feet in height and constructed of wood.
Staff recognizes that each variance is reviewed on its own merits
and is not on its face, precedent-setting. The following history
is provided for information:
VA-89-81 was approved for Farmer, Cox, Huff Associates on the
adjacent property. It permitted a freestanding sign of 24 square
feet to be placed 6 feet from the right-of-way of Westfield Road,
a variance of 24 feet.
The applicant (Adams & Garth Temporaries) has recently moved its
business to the adjacent property (parcel B) and now desires
separate identification. The intent of the applicant is to remove
one-half (12 square feet) of the existing 24 square foot sign on
parcel A and erect it on parcel B so that each site will have its
own identification sign.
VA-90-57 Staff Report
Adams & Garth Temporaries
Page 2
The proposed sign ordinance changes at this time that are relevant
to this application are as follows:
1) Freestanding sign to be monument on pedestal type style with a
maximum of 50 square feet in area.
2) Six feet to eight feet maximum height limitation.
3) Setback requirement to be 10 feet from the right-of-way and
may be reduced to 5 feet from right-of-way if sight distance
is adequate at intersection.
4) Sign materials to be of natural materials, examples, rock,
brick, wood, etc.
Because the applicant's request will meet the criteria of the
proposed sign ordinance amendments, staff recommends approval for
Staff recommends approval for cause:
1. The applicant has provided evidence that the strict
application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship;
2 . The applicant has provided evidence that such hardship
is not shared generally by other properties in the same
zoning district and the same vicinity;
3 . The applicant has provided evidence that the authorization
of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to
adjacent property and that the character of the district will
not be changed by the granting of the variance.
All that certain lot or parcel of land, with improvements
thereon and appurtenances thereunto pertaining, in the
Charlottesville Magisterial District of Albemarle County, Virginia,
containing 23, 271 square feet, and more particularly described as
Parcel B on a plat prepared by Gloeckner, Lincoln & Osborne, Inc. ,
dated May 16, 1984, captioned "Subdivision Plat of Parcels A and
B, A Redivision of Lot 2, Block C, Section 2, Westfield
Subdivision, Charlottesville Magisterial District, Albemarle
County, Virginia", and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the
Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia in Deed Book 806, page