HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199200012 Public Notification 1992-05-27 �pF ALg�,ti. �C V�RGIN�P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 May 27, 1992 Kiran Patel Southern Sun, Inc. Rt 13, Box 42 Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: Variance Application VA-92-12 Quality Inn Tax Map 78, Parcel 60A Dear Mr. Patel: This letter is to inform you that your variance application, VA-92- 12, will be heard during the public hearing by the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals on June 9, 1992, at 3 : 00 p.m. , in Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Enclosed please find two placards one which should be posted on the subject property and the other posted to be visible from the public road (Route 250) . It will be necessary for someone to be present to speak for the variance application. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, Babette Thorpe Zoning Assistant BT/sp/ OF ALBS rInGII�IP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 May 27, 1992 Washington, Elizabeth J. Anderson, Hampton P. & Dorothy S. Hartman Family Corporation Anderson, Louise Swift, James W. Life Estate Crenshaw, Dorothy C. Thompson, Mozelle E. or Emma Sampson Shipp, James E. or Nancy V. Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is to notify you, as adjoining property owners, that Southern Sun, Inc. , T/A Quality Inn (owner) , property described as Tax Map 78, Parcels 60 and 60A, Zoned Highway Commercial, has made application for VA-92-12 , requesting relief from Sections 21.7. 1 and 30. 6. 5. 2 (b) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, as follows: Variance to place a 68 square foot freestanding sign, 17 feet 1/2 inches in height, at zero setback. A public hearing will be held by the Board of Zoning Appeals on June 09, 1992, at 3 : 00 p.m. , in Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This application is made available for your review in the Albemarle County Zoning Office, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Sincerely, 1a ih Babette Thorpe Zoning Assistant BT/sp `. Effective May 5, 1982 - The actual cost of any notice required under the code shall be taxed to the applicant, to the extent that the same shall exceed the applicable fee set forth in this section. VARIANCE APPLICATION # VA-La-0_ OudA)17 N Application Fee = 95. 00 Postage Cost = 5ln ( 11 ) letters .29 cents Ad Cost = 3 . 0 (Runs twice in Newspaper) 0 Total Costs = AMOUNT DUE = 0 ?ate /4e- - 4 At ,c (lit d EMS i/(10 /me. 6)/a)k LQ LJ 4T3 . ,oa O7 AI b3cat,&d 7b fe te. 0-tigiv-1 o,er-eA 4- f, AFFIDAVIT DATE: i • p 6 i, 4*-1-' , hereby certify that the attached notice(s) was sent on lY above date to all persons listed on said notice. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE: STATE OF VIRGINIA Sworn and subscribed t before me on this day of rt\l- � q 9 9 Notary Public My commission expires - a , 19°14 . File: \ A i0'�/A H a) tp ci a 0 N 0 Ol 0 'D N 0 N 0 0 to 0 o 0 O 0 co N o m . >t Z 0, El 00 0 Z toca x 0 M d' 0 H 0.44 h h Q EA 0o Z Z La P4 000 4 4 > z ON> UH,� z• Nc0 HMW HMW pi W W HP4 Z H ON 0ad'a Oad'a ON a 0r4Wa 0 > 0 . 0 ON a OW a 1'11;1 oa>a o .0 m >4 -. d' >C',H to >CH 0Hr H O2 C7 W • • C1 `0> C1 -0> H,'> to lO J t6 H H Os. " OZQU 0ZMW 0 NM O >-+U) OUH 0 ,a 0000 00 W 0 00 W 0 O . 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