HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199200013 Public Notification 1992-04-21 J ,71 1AGIT.1‘P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 April 21, 1992 Mark R. Wilson P. O. Box 192 Keswick, VA 22947 RE: Variance Application, VA-92-13 Tax Map 78, Parcel 17D2 Dear Mr. Wilson: This letter is to inform you that your variance application, VA-92-13, will be heard during the public hearing by the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals on May 12, 1992 , at 3 : 00 p.m. , in Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. It will be necessary for someone to be present to speak for the variance application. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, z_vo_cln John Grady Deputy Zoning Administrator JG/sp cc: Riverbend Drive Land Trust J�'!n1�9P '7RGIN�P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 (804) 296-5875 April 21, 1992 First Virginia Bank-Central Burger Busters, Inc. Pantops Lube, Inc. Riverbend Limited Partnership The Clean Machine, Inc. Smith, Kevin L. Pantops Office Building Two Land Trusts; Etal Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is to notify you, as adjoining property owners, that Riverbend Drive Land Trust (owners) , Mark R. Wilson (applicant) , property described as Tax Map 78, Parcel 17D2, Zoned PDSC, Planned Development Shopping Center, has made application for VA-92-13, requesting relief from Section 30. 6.5 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, as follows: Variance to reduce the front setback from Riverbend Drive from 30 to 5 feet for a freestanding sign. A public hearing will be held by the Board of Zoning Appeals on May 12, 1992, at 3 : 00 p.m. , in Meeting Room #7, Second Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. This application is made available for your review in the Albemarle County Zoning Office, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Sincerely, LZ/ta,cH John Grady Deputy Zoning Administrator JG/srp ' AFFIDAVIT DATE: ti , C a/ I, , hereby certify that the attached notice(s) was s on above date to all persons listed on said notice. ti\_,..i (I .) J COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE: STATE OF VIRGINIA S No and subscribed to before me on this dayof Nfi I 1 9C - \DAurn C t ,il 12 Notary Public My commission expires c'4 - 7 , 1cj9 4 - File: \j.\ -9 ,--13 a) a N ON \ r IS M OH O 00 \ 00 . 1 00 0 00 00 00 coo S0 OIL .. O a . .. H ,�► a = AO NZ g a or�i Z Z 0o U Z H 00 Z.zr 00 W- '7 00 Z coo oa Ho U Wa ► Z ► O NCO W Nw Z W E-1 W H W W M ON a d I4 'U) ► H 0IOH0- Nx a Oa a • • O OH 1.a Aa -7 111a 0 a OZHO wU a x a I ••. NZ'OH NWOH NWWH NHOH N WH sZ H . . rIHW› r1Ha› racclm> r-I00D r ZW› -IHM› '0 ► ► O0.1U) OU) U) 00-W) 0 0 MM 0>Lf1U) 0Lflr-10 Op4NW O JOW r I 0i- DW o0MCf)W o HW O oWGW Z NO'�.0 OH H 001HH w0 H OZOEi O< H O 0'Xiu0H O H550 O4>CH 0 aH M Om>CH oW>+Ei oW>CH 0 0 H m oHHo 0 00 Oa o r1 oa00 O 0 0000 0 o 4<0 MI .. OOOO OPM0 w O431-7 H 0OW0 W Oa ,-a H O0c -I N ox00 W H M U) 0000 OM 0 00 0 OH 0 OWrn 0 0 0 OE' 0 U' rI 0 0000 ooaO4 M WIXM a OoZO o cO ri O� ooWO O OOH M U) I 0 0000 NH N N Lfl N N N NH'O N s'Z N NZ() N N •rI 0000 O44C0 N OLAMU N Oaa0 N OZNU N OEia0 N OWN() N >y M 4.) 0000 ,A I •rl O0000 4i T5 scpcoo N › A O00O •• •• .. O f.•000 U . . . . .. .. .. H 0 Il 11 11 II a 0 0 0 0 0 0 U ° U U . U . U �a U a a a a U Ai " w W , (11 aUU aU aU aU aU aU N •rI H H g H W w aaaa0 Ri..........N 4..........N ...........N ‹.........N ‹..... .N Q',..........N U) ?C>CX>C NHNM.1M ar"1NM.110 (1rINM. 11f) ar1NM.1M (. HNM.10 al4HNMd'Lf1 O 4444N -U)mmmmm �rnmmmmm -.mmmmmm �rnmmmmm --mmmmmm �rnmmmmm O >1PHHH ammmmmm ammmmmm ammmmmm ammmmmm ammmmmm ammmmmm p a 5wwwwww 5wwwwww 5wwwwww rwwwww 5wwwwww 5wwwwww >4 w • • • •o aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa P 0 HNM. 1 000000 =00001 000000 00000 000000 000000 N N a) tfl a N 01 Q1 0 0 0 8 A oa H a a uwe H H>> o�aaQa - r1 W H Q,W1 0 NHWZZH r144•4z > H o44EiWGQV) C7 z o 04341E1 o ou)P4>>E-4 �r U) oaEiHHo A oa 00 aixarI H OE4Q O O cOZZ0� U) N 4( N ow 0r1UN 114 En ,Q H U ofr4 -I-+ cn w w H Q U o a U o CD r 0 a >1 -0-i 044 H a) a4r-IN MCI'In 0 g —U)cnvxncncn 01 o g )Uwwww) wwwwww w > aaaaaa 0 • QQQQQQ a) 04000Q0Q b