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VA199200035 Application 1992-09-14
County of Albemarle Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 VA- L 35 DATE: I "I 1 --9 2 FEE: $95.00 PO, STAFF: 'I., "p lit, VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) qm61 Name ic/j//1D Z . >`- it2RPGYN a . 10..m&s Phone (80 V) AZgIS-703D , �� /.je /21 Address /i �Ee-/z Tf/ / p JA L.A.///fiPz.aTTd-sv/LGE_, /A o2a2 o ? APPLICANT (if different from above) Name 6. Phone ( ) - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name .3 C' Phone ( ) - Day Phone ( ) - Address (� LOCATION: I B � 9a. , in i,2s JA QA.� S on J1 StO�(1 04- 1 as-0 vas - PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP 7 6-.2, PARCEL .2 ; TM , P ; TM , P ZONED: /I ORDINANCE SECTa:ON: /3 3 6 �I Board of Zoning Appeals Date: Ra i0 0 2O 5,0 1 k .1 I & ,• vYv, Y 2) VA-92-35. David and Carolyn Homes (owners) . Property at the end of Deer Path Rd (#18) in Bellair subd. TM76C,P2-2, zoned Residential 1. Variance to replace existing deck with expanded master bedroom. Request 11 to reduce the side setback from 15 to 9 ft, a variance of 6 ft. \qlr\ Appituved *-0) ,, . cii/0/9d .q/ /71 e 55 or 14,-_ itjid- y(-, ° /u ALBEMARLE COUNTY / '. 76C MADISON PARK CONDO'S (JACK JOUETT DISTRICT) e PHASE I OEEO80OK 778/567 0 PHASE a OEEDBOOK 818/167 0 PHASE III DEED BOCK 846/3S7 • Z------* O ._1 /:C;%:: PD AO4-a%.P.. 0 4 - . 4 i,3 4ArA,,f...W,\'s',4 ,I p*_. O 00 4pg•,, C' .0 w� Q l , 4. 4 , , . .47/ SECTION 76G •4,14,• 0 BELLAIR ESTATE 04:1 SECTION ONE litb a � :: b0.12hT K 2 ® CI ES 4r4tWilirri"pi I b 1 v lerilk0 147014"' A, . . P. � • voi,P) AI sh v0 Ill i Wit tr;, _3IA-92-35 David and Carolyn HOLMES Tax Map 76C, Parcel 02-2 SECTION 76H LIBERTY HILL DEED BOOK 302/102 310,. ° /°° '°° '°° • _°° SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT SECTION 76C a 76 Description of request : To replace existing deck with expanded master bedroom for additional storage and living space including upgraded bath with soaking tub. At present my husband and I have one five-foot closet, an improvised three-foot closet, and no space for additional chests or wardrobes that could hold clothing. In addition, the tub in our present bath is four and one-half feet long, an inadequate length for soaking as needed for arthritis . Moreover, the house has neither attic nor basement storage. The requested addition would provide some basement storage beneath the bedroom addition for lawnmower, bicycles, Christmas decorations, and treasures too special to discard. The design and materials of the addition will be the same as, or compatible with, those presently used in the house. Justification shall be based on these three (3) criteria: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. The use for this house has dramatically changed since it was built twenty years ago The previous and only owner was a bachelor who had the entire house for one person; the probability is that the architect designed the house only for his use. We bought the house six years ago for weekends and holidays, when our daughters were four and eight years old. We were then still living primarily at Ash Lawn-Highland. But three years ago, because of the needs of our daughters (now ten and fourteen) , the house became our primary residence. Our daughters are now "real people. " They need larger bedrooms and closets. At present each has 24" of closet space. One child's bedroom door, for example, cannot be opened when a guest is in the trundle bed. Like us, they need more personal space than a house designed for a single person affords. Fortunately, their needs for larger bedrooms and closets can be accomplished by expanding behind their rooms to the rear of the house. None of these additions require a variance. But the master bedroom of the house cannot adequately be expanded without a variance, even though we tried in many ways to accomplish that . We considered, for example, a whole new master bed and bath suite at the opposite end of the house. But we do not wish to be that far from our daughters ' bedrooms, the design does not work well with traffic patterns , and above all the cost would be prohibitive. We considered expanding to the front, but cannot because of the drain field. This left expansion to the side as the only alternative to make the bedroom suitable for two adults. Unfortunately, the house was apparently located on its site by either the bulldozer operator or by the man who put the corner- board stakes in the ground, as it is set much too close to (as well as not parallel to) the sideline. This situation has caused us great frustration and dismay--there simply is no where else to go for space than to the side. We like the house very much. We want to continue to live in Bellair. The house was on the market for almost two years before we bought it, and it had been shown by a variety of realtors to hundreds of couples . Prior to our offer, not one person or couple wished to purchase it; we made the only offer on the house. The problems of the house were too obvious: small bedrooms , token closets, no real storage spaces, and a major highway behind it. We can imagine how difficult it would be to try to sell the house in the current market . An additional problem we face is the topography--the entire lot slopes from the highway at the rear down to a wet-weather stream at the front . We have explored all design options with an architect, including designing a triangular addition that conforms to the fifteen-foot setback. The results were bizarre and useless space, and the addition would also have been unattractive from the exterior. We have reduced the scale of our addition since first meeting with Babette Thorpe and now respectfully request permission to intrude only five feet beyond the 15-foot setback line. With your permission, we plan to solve the lack of bedroom, closet , and storage space with the bedroom additions . We plan to diminish the impact of the highway by using the excavated dirt from behind the girls ' bedrooms to construct a berm to obscure the traffic from Bypass 29 and to reduce the noise. Clearly this is not the kind of request you often receive--one that will move a homeless grandmother into a good home. But it is a request to alleviate a situation that works hardships on a growing family daily and that will confront any owner of this house in Bellair in the future. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. Most properties in Bellair are not only larger in acreage but also have greater frontage and width than ours . We are one of only two houses on our side of our block. We have only an empty lot on each side. (See the attached plat of Bellair subdivision. ) To the best of our knowledge, no other vacant lots are available in Bellair. 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. Our lot is totally wooded (except for the drain field at the immediate front of the house) , and we plan to maintain this wooded buffer on all sides . The lot adjacent to the proposed addition is fully wooded and has no structures . A person building on this adjacent lot would have plenty of space to position his or her house on a very nice and private lot . No other house can--or could--see the addition due to everyone's heavily wooded and landscaped lots . We feel confident in asserting that the granting of this variance would not be detrimental to the adjacent property. It will have no effect on neighbors or adjacent lots . On the contrary, the variance would improve the visual quality and value of the property and enhance the character of the neighborhood. VARIANCE CHECKLIST The current application form must be completed by the applicant in its entirety (the request should be clear) . THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION AND IS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT. (/ Application with justification statement. ( • / Most recently approved recorded plat. If none exists, then a copy of the deed description for the property or properties involved in the request. ( The appropriate drawings showing all existing and proposed improvements on the property, with dimensions and distances to property lines, and any special conditions of the property that may justify the request. ( 9"The fee payable to the County of Albemarle. THE ZONING DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO THE APPLICANT: ( 4 One public notice sign for each roadway and/or road frontage. (v)V Instructions for posting signs. ( opy of the review schedule. C - CAI (Person accepting app cation) Dat I-- wz cl >- = J �. W w1= 0 . 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