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VA199300008 Application 1993-03-15
County of Albemw-le Department of Zt _ng 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 / (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 VA- ' 06�r DATE: - 0 2 FEE: $95. 00 ikA STAFF: VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) 2 // Name /fe � w ,L/I. (Alth Phone ( ) Address /(,� ^4 PG-/ . , E/ / /2 /'13 fi 6',i'/-, v/4- ,9�9.3 APPLICANT (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name -Tkr A0 fL 1NJ . G2i 1( Phone ( ) (9' ' - M Day Phone ( Address F_SY\--e LOCATION: PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY 9 , TAX MAP An , PARCEL A ; TM , P ; TM , P ZONED: ORDINANCE SECTION: 4-, 76. . 1- Board of Zoning Appeals Date: /./1_4/92) ( Special Permit NIA (✓) Variance WI-rip �- Pa-loco A���u (V Proffers NJ A- 8c�-o5 " 6,�'`' l � BZA ACTION: ap e d 1c[ �(�YI Lf? I?Z1 VA-93-08 . New Green Mountain Church. Property located on Rt. 627 approx. . 5 mi. N of its intersxn w/Route 6. Tax map 128A1, parcel 6, zoned Rural Areas. Applicant requests variance to reduce the setback required for structures 68a feet toin3 height eetffrm from t68 sod40 ■ feet from the front property line property line. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: `� 1— c J Q ©te r �' .r c,�i �1 a.5 i `N U 1,I,1 1 a' /.� r- a._S St v re__it-)c yr,.4-r 4N. 1,G 5 e- it z.- N D J,,t 1 J`W J JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. I l 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and thesame jvicinity. ] Qom— C4 c_GL ,S, �Q�I 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. C., s 6;1- LI The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 19 au-- ,51743 Signature Date Receipt# ate ALBEMARLE COUNTY --------../ . I 1 / 2 ' 3 . Li I . s ; \.,/,/ / ,,i;,•Pi / 9 t0 11 12 1 Eh ;,4 __yA-93-08 New Green Mt. Baptist Church— ' "\ 137 Tax Map 128A1, Parcel 26 14 CIS 16 /17 /-�22 ,`\ 2t 2B, 16 23 19 24 •20 SSS A 27 • '27 26 / , 26 2f 29A „c„....Nt....30/ r31 AT 330 32 41 39 ' `.� 39A 4z • 33 t 374 / 43 f' / 1311 36 3+41 v 4S , 46 /............. 35 37 /.............d...z." 4"---... SO • 36 \/ F..... 40 C ----7N.421 Nis,. Ni"--........„..../... --...„............./.., 52 Ni i ' • REVISED 1949—JULY 1953-5E4 1456 SCALE 11/FEET SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT SECTION 128A(0 ^' '" on '" PORTERS PRECINCT INSERT y vA OP ?3 00 (7 THI5 I5 TO CERTIFY THAT ON AUGUST 3, 1989 I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON AND THAT THE TITLE LINES AND WALLS OF THE BUILDING ARE AS SHOWN. - THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON FALLS OUTSIDE /4 THE 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE RS SHOWN ON THE DEPARTMENT OF H. U.D. FLOOD HAZARD MAP. ROBERT L. LUM EDGAR PAGE D. B . 272 - 594 \ . \ \ Q, \ ct<1 BENJAMIN PAGE \\\ \� 's�10 D. B. 407 - 153 Light / \ Gr�Ve/ Q/ Pole / \ \ � �/ Paved Parking Lot \ \\ D. B. 636 - 004 kb.\ / 1 . 205 ACRES �,a ti\ . \ ! \oi \ • \/ Pole / \ \ / \ 8' x 10' O c�' / /O\V Ili \ \ Frame Building h0� �► i Well a \ \ Pole / b UF Cr)O / \ �� V'I \ \ / / a S.. '! .r ifs., J. ti,Sa )r ,. 24,0 1."p ! 6'"� V!. c ,s ` t 1 ' Sy tit; 7i 11' 1 'lL.!. ..,._ S.:72° 144 2 0.. W. 38 29 'in " . ` .S3t044' 07" E 8.8 6';, • 37.6 � ' Cindr stock ) / / ,. «. `t t r; fliJM ',U w 6-it�4i ` � / i is /\ ` 0 X \ * ,, • • /0 / . , ' . t. ijit, / 3 , , . 1_ ti ' f vA q3 wosi v . . • ALBEMARLE COUNTY • ----------../ • . Li • . r 2 I 3 , . i LJ/ , 4 / 6 % / ' /' e /// / 9 .10 • 11 • 12 Q. 1 34 _, (A-93-08 New Green Mt . Baptist Churc r- 13 Tax Map 128A1 , Parcel 26 14 CIS '16 • //IT �122 1\ , 21 ..- --- ID N — --7 - -� �\ j 23 19 � 24 ' 20 /� _ S 25 A \\,,/ '2T 28 / s .N7'29/9A I 30 ' 4 T 33C " 32 40 41 3 9 ' 3 9 A .2 / � � J 33 , t 33A tr t t 43 ----/---:-... - ' ./...... 38 34 . -A , 45 16 .-------,...........1.......4 . . 4.---- 35 , 37 /\ ' , 47 > /------.... SO 36 � j , 4` 51 ------7N. \ ..4.... NN1 ' 52 REVISED 1949—JURY 1953- DEC, i954 SCALE ix FEET SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT 2 roe • " *cm' ' ° '°' seePORTERS PRECINCT INSERT SECTION Ic . 0 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ON AUGUST 3, 1989 I SURVEYED THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON AND THAT THE TITLE LINES AND WALLS OF THE BUILDING ARE RS SHOWN. THE PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON FALLS OUTSIDE ./4-44,_ v/w THE 100 YEAR FLOOD ZONE RS SHOWN ON THE DEPARTMENT OF H.U.D. FLOOD HAZARD MAP. ROBERT L. LUM • EDGAR PAGE D. B. 272 - 594 .` •sq 7 - —\ • \` \ \ QQ� BENJAMIN PAGE \ \ ' '5:91 , D. B. 407 - 153 / `\ 30 �6, -' • / \—-- I;00, 6-- Light // \\ G�aV el o/w Pole \ IN I �/ Paved Parking Lot \ ,\D. B. 636 004 €P. / \ I. 205 ACRES QQ� ti` / Pole \\ �°' / \ \ / / \ 8'x 10' 0 c'o' % /p\4 W \\ \\ Frame Building lF�A 34 IDv? Well 0\ \ Pole / A10 II) Cr) \ / ° OI \ / / r� v \ /\ z \,, — --- - -1 ; /`o�� s. 1 ,. 24.0 �j / >� ',;` `'S72°14' 20"W 38.06' 29.1 '2 / �S31° 44'07' E 8.86'- 37.6 cind� Block v�i / / L;• 3'� . c,{' —e CH1aV�H a / �1 TITIBMPill,'i.",, r: ,.. 1-- 5. . , o /\.. a D- • FI '1g ,� qc. / , 341e; 14414-, i ' . 34 ./6 , "Nato 'ff__ . 9-1,,,, /tofu + ( .1.:- .wI.F,AL?1'f PHYSICAL SURVEY SHOWING 0\ 0,4, TAX MAP 128A (1) PARCEL 26 /�,^; ` THE NEW GREEN MT. CHURCH PROPERTY <.l.�- ., �'''l 3 ,t So n•n G'1157 No. SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT, ALBEMRRLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1" = 50' DATE: AUGUST 8, 1989 .'� '.r'I v '.1ND �'' r.'' ROBERT L. LUM ` .��_ _..�a LAND PLANNING & SURVEYING PALMYRA, VIRGINIA