HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199300010 Application 1993-03-15 County of Albemar' Department of Zon ,g 401 McIntire Road. Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 VA- 43-10 ( DATE: 3-/513 FEE: $95. 00 VA 4Dc(C:=5 STAFF: VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) Name Dennis B. and Jane E. Sigloh Phone (804 ) 823 —7122 Address R.R. 2 Box 297AA, Crozet, Va 22932 APPLICANT (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) • Name Marilynn Gale Phone (804 ) 977 - 0205 . Day Phone ( ) — Address Roudabush, Gale & Assoc. , 914 Monticello Rd. Charlottesville, VA 22902 LOCATION: on right side of St. Rt. 614 lust before turn off to St. Rt. 675 PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY (1 VL1 i ic& ati2c TAX MAP 41 , PARCEL 44A • TM , P ; TM , P ,517 . ZONED: RA ORDINANCE SECTION: 4, Z . ? . / Board of Zoning Appeals Date: 1E1/23 (.4 Special Permit O `A (./) Variance NIA ( 4' Proffers N's �� i t'7 BZA ACTION: R�ro�ed �-f� ���' (',B-vl(�+��� '��'- / VA 93-10 Dennis and Jane Sigloh (owners) . Property located on the north side of Route 614 (Owensville Rd) , across from the intersection with Route 675 to Lake Albemarle. Zoned Rural Areas. TM 41, parcel 44A. Variance to reduce the requirement for the creation of a lot with a building site including a full 100% reserve septic field. The applicants propose to do a family subdivision with an existing house on a proposed 2 acre lot, with no (0%) septic reserve. 4 DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: The owners are requesting a variance of the requirement that in order to subdivide the existing house with 2 acres off from the 22. 1+ acre total parcel, a 100% secondary/back-up drainfield site must be located for the existing house. JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. The owners are in the process of building a new house on another portion of this property. They wish to sell the existing house to their daughter, and were not aware that the soils in the area of the existing house were not suitable for a drainfield under current Health Dapartment regulations. Any area on the property suitable for a drainfield site is more than 600 feet away, and would require installing pipe under a drainage swale and pumping to a drainfield, probably behind the new house. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. The Health Department had no trouble finding a suitable drainfield site for the Sigloh's new house 700 feet away, on the hill above the 'existing house site. There are numerous other houses on this road, and we have no knowledge of this problem on adjacent properties. 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. Granting of this variance will permit the Siglohs to sell the existing house and 2 acres of land to their daughter. Otherwise, they will most likely have to rent the house after construction of their new house is complete. Granting of the variance should have a beneficial effect on this and surrounding properties as owners occupying the house will take care not to overload the existing septic system, and maybe willing to invest in new technology to prolong the life of the existing drainfield. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. see prior page 3/Is 193 Signature Date Receipt# Date 0 VARIANCE CHECKLIST The current application form must be completed by the applicant in its entirety (the request should be clear) . THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION AND IS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT. ( iX Application with justification statement. ( ) Most recently approved recorded plat. If none exists, then a • copy of the deed description for the property or properties involved in the request. (A The appropriate drawings showing all existing and proposed improvements on the property, with dimensions and distances to property lines, and any special conditions of the property that may justify the request. ( ) The fee payable to the County of Albemarle. THE ZONING DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO THE APPLICANT: ( ) One public notice sign for each roadway and/or road frontage. ( ) Instructions for posting signs. ( ) Copy of the review schedule. ) (Person accepting application) Da e El ALBEMARLE COUNTY 27 Jam—'\ � 111 ` moo/mans �:pt., al• •\ / l4M1 46 •./Ir 370 /1 34 ‹... Q.7.:1 37 �,�'_ 41A2 / ��\ a5"‘" / 2 . .------ . 39 • 41 e, 0 N, I0= 3 3B �r4143 ♦ / • . 38 / 1 a3 �P , r•2 / 3� bB ICU I —1�' 42 / N� 1 31 30 • ,13BA .I 1n n p_� a16 �, /,,,.:.: \•4 n f 43A / ) 4e WHALL 3 I Ili 220 122 4n/`Ir i a N,,i i 444 44 0. Air . . . libli 8° ''' ez 13 all 626,• asijil IaB ;!7 SEE _ 40-26 2a . ♦ ♦ •, I 17f O 7 22 lik17 41014 iiii nRt. z3c 22C ®�� • xA xs6 • S0 , \ 4l G\ 23AN. 22Z 0� .. r. zzB t.-..- VA-93-10 Dennis & Jane Sigloh Tax Map 41, Parcel 44A ____/ SEE 1'1' 21 2211 �• a9G Jr�Yi 43A \ a9J • B \� tic S68 �� 'l 60c 49 S0A, 'Q 49K 20• I i moo. �� � aw t. ei� \ 20 `C !\ ♦11 49A1 -+:::., ♦ \■ 6 0 ) Ill )" �6 ■■ sir • (/ 68 / 63 \/ • � 69 - ■ CAI #4, 4h51 / % 7 l ; ■■ /„,, <�- • 63E / 42 70 • I scc L4 67 \7 — : (6511116A I ■ • .40-45 i' .• • . \%....,,,,,,,,/ _■ \,, 6 / • ` ~� E TON'-B ' ■• C • 6'OeA2 19 •• ♦ ■ • \ • • ec 90 _Branch • \\■ • '// /i/ ________\ • • \- PE 90.—._ - '/17A /II — J �� SEDTIOK �I--r _ I 41_4 . `� 9C 16A II• 729 • 72 • 9I >� 16 •♦♦v ♦ / /La • / O �R •.♦ • A/eemor/e h 1' 9B / aT. au - II AI ♦14 ■ �• • ♦ IS • • •* It Alt .--..""."...s. -----"-..-..1 v•11•.. / , a* ),,;1\'\\ it•.........-----\ \Ir4r4--t--5---. •41--* *-- 1 \ / Ste\ 12 3A ■ : *----7,. ..-i\>■• iN �' i ♦ 11 �� \• ♦•• Y O/S)' j. 57 .uu SGOO 400CALE IN FEET „00 ..a4 WHITE HALL DISTRICT SECTION 41 ♦♦♦"MOORMAN'S RIVER AGRICULTURAL B FORESTAL DISTRICT. • Applied Technology and Engineering, P.C. 1115 5th Street S.W. Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-6465 Phone: (804) 977-1498 Fax: (804) 977-6778 April 26, 1993 Dennis B. and Jane E. Sigloh Route 2 Box 297AA Crozet, Virginia 22932 Re: Additional Soils Investigation Proposed Reserve Drainfield Site LotX T.M. 41 Parcel 44A White Hall Magisterial District Dear Mr. and Mrs. Sigloh: As requested we have completed an additional soils investigation at the referenced site. The investigation has consisted of drilling eight (8) hand auger testholes (holes 12-19). A log of each test hole is shown on the enclosed soil profile sheet. Also enclosed is a sketch showing the approximate hole locations. The testholes have been flagged with yellow ribbon for future reference. Based on our additional investigation there is a potential reserve drainfield site in the vicinity of holes 9, 16, 17 and 19. It will either be necessary to increase the size of proposed Lot X to incorporate this area on the lot or create an easement designating this area as the reserve drainfield site for Lot X. We drilled several holes (12 and 13) within the 100 foot setback from the existing well but we encountered mottling at shallow depths in the soil profile making this area unsuitable for installation of drainfield lines. If you have any questions concerning this additional investigation,please let us know. Very truly yours, Steve Gooch SG/tsw ���� Enclosures REC APR 27 1993 AL1E3; n_;° CC'"STY ZONING DEPART�V' �T .F v.. Applied Technology &Engineering, P.C. Soil Profile Subdivision: T.M. 41 Parcel 44A Location See Sketch Lot No.: Lot X Reserve Drainfield Site Hole Depth (in) Material Description Soil Texture Group 12 0-6 Topsoil 6-24 Red silty clay loam with yellow mottles at 18 inches 3 24-36 Red-yellow sandy clay with gray mottles 4 13 0-12 Topsoil 12-18 Brown-yellow sandy clay 4 18-27 Red sandy clay with yellow mottles at 22 inches 4 27-36 Red-yellow sandy clay with gray mottles 4 14 0-6 Topsoil 6-24 Red sandy clay 4 24-30 Red-yellow sandy clay with gray mottles 4 15 0-6 Topsoil 6-36 Red silty clay 4 36-60 Red-brown silty clay loam with white clay seams 3 60-72 Yellow-brown clay loam 3 16 0-6 Topsoil 6-36 Red silty clay 4 36-54 Red-brown silty clay loam 3 54-72 Brown-yellow clay loam 3 17 0-6 Topsoil 6-30 Red silty clay 4 30-72 Brown-red silty clay loam 3 Applied Technology & Engineering, P.C. Soil Profile Subdivision: T.M. 41 Parcel 44A Location See Sketch Lot No.: Lot X Reserve Drainfield Site Hole Depth (in) Material Description Soil Texture Group 18 0-6 Topsoil 6-24 Red silty clay with brown mottles 4 24-48 Red silty clay with white clay seams 4 48-72 Brown-red silty clay with white clay seams 4 19 0-6 Topsoil 6-24 Red silty clay 4 24-72 Red-brown silty clay loam 3 Remarks: Favorable perolation rates can be expected in the clay loam, silty clay loam, and sandy loam in the vicinity of holes 9, 16, 17 and 19. A pump system will be required if the reserve drainfield site is ever needed. APPROVED FOR RECORDATION OWNERS APPROVAL THE SUBDIVISION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN IS WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING UNDERSIGNED OWNER, PROPRIETORS AND TRUSTEES. ANY REFER- ENCE TO FUTURE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS TO BE DEEMED AS THEORETICAL ONLY. ALL STATEMENTS AFFIXED TO THIS PLAT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO T E BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DATE g '‘9, )6. • OWNERS:DENNIS B. AND JANE E. SIGLOH PIPE AT D.B. 1250 P 593,SOURCE ,FEN. OF TITLE ;\ 9PRN 20. 124 AC. RESIDUE N,N, OF PARCEL 44A T. M. 41 D. B. 1033 P 535 -536 PLAT • e4., D. B. 275P430PLAT II P II I I • IRON SET I \��35 60' :�Pev III >- ,v4 °3 ti0 3 A'6'-- I 11 2 N rn 3 L12''•\ /.1 ��'. S g�O0 1 2 N I � Q J ro_ Y 43°�4 • wl >"I I (0 w w a s g3, . 0\4 al - c\I � � � �rn 'l •� WI wi�in ° J zov v— c.) -i I Cr — I-: al m w LOT X a( 0i ° �' z 60 T.M. 41 44A(I) _ 2.000 AC. EXIST. I 1 N/F FRANCES L. cv Ib HOUSE o co I I MARSHALL —I U) N El wI I D. 8.439 P 327 PLAT tt cp w' ° II 0 4/& 5 0 Z fv `' c \� 17 9.13 IRON SET I•IRON SET • Yl • ��_ _ --N 70°54' 59" W— — —N I N ( STATE ROUTE 614 a=2°2 I'os" GARTH ROAD o::56" - 341 iv:. ?\2 62 25' FROM CENTER LINE OF ST. RT. 614 F�_ 82, 2 ALONG FRONTAGE OF LOT X IS HEREBY = /62• 1p R " g DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE L " 1. ONLY ONE DWELLING UNIT IS PERMITTED ON EACH PARCEL, 2. NO FURTHER DIVISION WITHOUT PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL. 3. ACCESS TO LOT X AND THE RESIDUE SHALL BE ALONG THE 50' ACCESS EASEMENT SHOWN HEREON . THIS EASEMENT SHALL PROVIDE REASONABLE ACCESS BY MOTOR VEHICLE AS REQUIRED BY SEC. 18-36 OF THE ALBEMARLE CO. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. 4. LOT X AND THE RESIDUE CONTAIN SUBDIVISION PLAT SHOWING AT LEAST 30,000 CONTIGUOUS S.F. WITH SLOPES LESS THAN 25%. LOT X CONTAINING 2.00 ACRES 5. THE RESIDUE PARCEL SHALL A DIVISION OF PARCEL 44A TAX MAP 41 RETAIN 4 DIVISION RIGHTS. LOCATED ON STATE ROUTE 614 Z WHITE HALL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA m N Z ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOC., INC. 0 5 A Professional Corporation CERTIFIED LAND SURVEYOR — ENGINEER OCT. 27 1992 Charlottesville, Virginia DATE SCALE I = 100 FILE 7339 • vA 93 .„, ( 0 5 1 g L. 0 14 I APPROVED FOR RECORDATION OWNERS APPROVAL THE SUBDIVISION OF THE LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN IS WITH THE ,AMPASEak FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE DIREC trma UNDERSIGNED OWNER,PROPRIETORS AND TRUSTEES. ANY REFER- ' ENCE TO FUTURE POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IS TO BE DEEMED AS o+( �� THEORETICAL ONLY. ALL STATEMENTS AFFIXED TO THIS PLAT ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. NArIMM•II• )C5C)CUQ_ D�,o',d.Q •!a S\ OWNERS:DENNIS B. AND ).i JANE E. SIGLOH IPE AT D.B. 1250 P. 593,SOURCE FEN. •10 R�,�D�IN� OF TITLE SYT-* 0 .--7 20. 124 AC. RESIDUE ti, OF PARCEL 44A T. M. 41 . 6 D. B. 1033 P. 535 -536 PLAT k4. D. B. 275 P. 430 PLAT �- I I •Il ' � 1 IRON SET 41111111111111411111111144 3- PQ } 11 a �Ug2°3 �p + 11 m a m • IV 4? � Nab 4`' $ ,,1 1 v .4- o _1p I ) I I 'tp w w a s • Ski.,, 4J �� P rYt4eu. �° rn1w�I ,i N vU- zov -exl �5 LO , y I I j e �"� N Z Ao T M. 41 - 44A(I) R.U.L7 - 000 AC. EXIST. (�>plvl� i'ljviICES L. • Z2 , tl,clfII �)N/F FRAN • 3 I I I TNMFr SHALL /" X1ID. B.439 P.327 PLAT • , .I lw 1 I • i 50 E I�� °' kr y� _*0 _ON SET 1 H� 6 .-1170 .. 179.13 • __•__. _ ..1- cV,Iggres I _N70°54'59L.W- - -N STATE ROUTE 614 4=202 1, 2° 05 562 25 FROM CENTER LINE OF ST. RT. 614 R= 3947 82'/ p' 27,2 ALONG FRONTAGE OF LDT X IS HEREBY L = 162 'o' R g9 a0 DEDICATED TO PUBLIC USE t 1. ONLY ONE DWELLING UNIT IS PERMITTED ON EACH PARCEL. 2. NO FURTHER DIVISION WITHOUT dill DpA!k - [AY PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL. 3. ACCESS TO LOT X AND THE gill E(4, • RESIDUE SHALL BE ALONG THE WE wl• 50' ACCESS EASEMENT SHOWN HEREON . THIS EASEMENT,SHALL is C, .p'/n �tSF Jr PROVIDE REASONABLE ACCESS BY JJ4� (' `(� L /L MOTOR VEHICLE AS REQUIRED BY 'SEC. 15-35 OF THE ALBEMARLE CO. SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. 4. LOT X AND THE RESIDUE CONTAIN SUBDIVISION PLAT SHOWING AT LEAST 30,000 CONTIGUOUS S.F. WITH SLOPES LESS THAN 25%. LOT X CONTAINING 2.00 ACRES 5. THE RESIDUE PARCEL SHALL A DIVISION OF PARCEL 44A TAX MAP 41 RETAIN 4 DIVISION RIGHTS. LOCATED ON STATE ROUTE 614 .2 WHITE HALL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA O N 2 ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOC., INC. oA Professional Corporation CERTIFIED LAND SURVEYOR — ENGINEER E OCT. 27, 1992 SCALE I = 100' Charlottesville, Virginia, 7339 DATE FILE • / SOUTHERNPHOTO-GREFNStORO NHSOoS C� II D 13> m0 70 m� I 011 LP 3•IVIS kr __--'H 311NM 31 do p� —z- 1 i j9 66 4 V_ M)F— ► ^ 3 0. v 71 gi �i • '� ou z — a "'I 4 co 3c \m O Col�10v Hib3 \ m ry 4�3711/531R tF D , • r 02� cn ti r f rn r m C �b£��°£bN. .,D / 0 8 l J' M ao in, �02£ F mi ,og• 2bN i s Z cc)`>•Oaao • °� _ I.° >2 • o O. 57F v p �o ,c SD -e cH o0 to 0 ',99 c. y CD 3 go S. 4 0 • W� gt 41 •3o s3r" 2.• CA A Pr- gt g,''a°N . cn m - N W o \ o W o CA t0 2 O,�, Cs) CD O N. CO 71 N3 N c.n N ciN a cn;' •_ y .....vtv,,,^tww.R. as ..- '-'---....�-....�0-= .�..�.F,�......w Tom-.- _T�-: ...r.. .- I _._-. Q COADV/ '... 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