HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199300030 Application 1993-07-12 County of Albemarle Department of Zoning , 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 VA— DATE: July 12, 1993 FEE: $95. 00 Vc.ckc( ✓ STAFF: Nam. IC VARIANCE APPLICATION OWNER (as currently listed in Real Estate) f19,6 i cl ( : Name Malcom Woodward & Virginia Land Trust Phone ( 804) 979 — 8181 Address c/o 195 Riverbend Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 APPLICANT (if different from above) Name Phone ( ) - Address CONTACT PERSON (if different from above) Name Steve Melton Phone ( ) - Day Phone ( 804) 979- 8181 Address 195 Riverbend Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901 LOCATION: Fontaine Ave, Just West of Rt. 29 & Adjacent to Forestry Dept. PLEASE PROVIDE A DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF YOUR REQUEST ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET. OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP 10 , PARCEL 0 ; TM ito , P i'oZ '-; TN1(O tRC t ( ` (1,. c ZONED: \AO 0RDINANC SE TION: 021, ,02 , Board of Zoning Appeals Date: ' 'l`� " !l �� -- I' ( uc)')C\ ; ' `} (?Si Special Permit >�- �;� r� ( ) Variance 60,,_:c I� tT� Proffers "3 s-j BZA ACTION of .„4„7r 7' ,�-�tar�t i 1) VA-93-30. Malcolm Woodward and VA Land Trust (owners) . Property located on the S side of Fontaine Ave, in the SE quad of its inters w/ Rts 29 and 250 by-pass, zoned Highway Commercial and EC overlay, TM76/P12B, 12C, 12E. Variances to 1) reduce parking setback from adjacent residential zoning (the State Dept. of Forestry) from 20 to 8 ft for 9 spaces and to 2) reduce the bldg setback from adjacent residential from 50 to 40 ft, to allow construction on an existing foundation. \qlr\ DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST: To allow nine (9) parking spaces to encroach into the 20' parking set back and the undisturbed buffer per section 21.7.2 and 21.7.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. JUSTIFICATION SHALL BE BASED ON THESE THREE (3) CRITERIA: 1) That the strict application of this ordinance would produce undue hardship. The application of this ordinance would impact the proposed project by the loss of nine (9) parking spaces as mentioned above. Being active in the rnmmerrial market we feel this would greatly limit the marketability of this project either for sale or lease. 2) That such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. This is a unique situation in that our property is zoned H.C. and is adjacent to R-1 land owned by the State Dept. of Forestry who is exempt from local zoning regulations. Although the operation is commercially oriented the zoning is still maintained as R-1. 3) That the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. As shown on the zoning map, the property is bounded to the North by Highway Commercial land to the East by Morey Creek and Memphis University School (vacant) and to the South and West by R-1 zoned land occupied by the Dept. of Forestry, who is operating a commercial venture, which would coincide with our use. The steep embankment created by the Forestry Dept. offers a very substantial buffer. The Buckingham Office project iet our opinion will only enhance the character of the surrounding area. The application may be deferred by the staff or the Board of Zoning Appeals, if sufficient information necessary to this review has not be submitted by the deadline. I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature 'Date Receipt# a 113 e VARIANCE CHECKLIST The current application form must be completed by the applicant in its entirety (the request should be clear) . THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHALL BE SUBMITTED WITH THE APPLICATION AND IS TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT. (vf Application with justif 'cation statement. ( �' i t\ b r i m 1 N "l-- I � ( ) Most recently r-y approved ecorded plat. If none exists, then a copy of the deed description for the property or properties involved li-n .phe request. C u3 Y, Iv- (✓- The appropriate rawings showing all existing and proposed improvements on the property, with dimensions and distances to property lines, and any special conditions of the property that may justify the request. (-Tv The fee payable to the County of Albemarle. THE ZONING DEPARTMENT WILL PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO THE APPLICANT: ( ) One public notice sign for each roadway and/or road frontage. ( ) Instructions for posting signs. ( ) Copy of the review schedule. 6 0 ate • ALBEMARLE COUNT' 60 ' ti 42 '''' ' 4" , '4 .0 \ VP / 44 I 1 /� 3A Itl /f7. SECTION 76C -��� _ p1175431 1 • -ECLAIR ESTATES 1 �• IODUI j� 3 --1-,_ it . .— ,iii ‘,4 ' ,( ..,._ I ... GTION 73H I % *M /� p /IOC LISERTT HILL i v t 10 ' p b 2 \� 13,!� I ;0,4,10 IOSIII • 1 /M. 4 . , zof' 5/ 760 1•4 IA L TEE t.C.4. Id16,: _-- A1111±0WL ' //7\' If eALNORA n Amer) 0.11M vstrizre LIRA fl. 17C +,1„ 7 i7C11/ RN 79 a tHE ..4041 ` ` 4, ' ----- ' A \ . -. '''''4*'"414%.111%.(00 :iv, Al '7' . ,.., 4,7._ CITY = .E CHARLOTTESVILLE 111 -� 1- - 56 cor 93-30 Malcolm Woodward/VA Land Trust � Tax Map 76, Parcels 12B, 12C, 12E . 0,-/`.` 24 24A- /7/ — SEC ON 73R1 ; a\ � •• lmw4 R 00_ ,„„. , .....iti. -� ` -„,,.. SECTION 76N Am I lc 463„- ...._,..: , ,,p,„, 43 SHERWOOD FARMS � _ � � si mow. �-� � `� /� ! 'm'r1 �� O . _ i ® � � / 7� SEEJ / -"''.•' - _ EC DN TSR H ^.F I / M ,— —� ne1li Rf 631 48,// 4,fr t' I tta J 493 `rpJ ;� H[f.:11E�� `` I.Wriljr, • \i'l 4111p fp irgett ''' '' ":: '411.1, ( 1 i<49C ‘,1\A i I ..," A . .. .,-. .,_ „? 52 G 25. W SECTION 90A ' \'''''' '''H:4T:.::._.r.:-.:,.4.. \ i_131\ I-2A ® J7 OAK MILL 1 ,7 k • 0 7 90 SCALE IN FEET SAMUEL MILLER,SCOTTSVILLE SECTION 76 AND JACK JOUETT DISTRICTS C. W. HURT CONTRACTORS, INC. VIRGINIA LAND COMPANY BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 8147 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906 AREA CODE 804 TELEPHONE 979-8181 FAX 296-3510 August 3, 1993 RECEIVED Mr. William D. Fitz AUG 0 4 1993 Senior Planner County of Albemarle Planning Dept. Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road' Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 RE: Buckingham Office Building - Preliminary Site Plan Dear Bill: Per our conversation yesterday after the ARB meeting, enclosed is a copy of the Variance application that will explain item #2 of your memorandum dated July 29, 1993 . Also enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Department of Forestry pertaining to the parking and setback buffer. Bill, in answering item #5 and #6 from your memorandum, the only landscaping proposed at this time is what's shown on the site plan. As you stated staff is sensitive to the topography which is a very steep embankment along the Department of Forestry site. We would like to be able to keep along the lines of the site plan. Attached is a marked copy of the site plan showing existing and new trees. As mentioned to you yesterday, Fred Pugsley is out of the country until I believe next week. You had indicated that you would work with us regarding the Planning Commission meeting and keep the Board date the same. I will have Fred call you when he arrives back in town next week. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Stephen M. Melton Enclosure r . . JAMES W. GARNER State Forester COMMONWEALTH of VIRQINIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY Alderman & McCormick Roads Box 3758, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 (804) 977-6555 (V/TDD) July 20, 1993 Ms. Amelia McCulley • Zoning Administrator County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Dear Ms. McCulley: This is in reference to parcels 12B, 12C and 12E on tax plat 76 in Samuel Miller Magisterial District, Albemarle County. This site is proposed for a one story office building to be developed by Virginia Land Trust. The Virginia Department of Forestry owns the adjoining property listed as parcel 17A. It is our understanding that the proposed development site would include encroachment of parking spaces into the 20' setback and undisturbed buffer area on the Department of Forestry property line. In order to place the parking area as planned it's necessary for the developer to obtain a varience to the zoning ordinance. The Department of Forestry has no objection to approval of the variance for this purpose. If we can respond to any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours, Harold L. Olinger Chief, Administration c: James E. Bowen Stephen M. Melton l/ /rb 1-3-6 Mission: A Forest Resource to Meet the Needs of the Commonwealth RECEIVED JUL 21 1993 JAMES W. GARNER State Forester ALBEMARLE GOWN COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA zaralFxe DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY Alderman & McCormick Roads Box 3758, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 (804) 977-6555 (V/TDD) July 20, 1993 Ms. Amelia McCulley Zoning Administrator County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901-4596 Dear Ms. McCulley: This is in reference to parcels 12B, 12C and 12E on tax plat 76 in Samuel Miller Magisterial District, Albemarle County. This site is proposed for a one story office building to be developed by Virginia Land Trust. The Virginia Department of Forestry owns the adjoining property listed as parcel 17A. It is our understanding that the proposed development site would include encroachment of parking spaces into the 20' setback and undisturbed buffer area on the Department of Forestry property line. In order to place the parking area as planned it's necessary for the developer to obtain a varience to the zoning ordinance. The Department of Forestry has no objection to approval of the variance for this purpose. If we can respond to any further questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely yours, EV) Harold L. Olinger Chief, Administration c: James E. Bowen Stephen M. Melton /rb 1-3-6 Mission: A Forest Resource to Meet the Needs of the Commonwealth 1 COUNTY OF ALBEMARL12, IRGisV" MEMORANDUM TO: Amelia McCulley - Zoning Administra FROM: Jack M. Kelsey, PE - Civil Engineer I► DATE: May 10, 1993 RE: Buckingham Office Building "Conceptual" Site Plan ; SDP-93-002 Buddy Edwards, at the request of Fred Pugsley, has provided this Department with the flood study to determine the 100 year storm water surface elevation, as requested in our previous meeting. This Department has reviewed the methodology utilized and the calculations provided, and has concluded that they are in accordance with engineering practice and the results acceptable. The 100 year flood elevation was established at 436.38, USGS datum. This places the southwest building/foundation corner, elevation 435.41, within the floodplain (see attached sketch). In addition the basement floor elevation is 435.77, which is approximately 7" below the 100 year water surface elevation. If fill was allowed to be placed at the corner, without increasing the flood surface elevation, the walls of the building/foundation might be considered no longer in the in the floodplain, if acceptable to FEMA. However, the basement floor would still be below the 100 year water surface elevation and subject to potential flooding. At this point in time some ruling must be made and some options offered to the applicant. Call me if you would like to further discuss this project. { JMK/ Attachment _ b . . . ' . " .1 • c.) AAA e,;•‘. i•4, . . S •til\) '''Y 4' \A -4, •-•., e\ a•g' _ tb:\ .\\\\4:cit- •y, vs, .c. ...--, ez c......___I. - • p, 41.1-° " .re.• elA /,' 1 -0" -, \ cf I. & 4 4:-. \ '\ - .;,*No, JP P. .1.i .4124-___:.A k\ ' t, k 1,410' A': V- A , 0 - \‘,1,,•,..t, s K . ___---- , \\ \\ ,.1 t•'' s., \ - / '\ . \ • l'424„,,.- '\. - .--- - ___,------ ,s-.P V \ \,. ..,/ • \ . b,k \ ,\ s •b, ,.. 1.4.. ..-'...\./e• \, % s\C:\ •,..- 11 -a,b1° • ••'. •‘ \\ ti, \ \ ' s\ \st( ''A'V 4....„_____-Ap!Se4;..V., t\'\ NIV \\'. ''t ••„,' ikkiC4).\ti'l .., •--.., ---' •t,- ' . -.......: ....„ ../ A °15r. • 4\\..\\\ •,\ • %,,,gie• \\ N ,, 1,1 .—'-'7.---------s'...\, <•.'ssA",:\,s, \• 411 x \•: 4. - siX \NN \ i,,,,, \ • . N N.,‘•, .,•N ... • ., . / N e . At'': ' 4.. •• ''vkl \ N • .." : ' • s,::. _,-------- IA., \ .4`N ••• N \ --, \ • ,,./•, t P / v • `;‘-•N• ',.. 5-. ,,,;-.0 , / - t'" -N. 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',,,I '',., ''''._ ---- - • —47 i .-'rr .......•2 - I .,,._,T .------."........*.....*''''...............''''''''''"...-".''''..."'N.4 --------I i 1.57 ••••_„ -.... 1-,... • ... RECFRFED Frederick H. Pugsley, R.A. fEB 9 199.1 936 St . Charles Avenue ALBEMARLE y 01J Charlottesville, VA 22901 , Om t 3'AIIVE (804) 977-4626 February 8, 1993 Mr. David Hirschman • Water Resources Officer Engineering Department County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 RE: Buckingham Office Building Fontaine Avenue Extended Tax Map 76 - Parcels 12B. 12C and 12E Dear Mr. Hirschman: I am writing to review and confirm the findings of the meeting that I had with you and Jack Kelsey on Wednesday, February 3, 1993, concerning the proposed development of this site . Morey ' s Creek is a "blue line stream. " and thus the site does fall under the Water Resource Protection Area Ordinance . As some of the site improvements and site disturbances will fall within the required 100 ' buffer, a water quality impact assessment will be necessary. It appears that the scope of disturbance will be such that it will require a minor assessment . The existing foundation will not be considered to be an encroachment on the buffer, as it is an existing condition. All other disturbances within the buffer (storm detention basin, excavation for utilities, and grading for sidewalks and adjacent to the building) will be included in the assessment . Ironically, grading for the storm water detention basin is a disturbance, but the basin itself will be a best management practice . Before proceeding with the assessment , we will obtain from you a copy of the recommended vegetation materials and practices from the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Manual . Realistically. the water quality impact assessment cannot be submitted until after preliminary site plan review, when there is a plan to analyze . It is my understanding that there is nothing prohibitive about the proposed development , and with proper application of best management practices, the development should be able to meet the requirements of the ordinance . We are proceeding now with the flood study, but do not know when the preliminary site plan will be ready for submission, nor consequently, the water quality impact assessment . Thank you for taking the time to discuss this proposal , and if the above review is in any way inaccurate, please advise me at once so that I can alter my planning accordingly. Sincerely y s, il.44 Frederick H. P gs , R.A. cc : Rich Tarbell Amelia McCulley Charles W. Hurt t-,' f.,'Y l ("'I: !I , .-.ti,i:._ i , l': - N . . . 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No 0141, en Allaillilla di ....../ R „v. _ _....„;=„ zee Al 2 /•> Mom. 22A I,,,,' .-, ,. p_R__ /D) / :.....l.Eioik.._r...... ., '�.C.,1- RED L.r=i \ 76,:.1".,....... ..-.4.......:... ,......... .. --,. _,a„.,.,• - 1.7.4_-4 .7 :4,r_.. ....\.---5- 23A 4 ARMS 468 45 si___._._ X1. r--j-- - 23 tr-.- /„ Ai .. .....- ,1,, 4,. vv. OUT -, i :2 MALCOLM WOODWARD 699 CHAPEL HILL ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 July 20, 1993 Ms. Amelia McCulley Zoning Administrator County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Dear Ms. McCulley: This letter is to acknowledge that Virginia Land Trust (Charles W. Hurt) has permission to act on my behalf to submit site plans, special use permits and variance applications in connection with the Buckingham Office Building on Fontaine Avenue. Sincerely, T M lcol Woodward " Val; JUL:•21' 1943 ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT i I i 1047 =uT eT"oq •F*/6T 'Tc: 4sn2n7 •sanr.JTLL 4s0g011 wo.IJ. paJTni,ot: ?TuT91TA 'Aq.uno0 aT.zpwagT*1 I 3 � 6z •orti aq.nod •g •p uo Jgaado,zd aouadq •0 •g 2u u TMos PnTd cpTuTT.JTA caTTTA s�41.oT.zpq0 cs.zoAananq--s.zaauT2u:,1 csal.nTooss-cr Dp gaams •d •y ii I I .1 \ II . ill it I \ \ ii I 1 o \ f1 1 `` 11 1 L'c 'a t-i7c_ k o ° ?-� . 1 I —a-J U a-Ju -- 01 S 1 1 1 1 kd o ` 1 1 i 1 11 . I .ems 1 o 1 a , I F 1 �t 1 ,I (51 1 0 0 \ I I' \ 1 1 i I o � bo 1 d\ 1\ ci) 1 I 0 1 1 , ,., kl I (t) \ .... . \ f. ,,„ I I (..) \ 6 t ; . alC) 1 11 1 i I �' 1 q . 4. \ ...D re) 03 R',.. ' . . . \ !'. .e ---...L, lb 7 \ !ts: (N), _ 1 6 , \ • / ' . 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