HomeMy WebLinkAboutVA199400004 Action Letter 1994-07-14 OF AL% 4.� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 TDD (804) 972-4012 July 14, 1994 Daniel D. Shifflett P. O. Box 642 Crozet, VA 22932 RE: Board of Zoning Appeals Action VA-94-04 Tax Map 057, Parcels 32, 32B, 32C, and 32E Dear Applicant: This letter is to inform you that on July 12, 1994, during the meeting of the Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals, the Board unanimously approved your request for VA-94-04, subject to the following conditions: 1) This variance is granted for the following: the combination of parcels 32B, 32C and 32E, with the addition of a portion of parcel 32 for the purpose of septic field area resulting in not more than two (2) parcels for the entire 6.297 acres; 2) As a result of this redivision, the residue of parcel 32 shall not be reduced below 4.0 acres in size; 3) This approval is granted for a period not to exceed two (2) years from this date of variance approval, or until the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a dwelling on the new combined parcel, whichever comes first. Prior to the expiration of this variance, one of the dwellings on parcel 32 shall be removed such that no more than two (2) dwellings remain. This shall be noted on the plat. It shall also be noted in the deed if the property should change ownership prior to the expiration of the variance. Letter to Daniel Shifflett July 14, 1994 Page 2 This temporary variance approval allows relief from Section 10.4 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance to allow the applicant to create only one lot for building, and to remove one of the three existing dwellings on parcel 32. This is due to the fact that the applicant wants to create the division and build on the new lot prior to removing the dwelling. If you have any questions, please contact our office. Sincerely, ,4f //Aft<6- Amelia G. McCulley, A.I.C.P. Zoning Administrator agm/st cc: Steve Key Planning Department File f 7 1 VA 94-04 DANIEL SHIFFLETT The applicant now proposes to create only one lot for building, and to remove one of the three existing dwellings on parcel 32. It is most likely to be one of the mobile homes. Because the applicant wants to create the redivision and build on the new lot prior to removing the dwelling, a temporary variance is necessary. He also wants to allow the current tenants to find suitable housing. Under the revised proposal, there will be the same number of dwellings spread out over the addition of parcels 32B, 32C and 32E totalling 0. 65 acres. And these smaller parcels will be combined with additional acreage to make them more conforming as to acreage and as to general regulations relating to sanitary disposal. Please note that this proposal is superior to an option available to the owner which would not require a variance: combining the small lots, creating a septic easement on parcel 32 and keeping the dwellings on it. In conclusion, staff recommends approval for cause of the temporary variance: 1. Undue hardship It would be an undue hardship to take four parcels with three dwellings in a nonconforming status and not be permitted to redivide them into a more conforming situation of two parcels with the same number of dwellings. The size of these parcels and the development of the property creates constraints on its use. 2 . Unique Staff is not aware of any comparable situations in the area with this same set of circumstances. It is not shared generally within this zoning district. STAFF PERSON: Amelia G. McCulley PUBLIC HEARING: June 14, 1994 STAFF REPORT VA 94-04 OWNER/APPLICANT: Daniel D. Shifflett TAX MAP/PARCEL: 57/32, 32B, 32C, 32E ZONING: RA, Rural Areas with entrance corridor overlay ACREAGE: Parcel 32 = 5.647 acres; Parcel 32B = 0.33 acres; Parcel 32C = 0.12 acres; and Parcel 32E = 0.20 acres LOCATION: On the north side of Route 752 and U.S. Route 250 West, and the south side of the C & 0 Railway. It is behind Clayton's yard. REQUEST: The applicant requests a variance to reduce the acreage and increase the density on an existing nonconforming lot, through redivision of four (4) parcels into three (3). The redivision is proposed as follows: to combine parcels 32B, 32C and 32E and part of 32 to create a new building lot Y of 0.72 acres; to subdivide from parcel 32 building lot X of 0.72 acres, which leaves a residue of 4.857 acres. The variance is to reduce the acreage/increase the density on the residue of parcel 32 from 5.647 acres with three (3) dwellings, to 4.857 acres with three (3) dwellings. (See attachments A and B) The property summary follows: EXISTING PROPOSED 1) Parcel 32 of 5.647 acres (with 3 dwellings) 1) Parcel 32 residue of 4.857 acres (2 trailers) 2) Parcel 32B of 0.33 acres 2) Parcel X, 0.72 acres portion of parcel 32 (vacant) 3) Parcel 32C of 0.12 acres (vacant) 3) Parcel Y, 0.72 acres - comprised of combine parcels 32B, 32C, 32 a portion of parcel (vacant) 4) Parcel 32E of 0.20 acres (vacant) f _ , 4 STAFF REPORT - VA-94-04/Shifflett, Daniel Page 2 REQUEST CONTINUES... Ordinance Regulations The ordinance regulations which deal with building sites and septic areas is section 4.0, "general regulations". These lots were created prior to the adoption of zoning in Albemarle, and are (lawfully) nonconforming as to size. In the case of parcel 32, it is nonconforming as to density with 3 dwellings on less than 6 acres. An ordinance section was written in 1989 to allow redivisions which are more conforming, although not completely in compliance. This is to encourage more practical development. This redivision is less conforming in terms of parcel 32, and therefore requires a variance. The applicable ordinance language states: "Section 6.5.4 Lots recorded prior to the adoption of and not in conformity with this ordinance may be resubdivided and redeveloped, in whole or part, at the option of the owner(s) of any group of contiguous lots therein; but every such resubdivision shall conform to this ordinance and all other county ordinances currently applicable; provided, however, that no such resubdivision which in the opinion of the zoning administrator shall be substantially more conforming to the requirements of section 4.0, general regulations, and the area and bulk regulations of the district in which such subdivision is situated shall be denied for failure to comply with the provisions of this ordinance." Technical Information Of the three existing dwellings on parcel 32, each has a separate septic system. Septic field location on these properties is subject to steep topography, flood plain setback, setback from a spring, and some area of unacceptable soil. APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION: Hardship There currently are four (4) nonconforming parcels. This proposal creates fewer parcels (3), with two of the three becoming more conforming. If we build on the three unbuilt parcels (i.e., excluding parcel 32), the location of the houses, septic fields and septic easements would be impractical and illogical. The land as it exists has no other practical nor reasonable use. STAFF REPORT - VA-94-04/Shifflett, Daniel Page 3 APPLICANT'S JUSTIFICATION CONTINUES.... In addition, numerous setback variances would be necessary for house locations. As a result of the small lot size and grouping together, a denser and less rural character would be created. The proposed division utilizes natural divisions in the land. It proposes to take some of the surplus land (from parcel 32 which is already built), in an area where it is not a logical part of that property now. (It is up the hill and north of an old roadbed.) Uniqueness of Hardship We are unaware of any other lots this small in the vicinity. Character of the Area We believe that the granting of this variance stands to help the potential and property values of the adjoining properties. The rural character of the district will be enhanced by the reduction in the number of dwellings. RELEVANT HISTORY: There is no prior planning or zoning action on this property. The applicant began inquiry into redivision of this property about 1 year ago. He has had a soil scientist test the parcels for approvable septic areas, as requested by staff. (See attachments D and E) STAFF COMMENT: In the case of nonconforming parcels, it is difficult to determine when a parcel is buildable for a house. The ordinance standard for 30,000 square feet of contiguous area in slopes of less than 25%, excluding floodplain and stream setbacks and including approved septic area (primary and reserve) does not apply. {Section creates an exemption for the establishment of the first single-family detached dwelling unity on the parcel.} Proving that a house can be located which meets yard setbacks is not a useful test. The requirement which has been applied is approval of a primary septic field site and a house (not "building") site on each lot. By letter of August 19, 1993, the applicant was informed of this and told that "any lot which is not able to provide such, is not buildable and should be combined with other property." (See attachment C) STAFF REPORT - VA-94-04/Shifflett, Daniel Page 4 STAFF COMMENTS CONTINUES... The soils report dated January 24, 1994 notes this: Parcel 32B: will not support the minimum size drainfield required by the Health Department. This is due to the soil, topography and shape of the parcel. Parcel 32C and 32E (combinedl: will support a primary drainfield required by the Health Department. {This is proposed parcel Y.} The report dated February 28th notes that proposed parcel X and residue parcel 32 will support a drainfield. RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports efforts to combine and redivide property into more practical building sites which not only better meet health regulations, but also further the character of the district. However, it appears in this case that the applicant is requesting 1 more building lot than is advisable, for several reasons relating primarily to septic fields. While it seems that there is an actual "loss" of one lot since it is going from four tax map parcels to three, there are not four lots approvable for house building. Staff's concern relates to the septic areas, primarily with respect to replacement fields. The size, topography, soils and presence of water-related setbacks, all present constraints to septic locations. Based on the information submitted, there do not appear to be areas for reserve fields for proposed parcel Y or for the three dwellings on the residue of parcel 32. In conclusion, staff recommends denial for cause: 1. The applicant has not provided evidence that the strict application of the ordinance would produce undue hardship. Although they are nonconforming, these lots were created by someone's choice and are not rendered impractical for building as the result of governmental action. This is then a self- imposed hardship. It is not, in staff's opinion, an undue hardship to not be able to create two new building lots. STAFF REPORT - VA-94-04/Shifflett, Daniel Page 5 RECOMMENDATION CONTINUES... 2. The applicant has not provided evidence that such hardship is not shared generally by other properties in the same zoning district and the same vicinity. There are numerous situations of nonconforming lots, including those in clusters, throughout the County. Even some larger acreages which are entirely poor soils or steep slopes, such as a mountainside, may not be buildable. 3. The applicant has not provided evidence that the authorization of such variance will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property and that the character of the district will not be changed by the granting of the variance. The character of the district issue relates back to whether this proposal results in fewer or more lots than could otherwise be built, and at what separation from each other and adjoining property. The concern about septic fields, by its nature, becomes an issue to consider with respect to the impact on adjacent property. Should a septic field fail and there be no area for reserve, what impact is there on this property and could there be on neighboring wells and the like? Should the Board chose to approve this variance, staff recommends that the applicant agree to conditions which: 1. Restrict further subdivision of the residue of parcel 32; and 2. To not replace any one (1) home this parcel, in the event it is removed or damaged. an � L 1 111 • "IRG1tatP COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE • Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road — ATTACHMENT C Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 r (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 " • TDD (804) 972-4012 August 19, 1993 Steven Key Steve Key, Inc. P. O. Box 1346 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Property of Danny Shifflett Known as Tax Map 57, Parcels 32, 32B, 32C and 32E OFFICIAL DETERMINATION Dear Mr. Key, This is to confirm that which we have discussed verbally. Your client wishes to redivide this property and construct additional homes on the above-noted property. The three smaller parcels (32B, 32C and 32E) are vacant, and will need to be reviewed to determine that they are buildable. That will require approval of a primary septic field site and a house site on each lot. Any lot which is not able to provide such, is not buildable and should be combined with other property. This ruling on the methodology for determining whether or not a site is buildable has been confirmed by Ron Keeler, Chief of Planning. It is a reasonable interpretation which does not impose the full 30 , 000 square feet for primary and reserve, for existing nonconforming lots. I' understand that your client would like to redivide the property so as to increase the size of the smaller vacant lots. If this involves reducing the size of parcel 32 , it will make it less conforming and can not be done without a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals. I don't wish to discourage your client, because it is advisable given how small the vacant lots are. • Steven Key Letter August 19, 1993 Page 2 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. You have thirty days from this date in which to appeal this decision to the Board of Zoning Appeals, in accbrdance with Section 15. 1-496. 1 of the Code of Virginia, or this decision shall be final and unappealable. Sincerely, dAtAt/ Amelia G. McC 1 ey, A I .C.P. Zoning Administrator cc: Jan Sprinkle z . .':4t4 e !' c OF A /� COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE • Department of Zoning 401 McIntire Road — ATTACHMENT C Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5875 FAX (804) 972-4060 TDD (804) 972-4012 August 19 , 1993 Steven Key Steve Key, Inc. P. O. Box 1346 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Property of Danny Shifflett Known as Tax Map 57, Parcels 32, 32B, 32C and 32E OFFICIAL DETERMINATION Dear Mr. Key, This is to confirm that which we have discussed verbally. Your client wishes to redivide this property and construct additional homes on the above-noted property. The three smaller parcels (32B, 32C and 32E) are vacant, and will need to be reviewed to determine that they are buildable. That will require approval of a primary septic field site and a house site on each lot. Any lot which is not able to provide such, is not buildable and should be combined with other property. This ruling on the methodology for determining whether or not a site is buildable has been confirmed by Ron Keeler, Chief of Planning. It is a reasonable interpretation which does not impose the full 30, 000 square feet for primary and reserve, for existing nonconforming lots. I' understand that your client would like to redivide the property so as to increase the size of the smaller vacant lots. If this involves reducing the size of parcel 32 , it will make it less conforming and can not be done without a variance from the Board of Zoning Appeals. I don't wish to discourage your client, because it is advisable given how small the vacant lots are. COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Building Code and Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 FAX(434)972-4126 TELEPHONE(434)296-5832 TTD(434) 972-4012 MEMORANDUM TO: Files,VA 94-04 and VA03-08 FROM: Jan Sprinkle, Chief of Zoning Administration SUBJECT: NO NEED FOR VARIANCE TO REMOVE CONDITION#2 OF VA94-04 DATE: 06/13/03 I originally told the applicant, Paul Grady, that he needed a variance to remove condition #2 of VA94-04 in order to subdivide tax map 57, parcel 32. I have since read the entire file of VA94-04 and have reversed my position—no variance is needed to divide the parcel into two parcels each less than 4.0 acres. The request for VA94-04 changed after the original staff report was done. The item was deferred, amended and came to the BZA with a substantially different request. In the amended request, the applicant was willing to remove one of the three dwellings on parcel 32 and maintain at least 4.0 acres to make it more conforming than it had been at 3 dwellings on only 5.6 acres. We did not investigate the septic issues for this parcel other than the area that was being added to the proposed combination of parcels 32B, 32C, and 32E. The variance was only temporary so that the plat could be done and put to record BEFORE one mobile home on parcel 32 was removed. Everything else that was being done made the situation more conforming and would have been allowed by right. The variance in essence allowed parcel 32 (the one that was 5.647 acres) to become MORE nonconforming for no more than two years—able to keep the 3 du's and record the plat that reduced the acreage and combined part of it with the other 3 small parcels. It is my opinion that the condition was only to insure that the subdivision plat that they were putting to record before removal of one mobile home didn't reduce the acreage below the 4 acres required to make it conforming when there were only 2 remaining dwellings. The language of the conditions is poor and rather confusing,but I am making a determination that says that condition went away when parcel was made conforming which happened in 1995—plat signed 4/3/95. I spoke with Francis MacCall, subdivision planner in P&CD, and he will insure that any new plat to divide parcel 32 will meet the primary and reserve drainfield requirement of 4.1.6. Page 1 of 1 V 1 i14. 9� 3�v •• r rf;• �'�RGtN�P COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Building Code and Zoning Services 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 FAX(804)972-4126 TEI FPHONE(804)296-5832 TTD(804)972-4012 August 10, 1999 Richard Cooper P.O. Box 62 Crozet, VA 22932 RE: Tax Map 57, Parcel 32B Dear Mr. Cooper: The above referenced parcel, TMP 57/32B, is shown as Parcel X containing 1.478 acres on a subdivision plat approved on April 3, 1995. That approval was subject to Variance 94-04 which required that the following note be placed on the subdivision plat: "Note" This approval granted for a period not to exceed two (2) years from July 12, 1994 being the date of variance approval, or until the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for a dwelling on the new combined parcel, whichever comes first. Prior to the expiration of this variance, one of the dwellings on Parcel 32 shall be removed such that no more than two (2) dwellings remain. One of the mobile homes shown on the plat was removed within the time allowed. Therefore the above note has been complied with. Parcel 32B is a legal parcel upon which a dwelling may be constructed subject to the approval of a building permit. Please contact me if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, /1.414‘47 John Shepherd Permit and Plans Specialist June 13 , 1994 Albemarle County Board of Zoning Appeals Re: Daniel Shifflett VA-94-04 Dear Members of the Board of Zoning Appeals: The undersigned are owners of property adjacent to that owned by Mr. Daniel Shifflett or are residents of the immediate neighborhood. We are each familiar with Mr. Shifflett' s petition and join in this letter to express our mutual and unanimous response thereto. If each of you are familiar with the property, you will appreciate our concern that no additional parcels be created whether by consolidation or further subdivision which would result in the same or similar uses as the present site is used. That site contains numerous vehicles and parts of vehicles parked or stored on the property, the main residence is in need of painting and the number of people residing there and the two mobile homes located thereon is difficult to determine. However, the noise generated from time to time would indicate that every available space is occupied. We have reviewed the staff report and agree with the recommendation that the application be denied because we do not believe that the resulting hardship is not unique to Mr. Shifflett' s property but is applicable to several of the parcels in that immediate neighborhood. We agree that the rural character of this area would be enhanced by the reduction of the number of dwellings. Further, the concerns expressed in the staff report regarding the septic field and the impact of the failure of the field on the adjoining property is of major concern. If you are familiar with the topography of this property you will note that is slopes downward toward Lickinghole Creek from Route 240 and 250 at a rather steep grade. Just to the west of this property is the sediment basin which was constructed to cleanse the water of Lickinghole Creek prior to entering Mechums River and becoming a part of the water source. A malfunction in the septic system on these properties would not only affect the adjoining neighbors but could possibly affect the waters of Lickinghole Creek after they have passed through the sediment basin. Due to the present condition of Mr. Shifflett' s property and the manner in which it is maintained we respectfully request that the staff ' s recommendation be followed so that conditions will not be such that the detrimental impact this property currently has on the neighborhood could be increased and the risks outlined by the staff report can be avoided. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully submitted: 1 ....„„,;....)crAc.„....3.0, kI ,� A ! \ .I r ,-/) C:_6-11h,As cc/,i6 /2,v).-(r (_ _ r.).\r,Jon J /3 ,1� t 9' a .�� ./ 9.../..,.‘,/,../6.,,e-,7----- ,.. 7 -----, c,„„-„,c, ' QQ, , __ ram.. ,_,AL,L�t,„L,... -,L,, FIF:egivez , ..,v,a. 41994 sc,-f