HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201900012 Review Comments Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2019-08-25COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
Major Site Plan Amendment Review
Project title:
Stonefield Block D2, Phase 2 — Major
Project file number:
Plan preparer:
Mike Myers, PE / 30 Scale LLC, 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963
[ mike(&30scale.com ]
Owner or rep.:
Christopher at Stonefield LLC, 10461 White Granite Drive, Suite 103
Oakton, VA 22124
Plan received date:
5 Mar 2019
(Rev. 1)
9 Jul 2019
(Rev. 2)
15 Aug 2019 —digital
Date of comments:
17 Apr 2019
(Rev. 1)
2 Aug 2019
(Rev. 2)
25 Aug 2019
Plan Coordinator:
Tori Kanellopoulos
John Anderson
Majority of comments addressed with Revision 1. If gray -scale, Addressed. If black print or follow-up, revision
requested, or recommended.
1. Include Albemarle County private street acceptance requirements on the plans; link to .PDF:
http://www.albemarle.org/UDload/imaees/forms center/departments/Community DevelMment/forms/Engineerine and
WPO Forms/Road Inspections & Acceptance - Private Road Acceptance Procedure 11-01-ll.pdf
2. Sheet 1: Under related county tracking numbers, please list WP0201400096, VSMP Amendment.
3. Sheet 4: Copy Note 3.14 to sheets 7, 8, 9.
4. Sheet 5: Copy Contractor Coordination Note 10 to sheets 7, 8, 9, 10 (sheet 10 — Cash Alley Plan).
5. Any sheet included with VSMP /WP0201400096 (Amendment under concurrent review) that is also
included with this Site Plan set (SDP201900012) that is revised in response to Engineering WPO plan
review comments must be revised in the Site Plan set, such that revisions are consistent across plans.
6. Sheet 7: Label off -site structures on adjacent parcels to the NW: shed, outbuilding, garage, etc.
Sheet 8
7. Podium Parkine (interior):
a. Eliminate double -stacked parking spaces at entrance to interior parking space. This layout cannot
be approved, and presents a hazard. The concept is generally unworkable with this site plan, given
there is no opportunity to `switch' a forward placed vehicle without blocking travel ways, and
there is no likely possibility of reserving a dedicated space for the rear vehicle to park temporarily,
while a forward -placed vehicle is retrieved.
b. NE entrance to building shows 20' wide entrance meeting two 10' wide parking spaces. Revise
for clarity. Either it is an entrance, or it isn't. It isn't, if parked vehicles block the entrance. (Rev.
1) Withdrawn. Review error.
c. Check dimensions: overall drive aisle /bay width is listed as 66', and 60'. Please revise.
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d. 72.0' dimension appears inaccurate. Using HC parking space + 5' striped area beside it as point of
ref., the 72.0' width appears to be 70.5', instead. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn.
e. Comments requesting true scaled line -work apply throughout parking lot interior.
f. Parking spaces proposed to be located against interior walls at SW corner, cannot perform a
reverse maneuver without multiple 3- or 4- point turns. The three spaces (2 reserved, 1 typ.)
cannot be approved. All parked vehicles must have space to reverse without multi -point or refined
driving skill. Provide at least 9' space beside these spaces, to provide adequate room to perform
normal reverse driving maneuver.
g. Relocate proposed HC space beneath `building wall above' as low ceiling height, beams, etc. may
interfere with HC-equipped vehicle chair lifts, etc.
h. Access to utility area appears obstructed. Recommend provide unobstructed access to utility area.
8. Podium Parking (exterior):
a. Eliminate parking space proposed nearly immeasurably close to building exterior wall, or provide
adequate clearance. Ref. ACDSM, Sec. 7.C.6. for permissible parking space design guidance.
b. Revise SE -most of the 3 parallel parking spaces on NW side of building that does not meet VDOT
Road Design Manual requirements for Curb Extension. Check design of all parallel parking
spaces. Ref. image, below. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-up: Revise west -most of 5
parallel parking spaces on south side of building, consistent with curb extension figtffe, belo .
(Fig. removed with Rev. 2) (Rev. 2) Withdrawn. Per discussion 5-Aug, space matches the design of
nearby locations in Stonefield. Satellite imagery shows example of parallel parking on Bond
c. Provide bumper blocks for each perpendicular parking space adjacent to retaining wall "A". (Rev.
1) Withdrawn.
d. Ensure parking spaces are separated from entrances and streets (to prevent queuing onto streets) a
minimum 18' from back of the entrance radius [see VDOT Road Design Manual, app. F, throat
length and corner clearance] —see, for example, perpendicular spaces nearest Inglewood Drive, at
N end of building.
e. Relocate light pole to provide 2' Min. clearance, back of curb to face of light pole. (Ref. VDOT
Road Design Manual Fig. 13. (Fig. removed with Rev. 2)
9. Cash Alley may not be barricaded as shown on WPO Plan. Site plan does not appear to show barricades on
Cash Alley. Ref. /respond to related WPO Plan Engineering review comments.
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10. Ensure SU truck design vehicle may circulate on paved drive aisles with adequate clearance to buildings,
parked vehicles, curb, or any other stationary object. See related comments, elsewhere.
11. Walks /Stairs:
a. Provide railings at:
i. Steps at Main Entrance ( 2-3 steps), (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Recommend label
handrail at this location, sheet 7. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
ii. Interparcel Pedestrian Connection (w / bike ramp),
iii. Short flight of steps at NE comer of office, and (Rev. 1) Partially addressed.
Recommend label handrail at this location, sheet 7. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
iv. Provide handrail detail/s (interparcel connection; retaining wall).
b. Provide 5' sidewalk, Min., on SE side of Podium/Office. (COD provides Min. 4' width for private
walks at residual buildings. Location /use /access of walk on Inglewood Drive is not private, but
will be used by hotel, theater, and shopping patrons. It is public, subject to county minimum
sidewalk width standards.)
c. All sections of interparcel pedestrian connection sidewalk are public; revise to 5' Min. width.
d. Provide interparcel stair detail (dimension stair width, bicycle ramp width).
e. Provide and label hand rails on both sides of Interpacel Connection stairs.
f. Provide pedestrian crosswalk striping at NW 20' parking lot entrance.
12. Relocate dumpster so that: 12' X 25' loading space functions; parking lot ingress/egress vehicle movement,
and sight distance around N corner of building, are unimpeded. Proposed location cannot be approved.
13. Ensure revised dumpster enclosure /pad location do not impede sight distance, traffic movement, parking or
loading spaces, circulation on Cash Alley, and that forward movement path width works with a single -unit
(SU) truck design vehicle; i.e., provide Auto -turn figures at every critical constriction or low -radius curve
for a SU design vehicle (20' wheelbase) that may enter the complex via Houston St./Ext.-Kober Way, and
exit via Strong Blvd., without reverse maneuver. Do not locate dumpster where Waste Management
vehicle is required to back down an alley or private street. Do not resubmit if auto -turn figures do not show
an SU design vehicle has adequate clearance at paved constrictions or low -radius curves to parked vehicles,
signs, walls, building edge, etc. [ Ref. VDOT Road Design Manual, Appendix B 1, Fig. 2 2] (Fig. removed
with Rev. 2)
14. Provide bollards where there is likely possibility that right site constraints will lead to eventual vehicle
object collisions. For example, parking space that nearly touches the exterior wall of the building, on NW
side of building. See also, Podium Parking (exterior), above.
15. Revise exterior building wall line width to match scale, and true architectural dimensions.
16. Revise parking layout to accommodate main vertical structural building members, not shown.
17. Orient all parking, directional and traffic control sign blades perpendicular to edge of pavement, so visible
to vehicle operators, while vehicle in motion.
18. Label stop sign at Int. Houston Street and Inglewood Drive
19. Obtain permanent off -site easements to construct and maintain proposed concrete masonry unit retaining
wall geogrid, which, at N end of Wall "A" extends beyond PL. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. See New
item 31, below. (Rev. 2) Comment may persist. See item 31, below. Regret if overlooked email link, etc.
20. Obtain temporary construction easements, as needed, from parcels to NW to construct Wall "A". (Rev. 1)
Addressed. Applicant response: 7/8/19, `No temporary or permanent offsite easements are required to
construct the wall.'
21. Provide a detailed plan /profile Retaining Wall "A" Geotechnical-PE sealed design. Ref. attached
Retaining Wall plan checklist. (Sheet 17 typical detail is insufficient.) (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. See
New item 31, below. (Rev. 2) Comment persists. See item 31, below. Regret if overlooked email link, etc.
Sheet 9
22. Provide design to limit dumpster enclosure storm runoff entering storm system. Goal is to limit introducing
contaminants into the storm conveyance system, especially given downstream SWM facilities.
23. Consider and respond to Engineering WPO Plan review comments. WPO Plan is under concurrent review.
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Sheet 10
24. Provide pavement design (Dr, Dp) for Cash Alley and Kober Way that correlate with proposed road
25. Grass strip width listed as 3.0' includes 0.5' concrete curb. Please revise.
26. Sheet 12: Review /respond to WPO Plan Engineering review comments relating to storm lines, inlets, etc.
27. Sheet 14: Provide easement and physical safe access to plantings along upper edge of retaining Wall "A".
(Rev. 1) Withdrawn.
28. Sheet 14: Label references sheet 13 calculations, but sheet 13 does not include calculations. Provide
29. Sheet 17: Provide the following typical details:
a. Handrail
b. CG-2, CG-6, CG-12
c. Pipe bedding details
d. Inlet shaping
e. MH steps
30. Revise Retaining Wall offset dimensions in typical block retaining wall detail, which do not consider depth
of block. The distance to property line does not appear to vary to 13.0', but less than this. Also, comments
elsewhere. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. See New item 31, below. (Rev. 2) Comment may persist. See
item 31, below. Regret if overlooked email link, etc.
31. Comment response to item 19 explains a separate sealed wall plan was attached for informational purposes,
but Planning did not receive a sealed wall plan. Please send .PDF of sealed plan to Engineering reviewer.
(Rev. 2) Not addressed. If review error, please resend link to sealed wall plan. Regret any oversight.
Applicant response: `A .PDF of the sealed wall plans is included.'
CONTENTS, ZIP DRIVE /Wall plans not included with other documents /files:
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32. Sheet 7: N end of retaining wall `A' is within 2' of face of curb, Kober Way Access. Please provide at
least 2' clear space between back of curb to any portion of retaining wall `A'. Also, item 8.e., above.
(Rev. 2) Addressed.
33. Sheet 8: Parking space to right of ramp in parking level 2 site plan appears < 9' wide. A portion of this
space is striped. Please ensure each space is > 9' wide. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
34. Sheet 8: Parking space in lower right corner of parking level 2 site plan and parking space opposite do not
appear to have room to perform reverse maneuver. Please revise. (Also, item 7.f., above.) (Rev. 2)
35. Sheet 10: Kober Way typical road section indicates 18.0' parking space length, but plan view shows that all
parking spaces along Kober Way are 16'. Please revise Kober Way typical road section. (Rev. 2)
36. Sheet 12: Revise Ditch #2A to concrete; provide concrete flume detail. Location immediately beside and
behind a high retaining wall does not lend itself to less than durable channel material. (Rev. 2) Addressed.
Design revised to include riprap, Ditch 2A; EC-2 lining, Ditch 2B.
37. Sheet 14: If tree canopy above loading space is to scale, it will impinge on loading space, or interfere with
dumpster lift operation. Recommend check and revise proposed planting at this location, as necessary.
(Rev. 2) Addressed.
Please feel free to call if any questions. Thank you
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J. Anderson 434.296-5832 -0069
SDP201900012 Stonefield block D2, phase 2, Major 082519rev2