HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800065 Review Comments Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2019-08-26Short Review Comments Report for:
SDP201800065 — Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park — Major Ail
SubApplication Type: MajorAmendment
Date Completed: 10/16/2018
Review Status
Reviews Comments:
Cameron Langille Division: CDD Planning
Requested Changes
See uploaded letter dated 10/16/2018 for Planning comments. See Comment letter dated 10/19/2018
for updated SRC comment letter that includes Engineering Division comments.
Date Completed: 10/19/2018
Reviewer: David James Division: CDD Engineering
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: 1. Submit a VSMP plan & application.
2. WPO plan approval required prior to site plan approval.
3. Cover: The SDP# is SDP201800065.
4. Existing Conditions sheet: Show all existing easements with deed references (i.e. forest/open
space, public drainage, etc.).
5. Provide engineered plans and computations for the retaining wall design for all the walls that are
next to parking or travelways. Specify all structural components and dimensions of wall.
The following items will be required [DSM]:
a. A typical detail. (VDOT standard walls are acceptable)
b. Specific details as required for unusual or possibly conflicting areas. An example is where
utilities are expected to go through walls or footings (Show accurate wall features/dimensions where
they cross on the profiles).
C. Certified computations to support the design (for wall over 4' high). All soil and bearing
assumptions, as well as reinforcement materials and assumed loadings must be included.
6. Wall design should include at a minimum:
a. Typical sections for all configurations.
b. Details for any pipes, utilities, structures through geogrid.
C. Structural computations with original seal.
d. Accurate surcharges and loading assumed.
e. Materials & dimensions match plans.
f. Appropriate safety factors used.
g. Safety provision(s) for vehicles and pedestrians for walls over 30" high (Typ. guardrail, wall,
or fencing).
h. Show accurate depiction of horizontal depth (batter) on site plans.
i. Structural reinforcement layout shown and dimensioned (steel, geogrids, etc.).
7. Provide & show guardrail over any slope steeper than 3:1, wall, or drop-off greater than 4', with
start and end sections labeled, and with VDOT designations (GR-2, GR-2a, etc.).
8. Sheet 4 — Show grading elevations on proposed contours adjacent to proposed walls.
9. Add notes:
a. All walls over 30" height to have safety provisions in place.
b. All wall construction will not impact the preserved slopes.
10. Include ALL notes on previously approved FSP making corrections to them where not accurate.
11. Water runoff going over 24' max height wall may erode soils behind wall and cause scour issues.
12. Water runoff coming down 2:1 slope may likely concentrate and channelize eroding slope.
Concentrated water at bottom may cause localized flooding issues if Str. 5A becomes clogged.
Drainage should not run across, through, or backwater in dumpster areas. {18-4.12.19}
13. For grass stabilization on constructed slopes, the maximum steepness is 3:1. Slopes steeper
than 3:1 must be permanently stabilized with landscaping vegetation hardier than grass, which will
not require mowing.
14. Show bumper block detail. Show bumper blocks for parking spaces that are adjacent to 5' wide
sidewalks. Alternatively, increase sidewalk width to 6'. {18-4.12.16. e}
15. Show future drainage connection upstream of Str. 5A & 7 showing proposed public easement.
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What's shown is not acceptable. Drainage must be coming through site to those structures in order to
cut through preserved slope areas. Alternatively, provide detention onsite and drainage easement will
not cross through preserved slope and will be private.
16. Provide anchors for pipes over 16% slope.
17. Provide drainage area map, drainage summary table, drainage calculations and ditch
cross -sections.
18. Show sight distance profiles.
19. Provide Maintenance of Traffic plan.
20. Sidewalk location and widths, minimum 5' width, 4" concrete surface with wire/rebar
reinforcement, 4" 21-A stone base, with underdrains (UD-4, etc) per VDOT standards where
21. The pavements section has changed from approved FSP, and I don't think this should be
allowed, provide justification.
22. Private road standards must be met [DSM] and where standards not specified in ordinance road
shall meet VDOT standards.
Date Completed: 09/18/2018
Reviewer: Michael Dellinger Division: CDD Inspections
Review Status: See Recommendations
Reviews Comments:
Parking spaces and access isles shall not have a surface slope greater than 1:48. Access isles shall
:)e at the same level as the parking space they serve.
Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit. Walls exceeding 4
feet in height require an stamped engineered design also.
Date Completed: 10/16/2018
Reviewer: Willis Bedsaul Division: VDOT
Review Status: No Objection
Reviews Comments:
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Review Status
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed
Review Status
Richard Nelson Division: ACSA
Requested Changes
Below are comments for SDP201800065 Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park - Major Site Plan
Submit 3 copies to ACSA for review, ATTN: Jeremy Lynn.
RWSA approval will be required prior to final approval.
Shawn Maddox Division: Fire Rescue
Requested Changes
1. The emergency apparatus turn around shall be marked as a fire lane to ensure nothing is placed in
those areas.
2. FDC's must be shown on the plan and located within 100' of a hydrant for those buildings that will
be sprinklered.
3. Building heights that exceed 30' require the travel way to be increased to a minimum of 26'
unobstructed width.
4. A fire flow test shall be required before final acceptance.
5. Knox boxes will be required for the structure, location to be coordinated with the fire marshal's
Unassigned Division: Thomas Jefferson Health District
No Objection
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Reviews Comments:
Date Completed: 09/12/2018
Reviewer: Andrew Walker Division: CDD E911
Review Status: No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed: 12/17/2018
Reviewer: David James Division: CDD Engineering
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
01 /03/2019
Cameron Langille Division: CDD Planning
Review Status:
Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Isee comment letter dated 1/3/2019.
Date Completed:
12 4 2 1
Michael Dellinger Division: CDD Inspections
Review Status:
No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed: 12/05/2018
Reviewer: Shawn Maddox Division: Fire Rescue
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
1. The emergency apparatus turn around shall be marked as a fire lane to ensure nothing is placed in
those areas.
2. FDC's must be shown on the plan and located within 100' of a hydrant for those buildings that will
be sprinklered.
3. Building heights that exceed 30' require the travel way to be increased to a minimum of 26'
unobstructed width.
4. A fire flow test shall be required before final acceptance.
5. Knox boxes will be required for the structure, location to be coordinated with the fire marshal's
Date Completed: 11 /20/2018
Reviewer: Richard Nelson Division: ACSA
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: I See uploaded comment letter dated 11-20-2018.
Date Completed: 12/18/2018
Reviewer: Victoria Fort Division: RWSA
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
RWSA has reviewed the final site plan for the Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park as prepared by
Meridian Planning Group, LLC and dated 8/3/2018 with last revision dated 11/9/2018 and has the
following comments for the applicant:
Sheet C-101:
1. Include a note this sheet that temporary fencing will be required for security while the fence is
removed for the sanitary sewer installation
2. Label and call out the deed book and page number for the RWSA sanitary sewer easement
this sheet
Sheet C-201:
1. Show the RWSA sewer line this sheet (manholes are shown and labeled, but not the sewer
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Sheet C-202:
1. Label and call out the deed book and page number for the RWSA sanitary sewer easement
this sheet
2. Call out the proposed water connection location and refer to utility plan notes, this sheet
3. Call out the proposed 20' ACSA sanitary sewer easement across RWSA property (TMP
4. Call out the proposed sanitary sewer drop connection location and refer to utility plan notes,
this sheet
5. Utility Plan Notes — revise note #5 as follows: "A flow acceptance request will be required if
the end vendors will produce greater than 40,000 gpd of sewage flows".
6. Add the following note to the Utility Plan Notes:
a. Actual sanitary sewer invert elevations to be determined in the field and at RWSA's sole
Sheet C-300:
1. On Sanitary Sewer Profile 1, include the following note:
a. See utility plan notes on sheet C-202
2. On Sanitary Sewer Profile 1, label manhole Ex-3 at Sta. 0+00 as "RWSA Manhole
3. On Water Main Profile 1, include the following note:
a. See utility plan notes on sheet C-202
4. On Storm Sewer Profile 1, call out a minimum vertical separation of 18" between the existing
30" clay sanitary sewer and the proposed 24" HDPE Storm sewer with
5. On Storm Sewer Profile 1, label the RWSA sanitary sewer as "RWSA 30" Clay Sanitary
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks a lot,
Date Completed: 02/27/2019
Reviewer: Cameron Langille Division: CDD Planning
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: I See comment letter uploaded to Laserfiche dated 2-27-2019.
Date Completed: 02/19/2019
Reviewer: David James Division: CDD Engineering
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
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Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
Review Status:
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
Review Status:
Shawn Maddox Division: Fire Rescue
No Objection
Fire Rescue has no objections to the plans as submitted. As discussed in person if the building
heights end up exceeding 30' then aerial truck access of 26' of clear travel width will be required.
Jeremy Lynn Division: ACSA
Victoria Fort Division: RWSA
Requested Changes
Reviews Comments: RWSA has reviewed the Site Plan Amendment for Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park as prepared by
Meridian Planning Group, LLC and dated 8/3/2018, with latest revision dated 1/17/19 and has the
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following comments:
Sheet C101:
1. RWSA is confirming with ACSA that moving the existing chain link fence back to its existing
location following construction of the sanitary sewer line across RWSA property will not adversely
impact the ACSA sewer line. I will respond back once I have confirmation of this item.
Sheet C202:
1. Include a note this sheet that one lane of Moores Creek Lane shall remain open at all times
during utility installation across the road. Contractor shall coordinate lane closures with RWSA at
least 3 days in advance of the work.
Sheet C-300:
1. Storm Sewer Profile 1 — revise the callout on the profile to read "...Adjust storm sewer as
necessary to provide a minimum separation of 1.5". It's shown correctly on the profile, just not in the
Let me know if you have any questions.
Date Completed: 05/29/2019
Reviewer: Cameron Langille Division: CDD Planning
Review Status: See Recommendations
Reviews Comments:
See comment letter and email uploaded to Laserfiche dated 5-29-2019 for remaining Planning and
Engineering comments.
Date Completed: 05/21 /2019
Reviewer: David James Division: CDD Engineering
Review Status: Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:
,iote: Pending WPO Amendment approval, see WP0201600072. Pending DoD & Easement Plat
Date Completed: 05/20/2019
Reviewer: Richard Nelson Division: ACSA
Review Status: Administrative Approval
Reviews Comments:
Below are comments for SDP201800065 Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park — Major:
Submit 3 copies to ACSA for final internal approval.
Date Completed: 05/22/2019
Reviewer: Victoria Fort Division: RWSA
Review Status: No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
Review Status:
Reviews Comments:
RWSA has reviewed the Site Plan Amendment for Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park as prepared by
Meridian Planning Group, LLC and dated 8/3/2018, with latest revision dated 4/11/19 and consents to
the proposed construction. All changes to the proposed work from that shown in the drawings shall
be approved by RWSA in writing prior to construction. RWSA reserves all existing rights associated
with its easements, including but not limited to its rights to access, construction, operation,
maintenance, and repair of its facilities within the easement, and such consent shall not be construed
to modify or prohibit any existing easement rights held by the RWSA, nor modify or increase its
obligations, if any, to repair or restore.
Cameron Langille Division: CDD Planning
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