HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201900231 Application 2019-08-30Z3 I OR t)i 11t I ( sf t)\L1 (� J Application for � �Z: Class A Home (1,cctipati€�ll �,lE'6II c$II€I' �I Home Occu r<itiotI C. A Clearance 527.00 c ir/;uirxt t inss r -An oceupatiort; nut cxpicsslc prohibited !?\ section .� ', conciuctCt' (or profit ccithii a dcc elhng unit solely by cue t r more n °rnhcrs of the farnih Cstiiing within the dcccllimg unit. proN ;(led th t nothing helei, prohibits the occupation rlt�r,� cngag;ig Diket person) c%ho vcork- oft=site and do not come ur the d �cliine unit to cnga4e in the occupation. � \'a me of f3usincc.: r- �s -kz- a13-� eap and parcel: ��- �—_ %onin : �� ( onlacy Perron t \ ll,•in�.;!,I +t .'a.li ai i e er,n�trnu ,t};•: t7n,)cct"1 Nro r, Va-' 0r-v 3y°loI Cam-/, ReS,,,�r�c,kVA t)d}limi i'hvrc i !3 Z—8l/:-. -- 1 ( _ (haneruf Kccurd a �, pe� t �.+ :Aodreri Uavrun lahome 1 r �f � :. ecr(i(le.itc, ii� uniuricuini cc ilh i t _i= �� rice �e rcpr c� i:• zc :n.� apl rtrc.i lt. +n;iur' the <_�ias:, 1 l ie'"�itlfled ;ibotic f ach horde occupu <<ii is,ui,)ect u, [l e f()lioNrin,: lunge Uccxrpatian PLEASE CHECK EAC'II BOX SO THAT IT IS CI_LAR TIi AT Y0(,I IIAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE REQUIRE MI',"NTS FOR THIS CLEARANCE &E_OCA7ION CC AREA [he home occupaliim shall he corriueied cnfirelh ceitliitt the dccCllinI_t unit. prov itled thta not nuxe thiin t�centy-fine (2` a perceri� ,,,f itie rocs llooi aiea ut the Jvtieliing un t shall be used for the -ionic occupation and further po'v ided :hat do gross floor .rca us (Scctiun S,2 (b) l)j e(! ti)r the )ionic occupation ,hall not exceed one ihousand titre hundred { 1500) square feet. � 12 YX-1 PRIOR APYF:AR:A:tiCT? ilierC ytrall tic no ch _i ut Lt fir. exterior apl,)c<irance ofa dccelliri�� unit or other c .:iL;c ec iciencr of'!he eoriduct of,! hortte uccupa,'ori. I5ection 5.2 {c) ])I ZS A I . YS \4, 1 r nic occ u1 9aiiln 1 i! >c 1i cads to a cus omcr crlte ec mLS to file site eNzept for goods Ihiit arc hand-cl<I1ted on- itc JE,i L;oods ser?d tlist are dtrectic rel steel tc t beauty shop or a une ):burr barber shop hoir;e occupation. [Section 5.2 (d)] ('tritof ,Allrerr,trrle Department of C'ornnownit} 1)cN,eloprncnt Jf}1 .' #clntirt l�oatl f hrrriott+�c,ille, VA 229t12 V'nine: (-i?-1) 2965INP F'��t.: 0?J) 9-2-4i?F, 01"lRAFFIC the lm!llc -"cat. ated by j lame" try uijvnon s11,311 not c\cecd Iire %olun ,: that "rould normall.\ he eApceted ill, a �iuellinl uni; rn J 1cs;JcHPJI nee hIlk),Iwo, ISection -�.2 (e}1 l',ARKING Ail rehielcs used i'l 3 hwne oc�upa;ton rnd all vell i.!Vs of Cwlomu:>, clients or " be parked oll-site. (Section 5.2 (1)I iITRFORIGINCE STANDARDS 1 Ile riomc occupattion shall with the periormance,tandaids in section-1.I.1. ISection 5.2A (k)) Does the use invoihe procc(IIII-cs, Ill jellllEel-! ()r ell CMiCaIS that mac cause the following! No YES NO NOISE' J` VIBRATION —_.__t _l G LA R I._ ---_' ti F A T AIR POLLUTION WATER POLLUTION RADIOACCtb'IT1' EL F,,C'TRICAL DISTURBANCE � NON -DO SEE STIC WASTE' DISCHARGED TO A SEPTIC FIELD OR SF'NN'FR If YES, then applicable standards must be addressed r%ith a C'erlified Engineer's Report (mailable from stal'1). 1�11Rt)HIB11'F:D UtiEti I he ioliov� inrt uses urc cNprc-i prohibited as home occupatiojir' ( 1) tourist lotiLinL: (21 nursing homes_ (;) nnrserc Schools: (4) (Lr) care ccnte s: and 0) privaie schools. ISection 5.2 (h)f 1'1 A 1\'FRti AND MOMFICATI(1.ti'S: 1lie aho\c standard, are cf �JNC ftrr u;aner or h� t!rc 1'l.rrrni,te. C om m sioii, .Ask staff [W' tta(rrc inforrsdatiort Abl) i applicable lees and princess. ISeclion 35 and Section 5.11 Owner/Applicant Must head and Sign hert+\ appiv tur 311procdi to conduct the tit}me Clecupation iderttilled above. and cerlily fhat this address is m} legal residence. I also ccrtifv that I hat e read the rc.;trictions on Home Occupations. that I understand litcm. and that I l,+'ill abide by then,_ SiFr3ature of O��ner .Applicant IX1 Prir.l ,Aa,n?e Ua� t;r:m i �rr,r;c r,iiai,cr r+i `:atui _ __� Dale I�NC;Is%,Ff R'S Kf?.('0K I is I TAC111.1): 1'I':S ` 0 u r C`ONDI IIONS: