HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900065 Staff Report 2019-09-04ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project #/Name
ARB-2019-65: Shops at Riverside Village Signs
Review Type
Comprehensive Sign Plan
Parcel Identification
620 Riverside Shops Way
Neighborhood Model District (NMD)/Entrance Corridor (EC)
Shops at Riverside LLC/Stony Point Design Build (Casey Steffan)
Magisterial District
To establish design criteria for signs at the Shops at Riverside Village.
The two "Shops" buildings front the EC, with the Riverside residential development to the west. There is a mix of
commercial development to the south, residential development to the east, parkland to the north and the river to the west.
Signs on the north, south and east sides of the buildings will be visible from the EC.
ARB Meeting Date
September 16, 2019
Staff Contact
Margaret Maliszewski
Block 1 of the Riverside Village development, which includes the "Shops" buildings, received a Certificate of Appropriateness in March 2018. That
approval did not include a Comprehensive Sign Plan. An original submittal for the Comprehensive Sign Plan was received on June 3, 2019 and the item
was scheduled for the corresponding July 15 ARB meeting. On July 1 the applicant asked to defer the application. A revised submittal was received on
July 9 and staff proceeded with review, intending the item to be scheduled for an August 19 ARB meeting. Staff found the submittal to be confusing and
lacking in limitations that would provide for a coordinated appearance across the buildings. Staff informed the applicant that the application was not
ready to move forward and met with the applicant on August 12 to discuss the issues of concern. A revised proposal prepared by Hightech Signs was
received on August 26. That proposal is the subject of this report.
ANALYSIS This analysis is based on the comprehensive sign plan received on 8/26/2019 dated "8.9.19.REV01".
II General Sign Guidelines
Create a consistent and unified design approach along the
The proposed sign plan would allow for
Establish additional
Entrance Corridors. The placement, size, illumination and
numerous options in sign type, color,
parameters to ensure a
colors of signs can create unity along the corridor, or they can
illumination, and location. This variety
level of compatibility in
create a disjointed, visually competitive environment. Consistent
would not contribute to unity along the
signs across the building.
and unified sign design allows the businesses located along the
corridor and would not establish simplicity
Corridor to have equal standing in visibility. It also provides a
and reserve. See below for additional
Delete the second
pattern of sign placement that makes the business locations and
"General Note" on sheet 2.
entrances more easily recognizable to both vehicular and
pedestrian traffic.
A note on sheet 2 of the sign plan states
that tenants who feel the sign plan does not
Establish simplicity and reserve as preferred characteristics
for sign design in these areas. This reflects the historic character
allow for brand identity should submit
of the area and enhances the aesthetic qualities of the Corridor.
separate sign applications for ARB review.
To this end, the overall design of a sign will be evaluated
This concept defeats the purpose of the
concurrently with that of the building on which it will be
Comprehensive Sign Plan.
installed. The design of a building's walls, window locations,
parapets and other architectural features will influence the
Board's evaluation of appropriate signage. Likewise, a
freestanding sign is evaluated in the context of the overall
development in which it will be placed. Because each site is
composed of a variety of elements that work together to create a
unique character and appearance, ARB review of each sign
proposal is guided by these sign guidelines within the context of
the specific site for which the proposal is made.
Encourage creative design. The County encourages
Creative design is encouraged, but
imaginative and innovative signs consistent with the purposes
additional parameters must be set to ensure
expressed above and in conformance with the regulations of the
a level of compatibility across the
Albemarle County Code.
buildings. See below for additional
Wall Signs For Multiple Business Centers
A complete sign package shall be provided as part of the
A sign package has been submitted for
submittal materials for the review of any new multiple business
center. The proposal should address how compatibility among
signs will be achieved, and how new signs will be coordinated
with the architecture of the buildin (s); the first approved sign
installed in a multiple business center will establish the standard
for all future signs for that center. The future review of
proposals for new signs in existing multiple business centers
will take into consideration the character and appearance of the
existing building(s) and with existing si s .
b. Multiple business centers shall use a single sign type for all
Multiple sign types are proposed: channel
Revise the sign plan to
wall signs.
letters, flat cut out letters, cabinet signs,
limit sign types to
and panel signs.
establish a level of
compatibility in signage
across the buildings.
c. Compatibility among signs must be maintained through color
Two limitations to sign colors are
Revise the sign plan to
or font and typeface selection.
proposed: 1) graphics colors will be
limit sign colors to
limited to three colors coordinated with all
establish a level of
other sign colors, and 2) trim caps and
compatibility in signage
returns for canopy/awning mounted signs
across the buildings.
will be black.
Signs must be placed on the building in a manner that
Proposed sign locations are: the face of
Revise the sign plan to
establishes a unified appearance.
canopies/awnings, the top of
canopies/awnings, suspended from
canopies/awnings, and on ground floor
limit sign locations to
establish a level of
compatibility in signage
Design Compatibility
Placement: The design of a building's walls, window locations,
parapets and other architectural features shall influence the
walls. The number and variety of possible
across the buildings.
Board's evaluation of appropriate signage. Wall signs can help
locations does not support the creation of a
establish rhythm, scale and proportion across the fagade of a
unified appearance.
Materials: Materials used in both the sign and support
Materials are addressed only for flat cut
Provide additional
structures should complement the building and/or multiple
out canopy/awning mounted signs, which
information on proposed
business center (see page 14) being served by the sign.
would be aluminum or acrylic. It is
sign materials.
assumed that standard sign materials will
be used throughout.
Lettering and Typeface: Lettering should be in proportion to
Letter type/font is only addressed for
the sign and the building for visual clarity and overall balance.
canopy/awning mounted signs; the
Proportion of lettering includes font (size) and typeface (style).
applicant proposes no limit in this case.
The use of three typefaces or fewer is more appropriate for signs
Typically, sign compatibility is better
in the Entrance Corridor. Additional typefaces may be approved
achieved by limiting sign characteristics
only if they contribute to a balanced, legible, unified sign
other than typeface, letter type or font.
Color: Colors must be harmonious with each other. Colors must
Two limitations to sign colors are
Revise the sin plan to
not clash with other elements on the site, both when viewed in
proposed: 1) graphics colors will be
limit sign colors to
daylight and at night, whether the signs are externally or
limited to three colors coordinated with all
establish a level of
internally lit. Overly intense color, such as but not limited to
other sign colors, and 2) trim caps and
compatibility in signage
dayglo or fluorescent colors, are prohibited.
returns for canopy/awning mounted signs
across the buildings.
will be black.
The use of three colors or fewer is more appropriate for signs in
the Entrance Corridor. Black and white are counted as colors.
Raceway color is proposed to match
Additional colors may be approved if they contribute to a
canopy color.
balanced and unified sign design.
For raceway -mounted channel letters, raceways shall match the
wall color.
Trademarks, corporate logos and graphics: The ARB may
The applicant proposes that graphic/logo
require that the color and scale of standard templates for
colors will be limited to three colors
trademarks, service marks, corporate logos and graphics be
coordinated with all other sign colors.
modified. When used, trademarks, service marks, corporate
logos and/or graphics should be incorporated as an integral part
of the overall sign.
Wall Signs
Wall signs shall be integrated with the architecture of the
In the proposed locations signs could be
building and the placement of such signs should not obscure
placed without obscuring architectural
architectural features or details, including but not limited to
cornices, windows, columns, pilasters and paneling.
Channel lettering (mounted on a raceway or individual letters) is
Channel letters, cabinets, panel signs and
Limit wall sign types to
preferred to cabinet signs because cabinet signs tend to appear
flat cut out letters are all proposed for
channel letters and flat cut
less integrated with the building. Channel letters overlay the
walls signs. The canopy/awning sign types
out letters.
wall material and allow the structure of the building to "read
appear to be appropriate for those
through" with less interruption. This results in a more
architectural elements. The wall sign types
coordinated overall appearance.
are excessive. Channel letters and flat cut
out letters are consistent with EC policy
and previous actions for wall signs.
The size of a wall sign shall be coordinated with the size of the
Canopy/awning face sizes are identified as
Revise the sign plan to
architectural element on which it is placed. The sign should not
37" and 9.5". The 37" canopy is shown
indicate maximum letter
overcrowd the architectural element, the wall, or the sign area.
with 24" letters. 6.5" of clear space above
size for the 9.5" canopy is
(See Illustration 6 on page 26.) Buildings and building elements
and below the letters is appropriate. Letter
5.5" and 24" for the 37"
should not be used as a billboard. For example, an appropriate
size is not identified for the 9.5" canopy. It
height for channel letters in a 30" high sign band is 18". This
is anticipated that maximum appropriate
allows 6" of unoccupied space above and below the letters.
letter size for that element is 5.5".
Generally, 4" of clear space above, below, and to the sides of a
channel letter sign is considered a minimum, with larger
clearances required for larger sign bands. The ARB will
consider the degree of visibility, the distance from the Entrance
Corridor, and the architectural design of the building and the
sign area in its determination of appropriate sizes and placement.
Lighting; Wall Signs — Lighting; Wall Signs for Multiple
Business Centers - Lighting
When illumination is required, the preferred solution is to
In this proposal, signs may be internally
Revise the sign plan to
externally illuminate the sign — in other words, to shine a light
illuminated or externally illuminated with
limit illumination to
on the sign. External illumination is preferred because it allows
down -wash fixtures.
establish a level of
consistency with the daytime image of the sign. External lighting
compatibility in signage
appears to the viewer as reflected light and allows the focus of
across the buildings.
the sign to be the original overall shape, color and complete
design of the sign. Internal lighting produces a fragmented,
rather than unified, sign image at night compared to external
lighting and may project light that is distracting to the viewer.
Similarly, exposed light sources that form the body of a sign
(such as, but not limited to, exposed or bare neon) are not
appropriate for the Entrance Corridors. They can produce glare
and, generally, do not achieve the subtle character and
compatibility that is the goalfor the Entrance Corridors.
Since external illumination does not fit every case, individual
channel letters — a type of internally illuminated sign that has
less visual clutter impact on the Entrance Corridors — may also
be approved. Channel letters are generally the preferred type of
internally illuminated wall sign because they project the total
sign and are identifiable with the daytime image of the sign.
When channel letters cannot be adequately accommodated,
internally illuminated cabinet signs may be considered. If
cabinet signs are utilized, the backgrounds of such signs must be
made opaque zero light transmission).
External illumination is also preferred for approved
graphics/logos; internal illumination may be considered for
approval on a case -by -case basis. The Board will evaluate the
specific design for size (adjusted in proportion to the
accompanying lettering), balance, complexity, and distance
from and relationship to the Entrance Corridor. These factors
will determine the extent of internal illumination that can be
External Illumination: Lighting should be shielded and not
create glare. Lighting should be aimed so as not to project
illumination beyond the sign. All external light sources shall be
Internal Illumination: Any internal illumination is considered to
contribute to visual clutter and will be limited.
All Illumination shall be non -blinking.
This feature is not addressed in the sign
All illumination shall be
non -blinking.
i. External illumination is preferred for signs in multiple
A combination of internal and external
Revise the sign plan to
business centers.
illumination is proposed.
limit illumination to
establish a level of
compatibility in signage
across the buildings.
9e and
iii. Internal illumination: Channel letters with translucent faces
Channel letter details are not included in
shall be constructed such that no light spills outward from the
the current submittal, but construction
top, bottom, sides or back. Faces and returns of channel letters
details can be checked with individual sign
shall be opaque when back -lit (halo -lit).
permits. Halo lighting is not proposed.
iv. Cabinet signs shall have a non -illuminated background, or an
Opaque backgrounds are not addressed in
Revise the sign plan to
opaque (zero light transmission) background. Cabinet signs shall
the sign plan.
state that cabinet/panel
be constructed such that no light spills outward from the top,
signs will have opaque
bottom, sides or back. If outlines of letters are proposed, the
width of the outline must be in proportion to the width of the
letter. An outline width of 1/8" has been found to be an
appropriate dimension for signs in the Entrance Corridors.
A note on sheet 3 of the sign plan states
Submit a final monument
that the monument sign design is not final.
sign design for review.
Summary of Recommendations:
Staff recommends that the Comprehensive Sign Plan be revised to address the following issues, with the revised submittal to be reviewed by the ARB:
1. Revise the sign plan to establish additional parameters to ensure a level of compatibility in signs across the building.
2. Delete the second "General Note" on sheet 2.
3. Revise the sign plan to limit sign types to establish a level of compatibility in signage across the buildings. Limit wall sign types to channel letters
and flat cut out letters.
4. Revise the sign plan to limit sign colors to establish a level of compatibility in signage across the buildings.
5. Revise the sign plan to limit sign locations to establish a level of compatibility in signage across the buildings.
6. Provide additional information on proposed sign materials.
7. Revise the sign plan to indicate maximum letter size for the 9.5" canopy is 5.5" and 24" for the 37" canopy.
8. All illumination shall be non -blinking.
9. Revise the sign plan to limit illumination to establish a level of compatibility in signage across the buildings.
10. Revise the sign plan to state that cabinet/panel signs will have opaque backgrounds.
11. Submit a final monument sign design for review.