HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900085 Action Letter 2019-09-04COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 September 4, 2019 Greg Debacker FBG Law 2500 Daniels Bridge Road, B200 S3A Athens, GA 30606 RE: ARB-2019-85: W4 Car Wash (TMP 045000000093C0) Dear Mr. Debacker, Fax (434) 972-4126 The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 3019, completed a preliminary review of the above -noted request to construct a car wash building and associated site improvements. The Board offered the following comments for the benefit of the applicant's next submittal. Please note that the following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments maybe added or eliminated based on further review and changes to the plan. 1. Ensure that the site plan building footprint, renderings, and building elevations show the same design and details, including the depth of the bays. 2. Provide material and color samples, for all materials. Include material and color information for all materials and building components on the architectural elevation sheets (01-A1 and 01-A2). Indicate on the drawings the material and color for the overhead door on the north side (exit) of the tunnel. Provide material and color samples for the canopies, vacuum equipment, and auto sentry and gate equipment. 3. Clearly specify if the large window area on the south end of the front of the building is an overhead door or a window. If it is an overhead door, it is preferred that it be glazed. 4. Consider balancing the heights of the towers. 5. Show all structures and equipment in the site plan and renderings. Include vacuum canopies in all graphics to allow for a complete review. 6. Ensure that all structures are designed to appear fully integrated into the overall site. 7. Ensure that the material and color of the overhead door on the north side of the building is integrated into the design of the building and the character of the EC. If it is an overhead door, it is preferred that it be glazed. 8. Submit a window glass sample and specs with the next submission. 9. Add the standard window glass note to the drawings with the next submission: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR) shall not exceed 30%. 10. Provide detail drawings and color samples for the vacuum and auto sentry equipment. ,6uiplinq ay};o;uoi; ay} 6uole uol;e;969n aag;o ao sgnays apinoad '6Z ' Itlz ;o wnwiuiw a;seal le eq o; sailloH uodne), pue AGaaci {ul ag; ao;;y6iay bui;ueld eq; aslna�:i '2Z ;uawdinbe wnnoen ay; uaajos dlaq o; seoeds 6ui�jed ay; pue alsie anlap aouea;ua ay} uaengeq puelsi 6ui;ueld eq; ui '6ugueld ;e aadlleo „/,Z 'saga; apegs a6ael apinoad 'LZ eaae 6u1�oe;s aq; ;o ;oedwi ay; eziwiuiw o; ,t�Z ;o ;g6i9y bui;ueld wnwiuiw a ;e 'uiseq ;uawa6euew as;ennuaao;s au} 6uole 'q;nos ay; o; sgnays BUIU99JOS apinoad uaq; aJaynnasla papinoid si;uawdinbe leoiuegoaw;o 6uluaaaos11 -6ul;ueld;o awi; ay;;e;uawdinba leolueyoaw Ile 10 6u1ua9a3s ay; apinoad Illnn;eq;;y6i9q pue '6uloeds 'saioads e;o eq;snw sgnays 6uluaaaos aql *6uiplinq ay; Aq pauaans;ou aae;eq; 96e;uoi; O3 ay; }o suoiliod buole pue A;j9doid ay; ;o saapaoq ujeq:pou pue uaaq;nos ay; buole sgnays 6ulu99aos apinoad -;uewdinba pa;eioosse Ile pue '91e6 pue Ailues o;ne ay; 'suoi;e;s wnnoen ay; ao; 6uluaaaos apinoad '9Z -6upeld;o awi;;e aadlleo „/, Z;seal;e aq;snw aaa; sly) -aa;sdwnp au;;o g;nos ay; o; 'eaae buplied ag;;o aa;awpad ;sane ay; 6uole aaa; 96ael aaow auo ;seal ;e apinoad 'SZ .aoi;;o ay; o; aouea;ue aq; aeau '6uipilnq ay;;o epis Isom aq; uo � jennapis ay; o;;uaoefpe eaae 6ui;veld ay; o; 6ugveld ;e aadlleo z/, Z aaa; apegs a6ael ao wnipaw aaow auo ppy 'tZ -6ui;ueld ;o awi; ;e aadlleo „/, Z We aniad NooagpooAA ao; pesodoid saga; pails ay; pue 6ul;veld ;o auai;;e aadlleo £ aae 03 aq; 6uole saga; apegs ay;;eq; os ainpagos;ueld aq; aslnaH 'CZ saga; apegs 96ael paalnbaa ay; 6uowe pasaadsaa;ui saaa; le;uouiewo 6u1J9anol; apinoad pue :D3 aq; buole aa;ueo uo 5£ aq o; 6uloeds aaa; apegs ay; aslna�l 'ZZ ;uawasea aannod ay; ;o apis;no eq o; asaq; a;eoo-1 -03 aq; 6uole saga; apegs 96ael paalnbaa aq; apinoad -1-Z -a1pueo400j peq auo paeoxe;ou pegs s;qu;srp ,6uiuoz seare le1m ao lei;uaprsar w Apadoad pue speoa opgnd o;uo sa *ieu"aunj woaJ 6ur;u�611 Jo aanop!ds ayl -speor jueoetpe woad AeMe pue spgstp jer;uaprsaa ,6u'u,lofpe cuoaj Aeme;y6ry;0a1jaa o; pap16yys -jo pa6ueaae aq pegs pue a ueurwn1}}o;no pnj e aq peas suawnl 1e 4p aaow jo 000 `£ spLua Ie y; dwel e u;iM paddrnbe ageu.iwnlaoop;no tloe3 :ueld bugg6il ay; uo a;ou paepue;s buimollo; aq; apnloul 'OZ 'uol;enala 03 ay; ;o Aeq elppiva ay; ul s6ulunne aaaq; ay; anoge unnogs sam;xl; ;y6il ay; anowa�l -61, -sawn;xl;;g6ll pesodoid lie ao; s;aags-;no s,jain;oe;nuew pue suoi;eoi;loads apnloul -ueld 6ui;g6il aq; ui s;gbil pa;unow-punoA pue -6ulpllnq lie apnioul -meinaa ao; ueld 6ui;g6ll a;aldwoo a apinoad '81, -pa;eu.1wpa aq pegs aopuaoo aouea4u3 ay; woaj ;uawdrnbe jeoiueyoew ge jo lf4ypsrn :uoissiwgns ;xau aq; q;iM sbuinneip ay; o; a;ou A;Iilgisln ;uawdinbe leoiuegoaw paepue;s ay; ppy'Ll, -s6ulMeap uoi;enala ay; uo s;g6i9g pue suoi;eool ;uawdinbe ay; nnogs pue 'suoi;eool ;u;gwdinba 6ulnnogs veld ;ooa e apinoad 'do};ooi ay; uo pa;eool 11 -sueld aq; uo siq; a;ou '6uiplinq ay; apisui si uoi;eool ay; ;I -pa;eool si;uauwinba pa;elai-gsenn aeo pue -6uiplinq aaaynn MOgs o; s6uinneap ay; asina�:i -g 'nnainaa ao; 96eubis pa;elai-uoi;e;s Aed pue wnnoen uo uoi;ewio;ui fueupilaid apinoad '91 -s;as 6uinneip Ile;noy6noay; uoi;eool awes ay; ui unnogs si as;sdwnp aq; ainsu3 ';71, :ueld a;is ay; ui Iie;ap uaaaos as;sdwnp a apinoad .£ 6 -uoi;euiwnlll;o N081 aq; wai;uoo;eq; sbulmeap apinoad -;uawdinbe wnnoen ay; ul paule;uoo s;g611 a3-1 pa;unow-aapun ay; a;eulwil3 'Z 6 -(o;a 'suoi;e;s Aed '6ui;g6il 'sueo gsei; 'saidoueo) s;uawale pa;elaa-uoi;e;s wnnoen pue uoi;e;s Aed Ile ueld eq; ui apinoad ' I, 6 30. Add the standard plant health note to the landscape plan: All site plantings of trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant. 31. Consider moving the building further away from the EC, while maintaining parking and equipment behind the building (as viewed from EC). 32. Provide a pedestrian connection between the internal sidewalk and the sidewalk along the edge of the EC. 33. Revise the proposed contours such that they appear natural, rounded and do not have less than a ten -foot radius throughout the site and where they blend with the existing topography. 34. Provide the conservation checklist in the site plan. 35. Provide a tree protection fencing detail in the site plan and show the tree protection fencing in the Grading and Draining Plan sheet. 36. Sign applications are required for all proposed signs. Eliminate cabinet style signs or limit them to secondary signs. All cabinet type signs must have opaque backgrounds. Reduce the number of colors used in the sign to be no more than three (including white). Eliminate overly intense colors from the sign proposal. 37. Consider shifting the travel lane to the south to create additional planting area for screening in the planting island. You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience. Application forms, checklists and schedules are available on-line at www.albemarle.org/ARB. Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required. Include updated ARB revision dates on each drawing. Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made, identify those changes in the memo also. Highlighting the changes in the drawing with "clouding" or by other means will facilitate review and approval. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please feel free to contact me, Sincerely, Paty Saterny, Senior Planner cc: Allen & Allen Properties 1809 Staples Mill Rd. Richmond, VA 23230 Justin Shimp Shimp Engineering, PC 912 E. High Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 File