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August 18, 1993 (Regular Meeting)
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A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginia, was held on August 18, 1993, at 7:00 P.M., Meeting Room 7, County
Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia.
PRESENT: Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mrs. Charlotte Y. Humphris, Messrs.
Charles S. Martin, Forrest R. Marshall, Jr., Walter F. Perkins and Edward H.
Bain, Jr.
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at
7:00 P.M., by the Chairman.
Agenda Item No. 2. Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Item No. 3. Moment of Silence.
Agenda Item No. 4. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the
Ms. Dolly Moye, a County resident, presented the following statement:
"At each of several meetings of the Board of Supervisors, I have
asked for answers to a number of questions. I have asked for
answers in a letter published in The Daily Proqress (Reader's
Views, July 4, 1993). I have asked for answers in a private
meeting between Mr. Bowerman, Mr. Tucker, Dr. Paskel and myself.
Now I must use this forum to attempt, once again, to get answers
to those same questions. While I realize this meeting may not be
the place in which the answers can be forthcoming, I will again
ask that you provide the responses to which I am (in fact, all of
us are) entitled, as one of your constituents and as a voter and
taxpayer in this county.
I have been more than patient. Now I would like to anticipate
your responses in a letter to me within the month.
Why is it necessary to have six law enforcement departments in
Albemarle and Charlottesville?
Why can't the sheriff and county police departments be
How does the Board justify spending -- borrowing the money to
spend -- $27,000 for a press box at Albemarle High School? If, in
fact, this press box is an absolute necessity (so say four of the
Supervisors), why couldn't that money be raised by booster groups?
Why were teachers given bonuses totalling $750,000 in December of
19927 Isn't each employee of the County doing the job for which
he or she was hired? What has each done beyond regular duties to
earn that bonus?
Under present projected expenditures, County debt can be expected
to double within the next five to seven years. What is the
projected increase in both real estate and personal property taxes
within that same time frame?
As a result of the current and projected indebtedness and tax
increased, have you also projected the number of County residents
who will lose their homes?
Have you reviewed all the courses offered at the high school
level? What percentage of these courses are fluff? Could these
fluff courses be eliminated, thereby opening classroom space for
more serious study?
I've since learned the location of the housing project is not in
the direct flight path of the Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport.
The Board of Supervisors approved this site. The congestion
inherent in a trailer park exposes many potential dangers. Planes
do crash and pilots do abort flights. What would be the County's
legal liability were an accident to occur?
Would the land designated for the trailer park not have been
better used for the development of a light industry or research
development park?
Why was the Forest Lakes Subdivision approved, when it was known
at that time to be in the area of the proposed Meadow Creek
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Why does it cost a minimum of ten cents/sheet to xerox a standard
sized page from a meeting's minutes, for example, when that same
paper can be xeroxed in town for five cents/sheet? The difference
contributes to the lack of access to public records.
Surely there are answers to these and other questions that become
ever more apparent as time goes by. I do look forward to hearing
from you, and thank you for your response."
In response to Ms. Moye, Mr. Bowerman said the Board will be happy to
provide responses to her questions. Without sounding discourteous, during one
of the budget meetings, Ms. Moye raised a number of questions. He arranged a
meeting which consisted of County staff, Ms. Moye and members of the tax
coalition group. The meeting last approximately one and one-half hours during
which he thought a lot of questions were answered. It is unsettling to him,
as a public servant who takes the time to answer questions and pull people
together, and to shortly thereafter read a letter to the editor of The Daily
Proqress stating that the Board is totally unresponsive. Mr. Bowerman said
answers will be provided to the questions, but he is not confident that a lot
of people will be satisfied with the responses.
Ms. Moye suggested that the questions be responded to in writing and
then there would be no doubt of the responses.
Agenda Item No. 5. Consent Agenda. Motion was offered by Mrs.
Humphris, seconded by Mr. Marshall, to approve Item 5.1 on the Consent Agenda
and to accept the remaining items as information. Roll was called and the
motion carried by the following recorded vote:
AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins and
NAYS: None.
Item 5.1. Statement of Expenses for the Department of Finance, Sheriff,
Commonwealth's Attorney, Regional Jail and Clerk, Circuit Court for the month
of July, 1993, were approved by the above shown vote.
Item 5.2. Memorandum dated August 6, 1993 from Ms. Marcia Joseph,
Design Planner, Department of Zoning, re: Architectural Review Board Recogni-
tion to McDonald's, the Pantops Shell Station and the Amoco Station near Air-
port Road, was received as information.
Item 5.3. Notice of application filed with the State Corporation
Commission by Commonwealth Gas Services, Inc., for an expedited increase in
natural gas rates, was received as information.
Item 5.4. Bond Program Report and Monthly Report for Arbor Crest Apart-
ments (Hydraulic Road Apartments) for the month of July, 1993, was received as
Item 5.5. Memorandum dated August 13, 1993 from Mr. Forrest D. Kerns,
Charlottesville Housing Foundation, to Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County
Executive, and Mr. David Benish, Chief of Community Development, re: Crozet
Crossing State Report, was received as information.
Item 5.6. Letter dated August 13, 1993 from Mr. Dan S. Roosevelt, Resi-
dent Highway Engineer, to Mr. Robert W. Tucker, Jr., County Executive, re:
Route 760, was received as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter dated July 16, 1993, concerning
the Board of Supervisors' request for a review of Route 760. This
is an interim report.
In late July, I met with Will Reiley, who lives in this vicinity,
and discussed the concerns of the local citizens concerning this
route. He also pointed out some concerns on Route 712 between
Route 760 and Route 29. Overall there were five sight distance
and drainage spot improvements which were brought to my attention.
I am having these reviewed by our Drainage Engineer and my staff,
and will make a report through you to the Board of Supervisors
once our study is complete. I hope to have this report available
in early September."
Item 5.7. Letter dated August 13, 1993 from Mr. Dan S. Roosevelt, Resi-
dent Highway Engineer, to Ms. Ella W. Carey, Clerk, re: speed limit along
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Route 850 (entrance road to Chris Greene Lake), was received as follows:
"At the July Board of Supervisors' meeting, I was requested to
review the speed limit along Route 850 which is the entrance road
to Chris Greene Lake. The District Traffic Engineer has reviewed
current conditions and advised me of his findings.
Route 850 is posted for 40 mph. In late July we monitored traffic
in the morning and observed the speeds of 78 vehicles. Of those
vehicles 50 percent were found to be exceeding 38 mph and 15
percent were exceeding 43 mph. The Department normally posts
roads anticipating 15 percent of the motorists will exceed the
posted speed limit. If that were done in this case, we should
post the road for 45 mph. Under certain circumstances, however,
we post roads at the post at which 50 percent of the traffic would
exceed the speed limit which in this case would be at 40 mph.
Based upon the roadside development on the north side of the road,
I believe we can justify leaving the posted speed limit at 40 mph,
but cannot justify lowering the speed below that point.
Of the 78 vehicles monitored, nine were traveling at 45 mph or
faster although none exceeded 50 mph. While our study did not
find traffic was exceeding the speed limit excessively, the Board
may wish to direct the County police to increase enforcement in
this area."
Agenda Item No. 6. Public Hearing to receive comments on improvements
to Bellair Intersection.
Mr. Bowerman said the Board has no standing in terms of the decision-
making on improvements to the Bellair intersection, but it these improvements
has affect, not only Bellair, but other areas in the County, i.e., Route 250
West, St. Anne's Belfield entrance. Since the Highway Department was not
required to hold a public hearing on this issue, the Board felt it would be
good to have a brief description of the improvements and to take comments from
citizens. He does not anticipate the Board taking any action other than to
give the public an opportunity to speak about the issue.
Ms. Gale D. Lipscomb, District Construction Engineer, said she has been
working with the Bellair Task Force to find a way to reduce some of the
traffic conflicts in this area. Input was also received from Kellerco, a
private consultant, doing some work on the entire Route 250 corridor. In
addition, the Highway Department's Traffic Engineering Division looked at the
traffic volumes, did some modeling and looked at what affect some of the
alternatives being recommended would have on the traffic patterns. The final
recommendation was unanimously supported by the Task Force and subsequently
supported by the Highway Department. Ms. Lipscomb then described VDoT's plans
for the improvements to the intersection of Route 250 West and Bellair
Subdivision, and areas adjacent to Route 250 West which were:
Reconfiguration of the intersection of the off-ramp
and Route 250 West so that traffic coming from the
off-ramp and entering on to Route 250 must come to a
full stop so that the currently existing merge lane
for such traffic to merge onto Route 250 West is
2 o
Modification of the signage on the Route 29/250 Bypass
so that traffic proceeding in a southerly direction on
Route 29/250 Bypass is directed to go past the first,
or most northerly off-ramp, and to take the second or
more southerly off-ramp (loop ramp) in order to pro-
ceed in a westerly direction on Route 250 with the
resignage indicating that all points west, including
Staunton, Waynesboro, Ivy and Route 250 West are to be
reached by using the loop ramp.
3 o
Erection of a traffic signal light at the intersection
of the more southerly loop ramp and Route 250 West,
facilitating traffic access from the loop ramp onto
Route 250 West, and creating breaks in Route 250
Rerouting the more northerly off-ramp from Route 29/
250 Bypass to Route 250 West so that the section of
the off-ramp between its intersection with Faulconer
Drive (Route 856) and its intersection with Old Garth
Road (Route 601) is not used by traffic proceeding
from the Route 29/250 Bypass to Route 250 West but,
instead, that such traffic be rerouted so that it uses
Faulconer Drive, Old Garth Road, and then the continu-
ation of the off-ramp to reach Route 250 West.
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At this time Ms. Lipscomb held a question and answer session with
members of the audience.
Mr. John W. Greene, President of the Board of Directors, Bellair Owners
Association, asked persons present in favor of the proposed improvements to
raise their hands. All persons present were in support. There was no
opposition expressed.
Mr. William C. Preston, a resident of Bellair, said there is unanimous
support by the residents of the proposed improvements.
Mr. Bain asked if it was the intent of VDoT to have dual left turn lanes
at the light coming up the ramp and traveling west. Ms. Lipscomb said "yes,"
she thinks there will need to be dual left turn lanes. Also, she thinks some
of the concrete curb can be removed which would allow merging into one lane.
Mrs. Humphris said she received a telephone call from a Bellair resident
who said traffic in the morning peak hours headed east on Route 250 back up
during the school year all the way from the St. Anne's main campus to the
Route 250 Bypass bridge, and in the afternoon peak hours, traffic back up from
the Farmington light most of the way to Bellair. She asked Ms. Lipscomb to
speak to what will happen with the light on Route 250 at the top of the
cloverleaf ramp, if this is the situation. Ms. Lipscomb said VDoT needs to
look at the Route 250 corridor, and if this traffic is affecting the Farming-
ton area, then that needs to be looked at. She is not sure how to answer the
question because she is not sure how the signal light will affect that traffic
Mrs. Humphris said her main concern is closing off the segment of the
ramp. She did talk to Mr. Roosevelt today because she is concerned that it
adds decision-making for people exiting the ramp where there was none before
which has the potential for creating instead of preventing accidents. Mr.
Roosevelt informed her that closing that segment of the ramp is a critical
ingredient in the success of the overall plan.
Mr. Dan S. Roosevelt, Resident Highway Engineer, said there are actually
two problems on this stretch of Route 250 that VDoT is trying to correct; both
of which are safety related. The first problem is the number of traffic
movements that occur at the Bellair/Route 250/Bellair Market intersections;
many of those movements are illegal and unsafe. The second problem is that
there is so much traffic already on Route 250 that the many entrances that try
to come onto Route 250 cannot get out during the regular hours of the day. A
traffic signal at the ramp will assist traffic entering from the side streets.
The primary purpose of the whole scheme is to bring some control to the
traffic movements that are occurring at the Bellair and Bellair Market inter-
sections. Although this plan causes some negative affects, they are far off-
set by the positive effects of the plan. He has heard no opposition to the
plans. VDoT will take into account the problem of traffic funneling two lanes
back into one lane raised by Mr. Bain.
Mr. Bain said this has been a long process and he thinks it was appro-
priate that this matter be brought before this Board because Route 250 is a
public road that serves the residents of the County. He believes that the
Task Force did a wonderful job. He thinks this is a proposal that has the
potential for reducing some of the hazards. He does think this plan requires
full monitoring by VDoT early in the process to see what is actually happening
and the experiences, and that the improvements be made in their entirety.
Motion was then offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to adopt
the following resolution endorsing VDoT's plans for improvements to the
intersection of Route 250 West and Bellair Subdivision:
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County con-
ducted a public hearing on August 18, 1993, to take comments on
proposed improvements by the Virginia Department of Transportation
(%/DOT) to the intersection of Route 250 West and Bellair Subdivi-
sion, and areas adjacent to Route 250 West;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors
does hereby endorse VDoT's plan as presented at this meeting and
as set out below:
Reconfiguration of the intersection of the off-
ramp and Route 250 West so that traffic coming
from the off-ramp and entering on to Route 250
must come to a full stop so that the currently
existing merge lane for such traffic to merge
onto Route 250 West is eliminated.
2 o
Modification of the signage on the Route 29/250
Bypass so that traffic proceeding in a southerly
o0oo o
AuGust 18, 1993 (ReGular MeetinG)
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3 o
direction on Route 29/250 Bypass is directed to
Go past the first, or most northerly off-ramp,
and to take the second or more southerly off-
ramp (loop ramp) in order to proceed in a
westerly direction on Route 250 with the resign-
age indicatinG that all points west, includinG
Staunton, Waynesboro, Ivy and Route 250 West are
to be reached by usinG the loop ramp.
Erection of a traffic signal light at the inter-
section of the more southerly loop ramp and
Route 250 West, facilitatinG traffic access from
the loop ramp onto Route 250 West, and creatinG
breaks in Route 250 traffic.
ReroutinG the more northerly off-ramp from Route
29/250 Bypass to Route 250 West so that the sec-
tion of the off-ramp between its intersection
with Faulconer Drive (Route 856) and its inter-
section with Old Garth Road (Route 601) is not
used by traffic proceedinG from the Route 29/250
Bypass to Route 250 West but, instead, that such
traffic be rerouted so that it uses Faulconer
Drive, Old Garth Road, and then the continuation
of the off-ramp to reach Route 250 West.
Roll was called and the motion carried by the followinG recorded vote:
Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins and
AGenda Item No. 7. Appropriation: CIP Transfer for Murray HiGh School
and Media Center (#930013). (Deferred from AuGust 11, 1993.)
Mr. Tucker said in response to concerns raised by the Board regardinG
the appropriation for the Gymnasium at Murray HiGh School and the relocation
of the Media Center from the County Office BuildinG, he spoke with Mr. A1
Reaser, Director of BuildinG Services. Mr. Reaser stated that the Gymnasium
project is a result of a decision by the School Board to continue usinG Rose
Hill School for Murray HiGh School for at least the next five years. The
project will raise the roof in the existinG multi-purpose room and provide
HVAC and lightinG improvements so that a functional Gym can be provided. This
project is in addition to and in conjunction with an approved Capital Improve-
ments ProGram project to reroof the existinG space now used as a Gymnasium.
Mr. Tucker said Mr. Reaser indicated that the Media Center project is
part of the Master Plan for Space Needs conducted by Mr. Kirk Train, in which
a recommendation was made to consider relocating the Media Center from the
County Office BuildinG to a location that could provide the necessary environ-
ment in an area that was not in such high demand. County staff approached
school personnel and asked if a relocation was possible. After some evalua-
tion of their needs, school staff responded that space could be made available
at Rose Hill School. In evaluating their needs, school staff recognized the
opportunity to combine the existinG functions of the Media Center with a
math/science center and textbook depository. The project includes several
window air conditioners for space not presently cooled, as well as partitions
for office space, paintinG, cablinG, etc. Renovation costs are estimated at
$8 to $10/square foot.
Mr. Tucker said monies requested for these two projects were identified
as part of the regular accountinG done in preparation of presentinG reappro-
priation requests to the two Boards. Normally at this time, any money left
over at the end of a year on any project is requested to be reappropriated to
cover other projects which may have Gone over budget or to request that other
projects be moved forward. Fortunately, there were no projects this year that
had exceeded the amount appropriated. In contrast, the Henley and JaCk Jouett
projects (combined budget of $1,588,000) were identified in the final account-
inG to have an unused balance of $205,000 (13 percent).
KnowinG that County staff had requested the School Division to consider
movinG the Media Center in order to create 3,418 square feet of additional
space in the County Office BuildinG, school staff recommended to the School
Board the $84,000 project to move the Media Center and combine these other
Mr. Tucker said he is concerned about current space planninG if the
Media Center does not relocate out of the County Office BuildinG. Plans
include movinG the print shop operation, and its associated need for large
quantities of paper (4.9 million copies and or printed sheets in fiscal 1993),
to an area with a loadinG/unloadinG dock to prevent transporting pallets of
paper to the third floor in a confined passenger elevator and to provide for
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efficient storage of bulk purchases of paper. This goal is an important
consideration for the loading dock currently used by the Media Center as well
as the value this space has with its proximity to crowded conditions in the
Police Department.
Mr. Tucker said one of the questions raised by the Board was the
process; whether the School Board had reviewed this request in regard to other
priorities. This decision was made about the same time or soon after the
School Board finished its CIP review. He does not know whether the School
Board actually compared this to other projects and set priorities. Mr. Reaser
is present and can answer any questions Board members may have.
Mr. Bain said the Board has a lot more information now than it had a
week ago. He thinks it is important that the Board have all of the informa-
tion that it needs when a request comes through the process. He does not
think the Board should just "rubber stamp" these requests. He is still not
comfortable with what the School Board has done in terms of priorities, but he
will support the request. He thinks it is important that the Board have all
the information.
Mr. Tucker said he thinks it may be helpful for staff to draft a letter,
for the Chairman's signature, to the Chairman of the School Board, expressing
the Board's concern about the process of making available to the Board
information pertinent to a request.
Motion was offered by Mr. Bain, seconded by Mrs. Humphris, to adopt the
following resolution of appropriation to transfer funds from Henley and Jack
Jouett Middle School projects for projects at Murray Education Center and the
Media Center. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following
recorded vote:
Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin, Perkins and
FISCAL YEAR: 1993/94
NUMBER: 930013
MEDIA CENTER 85,000.00
HENLEY (138,163,00)
JOUETT (40,837.00}
TOTAL $ 0.00
TOTAL $ 0.00
Mr. Bowerman said it is his understanding that when the School Board
forwarded its CIP requests (totalling $43 million) to the Planning Commission,
it deferred a large number of items which were for maintenance of existing
structures. The School Board decided that these items were deferrable in lieu
of the fact there were items that involved housing students that took prece-
dent over those issues. Mr. Reaser replied that was correct. The School
Board eliminated $9.0 million worth of projects and deferred quite a few other
projects. Some of the projects were maintenance and some of them were items
the School Division felt it could get another year out of their usefulness.
Mr. Bowerman said he thinks it is imperative that this Board and the
Commission are made aware of the implications of the total package the School
Board looked at and the decisions the School Board made in terms of fiscal
Agenda Item No. 8. Adopt Resolution of Intent for Scottsville Boundary
Line Adjustment Agreement.
Mr. Tucker said the land survey for the Scottsville boundary line
adjustment has been completed and the next step is to petition the Court
system. The request before the Board is to adopt a Resolution of Intent and
to set a public hearing. In an attempt to save funds, it is recommended that
there be a joint advertisement with the Town of Scottsville. Staff recommends
that the Board hold its public hearing on September 15, 1993. The County
Attorney has met with the Town of Scottsville and they will hold a public
hearing on September 17, 1993. The effective date of the transition is
midnight, December 31, 1993. The Town recently contacted the Thomas Jefferson
Planning District Commission (TJPDC) for possible services to review and
consolidate or otherwise modify applicable ordinances, comprehensive plans,
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etc. No specific action has been taken by TJPDC at this time. The staff does
not know if all those items can be completed by January 1, 1994.
Motion was offered by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Martin, to adopt the
following Resolution of Intent to Approve and Adopt an Agreement to Relocate
the Boundary Between the County of Albemarle ("the County") and the Town of
Scottsville ("the Town") Pursuant to Va. Code Sections 15.1-1031.1, 1031.2 and
1031.3. Roll was called and the motion carried by the following recorded
AYES: Mr. Bowerman, Mrs. Humphris, Messrs. Marshall, Martin and Perkins.
NAYS: Mr. Bain.
Approve and Adopt an Agreement to Relocate the Boundary
Between the County of Albemarle' ("the County") and the Town
of Scottsville ("the Town") Pursuant to
Va. Code Sections 15.1-1031.1, 1031.2 and 1031.3.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of
Albemarle that the Board hereby announces its intention to approve
and adopt an agreement between the governing bodies of the County
of Albemarle and the Town of Scottsville, to relocate the boundary
between the County and the Town.
A copy of the proposed agreement, along with a survey show-
ing the proposed new boundary, is attached to this resolution, and
a copy of the proposed agreement, a survey of the proposed new
boundary, and a metes and bounds description of the proposed new
boundary, are on file in the office of the Clerk to the Board of
Supervisors, Fourth Floor, County Office Building, 401 McIntire
Road, Charlottesville, Virginia.
Copies of this resolution, the proposed agreement, and the
survey showing the proposed new boundary, shall be advertised
verbatim in the Daily Progress, a newspaper having general
circulation in Albemarle County and in the Town of Scottsville,
once a week for two successive weeks beginning August 31, 1993,
and a duly advertised public hearing shall be held on said
agreement on September 15, 1993, in Meeting Room #7, Second Floor,
County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville,
Agenda Item No. 9. Approval of Minutes: May 13(A), 1992.
None were read.
Agenda Item No. 10. Other Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the
Mr. Tucker recalled that the Board adopted a resolution on February 3,
1993, for Mill Creek Industrial Park to pursue a funding request for Indus-
trial Access Funds. Mill Creek recently notified VDoT that it will not pursue
those funds. VDoT needs something from this Board to rescind that resolution.
The Board concurred with Mr. Tucker's request to forward such a letter to
Mr. Perkins said he felt it would be a good idea for the County Attorney
to maintain a current map identifying all roads where the right-of-way has
been abandoned. The Board directed staff to prepare a report on the feasibi-
lity, options, costs, timeframe and benefits of doing this.
Mr. Bowerman said Board members received a letter from a pilot, during
review of the mobile home park issue, who said there are a lot of dangers
associated with inhabited dwellings close to an airport, especially when
pilots have to make decisions about where they will abort or land in emergency
situations. This pilot had serious reservations about the location of the
mobile home park in terms of its impact on airport safety. Rarely does
someone who speaks at a public hearing and then find himself in error comment
back to the Board. This gentlemen did and he said that his concerns are still
valid concerns at any airport, but they are nonexistent to the location of
this mobile home park. Mr. Bowerman said he respects this person's comments
and appreciated receiving the letter. He added that there are a lot of
comments made at the public hearings and a lot of information available which
many people do not have the opportunity to collect.
Mrs. Humphris commented that she spoke with Mr. A1 Reaser last week and
asked about the press box at Western Albemarle High School. She found out
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that the press box was actually not a press box, but is a working place that
is required at all such similar facilities. She asked if the press box could
have been given another name to make it descriptive of the job it serves.
Mrs. Humphris made a report on the Local Government Officials Conference
(LGOC) she attended this past week. She was able to attend many interesting
sessions. One session she attended was chaired by a representative of the
Senate Finance Committee on future funding of operational costs of the jails.
The bottom line is that the operational costs of the jails are going to be the
localities' concern in the future.
Another session she attended was chaired by Secretary of Transportation
Milliken on the study of the task force on changing the transportation trust
fund distribution formula. She gathered from the information that the more
rural a locality, the less money it will receive. The people from the truly
rural counties with many miles of dirt roads will suffer the most.
She also attended sessions on elected school boards, and long term care
for the aging and handicapped. Overall most of the sessions were well worth
the time spent.
Agenda Item No. 11. Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m.