HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800050 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-10-02County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Ryan Yauger, P.E. (RYAUGER@BOHLERENG.COM) From: Cameron Langille — Senior Planner Division: Planning Services Date: July 25, 2018 First Revision: October 2, 2018 Subject: SDP201800050 — Brookhill Block 4 Final Site Plan The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community Development will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.] New Comments First Review of Block 4 Final Site Plan: 1. [General Comment] On Sheet C-106, please add the approved initial site plan application number within the Block 4B parcel/area. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 2. [ZMA201500007] There are currently two variations to the Brookhill Code of Development under review. This includes a variation to the minimum 10' rear setback requirement for Block 4, and the width of the Route 29 buffer around the VDOT stormwater pond. These special exceptions/variations to the COD are schedule to go before the Board of Supervisors at the September 5t1i BOS meeting. Staff cannot approve the final site plan unless the BOS approves the requested variations, and if the variations are approved, the final site plan cannot be approved until after September 5' Rev. 1: On Sheet C-100 under "References" next to Code of Development — state "Variations 1 and 2 Approved September 5, 2018. On Sheet C-102 under Zoning and Site Data Tabulations" next to Associated Plans, state "Variations 1 and 2 Approved September 5, 2018. 3. [General Comment] Approval and recordation of an easement plat is required for all new easements within Block 4 associated with stormwater, drainage, water, sewer, and buffers. Please submit the easement plat application for review. The plat must be recorded prior to final site plan approval and the final site plan must show the deed book and page number in labels for all new easements. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed, easement plat has not vet been submitted. Comments from SDP20170047 - Brookhill Block 4A Initial Site Plan Action Letter: 1. [ (f)] The notification fee of $215 has not been paid. The fee must be paid prior to Friday, October 20t' in order for the initial site plan to be approved. Rev.1 : Comment addressed. 2. [32.5.2 (a)] The "Height of All Structures" section of the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102 is incorrect. Table from page 17 of the Brookhill Code of Development that states that there is a maximum building height of 4 stories/60' by right or 5 stories/70' with a special exception for Block 4. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. a. Please state the proposed height and number of stories for each building proposed in Block 4A. As stated on page 17 of the Code of Development, buildings exceeding three (3) stories shall require a 26' wide, exclusive of shoulders, aerial fire apparatus access road that is no more than 30' from the building to meet Fire and Rescue Regulations. If any of the buildings exceed three stories, the aerial fire access road may be required and the site layout may be required to change. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 3. [ZMA201500007] On all applicable drawings, please show the boundary lines of the Route 29 buffer, as described in Section 2.4.2 of the Code of Development. The overall 100' buffer line should be shown, in addition to the 70' undisturbed buffer line and the 30' planted/reforested buffer. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. a. All buffers must be measured from the proposed property lines or edges of the public right of way. The initial site plan must verify that no proposed improvements in Block 4A extend beyond the minimum 100' buffer. Please make all buffer lines visible across the drawings. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 4. [General Comment] The site plan titles mentions that this is for Blocks 4A and 8A. However, it appears that all improvements associated with the future Block 8A are shown for reference only and will be reviewed under a separate site plan application. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. a. [32.5.2 (a)] Please remove Block 8A from the title on the Cover Sheet, and the sheet title panels on all other drawings. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. b. [32.5.2 (a)] Please remove all labels, parking, building footprints, and other improvements associated with the future development in Block 8A that will not be constructed as part of this site plan. These features are currently visible on Sheets C-300, C-301, C-302, C-400, C-401, C-402, C-500, C-501, C-502, C-700, C-701, and C-702. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. c. [32.5.2 (a)] Please remove all information associated with future parking and buildings in Block 8A from the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 5. [32.5.2 (a)] Please show and label all proposed parcel boundaries with dimensions associated with the development of Block 4A. Include a note stating the intended timing for subdividing the Block 4A parcel. Comment not fully addressed. Two lot subdivision and boundary line adiustment plat still under review. The final site elan for Block 4 will need to show the revised property boundaries. the recorded instrument. and the accurate TMP numbers of the new parcels/revised parcel lines. prior to final site plan approval. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The plat is now only a boundary line adjustment to create a single parcel that contains all improvements proposed within Block 4. The plat has not been approved and recorded vet. Once the plat is recorded, the final site plan will need to be updated to state the correct TMP numbers, acreage of the Block 4 parcel, and the recorded instrument number (deed book and page number). This data is shown on the title sheet (TMP numbers under title bar, and topography/survey reference under Contact Information), Sheet C-102 (Site data table- TMP numbers, site acreage), and on numerous drawings that label the parcels with TMP numbers, deed book references, and acreages). 6. 132.5.2 (a)] Is the access drive that comes off of Road B that will serve Block 4A and Block 8A a proposed public street, private street, or travel way? Please label this improvement across all applicable drawings. Comment addressed. 7. [32.5.2 (i)] The road plans for Roads A and B have not yet been approved by the County, but this is required prior to approval of the final site plan. Please be aware that the final site plan will need to accurately depict all improvements within the right- of-way of Roads A and B. Please refer to the attached VDOT comment letter for additional information. a. Please shade out all road improvements that are subject to review and approval with the road plan application. Add labels to all applicable drawings stating that Roads A and B are proposed/under review and are shown for clarity purposes only on the initial site plan for Block 4A. The roads are currently under review as part of road plan SUB201700117. Comment addressed. b. State "proposed public right-of-way" in the labels for Roads A and B. Comment addressed. c. All construction details, road profiles, etc. related to the design/construction of Road A and B improvements within the proposed public right-of-way will be approved through SUB201700117. These details do not need to be included with the initial site plan. Comment addressed. d. Please remove the Street Construction Notes on Sheet C-102. The streets comprising the internal road network of Brookhill that will provide frontage for the Block 4A parcel are currently under review as a road plan application, SUB201700117 and all design and construction associated with the roads will take place prior to final site plan approval. Comment not fully addressed. SUB201700117 still under review. This comment will be addressed once the road plans are approved. Rev. 1: Road plans still under review. This comment will be addressed once the road plans are approved. 132.5.2 (a)] The proffers shown on Sheets C-103 and C-104 are not the approved proffers associated with the Brookhill rezoning. Please replace the proffer statement and exhibits on the site plan with the signed and approved proffers, dated October 21, 2016. Comment addressed. a. On Sheet C-100, please add the ZMA application number under the "Code of Development" section. The approved application number is ZMA201500007. Comment addressed. b. On Sheet C-100, the revision date shown for the Code of Development is incorrect. The approved Code of Development had a final revision date of October 13, 2016. Please amend the label. Comment addressed. c. Please add a line with the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors approval date for the Code of Development, November 9, 2016. Comment addressed. d. On Sheet C-105, please amend the date within the label for the Brookhill Phasing Plan. It currently states June 2016. The phasing plan was approved as page 7 of the Code of Development, which had a final revision date of October 13, 2016 and an approval date of November 9, 2016. Comment addressed. 9. 132.5.2 (a)] Please provide a proffer narrative that states which proffers (if any) will be addressed through this site plan. a. Please clarify whether any affordable units will be provided as part of this site plan. The applicable proffer is #413, related to affordable housing required for for -rent affordable housing units. Not applicable. Applicant working with Rebecca Ragsdale in Zoning to develop a proffer tracking chart. 10. 132.5.2 (a)] On Sheet C-100, please state the Special Use Permit application number that was approved to allow grading activities in the Flood Hazard Overlay District. The approved application number is SP201500025 and the County approval date was November 9, 2016. Comment addressed. a. Add the signed resolution and approved conditions of SP201500025 to Sheets C-103 and C-104. Comment addressed. It. 132.5.2 (a)] Please state the owner names and address for each existing parcel within Brookhill on Sheet C-100. Not all parcels are currently owned by Riverbend Development. Comment addressed. 12. 132.5.2 (a)] Please amend the "Zoning and Overlay Districts" in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. It should state Neighborhood Model Development District as the primary zoning district. The Block 4A site lies within the following overlay districts: EC - Entrance Corridor Overlay, AIA — Airport Impact Overlay, the Managed Steep Slopes Overlay District, and the FH — Flood Hazard Overlay. Comment addressed. 13. [32.5.2 (a)] Please amend the "Associated Plans" section in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. It should be titled "Proffers and Code of Development" and should state the November 9, 2016 approval date by the County next to the Brookhill Code of Development. Comment addressed. 14. 132.5.2 (a)] Please add a line to the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102 titled "Block Classification" with "Urban Density Residential" as the block type for Block 4A, as stipulated by the Brookhill Code of Development. Comment not fully addressed. Please amend the Block Classification line on Sheet C-102 so that it states "Block 4" instead of Block 4A. Rev. 1: Comment Addressed. 15. [32.5.2 (a)] Please amend the Building Yard Setbacks section in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. Please insert Table from page 17 of the Brookhill Code of Development that states the correct minimum and maximum setbacks for Block 4. Comment not fully addressed. A variation to the rear setbacks in Block 4 is currentiv under review. The setback table on Sheet C-102 may need to be revised if the variation is approved and the required setbacks change. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Variations have been approved and the table on Sheet C-102 reflects the corrected setbacks. 16. [32.5.2 (a)] Please remove the "Off Street Parking/Loading Space Yard Setbacks" section from the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. Please add the minimum setbacks and notes for parking as an accessory use from the Relegated Parking Guidelines table from Section 2.9, page 27 of the Code of Development. Comment addressed. 17. [32.5.2 (b)] Please amend the "Proposed Use" section in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. The proposed use should be "multi -family dwellings" and should state the number of bedrooms proposed (i.e. 100 1-bedroom units and 100 2-bedroom units). Comment addressed. 18. [32.5.2 (b)] Please state the square footage and acreage occupied by each use in Block 4A on Sheet C-102. This includes residential uses (including square feet of individual buildings), ancillary uses (including recreational areas), non-residential uses, parking and vehicle circulation areas, percentage of open space, etc. a. Please be aware that recreation areas are classified as ancillary uses to residential uses, per Section 2.2.2 (page 10) of the Code of Development. Per Table 5 Density Regulations (Page 15), ancillary uses do not count against the maximum non-residential square footage permitted in each block. Comment not fully addressed. No non-residential square footage/use is being provided in Block 4 according to this final site plan. Recreational uses are classified as ancillary uses and do not count against the maximum permitted non-residential square footage. The "Remaining Available Non -Residential" figure should be revised to state 15,000 sq.ft. per Table 5 on page 15 of the COD. Rev. 2: Comment addressed. b. Please state what types of recreation facilities are being provided within the amenity area (i.e. pool, tot lot, basketball court, etc.) Comment not fully addressed. Please clarify the "Amenity Area" portion of the "Site Use Area Tabulations" on Sheet C-102. No non-residential square footage/use is being provided in Block 4 accordingto o this final site plan. Recreational uses are classified as ancillary uses and do not count against the maximum permitted non- residential square footage. Is the "Other" figure supposed to represent the area of open space that will be provided in Block 4 to meet the minimum recreation requirements? Rev. 1: The Land Use Exhibit shows that 1.38 acres of civic space being provided between Block 4A and 4B. Per the COD (page 6 and page 22) Block 4 requires a minimum of 0.2 acres (10,000 sq. ft.) of civic space/parks. Please update the Site Area Tabulation on Sheet C-102 so that it states the acreage of civic space under "Amenity Area." 19. 132.5.2 (b)] Please add Table 5 Density Regulations (page 15) of the Code of Development on Sheet C-102. a. Please add another table that states the proposed gross residential density, number of proposed residential units, and square footage of proposed non-residential buildings being provided in Block 4A. The second table should have another column that states the number of permitted residential units and square footage of non-residential uses remaining in the rest of Block 4. Comment addressed. 20. [32.5.2 (b)] No loading spaces are shown, will any be provided? Any loading spaces must meet the design standards specified in Section 18-4.12.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Comment addressed. 21. [32.5.1 (c)] Please show the boundaries and dimensions of all Managed and Preserved Steep Slopes and wetlands areas on the existing conditions and grading drawings. Comment not fully addressed. Preserved steep slopes are not shown across all drawings. Please revise the plans. Rev. 1: See Engineering comment #4 regarding disturbances of preserved steep slopes in Block 4B. The grading drawings show disturbances to Preserved Steep Slopes in the upper corner of that parcel. Refer to County Code Section 30.7.4.b.l.h regarding submission of new topographic information showing slopes less than 25%. Proposed disturbance to preserved steep slopes as shown is not permitted. 22. [32.5.2 (f)] Please state whether the property lies within a water supply watershed on Sheet C-102. Comment addressed. 23. 132.7.7 & ZMA201500007] Please refer to the attached PDF titled Brookhill Zoning Map Amendment ZMA2015-007 — Request for Substitution of Required Recreational Amenities, dated 9/21/2015 and prepared by Collins Engineering. a. This request was approved to allow the proposed substitutions to the minimum civic space and recreation requirements listed in Section 2.4.3 of the Code of Development. The Proposed Amenities listed under each civic area in the attached request will satisfy the minimum recreational requirements for the first 650 multifamily dwelling units and single family attached units. Once the buildout within Brookhill exceeds 650 total multifamily and single family attached units, 200 square feet of recreation space will be required per unit exceeding 650. As such, the apartments in Block 4A do not need to contain recreation areas. Comment addressed. b. Staff requests that a table be provided on each site plan and subdivision plat that lists the number of multi -family and single family attached dwellings approved in each Block. This will allow staff to track whether additional recreation areas are required if the amount of multi -family residential and attached single family dwellings exceeds 650 units in the overall development. Comment addressed. 4 24. 132.5.2 (a)] Please amend the Block Area Summary table on Sheet C-105 so that it includes the proposed acreage of Block 4C. Comment not addressed. Please amend Block Area Summary on Sheet C-106 to include Block 4C. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 25. 132.5.2 (e)] Please provide more details about the existing landscape features as described in Section 18- Specify the areas of existing vegetation that will be removed through grading associated with the WPO plan. This includes any areas within the 70' undisturbed buffer portion. a. [ZMA201500007] In accordance with Code of Development Section 3.2.3, please provide the locations, species, and sizes of existing trees with diameter at breast heights greater than 18 inches within the buffer area along Route 29. Comment not fully addressed. The existing conditions, grading, and landscaping drawings do not identify any qualifying vegetation. Please verify whether these features exist, and if so, show the locations, species, and sizes of existing trees with diameter at breast heights greater than 18 inches within the Route 29 buffer and the rem at the north of Block 4A. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. b. Staff has been informed that the existing treeline does not occupy the entire 70' portion. As discussed via email with Ryan Yauger on July 28, 2017, the applicants were to provide an arborist report or drawings that show the species, density, and locations of existing vegetation in the 70' portion. The applicants stated that they may need to perform some grading in the 70' portion, and staff stated that disturbances to the 70' buffer may be permitted if additional landscaping needs to be installed. However, this will require approval from the Director of Community Development, as specified in Section 2.4.2 (page 19) of the Code of Development. Comment addressed. 26. 132.5.2 (a)] The building setback lines shown and labeled on the plans are incorrect, per Table of the Code of Development. Please amend the minimum and maximum setback line locations across all applicable drawings. Label each setback line as a front, side, corner side, or rear setback and state the dimensions in the label. Setback lines should be measured from the proposed right-of-way. Comment not fully addressed. The setback lines may need to be amended pending BOS annroval of the variation to the setback reauirements of Block 4. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. both variations (including Block 4 rear setback variation) were approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 5, 2018. 27. [ZMA201500007] The seventy-two (72) parking spaces proposed on the southern end of Block 4A are not relegated and screened from the proposed Road B in accordance with Section 2.9 (page 26) of the Code of Development. Also, the plan does not specify whether the travel way just south of those parking spaces is a proposed public street (refer to comment #2 above). If it is, these spaces may need to be relocated behind the two multi -family buildings in order to meet the relegation standards. Please provide additional information on the proposed screening measures and parcel boundaries. Comment not applicable, parking spaces relocated since initial site plan approval. 28. 132.5.2 (n)] The site plan does not show any/label any sidewalks inside of the development. All sidewalk and pedestrian access improvements must be shown, labeled, and dimensioned. This includes handicap ramps leading from all proposed sidewalks within and adjacent to the parking area. Comment addressed. 29. [32.5.2 (n)] On the site plan drawings, please label and call out the locations of the primary and secondary building entrances to each apartment building in accordance with the Urban Density Residential block regulations Section 2.2.2 (page 10) of the Code of Development. Comment addressed. 30. [32.5.2 (n)] Are any dumpsters of trash compactors proposed on site? If so, please show the locations of these improvements on the drawings with dimensions. The dumpster pad area will need to comply with the minimum design standards set forth in Section 4.12.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. Comment addressed. 31. [32.5.2 (k)] Please show the location of all proposed sewer and drainage easements. Label as "proposed" with a size/width measurement. Comment addressed. 32. [32.5.2 (1)] Please show the location of all proposed utility easements. Label as "proposed" with a size/width measurement. Comment addressed. 33. [32.5.2 (n)] Please state the proposed surface materials for all parking lots, travel ways, walkways, etc. in a label on the site plan drawings. Comment addressed. 34. [32.7.9] All landscaping such as streets trees proposed along Roads A and B, and within the buffer along Polo Grounds Road will be reviewed and approved with the road plan application, SUB201700117. These items should not be included in the Landscape Schedules on Sheets C-700 through C-704. Comment addressed. a. Please include a label stating which landscaping items are proposed with the Block 4A site plans, and which are part of the road plan application. Comment addressed. 35. [32.7.9] Please move the Landscaping notes in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102 to the Landscape drawings. Refer to the following comments #36 and #37 below for changes to the current calculations shown. Comment addressed. 36. [ Please provide a calculation for the amount of landscaping required and proposed within the site in order to comply with the minimum 5% for landscaping required within a parking area. Comment addressed. a. [ (a)] Please provide a calculation for the minimum number of trees required within the parking area based on the number of proposed parking spaces. As a reminder, one (1) large or medium shade tree is required per ten (10) parking spaces or portion thereof. Comment addressed. 37. (a)] Please provide a calculation for the minimum tree canopy required and proposed in Block 4A based on the proposed density of residential uses. It appears that the proposed density of Block 4A is 18.5 du/acre, which means that the minimum tree canopy is 15%, not 10% as currently stated on Sheet C-102. Comment not addressed. Block 4A tree canopy is 15%, not 10% as stated on Sheet C-703 based on the proposed density of DU/acre. Please revise the Landscape Plans to comply with this requirement. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 38. [General Comment] Please be aware that the TMP numbers and parcel acreages may change between the initial and final site plans. The developers have stated that they will subdivide a large parcel for Block 4A in the near future. Staff may request that the tax map numbers, parcel acreages, and ownership information be updated on the final site plan to reflect any recorded plats that may be approved prior to final site plan approval. Comment not fully addressed. A two -lot subdivision plat and boundary line adjustment is still under review; final site plan must be updated with boundaries and Deed Book and Page references after approval and recordation of subdivision plat across all applicable drawings. Rev. 1: BLA plat still under review and is not vet approved and recorded. See comment #2 above for further details regarding revisions that must be made to final site plan regarding TMP numbers, acreage, and deed book and page references. 39. [32.5.2 (n)] Please state the height of all proposed fences in the labels used on the drawings. Profile view details of all proposed fences and constructed screening measures will be required with the final site plan. Each will need to show the types of materials used and dimensions. Comment addressed. 40. [32.5.2 (p)] Please add Figure 4 from Section 2.4.2 (page 19) of the Code of Development to the Landscape plans. Comment no longer applicable. Supplemental planting cross section shown on plans for Route 29 buffer. 41. [ (e)] Please provide additional shrubs that will screen the seventy-two parking spaces visible from Road A on the south side of Block 4A. The shrubs should be planted between the proposed parking and the public street. Comment no longer applicable, the original parking lot has been relocated and is now behind the buildings in Block 4A. 42. [ (a)(2)] The seventy-two parking spaces on the south side of Block 4A need to be screened from the future Block 8A. Please show landscaping and/or fencing along the grass strip on the north side of the travel way that is proposed at the south end of Block 4A. Comment no longer applicable, the original parking lot has been relocated and is now behind the buildings in Block 4A. a. Any proposed vegetation must comply with the minimum sizes set forth in Section 18- (c). Fencing used for screening must comply with Section 18- (e). Comment no longer applicable, the original parking lot has been relocated and is now behind the buildings in Block 4A. b. Please be aware that if only vegetation will be used for screening, the strip of land separating the parking area from the travel way between Block 4A and Block 8A does not appear to be large enough (twenty feet wide) to accommodate the minimum depth and spacing requirements for a double staggered row of landscaping as set forth in Section 6 (d). Please provide additional information on how the parking will be screened in compliance with the Code. Comment no longer applicable, the original parking lot has been relocated and is now behind the buildings in Block 4A. 43. [ Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping shall be installed by the first planting season following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development." Comment addressed. 44. Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or a property owners' association, and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan." Comment addressed. 45. [32.7.91 Please revise the Landscape drawings, Sheets C-700 through C-704 so that each drawing has a Landscape Schedule that specifies the species, quantity, and spacing of landscaping proposed only on that drawing. a. Please revise all Landscape Schedules so that the Botanical Name and Common Name of each species is included, the proposed caliper and height at time of installation. Comment not fully addressed. Section and Section require a minimum caliper for large shade trees to be between 1 '/2 - 1 1/4" at time of installation. Medium shade trees may be installed at calipers between 1" — 1 1/4." Please add a column to the Landscape Schedules stating whether the proposed tree species are medium or large shade trees. If any large shade trees are proposed, please revise the calipers within the Landscape Schedules on Sheets C-701 and C-702 to show calipers meeting the minimum requirement. Please revise. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. b. Please add a column to the Landscape Schedules stating the spacing requirements for street trees, in accordance with Section 2.8.1 and 3.2.1 of the Code of Development, and Section the Zoning Ordinance. As a reminder, one large shade tree is required every 50' of road frontage per the Zoning Ordinance. Comment not applicable, tree spacing requirements and installation will be accomplished through the road plans under review in SUB201700117. 46. 132.6.2 (h)] Please provide a signature panel with a line for each member of the Site Review Committee. Comment addressed. 47. [32.7.8 and 4.17] The final site plan will need to include a lighting plan showing all proposed outdoor lighting locations, luminaire types, heights, footcandle measurements inside of the property and along all proposed property lines, and include manufacturer specifications demonstrating compliance with full -cutoff standards in accordance with Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. See Planning comments below and ARB comments regarding errors on the Lighting Plans. The Lighting Plan shows footcandle spillover exceeding the maximum permitted 0.5 footcandles within the Archer Avenue public right of way adjacent to Block 4B, and within the Stella Lane public right of way ad to Block 4A. Please revise the plans so that the maximum footcandle measurement within any portion of public right of ways does not exceed 0.5 footcandles. Rev. 1: Spillover is still higher than 0.5 footcandles at the driveway entrance onto Archer Avenue. Please revise the lighting to comply with the maximum footcandle requirement. The Luminaire Schedules on Sheets C-704 and C-705 do not provide the lumens of the three proposed luminaires. This information must be shown to verify compliance with Section 4.17.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Two new luminaries have been added to the plans, and the schedule on Sheets C-704 and C-705 does not include figures for the lumens, LLF, and luminaire watts. Please include this information in the table. Additionally, there appears to onlv be 72 Model D lights provided, not 76 as stated in the Luminaire Schedule. Please add a column to the Luminaire Schedules on Sheets C-704 and C-705 stating the lamp type (e.g. LED, metal halide fluorescent, etc.) to verify compliance with Section 4.17.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed this column and information was not added to the Luminaire Schedules on either sheet. Please provide documentation that any luminaire exceeding 3,000 lumens will be equipped with a full cutoff shield, in compliance with Section 4.17.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Comments from SDP20180018 Brookhill Block 4B Initial Site Plan Action Letter: [General Comment] Please see VDOT comment #1 regarding the driveway entrance proposed along Stella Lane for Block 4B. The entrance does not meet the required minimum spacing distance of 225' for separation from the roundabout. VDOT staff have stated that Access Management Exception requests typically do not get approved for new developments along new roads. As such, the design of the site may need to shift in order to provide greater separation between the Block 4B driveway and the roundabout. Comment may be addressed, pending VDOT approval. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. a. Per VDOT correspondence with Planning staff, the initial site plan can be approved so long as the driveway is shifted and shown on the final site plans in accordance with the 225' minimum spacing requirement. Planning staff would like to discuss this further at the Site Review Committee meeting to verify that this condition can be met on the final site plan. Comment may be addressed, pending VDOT approval. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 2. 132.5.2 (a)] Please revise the owner name listed on the Cover Sheet because it is incorrect. Albemarle County GIS identifies the owners of TMP 46-19B3 and TMP 46-19B4 as Crockett Corporation, address of 435 Park Street, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Comment addressed. 3. [32.5.2 (a)] The "Height of All Structures" section of the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102 is incorrect. Table from page 17 of the Brookhill Code of Development that states that there is a maximum building height of 4 stories/60' by right or 5 stories/70' with a special exception for Block 4. a. Table of the Code of Development also states that buildings greater than 3 stories must step back a minimum of 15' after the third story or provide a minimum 15 foot front setback or side setback adjacent to the street. The site plan says all buildings are proposed to be 4 stories, and each building appears to meet the minimum setbacks that eliminates the stepback requirement. This comment is for information purposes only; please be aware that if buildings move closer to the property lines and no longer meet the setback requirement, the stepback may be required during final site plan review. Comment addressed. b. As stated on page 17 of the Code of Development, buildings exceeding three (3) stories shall require a 26' wide, exclusive of shoulders, aerial fire apparatus access road that is no more than 30' from the building to meet Fire and Rescue Regulations. Comment addressed. 4. [32.5.2 (a)] There is currently a two -lot division plat under review to create the Block 4B parcel, and this may be approved and recorded prior to final site plan submittal. On the final site plan, please show and label all parcel boundaries with dimensions for the Block 4B. Please be aware that the TMP numbers and parcel acreages may change between the initial and final site plans. Staff may request that the tax map numbers, parcel acreages, and ownership information be updated on the final site plan to reflect any recorded plats that may be approved prior to final site plan approval. Comment not fully addressed. Two -lot subdivision blat and boundary line adiustment is still under review: final site elan must be updated with boundaries and Deed Book and Page references after approval and recordation of subdivision plat across all applicable drawings. Rev. 1: BLA plat still under review and is not vet approved and recorded. See previous comments #2 and #38 above for further details regarding revisions that must be made to final site plan regarding TMP numbers, acreage, and deed book and page references. [32.5.2 (i)] The road plans for Stella Lane and Road A have not yet been approved by the County, but this is required prior to approval of the final site plan. Please be aware that the final site plan will need to accurately depict all improvements within the right-of-ways. Please refer to the attached VDOT comment letter for additional information. a. Please shade out all road improvements that are subject to review and approval with the road plan application. Add labels to all applicable drawings stating that Stella Lane and Road A are proposed/under review and are shown for clarity purposes only on the initial site plan for Block 4B. The roads are currently under review as part of road plan SUB201700117. Comment not fully addressed, SUB201700117 still under review. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. b. State "proposed public right-of-way" in the labels for Stella Lane and Road A. Comment not fully addressed. "Proposed public ROW" labels not shown for Stella or Archer. Rev. 1: Please update the road labels on Sheets C-301 and C-302 so they state "Proposed public right of way reserved for future dedication upon demand by the County." c. All construction details, road profiles, etc. related to the design/construction of Stella Lane and Road A improvements within the proposed public right-of-way will be approved through SUB201700117. These details do not need to be included with the initial site plan. Comment addressed. 6. 132.5.2 (a)] On Sheet C-100, please add the ZMA application number under the "Code of Development" section. The approved application number is ZMA201500007. Comment addressed. a. On Sheet C-100, the revision date shown for the Code of Development is incorrect. The approved Code of Development had a final revision date of October 13, 2016. Please amend the label. Comment addressed. 7. 132.5.2 (a)] Proffer 4 requires 15% of the total residential units constructed within Brookhill to be affordable housing. Please provide information on whether any affordable housing units will be within Blocks 4A/4B. If none, please provide staff with an update on the status of how this proffer will be met. Comment not fully addressed. Please provide staff with an update on whether affordable units will be provided in Block 4 as a note on Sheet C-102. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 132.5.2 (a)] On Sheet C-100, please state the Special Use Permit application number that was approved to allow grading activities in the Flood Hazard Overlay District. The approved application number is SP201500025 and the County approval date was November 9, 2016. Comment addressed. 9. 132.5.2 (a)] Please amend the "Zoning and Overlay Districts" in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. It should state Neighborhood Model Development District as the primary zoning district. Block 4B also lies within the following overlay districts: EC - Entrance Corridor Overlay, AIA — Airport Impact Overlay, the Managed and Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District, and the FH — Flood Hazard Overlay. Comment addressed. 10. [32.5.2 (a)] Please amend the "Associated Plans" section in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. It should be titled "Proffers and Code of Development ZMA201500007" and should state the November 9, 2016 approval date by the County next to the Brookhill Code of Development. It should also state "Special use Permit SP201500025" with the approval date of November 9, 2016. Comment addressed. 11. 132.5.2 (a)] Please add a line to the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102 titled "Block Classification" with "Urban Density Residential" as the block type for Block 413, as stipulated by the Brookhill Code of Development. Comment addressed. 12. [32.5.2 (a)] Please amend the Building Yard Setbacks section in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. Please insert Table from page 17 of the Brookhill Code of Development that states the correct minimum and maximum setbacks for Block 4. Comment not fully addressed. A variation to the rear setbacks in Block 4 is currently under review. The setback table on Sheet C-102 may need to be revised if the variation is approved and the required setbacks change. Rev. 1: Comment addressed, both variations (including Block 4 rear setback variation) were approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 5, 2018. 13. [32.5.2 (a)] Please remove the "Off Street Parking/Loading Space Yard Setbacks" section from the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. Please add the minimum setbacks and notes for parking as an accessory use from the Relegated Parking Guidelines table from Section 2.9, page 27 of the Code of Development. Comment addressed. 14. 132.5.2 (b)] Please amend the "Proposed Use" section in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. The proposed use should be "multi -family dwellings" and should state the number of bedrooms proposed (i.e. 75 1-bedroom units and 96 2-bedroom units). Comment addressed. 15. [32.5.2 (b)] Please state the square footage and acreage occupied by each use in Block 413 on Sheet C-102. This includes residential uses (including square feet of individual buildings), ancillary uses (including recreational areas), non-residential uses, parking and vehicle circulation areas, percentage of open space, etc. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. a. Please be aware that recreation areas are classified as ancillary uses to residential uses, per Section 2.2.2 (page 10) of the Code of Development. Per Table 5 Density Regulations (Page 15), ancillary uses do not count against the maximum non-residential square footage permitted in each block. Comment not fully addressed. No non-residential sauare footage/use is being provided in Block 4 accordina to this final site elan. Recreational uses are classified as 9 ancillary uses and do not count against the maximum permitted non-residential square footage. The "Remaining Available Non -Residential" figure should be revised to state 15,000 sq.ft. per Table 5 on page 15 of the COD. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. b. Please clarify the types and sizes of recreation facilities proposed between Blocks 4A and 4B (i.e. pool, tot lot, basketball courts). If indoor fitness facilities or meeting spaces will be provided in any of the buildings, this counts toward the minimum recreation square footage of required recreation space. Comment not fully addressed. Please clarify the "Amenity Area" portion of the "Site Use Area Tabulations" on Sheet C-102. No non-residential square footage/use is being provided in Block 4 according to this final site plan. Recreational uses are classified as ancillary uses and do not count against the maximum permitted non-residential square footage. Is the "Other" figure supposed to represent the area of open space that will be provided in Block 4 to meet the minimum recreation requirements? Rev. 1: Comment addressed. c. Sheet C-102 states that a 16,000 square foot pool area is proposed, but this is not shown on the plans. Is this a reference to the pool proposed in Block 4A? Comment addressed. 16. [32.5.2 (b)] Please state the permitted and proposed gross residential density of Block 4/4B in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. Per Table 5 Density Regulations (page 15) of the Code of Development, the permitted density range of Block 4 is 6-34 units/acre. Rev. 1: Once the BLA plat is approved and the new lot is created that will contain both Block 4A and 4B, please verify that the acreage figures and proposed residential density is accurate on Sheet C-102. a. The total number of proposed residential dwelling units should be clearly stated in the density calculation. Comment addressed_ b. Please state the proposed square footage of non-residential uses proposed in Block 4, and state the remaining available non-residential use square footage allowed in Block 4, per Table 5 of the Code of Development. Comment not fully addressed. No non-residential square footage/use is being provided in Block 4 according to this final site plan. Recreational uses are classified as ancillary uses and do not count against the maximum permitted non-residential square footage. The "Remaining Available Non -Residential" figure should be revised to state 15,000 sq.ft. per Table 5 on bane 15 of the COD. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 17. [32.5.2 (b)] No loading spaces are shown, will any be provided? Any loading spaces must meet the design standards specified in Section 18-4.12.13 of the Zoning Ordinance. Comment addressed. 18. [32.5.1 (c)] Please show the boundaries and dimensions of all Managed and Preserved Steep Slopes and wetland areas on the site plan. Comment not fully addressed. Preserved steep slopes are not shown across all drawings. Please revise the plans. Rev. 1: See Engineering comment #4 regarding disturbances of preserved steep slopes in Block 4B. The grading drawings show disturbances to Preserved Steep Slopes in the upper corner of that parcel. Refer to County Code Section 30.7.4.b.l.h regarding submission of new topographic information showing slopes less than 25%. Proposed disturbance to preserved steep slopes as shown is not permitted. 19. [32.5.2 (f)] Please state whether the property lies within a water supply watershed on Sheet C-102. Comment addressed. 20. [32.7.7 & ZMA2015000071 There was a comment made in error regarding recreational requirements during the review of the initial site plan for Block 4A. Please refer to the attached PDF titled Brookhill Zoning Map Amendment ZMA2015-007 — Requestfor Substitution ofRequired Recreational Amenities, dated 9/21/2015, revised May 16, 2016, and prepared by Collins Engineering. Comment addressed. a. This request was approved to allow the proposed substitutions to the minimum civic space and recreation requirements listed in Section 2.4.3 of the Code of Development. It allowed a substitution of the specific types of amenities required for recreational purposes. The Proposed Amenities listed in each Civic Space are the specific recreational items that can go in the parks to meet the County's minimum recreational requirements. This substitution request did not waive the minimum 10,000 sq. ft. recreational amenity requirement for the first 650 apartments in Brookhill as required by the Code of Development. Comment addressed. b. Per Section 2.4.3 of the Code of Development, 10,000 sq. ft. of recreational space must be provided with the multi- family development portion of Block 4. The recreation requirement can be a combination of the amenities listed in the table on page 22 of the Code of Development. Based on the proposed pool square footage listed on Sheet C-102, it appears that this requirement is being met between Blocks 4A/4B. Please verify whether there will be any other 10 square footage of recreational amenities provided in Blocks 4A/4B, including indoor gyms that may be located inside of the leasing office, indoor or outdoor meeting space, etc. Prior to final site plan approval for either block, the plans must demonstrate that a minimum of 10,000 sq. ft. of recreational amenities are provided between these blocks. Comment addressed. 21. 132.5.2 (e)] Please provide more details about the existing landscape features as described in Section 18- Sheet C- 401 shows grading within the 30' planted/reforested portion of the buffer and some areas of the 70' undisturbed buffer. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. a. [ZMA201500007 and 32.5.2 (e)] In accordance with page 33 of the Code of Development Section 3.2.3, please provide the locations, species, and sizes of existing trees with diameter at breast heights greater than 18 inches within the Route 29 buffer and the greenway area at the north of Block 4B. Comment not fully addressed. The existing conditions, grading, and landscaping drawings do not identify an, qualifying vegetation. Please verify whether these features exist, and if so, show the locations, species, and sizes of existing trees with diameter at breast heights greater than 18 inches within the Route 29 buffer and the er�y area at the north of Block 4B. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. b. Staff has been informed that the existing treeline does not occupy the entire 70' portion. As discussed via email with Ryan Yauger on July 28, 2017, the applicants were to provide an arborist report or drawings that show the species, density, and locations of existing vegetation in the 70' portion. The applicants stated that they may need to perform some grading in the 70' portion of Block 4A, and staff stated that disturbances to the 70' buffer may be permitted if additional landscaping needs to be installed. However, this will require approval from the Director of Community Development, as specified in Section 2.4.2 (page 19) of the Code of Development. Comment addressed. c. The Albemarle County Conservation Plan Checklist and Chapter 3.38 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control handbook. The Conservation Plan Checklist will need to be signed by the owners and provided as an exhibit on the final site plan for Blocks 4A/4B. Comment not fully addressed. Please provide a signed version of the Conservation Plan Checklist as an inset somewhere on the landscaping plans. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 22. [32.5.2 (a)] The building setback lines shown on the plans are incorrect, per Table of the Code of Development. Please amend the minimum and maximum setback line locations across all applicable drawings. Label each setback line as a front, side, corner side, or rear setback and state the dimensions in the label. Setbacks should be measured from the proposed right-of-way. Comment not fully addressed. The setback lines may need to be amended pending BOS approval of the variation to the setback requirements of Block 4. Rev. 1: Comment addressed, both variations (including Block 4 rear setback variation) were approved by the Board of Supervisors on September 5, 2018. 23. [32.5.2 (n)] Please add sidewalks within the driveway that connect to the Road A sidewalks on the final site plan. Comment addressed. 24. [32.5.2 (n)] Pedestrian crosswalks must be provided at all locations within the site where ramps connect sidewalks on opposite sides of vehicular travel ways. Comment addressed. a. Please label the dimensions and surface materials in compliance with the County's design standards. Comment addressed. 25. 132.5.2 (n)] On the site plan drawings, please label and call out the locations of the primary and secondary building entrances to each apartment building in accordance with the Urban Density Residential block regulations Section 2.2.2 (page 10) of the Code of Development. Comment addressed. a. Depending on building entrance locations, additional sidewalks may be required to connect entrances to the sidewalks within the Stella Lane and Road A right of ways. Comment addressed. 26. [32.5.2 (n)] Please provide dimensions of the trash compactor/dumpster pad area in compliance with the minimum design standards set forth in Section 4.12.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. It does not appear that the concrete pad required by Section 4.12.19 extends at least 8' past the end of the compactor. Comment addressed. 27. [32.5.2 (n)] Will the trash compactor be located within a roofed/walled enclosure? Dumpster pads must be screened in accordance with Section 32.7.9. Please provide a cut -sheet detail on the final site plan showing the dimensions and materials of any constructed enclosures that will be used to screen the compactor. Comment not fully addressed. Please see ARB 11 comments. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 28. 132.5.2 (k)] Please show the location of all proposed sewer and drainage easements. Label as "proposed" with a size/width measurement. Comment addressed. 29. 132.5.2 (1)] Please show the location of all proposed utility easements. Label as "proposed" with a size/width measurement. Comment addressed. 30. 132.5.2 (n)] Please state the proposed surface materials for all parking lots, travel ways, walkways, etc. in a label on the site plan drawings. Comment addressed. 31. [32.7.91 All required street trees within the right of way of Stella Lane and Road A will be reviewed and approved with the road plan application, SUB201700117. The final site plan should contain labels stating which landscaping items are proposed with the Block 4/413 site plan, and which are part of the road plan application. Comment addressed. 32. 132.5.2 (n)] Please state the height of all proposed fences and retaining walls in the labels used on the drawings. Profile view details of all proposed fences, retaining walls, and constructed screening measures will be required with the final site plan. Each will need to show the types of materials used and dimensions. Comment addressed. 33. [32.7.9] Please move the Landscaping notes in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102 to the Landscape drawings. Refer to the following comments #38-40 below for changes to the current calculations shown. Comment addressed. 34. [ (a)] Please revise the calculation for the minimum number of trees required within the parking area based on the number of proposed parking spaces on Sheet C-702. 305 parking spaces are required, which means 31 trees must be provided in the parking area. As a reminder, one (1) large or medium shade tree is required per ten (10) parking spaces or portion thereof. Comment not fully addressed. Sheet C-703 states that 31 parking lot trees are provided in the lot for Block 413, but staff only counts 30 trees on the Landscape Plan. Please verify the quantity provided and revise the trees provided column if necessary. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. There are 37 qualifying shade trees provided throughout the Block 4B parking lot but the figure in the table on Sheet C-701 only states 31. Please revise. Additionally, the chart on C-701 states that 233 parking spaces are provided in Block 4B, but there are actually 293, please revise this chart and state that 29 trees are required and 293 parking spaces are provided. On Sheet C-702, the number of parking spaces provided is incorrect — it should state 266 parking spaces are provided in Block 4A, and 26 trees are required. 35. [32.7.9] Please revise the calculations on Sheet C-702. The landscape schedules do not include a column that states the canopy coverage area per plant species. The canopy area for each species can be found on the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List and Albemarle County Plants Canopy Calculations tables. PDFs of these documents can be accessed through the Department of Community Development webpage: LINK. a. Staff cannot verify if the provided trees meet the minimum 5% canopy required for the parking lot without the canopy figures shown on the drawings. Comment addressed. 36. [ (a)] On Sheet C-702, please provide a calculation for the minimum tree canopy required and proposed in Block 4B based on the proposed density of residential uses. It appears that the proposed density of Block 4B is 22.79 du/acre, which means that the minimum tree canopy is 10%. a. [ (b)] Please provide a Landscape Schedule on Sheet C-702 that lists the Botanical Name and Common Name of each species is included, the proposed caliper and height at time of installation, and the canopy coverage area per plant species as stated on the Albemarle County Plants Canopy Calculations. Comment not fully addressed. Please see ARB comment regarding revisions to the Landscape Schedule calculations on Sheet C-703. Rev. 1: See ARB comments regarding errors in the Landscape Schedules on Sheets C-701, C-702, and C-703. Some proposed species have been omitted from the landscape schedules, and others have incorrect quantities provided. The Landscape Plans provided with the final site plan must match the ARB plans currently under review. The ARB comments include a copy of each landscape drawing with markups from staff identifying quantities of 12 species that are incorrect/do not match the amount of plants provided on the drawing. 37. 132.5.2 (p)] Please revise the Buffer Compliance Chart on Sheet C-702. It should state that the buffer requirements come from the approved ZMA201500007 Code of Development. Comment addressed. 38. [ Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping shall be installed by the first planting season following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development." Comment addressed. 39. Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or a property owners' association, and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan." Comment addressed. 40. 132.6.2 (h)] Please provide a signature panel with a line for each member of the Site Review Committee. A copy of the SRC signature panel template is attached. Comment addressed. 41. [32.7.8 and 4.17] The final site plan will need to include a lighting plan showing all proposed outdoor lighting locations, luminaire types, heights, footcandle measurements inside of the property and along all proposed property lines, and include manufacturer specifications demonstrating compliance with full -cutoff standards in accordance with Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. See Planning comments below in addition to the ARB comments regarding errors on the Lighting Plans. The Lighting Plan shows footcandle spillover exceeding the maximum permitted 0.5 footcandles within the Archer Avenue public right of way adjacent to Block 413, and within the Stella Lane public right of way adjacent to Block 4A. Please revise the plans so that the maximum footcandle measurement within any portion of public right of ways does not exceed 0.5 footcandles. Rev. 1: Spillover is still higher than 0.5 footcandles at the driveway entrance onto Archer Avenue. Please revise the lighting to comply with the maximum footcandle requirement. The Luminaire Schedules on Sheets C-704 and C-705 do not provide the lumens of the three proposed luminaires. This information must be shown to verify compliance with Section 4.17.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Two ne luminaries have been added to the plans, and the schedule on Sheets C-704 and C-705 does not include figures for the lumens, LLF, and luminaire watts. Please include this information in the table. Additionally, there appears to only be 72 Model D lights provided, not 76 as stated in the Luminaire Schedule. Please add a column to the Luminaire Schedules on Sheets C-704 and C-705 stating the lamp type (e.g. LED, metal halide, fluorescent, etc.,) to verify compliance with Section 4.17.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed, this column and information was not added to the Luminaire Schedules on either sheet. Please provide documentation that any luminaire exceeding 3,000 lumens will be equipped with a full cutoff shield, in compliance with Section 4.17.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 42. [32.5.2 (o) and ZMA201500007] Table 2 on page 6 of the Code of Development identifies the minimum Greenspace/amenity area requirements that must be met in Block 4 (0.2 acres of civic/parks, 3.4 acres of greenway, 1.9 acres of open space, 2.9 acres of buffer). The approved Application Plan shows a portion of the required 3.4 acre greenway located within Block 4B. a. The site plan does not identify the greenspace (particularly the greenway) area boundary. Please identify the overall greenspace boundary on the drawings and label "greenspace and future greenway area per ZMA20150007 Code of Development." Comment not fully addressed. Please show the rely and greenspace boundary across all drawings and include a label. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Features now shown on Sheet C-106A. b. Per Section 2.4 and 2.4.1 on page 18 of the Code of Development, the greenway encompasses all land within the 100 foot stream buffer, wetlands, and all land located within the floodplain. Are any of these features located within the proposed parcel boundary of Block 413? If so, identify them on the plans. Comment not fully addressed. The final site plan does not specify whether these features are within the proposed parcel boundary of Block 4. The Brookhill Application Plan shows some open space within Block 4 boundaries. Will the new parcel boundary of Block 4B include some of the open space area shown on the Application Plan that lies outside of the future greenway area? In 13 order to minimize issues with the minimum acreage of greenspace required in Block 4, staff suggests incorporating some of the open space outside of the erg enway into the northern portion of the Block 4B parcel that is currently under review as a two -lot division. Please see comment #42c below for additional information. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Sheet C-106A shows the areas with Greenspace/Amenity features. Please be aware that when Block 4C gets developed, the acreages of greenspace features may change in the table for Block 4A and 4B depending on where future parcel boundaries lie. c. Please expand the Block Area Summary on Sheet C-106 to include all the columns contained in Table 2 of the Code of Development. The proposed acreages of each feature should also be stated so that staff can verify compliance with the minimum requirements for greenspace/amenities, as well as the development area requirements (maximum 19.0 acres overall through Block 4). Comment not fully addressed. Per Table 2 on Page 6 of the Code of Development, no block size shall be modified more than 15% of the gross land area shown in Table 2. Sheet C-106 says that the proposed Block 4 total acreage is 21.6 acres, which is a 21% modification. Additionally, the Block Area Summary does not state the proposed acreage of Greenspace/Amenities being provided in Block 4. The 100' Route 29 buffer is a portion of the required minimum open space. In order to address the COD requirements for providing the minimum acreage of greenspace in Block 4, an easement must be recorded over the 100' Route 29 buffer in Block 4 with a deed that dedicates it to the Brookhill HOA. Please submit an easement plat to be reviewed, approved, and recorded. Rev. 1: Comment partially addressed. The 15% modification comment no longer applies since the acreage change is within the permitted 15% modification. However, the table does not state the amount of Greenspace/Amenities required and Greenspace/Amenities proposed. It only state what appears to be proposed. Please add columns with the required acreage for each item, per the COD, and then state the proposed acreages of each. Furthermore, the deed of dedication for the buffer easement must be included with the easement plat requested in previous comments. d. Per proffer #2A, the greenway portion of the overall greenspace area must be dedicated to the County for public use through a deed of dedication and easement but not prior to the issuance of the 500' permit for a dwelling within the project. The proffer states that portions of the greenway may be voluntarily dedicated sooner through a subdivision plat. Please provide more information on the anticipated timing and method of dedication for the public greenway easement within Block 4B. Comment not fully addressed. Please respond to this comment letter and provide a timeline for when the greenway will be dedicated. It could partially be done now in order to satisfy the minimum greenspace acreage required in Block4 (as mentioned in the above comment) or it could be done later. Please do not hesitate to contact staff with questions about these comments. Rev. 1: Per applicant response, the greenway area will be dedicated to the County via an easement plat at a later date following Block 4 final site plan approval but prior to the issuance of the 5001" permit for a dwelling unit. 43. [ZMA201500007] The site plan is proposing to count the parking spaces inside of the garages and the spaces in front of the garages toward meeting the required minimum parking count. Will the garages be leased in combination with specific units (so that lessees have designated parking spaces)? It is possible that these parking spaces may not county toward meeting the minimum requirement of the Zoning Ordinance if the garages and the associated stacked parking will not be assigned to specific units upon rental. Comment not fully addressed. This requested information was not provided. Please verify whether the garages will be leased in combination with specific units (so that lessees have designated parkin spaces). paces,). It is possible that these parking spaces may not county toward meeting the minimum requirement of the Zoning Ordinance if the garages and the associated stacked parking will not be assigned to specific units upon rental. Rev. 1: Comment addressed, applicant has confirmed that garages will be leased to specific units upon rental. 44. [ZMA201500007] Section 2.13 of the Code of Development states that the historic marker to commemorate the Brookhill manor house shall be installed with the first phase of development. Please provide Planning & Zoning staff with information on whether this marker will be installed and shown as a feature on the final site plan for Blocks 4AAB or Block 3. As a reminder, the Code of Development requires the marker to be installed either within the public right of way or public open space, and it shall be designed in accordance with DHR guidelines for design and character of the historic marker. Comment addressed. The historic marker will be installed along the public road leading to Block 3A, which is currently under road plan application and final site plan application review. 45. [ZMA201500007 — Proffer #1E] Please provide an update regarding the proposed timing for construction and installation 14 of the transit stop. The Brookhill Application Plan shows a generalized location for the transit stop at the northeast corner of the traffic circle at the intersection of Archer Avenue and Stella Lane. The proffer states that the transit stop shall feature certain improvements including a shelter, rest bench, pedestrian access, and signage. Furthermore, the stop shall be installed and completed concurrently with the installation of roads and sidewalks within Block 1. Comment not fully addressed. The road plans for Stella Lane and Archer Avenue are under review. Per the last road plan application review, staff requested that a pull -off be added to Stella Lane to accommodate a bus stop/future transit stop. This comment will be addressed once SUB201700117 is approved. Rev. 1: This comment will be addressed once the road plans are approved. a. Please contact the County's transportation planner, Kevin McDermott, at kmcdermott@albemarle.org or 434-296- 5832 ext. 3414 for assistance with coordinating the stop location and design with Charlottesville Area Transit (CAT). Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Please contact Cameron Langille at the Department of Community Development at blan ig llegalbemarle.org or 296- 5832 ext. 3432 for further information. Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — Emily Cox, ecox(&albemarle.org— Requested Changes, see attached. Albemarle County Information Services (E911) —Andrew Walker, awalker@albemarle.org—Requested Changes, see attached. Albemarle County Building Inspections — Michael Dellinger, mdellinger&albemarle.org — No Objection. Albemarle County Planning Services (Architectural Review Board) — Heather McMahon, hmcmahon&albemarle.org — Requested Changes, see attached. Albemarle County Service Authority — Richard Nelson, rnelson&serviceauthorib org — ACSA has sent comments directly to the applicant. 15