HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800164 Correspondence 2019-06-21 ROUDABUSH, GALE &ASSOCIATES, INC. A
LAND SURVEYING Serving Virginia Since 1956
172 SOl'I'I I CAN FOPS DRIVE.s tE..% 914 MON I ICEI.1.0 ROAD
JI\I L.I:\(i(iARI.lit. CIIARLO1-1I)SVII.I.E,VA 22911 CI LYRLOTRiSVII.LE.VA 22902 \\II.I.IAM J.u:DUE1"11'.R.I..s.
DON PRA\(U.P.E. PI IONE(434)97941121 Pill/NE(434)977-020> BRIAN D.J:1\IIS(IN.L.S.
DAVID NI.ROBINSON.P.I.. FAX(434)979.1681 1A\(434)296-522(1 KRIS IOPIIER('.\\'INIFRS.L.S.
Mr.Andy Reitelbach,Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
RE: SUB-201800164 Old Trail Block 32
Request for Private Street Authorization
Dear Mr.Reitelbach,
In accordance with Section 14-233 of the Albemarle County Code of Ordinances,we are requesting the authorization of private
streets in Block 32 of Old Trail Village. Justification for the request is below.
• Section 14-233(A)(1)(i)(ii)
The proposed Block 32 private streets would provide a streetscape that is consistent with the previously
approved blocks within Old Trail. Prior development includes interconnectivity between public and private
streets in multiple areas,such as Block 14,East Village,and Block 27.The proposed subdivision design will
allow Old Trail to better achieve density goals of the both the ZMA and the County comprehensive plan.
In accordance with Section 14-234(C),the proposed private streets in Block 32 satisfy each of the five requirements stated in this
(1) These private streets will be adequately constructed to carry the traffic volume expected.The streets in Block 32
were designed using traffic volumes according to ITE trip generation calculations(9th ed.).The designs for these
private streets meet VDOT standards for public and private road widths.
(2) The ZMA for Old Trail does not require public streets in the approximate location of the proposed private streets.
The use of private streets in Block 32 allows us to meet the ZMA development density goals and be consistent
with the,comprehensive plan.
(3) The ownership and maintenance associated with these private streets will be by the Old Trail Homeowners
(4) These private streets are not intended to be through street for neighborhood traffic,but rather provide rear access
to amenity fronted lots. The primary travel way for Block 32 is along the proposed public road Bishopgate Lane.
(5) The flood hazard overlay district requirements are not applicable for these private streets.
Thank you for your consideration regarding this request.Please feel free to contact me with any questions. .
91007, •
Jeremy L. Fox,EIT
For Roudabush Gale&Assoc.,Inc.
LAND SURVEYING Serving Virginia Sinee 1956
11AI L.L\<i(iAK1.1'.I.. ('IIARI. IiSVll.l.li,VA 2.4I1 CI IARL(I rrEsvll.LI:.VA 22902 1111.1.1;\AI J.Irinti;n .R.I..s.
DUN PRAN('O.RE. PIIONE(434)974.8121 PHONE 1434)977.0205 • BRIAN D.J:\\IISON.L.S.
DAVIT)Al.ROl3INSON.P.I:. FAX(434)479161?I FAX(434)246_3220
Mr.Andy Reitelbach, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
RE: SUB-201800164'Old Trail Block 32
Request for Variation of Sec. 14-422(sidewalk and planting strip)
Dear Mr. Reitelbach,
Please see below our justification for the requested variations.
Sec. 14-203.1 (B.) Variation from sec. 14-422.requirement.
(1.) Request for a variation. In accordance with section 14-422,we are requesting a waiver for the requirement of planting
strip and sidewalk along the southeast portion of private street Bishopgate Extended.
(2.) Findings required for a variation. The Block 32 private street Bishopgate Extended serves as frontage for the
northwestern lots as well as a secondary emergency access for fire and rescue.The overall intent to provide
interconnectivity for pedestrian access and the required street landscaping will still be met with this waiver.
Sec. 14-422(E.) Variation to sidewalk requirements.
• (2.) Consideration. (iii.)We believe the location of the sidewalk is appropriate where it is shown on one side of the street.
The requested waiver of sidewalk on the other side does not provide frontage or any reasonable access within the Block
32 development. (iv.)The waiver of the sidewalk requirement will still provide reasonable connections to the existing
pedestrian system.(viii.)The waiver of the sidewalk requirement will still meet the intent of the comprehensive plan
and the neighborhood model by providing pedestrian access and county design requirements.
Sec. 14-422(F.) Variation to planting strip requirements.
(2.) Consideration. (ii.)It is our hope that upon further review of the request for a waiver regarding these requirements,a
sidewalk waiver will be granted, in turn granting us a planting strip waiver along Bishopgate Extended.
Thank you for your consideration regarding this request for a waiver.Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
9fruvivrt je
Jeremy L. Fox,EIT
For Roudabush Gale&Assoc., Inc.
i J
Roudabush Gale Assoc.pliexible Pavement Design Evaluation Worksheet Page 1
Project: Old Trail-BLK32
Date: 19-Dec-18
Street( or section): rBLK32=Bicknell Sf;Raynor PI, StedhamJ2!,Charnwo_od�Sti
Chancery tn-Bishopgate Ext
Testing Firm: ,(assumed for design purpose) �_^^
Testing Date(s): 1
Design ADT Soil Support
Average Daily Traffic, or VPD: 1 _133 _ Measured CBR 1 5
Present Year: I �2018 �� Results: 2 _
Design Year: 2018 3 - v~
Growth Rate(%): 0 4
Design ADT at Design Year: 133 5
Percent Trucks: 0 Measured CBR Average: 5
Design Traffic Volume: 133 Design CBR: 3.3 .
Resiliency Factor 1
Soil Support Value 3.3
Design Pavement Index: F u Total Proposed Thickness Index: ("99Ti
Material Equivalency Min. Max.
Thickness, (h) Value, (a) Inches Inches (a x h)
Asphalt Concrete( M=2A,B, orC) (Superpave SM-9.5A) .:3 1.67 1.5 3 2.5
Prime&Double Seal or Blotted Seal Surface 0 0.84 * * 0.0
Asphalt Concrete(IM-1A or 1B)(Superpave IM-19.0A) L 0 1.67 2 2 0.0
Base 1
Asphalt Concrete(BM-2 or BM-3)(Superpavep-25.0) 1.67 3 * 5.0
Full Depth Asphalt Concrete(BM-2 or BM-3)over Surface 0 1.60 6 * 0.0
Untreated Aggregate(21A or 21 B) 0 1.00 6 8 0.0
Cement Treated Aggregate 0 1.67 6 8 0.0
Cement Treated Select Material,Type II, min. CBR=20 0 1.50 6 8 0.0
Select Material Type I&II, non-plastic, min CBR=30 0 0.84 6 8 ' 0.0
V Select Material Type II, non-plastic, min CBR=20 0 0.60 6 8 0.0
Soil Cement 0 1.00 6 8 0.0
Cement Treated Select Material,Type II 0 - 1.17 6 8 0.0
Cement Treated Select Borrow 0 1.00 6 8 0.0
Base 2
Untreated Aggregate'(2IA or 21 B) _ 4 - ] 0.60 4 8 2.4
Cement Treated Aggregate 0 1.33 4 8 0.0
Select Material Type I, non-plastic, min CBR=30 0 0.50 4 8 0.0
Select Material Type I &II, non-plastic, min CBR=20 -0 0.40 4 8 0.0
Soil Cement 0 1.00 6 8 0.0
Soil Lime 0 0.92 6 8 0.0
Cement Treated Select Material,Type II _0 1.17 6 8 0.0
Cement Treated Select Borrow 0 1.00 6 8 0.0
Total Proposed Thickness Index:L::9:9
Roudabush Gale Assoc.,fIllexible Pavement Design Evaluation Worksheet Page 1
Project: Old Trail-BLK32
Date: 19-Dec-18
Street( or section): [BL'K32=Bishopgate Ln`�
Testing Firm: (assumed for design purpose)
Testing Date(s):
Design ADT Soil Support
Average Daily Traffic, or VPD: 805 Measured CBR F 1 i 5
Present Year: 2018 Results: 2 i
Design Year: L _ 2018 3 1u
Growth Rate(%): 0 4 _ _
Design ADT at Design Year: 805 5
Percent Trucks: 0 Measured CBR Average: 5
Design Traffic Volume: 805 Design CBR: 3.3
Resiliency Factor 1
Soil Support Value 3.3
Design Pavement Index: 14 3 Total Proposed Thickness Index: [T5:4`3
Material Equivalency Min. Max.
Thickness, (h) Value, (a) Inches Inches (a x h)
Asphalt Concrete(SM_2A,B, orC) (Superpave SM-9.5A) 16r:5 _ 2.25 1.5 3 3.4
Prime& Double Seal or Blotted Seal Surface I _- 0 0.84 * * 0.0
Asphalt Concrete(IM-1A or 1 B)(Superpave IM-19.0A) 0 2.25 2 2 0.0
Base 1
Asphalt Concrete(BM-2 or BM-3)(Superpave PIM-25:0) 2.25 3 * 9.0
Full Depth Asphalt Concrete(BM-2 or BM-3)over Surface 0 1.60 6 0.0
Untreated Aggregate(21 A or 21 B) 0 1.00 6 7 0.0
Cement Treated Aggregate 0 1.67 6 7 0.0
_ _
Cement Treated Select Material, Type II, min. CBR=20 .0 1.50 6 7 0.0
Select Material Type I&II, non-plastic, min CBR=30 0 0.84 6 7 0.0
Select Material Type II, non-plastic, min CBR=20 0 0.60 6 7 0.0
Soil Cement 0 1.00 6 7 0.0
Cement Treated Select Material, Type II 0 1.17 6 7 0.0
Cement Treated Select Borrow 0 1.00 6 7 0.0
Base 2
Untreated Aggregate:21 or 21 B) 5 0.60 4 8 3.0
Cement Treated Aggregate 0 1.33 4 8 0.0
Select Material Type I, non-plastic, min CBR=30 0 0.50 4 8 0.0
Select Material Type I &II, non-plastic, min CBR=20 0 0.40 4 8 0.0
Soil Cement 0 1.00 6 8 •0.0
Soil Lime 0 0.92 6 8 0.0
Cement Treated Select Material,Type II 0 1.17 6 8 0.0
Cement Treated Select Borrow 0 1.00 6 8 0.0
Total Proposed Thickness Index: �1-5-41j