HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800040 Review Comments 2018-04-18 (2) • Christopher Perez From: Christopher Perez , 1; 123 Sent: Wednesday,April 18, 2018 3:44 PM .� To: 'Tim Miller' Subject: SUB201800040 Drillers Lane Subdivision - Final Subdivision Plat �dc Attachments: Fire and Rescue Comments.pdf;VDH Comments.pdf;VDOT Comments.pdf;ACSA - no obj.pdf; Building Official.pdf; E911 Comments.pdf; Engineering Comments.pdf Tim, SUB201800040 Drillers Lane Subdivision- Final Subdivision Plat As you know the SRC meeting is tomorrow in Room 241 at loam. Unfortunately, I have not completed my review of the above ref plat. Thus I am providing you with all other review comments that I have received(see attached) for your review. I hope to have my Planning comments finalized for you by Wed, April 25t. The largest issues I'm working on for my comments are the central water system and the subdivisions' effect on the systems prior approval. I'm trying to track down the original BOS approval of the central system and see if it has capacity for an additional connection(Lot 2). If that was considered during its initial approval by the BOS then they won't need to act on it prior to final plat approval. If an additional connection was not considered, prior to approval, then the BOS may need to act on it prior to plat approval. Also, I believe we may need VDH approval of the additional lot/connection to the system prior to approval. I'll be working with David Benish and Engineering on this aspect of the plans. Also, it appears the road stub outs to the RA at two locations will require special exception requests to Section 26.5(c). I'll speak with you about it tomorrow but I suggest you merely omit both stub outs to meet this requirement and a related VDOT comment. Also, while I received VDH approval, it doesn't seem to be for everything I need them to approve or review for. I'll discuss it with you tomorrow and see what you have. (,tS`- Hope this helps a little, sorry it's not much. T4 tk5e_s• �`^�r d� Ov l n Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner i Department of Community Development !County of Albemarle,Virgini 401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902 434.296.5832 ext.3443 / 4rRAe,Cer.. 1 Review CommentAr SUB201800040 l Plat Project Name: Drillers Lane Subdivision-Final • Date Completed: Monday, rvlarch 26,2018 DepartmentJDivision/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer: Michael Dellinger iv CDD Inspections Requested Changes E Per the building code: 108.1 When applications are required_Application for a permit shall be made to the building official and a permit shall be obtained prior to the commencement of any of the following activities, except that applications for emergency construction, alterations or equipment replacement shall be submitted by the end of the first working day that follows the day such work commences_ In addition,the building official may authorize work to commence pending the receipt of an application or the issuance of a permit. 3_ Movement of a lot line that increases the hazard to or decreases the level of safety of an existing building or structure in comparison to the building code under which such building or structure was constructed. RDP shall determine whether the proposed changes will require the existing structures to upgrade to fire rated construction in accrodance with the 2012 VCC. 5,0 e i • ' ` u'�S yv.e wi-S r S J ci // R DPi �� l/C �� �/�h 1� • re-1 t _i_62„ 4„,(76,146,,-.4 Lioric Lr � & I`( � �. e a4. tip; vn(/ /De. L: U K t C 6K �/'` gaOd�l gG1''t 44:/\ A e-e15' Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 104/18/2018 .4111, COMMONWEALTH of VI 'QINIA "-� ` 67' In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District A+eEMA E•C ARLO LL �� State Department of Health FLUVA NA C JNTY LMYR 1 0 1138 Rose Hill Drive G EE Tv CON! vIu I 0 j� (� OUTS COUNTY(L UIS ) Phone(434)972-6219 P.O.Box 7546 NELSON COUNTY(LOVINGSTON) Fax (434)972-4310 Charlottesville,Virginia 22906 ( L rl ? �� W'cccY--r� o�/ April 11, 2018 kL,4_0. e„t( AL, Christopher Perez, Senior Planner j- 4. / (je tiQ Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Road f . Charlottesville,VA 22902 �u 3 1�1 Le.1/( .N. �44 1 ram,/ a,:v RE: Drillers Lane Subdivision-Final (1 O SUB2018-40 �i Or jo.1.,- °Pt -Is Jest , PAR c- Mr. Perez: el-a, / ! /cat As requested, I have reviewed the site plan (2/20/18) for the proposed subdivision, boundary line changes, and easements. Our office has recently issued a certification letter for the proposed drainfield area shown on Sheet 2, which will serve the new office building on Lot 2. While the specific drainfield capacity and design may change once a septic system construction permit is applied for, the area identified has been certified to meet the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations for sewage disposal. If there are any questions or concerns,please give me a call,434-972-4306. Sincerely, e}g•-- Alan Mazurowski Environmental Health Supervisor Thomas Jefferson Health District alan.mazurowski@vdh.virginia.gov 411 Christopher Perez From: Robert Jocz Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 9:19 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: Planning Application Review for SUB201800040 Drillers Lane Subdivision - Final. 1. All drainage easements should be labeled as "Public" as they are to drain water from the public ROW. 2. It appears SWM structures 3-1 are to be constructed across proposed drainfield. Please clarify. 3. The boundary between parcel 21A0 and 21B0 is indicated to be vacated using line hooks on sheet 2 but not on sheet 1. In addition it is not included in the summary for parcel vacation. Please clarify. 4. 20' drainage easements should be indicated as variable width, or broken down into separate segments, as the widths are not consistent throughout the easements. The Review for the following application has been completed: - Application Number=SUB201800040 Reviewer= Bobby Jocz Review Status = Requested Changes Completed Date =03/19/2018 This email was sent from County View Production. i Review CommentOlt SUB201800040 ,l"rdl Plat Project Name: Drillers Lane Subdivision-Final Date Completed: Sunday, March 25, 2018 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer: Shawn Maddox �� Fire Rescue T J No Objection L, Fire Rescue has no objections to the final plat as submitted. SNM Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On:104/1812018 a AI 0 _ tIgi 11 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper,Vrg;nia 22701 Stephen C.Brich,P.E. Commissioner April 18, 2018 County of AIbemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 Attn: Christopher Perez Re: Drillers Lane—Final Nat SUB-2018-00040 Review#1 Dear Mr.Perez: The Department of Transportation,Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section,has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Meridian Planning Group, LLC, dated 20 February 2018,and offers the following comments: 1. Note that the road plan has not been approved;please see our 13 March 2018 road plan review letter. 2. An acceptable turnaround is required for State acceptance. See Appendix F of the Road Design Manual for design standards.The segment of road beyond the turnaround is greater than 150 feet, the maximum distance. 3. The proposed entrance on to Route 660 does not meet Access Management spacing standards,as the minimum entrance/intersection spacing for a 35 mph Collector road is 335'. An Access Management exception is required. Route 660 does not have a 60' right-of-way as shown; it appears to have a 30' prescriptive easement. Provide copies of plats where right-of-way has been dedicated. 5. Where intersection sight distance lines leave the prescriptive easement, a sight distance easement is required. 6. What is the purpose of the entrances at STA 19+75?Entrances should not be installed without being associated with an intended use. For instance,if these are to be commercial entrances the geometry(as seen on the Road Plan) is not adequate. 7. What are the lines that establish Area B property lines?This appears to create a spite- strip to Parcel 21 A. Please clarify. Please provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter.If further information is desired, please contact Justin Deel at 434-422-9894.'C- crb 04 45 btu,1--A 11--Airl isO 1 -I`,.a"`_ S-Ke- SA-1 �r iv‘ T8k 1�`` pt.4-- VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING 411 Christopher Perez From: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org> Sent: Wednesday,April 18,2018 11:05 AM To: Christopher Perez Subject: SUB201800040- Drillers Lane Subdivision—Final Chris, SUB201800040-Drillers Lane Subdivision—Final is not in ACSA jurisdictional area. There are no comments. Thanks, Richard Nelson Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 (434) 977-4511 1 Review Commentilkg ; SUB201800040 ' al Plat Project Name: Drillers Lane Subdivision-Final Date Completed: Friday, March 23, 2018 Department1Division/Agency: Review Status: Reviewer: Elise Kiewra L CDD E911 I• No Objection !� per site plan dated 2120/18 A Note: Current addresses of 411 and 413 will need to be changed to be off the new road name of Drillers Ln_ Have sent an email to Donnie Foster to notify him and he is ok with the address changes once the road is built Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 04/18/2018